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Interesting News Article Thread (Read 702243 times)
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Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Reply #780 - Aug 30th, 2007 at 3:39pm
PDATE from Drudge

It's official: Fred Thompson will formally enter the Presidential race today, with an announcement to be made at 4:30pm.

For all who have waited for this for months -- here you go.

He's finally putting his money where his mouth is. Word is that he is making phone calls to supporters as we speak.

It's about time!  Run, Fred, run!

(...thinks Billary had better take her Maalox.)
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Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Reply #781 - Aug 30th, 2007 at 4:26pm
Ya now that he's taken all the money he can from the special interest groups without having to report it...he's going to take honest people's money now.

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Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Reply #782 - Sep 4th, 2007 at 11:20am
Residents: Nooses spark school violence, divide town

    * Story Highlights
    * Attorneys to ask judge Tuesday to reconsider Mychal Bell's case, conviction
    * Bell, five black teens -- aka the Jena Six -- charged in attack on white student
    * Victim's mother: Charges warranted because attack could have killed her son
    * Attack, other violence came after white students hung nooses from campus tree

By Susan Roesgen and Eliott C. McLaughlin
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JENA, Louisiana (CNN) -- Mychal Bell was like a lot of boys his age, his mother says.

The always-smiling 16-year-old often spent weekends on the couch, munching Little Debbie snack cakes, watching football and dreaming of a day he might join his heroes in the NFL.

That was before police arrested the star running back and five other teens -- dubbed the "Jena 6" -- on attempted murder and conspiracy charges after a December 4, 2006, fight at the local high school.

Bell, now 17, sits in a cell in Jena, Louisiana, waiting to learn later this month if he will spend the next two decades in prison.

"He's not the same. He's grown up a lot since he's been in there. He's not the same ol' smiling Mychal he used to be," his mother, Melissa Bell, says. "I pray that the judge will go easy on him."

Mychal Bell wasn't convicted for attempted murder. The charges were diluted to aggravated battery and conspiracy, but undiluted is the outrage over the fates of Bell and the rest of the Jena 6. Video Watch how the case has divided the town »

Many in this sleepy town of 3,000 are calling Bell's July conviction a case of Jim Crow justice.

They question why Bell's public defender never called a witness in the trial. They question the all-white jury that took three hours to convict him. They question charges they say are wildly overblown. They question why the teen was tried as an adult.

And they say the fight never would have happened if not for the nooses.

A threat or a prank?

In September 2006, as the school year kicked off, a black Jena High School student asked the vice principal if he and some friends could sit under an oak tree where the white students typically congregated.

Told by the vice principal they could sit wherever they pleased, the student and his pals plopped down under the sprawling branches of a shade tree in the campus courtyard.

The next day, students arrived at school to find three nooses hanging from those branches.

"I seen them hanging. I'm thinking the KKK, you know, were hanging nooses. They want to hang somebody. Real nooses, the ones you see on TV, are the kind of nooses they were," Robert Bailey, 17, one of the Jena 6, told the syndicated radio show "Democracy Now!"

According to The Town Talk in nearby Alexandria, the school's principal recommended expulsion for those behind the nooses. Instead, the newspaper reported, a school district committee overruled the recommendation and suspended three white students for three days for hanging the nooses, a gesture written off as a "prank."

"Toilet paper, that's a prank, you know what I'm saying?" Bailey told the radio show. "Nooses hanging there -- nooses ain't no prank."

A series of scuffles ensued over the next three months as racial tension at the school became palpable.

The district attorney was summoned to address the student body. Off-campus fights were reported. Bailey said he had a beer bottle broken over his head in one incident, a shotgun pulled on him in another.

On November 30, someone torched the school's main academic building. The arson remains unsolved, but many suspect it's linked to the discord strangling Jena High.

The attack

Four days after the arson, several students jumped a white classmate, Justin Barker, knocking him unconscious before stomping and kicking him.

Parents of the Jena Six say they heard Barker was hurling racial epithets. Barker's parents say he did nothing to provoke the beating.

Barker was taken to the hospital with injuries to both eyes and ears, as well as cuts. His right eye had blood clots, said his mother, Kelli Barker. Justin Barker was treated and released that day.

Bell, Bailey, Theo Shaw, Carwin Jones, Bryant Purvis and an unidentified juvenile -- all black teens -- were arrested and charged with attempted murder. The weapons used, according to the charges -- shoes. Their bails were set at between $70,000 and $138,000.

Only Bell remains in jail, on a $90,000 bond, and the judge has refused to lower it, citing Bell's criminal record, which includes four juvenile offenses -- two simple battery charges among them.

The Jena 6 say they are innocent. Bailey told CNN that by the time he arrived at the fight, students and coaches had broken it up.

