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Random Stupidity (Read 436779 times)
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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #735 - Nov 7th, 2006 at 2:55pm
You beat me to it, Stewie.  I was on my way over to post that story...

(...bows to superior posting skills.)

Edited to add: 
All of your page fifty are belong to ME!
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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #736 - Nov 7th, 2006 at 3:01pm
Ahh shucks...well   Embarrassed

I'd like to thank God...and Satan...for keeping God in check...and not my mom!....

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In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king. - Max Payne
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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #737 - Nov 8th, 2006 at 12:33pm
Frito-Lay Angrily Introduces Line Of Healthy Snacks

November 7, 2006

PLANO, TX—With the recent trend of wholesome snack foods reaching "truly ridiculous proportions," Frito-Lay announced Monday that it would, against its better judgment, roll out a new line of healthy fruit-and-vegetable-based chips next February.

"Here," said Frito-Lay CEO Al Carey as he disgustedly tossed a bag of the company's new Flat Earth-brand snack crisps onto the lectern during a meeting with shareholders and members of the press. "Here's some shit that's made from beets. I hope you're all happy now that you have your precious beet chips with the recommended daily serving of fruit, or vegetables, or whatever the hell a 'beet' is."

"Mmm, dehydrated bulb things," Carey added. "Sounds delicious."

Carey appeared visibly appalled as Frito-Lay employees distributed Flat Earth snack samples to the audience.

"God help us all, would you look at these flavors," said Carey, gesturing toward a display showcasing the several varieties of Flat Earth chips, including Kauliflower Krunch, Raisins 'N Chives, Cranberry Spinach Explosion, Rutabaga Yum, Tofu Snaps, Eggplant Ecstasy, Broccoloroos, and Watercress. "Look at what you've reduced us to."

"Weren't Sun Chips healthy enough for you, you goddamn hippie bastards?" Carey added.

Frito-Lay spokeswoman Lisa Greeley, who said that the company made a commitment in 2004 to develop a healthier line of snacks but "never thought it would actually come to this," described the Flat Earth brand as "tailor-made for the small, vocal minority of health-conscious consumers who apparently can't just be content with salads, bananas, apples, or any of the literally thousands of fruits and vegetables already widely available."

"Our new veggie snacks combine the zesty tang of parsnip, the most mouthwatering root vegetable out there, with the bold flavor of, let's say, jute?" said Greeley before reluctantly bringing a Turnips 'N Radish chip to her mouth and forcing down a full bite. "It's a brand-new taste sensation unlike anything you've ever experienced, unless you've ever eaten sisal twine."

According to Frito-Lay's website, the new snacks contain one-third of the fat, one-half of the calories, and one-1,000th of the irresistible flavor of Frito-Lay's classic line of potato and corn chips. The presence of trans-fats and saturated oils is avoided by employing a cooking process "strikingly similar to the method used to create particle board." Serving suggestions that will be printed on the packaging include "definitely not adding any salt or seasoning, because then you might die"; dipping the chips in "delicious plain yogurt, lettuce paste, or other ground-up Flat Earth products"; and enhancing the flavor by replacing the chip in your hand with a Hot'n Spicy BBQ chip.

In January, Frito-Lay will launch a Flat Earth marketing campaign based on the slogan, "Bet You Can't Eat Even One." Surprisingly, however, the company is also in talks with distributors to ensure that Flat Earth snacks are installed in every school vending machine in the country.

"Oh, they're definitely going in the vending machines," Carey said. "Everyone's going to share in this misery, not just a handful of Naderites with spastic colons or loser kids with no taste buds whose parents want them to grow up to be boring milquetoasts afraid to have any fun. And don't think we haven't forgotten you either, office workers on snack breaks and anyone who wants to serve a big bowl of disappointment at a cocktail party."

"If this is what you want, America, fine," Carey continued. "But if you don't like them, then you can suck my fucking dick, because this is it—no more veggie crisps after this. None. You hear me? None."

"You're all gonna die eventually, anyway," Carey added. "Might as well be eating Cool Ranch Doritos with cheese dip when you go."

Frito-Lay is now considering discontinuing its traditional snack line and focusing entirely on chickpeas and sprouts, since, according to Carey, Americans "are so scared of getting fat, and are clearly no longer interested in good-tasting food."

"You all disgust me," said Carey, who then kicked over the Flat Earth display and stormed out of the room.

