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Interesting News Article Thread (Read 702177 times)
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Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Reply #705 - Jul 17th, 2007 at 8:28am
What was her name....Ms. Jelinek (spelling?)

You saying you wouldn't if she offered you some 'home schooling'?  I know she is tainted now (Mr. shaw..../scared for life) but when she first started, hells yeah.
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Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Reply #706 - Jul 17th, 2007 at 9:34am
was she the one with the pants that said 18-92?




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Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Reply #707 - Jul 17th, 2007 at 9:55am

(...is lost.)
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WWW JamesRRogers2  
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Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Reply #708 - Jul 17th, 2007 at 9:59am
Patrick should get it... I hope.
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"Our Constitution is designed only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate for any other."&&&&John Adams&&
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Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Reply #709 - Jul 17th, 2007 at 10:43am
Inside jokes are made of fail!

(...so is this post!)
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Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Reply #710 - Jul 17th, 2007 at 10:47am
Yeah whatcha talkin 'bout willis?!
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Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Reply #711 - Jul 17th, 2007 at 2:44pm

I'm so proud  Cry *tear*

Ya, she wore these sweat pants and this was the time when pants started to put words on the butt.  And I think hers was Ambercrombie or something like that.

Anyway they had the year 1892 on it but they were spaced far enough apart and the pants were tight enough so when she walked each cheek would magnify either the 18 or the 92.  And she was walking in front of Briney, myself, and Andrew and we were cracking up and she was then on called 18...92.

I'm just so impressed Briney remembered that.

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Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Reply #712 - Jul 17th, 2007 at 3:08pm
Are you sure it wasn't 18092?

(...is subtle like a fox!)
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Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Reply #713 - Jul 19th, 2007 at 10:19am
Riddle of Russia reported arms sale to Syria/Iran

Moscow continues to deny repeated reports that it is wrapping up a major arms deal with Syria and Iran despite mounting evidence to the contrary. Reuben F Johnson investigates

Persistent reports from sources in Moscow, New Delhi and foreign delegations attending last month's Paris Air Show point towards Russia's state arms export agency, Rosoboronexport, preparing to make a major sale of conventional arms to Syria and Iran

During the Paris show, the Moscow-based newspaper Kommersant reported on a Rosoboronexport contract to deliver five Mikoyan MiG-31E fighter aircraft and an undetermined number of MiG-29M/M2 fighters to Syria in a deal worth more than USD1 billion.

The MiG-29M/M2 aircraft will be new production models, but the MiG-31E fighters will be used Russian Air Force aircraft that have been upgraded at the Sokol plant in Nizhni-Novgorod, where they were originally manufactured.

The MiG-31 contract is reported to be worth USD400 million of the USD1 billion deal, indicating that these five aircraft are probably only the first batch of a larger number to be delivered.

Kommersant also reported that Syria does not have the financial resources to support such an order and that the contract is being financed by Iran. Under the mutual defense agreement between the two nations, the aircraft might be transferred to Iran once Damascus has taken delivery.

However, Russia recently wrote off USD10 billion in debt that Syria had accumulated during the Soviet years, mostly from weapon systems delivered to Damascus on credit. The canceling of this debt now gives Syria a clean ledger to start purchasing weapons anew.

Israeli analysts also point out that the weapons may be a secondary consideration. At about the same time as the MiG contract was reportedly signed, Syria and Russia penned another agreement giving Moscow access to the Syrian port of Tartus.

This port access satisfies Russia's longstanding ambition for a naval base in the Mediterranean and it explains both the debt forgiveness and the shiny new weapons being delivered to the As sad regime.

It is not without precedent for Moscow to write off debt left over from the Soviet era in order to put together a set of interlocking arms sales and strategic trade and defense assistance agreements.

A similar set of deals was reached with Algeria that forgave that nation's debt in exchange for a multibillion-dollar weapons sale, access for Russian oil companies to Algerian oil fields and an agreement on transfer of Algerian gas liquefaction technology to Moscow's Gazprom.

At Paris, however, Rosoboronexport General Director Sergei Chemezov denied the existence of the contract. He stated: "Russia has no plans to supply fighters to Syria and Iran. If talks start with these countries, it will be announced."

Skeptics point out that Chemezov's denial is hard to take at face value for several reasons.

None other than Russian Federal Industry Agency Chairman Boris Alyoshin, whose government ministry controls the entire Russian defense industry, confirmed that there is a contract to supply these upgraded MiG-3 l Es to a foreign customer, but declined to name the buyer.

Another member of the Russian delegation at Paris also verified the existence of the MiG-3 1 contract, stating that the aircraft are for an unnamed "Middle Eastern nation".

Adding to the speculation are statements from sources in New Delhi that quote Rosoboronexport representatives as preparing to sell "as many as 250 Sukhoi Su-3OMKs to Iran".

Because there is the possibility of such a large sale in the offing, said one Indian defence analyst, Rosoboronexport is not particularly bothered about the problems it currently has in fulfilling some of its contracts to India - most notably delays in delivering the refitted Admiral Gorshkov aircraft carrier.

