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Random Stupidity (Read 436778 times)
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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #840 - Jan 31st, 2007 at 8:39am
If those money-grubbing politicians had even an inkling of intelligence, they'd start a state-owned electrical cooperative and take advantage of all those "costly" incandescent bulbs.

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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #841 - Jan 31st, 2007 at 9:35am
Perception vs. reality

WASHINGTON - Although he frequently makes a point of finding something charitable to say about his opponents’ arguments, Sen. Barack Obama almost always ends up voting liberal.

“The arguments of liberals are more often grounded in reason and fact,” the Illinois Democrat wrote in “The Audacity of Hope,” a memoir published last year. “Much of what I absorbed from the sixties was filtered through my mother, who to the end of her life would proudly proclaim herself an unreconstructed liberal.”

Koo Koo Koo Koo.  Now I'm not going to say that "conservatives" are grounded in reason and fact but as you know the globalists are changing our nouns of Democrat and Republican to liberal and conservative, "respectively".  So I will be using the terms we once used because classifying something as liberal or conservative makes it sound that everything liberal is wrong and everything conservative is good.  Yet if you look at history those terms are constantly changed on people.  Back during the bank scandle (the good ol days when people fought for their money rights) Republicans would have been classified as liberal and Demos and conservatives.  Now that being said as a huge disclaimer...IS OBAMA NUTS?!  Demos have been trying to force their beliefs into our lives since the 60s.  Most of them practically advocate socialism and want to limit personal freedom so that the downtrodden feel like the rest of us.  At least with Republicans they only want big business to take us over.  Again, there is no more difference between the two parties.  Yet Demos have been constantly pushing aside such things as freedom of speech, personal property rights, gun rights, and a whole slew of others that the govt shouldn't be involved in.  I'm sure there are examples you can think of as well.

Obama has a 95 percent liberal rating from Americans for Democratic Reform, a liberal advocacy group that ranks all members of Congress. Yet he is often portrayed as a centrist.

This is also called double speak! 

“His record is liberal, and his rhetoric is moderate,” explained Larry Sabato, director of the University of Virginia’s Center for Politics.

Umm actions speak louder than words.  If it talks like a duck but acts as a donkey...it's just a messed up donkey.

For example, Obama goes out of his way to voice approval of at least some aspects of Ronald Reagan’s presidency.

“At times, in arguments with some of my friends on the left, I would find myself in the curious position of defending aspects of Reagan’s worldview,” he wrote in “Audacity.” “When the Berlin Wall came tumbling down, I had to give the old man his due, even if I never gave him my vote.”

But in summing up Reagan, Obama concluded that the former president’s “clarity about communism seemed matched by his blindness regarding other sources of misery in the world.”

By pointing out the merits of both sides of an argument, Obama often sounds statesmanlike, even if he almost never ends up siding with conservatives. This dichotomy can be seen in Obama’s analysis of President Bush’s foreign policy.

Read this last paragraph.  Statesmen here means the ability to say something like this "Abortion can be good or bad...I'm for abortion."  Congrats Oba you have the ability to know what the other side thinks!

[/quote]“I agree with George W. Bush when in his second inaugural address he proclaimed a universal desire to be free,” Obama wrote. “But there are few examples in history in which the freedom men and women crave is delivered through outside intervention.” [/quote]

Umm it doesn't matter what history tells us.  It matters what the Constitution says.  The Constitution says that our freedoms are God given; they are natural.  They are as natural as being born with a body.  Yes sometimes the body doesn't have all it's parts and we are always lacking something.  There are process to deal with that though.  Also if Bush says that everyone is free and Obama is talking about outside intervention to bring it about...doesn't that mean he's for the war in Iraq?  I don't understand that.

If Obama survives the Democratic primaries and becomes his party’s presidential nominee, his liberal positions will not necessarily hurt him among the centrist voters who cast ballots in the general election, according to Charlie Cook, editor of the Cook Political Report.

“How you come across is more important than how you vote,” Cook said. “If voters perceive you as moderate, then your voting record isn’t terribly relevant. Perception is more important than reality.”

And doesn't that just sum up my outrage and disgust over the people who vote.  We care more about what a person looks like than what he stands on a situation.  And we care what he says than how he votes.  Well I guess that explains every president we've had since 1964!  People say our countries screwed up and the go vote for the person with the good hair or the nice smile or the one who pours honey in your ear.  Gee I wonder how we got to the place where we are now?

