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Random Stupidity (Read 436653 times)
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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #870 - Feb 21st, 2007 at 12:43pm
Worst product idea ever.


(...whiskey tango foxtrot?)
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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #871 - Feb 21st, 2007 at 2:36pm
If you can't lift the box to pour out the cereal...then you should stop eating.

Also...don't you have to poor the box of cereal into the machine for it to dispense?  Or do they have Culigan men come as a service?

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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #872 - Feb 23rd, 2007 at 3:17pm
Police: Retired U.S. Tourist in Costa Rica Kills Mugger With Bare Hands
Friday, February 23, 2007

SAN JOSE, Costa Rica —  An American senior citizen killed an alleged mugger with his bare hands, and his traveling companions aboard a tour bus fended off two other assailants in the Atlantic coast city of Limon, police said.

A retired member of the U.S. military aged about 70 put suspect Warner Segura in a head lock and broke his clavicle after the 20-year-old and two other men armed with a knife and gun held up their tour bus, Luis Hernandez, the police chief of Limon, 80 miles east of San Jose, said Thursday. Segura was later declared dead, apparently from asphyxiation.

The two other men fled when the 12 senior citizens started defending themselves during the Wednesday attack. Afterward, the tourists drove Segura to the Red Cross where he was declared dead. The Red Cross also treated one of the tourists for an anxiety attack, Hernandez said.

The tourists left on their Carnival cruise ship after the incident and Hernandez said authorities do not plan to press any charges against them.

"They were in their right to defend themselves after being held up," he said.

Hernandez said Segura had previous charges against him for assaults.

In a media statement, Miami, Fla.-based Carnival Cruise Lines said the Wednesday incident occurred during an outing at a Limon beach which a group of a dozen passengers had arranged on their own.

"According to witnesses, while sightseeing at a local beach, the group of guests were approached by three assailants, one of whom was armed," the statement said.

"The victims struggled with the armed perpetrator, and were able to disarm him. During this process, the gunman's two accomplices fled the scene. In the course of disarming and restraining the assailant, he died from apparent asphyxiation."

Neither the Costa Rican police nor Carnival identified the man involved in the struggle with the mugger.

The cruise line said the guests were questioned by local law enforcement and then returned to the ship. The ship's departure from Limon was slightly delayed to await their return.

"All of the guests involved, who had booked the cruise together as a group, have opted to continue with their vacation plans. Carnival is providing full support and assistance to the guests," according to the statement.

The ship, The Carnival Liberty, continued on its scheduled itinerary, with a port call scheduled in Colon, Panama.

Heck yeah!  Get some!

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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #873 - Feb 25th, 2007 at 10:38am


D-D-Do...I laugh or cry???

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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #874 - Feb 28th, 2007 at 1:22pm

Bill would mandate nicer term for illegals
By Bill Cotterell

TALLAHASSEE -- A state legislator whose district is home to thousands of Caribbean immigrants wants to ban the term "illegal alien" from the state's official documents.

"I personally find the word 'alien' offensive when applied to individuals, especially to children," said Sen. Frederica Wilson, D-Miami. "An alien to me is someone from out of space."

She has introduced a bill providing that: "A state agency or official may not use the term 'illegal alien' in an official document of the state." There would be no penalty for using the words.

In Miami-Dade County, Wilson said, "we don't say 'alien,' we say 'immigrant.'"

She said she encountered the situation when trying to pass a bill allowing children of foreigners to get in-state tuition at colleges and universities. Wilson, who directs a dropout prevention and education program in Miami, said she politely asks witnesses at public hearings on such issues not to use the term.

"There are students in our schools whose parents are trying to become citizens and we shouldn't label them," she said. "They are immigrants, through no fault of their own, not aliens."

Wilson said the first word isn't as bad as the second.

"'Illegal,' I can live with, but I like 'undocumented' better," she said.

Asked if her bill (SB 2154) might run afoul of Gov. Charlie Crist's "plain speaking" mandate for government agencies, Wilson said, "I think getting rid of 'alien' would be plain speaking."

Let us take a stroll here and see that this chick is out of her mind.

