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Random Stupidity (Read 436641 times)
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Truth Is Treason, In The
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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #450 - May 8th, 2006 at 4:25pm
Now if we could only arrest and beat the 79 y/o lady who keeps putting quarters into parking meters!

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In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king. - Max Payne
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Truth Is Treason, In The
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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #451 - May 10th, 2006 at 2:39am

Ya know if people would just unite, and rich parents not give their kids $700, the price would drop so fast.  Two weeks into release and hardly any units sold and sweet crap! they will drop their prices faster than Michael Jackson drops his pants at Chucky Cheese.

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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #452 - May 10th, 2006 at 10:26am
Sony said it is taking steps to avoid the widespread shortages consumers faced last holiday with the Xbox 360.

Yeah, namely, they're making it so freakin' expensive that nobody will ever be able to afford it.  Good going, Sony.

(...thinks $600 for a console is ridiculous.)
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WWW JamesRRogers2  
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Truth Is Treason, In The
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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #453 - May 10th, 2006 at 11:13am

This story is a good example of the politics we face today.

We are so conerned with terrorism that we take average American's rights away from them.  Yet we leave both boarders wide open.  We must spy on people's library, computer, and phone habits.  Put we sell our ports to the Chinese (in CA) and try to sell the rest off to other foreign govts, esp those with terrorist ties (most of our ports ARE foreign controled).  We talk about spreading democracy throughout the world (even though we're a republic NOT a democracy), yet we want to go to war with a country who choose their ruling power through a popular vote (Iran).  We are so concerned with security for our President that we give him protetion for life, but if we say bad things about him we get a file at the FBI or a nice vist from the boys in suits and sunglasses.  Yet, WE JUST THROW AWAY THE PRESIDENT'S PLANS OF WHERE HE WILL EXACTLY BE AND WHEN...WITHOUT FORETHOUGHT!

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In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king. - Max Payne
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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #454 - May 10th, 2006 at 11:54am
They screwed up.  Big deal.  These things happen.

(...thinks Randy Hopkins will probably disappear soon.)
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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #455 - May 17th, 2006 at 12:33pm
Ahh, those crazy Muslims.  They never fail to surprise me...

Muslims join Da Vinci criticism

Audrey Tautou and Tom Hanks star in The Da Vinci Code film
Roman Catholics in the Indian city of Mumbai (Bombay) have received Muslim support in protests against the release of the movie, The Da Vinci Code.
Film censors have cleared the movie for release in India on 19 May.

An umbrella organisation of Islamic clerics in Mumbai have labelled the film as "blasphemous" because it spreads "lies" about Jesus Christ.

One Roman Catholic activist has gone on what he says is a "hunger strike until death" unless the film is banned.

'Violent protests'

"The Holy Koran recognises Jesus as a prophet. What the book says is an insult to both Christians and Muslims," Maulana Mansoor Ali Khan, general secretary of the All-India Sunni Jamiyat-ul-Ulema, told the Reuters news agency.

The Da Vinci Code has generated controversy around the world

"Muslims in India will help their Christian brothers protest this attack on our common religious belief," he said.

His stance was supported by Syed Noori, president of Mumbai-based Raza Academy, a Muslim cultural organisation that organises protests on issues concerning Islam.

"If the government doesn't do anything, we will try our own ways of stopping the film from being shown," he said. "We are prepared for violent protests in India if needed."

A Roman Catholic activist, Joseph Dias, began a hunger strike on Tuesday which he said would be continued until the film is banned.

Earlier this month hundreds of Catholic demonstrators gathered outside a convent school in Mumbai in protest over the film's release.

I will continue my fast until they ban the film
Joseph Dias, general secretary of the Catholic Secular Forum

Da Vinci Code author Dan Brown explores the premise that Jesus married Mary Magdalene and produced children, whose descendants are alive today.

The Catholic Secular Forum has described the film as "offensive" because hits "certain basic foundations of the religion".

India's Central Board of Film Certification said Tuesday it would give the movie an adult rating if the film-makers agreed to a disclaimer at the start of the movie saying it was a work of fiction.

"There is a visual of self-flagellation and limited amount of nudity in (one) particular scene," board member Vinayak Azad told the AFP news agency. "It has got adult content."

One of the three Catholic representatives of the five-member board, the Rev Myron Pereira, said that it was cleared because the contention that Christ married was "fictional".

"But it does not portray anything in an obscene fashion," he said. "People can protest about anything since we live in a democracy."

It is estimated that there are about 18m Roman Catholics in India, with 500,000 living in Mumbai. The Christian community comprises about 2% of India's population of over one billion.


