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Random Stupidity (Read 436738 times)
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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #1260 - Nov 7th, 2007 at 2:33pm
(11-07) 10:05 PST SAN FRANCISCO - A container ship struck a tower of the west span of the Bay Bridge this morning, but Coast Guard officials said the incident was not serious enough to close the bridge at this time.

Petty Officer Third Class Michael Anderson said it was not yet clear whether there was any serious damage to the bridge tower or to the container ship.

A witness on a boat said the ship struck the second tower west of Yerba Buena Island. The Coast Guard could not immediately confirm that.

San Francisco fire officials said the city's fireboat was dispatched to see if it could help out, but the Coast Guard said it was not needed at the scene.


That will buff right out.

(...or maybe not.)
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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #1261 - Nov 8th, 2007 at 11:27am
Stripper Mistakenly Sent to School, Whips Teen
Thursday, November 08, 2007

Officials at a U.K. high school were aghast after a stripper visited a student during class and whipped him in front of other students and a horrified teacher, Sky News reported Thursday.

A booking error is to blame after a mother arranged to send a "gorilla gram" to her son on his 16th birthday, an arrangement she cleared with Nottingham's Arnold Hill School and Technology College. Instead, the agency sent a stripper clad in a policewoman costume, Sky reported.

After whipping the teen, the stripper placed a collar around his neck and led him around the classroom with a leash, telling him he had been a "bad boy" for not doing his homework. She then put on a Britney Spears tune and stripped for the shocked class, witnesses told Sky.

The police were not called and no one was suspended from the school in the incident, and officials said they were investigating.

That's a new twist on the ol' "luckiest boy in the world" article.

(...policewoman, eh?)
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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #1262 - Nov 8th, 2007 at 11:32am
All that happened and no one stopped it, even when stripping occured?!! I'll go ahead and assume "horrified teacher" meant "intrigued teacher"
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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #1263 - Nov 8th, 2007 at 11:43am
Yeah, there is definitely something wrong with that picture.

(...wonders if the teacher was male or female?)
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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #1264 - Nov 8th, 2007 at 12:52pm
That was almost JUST like a movie I downloaded, she was a strick policewoman and ....   oops too much info!
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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #1265 - Nov 8th, 2007 at 1:23pm
Ahh, I see you're also a fan of Cops and Gangbangers 9.

(...thinks Spanky has good taste.)
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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #1266 - Nov 8th, 2007 at 1:33pm
I think 9 got away from the storyline.  I mean, I think we can all agree that while 1-4 were not the best movies out of them, they did set up the rest to be able to achieve greatness.  I'm pretty sure we can agree that 7 is by far the best although many people argue that 11 is just as close.  It's a wonderful series with a great story line.  I watch it with my kids...after all...because of those movies...that's how they came about...IF YA KNOW WHAT I MEAN!  *hint hint nudge nudge know what I'm sayin' know what I'm sayin*

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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #1267 - Nov 8th, 2007 at 3:34pm
This is John Hagee claiming that Jesus was NOT the Messiah.


2Pe 2:1  But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.

Billy Graham has also made similar claims as well as claims that Jesus isn't the only way.  I know these two guys have done some good work for the church.  However, it doesn't matter how much good work you do but who you say Jesus Christ is.

Oh and "Pastor" Hagee maybe you should read your Bible from time to time:

Mat 16:13  When Jesus came into the coasts of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, saying, Whom do men say that I the Son of man am?
Mat 16:14  And they said, Some say that thou art John the Baptist: some, Elijah; and others, Jeremiah, or one of the prophets.
Mat 16:15  He saith unto them, But whom say ye that I am?
Mat 16:16  And Simon Peter answered and said,
Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.

Mat 16:17  And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Bar-jona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven.

"Christ" in Greek means annointed one.  However if you're going to refer to Jewish people you'd want to know what "annointed one" means in Hebrew.  It means "Messiah".  Smiley  It's, like, so amazing what you can do with a simple Bible!

(Thought this belonged in the appropriate thread)
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« Last Edit: Nov 9th, 2007 at 12:24am by X »  

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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #1268 - Nov 9th, 2007 at 9:10am
In Australia...Yes...means NO!

Law 'turns boys into rapists'
Article from: The Daily Telegraph

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By Janet Fife-Yeomans

November 09, 2007 01:39pm

TOUGH new rape laws which make it clear being drunk does not constitute consent have been condemned by barristers, who insist: "It will turn our sons into criminals."

The NSW Bar Associations reckons the "No means no" law goes too far and will lobby Upper House members to vote against it when it is up for debate next week.

The law will define the meaning of consent for the first time, making it clear that being drunk or under the influence of drugs does not mean consent has been given.

It will also introduce an "objective fault test", meaning a man can no longer use the defence that he thought he had consent if the circumstances appear unreasonable.

"It will turn our sons into criminals," new Bar Association president Anna Katzmann SC said yesterday.

"For years women have been insisting 'No' means 'No'.  What troubles us about this new legislation is that it introduces a new regime where 'Yes' may mean 'No'."

Ms Katzmann gave the example of a woman on a first date who might not want to have sex but after both she and the man had drunk too much said "Yes".

The next day she feels guilty and tells her mother, who goes to the police.

"That would be rape under the new laws," Ms Katzmann said. "The fact that he was drunk cannot be taken into account. The fact that she was drunk is no excuse for him.

Chair of the Bar Association's criminal law committee Stephen Odgers SC said the law made sexual assault a crime of negligence.

"The stupid, the negligent, the intoxicated, the crazy will be treated as if they are the same as the true rapist, who knows there is no consent to sexual intercourse," Mr Odgers said.

Opposition attorney general, former Crown prosecutor Greg Smith, said the Attorney-General John Hatzistergos needed to spell out the law better.