Proof 1:
"I personally find the word 'alien' offensive when applied to individuals, especially to children," said Sen. Frederica Wilson

How can see personally find it offensive?  Her last name is Wilson!?  Is she an illegal?  No!  Then she can't take personal offense to it.

Also, how is it more offensive to call a child illegal alien than an adult?  Would there be a harsher penalty for calling a kid that?

Proof 2:
"An alien to me is someone from out of space."

So is she offended because our little grey friends and our little Mexican friends would be confused who we were reffering to in when we say illegal alien?  This chick is nuts!

Proof 3:
She has introduced a bill providing that: "A state agency or official may not use the term 'illegal alien' in an official document of the state." There would be no penalty for using the words.

WHY GO THROUGH ALL THE BIG DEAL WITH MAKING A BILL AND PASSING A LAW IF THERE IS NO PENALTY!  Obviously she doesn't know her own procedures because what she wants is probably for her fellow politicians to not say those two "offensive" words.  So she needs to pass an amendment to her own procedures of the state congress.

Proof 4: (sorry I'm basically re-quoting the article but she's just that big of a moron!)
In Miami-Dade County, Wilson said, "we don't say 'alien,' we say 'immigrant.'"

Well I take offense to the word immigrant that's put after illegal.  My family came over here (generations ago) legally.  I don't want the word immigrant associated with the word illegal.  And I CAN take offense to that (if I really felt that way) because my people really WERE immigrants.

Proof 5:
"There are students in our schools whose parents are trying to become citizens and we shouldn't label them," she said.

Wait for it......

"They are immigrants, through no fault of their own, not aliens."

SHE JUST LABELED THEM IMMIGRANTS!!!  We shouldn't label them...they are immigrants!  What?!  Is this chick serious.  Someone needs to through her butt to the curb...in Mexico.

She does not convince me that alien is a bad term.  Heck I'd like to be called an alien.  That sounds cool.  Immigrant remind me of Godfather II.  Does she want to offend Italian-American with her racial slurs?!

Proof 6:
"'Illegal,' I can live with, but I like 'undocumented' better," she said.

Yes because we love double speak (aka political correctness) in our government.

Next she'll say:

War Is Peace
Ignorance Is Strength
Freedom Is Slavery

Proof 7:
Asked if her bill (SB 2154) might run afoul of Gov. Charlie Crist's "plain speaking" mandate for government agencies, Wilson said, "I think getting rid of 'alien' would be plain speaking."

Really?!  Hmm ok:

Ex1 - Illegal alien
Ex 2 - Undocumented immigrant

The second one just sounds like a person got stopped for speeding and left their license at home.

Let's drop this chick off the boarder and if she comes back we post these pictures around her all day!


(I'm REALLY glad I don't live in FL)
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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #875 - Feb 28th, 2007 at 5:56pm
And who says our government run schools are trying to make our kids socialists...wait...what?!

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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #876 - Mar 1st, 2007 at 3:02pm
Mon Feb 26 2007 17:16:14 ET

The Tennessee Center for Policy Research, an independent, nonprofit and nonpartisan research organization committed to achieving a freer, more prosperous Tennessee through free market policy solutions, issued a press release late Monday:

Last night, Al Gore’s global-warming documentary, An Inconvenient Truth, collected an Oscar for best documentary feature, but the Tennessee Center for Policy Research has found that Gore deserves a gold statue for hypocrisy.

Gore’s mansion, [20-room, eight-bathroom] located in the posh Belle Meade area of Nashville, consumes more electricity every month than the average American household uses in an entire year, according to the Nashville Electric Service (NES).

In his documentary, the former Vice President calls on Americans to conserve energy by reducing electricity consumption at home.

The average household in America consumes 10,656 kilowatt-hours (kWh) per year, according to the Department of Energy. In 2006, Gore devoured nearly 221,000 kWh—more than 20 times the national average.

Last August alone, Gore burned through 22,619 kWh—guzzling more than twice the electricity in one month than an average American family uses in an entire year. As a result of his energy consumption, Gore’s average monthly electric bill topped $1,359.