After reading all of the depressing political news this morning, this makes me feel much better!

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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #738 - Nov 9th, 2006 at 3:52pm
Backside firework prank backfires

A man suffered internal burns when he tried to launch a rocket from his bottom on Bonfire Night.
Paramedics found the 22-year-old bleeding and with Black Cat Thunderbolt Rocket lodged inside him when they attended the scene in Sunderland.

He suffered a scorched colon and is now recovering in hospital, where his condition is described as stable.

A spokesman for the North East Ambulance Service (NEAS) said the prank could have been fatal.

Douglas McDougal, from the NEAS, said: "We received a call stating there was a male who had a firework in his bottom and it was bleeding.

"He sustained fairly significant injuries in the fact that there's huge damage to that particular area."

'Beyond belief'

Mr McDougal added: "Potentially it could have been a fatal incident.

"There's a lot of major blood vessels round that area, so infection would probably be a huge problem for him.

"And also the body naturally produces methane gas, so combine that with the firework and the exploding effect with methane's flammability - it certainly could have been a lot worse than it really was."

A spokesman for the Firework Association described the bizarre prank as "beyond belief".

He said: "We have spent a long time working with the government to create laws that make fireworks safer and better for the public.

"This incident is very concerning but hopefully an isolated one."

Northumbria Police said they were aware of the incident, which happened in the Dame Dorothy Street area of Monkwearmouth, but are understood not to be carrying out further inquiries.


Watching another guy stick something up his rear, even fireworks, has a certian gayness to it. Something like that could very quickly become a weenie roast.

You know, I remember being a kid.  I remember hanging around other kids.  I don't ever remember anyone saying: "Hey, you know what we should do?  Shoot rockets out of our butts!"

The guy is lucky he didn't die.  Can you imagine writing the coroner's report on that one?  "Cause of Death: Put a rocket inside his rectum.  Lit rocket.  Literally became a flaming butthole."

(...thinks people are retarded.)
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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #739 - Nov 10th, 2006 at 11:44am
Training Day
Police admit they planted a gun at Huntington Beach crime scene

By R. SCOTT MOXLEY - Thursday, November 9, 2006 - 1:00 pm

With a horrified suspect watching, Huntington Beach police planted evidence—
a loaded revolver—in the man’s car during a DUI accident investigation in
January, the Weekly has learned. The controversial revelation is not now in
dispute although cops, prosecutors and city bureaucrats attempted to keep
the incident a secret by sealing records and stalling discovery of related

Despite those efforts, the gun incident became an issue during an obscure
misdemeanor trial last week at Orange County’s West Court in Westminster.
Police officers were forced to admit under oath that a snub-nosed handgun
had been tossed like a Frisbee about four feet into the trunk of a Hyundai
belonging to Tom Cox, the suspect. The loaded gun bounced twice and
slammed up against the driver’s side of the car’s trunk. No bullets were

Brian Knorr, the uniformed officer who threw the weapon, lowered the trunk
lid with the gun inside and stepped back, allegedly waiting for an
fellow officer to find it during a search, according to testimony. The
assigned to search the vehicle eventually located the gun and, startled,
to Cox holding the revolver in both hands. This officer stared at Cox,
who began
to panic at the scenario of a weapons charge. Knorr walked over, “elbowed
that cop and took the gun back,” said Cox.

Laughter erupted.

Deputy Public Defender Melani Bartholomew, who represented Cox, asked
Officer Dave Wiederin on the witness stand if he and at least six other
who were present at the crime scene had laughed in front of Cox when the gun
was retrieved.

“Um . . . yes,” said Wiederin.
Bartholomew then asked the officer if Cox had laughed about the handgun too.
“No,” Wiederin replied.
“Do you still see it as a comical situation?” asked Bartholomew.
“Yeah, it was a little bit funny,” he said.

Cox said he didn’t definitively learn until several months later that
the officers
had not filed weapons charges against him. A self-professed fan of law
ment and TV cop dramas, the 45-year-old Huntington Beach father of two and
construction supervisor insisted that most of the officers present at
his arrest
acted professionally except for the laughter.

But, he says, other cops—including Knorr—acted “like gang members,”
mocking him, calling him names like “loser” and “slick,” and simultaneously
yelling a battery of questions and commands at him after they retrieved the
planted gun.

“I thought I was in for a butt whipping,” Cox testified. “I just thought
I was going
to die that night. I realize now that they were making me look like a
fool in front
of everybody.”