"When a fight breaks out, all the kids just run to see a fight. That's just how it was," he said. "You really couldn't see nothing. So when I'm running to see what's going on, I got down there to the fight, it was over."

Attorneys ask judge to reconsider

Bell's new attorneys will try Tuesday to have their client's conviction thrown out or have the case remanded to juvenile court, where they say it should've been handled in the first place.

If that fails, Bell is scheduled for a September 20 sentencing hearing where he faces up to 22 years in prison. The other five await their days in court.

The case is getting international media attention -- a buzz that has drawn the NAACP and civil rights stalwarts like the Rev. Al Sharpton and Martin Luther King III -- but many in Jena are skeptical the boys can get a fair trial.

"Jena has been a community that has had self-imposed segregation probably since the '50s. They never got the memo," said radio host Tony Brown, who coined the name Jena 6.

Brown, who hosts a statewide radio newsmagazine from nearby Alexandria, where he has lived since 1991, says there are still "righteous people" in Jena. However, he said, there is little commingling among black and white residents and the town often abides by "a Jim Crow mentality."

Bell's and Bailey's mothers concur, but Caseptla Bailey insists, "Jena's a good place to live. It's home. It's something that's in our hearts."

Kristi Boyett, a white resident, is not so nostalgic. She and her family are leaving Jena "because of the racist stuff that's going on here," she said.

She fears for her children's safety in the public schools, she said, and she's not surprised that racial tension in Jena has reached a breaking point.

"That's the way this town's always been. I've lived here for 16 years, and it's been segregated since we lived here," she said.

'We lost Jena'

Other longtime residents, however, paint a more harmonious portrait of Jena and blame the media for casting their town in a negative light. Mayor Murphy McMillan declined to be interviewed, saying only, "The media is making our town look bad."

Paula Brewer, who grew up in Jena, told The Town Talk in nearby Alexandria that "everybody talks to everybody" and there are no racial boundaries in the central Louisiana hamlet.

"Where did Jena go in all this?" she asked the newspaper. "We lost Jena. We aren't what they are calling us -- racist and ignorant. Jena is a good town with good people."

Though some say race drove the decision to charge the teens with attempted murder, the victim's mother, Kelli Barker, doesn't think so. Had the attackers not been pulled off her son, she said, he could have been killed.

"I wish to goodness it wouldn't have happened," she said. "And I hate it for them parents. I mean, I can only imagine, but I also have to think about my child and my family."

Advocates for the Jena 6 aren't saying the boys should be let off if they indeed pummeled Justin Barker. Rather, they're saying the charges should match the crime -- and that the juvenile court should handle the teens' cases.

Brown said he will use his radio show as a platform to push for justice until an appellate court throws out Bell's conviction and the remaining Jena 6 see a fair trial.

Brown said of his rationale, "My grandma used to tell me, 'You can't hang a thief for murder,' and that's what they're doing in Jena.

I bet you there will be NO talk about filing these charges under "Hate Crime Laws".  The NAACP will not speak out against this type of racist behavior.  And, somehow I think the white kid is going to be tired to be the bad guy here.

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Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Reply #783 - Sep 4th, 2007 at 2:27pm
Of course the white kid is the bad guy, I give it 2 days before Al Sharpton says that he started the fight against the 6 other kids and they were just defending themselves by beating him until he passed out then continued to hit/kick him.  Why the hell is only one of those kids in jail, they knew what they were going to do when they went looking for the white kid that "be sayin some bad shit".  You know what that is called boys and girls?  Premeditation.

/ holds the black man down by putting criminals in jail.(well sort of, I support the Pat!)

On another note, 3 days for hanging nooses?  Yeah I would have kicked them out for the rest of the year.
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Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Reply #784 - Sep 4th, 2007 at 3:20pm
This case is too complicated.  We should just gather them all together in a nice little room and gas 'em.

(...is quite expeditious.)
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Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Reply #785 - Sep 4th, 2007 at 4:03pm
Wow, Bob's worse than Texas!  Smiley
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Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Reply #786 - Sep 4th, 2007 at 5:35pm
OMG I figured out his secret!

Bob = Texas!

Now lets do a little math...

Texas = Gay
Bob = Texas
Bob = Gay

woot!  I love math!
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Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Reply #787 - Sep 4th, 2007 at 5:48pm
Buying these environmentally friendly cars often depends on where you live. 

The 2008 Honda Accord is an all-new redesign of the familiar favorite, but for most consumers the ultra-green version is not available for purchase.

In September 2002 Nissan and Toyota signed a basic agreement in which Toyota will supply Nissan with hybrid system components.

PZEVs such as this Ford Focus are so clean that hydrocarbon emissions from grilling a single burger are equivalent to a three-hour drive in this car.