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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #842 - Jan 31st, 2007 at 9:49am
Wow, check out this eBay collection.  It contains every licensed NES game ever sold.  This is even better than the collection Penny Arcade bought a couple years back for Omegathon...


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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #843 - Jan 31st, 2007 at 10:19am

I wonder if they all still work?

North Vs. South was my favorite game.

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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #844 - Feb 1st, 2007 at 8:27am
I just read that Al Gore might be in the running for the Nobel Peace Prize.  This makes as much sense as giving one to Yasser Arafat (seriously he won one!)  I wonder what requirements there are for the NPP?  You have to be a media hog and basically have nothing to do with Peace?  When you think NPP you think they should give it to be people like Ghandi or Mendella...ya know people who promote...Peace!  Yet you can give a few talks on how mankind is horrible and win a million dollar prize?  Shoot I've been saying mankind sucks and speaking about it to you guys for over 9 years now.  Where my millions?  What do I have to give my first speech on global warming in NY on the coldest day in a decade (happen to Gore)?  Do I have to complain about how car emissions are contributing to the problem and show up to my speech in an SUV that is the worse rate for emissions (yep this one too)?  Do I have to fly from one end of the country to the other and sometime criss crossing the States to give speeches all the while burring up fuel closer to the ozone (oh you better believe this happened)?

This just reminds me of how Yasser Arafat got his NPP.  You talk about peace when you're being hunted yet you fund suicide bombers and basically do everything you can so the peace plan doesn't work.  I would find it ironic if he used his prize money to fund the suicide bombers.  I'm into sick irony.  Kind of like arresting people for putting up lightbrights 3 weeks ago and then getting arrested when some traveler from out of town who's 79 years old believes that terrorist are stupid enough to advertise there explosive devices with a sign of American culture TV show!

(It's a mad mad mad mad mad mad world...good movie btw)
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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #845 - Feb 1st, 2007 at 8:49am
Considering that Gore relies on junk science to make his (completely incorrect) point and violates all of his own tenets in promoting his movie, I have no clue why they're even considering him.  Moreover, what does global warming have to do with peace anyway?

(...is confuzzled.)
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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #846 - Feb 1st, 2007 at 7:29pm
NFL won't let church show game

INDIANAPOLIS (AP) -- The NFL has nixed a church's plans to use a wall projector to show the Colts-Bears Super Bowl game, saying it would violate copyright laws.

NFL officials spotted a promotion of Fall Creek Baptist Church's "Super Bowl Bash" on the church Web site last week and overnighted a letter to the pastor demanding the party be canceled, the church said.

Initially, the league objected to the church's plan to charge a fee to attend and that the church used the license-protected words "Super Bowl" in its promotions.

This is excuse number 1 right here.  The Super Bowl is copyrighted?  The word?  Odd I say.  However if this church is doing it how many others are defrauding the NFL from counting precious viewership stats.  The SB has been going down for the past few years and so this is the NFLs charge...to stop churches from bringing in people to talk about the game and about God.  Our church in K-zoo did this same thing and brought a former NFL player to talk about his life during the half time show (which no one ever watches because they all suck).  But read on.  Remember...their complaint was only that they used the term "Super Bowl".

Pastor John D. Newland said he told the NFL his church would not charge anyone and that it would drop the use of the forbidden words.

But the NFL objected to the church's plans to use a projector to show the game, saying the law limits it to one TV no bigger than 55 inches.

What?!  How many people did you read today rented TVs that were over 60 inches.  Not to mention the new 108" TVs came out last week.  Are you telling me the NFL is going to stop the TV industry from either selling TVs over 55" or not allowing NFL games to be shown?  No of course not.  This is the NFL picking on a church because like minded people are going to gather round and be counted as one viewer in their ratings!  Why not pick on the guy that lives 3 houses down from the NFL commissioners house who is having 3 people over on a 60" TV HDTV?  Because it's easy to pick on a church.  And come on!!!  What fricken moron said that 55" was a copyright maximum in TV standards?!  I want to see this law he's referring it to.  Unlike the income tax law I actually believe this one exists!

The church will likely abandon its plans to host a Super Bowl party.