In August, Cox filed a formal complaint against the officers he says
him. The move put the Huntington Beach Police Department in a quandary.
They could no longer deny that a gun had been planted at a crime scene
because Cox was able to specifically identify the gun Knorr tossed into
his car.

By the time of the late October trial against Cox, however, four
officers testified
that the gun toss was no reason for public alarm. They admitted that
none of
them had mentioned the gun in official reports before Cox’s complaint. And,
though the officers professed amnesia on certain details, they all
shared with
jurors an identical excuse: the planted gun was merely a prop in a routine
“training exercise” for a junior cop at the crime scene.

The explanation seemed suspicious if not farfetched to Bartholomew, who
Knorr to describe the location of her client when he planted the gun.

“I was unaware of where he was at the time this happened, when the training
exercise took place,” he said. Bartholomew followed up, “Isn’t it
imperative at
least for officer safety reasons that you know where a suspect is when
going to put a loaded gun in his car?”

“Yes,” said Knorr.

When Knorr threw the gun, Cox had been standing just feet away and hadn’t
been handcuffed. “If I was a dangerous person, I could have easily grabbed
the gun,” Cox said. “Knorr had his back to me. Him claiming it was a
exercise is a bad joke. They made that up.”

The public defender also got Knorr to admit that, “This is not the first
time I’ve
done it [planted a gun at a crime scene for training purposes].”

But Bartholomew’s pursuit of additional facts was immediately blocked by
Superior Court Judge Steve Bromberg, a Newport Beach politician elevated
to the judiciary last year by Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. Bromberg told
Knorr not to answer when Bartholomew asked, for example, if the gun toss
had violated his department’s policies or if he’d received advance
from his superiors.

“How many times have you done it?” she asked.
“Objection,” said Deputy District Attorney Julie Butler.
“Sustained,” said Bromberg, who said he worried that too much information
about the questionable police conduct might “inflame the jury.”

A police union ally during his past political campaigns for city council
in Newport
Beach, Bromberg also refused to give the public defender access to two key
records in the case: a recorded statement made by a civilian who witnessed
police behavior at the scene, and, incredibly, a copy of her own
client’s state-
ment to a Huntington Beach internal affairs officer investigating the
gun incident.

Under Bromberg’s direction, officials redacted huge portions of the
He then issued a protective order to prevent the public, the media or
even Bart-
holomew and Cox from learning the contents.

Said the judge, “It’s important to protect the privacy rights of the
officers involved.”

“I’ve never seen anything like it,” Bartholomew told the Weekly. “I’m
not allowed
to see my own client’s statement? Why the secrecy?”

Huntington Beach Police Lieutenant Craig Junginger said his department
prohibits the use of loaded weapons in training exercises but declined

“We have conducted an administrative investigation into the incident,”
said Junginger. “However, because the investigations were personnel
investigations, they are protected and information in them cannot be

Officials at other California police agencies say their officers are
prohibited from tampering with active crime scenes, or planting evidence
as a joke or for training. Bob Stresak—public information officer at
POST, a state agency that certifies cops—said the Huntington Beach
revelations surprise him.

“I’m not familiar with any training exercise where you’re allowed to
throw a loaded gun anywhere,” said Stresak. “It doesn’t sound like a
good practice.”

Stan Goldman, a law professor at Loyola Law School in LA, called the
training exercise explanation “ridiculous, crazy, nuts.”

“Why would they throw a loaded gun if it was a training exercise?”
Goldman said. “The whole thing strikes me as reckless cowboy cops with
too much chutzpah. I’ve been in many, many trials and I’ve never heard
of anything stranger than this.”

Last year, Las Vegas police admitted that they’d planted illegal
narcotics in a suspect’s car as a “training exercise” for a police dog.
Officers claim they forgot to retrieve the drugs, charged the suspect
with possession of the planted narcotics, fabricated police reports and
then testified in court without mentioning that the drugs had been
planted. Later, a citizen review board recommended that one officer be
fired and another suspended without pay for four months for their
misconduct. Orange County cops routinely say they don’t want civilian
review boards because they adequately police themselves.