Since the release of An Inconvenient Truth, Gore’s energy consumption has increased from an average of 16,200 kWh per month in 2005, to 18,400 kWh per month in 2006.

Gore’s extravagant energy use does not stop at his electric bill. Natural gas bills for Gore’s mansion and guest house averaged $1,080 per month last year.

“As the spokesman of choice for the global warming movement, Al Gore has to be willing to walk to walk, not just talk the talk, when it comes to home energy use,” said Tennessee Center for Policy Research President Drew Johnson.

In total, Gore paid nearly $30,000 in combined electricity and natural gas bills for his Nashville estate in 2006.

For Further Information, Contact:
Nicole Williams, (615) 383-6431

Well, there's an inconvenient truth for you.  Don't forget about his other three homes, too!

I bet I know why his energy use is so high - he's powering the Internet!  He did invent it, after all!

(...inconvenient?  Indeed!)

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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #877 - Mar 1st, 2007 at 4:45pm
I wrote about this story in my Random Observation post...which seems like only I read 11 times he he.

But still he claims that he makes up for it by giving money to alternative energy projects?

That just means he's giving money to fund research into a tech that hasn't been invented yet.  He's not doing a 1 to 1 ratio of something like for every gallon of gas he uses in his honking SUV he uses 100 watts on his electric car that he stole from Ford.

This is what corporations do.  They are each alloted to pollute a certain amount.  However these corporations being thrifty as all heck they've begun trading unused amounts with other companies and thus pollute more. 

I have a good thought...someone should just take out all but 500 million people from the world...that's how we save the world...one death at a time.  Isn't that right NWO?

NWO - That's right future minion!

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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #878 - Mar 1st, 2007 at 11:06pm
Remember how Al Gore bought stock in a company to offset his house?

Ya it appears that he's paying into a company he founded and is getting rich off it!

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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #879 - Mar 2nd, 2007 at 10:20am
Rap Music: Is the Backlash Here?

NEW YORK, March 1, 2007 - Was Nas right, when he titled his album "Hip-Hop Is Dead"?
Music sales overall are down, but rap sales in particular have dropped 21 percent from 2005 to 2006. For the first time in 12 years, the top ten best-selling albums of the year did not include a rap album. A poll of black Americans by The Associated Press and AOL-Black Voices last year revealed 50 percent of respondents said hip-hop was a negative force in American society.

David Banner dismisses the criticisms, saying rappers discussing such negative things that they encounter in their lives bring certain things to light. Banner says even when he does positive songs, fans go for songs such as "Like A Pimp" instead.

As he puts it, "I wish America would just be honest. America is sick....America loves violence and sex."

Finally is white American realizing they are not cool enough to be black?  I remember hearing a poll that something as high as 70 - 90% of all rap music was bought by white males.  Does that say anything about the identity both racially and culturally about white youths of America?

Plus this David Banner guy who puts out rap music says America is sick?  Well isn't he the one that's putting out the music?  Maybe if he rapped about what was "real in their lives" like ghetto living or racial inequality maybe I'd buy his story.  However I find it hard to believe that anyone but the rappers themselves can identify with drinking Crystal, buying diamonds, having 2 chicks at once, and having pit bulls, spinners, and  doing nasty things to women.  No sir, I call shenanigans on you!

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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #880 - Mar 2nd, 2007 at 10:29am
Dang it, you beat me to it!  Oh well, mine is bigger!

NEW YORK — Maybe it was the umpteenth coke-dealing anthem or soft-porn music video. Perhaps it was the preening antics that some call reminiscent of Stepin Fetchit.

The turning point is hard to pinpoint. But after 30 years of growing popularity, rap music is now struggling with an alarming sales decline and growing criticism from within about the culture's negative effect on society.

Rap insider Chuck Creekmur, who runs the leading Web site Allhiphop.com, says he got a message from a friend recently "asking me to hook her up with some Red Hot Chili Peppers because she said she's through with rap. A lot of people are sick of rap ... the negativity is just over the top now."

• Get hip to the beat in FOXNews.com's Music Center.

