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Random Stupidity (Read 436656 times)
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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #930 - Mar 31st, 2007 at 8:01am
He who laughs last probably didn't get the joke.  So... HA!

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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #931 - Apr 4th, 2007 at 3:00pm
TRENTON, N.J. - It took nearly seven hours, the demolition of a bathroom and a sturdy extension ladder for rescue workers to remove a more than 700-pound woman from her home here, officials said.

Rescue workers arrived at the woman's home about 5:45 p.m. Monday in response to reports she had fallen and injured herself in her second-floor bathroom, said Trenton Fire Department Battalion Chief Qareeb Bashir.

They didn't get her out until after midnight.

The undertaking ended up involving dozens of emergency medical responders and firefighters from Trenton and neighboring Ewing.

Firefighters eventually had to dismantle the toilet and radiator, then saw out part of the bathroom wall and window to create a large enough space to move the woman out.

As the hours went by, the woman was in surprisingly good spirits, Bashir said.

"She actually had a pleasant personality. She was laughing and cracking jokes about the situation," Bashir said.

Initially, firefighters had requested a forklift or some other piece of commercial-style equipment to lower her out. But as the hours ticked away with no forklift, they turned to muscle instead of machines to get her out, Bashir said.

After tying her into a metal-framed basket, about a dozen firefighters and emergency medical workers used ropes to lower her down along a metal extension ladder, reinforced with a wooden frame they had constructed.

After lowering her into the backyard, they lifted her into a stretcher with wheels and pushed it along a path of plywood sheets they constructed.

Rescue workers then carried her into a special oversized ambulance, Bashir said.

The woman was taken to Capital Health System's Mercer hospital in Trenton. A hospital spokesman reported her in fair condition Tuesday.

Bashir said it appeared the woman hadn't been downstairs since the autumn, although she was able to move herself to the bathroom.

A neighbor three doors down, Irene Hunter, who has lived in the neighborhood for more than 40 years, said she only saw her neighbor once early last year. Hunter said the woman drove a van, parked it, and quickly walked into the house.

"It was amazing to me then how she could do that," Hunter said.

Hunter said older neighbors, such as herself, usually avoid asking about the affairs of newcomers. But after seeing her street crowded with emergency vehicles on Monday _ including an ambulance that she said resembled a tank _ she thought that might change.

"We, as neighbors, should have been more abreast of what goes on," Hunter said.


(...thinks they should've installed a slip-n-slide.)
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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #932 - Apr 5th, 2007 at 11:32am

Minivan's rude introduction to Critical Smash

Phillip Matier, Andrew Ross

Wednesday, April 4, 2007
This minivan, in a Mountain View repair shop, has $5,300 ...

It was supposed to be a birthday night out for the kids in San Francisco, but instead turned into a Critical Mass horror show -- complete with a pummeled car, a smashed rear window and little children screaming in terror.

The spontaneous Critical Mass bike rides, in which thousands of free-spirited cyclists roam the city, have been a fixture on the last Friday night of the month since the early 1990s. But even bike-weary cops, who have seen their share of traffic disturbances and minor skirmishes, weren't prepared for what happened during the latest exercise of pedal power.

Here's the story:

Susan Ferrando, her husband, their two children and three preteens had come to San Francisco from Redwood City to celebrate the birthday of Ferrando's 11-year-old daughter. They went to Japantown, where they enjoyed shopping and taking in the blooming cherry blossoms.

Things took a turn for the worse at about 9 p.m., when the family was leaving Japantown -- just as the party of about 3,000 bikers was winding down its monthly red-lights-be-damned ride through the city.

Suddenly, Ferrando said, her car was surrounded by hundreds of cyclists.

Not being from San Francisco, Ferrando thought she might have inadvertently crossed paths with a bicycle race and couldn't figure out why the police, who she had just passed, hadn't warned her.

Confusion, however, quickly turned to terror, she said, when the swarming cyclists began wildly circling around and then running into the sides of her Toyota van.