In the Huntington Beach case, Cox told jurors that the planted gun
incident had rattled him so much that he had trouble easily passing the
field sobriety tests. Blood evidence introduced at the trial showed low
traces of alcohol and marijuana in his bloodstream that night. Cox, a
former band member, told the jury that two and a half hours before
police stopped him at Newland and Yorktown he’d consumed two shots of
liquor as well as two hits of pot and then rehearsed on drums for about
90 minutes. (Because of back and hip injuries, he has a medical
marijuana permit from a doctor.) A retired Los Angeles County Sheriff’s
crime lab supervisor testified that the Huntington Beach cops had
botched the DUI investigation by failing to perform necessary tests.
This expert, who was a defense witness, also declared that Cox had an
insignificant amount of intoxicants in his bloodstream when he was stopped.

The jury—some of whom snoozed during testimony, and one of whom stared
endlessly at the court clock—sided with police after brief
deliberations. They found Cox guilty of DUI and four other misdemeanors.
He awaits a Dec. 15 punishment by Bromberg.

Whether Knorr or other cops faced any reprimand for the gun toss episode
is likely to remain a closely guarded secret. Perhaps more disturbing is
that the officers testified that planting guns allegedly for “training
purposes” was not uncommon. The public may never know the truth. Current
conventional wisdom—as expressed by Judge Bromberg—says that officer
“privacy” in the performance of their powerful government jobs
supersedes public accountability.

After the trial, the public defender shook her head in frustration. “How
would you feel if you watched police officers throw a loaded gun in your
car, laugh at you and then yell in your face?” said Bartholomew. “You’d
be scared out of your mind.”

The author's bias isn't very subtle, but if even half of this is true, the judge and every single one of those officers need to be eliminated.

(...to protect and serve, eh?)
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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #740 - Nov 13th, 2006 at 12:13pm
Reason #3,965.43 why America is better than Britain:

Man guilty of missing wife murder
Tina Baker (picture from Surrey Police)
Tina Baker looked after animals at the farm as a hobby
A man has been convicted of murdering his wife who went missing four years ago and whose body has not been found.

Tina Baker, 41, was last seen in 2002 leaving her new lover's home to feed animals at the farm in Chobham, Surrey, which she had shared with her husband.

Police inquiries included seeing if her remains had been fed to their pigs.

Martin Baker, 54, of Ayebridges Avenue, Egham, denied killing her, saying he knew nothing of her disappearance, but he was found guilty at the Old Bailey.

Baker was remanded in custody for sentencing later this month.

Mark Dennis QC, prosecuting, said circumstantial but "very powerful" evidence pointed to him having killed his wife and disposing of her body and car.

Det Supt Brian Russell said after the conviction: "We do not know how she died.

"He could have fed her to the pigs, he could have buried her or dumped her in water."

Pigs' swill and manure at the farm was checked after Baker's first wife, Gillian Hopkins, told police of threats he made before their divorce.

She claimed he said he would make her "disappear permanently" by cutting her up and feeding her to the pigs.

Witness at farm

An Old Bailey jury was told the defendant feared losing £100,000 Brookfield Farm in Chobham after his wife had walked out on him and moved back in with her parents.

Martin Baker (picture from Surrey Police)
Martin Baker was described as a controlling and jealous man

Mrs Baker left her new lover's house in Sunbury to drive to the farm on 8 July, 2002.

Her husband denied being there, but witness Fiona Cooper, who arrived at the farm on the same day to tend to a horse in a nearby field, told how she was ushered away by an "agitated" Baker.

Mr Dennis told the court: "He immediately told her she couldn't stay... she was left feeling that he couldn't wait to get rid of her."

Mrs Baker's disappearance was not reported to police for three weeks.

Det Supt Russell said: "She had just vanished off the face of the earth.

"We will be hoping to speak to Martin Baker to ask him to reveal where Tina's body is."

We've done stuff like this in the states but we never rely on (at least in the cases I've read) on just circumstantial evidence.  If we suspect the husband of murdering the wife and there is no body there is darn good proof that it happen.  However he's probably considered an enemy combatant because he plead not guilty...so who cares right?

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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #741 - Nov 13th, 2006 at 12:58pm

A Chinese submarine stalked a U.S. aircraft carrier battle group in the Pacific last month and surfaced within firing range of its torpedoes and missiles before being detected, The Washington Times has learned.

The surprise encounter highlights China's continuing efforts to prepare for a future conflict with the U.S., despite Pentagon efforts to try to boost relations with Beijing's communist-ruled military.
The submarine encounter with the USS Kitty Hawk and its accompanying warships also is an embarrassment to the commander of U.S. forces in the Pacific, Adm. William J. Fallon, who is engaged in an ambitious military exchange program with China aimed at improving relations between the two nations' militaries.