"They seem prepared to let India - at least temporarily - become disenchanted with its Russian supplier in order to focus on the potential for a new client base in Iran," continued the analyst.

Where the mystery begins is why Moscow dispatched Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov to Israel the week after the Paris Air Show to make the Russian position on sales to Syria clear.

"Whatever we do in the area of arms supplies is absolutely in line with our international obligations," he told the Israeli government on 28 June.

"It's also absolutely in line with the national legislation of the Russian Federation," Lavrov said. "Whatever we supply to Syria is transparent and is not offensive. In any case, it is not destabilizing the balance [of power] in the region."

The question, however, is this: if Chemezov's denials are true and there are no sales to Syria in process, then why did Moscow feel compelled to send Lavrov all the way to Jerusalem to defend the right to make a sale that is not supposed to even exist?

The answer is that it has been made very clear - at least inside Russia - that arms sales to Syria and Iran are a subject that is off limits for discussion.

In early March, Kommersant reporter Ivan Safranov, a retired Russian military colonel and a defense exports correspondent with the newspaper for 10 years, fell to his death from the fifth floor of his apartment building - two floors above from where his own apartment is actually located. Numerous circumstances surrounding this event point to someone or some organization trying to permanently silence him.

Safranov had been pursuing a story that detailed plans for Rosoboronexport to sell Su-3OMKs, Iskander-E intermediate-range ballistic missiles and Almaz-Antei S-300 air-defense systems to Iran - using both Syria and Belarus as pass-through nations in order to give Moscow deniability of its involvement.

Reuben F Johnson is a JDW correspondent, writing from Kiev.


If true, this is very disconcerting.

I can't imagine how bad things will get if Russia is selling advanced weaponry to the enemies of the US & Britain just prior to what appears to be a major increase in tension, if not outright war, in return for the establishment of a naval base in vital and contentious strategic area.

Not only that, but the nature of the arms are such that they could only be used to counter American and Israeli action.  You can't really use an SU-30 to man a road block, can you?

When you couple this with the TU-95 incident, the carry on about BMD in Europe, the cyber-attack on Latvia, the natural gas pipeline shutdown last year, and the rise of authoritarianism, nationalism and anti-US rhetoric in Russia, the situation is starting to look like a more aggressive and dynamic version of the Cold War at the least.  In short, this is not good.

(...will keep an eye on this one.)
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Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Reply #714 - Jul 19th, 2007 at 11:12am
Yeah us Canadians hate you American pig dogs!

/em hides
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Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Reply #715 - Jul 19th, 2007 at 1:38pm
I'm sorry but this is what the Russia people get when they elect a former KGB man.  You've listed some of the things that have happened but let's not forget Putin ordering the gases of the theater that was taken over by terrorists and which killed the remaining hostages.  There's also the killing of the former KGB man by posion.

I think the Russian people have had it ingrained in their DNA even since the Bolsheviks that they must rely on the state of Mother Russia and the powers on high.

If only we had the good ol days of Peter the Great!

(Knows his history)
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Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Reply #716 - Jul 19th, 2007 at 2:02pm
Meh, lets bring back the Tsars.

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Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Reply #717 - Jul 20th, 2007 at 9:00am
Philippine troops recover beheaded marines

MANILA, Philippines (AP) -- Philippine troops recovered the bodies of 14 marines, some of them beheaded, after clashing with Muslim insurgents while searching for a kidnapped Italian priest, a marine spokesman said Wednesday.

Nine others were wounded in some of the bloodiest fighting this year. The clash erupted Tuesday in Tipo Tipo town on southern Basilan island, said Lt. Col. Ariel Caculitan.

At least 10 bodies were beheaded, Caculitan said, including those of six marines earlier reported missing.

About 50 troops went to Basilan island to check on reports of sightings of the Rev. Giancarlo Bossi, a 57-year-old missionary from Milan who was kidnapped by gunmen on June 10.

The marines were heading back to camp when they were attacked by about 300 suspected Abu Sayyaf guerrillas, Caculitan said.

But Mohagher Iqbal, chief negotiator for the Muslim separatist Moro Islamic Liberation Front, which is engaged in peace talks with the government, said his forces fought back after marines attacked a MILF stronghold.

He denied his forces were responsible for the beheadings, saying he would investigate. Four MILF members were killed in the fighting while seven others were wounded, he added.

Iqbal accused government troops of violating a 2003 cease-fire, saying they failed to coordinate their movements into the area with the rebels. He ruled out that Abu Sayyaf militants had sought refuge in the MILF stronghold, but did not explain who might have been responsible for the beheadings.

The gruesome decapitations are a trademark of the Abu Sayyaf, which has beheaded hostages in the past, including an American.

"It cannot be a mistaken encounter because it was a deliberate act on the part of the marines that entered the area, knowing that the area is a bailiwick of the MILF, in complete violation of the cease-fire," Iqbal said.