Filled with panic, Ferrando said, she started inching forward until coming to a stop at Post and Gough streets, where she was surrounded by bikers on all sides.

A biker in front blocked her as another biker began pounding on the windshield. Another was pounding on her window. Another pounded the other side.

"It seemed like they were using their bikes as weapons,'' Ferrando said. One of the bikers then threw his bike -- shattering the rear window and terrifying the young girls inside.

All the while, Ferrando was screaming, "There are children in this car! There are children in this car!"

She had the presence of mind to dial 911 on her cell phone -- and within minutes, the squad of motorcycle cops who were assigned to keep an eye on the ride descended on the scene.

The cyclists were loudly demanding that Ferrando be arrested for hit and run.

According to police, Ferrando had allegedly tapped one of the cyclists' tires.

When the alleged bicycle victim was approached, however, he said he wasn't hurt. He also refused to give his name or any other information.

Then, after a few swear words, the alleged victim took off on his bike while the rest of the crowd continued to yell at both the cops and the van.

Sgt. Ed Callejas -- the lead cop on the scene and a veteran of Critical Mass rides since their inception -- said he'd never seen anything like it before.

"I've seen the bikes swarm cars, and scratch them as they go by. I've seen guys get out of their cars and start fighting with the bikers, but if you had seen the faces on those little girls in tears,'' Callejas said. "All I could do was apologize for what they had been through."

The sergeant suggested that Ferrando write a letter to the mayor.

Estimated damage to the car: $5,300.

For Callejas and other cops assigned to the bike ride, Critical Mass has long been a study in contradictions.

For starters, San Francisco is a "green" city, and bike riding is about as green as you can get -- yet residents and commuters complain endlessly about getting trapped in the rides.

The city tries to ignore the unplanned rides, but there are always cops on hand to monitor the gatherings, even though any kind of traffic planning is impossible because no route is announced.

And even though the rides are held every month, Critical Mass has no organized leadership -- so no one can be held accountable for the group's actions.

In 1997, then-Mayor Willie Brown tried to control the rides. The result was anarchy and mass arrests.

Since then, the rides have shrunk in size. The city's generally hands-off attitude leaves cops as little more than bystanders.

"We sit there and they just go right through the red lights,'' Sgt. Callejas said. "What else can we do? Arrest one rider while 500 keep going?

"The only way to control this is through a massive effort by police and the Sheriff's Department,'' he said.

As for reaction from City Hall, Mayor Gavin Newsom said such acts of violence -- if true -- "only serve to undermine the worthwhile message of Critical Mass, which is to raise the awareness of bike transportation issues."

The mayor also said that -- if the charges are grounded -- he expected the attackers to be "punished to the greatest extent of the law."

If my windows were being smashed in while my children were in the car, I'd have no problem greasing the chassis with hippy-biker guts.


Q. Why do people need full automatic weapons?
A. Hippies travel in packs.

(...would've punched the gas pedal to the floor.)
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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #933 - Apr 5th, 2007 at 3:51pm
Rapist spared jail as judge agrees girl, 10, looked older
By Ben Quinn
Last Updated: 8:15am BST 05/04/2007

A man who raped a 10-year-old girl was spared a jail sentence yesterday after a High Court judge agreed that the victim looked older.

Describing the case as "wholly exceptional", Mr Justice Roderick Evans said he understood why Liam Edgecombe, a 20-year-old painter, had thought that the child was 16 when they had sex last year.

Edgecombe, who was charged with rape, had entered a guilty plea on a basis accepted by the prosecution - that he believed she was 16, that she was presented as a person of that age and that he was entirely shocked to find out she was only 10.

He was granted a conditional discharge for 18 months but, apart from having to register with the police as a sex offender, no further punishment was imposed on him.