Disclosure of the incident comes as Adm. Gary Roughead, commander of the U.S. Navy's Pacific Fleet, is making his first visit to China. The four-star admiral was scheduled to meet senior Chinese military leaders during the weeklong visit, which began over the weekend.

According to the defense officials, the Chinese Song-class diesel-powered attack submarine shadowed the Kitty Hawk undetected and surfaced within five miles of the carrier Oct. 26.

The surfaced submarine was spotted by a routine surveillance flight by one of the carrier group's planes. The Kitty Hawk battle group includes an attack submarine and anti-submarine helicopters that are charged with protecting the warships from submarine attack.

According to the officials, the submarine is equipped with Russian-made wake-homing torpedoes and anti-ship cruise missiles.

The Kitty Hawk and several other warships were deployed in ocean waters near Okinawa at the time, as part of a routine fall deployment program. The officials said Chinese submarines rarely have operated in deep water far from Chinese shores or shadowed U.S. vessels.

A Pacific Command spokesman declined to comment on the incident, saying details were classified.
Pentagon spokesmen also declined to comment.

The incident is a setback for the aggressive U.S.-China military exchange program being promoted by Adm. Fallon, who has made several visits to China in recent months in an attempt to develop closer ties.

However, critics of the program in the Pentagon say China has not reciprocated and continues to deny U.S. military visitors access to key facilities, including a Beijing command center. In contrast, Chinese military visitors have been invited to military exercises and sensitive U.S. facilities.

What is the deal with this?!  We know that China is not our friend and that they'll eventually turn into another Soviet situation (or worse).  Even so, we invite the communist Chinese into the United States to watch our military exercises, view our strategic assets, and likely view classified information that even a regular US Citizen cannot see.  How is this not treason?!

This is total crap.  Lets just help out the other team and hand over our playbook while we're at it.
In fact, we might as well outsource all of our nuclear weapons storage to mainland China!


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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #742 - Nov 13th, 2006 at 2:00pm
Well Bush probably thinks since Clinton could give away our nuclear secrets, as well as plots at Arlington National Cemetery for some Chinese who helped back him, he could do something like that too.  I also find it gross that China also owns more than a billion dollars of our debt as well.  I think that stuff SHOULD fall under National Security.  But nope...we care about investigating people who make knock off Rubix cubes!!

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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #743 - Nov 13th, 2006 at 2:24pm
China is gearing up for something huge. Their reported budget is around 35 billion dollars but they are spending somewhere around 90-120 billion. Its hard to hide that kind of spending. The Dept. of Defense is partly preparing for an eventual US-Sino war, somewhere around 2020. So all the advances in the Middle East are to make sure the US, not China, has a steady flow of oil. Iran is going to, or has, struck a deal with China for oil, so theres another reason for a bombing campaign. (Dont forget theres 2 or 3 carrier groups in the Persian Gulf right now)

Anyway, Chinas economy will eventually dwarf ours around 10 years, and at that point, they will be able to make demands such as the US does now. Plus the fact that disgruntled countries are dropping the US dollar in favor of the Euro or whoever.

So ya we will eventually be fighting them. And it will be deadly, because they are seeking to modernize their forces to a level that can counter our technology. Add that to their huge numbers, we are boned.
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"Our Constitution is designed only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate for any other."&&&&John Adams&&
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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #744 - Nov 13th, 2006 at 3:42pm
Not to mention the Chinese Defense Minister publicly stated that war with China and the US would happen in 2008, prob.  I almost wish the dems would get their wish to pull out.  Maybe we need to attack N. Korea next just to have a gateway to China.  Then on the Russia!!!  Then get those bloody penguins in the Arctic!

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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #745 - Nov 13th, 2006 at 4:01pm
Imperialism forever!

(...thinks empires rock.)
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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #746 - Nov 13th, 2006 at 11:01pm
And the rewriters of history bring you...the new tests on hisotry!

Citizenship test to focus on democracy

Mon Nov 13, 5:50 PM ET

BOSTON - In an effort to make the citizenship exam more meaningful, the federal government said Monday it will test an exam that relies less on trivia — such as asking the name of the president's house — and more on applicants' grasp of American democracy.

