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Interesting News Article Thread (Read 702167 times)
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Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Reply #45 - Feb 2nd, 2006 at 3:31pm

I want to buy the USB self destruct button. That looks hot!
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Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Reply #46 - Feb 2nd, 2006 at 4:37pm
Self destruct button?  It must be mine!

(...needs to figure out how much 4,000 yen is.)
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Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Reply #47 - Feb 2nd, 2006 at 6:49pm
I knew that they made fans, and heaters USB powered, but I would have never thought about some of those.   

I want the grill

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Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Reply #48 - Feb 2nd, 2006 at 7:31pm
Yanno, since they said the George Foreman was fake, I'm almost thinking about buying a cheap George Foreman grill and a USB heater and trying to integrate the two.  It's been far too long since I've wielded a soldering iron, so I might just have to give it a try.

(...would probably hurt himself in the process.)
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Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Reply #49 - Feb 10th, 2006 at 2:43pm
Mugabe to ask whites back in land grab U-turn
By Peta Thornycroft in Harare
President Robert Mugabe has begun to reverse his "insane" land grab and offer some white farmers the chance to lease back their holdings in Zimbabwe.

With the fastest shrinking economy in the world, Mr Mugabe has had to backtrack on six years of chaos and his own determination to rid the country of all white farmers.

In an orgy of violence, Mr Mugabe seized the land, homes, equipment and infrastructure of about 4,000 white commercial farmers who produced almost half of Zimbabwe's foreign currency.

The U-turn is expected to be announced within days. The ruling Zanu-PF party's politburo has been informed and selected journalists in the state-controlled media have been briefed on how to spin the policy reversal.

About 250 whites remaining on small portions of their farms will immediately be offered state leases for the land they used to own. Some will be hoping that their full land holdings will be restored at a later stage.

The leases will, farmers hope, give them some legal protection from local warlords continuously trying to evict them or seize their equipment or crops.

In a second stage, the leases will be extended to some white farmers who have already been evicted, particularly where there is no activity on that land. Some fled to Britain, Australia, New Zealand or South Africa and are desperately homesick.

The government is expected to admit in the next few days that it has only used about 50 per cent of the land it seized. In reality, land economists say the figure of idle land is nearer 80 to 90 per cent.

The new policy is understood to have been approved by Mr Mugabe but it is unlikely he will announce it, as the government hopes to play down the U-turn.

It will be executed by two of his most trusted lieutenants: the lands minister Didymus Mutasa and the agriculture minister Joseph Made. Neither was available for comment yesterday.

In anticipation of this change of policy, the Commercial Farmers Union has advised some members to apply for leases, and some farmers have already filled in lease applications at the agriculture ministry.

The union yesterday issued a rare statement calling for a ''moratorium on land and agricultural policies''. All those involved in agriculture should get together and "rebuild the entire industry to return as the principal employer of labour and generator of food and foreign exchange", it said.

"We have the energy and capacity to help bring Zimbabwe back once again to be the bread basket of the sub-continent."

The statement was signed by the CFU president, Doug Taylor-Freeme, who would not comment on the change of policy. "We need to create some stability on the ground for existing farmers if we want any investment in agriculture. That's the first step.

"All land has been acquired by the state for one reason or another but the issue now is who uses that land? We believe it should be farmers. When you look at the state of agriculture and the state of the economy we need to find the right balance."

Behind closed doors last week, the International Monetary Fund told Zimbabwe's finance minister Herbert Murerwa - who has helped himself to a white-owned farm - that land seizures should halt immediately and that without increased agricultural production there was no chance of halting Zimbabwe's slide.

While this is a reversal of Zanu PF's policy to rid Zimbabwe of all white farmers, some of those who lost their holdings are cynical about any offers from the government. Many will need convincing that the offer is genuine unless it is openly endorsed by Mr Mugabe and, even then, they may still be sceptical about a president who has broken promises in the past. "The government vastly underestimates the damage of its insane policies," said one of Zimbabwe's former top cereal producers. "They probably believe that allowing some of us to return will turn the economy around in a single season. We won't be able to do anything without international finance, and we won't get that until there is political reform," he said.

"It's bloody miserable out there. All our friends have gone, our equipment has been broken, irrigation has been vandalised, our homes have been wrecked, the roads are a mess, our workers have gone so why should we return? I am sure there will be some clots who are so damn miserable in other countries or living in towns that they will go back.

"We should be campaigning for compensation, not going back to help people who wrecked our country."


(...thinks Mugabe needs to be shot.)
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Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Reply #50 - Feb 11th, 2006 at 8:47pm
Uproar over armed firefighters killing chickens by homes
By Christa Jenkins
Herald Writer

HIGH SPRINGS — After seeing High Springs firefighters toting rifles through a neighborhood and shooting at chickens last week, residents said they are infuriated.

The southwest sector of town between Southwest Fourth Avenue and Poe Springs Road has had a chicken problem for years.