The rapper Nas, considered one of the greats, challenged the condition of the art form when he titled his latest album "Hip-Hop is Dead." It's at least ailing, according to recent statistics: Though music sales are down overall, rap sales slid a whopping 21 percent from 2005 to 2006, and for the first time in 12 years no rap album was among the top 10 sellers of the year. A recent study by the Black Youth Project showed a majority of youth think rap has too many violent images. In a poll of black Americans by The Associated Press and AOL-Black Voices last year, 50 percent of respondents said hip-hop was a negative force in American society.

(Story continues below)

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Nicole Duncan-Smith grew up on rap, worked in the rap industry for years and is married to a hip-hop producer. She still listens to rap, but says it no longer speaks to or for her. She wrote the children's book "I Am Hip-Hop" partly to create something positive about rap for young children, including her 4-year-old daughter.

"I'm not removed from it, but I can't really tell the difference between Young Jeezy and Yung Joc. It's the same dumb stuff to me," says Duncan-Smith, 33. "I can't listen to that nonsense ... I can't listen to another black man talk about you don't come to the 'hood anymore and ghetto revivals ... I'm from the 'hood. How can you tell me you want to revive it? How about you want to change it? Rejuvenate it?"

Hip-hop also seems to be increasingly blamed for a variety of social ills. Studies have attempted to link it to everything from teen drug use to increased sexual activity among young girls.

Even the mayhem that broke out in Las Vegas during last week's NBA All-Star Game was blamed on hip-hoppers. "(NBA Commissioner) David Stern seriously needs to consider moving the event out of the country for the next couple of years in hopes that young, hip-hop hoodlums would find another event to terrorize," columnist Jason Whitlock, who is black, wrote on AOL.

While rap has been in essence pop music for years, and most rap consumers are white, some worry that the black community is suffering from hip-hop — from the way America perceives blacks to the attitudes and images being adopted by black youth.

But the rapper David Banner derides the growing criticism as blacks joining America's attack on young black men who are only reflecting the crushing problems within their communities. Besides, he says, that's the kind of music America wants to hear.

"Look at the music that gets us popular — 'Like a Pimp,'," says Banner, naming his hit.

"What makes it so difficult is to know that we need to be doing other things. But the truth is at least us talking about what we're talking about, we can bring certain things to the light," he says. "They want (black artists) to shuck and jive, but they don't want us to tell the real story because they're connected to it."

Criticism of hip-hop is certainly nothing new — it's as much a part of the culture as the beats and rhymes. Among the early accusations were that rap wasn't true music, its lyrics were too raw, its street message too polarizing. But they rarely came from the youthful audience itself, which was enraptured with genre that defined them as none other could.

"As people within the hip-hop generation get older, I think the criticism is increasing," says author Bakari Kitwana, who is currently part of a lecture tour titled "Does Hip-Hop Hate Women?"

"There was a more of a tendency when we were younger to be more defensive of it," he adds.

During her '90s crusade against rap's habit of degrading women, the late black activist C. Dolores Tucker certainly had few allies within the hip-hop community, or even among young black women. Backed by folks like conservative Republican William Bennett, Tucker was vilified within rap circles.

In retrospect, "many of us weren't listening," says Tracy Denean Sharpley-Whiting, a professor at Vanderbilt University and author of the new book "Pimps Up, Ho's Down: Hip-Hop's Hold On Young Black Women."

"She was onto something, but most of us said, 'They're not calling me a bitch, they're not talking about me, they're talking about THOSE women.' But then it became clear that, you know what? Those women can be any women."

One rap fan, Bryan Hunt, made the searing documentary "Hip-Hop: Beyond Beats and Rhymes," which debuted on PBS this month. Hunt addresses the biggest criticisms of rap, from its treatment of women to the glorification of the gangsta lifestyle that has become the default posture for many of today's most popular rappers.

"I love hip-hop," Hunt, 36, says in the documentary. "I sometimes feel bad for criticizing hip-hop, but I want to get us men to take a look at ourselves."

Even dances that may seem innocuous are not above the fray. Last summer, as the "Chicken Noodle Soup" song and accompanying dance became a sensation, Baltimore Sun pop critic Rashod D. Ollison mused that the dance — demonstrated in the video by young people stomping wildly from side to side — was part of the growing minstrelization of rap music.