On a recent run from Boston to Cape Cod, I test drove the 2008 Honda Accord, the latest version of this family favorite. The new Accord boasts an environmental first: a six-cylinder gasoline engine that's cleaner than many hybrid systems.
There's only one catch: You can't actually buy this ultra-green Accord, or the four-cylinder version that also produces near-zero pollution. That is, unless you live in California, New York or six other northeast states that follow California's tougher pollution rules. Only there can you buy this Accord, or the roughly two dozen other models that meet so-called Partial Zero Emissions Vehicle standards, PZEV for short.

Not only can't you buy one, but the government says it's currently illegal for automakers to sell these green cars outside of the special states. Under terms of the Clean Air Act—in the kind of delicious irony only our government can pull off—anyone (dealer, consumer, automaker) involved in an out-of-bounds PZEV sale could be subject to civil fines of up to $27,500. Volvo sent its dealers a memo alerting them to this fact, noting that its greenest S40 and V50 models were only for the special states.

So, just how green is a PZEV machine? Well, if you just cut your lawn with a gas mower, congratulations, you just put out more pollution in one hour than these cars do in 2,000 miles of driving. Grill a single juicy burger, and you've cooked up the same hydrocarbon emissions as a three-hour drive in a Ford Focus PZEV. As the California Air Resources Board has noted, the tailpipe emissions of these cars can be cleaner than the outside air in smoggy cities.

That's amazing stuff. But what's more amazing is how few people have a clue that the gas-powered, internal combustion engine could ever be this clean.

Naturally, no company wants to bring too much attention to a car that most people can't buy, unless it's Ferrari. And there's the catch. PZEV models are already available from Toyota, Ford, Honda, GM, Subaru, Volvo and VW. They're scrubbed-up versions of familiar models, from the VW Jetta to the Subaru Outback. But chances are, you've never heard of them.

These cars aren't the only green leaf that's being dangled over our heads. The sweet-looking, sporty-handling Nissan Altima Hybrid borrows its hybrid system from the Toyota Camry, and sipped fuel at 32 mpg during my week-long test drive here in New York. But once again, if you'd love to buy the Nissan and burn less fuel, you're out of luck—unless you live in California or the Northeast.

It's not all the fault of the car companies. The crazy quilt of environmental regulations is forcing carmakers to design and build two versions of the same cars. And it costs real money to make a car this green. So in states where there are no regulations to force their hand,automakers don't want to have to boost their prices for the green versions—or to simply eat the extra cost and make less profit.

Honda appears to be doing just that. It currently charges Californians and other green-staters about $150 extra for these solid-citizen models. But experts suggest that it costs carmakers closer to $400 a pop to install the gear.

Another issue: The PZEV cars don't get any better mileage than conventional versions. Would most self-interested Americans even pay a lousy 100 bucks for cleaner air that doesn't put fuel savings back in their pocket? "With hybrids, the selling point is fuel economy, so there's a dollar amount on that," said William Walton, Honda's product planning chief for U.S. cars. "We want to give people the cleanest vehicles we can produce, but how much are people willing to pay for clean air?"

Then again, so what if Honda or others lose a few million at first? Toyota clearly went into the red on every Prius it sold in the early years, but shrewdly viewed that cash as an investment to create buzz and build a loyal following. Today, Toyota dealers can barely keep the Prius in stock—and the company has surrounded itself with a green halo that's priceless.

As often as automakers express envy and resentment over Toyota's image, you might think Honda would be filming TV ads, erecting billboards, shouting from rooftops that the Accord is the world's cleanest six-cylinder car. In the green game that Toyota has played like a chess master, it seems like this is a lost opportunity for Honda, Nissan and the rest to siphon off some of Toyota's goodwill.

So give Honda's talented engineers credit for this clean-burning Accord. But give its marketing department a big, smoggy raspberry for keeping it a virtual secret—and keeping it off-limits to buyers in 42 states.

HAH!  Government trumps environment again!
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Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Reply #788 - Sep 4th, 2007 at 6:06pm
spanky wrote on Sep 4th, 2007 at 5:48pm:
Not only can't you buy one, but the government says it's currently illegal for automakers to sell these green cars outside of the special states. Under terms of the Clean Air Act—in the kind of delicious irony only our government can pull off—anyone (dealer, consumer, automaker) involved in an out-of-bounds PZEV sale could be subject to civil fines of up to $27,500.

I really wish the article would've elaborated on this little morsel a bit more.

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Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Reply #789 - Sep 10th, 2007 at 8:19am
MySpace Pictures Force Deputy Suspension

KALAMAZOO(AP) - A Kalamazoo County sheriff's deputy has been suspended with pay for photos on MySpace.com that show people posing suggestively in and around his patrol vehicle.

