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Random Stupidity (Read 436722 times)
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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #885 - Mar 9th, 2007 at 12:39pm
Well he never had a chance with people who want to keep the Constitution and more importantly the 1st Amendment.  Newt has been quoted as saying we need to limit the 1st Amendment more and more.  Obviously this "conservative" wants to be so conservative that we go all the way back to English rule!!!

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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #886 - Mar 10th, 2007 at 1:13pm
Senate OKs legislative pay hike
by The Associated Press
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While leaders of teachers unions waited at the Capitol for word about a possible 3.5 percent raise for their members, the Senate voted to hike lawmakers' annual pay by 33 percent, to $20,000.

The raise bill came Thursday morning from the Senate Finance Committee, which followed some of the advice of The Citizens Legislative Compensation Commission, according to Chairman Walt Helmick, D-Pocahontas.

The commission recommended increasing both annual salaries and various per-day and expense payments for the 100  delegates and 34 senators, who now receive a base pay of $15,000.

If passed, the proposal would raise legislators' salaries to $20,000. The commission originally recommended to boost pay to $25,000 by 2009, which would have made West Virginia the highest-paid part-time legislature of its kind in the country.

Senate President Earl Ray Tomblin said the pay for the part-time Legislature goes toward the expenses members incur making constituent visits and traveling their districts. The bill provides for paying $5,000 a month during January, February and March and then $625 a month in April through November. It also includes mileage reimbursements for lawmakers.

"You have to compensate people,'' Tomblin said. "This isn't the 60-day-a-year job it might have been 20 years ago.''

That likely won't sit well with teachers and other public employees who have been pushing hard this session for raises, union representatives said.

"I can't imagine it not rubbing people the wrong way,'' said West Virginia Education Association President Chuck DeLauder, who was waiting outside the House of Delegates for a vote on the bill giving teachers a raise.

Senators said they expect some criticism.

"Is there ever a good time for legislators to give themselves a pay raise?'' asked Tomblin, D-Logan.

The measure now goes to the House of Delegates.

The West Virginia Legislature last voted to raise its pay in 1994, when it had been $6,500. The legislation sparked a public outcry and an unsuccessful legal challenge.

As a separate branch of government, the Legislature is the only body that can set its pay.

"It would be nice to put it in the hands of somebody else,'' said Sen. Karen Facemyer, R-Jackson, who voted for the bill. "But we have to act on it.''

Matt Turner, a spokesman for Gov. Joe Manchin, said Manchin is waiting to see what the House of Delegates does with the bill before making a decision.

Meanwhile, Delegate Ron Thompson, D-Raleigh, said in a statement Thursday he doesn't plan to take any pay for the current session. Thompson has missed virtually the entire session and was briefly removed from office before being reinstated.

"I cannot fathom anybody, especially specific House members, ever thinking I was going to accept full pay for not being there,'' he said. "How in the world could I do that in good conscience?''

Thompson said he plans to attend some of the few remaining House floor sessions, and then work with the House clerk's office to settle on an appropriate amount of pay for the remainder of 2007. Thompson was not present at House floor sessions Thursday morning or afternoon.

Thompson has said he is suffering from clinical depression. He has missed virtually every legislative function since the close of the 2006 session, although he did take the oath of office at the Capitol this month.

Don't you love politicians.  This mirrored the US Congress.  They debated and debated to raising soldiers' pay and benefits and giving them much needed military resources...all turned down.  Yet every time the fiscally conservative, Republican controlled Congress brought up a pay hike for themselves they quickly and without much debate passed it.  Isn't this like making murder dependents their own jury to decided their guilt or innocence.  I really do believe we need to have laws that allow the American people vote on whether their politicians are doing a good enough job to get a raise.  And it pains me to say it but Nancy Pelosi was the person that retracted the pay hikes saying it was wrong.  However I think she had more of a "I'm taking a stance right off the bat to get in good with the undecideds" than it being right or wrong.

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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #887 - Mar 11th, 2007 at 12:44pm
I realize it's never pleasant to hear about any legislative body voting a pay raise for themselves, but $20,000 is an extremely insignificant amount.  I'm guessing most legislators work at least an average of 20 hours per week (if not in Congress then doing other things related to office.  If that's true (and I'm guessing it's very low compared to actuality) then they're only paying themselves $20 per hour.  That's hardly anything these days, especially for a politician who probably spent years in college.

This one's a no go.  If you want to get me riled, let's talk about federal judges demanding a pay raise because $120,000 per year isn't enough for them.

(...can't be too harsh on this one.)
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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #888 - Mar 11th, 2007 at 1:01pm
You don't think $20/hour is decent?!  I'm sorry but that's good money for government work.  Whereas police officers and military people get paid less than that.

Also do we know how much the Supreme Court makes.  I've heard Justice Roberts claim that being paid so little is a "constitutional crisis" and that foreign judges feel "sorry for the SC judges".  I understand these people are very important.  However they have complete job security and can pick what cases they want to hear.

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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #889 - Mar 13th, 2007 at 9:32pm
R-Rated Transformers?        Mar. 13, 2007      
Source: FilmJunk      by: James Thoo
I grew up worshipping Optimus Prime. The animated TRANSFORMERS MOVIE shaped my life. It taught me about friendship and responsibility, valor and pride. And most importantly it taught me that if I die, I should for no reason ever give the matrix of leadership to Ultra Magnus. Because that's just a bad day for everyone.

Therefore, I don't really need a new development to get me more excited about the upcoming Michael Bay TRANSFORMERS movie. That said, there is one anyway: turns out that when the MPAA took a look at the first cut for the movie, they slapped it with a rating of "R" for intense action and violence. Apparently, Bay didn't want to cut the film and so instead, decided to call on the help of Steven Spielberg - who serves as executive producer on the movie - to ask the MPAA to have a change of heart. Turns out that's exactly what happened as the film has now been given a PG-13 rating.