"The music, dances and images in the video are clearly reminiscent of the era when pop culture reduced blacks to caricatures: lazy 'coons,' grinning 'pickaninnies,' sexually super-charged 'bucks,"' he wrote.

And then there's the criminal aspect that has long been a part of rap. In the '70s, groups may have rapped about drug dealing and street violence, but rap stars weren't the embodiment of criminals themselves. Today, the most popular and successful rappers boast about who has murdered more foes and rhyme about dealing drugs as breezily as other artists sing about love.

Creekmur says music labels have overfed the public on gangsta rap, obscuring artists who represent more positive and varied aspects of black life, like Talib Kweli, Common and Lupe Fiasco.

"It boils down to a complete lack of balance, and whenever there's a complete lack of balance people are going to reject it, whether it's positive or negative," Creekmur says.

Yet Banner says there's a reason why acts like KRS-One and Public Enemy don't sell anymore. He recalled that even his own fans rebuffed positive songs he made — like "Cadillac on 22s," about staying away from street life — in favor of songs like "Like a Pimp."

"The American public had an opportunity to pick what they wanted from David Banner," he says. "I wish America would just be honest. America is sick. ... America loves violence and sex."

(...wonders why it took America 30 years to figure out that rap sucks.)
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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #881 - Mar 2nd, 2007 at 2:08pm
"Titanic" -adaptation of the screenplay by James Cameron and "My Life" by Bill Clinton

Titanic... $29.99
Clinton... $29.99
Titanic... Over 3 hours to read
Clinton... Over 3 hours to read
Titanic... The story of Jack and Rose, their forbidden love
and subsequent catastrophe.
Clinton... The story of Bill and Monica, their forbidden love
and subsequent catastrophe.
Titanic... Jack is a starving artist.
Clinton... Bill is a bullshit artist.
Titanic... In one scene, Jack enjoys a good cigar.
Clinton... Ditto for Bill.
Titanic... During ordeal, Rose's dress gets ruined.
Clinton... Ditto for Monica.
Titanic... Jack teaches Rose to spit.
Clinton... Let's not go there.
Titanic... Rose gets to keep her jewelry.
Clinton... Monica's forced to return her gifts.
Titanic... Rose remembers Jack for the rest of her life.
Clinton... Clinton doesn't remember Jack.
Titanic... Rose goes down on a vessel full of seamen.
Clinton... Monica...ooh, let's not go there, either.
Titanic... Jack surrenders to an icy death.
Clinton... Bill goes home to Hilary...basically the same

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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #882 - Mar 7th, 2007 at 9:44am
A death averted
Passer-by uses gun to halt attack
By Nicklaus Lovelady

Police place Henry Watson, 42, of Jackson into a cruiser Sunday afternoon after he allegedly attacked his wife, Gracie Watson, reportedly stabbing her then pouring gas on her and trying to set her on fire outside Family Dollar at the intersection of Hanging Moss Road and Nakoma Drive.
As customers watched in horror Sunday afternoon, a man stabbed a woman and attempted to set her on fire in the parking lot of a Jackson store, witnesses said.

The attack was stopped by a passer-by, who held the man at gunpoint until police arrived, witnesses said.

The suspect, Henry Watson, 42, was arrested and is expected to face aggravated assault charges, Jackson Police Department Cmdr. Lee Vance said. Watson's wife, Gracie Watson, 42, was transported to the University of Mississippi Medical center, where she was listed in good condition.

"It wasn't five minutes from when she had left my line when I heard a scream outside," said Theresa Stuckey, a cashier at the Family Dollar at 516 Nakoma Drive in Jackson. "I looked out, and (the attacker) was on top of her stabbing her, and stabbing her and stabbing her.

"She was screaming, 'Help, he's trying to kill me!' She was rolling on the ground, trying to get out of the way, but he kept stabbing her. He stabbed her about 20 times in the neck, back and arms."

As the attack continued, people were yelling at the man to stop and honking their horns, Stuckey said. She said she called 911.