Swansea Crown Court heard how the girl was in the care of a local authority when she was taken on a shopping trip to a branch of Tesco on November 24 last year. Chris Clee, prosecuting, said she pretended to go to the lavatory and took her chance to "disappear".

That night she met Edgecombe outside a pub in the centre of Haverfordwest, west Wales, and he invited her back to his nearby flat in Hill Street, where they had intercourse twice.

Mr Clee said Edgecombe raised the subject of the girl's age but she asked him: "Does it matter?"

He said there was no doubt the girl consented to sex but because of her age the offence amounted to rape.

The following day police spotted her in the centre of the town and she was returned to care workers. She told them what had happened but refused to co-operate with the police inquiry, although officers were able to trace Mr Edgecombe because the girl had mentioned his first name to a social worker.

He admitted what had happened and was "visibly traumatised" on being told the girl was only 10, according to his barrister, Janet Gedrych.

The painter also became so upset that police granted him bail on condition that he leave his flat and go to live with his mother.

"This is an exceptional case," said Miss Gedrych, who added that her client was "embarrassed and ashamed".

Judge Evans viewed photographs of the girl before deciding on a non-custodial sentence, and told the accused: "She was a girl of 10 and you are a man of 20. Those bald facts do not properly represent the true facts of this case.

"The prosecution accepts that you believed she was 16 and that that belief was reasonable. She was looking for a man and got what she wanted."

My daughter will be trained from the day she is born to be a ninja.

(...will buy plenty of burkhas for her.)
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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #934 - Apr 6th, 2007 at 1:56am
Florida housing sex offenders under bridge
POSTED: 1:16 a.m. EDT, April 6, 2007
Story Highlights
• Sex offenders can't live within 2,500 feet of places children might gather
• In an urban area like Miami, this leaves few options for the convicted criminals
• A handful of sex offenders are now living under a bridge
By John Zarrella and Patrick Oppmann
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MIAMI, Florida (CNN) -- The sparkling blue waters off Miami's Julia Tuttle Causeway look as if they were taken from a postcard. But the causeway's only inhabitants see little paradise in their surroundings.

Five men -- all registered sex offenders convicted of abusing children -- live along the causeway because there is a housing shortage for Miami's least welcome residents.

"I got nowhere I can go!" says sex offender Rene Matamoros, who lives with his dog on the shore where Biscayne Bay meets the causeway.

The Florida Department of Corrections says there are fewer and fewer places in Miami-Dade County where sex offenders can live because the county has some of the strongest restrictions against this kind of criminal in the country.

Florida's solution: house the convicted felons under a bridge that forms one part of the causeway.

The Julia Tuttle Causeway, which links Miami to Miami Beach, offers no running water, no electricity and little protection from nasty weather. It's not an ideal solution, Department of Corrections Officials told CNN, but at least the state knows where the sex offenders are.

Nearly every day a state probation officer makes a predawn visit to the causeway. Those visits are part of the terms of the offenders' probation which mandates that they occupy a residence from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m.

But what if a sex offender can't find a place to live?

That is increasingly the case, say state officials, after several Florida cities enacted laws that prohibit convicted sexual offenders from living within 2,500 feet of schools, parks and other places where children might gather. (Watch one sex offender describe how he was forced to give up an apartment Video)

Bruce Grant of the Florida Department of Corrections said the laws have not only kept sex offenders away from children but forced several to live on the street.

"Because of those restrictions, because there are many places that children congregate, because of 2,500 feet, that's almost half a mile, that's a pretty long way when you are talking about an urban area like Miami, so it isn't surprising that we say we are trying but we don't have a place for these people to live in," Grant said.

For several of the offenders, the causeway is their second experience at homelessness. Some of them lived for months in a lot near downtown Miami until officials learned that the lot bordered a center for sexually abused children.

Trudy Novicki, executive director of Kristi House, said the offenders' presence put the center's children at risk. "It was very troublesome to learn that across the street there are people who are sex offenders that could be a danger to our children," she said.
Keeping the rats off

With nowhere to put these men, the Department of Corrections moved them under the Julia Tuttle Causeway. With the roar of cars passing overhead, convicted sex offender Kevin Morales sleeps in a chair to keep the rats off him.