The new exam will be given to volunteers beginning this winter in Albany, N.Y.; Boston; Charleston, S.C.; Denver; El Paso, Texas; Kansas City, Mo.; Miami; San Antonio; Tucson, Ariz.; and Yakima, Wash.

The current test is heavy on historical facts, and includes questions about the colors of the U.S. flag and the name of the form used to apply for citizenship. The new exam will ask about the Bill of Rights and the meaning of democracy.

Boy, think if you were a person who wanted to be a citizen and study true American history.  You'd come into the test and be asked questions based on a democracy.  Too bad you studied the real thing and found out that America is, or at least was, a republic.  I know you've all heard this from me many many time and are sick of it or that it's just a trivial word.  But it makes a difference.  In a democracy, tyranny of the majority is not only a danger it's a certainty.

"The idea is not to toss up roadblocks, it's to make sure people who apply for citizenship and want to become citizens understand and adhere to the values we have as a society, the values that are part of the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights," said Shawn Saucier, spokesman for the Office of Citizenship and Immigration Services.

And how we screwed those ideas over with HR 6166 and the Patriot Act and PNAC and Operation Northwoods!

The current exam doesn't guarantee knowledge of those values, Saucier said. A person may know which state was the 49th to be added to the union, for example, but not understand voting rights, he said.

Like you have the right for your vote not to be counted under the Diabold machines.

The portion of the citizenship exam used to test basic English reading and writing skills also will be changed to include civic vocabulary words, Saucier said.

"We want them to study and look at this information not toward the eye of memorizing it for a trivia exam," he said.

During the pilot, officials hope to work out any problems with the test and refine the exam. The revised test will be given to all applicants for naturalization beginning in 2008.

Officials will test 125 new questions on 5,000 people and eventually narrow the group of questions to 100, the same number that can be asked on the current exam. To pass, immigrants must correctly answer six of 10 questions given. If they fail, they will be given the option of taking the old test.

LOL so this whole new system doesn't matter!  That's your tax dollars at work!

The changes could make the exam more difficult for some people, said America Calderon, the program manager at the Central Resource Center, a Washington, D.C., organization that offers citizenship and other programs to Latino immigrants. She guessed it also could push more people into formal classes, instead of trying to learn the information on their own.

"It's more difficult because the typical immigrant is trying to struggle with English and trying to learn the 100 questions right now," Calderon said.

Oh so that's why so many immigrants never learn English...because they just memorize.  Hmm sounds like a good system we have in place.  Well shoot why even take the test.  Just come over illegally now and just wait a few months for the blanket amnesty to take affect!

But she supports the idea, because it could push new citizens to participate in their government, a goal of her organization.

"In a way, it's good they have a path to civic participation," she said.

All U.S. citizens — not just new ones — could brush up on their civic knowledge, said Roger Clegg, president of the Center for Equal Opportunity, a conservative think tank that supports the assimilation of immigrants.

"It's also good for the people who are already here, because there will be fewer problems and fewer friction if we all understand what America is all about," he said.

(*** bless Amerika)
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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #747 - Nov 14th, 2006 at 12:44am
Two quick stories:

1) http://epw.senate.gov/fact.cfm?party=rep&id=265811

UN creating books for kids?  Isn't that just called global propaganda?  Book is PDFed on the link.

2) http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/news/news.html?in_article_id=4160...

No wonder my ancestors hated the Church of England.  Why don't we just kill ALL babies...that way they go to Heaven for certain!?  After all the Catholics closed down Limbo.

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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #748 - Nov 16th, 2006 at 11:17am
Four People Shot While Waiting for PlayStation Console, Including 27 NEWSFIRST Reporter
Updated: 1:11 AM Nov 16, 2006
Elizabeth Dorsett
People Standing In Line For Video Game Hit By BBs
Police are investigating a drive-by shooting involving people waiting in line for a video game.

Dozens of people camped out in front the Best Buy store on Nicholasville Road. They're hoping to get their hands on a Sony PlayStation 3 console. But the wait turned serious when someone drove by and fired shots at people waiting in line.

Four people were hit by the BB pellets, including 27 NEWSFIRST reporter Elizabeth Dorsett. She was interviewing someone in line at the time. None of them were seriously hurt.

Police came to the store to investigate. They're still looking for a suspect.
Lexington Police say they'll stay at the Best Buy to make sure people in line stay safe.

The PlayStation 3 goes on sale Friday morning at eight. The consoles are selling for more than $600 a piece.