"We want to be supportive of our local team," Newland said. "For us to have all our congregation huddled around a TV that is big enough only for 10 or 12 people to watch just makes little sense."

NFL spokesman Greg Aiello said the league's long-standing policy is to ban "mass out-of-home viewing" of the Super Bowl. An exception is made for sports bars and other businesses that show televised sports as a part of their everyday operations.

"We have contracts with our (TV) networks to provide free over-the-air television for people at home," Aiello said. "The network economics are based on television ratings and at-home viewing. Out-of-home viewing is not measured by Nielsen."

See they're even admitting it here.  Why no force everyone in America to just sit home alone with one TV for each person watching the game.  Why not send the National Guard into homes to make sure this happens and while they're there...take weapons away from people like they did in the dry parts of New Orleans?  Geesh!

It is also the reason no mass viewings are planned in large arenas like the RCA Dome or Conseco Fieldhouse.

Newland said his church won't break the law.

"It just frustrates me that most of the places where crowds are going to gather to watch this game are going to be places that are filled with alcohol and other things that are inappropriate for children," Newland said. "We tried to provide an alternative to that and were shut down."

Other Indiana churches said they are deciding whether they should go through with their Super Bowl party plans, given the NFL's stance.

Bars and clubs are ok to watch the game with 100 other people...but Lord knows it's not ok at church!

(Separation of church and...football?)
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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #847 - Feb 2nd, 2007 at 9:35am
But the NFL objected to the church's plans to use a projector to show the game, saying the law limits it to one TV no bigger than 55 inches.

There is no point in commenting on the rest of the NFL's stupidity, but this particular assertion cannot be passed up uncontested.  I hope someone stands up to this crap.  Who decided that 55" is the limit?  I have a buddy with a 62" television sitting in his living room.  Does that mean he can't watch television on his... television?


(...welcome to the USA.)
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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #848 - Feb 3rd, 2007 at 1:42pm
Here's the church standing up for what is right.  Read the article carefully and see how slanted the NFL is.

Church To Defy NFL, Show Super Bowl With Projector

Fri Feb 2, 9:24 PM ET

An Indianapolis church on Friday said it will defy the NFL's demand that churches not use projectors to show the Super Bowl, saying it is taking "a stand for what's right."

Second Baptist Church, located 3705 Kessler Blvd. North Drive, will proceed with its plans to show the game Sunday -- using a rear-projection TV screen -- following an afternoon service, an assistant to the church's senior pastor told 6News.

"The NFL implied that it has a problem with the venue and medium that local churches conduct ministry," the senior pastor, the Rev. David Greene, said in a press release. "We want to save souls by any means necessary. Football, traditional service, street ministry -- it doesn't matter.

"All we want to do is increase fellowship with believers and demonstrate true love to people that don't know Christ."

In a letter to his congregation, Greene said that the NFL doesn't want churches to host Super Bowl gatherings, though "people can gather at sports bars and other secular locations with no problem."

"I believe that God's people have to take a stand," Greene said in the letter. "If the church continues to compromise with the world, it will soon have no influence on the world that God has instructed us to reach in His Great Commission as directed in St. Matthew 29:18-20."

Greene's decision came after the NFL, having spotted a Web site promoting a Super Bowl gathering at Indianapolis' Fall Creek Baptist Church, told the church that it couldn't use a wall projector to show the game, citing copyright laws. The NFL's stance prompted many churches across the country to cancel their planned Super Bowl events.

The NFL said the law generally limits Super Bowl showings to one TV no bigger than 55 inches.

This week, NFL spokesman Greg Aiello said the league's long-standing policy is to ban "mass out-of-home viewing" of the Super Bowl. An exception is made for sports bars and other businesses that show televised sports as a part of their everyday operations.

"We have contracts with our (TV) networks to provide free over-the-air television for people at home," Aiello said. "The network economics are based on television ratings and at-home viewing. Out-of-home viewing is not measured by Nielsen."

It is also the reason no mass viewings are planned in large arenas like the RCA Dome or Conseco Fieldhouse.

On Friday, an NFL statement expanded on Monday's explanation, saying the league's policy is "nothing new."

"We are simply following copyright law and have done so with regard to any type of commercial establishment including hotels, theaters, museums, schools, arenas and others," the statement said.