"The rodents come up next to you, you could be sleeping the whole night and they could be nibbling on you," he said.

Morales has been homeless and living under the causeway for about three weeks. He works, has a car and had a rented apartment but was forced to move after the Department of Corrections said a swimming pool in his building put him too close to children.

The convicted felons may not be locked up anymore, but they say it's not much of an improvement.

"Jail is anytime much better than this, than the life than I'm living here now," Morales said. "[In jail] I can sleep better. I get fed three times a day. I can shower anytime that I want to."

Morales said that harsher laws and living conditions for sex offenders may have unintended consequences.

"The tougher they're making these laws unfortunately it's scaring offenders and they're saying, 'You know what, the best thing for me to do is run,'" Morales said.

A Miami Herald investigation two years ago found that 1,800 sex offenders in Florida were unaccounted for after violating probation.

Florida's system for monitoring them needs to be fixed, says state Senator Dave Aronberg, who proposed a bill to increase electronic monitoring and create a uniform statewide limit that would keep them 1,500 feet away from places where children go.

'We need to know where these people are at all times," Aronberg said after CNN invited him to tour the bridge where the sex offenders live. "We need residency restrictions, but just don't have this hodgepodge of every city having something different."

State officials say unless the law changes their hands are tied, and for now the sex offenders will stay where they are: under a bridge in the bay.

Now I'm not one to tout for sex offenders...however I think we are enacting double jeopardy laws when it comes to these offenders.  First off, I have qualms about forcing people to register for life, or a period of time, on a list where their names are freely searched.  However barring that for the sake of this topic...I think it's illogical and does more harm than good to these offenders to put them out on the street.  First of all, where does the offender list his address?  I doubt the sex offenders registry allows you to put "that place where Tony Montana lived before the broke out in Scarface".  Second of all what do you think is going to happen when that offender becomes disenfranchised with his sweet digs as a troll?  Why he'll probably offend again just to go back to jail for a place to stay and some hot food.  This is what over litigation has gotten us.  We first don't keep track of the criminals we want to and then the ones who follow the system are the ones who are hurt more by it.  Do we want a system that works or do we just want headlines in the paper with no follow through...oh that's right I forgot...we're talking about the people who are offenders but are too "high up" to get caught.

A government that can give you anything...is also a government that can take it away.

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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #935 - Apr 10th, 2007 at 9:11am
Where’s the Tolerance?
Hateful reactions from the Left.

By Deroy Murdock

The Tennessee Center for Policy Research (TCPR) recently generated headlines when it announced that former Vice President Al Gore’s Nashville estate “devoured nearly 221,000 kilowatt-hours” of electricity in 2006, “more than 20 times the national average.” This free-market think tank’s phones lit up when it analyzed Nashville Electric Service’s public records and identified an inconvenient gap between Gore’s conservationism and his energy consumption. TCPR’s one-page press release was greeted with enough megawatts of hatred to power the South.

“I was accused several times of being a ‘stupid, redneck bitch,’” recalls TCPR’s vice president Nicole Williams, who fielded numerous calls. “I repeatedly was called a ‘whore’ and asked ‘Whose whore are you?’ for three days straight, almost as if those were talking points… I was shocked by these sexist insults — basically attacking my gender.”

The calls continued beyond Williams’s Nashville office.

“I had to change my home number and get an unlisted number,” Williams tells me. “I got about 10 death threats by phone that made an impression on me. I got the ‘I’m gonna get you’-type threats more than 100 times…I was worried that I would get shot walking to my car.” Williams discovered her obsolete address posted online. “If they could find my old home address, it would not be so hard to find a current one.”