Many residents said they were upset not that the chickens were killed but the manner in which the situation was handled last Wednesday, Feb. 1.

Residents said they were not notified that the shooting would happen, that they worried about the safety of their children and pets, and that firefighters ran through private property without permission.

When the shooting was over, residents said they were left to deal with injured chickens and a bloody mess.

City officials, however, said that multiple safety precautions were taken, including having the city’s police chief on the scene with a safety perimeter in place.

The Animal that Defied Classification

Starting about two years ago, the city began to receive complaints from residents living in the southwest area of town between Southwest Fourth Avenue and Poe Springs Road, said City Manager Jim Drumm, himself a previous resident of the area.

At that time, as many as 50 wild chickens that nested in the woods surrounding the area had begun to leave the woods and cause trouble for residents.

Roosters crowed at street lights at all hours of the night. Hens tore up yards and left feces in them for residents to step in. The fowl stood in the streets and upheld traffic.

When the cars in the neighborhood were parked, the chickens flew atop them to roost and left scratches.

Some residents even complained that they were afraid to leave their homes because the roosters were aggressive and chased people.

It was a mess for the growing city, Drumm said.

After receiving numerous complaints, city officials attempted to gain the help of Alachua County Animal Control but were declined because the organization only handles domestic animals and pets.

Since the chickens were wild, Animal Control would not help, Drumm said.

So officials went to the Florida Wildlife Commission instead, but that government agency labels chickens as farm animals and refused to help, Drumm said.

“These animals sometimes fall through the cracks of what anybody can do,” Drumm said.

With complaints still coming in, officials decided to take action themselves.

Code enforcement officials were first enlisted to capture the animals, but the chickens’ speed and ability to fly made attempts nearly impossible.

Officials asked for agile teenagers to volunteer to capture the chickens, and one boy did succeed in capturing a couple, but it was still a limited success.

“They are wild animals, and they are very good at escaping and flying,” Drumm said.

Traps with high quality feed inside them were put out to lure in the chickens, but after a hen was captured, roosters started to guard the traps and keep chickens away from them, Drumm said.

Officials put alcohol in the birds’ food to try to slow them down, but that didn’t work either, Drumm said.

While officials considered the option of using other types of drugs or chemicals in a similar manner, they worried about the possible effects it might have on pets in the area.

Officials tried to get more ideas by speaking with other city officials and police officers who had similar problems.

Residents were asked if they owned the chickens, but no one said they did.

While no one claimed the chickens as their own, residents often take in chickens during the daytime, Drumm said.

Nearly a year after first attempts to solve the problem, officials were running out of options, and residents were getting impatient, Drumm said.

The chickens would have to be shot, Drumm said.

“We actually tried many avenues to capture them,” Drumm said. “It was our last option to consider shooting them.”

The City’s Last Option

It was the morning of Wednesday, Feb. 1 that Janet Lashells, a friend of David Smart, who resides on Southwest 2nd Place, was horrified to see firefighters running through yards and shooting the chickens.

“Those chickens in the neighborhood never bothered us,” she said.

A barn close to the area is home to a group of wild kittens that Lashells and Smart feed, Smart said.

The food inadvertently attracts many chickens to enter the barn, and Smart thinks this would have been a better way to go about catching the chickens, he said.

“I realize that they had to do something, but I think they could have handled it differently,” he said.

According to Smart, there were between 50 and 75 chickens in the area previous to the shooting, and he has seen very few since then.

“It sounded like a war zone over there,” he said. “It was pretty bad.”

Some residents said they were angry that they were not notified beforehand that officials would be shooting guns in the neighborhood.

Jenni Callahan, a resident on Seventh Avenue, said she wishes she was warned about the shooting so she would know to keep pets inside.

She witnessed the events while on her lunch break and later returned home to find two shot and injured chickens taking shelter near her house, she said.

One had been shot in the leg and another in the wing, she said.

“I just don’t feel people should be running around with .22s in a neighborhood,” she said.

Joan Lenne, another resident of Seventh Avenue, said that firefighters ran through her back yard without informing her first or gaining her permission.

Lashells was worried for the safety of pets in the area and any people who happened to be outside, she said.

“Anything that was moving, they were shooting,” she said. “There’s blood all over the place.”

But many safety precautions were taken to ensure an accident-free day, Drumm said.

Safety and Legality Issues

Officials decided to take action on a morning that school was in session, and most children would be at school and away from the area.

They used rifles with a small caliber specially made to not travel far, and firefighters only made clear shots that were low to the ground to avoid ricochet.

Firefighters were chosen over policemen because firefighters were able to assist without being pulled away from active duties, and they were also ready and willing to help, Drumm said.

Those who assisted had backgrounds in hunting and handling firearms, Drumm said.

Additionally, Police Chief Ray Kaminskas was at the site to secure the perimeter from people, pets and everything else not a chicken.

“I understand the concern, but we try to make it as safe out here as possible,” Kaminskas said.