"He was just standing over her hacking away," said Dolly Baker, who had just left the Save-A-Lot store next door when she saw the attack.

Baker said she watched the man pour gasoline on the victim then try to strike a match.

"He was literally trying to kill that lady in broad daylight," she said.

Baker said a passer-by stopped the attack.

"He told the man, 'Stop, or I'm going to shoot. And if you run, I'm going to kill you,' " Baker said.

The man held Watson at bay until police arrived at the scene.

"Right now, all we know is that (Watson) attacked his wife. For what reason, we don't know," Jackson Police Department Sgt. Eric Smith said.

Police said they are looking for the passer-by who stopped the attack and would like to talk to him but don't know who he is or where he went.

The incident occurred about 3:50 p.m.

Smith said he did not know exactly how many times Gracie Watson was stabbed but said it was more than 10 times.

Yes why should we have guns in the world?  To stop these sick people from doing what they do.

Also look at the other "good samaritans" /sarcstic ooo honking your  horn and saying "Hey!"  Good job...you really stopped that guy from KILLING HIS WIFE!!!

This is why the world is the way it is...a decrepit hell hole.  No one wants to help their fellow man and when they do they are touted as rare heroes.  It shouldn't be that rare, people.

Is it just me or does this remind anyone of the opening of Boondock Saints speech?

"This poor soul....no body wanted to get involved..."

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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #883 - Mar 7th, 2007 at 2:03pm
Was that a concealed weapon?  YES, I think it was!

God bless America!

(...thinks everyone should get a CCW.)
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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #884 - Mar 9th, 2007 at 9:50am

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Gingrich tells Christian group of affair

By BEN EVANS, Associated Press WriterThu Mar 8, 8:37 PM ET

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich was having an extramarital affair even as he led the charge against President Clinton over the Monica Lewinsky affair, he acknowledged in an interview with a conservative Christian group.

"The honest answer is yes," Gingrich, a potential 2008 Republican presidential candidate, said in an interview with Focus on the Family founder James Dobson to be aired Friday, according to a transcript provided to The Associated Press. "There are times that I have fallen short of my own standards. There's certainly times when I've fallen short of God's standards."

Gingrich argued in the interview, however, that he should not be viewed as a hypocrite for pursuing Clinton's infidelity.

"The president of the United States got in trouble for committing a felony in front of a sitting federal judge," the former Georgia congressman said of Clinton's 1998 House impeachment on perjury and obstruction of justice charges. "I drew a line in my mind that said, 'Even though I run the risk of being deeply embarrassed, and even though at a purely personal level I am not rendering judgment on another human being, as a leader of the government trying to uphold the rule of law, I have no choice except to move forward and say that you cannot accept ... perjury in your highest officials."

Widely considered a mastermind of the Republican revolution that swept Congress in the 1994 elections, Gingrich remains wildly popular among many conservatives. He has repeatedly placed near the top of Republican presidential polls recently, even though he has not formed a campaign.

Gingrich has said he is waiting to see how the Republican field shapes up before deciding in the fall whether to run.

Reports of extramarital affairs have dogged him for years as a result of two messy divorces, but he has refused to discuss them publicly.

Gingrich, who frequently campaigned on family values issues, divorced his second wife, Marianne, in 2000 after his attorneys acknowledged Gingrich's relationship with his current wife, Callista Bisek, a former congressional aide more than 20 years younger than he is.

His first marriage, to his former high school geometry teacher, Jackie Battley, ended in divorce in 1981. Although Gingrich has said he doesn't remember it, Battley has said Gingrich discussed divorce terms with her while she was recuperating in the hospital from cancer surgery.

Gingrich married Marianne months after the divorce.

"There were times when I was praying and when I felt I was doing things that were wrong. But I was still doing them," he said in the interview. "I look back on those as periods of weakness and periods that I'm ... not proud of."

Gingrich's congressional career ended in 1998 when he abruptly resigned from Congress after poor showings from Republicans in elections and after being reprimanded by the House ethics panel over charges that he used tax-exempt funding to advance his political goals.

Gingrich didn't have a chance anyway.

(...tells it like it is.)
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