Mr Hatzistergos said the introduction of an objective fault test was canvassed during the State Government's exhaustive consultation process and had wide support, including police and the Rape Crisis Centre.

"Although Mr Odgers might like to draw a distinction between the stupid or drunk rapist and normal rapists, for rape victims they're categories that don't matter," he said.

"If a person is drunk it does not automatically mean that consent can't be given. What it means is that the onus is on the other person, usually a man, to show he had reasonable grounds to believe the woman had consented.

"It's difficult to take the Bar Association seriously on this matter when, in their own submission, they concluded that just because a woman was asleep or unconscious (it) doesn't negate consent."

Earlier this year The Daily Telegraph launched the Justice For Women Now campaign to give sexual assault victims equal justice and to encourage more women to report assaults.

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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #1269 - Nov 9th, 2007 at 11:11am
That is fucked up.  That would be a great morning starter.  Hey officer, yeah I went to that party and brought that girl home, what do you mean rape? I was drunk to, what do you mean too bad.

Rape is bad.  It is forcing yourself pysically on a woman(I am sorry this whole verbally raped me thing is also bullshit).  Going out to a random party, drinking, finding someone that drinking made look good and going home and doing the dirty (which you may see as bad) is NOT rape.
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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #1270 - Nov 9th, 2007 at 11:15am
This is such a sexist law.  If I go out to a party and get wasted and some girl (who is also drunk) takes me home, why doesn't she get busted?

"Gender equality" my butt.

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WWW JamesRRogers2  
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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #1271 - Nov 9th, 2007 at 11:32am
there are some cases where girls cry rape on random guys and they go to prison. then we find out later she lied, and now that guy's reputation is ruined. That is super lame.
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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #1272 - Nov 9th, 2007 at 11:34am
Because you can't rape the willing?

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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #1273 - Nov 9th, 2007 at 11:57am
X wrote on Nov 9th, 2007 at 11:34am:
Because you can't rape the willing?

That should be the TRHS student motto.

(...wonders what the mascot would be?)
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Re: Random Stupidity
Reply #1274 - Nov 14th, 2007 at 9:33am

Saudi Prince Buying 'Flying Palace' Jet for More Than $320 Million
Tuesday , November 13, 2007

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates —
In the annals of excess, it could be a new high: a more than $300 million dollar, super-sized luxury airplane, bought and outfitted solely for the private comfort of a Saudi Arabian billionaire.

Once done, the Airbus A380, the world's biggest passenger plane, will be a "flying palace" for Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, the manufacturer announced Monday.

Airbus SAS would not give a specific price tag for the VIP double- decker jet, with its football field-length wings, saying only that it would cost more than the aircraft's list price of $320 million.

That doesn't even include the money the prince will spend to custom fit the nearly 6,000-square foot plane to include whatever he wants. The options include private bedrooms, a movie theater or even a gym with a jacuzzi. He'll also need a flight crew of about 15 to operate the luxury liner.

"Prince Alwaleed is the first, and so far the only customer of this aircraft," said David Velupillai, the spokesman of the Airbus, which announced the luxury order at the Dubai International Airshow.

It's all just spending cash for bin Talal—Citigroup Inc.'s biggest individual shareholder and the world's 13th richest person with assets around $20 billion.

As a member of the Saudi royal family, he benefits from the country's vast oil wealth. But much of bin Talal's huge fortune comes from his investment firm, the $25-billion Kingdom Holding Co., which has stakes in Rupert Murdoch's News Corp., Fairmont Raffles Hotels International Inc., Time Warner Inc., Apple Inc., PepsiCo Inc., Walt Disney Co. to name a few major corporations.

The prince, who is in his early 50s, appears to have a taste for super-sized jumbo jets. He already is the only private owner of a Boeing 747-400, Airbus said.

"It's like buying a new car or a new TV," Velupillai told The Associated Press. "One wants something bigger and better."

Airbus would not release many details about bin Talal's VIP A380, which dwarfs the 747—formerly the world's most spacious plane. Staff who answered the phone at bin Talal's office on Monday in Saudi Arabia said he was unavailable to comment.

The commercial A380, which made its maiden voyage with Singapore Airlines last month, is as tall as a seven-story building with each wing big enough to hold 70 cars. It is capable of carrying 853 passengers in an all-economy class configuration.

Take out the seats, and the plane can be transformed into a flying mansion.

Germany's Lufthansa Technik, which declined to comment Monday on bin Talal's purchase, has created a general rendering of what a VIP A380 jumbo could include: spacious bedrooms on the plane's upper deck, separated by a reception area and a bar next to central stairway. The master bedroom could include an office, private dinning room, a gym featuring a steam bath and exercise machines.

The lower decks could feature a lounge-type quarters equipped with a conference area and dining room. A third level, normally used for cargo, could be transformed into another passenger space or cinema.

This type of custom design does not come cheap. Experts say it could rack the price up by another $50 million to $150 million.

Purchases of private airliners has mushroomed in recent years, but most orders are in the category of a Learjet or Gulfstream—small and cheap at $2 million to $5 million in comparison to the A380, said David Bain, editor of a British-based online wealth analysis service, wealth-bulletin.com.

"It seems the Saudis really like these huge planes, and they have the money to do it," said Bain, who believes about a dozen other individuals own commercial jets. "Very few people buy commercial planes. It's a bit over the top."

But he and Airbus expect that number to grow. The airline company said it expects at least six other A380 VIP jets to be sold to clients in the Middle East, and Central and South Asia.

"The amount of billionaires has sky rocketed in recent years, and the really rich ones are looking to buy a commercial airline rather than a Learjet," Bain said.

Heh, they said annal.

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