Gore’s defenders also spewed venomous e-mails. They sent TCPR nearly 3,000 Gore-related messages that exhibited the very bigotry the Left routinely denounces. Warning: These offensive, often-vulgar, and occasionally unschooled comments reveal the vitriol behind much of today’s “progressive” rhetoric.

Many e-mails displayed Dixiephobia — an intense disdain for the south and southerners.

After TCPR President Drew Johnson discussed his story on cable news, Kevin Lafferty objected: “Johnson said Gore’s home has gas lamps lining his driveway, a heated pool and an electric gate — all of which would be easy to do without. Well sure, that’s easy enough for you to say when you live in a frickin mobile home in Tennessee, eh Johnson?”

“F**k you, and for that matter, f**k Tennessee,” wrote Thomas Brown. “I’ll never go there again.”

“Why don’t you all go back to shooting one another across the hollows instead of trying to make people think anyone in Tennessee has an ounce of intelligence?” Roger Miller insisted. “Or better yet, get your snaggle tooth grins capped and learn to read and write…Someone who’s traveled the world here, and never ever wants to even fly across your state again.”

“W.T.F. difference would it make if he was [sic] using 1000 times more energy than the average household if it came from clean energy?” Thomas Grinnell wondered. “Don’t think about that too much. It will give your southern mullet a headache.”

“You really should concentrate on what Southerners do best,” D. Hunter advised. “Sodomizing and impregnating little children!”

“You are the most despicable and pathetic types of people of all time,” Christopher LaBarge declared. “I hope you all die slowly and have your hearts and brains trampled to pieces you small-minded, ignorant, backwoods ideologues.”


“Well it’s like I’ve always said, ‘we should have flattened the South when we had the chance!” wrote Mount Laurel, New Jersey’s Robert Dodelin. “If ever you confederates [sic] want to leave the Union please do. We Nothen [sic] states would love to stop having to subsidize you with our tax dollars.”

This anti-southernism mystifies TCPR’s Johnson.

“Some people must believe the Mason-Dixon Line runs between our office and Gore’s mansion,” Johnson says. “No one would call Gore a redneck, but when we uncovered his hypocritical energy use, it somehow made me a sister-dating hillbilly. That’s quite amusing, since Gore and I live in Nashville, less than five miles apart.”

Some e-mails, like Benjamin Greuel’s, reflected anti-religious bias: “Go f**k yourselves you neo con, non-secular, bible thumpin, anti-science dumb f**k pricks.” Similarly, Anthony Black wrote:

You bunch of stupid hick red-necks. I am sure you are quite religious, yet you have no problem destroying His creation with pollution; and, rather than addressing that, you cast dispersions [sic] on Al Gore’s home energy use. Absurd.

Seriously, find one of those nice Tennessee hardwoods, get a nice stick from it, and stick it up your white-bread ignorant a**.

Have a nice day, you ignorant red-neck.

“How about you have a do [sic] humanity a favor and have a stroke,” Russ Smith recommended. “You silly metrosexual twit, need some more hi-lites in your hair?”

Another gay-hater wrote: “You guys are the faggiest fags I’ve ever come across. How do you get any work done, what with all the c**k sucking and such?”

“Keep licking Bush and Cheney’s privates,” Burton Ogle suggested. “Your time is up and we’re moving you’re a**es out.”

Two e-mails feature chillingly violent imagery.

“You people are such slime,” T. J. Williams noted. “You are a total waste of skin and air. Help the environment and jump off a cliff.”

Bob Beaver urged: “Find a hole and stick a knife in it.”

Such anti-intellectual intimidation reflects the high-octane hate that fuels so much Leftist discourse. Rather than simply argue that Johnson, Williams, and their colleagues are misguided or misinformed about global warming, these bullies call them barefoot, same-sex-loving, Winchester-wielding whores, and evangel-yokels. Remember this whenever liberals crow about diversity, tolerance, and open-mindedness.

Tolerance!  Or Else!

This just goes to show that co-existence with liberals is not an option.

