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Random Stupidity (Read 436616 times)
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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #1905 - Sep 21st, 2009 at 8:56pm
   Text of report by Gazprom-owned, editorially independent Russian radio station Ekho Moskvy on 21 September

   [Presenter] Russia's largest small arms manufacturer, the Izhevsk Mechanical Works [Izhmash], could be declared bankrupt. It became know today that a corresponding petition has been received by the arbitration court of [the Republic of] Udmurtia from the enterprise.
   Aleksey Gusarov reports.

   [Correspondent] The Izhmash concern, considered to be the pride of the Russian defence industry, could become unprofitable. The arbitration court of Udmurtia will now study the financial documentation of the joint-stock company. If the results of the court examination recognize the bankruptcy petition as justified, the concern's restructure will begin. Bankruptcy proceedings, should they happen, will help Izhmash rid itself of debt burdens. Moreover, experts do not rule out that a new wave of unemployment will sweep over Udmurtia in this case.

   I would like to recall that earlier, production came to a halt at the Molot plant [Vyatskiye Polyany Machine Building Plant Molot] in Kirov Region, a part of the Izhmash concern. This largest Kalashnikov assault rifle manufacturer now stands idle. No state order means no money to pay employees, nor to repay debts to creditors.

   [Presenter] It is expected that Udmurtia's arbitration court will hold a preliminary examination of the Izhmash case on 7 October.

AK maker could be goin Bankrupt...
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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #1906 - Sep 23rd, 2009 at 6:36pm
Swedish military bras burst, melt during 'rigorous exercise'

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Young female conscripts forced to strip hastily

By Lewis Page • Get more from this author

Posted in Bootnotes, 23rd September 2009 08:46 GMT

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The Swedish armed forces have been hit by a major equipment problem, according to reports. Flimsy military brassieres are unable to stand up to the strains imposed when female Swedish troops perform "rigorous exercises", routinely bursting open or even catching fire - so forcing busty young conscripts to hurriedly strip off in the field.

The revelations come courtesy of the Gothenburg Post and English-language Swedish journal The Local. The Post reported yesterday on concerns raised by the Swedish Conscription Council, an organisation concerned with the rights of conscript troops in the Swedish forces.

Council spokesperson Paulina Rehbinder told The Local that government-issue military brassieres supplied to young female soldiers have long been unfit for combat.

According to the paper:

The women complained that the bras’ fasteners have a tendency to come undone when the women performed rigorous exercise, forcing the female soldiers to take off all of their equipment in order to refasten the brassieres.

The Post apparently brought the related bosom-combustion issue to light, noting that bras can catch fire during combat and then "melt onto conscripts’ skin".

“Our opinion is that the Swedish Armed Forces should have ordered good, flame-proof underwear,” Rehbinder said.

“There should be suitable apparel for women.”

Rehbinder reportedly added that the problems have persisted for twenty years, with generations of young Swedish womens' tophamper routinely breaking free of confinement to oscillate wildly during army PT sessions and field exercises - presumably often followed by impromptu stripteases as the more jubtabulously fortunate female troops sought to re-fasten their flimsy government lingerie.

The problems would apparently be easy to sort out. Unaccountably, however, it appears that the male-dominated Swedish military hierarchy has failed to act.

Rehbinder reportedly - though perhaps mistakenly - believes that change is on the horizon. She told The Local that 2,000 new young female recruits are to enter the Swedish forces next year, and that top brass had been informed of this recently.

"That got them moving,” she said. ®


(...God bless Sweden.)
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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #1907 - Oct 15th, 2009 at 10:17am
Ark. officer forced to use stun gun on brother
(AP) – 17 hours ago

CONWAY, Ark. — Authorities said a Vilonia police officer involved in a fracas at a private club in Conway has been taken into custody only after he was Tasered by his own brother, who is a Conway officer. Vilonia officer Jeremy Smith, 32, faces charges of disorderly conduct and public intoxication.

Conway police reports say that when Conway officer Lloyd Smith arrived on the scene after midnight Wednesday morning, he found his brother Jeremy resisting arrest by another officer.