(...didn't see that one coming.)
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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #456 - May 17th, 2006 at 12:56pm
The odd thing about Islam is that they regard Jesus as a great prophet without sin, who was born of a virgin mother, and yet Muhammed himself was born normally and he sinned. So... I dunno, thought that was an interesting comparison.
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"Our Constitution is designed only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate for any other."&&&&John Adams&&
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Truth Is Treason, In The
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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #457 - May 17th, 2006 at 11:57pm
That's an awesome fact Briney...have you thought about being an apolegetist?  Oh that's right...!

Also you can say, "Muslims believe what Jesus said is what we believe he said so when Jesus said 'I am the Way, the Truth, and the Light.  No one can come to the Father except through Me.'  That means he's THE ONLY WAY."  I just don't understand how Muslims could not make that last leap.  But still there are so many witnessing tools you can implement when talking with Muslims...it's awesome.

Also speaking of crazy religious people who don't represent the faith he claims to portray and should really shut the H. E. Double Hock sticks. up:

Robertson: God Says Tsunami Possible For U.S.

POSTED: 9:19 pm EDT May 17, 2006

VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. -- The Rev. Pat Robertson says God has told him that storms and possibly a tsunami will hit America's coastline this year.

The founder of the Christian Broadcasting Network has told viewers of "The 700 Club" that the revelations came to him during his annual personal prayer retreat in January.

"If I heard the Lord right about 2006, the coasts of America will be lashed by storms," Robertson said May 8.

He added specifics in Wednesday's show.

"There well may be something as bad as a tsunami in the Pacific Northwest," he said.

Robertson has come under intense criticism in recent months for suggesting that U.S. agents should assassinate Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez and that Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's stroke was divine retribution for Israel's pullout from the Gaza Strip.

Shhhh....you're talking stupid!

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In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king. - Max Payne
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Holy Xenu!

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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #458 - May 18th, 2006 at 12:25am
Wow, he is officially a Grade-A crazy person.
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"Our Constitution is designed only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate for any other."&&&&John Adams&&
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GeekCrew Hax0r

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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #459 - May 18th, 2006 at 12:58am
he says these things hours or a few days after a national news report about the potential of 3 major hurricanes hitting the US this summer.

suprise, suprise

  (..is not won over by the idea of fear)
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“To say I’m an overrated troll, when you have never even seen me guard a bridge, is patently unfair.”
― Tina Fey, Bossypants
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Holy Xenu!

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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #460 - May 18th, 2006 at 1:04am
..is not won over by the idea of fear

I wish the rest of the United States had that philosophy, but apparently everyone is so concerned with when the next terror attack, or weather storm, or alien invasion will be, they ignore whats really going on.
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"Our Constitution is designed only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate for any other."&&&&John Adams&&
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GeekCrew Hax0r

Winter is Coming. Giggity.

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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #461 - May 18th, 2006 at 1:21am
the truth is so obscured by everything that it will never be truth.

whats really going on will never be known.
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“To say I’m an overrated troll, when you have never even seen me guard a bridge, is patently unfair.”
― Tina Fey, Bossypants
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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #462 - May 18th, 2006 at 8:31am
Meh.  Moral relativism is for hippies.

(...passes the Shredded Wheat.)
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WWW JamesRRogers2  
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Truth Is Treason, In The
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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #463 - May 18th, 2006 at 10:27am

Student Faces Criminal Charges For Teacher Jokes

POSTED: 10:59 am EDT May 16, 2006
UPDATED: 11:37 am EDT May 16, 2006

HENRY COUNTY, Ga. -- A Henry County high school student is facing criminal charges after posting comments about his teacher on the Web site, MySpace.com, reported WSB-TV in Atlanta.

The teacher has filed defamation of character charges against the student, Alex Davis, 15.

Eagle’s Landing High School science teacher Robert Muzzillo pursued the charges against Davis after noticing a profile with his name attached on MySpace.com.

The profile talked about Muzzillo liking Michael Jackson and having a "gay old time," like the Fred Flintstone song.

Davis said he only wrote that Muzzillo lost an eye wrestling with alligators and midgets. The teen said it was just a prank and meant as a joke.

When the school found out that Davis was involved, he received three days in-school suspension. Then he learned the teacher had filed charges against him.

"I have finals coming up and I have to study and instead I have to go to court," Davis said.

Davis' father said the charges are a waste of the court's time.

"This has all gotten kinda bizarre," Andy Davis said.

The Davis' have hired attorney Lee Sexton to handle the case.

"It's just silly stuff about a teacher they were just joking about. It's gotten way out of hand," Sexton said.

Davis said he apologized and said he was only having fun and never threatened anyone.

"You can say whatever you want but it can get you in trouble," he said.

Davis is scheduled to head to court next Tuesday. His attorney said the criminal defamation of character charge is unconstitutional.

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In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king. - Max Payne
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Battle Creek, Michigan
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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #464 - May 18th, 2006 at 4:15pm
Somebody needs to give that teacher an atomic wedgie.

(...will probably get sued now.)
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