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Random Stupidity (Read 436805 times)
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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #1890 - Jul 5th, 2009 at 8:44pm
Living with First Person Shooter's Disease

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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #1891 - Jul 20th, 2009 at 9:52am
Lawsuit alleges Apple helped Mafia to send threats via iPod

There's no shortage of conspiracy theories, but rarely do we see one that involves the police, the FBI, the DOJ, an auto repair shop, a private investigator, and Apple all conspiring with the Mafia to harass one individual.

Apple's $30 billion cash hoard makes it a popular target for lawsuits, especially from patent trolls and numerous class action groups alleging various product flaws. But every once is a while, Apple is named in a lawsuit that defies all logic. Such a case was recently filed in Missouri Eastern District Court, which alleges that Apple aided and abetted the Mafia to transmit death threats directly to Gregory McKenna's iPod mini.

The case is hardly bizarre for the blame that McKenna lays at Apple's feet. Try to follow me here: McKenna worked briefly for a modeling agency in New York, which he claims is a front run by the Mob. After McKenna stopped getting paid, he quit and moved back home to St. Louis in 2000. Alleged Mafia members showed up at a St Louis nightclub to threaten McKenna to return to work for them, both as a model and a homosexual sex slave. These Mafia members then proceeded to "stalk, harass, threaten, extort, attempt rape, and kidnap" McKenna.

Naturally, McKenna called the cops. However, he says the St Louis Police Department repeatedly ignored his pleas for help. When the STLPD wouldn't listen to him, he called the FBI. When they wouldn't listen to him, he called the Department of Justice—they wouldn't listen to him either. All three are named as defendants in the case since their complacency aided the Mafia in its supposed campaign to ruin McKenna's life.

McKenna is also convinced that the Mob has his home and car bugged, and named both a auto repair shop and a private investigator that he hired to find the bugs as aiding the Mafia in its nine-year quest to harass McKenna. And here's where Apple's alleged culpability comes into play—McKenna says Apple adds illegal receivers to its iPods to allow the Mafia to send clear, audible death threats through the portable media player.

McKenna claims that an iPod shuffle he bought in 2005 via eBay and an iPod mini that he claims he bought in 2006 new from an Apple Store (note that the mini was discontinued eight months before he bought it) both contain illegal receivers that Apple built in the devices, ostensibly at the request of the Mob. He claims in his lengthy, 124-page complaint that, in 2008, he was able to record Mafia members sending death threats to his iPod mini stating, "I'm about to kill him," in "unison" with a song he was listening to.

The complaint is so bizarre, so elaborate, I'm not sure whether to laugh at its absurdity or feel sorry for McKenna, who is representing himself in the lawsuit. However, here in Orbiting HQ we think this may top a lawsuit last year claiming Steve Jobs and Apple conspired with South Carolina correction officer to sexually harass an inmate with a prolific history of filing "creative" lawsuits.

McKenna is demanding $14.3 million in total damages from all ten named defendants, including $550,000 per year in lost wages that are the direct result of the elaborate conspiracy against him, and a variety of compensatory and punitive damages.

I wonder how many black helicopters are circling this guy's house right now?

(...best article ever!)
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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #1892 - Jul 20th, 2009 at 10:16am
Wow.....I always knew Apple was evil...but working for...auto repair shops?!  How low can you go Steve Jobs?  How low?!

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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #1893 - Jul 26th, 2009 at 12:25pm
Is Avon selling the T-Virus?!



(...is preparing his bunker.)
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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #1894 - Aug 3rd, 2009 at 9:23pm

Meredith and I went to the Star Trek Experience exhibit in Detroit last weekend with a friend of ours.  You can visit the some of the real sets from several of the series, plus see all kinds of cool props, artwork, and costumes.  Best of all, you can still see the new Star Trek film in IMAX!

I tried pulling off the "I can't hear you over the sound of how awesome I am" pose while sitting on the bridge of the NCC-1701A, but I'm not sure it really worked. 


The exhibit is in town until September, so make sure you take the opportunity to see it while you can!

(...is cooler than all of you.)
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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #1895 - Aug 12th, 2009 at 8:39pm
Some guy posted this rant on AR15.com, and it was simply too funny to not share with you guys.  Enjoy!

In Star Trek, not only do we get nigh-magical technology, but we get technobabble to explain how it works and none of it makes any fucking sense. "We have a container of photonic energy". Wait- you have a jar of light? Can you catch lightning in a bottle too? "Tripolymer plasma"? Look up the definition for polymer. Then try to explain how you can have a highly ionized gas (plasma) that is also a fucking polymer. Impossible. "50 isoton yield"? That means your torpedo has a yield of 50 tons. Iso means "equal to" or "the same as". They keep inventing new trans-uranic stable elements. There's a reason the table of elements only goes so high- anything after that decomposes or annihilates itself almost the moment it's formed! It makes as much sense as discovering that there's another planet in the earth's orbit, it's just always on the opposite side of the sun from us. Impossible.

In Star Wars, the only instances of bad engineering are the exhaust port on the Death Star (which was immune to energy weapons, couldn't be shielded against torpedoes because that would trap the heat inside, and the rebels only knew about because they had the fucking blueprints for the thing.) and the lack of guard rails on a lot of high spaces.