The statement said the NFL "has absolutely no objection to churches and others hosting Super Bowl viewing parties as long as they do not charge admission and show the game on a television of the type commonly used at home."

Notice in the 2nd paragraph they give the church's address.  Why is that?  I don't see any other article giving the address of other places. 

This is my favorite quote: Quote:
An exception is made for sports bars and other businesses that show televised sports as a part of their everyday operations.

So as long as it's anything but a church then it's ok?  This seems like it's a bit biased no?  I mean come on.  More people are probably going to be at bars and clubs watching the game than at churches.  So why not go after those ones instead.  Forcing people to go home and boost ratings.  I just don't understand the NFL's philosophy here.

"We are simply following copyright law and have done so with regard to any type of commercial establishment including hotels, theaters, museums, schools, arenas and others

Let's see their list here.  Hotels...usually have bars with TVs, museums and school are closed on Sunday so there's no chance of showing the SB there.  Arenas like the RCA dome and others?  Why would they even mention them?  How many people are saying.  Hey lets sit in a football stadium and watch the game?!  No one that's who.

Also the last paragraph is interesting.  They don't want people to charge?  Would they consider "we ask you to bring snacks" a cover charge?  Also the church said they wouldn't charge.  And again I don't understand the policy of copyright law to limit a TV to 55".  The church should hook up four 55" TVs together and link them all to show one picture.  That would be hilarious!

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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #849 - Feb 5th, 2007 at 3:36am
Read this article and tell me if you agree with me and think it's the biggest pile of steaming bat guano and "reporters" talking out of both sides of their arses


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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #850 - Feb 5th, 2007 at 7:00am


tee hee
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Winter is Coming. Giggity.

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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #851 - Feb 5th, 2007 at 9:41am
here's my stupid moment of the week:

the weather channel says its 0 degrees outside with a wind chill of -18. thats a negative.

and Chatham refuses to cancel morning classes, or anything.

I hate my school.
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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #852 - Feb 5th, 2007 at 9:50am
The temperature here is -6 with a wind chill of -28 and I'm sitting at work, so what do you think about that?

(...points out that businesses generally don't have "snow days.")
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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #853 - Feb 5th, 2007 at 1:20pm
Guano Apes is a good band.  Me, Briney, and a few other guys from HS saw them open for P.O.D. at Calvin College in 10th grade I think.

They are classified as "German, funk rock".  They have a sweet sound.  The lead singer is a chick who is hot even if she's a bit boyish and the drummer always looked like Frankenstein's monster to me.

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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #854 - Feb 6th, 2007 at 10:59am
Wash. initiative would require married couples to have kids

02:34 PM PST on Monday, February 5, 2007

KING5.com Staff and Associated Press

OLYMPIA, Wash. - An initiative filed by proponents of same-sex marriage would require heterosexual couples to have kids within three years or else have their marriage annulled.

Initiative 957 was filed by the Washington Defense of Marriage Alliance. That group was formed last summer after the state Supreme Court upheld Washington's ban on same-sex marriage.

Related Content

Washington Defense of Marriage Alliance

Under the initiative, marriage would be limited to men and women who are able to have children. Couples would be required to prove they can have children in order to get a marriage license, and if they did not have children within three years, their marriage would be subject to annulment.

All other marriages would be defined as "unrecognized" and people in those marriages would be ineligible to receive any marriage benefits.

“For many years, social conservatives have claimed that marriage exists solely for the purpose of procreation ... The time has come for these conservatives to be dosed with their own medicine," said WA-DOMA organizer Gregory Gadow in a printed statement. “If same-sex couples should be barred from marriage because they can not have children together, it follows that all couples who cannot or will not have children together should equally be barred from marriage."

Supporters must gather more than 224,000 valid signatures by July 6 to put the initiative on the November ballot.

Opponents say the measure is another attack on traditional marriage, but supporters say the move is needed to have a discussion on the high court ruling.

See this is why some 60% of people don't support or understand the homosexual cause.  They tried to subvert the law rather than change it and now they are doing a stunt like this.  I for one think that the govt shouldn't be involved with marriage, esp the way the country is right now.  And I have a few other reasons for doing so.  However my comments are not about that but are on this article.  The "gay community" are trying to bully their agenda into the faces of the average American rather than trying to win people over to their side.  This is just another example of that.


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