Lloyd Smith wrote in his report that when his brother continued to "raise his fists as if he was ready to fight, I pointed my Taser at Jeremy and pled with him, 'please don't make me Tase you.'"

But Jeremy Smith continued to be uncooperative, according to reports from all three officers on the scene, and was Tasered by his brother, handcuffed and taken to the Faulkner County Jail for 12-hour detox.

This brings a whole new meaning to the phrase, "Don't tase me, bro!"

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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #1908 - Oct 16th, 2009 at 1:12pm
Dad charged with groping nurse during childbirth
(AP) – 15 hours ago

OGDEN, Utah — Authorities say a Utah man accused of groping a nurse who was helping a woman giving birth to his child has been charged with forcible sexual abuse.

Adam Jay Manning was charged with the second-degree felony Tuesday.

Police have said the 30-year-old brought a pregnant woman Friday to a hospital in Ogden, about 40 miles north of Salt Lake City. A nurse came to help the woman, and Manning allegedly made a comment about how cute she was.

Ogden Police Lt. Loring Draper has said Manning then told the nurse something looked wrong with her neck and attempted to massage it before grabbing her breast.

Manning was arrested and missed the birth of the child.

A message left by The Associated Press for Manning's court-appointed attorney was not immediately returned Thursday.

This guy rocks.  He gets my nomination for Father of the Year.

(...talk about ballsy dumb!)
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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #1909 - Oct 18th, 2009 at 2:14pm
Just in case you were wondering where the next Olympics was going to be held, here's a video showing a police helicopter being shot down in Brazil during a conflict between drug gangs.

It's on LiveLeak, which may contain NSFW ads.


(...probably no worse than Chicago, though.)
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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #1910 - Oct 27th, 2009 at 5:49pm
Awesome post from Craigslist:

So this might seem strange and really offensive to some but hopefully someone will reply. I have always loved the scene in Empire Strikes Back where Chewbacca has to carry around a half reconstructed C3PO in a backpack because he hasn't reattached his lower body yet. For Halloween I would love to dress up like this. I am big enough and strong enough to both pull off the Chewbacca look and to carry around a lot of weight for the night. So basically I am looking for a double amputee (somebody missing both legs - preferably at the hip) to accompany me as C3PO for the evening. We should probably meet ahead of time so that we can work out the backpack/harness system. There are a few parties that I want to hit and I think we will be the hit of any event we attend. Anyone up for this?

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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #1911 - Oct 28th, 2009 at 3:00pm
Wow I hope that guy ends up meeting Mr. Cereal Killer
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In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king. - Max Payne
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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #1912 - Oct 29th, 2009 at 12:58am

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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #1913 - Oct 29th, 2009 at 6:13am
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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #1914 - Oct 30th, 2009 at 8:06am
Police: Fla. man stole ferret by hiding it in pants
Suspect faces theft, battery charges for dangerously wielding the animal

JACKSONVILLE BEACH, Fla. - It's one thing for shoplifters to hide plunder in their pants. But a live ferret?

Police say a homeless man in north Florida did just that. And he made it out the door before being challenged.

Thirty-eight-year-old Rodney Bolton is charged with theft over the $129 animal that police say he took from a pet store in Jacksonville Beach.

A 17-year-old witness confronted Bolton in the parking lot and was bitten by the animal after the man allegedly shoved it in the teen's face.

That confrontation makes the ferret a "special weapon" under Florida law. So Bolton also faces battery charges for dangerously wielding the animal.

Calls to the Jacksonville Sheriff's Department to see if Bolton has a lawyer were not answered early Thursday.

Maybe it's just me, but stuffing a ferret in your pants seems like a bad idea.  Those things bite hard.

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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #1915 - Nov 10th, 2009 at 5:25pm

This 640-pound concrete elk statue lies on its side in the backyard of Mark and Carol Brye’s home in rural Viroqua. The dead buck lies about 20 feet away.

A love-struck buck ran out of luck a week ago. The seven-point buck was killed when it rammed a 640-pound concrete statue of an elk in the backyard of Mark and Carol Brye's home in rural Viroqua.