In Star Trek, we rarely see GOOD engineering. Their warp core is always on the verge of exploding whenever anything goes wrong. Their computer has a virus? The warp core is about to explode! Some alien shot a completely unrelated part of the ship? The warp core is about to explode! A 19th century fictional character on the holodeck has gained sentience? The warp core is about to explode! And their safety systems to shut it down never work. The Enterprise-D tried repeatedly to eject the warp core and the system failed every. Single. Time. On Voyager, they had to eject the warp core every other episode. Smart engineers would have designed the warp core so it barely had enough matter-antimatter to sustain the reaction rather than filling it with so much that it'll explode any time you sneeze or poke it with a stick. Smart engineers would have had an active restraint system, meaning you have to actively prevent the warp core from ejecting. The moment a failure in the system occurs, the warp core gets chucked out of the ship so it can explode at a safe distance. A shot to one part of the ship will completely disable the shields, weapons, sensors, or engines, even if the part of the ship that got shot doesn't HAVE any of those located there. Haven't these clowns ever heard of decentralization? Exploding bridge consoles? Why does shooting the ship on deck 91, aft cause a console on deck 1, forward to explode with enough force to bodily hurl a crewman across the bridge? What's in them that's exploding, anyway? That's fucking stupid.

(...so true, but I still love Star Trek!)
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Wootzor von Leetenhaxor
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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #1896 - Aug 12th, 2009 at 10:37pm
I think this guy needs to take a step back and realize its a fucking television show? =p

I mean how boring would Star Trek be if nothing exploded or went wrong? Shit dude....
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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #1897 - Aug 13th, 2009 at 8:24am
Well I think the guy has a valid point about just how much techno babel there was.  I mean, Star Trek's audience are those who have a higher mind set for the sciences (that's not counting the "ooo pretty Star Trek XI" *spits*.  You have other series hire science guys to develop or explain if something is at least remotely possible.  I think the guy fails at one main aspect in his story.

They keep inventing new trans-uranic stable elements. There's a reason the table of elements only goes so high- anything after that decomposes or annihilates itself almost the moment it's formed!

I think you suspend enough disbelief because Star Trek says that someday we COULD capture these, or maybe even create them, so I don't think this outside the realm of thought.  It's the question of, what could we do if we COULD capture/create these really cool elements?

Finally, the reason why Quote:
On Voyager, they had to eject the warp core every other episode
was because Janeway violated the Prime Directive in every flippin' episode, even though the whole first season was her struggling with whether or not to carry out Federation principles in the Delta Quadrant.  On top of that, the reason why she would jump to the conclusion to just detonate their only real way to get home was because she was an uptight woman who panicked at the first sign of trouble and couldn't do a job she took away from a better woman or even a less than competent man.  I mean, she did have to make it with a hologram that took over her ship after he realized he was created.

(/ducks from every woman in the world trying to smack him)
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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #1898 - Aug 15th, 2009 at 3:10am
This is absolutely the coolest picture collection I've seen in a long time.  Life Magazine somehow managed to assemble a big collection of full-color images from Nazi Germany.  I've seen a lot of color images from World War II, but never anything with this level of detail, clarity, and breadth of colors.

The pictures themselves are also really interesting.  There are lots of shots of Hitler and the other Nazi elite during ceremonial functions or just relaxing in one another's company.  Check it out!


(...looked through 'em several times.)
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Wootzor von Leetenhaxor
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Grand High Overlard

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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #1899 - Aug 15th, 2009 at 12:02pm
Wow those are amazing shots.

Thanks for sharing that b0b.
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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #1900 - Aug 15th, 2009 at 4:10pm
hitler schmoozing with the blond girl (his wife?) in the dining room (pic 152) was an especially good shot artistically and a reminder that we have personified him as evil, he was still just a dude.... a really messed up dude.
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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #1901 - Aug 16th, 2009 at 7:48pm
This is totally random, but I thought I'd share.  While researching a paper on family violence, I looked up the unemployment rate for Michigan.  For June of 2009, we're at 15.2% (and that's the "official" number).  The next nearest state, surprisingly enough, is Rhode Island at 12.4%.

Will the last one out of Michigan please turn off the lights?

(...and here's the link.)
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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #1902 - Sep 1st, 2009 at 9:08pm
John Rambo's officially readying for a fifth mission

Nu Image/Millennium Films has greenlit the franchise's fifth installment, with Sylvester Stallone starring and directing, repeating his duties from 2008's "Rambo."

The upcoming project's storyline revolves around Rambo fighting his way through human traffickers and drug lords to rescue a young girl abducted near the U.S.-Mexico border. Production will start in the spring.

The film will be produced by Avi Lerner, Kevin King Templeton and John Thompson. Danny Dimbort, Trevor Short and Boaz Davidson will exec produce.

Stallone had indicated in interviews that a fifth Rambo was in the works. He teamed with Nu Image/Millennium on the 2008 project, which grossed $42 million domestically and $113 million overseas.

Nu Image/Millennium is in post-production on "Expendables," starring Stallone, Jason Statham, Jet Li and Mickey Rourke. The actioner's set for release on April 23 through Lionsgate.

Rambo first appeared in the 1982 pic "First Blood," followed in 1985 by "First Blood II" and in 1988 by "Rambo III."

I love Rambo as much as the next guy, but dang... it's time to hang up the M60.

(...slip into that sweet embrace!)
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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #1903 - Sep 19th, 2009 at 10:48pm

I would be outraged if it wasn't for the fact that the majority of this city voted this "woman", who is a complete and utter idiot who acts like an 8 year old girl, in office.

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In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king. - Max Payne
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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #1904 - Sep 20th, 2009 at 9:58am
I sincerely hope that woman's term in office is nearly over, and the next person in office overturns that stupid memo before somebody gets hurt.

How the heck does somebody like that get elected anyway?

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