(...what a bunch of tree-hugging hippies.)
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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #936 - Apr 10th, 2007 at 10:07am
please have your hippies spade or neutered
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Truth Is Treason, In The
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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #937 - Apr 10th, 2007 at 12:31pm
Wow that's a weird story.  Of course you can't blame only the liberal side for non logical thinking.  For example, Bill O'Reilly claiming that people who speak out against the government are "un-American" and my favorite quote is the one where he contradicts himself by saying, "You know those soldiers are fighting for the very freedom that allows you to do this?!"  Well Bill if that freedom is there's then I guess they can use it can't that.  Wouldn't not using it make it worthless to fight over so by using they are actually making the soldiers death's worth something?

Anyways crazies to the left and crazies to the right.  However this is just horrible spin factor we've come to see.  You give facts of what a "conservationist/stop global warming before it's too late" and people will attack the facts rather than the hypocrite.  I think what made the article for me was the sexist remarks made to this poor woman.  I thought the liberals had their thumb on the feminist movement?  Is this empowering the female species to throw off it's shackle of the patriarch and rise to their rightful position to establish the...matriarch?  Boy somebody calling me "whore" and a "female dog" encourages me and changes the facts that Gore is the perfect example of the socialist movement we have in the US.

He believes everyone should change but him and his elite.  You look at Hollywood and it's the same thing.  Celebs want you to give money to overseas people...yet they spend countless money on their pets or cars or clothes.  The middle class is the reason for all the woe in the world!  They must be punished and eliminated.  Gore thinks he'll offset his damage to the environment by throwing money into a corporation that a) he owns and b) only does research and not anything productive.  That's like saying "Yes I shot the guy but I set up a charity in his name but under my control.  So what if I get huge tax breaks and that money gain major interest."  If the ecosystem is so fragile shouldn't those who use it up more be the first to be targeted and then go after the little ones?  If we really cared about the War On Drugs then we'd do this as well.  Too bad our "protectors" make a butt load of money controlling the drug trade.

And that's way...I found this article interesting!

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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #938 - Apr 10th, 2007 at 2:07pm

Bob Hope speaking....from beyond the grave?!  No.  Well it still goes well with the article above.
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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #939 - Apr 12th, 2007 at 1:51pm
For a limited time only, you can purchase your very own nappy-headed hoe on eBay.


(...wonders how long it'll be until the listing is pulled?)
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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #940 - Apr 12th, 2007 at 2:24pm
I wonder how long until Jackson and Sharpton call for the resignation of eBay from the world wide web and demand an apology?

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In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king. - Max Payne
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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #941 - Apr 12th, 2007 at 9:20pm
black people make a big deal out of everything.

White guy: "stay off the grass." 
Black guy: "just because I'm black you think I'm on grass!"

If sharpton thinks the radio needs a remodeling, he needs to take a look at hip-hop songs.

Anyone see the trailer to that movie about the black swimming team competing against the white swimming team? lol, those kinds of stories are almost insulting.  Do white people make movies about competing against a black swimming team like it would be a huge victory if the white people win?  wtf.
Just because your team has black people it will be a huge victory if you beat the white people.  It kind of tells you a little something about their mindset.  They are out to defeat the white man because he is "superior".  Obviously whoever wrote that script doesn't believe in "every man is created equally".

("nappy headed ho's" is fun to say!)
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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #942 - Apr 12th, 2007 at 9:44pm
I would watch a movie where whites beat blacks at sports...because that would be a work of fiction!

...except in NASCAR...but hey that doesn't count as a real sport...or anything.

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In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king. - Max Payne
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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #943 - Apr 13th, 2007 at 6:38am
pat i am going to pretend you didn't say that about NASCAR!

next thing your going to say is wrestling isn't real!!

hmm...wonder why there are no asian NASCAR drivers?!
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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #944 - Apr 13th, 2007 at 11:19am
Everybody knows that white people are better at turning left.

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