Unidentified men and women are pictured sitting in, and standing outside, the Chevrolet Tahoe.

Another photo shows two women pretending to frisk a third female in front of the sport utility vehicle.

Still more shots show people posing suggestively in the back of
the Tahoe and on its hood.

The deputy's name has not been released.

He is not in any of the suggestive photos. But he does appear in two other photos, dressed
in uniform while posing with a woman shown in some of the suggestive photos.

An internal investigation is expected to start Monday.

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Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Reply #790 - Sep 10th, 2007 at 9:41am
I don't know anything about this...I'm not really surprised though...you should hear some of the stories of some of the cops who got in trouble at Columbus, OH.  One women who posted a video on YouTube that was a bit anti-Semetic...and then the officer who posted a video on YouTube posing with his patrol car, with call numbers in plain view, talking about the quality of an escort service.

Cops....stay away from the internet...it will get back to you!  It's not called the world wide web for nothin!

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Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Reply #791 - Sep 10th, 2007 at 10:56am
That guy gets the idiot award of the day, and it's only 11:00am!

(...doesn't bestow that distinction lightly.)
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Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Reply #792 - Sep 10th, 2007 at 11:53am
The official teaser trailer for Iron Man!


Hotness...there's even the clasic Iron Man shell in this!  Before he pimps it out!

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Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Reply #793 - Sep 11th, 2007 at 8:53am
You guys will have to forgive me for my obsession with the mortgage crash, but Meredith and I are in the market for a home, so I have a personal interest in the situation.  Things are really getting ugly, and the rest of the economy is going to start hurting soon.

Countrywide to slash 20 percent of workforce
Luci Scott
The Arizona Republic
Sept. 7, 2007 03:35 PM

Countrywide Financial Corp., the nation's largest home mortgage lender, said Friday it plans to cut 10,000 to 12,000 jobs - up to 20 percent of its current workforce - because of continuing problems in the housing and mortgage lending industry.

The job cuts were expected to impact the company's operation in Chandler because some loan origination personnel - a division that will be among those affected - work at the 65-acre campus on Chandler Boulevard east of Loop 101.

The company is Chandler's fourth largest employer with about 2,300 workers in the city, as well as in leased space in Tempe. Earlier this week the company confirmed it had already laid off 90 employees in Chandler.

Countrywide would not be specific about the layoff impact on its Arizona employees.

"We are not prepared to break out potential regional impacts," spokeswoman Jumana Bauwers said in an e-mail.

In the past two years, Countrywide had been in expansion mode in Chandler. In June 2005, the company bought 24.5 acres just south of its original 26-acre Chandler Boulevard site. In 2006, it bought 14 adjacent acres on the northwestern corner of Ellis and Frye roads. The existing 170,000-square-foot building on that site is being remodeled into a Countrywide data center.

Angelo R. Mozilo, Countrywide's CEO and chairman, and Dave Sambol, president and chief operating officer, sent a letter to employees Friday explaining the reorganization and consolidation.

Besides announcing the job cuts, the company said it expects the size of the loan origination market in 2008 will be down by 25 percent or more from 2007 volumes.

"We are confident that the actions which we have taken, the plans which we are implementing and the opportunities which the current market is presenting to us will positions Countrywide for continue success," they wrote.

The news was not all bad for Countrywide's Arizona workers. A large part of the Chandler campus is a loan-servicing operation, and executives said in the letter they expect that area to grow in the short and long term.

I've been watching Countrywide pretty closely over the past few weeks.  Over the weekend, a bunch of their mortgage-backed securities got their debt ratings slashed from AAA to BBB-, which is around eight ratings levels.  It's something that is never supposed to happen.  Countrywide packages all of their mortgages up into securities, which investors purchase according to the rating.  The lower the rating, the riskier the transaction.  With a BBB- rating, Countrywide will have a heck of a time getting investors to purchase their mortgage-backed securities, which means they won't have any capital to offer new mortgages.

In short, Countrywide is screwed.

The real estate market has become a Ponzi scheme based on the "greater fool" theory, and as in all such schemes those that got in early made out like bandits, while those who came late to the party got left holding the bag.

That being said, a business guy once told me a company isn't in trouble until they hit the third round of layoffs within eighteen months.  At that point the dead wood is gone and they're slashing productive people.

(...food for thought.)
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Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Reply #794 - Sep 11th, 2007 at 9:10am
I should also point out that the re-rating of Countrywide's mortage-backed securities reduced the value by nearly half a billion dollars, instantly wiping out nearly a quarter of Bank of America's emergency "investment" in Countrywide only a couple of weeks ago.  Of course, this just confirms what most people already know - these ratings were a joke to begin with.


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