What this hopefully means is that anybody who was worried about how Bay would handle the source material can at the very least rest assured that there's going to be some real action and bloodshed involved. I'm not sure how great that is in the grand scheme of things, but at least we can rest fairly assured that Bay's movie is going to be a mature one... (Thanks to ElderPredator for the tip.)

Extra Tidbit: Some of the shots of the shuttle launch that are seen in the TRANSFORMERS Teaser are from Ron Howard's Apollo 13.

What? The MPAA is influenced by producers with power? I can not accept that they would compromise their ethics in this way!
*eye roll*

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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #890 - Mar 14th, 2007 at 12:40pm
Which is exactly why the .gov should take over movie and video game ratings!

Oh, wait...

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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #891 - Mar 14th, 2007 at 3:22pm
Ha ha.  Ya know I wouldn't mind the MPAA as much if all they did was list things like "Nudity, Language, Drug Use, Sex Acts...etc" but to anyone who's seen This Film Is Not Yet Rated you know how biased these people are.
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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #892 - Mar 15th, 2007 at 12:35am
MPAA Wants New Rating For 'Hard R'

Posted Mar 10th 2007 5:04PM by Ryan Stewart
Filed under: Critical Thought & Trends, Celebrities and Controversy, Newsstand

According to an article in today's Variety, MPAA chairman Dan Glickman is trying to find a new rating that will group together the movies that currently tip the dirtier scale of the R-rating -- the 'hard R' films that contain copious amounts of nudity, the f-word every three seconds, or gruesome torture-horror imagery, for instance. The move is apparently being motivated by outraged parents who can't believe what is allowed under today's R-rating and demand there be something new between PG-13 and R to let parents know whether they are allowing their teenage children to see a 'soft R' or a 'hard R.' The article reminds us that this debate has been had over and over throughout the years, and that X-rated films like Midnight Cowboy even won Academy Awards before the rating was 'overtaken' by the adult film industry.

The MPAA is also under pressure from the studios to get rid of the NC-17 rating, because its association with heavy sexual content has made it almost worthless -- Blockbuster refuses to carry any DVDs rated NC-17, for example. Many daily newspapers also refuse ads for NC-17 films, even though unrated films with similar content can sometimes skirt by, the article notes. Cinematical recently interviewed Kirby Dick, director of This Film Is Not Yet Rated, about the pros and cons of the current ratings system, if you want to know more.

Why are parents "outraged" at what's let in at R ratings?  Are these parents not letting their child out of the house until their kids are 35?  I claim shenanigans on the MPAA for trying to this maneuver.  This is almost as stupid as say....having bomb sniffing dogs trained to sniff out "illegal DVDs" at airports, even though there would be no way for the dogs could tell the difference between legal ones and illegal ones...oh wait...

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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #893 - Mar 15th, 2007 at 8:38am
Maybe they should just ditch the acronyms altogether and go with a straight age rating system?  Perhaps...

Rated 5+ for Disney crap
Rated 13+ for the average movie
Rated 16+ for violent movies

Whatever.  It's the parents' responsibility to know what their child is watching, period.

(...should patent his system.)
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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #894 - Mar 16th, 2007 at 5:15pm
Police Arrest 7-Year-Old on Dirt Bike
Friday, March 16, 2007

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BALTIMORE — Police arrested a 7-year-old boy, handcuffed him and took his mug shot and fingerprints on a charge of riding a motorized dirt bike on a sidewalk.

At the station, Gerard Mungo Jr. was handcuffed to a bench and interrogated before being released to his parents.

"They scared me," Gerard told The Baltimore Examiner before breaking down in tears.

The arrest came after an officer saw Gerard riding his dirt bike on the sidewalk in east Baltimore on Tuesday, police spokesman Matt Jablow said.

The boy's mother, Kikisa Dinkins, said he was sitting on the bike with the motor off on the sidewalk when an officer grabbed him by the collar and pulled him off.

"I told them to let go of my baby," Dinkins said. "Since when do you pull a 7-year-old child by his neck and drag him?"

Dinkins said she called for a police supervisor to intervene, but the confrontation continued to escalate after the supervisor arrived.

"They started yelling at him, 'Do you know what you did wrong, son?'" Dinkins said. "He was so scared he ran upstairs."

Police arrested Gerard and confiscated the bike.

The incident brought new heat on a department already under fire for what critics call unnecessary arrests.

Police commissioner Leonard Hamm said in a statement that although the city has an ongoing concern about the nuisance of dirt bikes, the arrest "was not consistent with my philosophy of trying to solve problems in the neighborhoods."

Mayor Sheila Dixon said she planned to look into the case. "As a mother and as a parent, I am bothered by it," she said.

Dinkins said the incident scarred her son. "This has changed his life," she said. "He'll never be the same."

Where do I even start?

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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #895 - Mar 19th, 2007 at 10:39am
pfft, unless i see a rodney king video that cop was well within his right to grab, shake, and yell at children.  plus everyone knows children don't have souls...
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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #896 - Mar 19th, 2007 at 1:41pm
Ya and I don't even believe in cops...they're made up just like gnomes, leprechauns, and eskimos.

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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #897 - Mar 19th, 2007 at 2:05pm
Gnomes are real.  Haven't you ever met Spankette?

(...might get hurt for this one.)
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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #898 - Mar 19th, 2007 at 2:59pm
i am so telling
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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #899 - Mar 19th, 2007 at 3:33pm
I said vacuum!
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