If you ask me, it was probably the Nintendo Wii fanboys trying to start something with the PS3 fanboys.

(...points out the $3,000+ PS3 eBay sales.)
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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #749 - Nov 17th, 2006 at 12:21pm
Ut oh...someone's trying to ruin the Christian beliefs again with junk study!

The USA In Bible Prophecy
The Foundation on which
the Answers for Today
will come to Light!
Revised and Expanded

Author: Rev. F. E. Pitts
Commentary by E. Raymond Capt

Did Christ know of this North American Continent? ... Sure he did. Did He know this great nation would be Christian from its beginning? ... Of course he did. Is it possible that this nation, the greatest Christian super power of all time, known to Jesus Christ, was never mentioned, indicated, or foretold in the Bible?

Many Christians today have not been exposed to what our forefathers believed and understood. Whether through God's purposeful blindness or due to modern-day revisionists intense desire to rewrite our Christian American history, the fact remains, we have lost our true identity, our heritage, our Israel roots. It's time our people awakened from their sleep and learn not only their true history but also their destiny that is unfolding, even now, according to God's Divine Plan.

[/quote]This book clearly shows that America (Zion) is the land set aside by God Almighty to be the place of regathered Israel. Sermons and documents by the Founding Fathers testify to their belief that they were the Israel people of the latter days, and that the Old Testament prophecies were being fulfilled in their undertakings. It would be wise for us who are living in these last days to take a closer look at the past generations of our great nation to relearn what they knew about America's critical role in Bible prophecy. [/quote]

BAH HA HA HA HA HA!  Who knew, right?!  Here I thought Zion is where Israel is...but I guess God moved it to America and as proof he made our Founding Fathers think just like racist churches who hate fags and Mormons and Jehovah Witnesses!  I'm sorry but when the Bible says Zion...I'm not thinking Salt Lake City, and esp not any place in California!

This book presents an amazing sermon by Rev. F. E. Pitts of Nashville, Tennessee to a joint session of Congress in 1857 (four years before the Civil War) in which he named the UNITED STATES as the last great power (Stone Kingdom of Daniel 2). He offers scripture after scripture proving that America is The New Jerusaleum (Zion) spoken of by the prophets to be established before the return of Christ. Furthermore, he educates us on our responsibilities during this wondrous time in history.

Really?  Cause I remember reading Daniel 2 and the other Kingdoms before "us" were all great and subsequently evil.  Babylon being number one, Rome just before the last.  This is not a good company to be with.  Also I believe New Jerusalem will be set up by God and He will reign on Earth...ya that's in Revelation.  I wonder what these "scripture after scripture" are?  "And God said...I will reign in Zion after creating the huge walls and putting angels at the gates and no tears shall be shed" (paraphrased). *Look around* umm where are my angels?  Where are the walls?  Where is God in physical presence?  Ya...not here moron.  Try reading context instead of picking and choosing what you want to try and convince yourself we're all good and awesome people.

The last half of the book contains excerpts from Our Great Seal and Abrahamic Covenant by E. Raymond Capt, noted Christian author, archaeologist, and historian. With the advantage of living in this latter time, he is able to shed additional light on this subject not fully known by our early American ancestors.

The seals, spoken of in Daniel 12:9, are rapidly being removed by God confirming the fact that we are truly living in the last days. What a sobering responsibility we have as his "light bearing" servant people!

Really?  Cause I've seen the Antichrist?  I've seen WWIII with death and disease and famine?  When was that world wide earthquake as well?  None of this stuff has happened yet stupid.

Our pilgrim fathers
called themselves the "Seed of Abraham," "God's Servants," "Children of Jacob," "His Chosen." They built our nation upon the laws of God and the teachings of Christ, and it became the greatest nation in history!

Hmm ok...there are things such as truth and wishfulness.  If I want to be seen greater in God's eyes I would want to be from the Seeds of Abrham and Jacob, and I'm sure a lot of people today living are from those lines.  Also, aren't all believers "God's Servants" and "His Chosen"?  These are Jewish labels but Christian believers labels.  Also, are we truly the greatest nation in History?  What's the criteria?  We didn't conquer half the world like those of Caesar or Alexander the Great or Gengins Khan.  We are hated by the world now more than ever.  The only people hated more are the Jews...ooo sorry...looks like your trying to hold water in a basket with no bottom.

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