Bucks often fight during the breeding season, commonly called the rut. Dominant bucks defend breeding territories and female deer by sparring with subordinate bucks. Antler battles sometimes result in the death of one or both deer, but usually end with the biggest buck winning and the smaller buck high-tailing it out to another area.

Mark Brye, who owns Brye Plumbing in Viroqua, was still laughing about the suicidal buck he found near his elk statue last week.

Brye said his morning ritual is to rise early and look out at the life-like statue about 40 yards from his home.

"Our son and daughter gave it to us for Christmas four years ago because we like to hunt elk," Brye said. "The elk is a nice thing to see every morning. It looks pretty cool, especially on a foggy morning."

Brye said he knew exactly what happened when he saw the statue tipped over. Although they were about the same height, the statue weighed at least three times more than the 180-pound deer.

He didn't realize the buck lay dead a short distance away.

"I could tell the buck poked the statue a couple of times by the chipped paint on it," Brye said, adding that the buck eventually rammed it like a mountain goat.

The buck apparently staggered about 20 feet and fell.

Brye claimed the buck with a tag from the Vernon County conservation warden. He laughed at the warden's tag note: "lawn ornament fight - lost."

Brye said the deer shattered its skull. The antlers were still on its head but were dangling.

"The statue is OK, but the antlers broke off when it tipped over," Brye said. "One side of the antlers is in one piece, but the other side is in five pieces."

Brye, 58, is considering removing the antlers from the unlucky buck and gluing them on the elk statue as a remembrance of the strange but true story.

The deer is butchered and in Brye's freezer. The elk remains on its side.

"I can't tip it back up until I get a whole bunch of guys to help me," he said.
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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #1916 - Nov 13th, 2009 at 8:50am
Man blames cat for child pornography found on his computer

What is it with cats and keyboards?

A Florida man accused of downloading child pornography is blaming his cat's erratic keyboard mashing for the crime.

Keith Griffin was charged Wednesday with 10 counts of possession of child pornography after detectives found more than 1,000 images on his computer, the Associated Press reports.  But Griffin alleges he had no knowledge of the illicit images and says his cat was behind the downloads.

Griffin told investigators that his cat had a habit of sitting on his computer's keyboard.  He said that on several occasions he came back to his computer to find that strange material had been downloaded.  Police didn't buy Griffin's story and he is currently being held in the Martin County Jail. The cat reportedly is being cared for by a family friend.

Maybe Griffin should consider investing in some anti-kitty computer software.  PawSense claims to be able to recognize and prevent cat typing.

That might be the worst excuse I've ever heard.  I guess I shouldn't expect much more out of a guy that downloads kiddy porn.

(...go, go, California!)
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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #1917 - Nov 13th, 2009 at 11:54am
So he goes to jail while that evil porn downloading cat goes free?!

Play the race card!
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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #1918 - Nov 19th, 2009 at 5:56pm
Sold! Pontiac Silverdome Goes for $583,000

Last month, it was announced the Pontiac Silverdome would be auctioned off. The auction happened and the winning bid was… drum roll, please… $583,000.


Right, not a typo folks — $583,000 for an 80,31-seat sports arena, on 127 acres in Detroit Pontiac! According to the Detroit Free Press, the winning bidder is someone from Toronto who has plans for an indoor soccer team.

The clincher of this story?

In 2005, suburban developers offered nearly $20 million for the Silverdome, but the deal fell apart as the city delayed taking the offer. And last year, a $17.5-million plan to turn it into a horse racetrack, hotel and conference center also fell through.

Too bad Detroit’s city execs failed to remember the mantra about the first offer being the best offer.

More stupidity from the cess pit of Michigan.  I have come to expect no less!

(...would give $2.50 for it.)
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WWW JamesRRogers2  
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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #1919 - Nov 19th, 2009 at 8:42pm
nope, the guy i did the video for... slapped an injunction on the sale and a judge approved it, so for now the sale is halted. he was the one going to buy it for 17 mill and was still going through inspections and whatnot. the city got impatient and just held an auction to get rid of the building cause it costs 1.5 mill a year to maintain.



heres the concept i did for the racetrack/hotel version:

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