Still, he said, the clash was only a "tactical problem" and would not hamper peace talks with the government.

Philippine officials have issued conflicting statements on the identity of the groups that might have kidnapped Bossi.

Authorities initially blamed a MILF commander. The group denied any role and deployed forces in the initial weeks after the abduction to help government troops search for Bossi.

National Security Adviser Norberto Gonzales has said Abu Sayyaf militants may have been responsible. But army officers say Abu Sayyaf gunmen do not have a presence in the area where Bossi was kidnapped.

Caculitan said he couldn't confirm reports that Bossi was taken to Basilan.

"We have no visual contact ... so we cannot say he is there or he is not there," he said.

I have personally penetrated the MILF stronghold several times.

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Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Reply #718 - Jul 25th, 2007 at 9:30am
BOULDER, Colo. -- The University of Colorado announced Monday that it will dismiss controversial professor Ward Churchill.

"Today, I issued to Professor Churchill a notice of intent to dismiss him from his faculty position at the University of Colorado Boulder," CU Interim Chancellor Phil DiStefano said Monday afternoon.

Churchill has 10 days to appeal, which entails making a request to have the university president or chancellor forward the recommendation to the faculty senate Committee on Privilege and Tenure. A special panel will then conduct hearings on the matter and make a recommendation to the president on whether grounds for dismissal are supported.

Another committee found Churchill guilty of research misconduct and another panel recommended that he be fired because of "repeated and deliberate" infractions of scholarship rules.

Churchill's attorney promptly called a news conference Monday afternoon to announce that his client does intend to appeal to the tenure committee. He also mentioned going to court.

Churchill, who ignited a firestorm by calling some of the World Trade Center victims "little Eichmanns" in an essay he wrote after Sept. 11, 2001, has vowed to sue the school if he was fired.

"We're going to a real court because we can trust juries to do the right thing," said Churchill's attorney David Lane. "Churchill says this all completely bogus. Let's see if a jury and a Federal District Court agrees with the committee. Or see if everything that's happened here is retaliation for Ward Churchill's First Amendment free speech relating to 9/11."

The tenured professor of ethnic studies has repeatedly denied all accusations of misconduct.

He told The Associate Press in mid-June, "The basic situation here is that there was a call by high officials in the state, notably the governor but hardly restricted to the governor, for my termination clear back last February, whether or not it was legal. They were willing to take the heat and go to court if necessary to stand behind an illegitimate investigation."

When his essay was brought to light in January 2005, Gov. Bill Owens, state lawmakers and relatives of Sept. 11, 2001 victims in New York immediately denounced it. University officials concluded Churchill could not be fired for the essay, but in March 2005 they launched an investigation into allegations of plagiarism and other research misconduct.

"A committee last year began to look at his writings including his essay on 9/11," said DiStefano. "We determined his writings were protected under the First Amendment. However, during that process there were allegations of research misconduct."

Last month, an investigative subcommittee concluded that Churchill repeatedly fabricated his research, plagiarized others' work and strayed from the "bedrock principles of scholarship."

Churchill called the investigation "a kangaroo court" designed to reach the conclusion that he should be fired.

"A university is a marketplace of ideas, a place where controversy is no stranger," said Distefano. "An opinioned discourse is applauded. But as is true of all liberties enjoyed by all Americans with freedom, comes responsibility."

Owens supported the chancellor's decision in a statement Monday. "I applaud the Chancellor's decision. If the university is the marketplace of ideas, then Mr. Churchill is the rotten fruit among hundreds of good apples," Owens said. "Hopefully we can say good riddance to Ward Churchill once and for all."

I'm so glad this loser is gone.  He was a total scum bag.

Here's a sample of the 9/11 article he wrote that led to the discovery of his blatantly falsified research...

Well, really. Let's get a grip here, shall we? True enough, they were civilians of a sort. But innocent? Gimme a break. They formed a technocratic corps at the very heart of America's global financial empire – the "mighty engine of profit" to which the military dimension of U.S. policy has always been enslaved – and they did so both willingly and knowingly. Recourse to "ignorance" – a derivative, after all, of the word "ignore" – counts as less than an excuse among this relatively well-educated elite. To the extent that any of them were unaware of the costs and consequences to others of what they were involved in – and in many cases excelling at – it was because of their absolute refusal to see. More likely, it was because they were too busy braying, incessantly and self-importantly, into their cell phones, arranging power lunches and stock transactions, each of which translated, conveniently out of sight, mind and smelling distance, into the starved and rotting flesh of infants. If there was a better, more effective, or in fact any other way of visiting some penalty befitting their participation upon the little Eichmanns inhabiting the sterile sanctuary of the twin towers, I'd really be interested in hearing about it.

His entire essay went on raving like that.  He's a complete nutjob.



(...old leftist hippies never die, they just smell that way.)
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Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Reply #719 - Jul 25th, 2007 at 11:03am
yay for liberal arts degrees!

would get a good job with an "I hate all companies" degree
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