This was also the reason that residents in the area were not notified beforehand that officials would be present to shoot the chickens, Drumm said.

Officials feared that if they announced the event, onlookers would be present and would be put at risk.

“We were hoping not to have anybody in the area,” he said.

According to Drumm, the city employees involved attempted to stay in the streets, which are city-owned property, by herding the chickens into those directions.

Since the streets in the area are often very narrow, it appears that residents’ yards start at the edge of the road, when in fact the legal roadway is 60 feet wide.

Additionally, Drumm said, there were several residents who came out of their homes and tried to assist the firefighters with directing the chickens.

In these cases, the firefighters may have entered residents’ yards with their permission.

City code allows code enforcement actions to be carried out even on private property, so even if the firefighters did have to enter residents’ yards, it was still within the city’s legal right to do so, Drumm said.

It was also legal to discharge the firearms within city limits, Drumm said, because Police Chief Kaminskas had given his authority to do so, and he was there to supervise.

The city code also allows nuisance birds that are within city limits to be destroyed, Drumm said.

Firefighters targeted the roosters, since they seemed to be a greater part of the problem than the hens.

When residents began to come outside and question the firefighters, officials decided to quit for the day so that they wouldn’t endanger those people, Drumm said.

End Results

In the end, about eight chickens were killed, and one chick was captured and donated to the Camp Kulaqua Zoo for their children’s education program.

Additionally, firefighters located several nesting sites.

Although the problem was not completely taken care of, Drumm said, officials can use these nesting sites to capture more chickens in the future.

Also, since many of the roosters were killed, hens will not have many opportunities to create future hatchlings, Drumm said.

“They will live out their life and not move on to additional generations,” he said.

City officials are still seeking more alternatives with how to handle the chicken problem.

After hearing about the events last week, a man from Gilchrist County called officials to tell them that he has a Labrador Retriever rescued after Hurricane Katrina that can catch chickens without injuring them, Kaminskas said.

Officials tested the dog out on Tuesday, Feb. 7, and had positive results, he said.

Anyone else with ideas on how to approach the chicken problem is welcome to call, he said.

“I just want them gone,” he said. “If someone wants to come out here and catch a chicken, they can.”

Problems with wild chickens in cities often begin when people move from the country to the city and attempt to bring their chickens along, Drumm said.

But they are difficult to keep in small yards and often break free.

Other times, problems arise from parents who give their children baby chicks for Easter. The kids then set the chickens free when they get big.

Wherever their origin, the wild chickens that still roam free in the area seem to have evaded defeat once again.

“We’ve been listening to roosters for over a year,” said Joyce LaCagnina, a resident of the area. “And they’re still crowing.”
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Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Reply #51 - Feb 11th, 2006 at 10:58pm

Rick Grenell, spokesman for the US mission, told The Business the Bush administration had no position on outsourcing. “Our position is that the UN needs to function better,” Grenell said. “We need to look at all ways to make that better. No one is talking about cutting jobs or turning out lights. Talking about outsourcing is way ahead of the game.”

But there has been growing pressure from Washington on the UN to cut costs. The US pays 22% of the UN’s general budget. France pays 6.4%, the UK 5.5%, China 1.53% and Russia 1.2%. All five can wield a veto on war-making decisions.

Congressman Henry Hyde’s proposed UN Reform Act of 2005 would withhold 50% of US dues unless at least 32 of 39 proposed reforms are adopted – a clear indication of pressure intended to break the deadlock.

Some staff fear privatisation would cause a cultural shift at the organisation where international civil servants have been chosen through competitive exams for more than 60 years.

God Bless America!

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Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Reply #52 - Feb 13th, 2006 at 12:09pm
Bush Fails To Prevent East Coast Blizzard
Minorities Hit Hardest
by Some Lefty Reporter 02/12/06

As President Bush and his staff cowered in the White House, the snow continued to pile up on the many poor and African American victims who could not afford to get out of town or to safety in Florida. Crucial supplies of blankets, hot cocoa, popcorn and dark rum - so essential to surviving the stress of any major snowstorm - lay in stores undelivered.

"Where is the government? I need my sidewalk shoveled so I can get out to buy my damn lottery tickets!" said one D.C. resident from his living room. "Why are we wasting money in Iraq when we could be spending it here on me?"

Progressive blogs blasted the President for his inaction. "We find the timing terribly suspicious - just as the Domestic Spying hearings kick into high gear, what happens? A major northeast Blizzard. Why now?" wrote a leftist blogger.

Hearings into the blizzards' effect on hearings are almost a certainty. Howard Dean wasted no time calling for an investigation, shouting, “I know the President was playing with the Halliburton weather machine in the White House basement! I know it! I demand equal access to the machine for my party!” John Kerry took a break from the sporting activities of the glamorous super-rich in some exotic locale (random choice: Ice Sailing in Finland) to call for new legislation outlawing snowstorms. "The Republican Congress has dropped the ball once again. I have always been a staunch supporter of anti-snow legislation, except for certain locations where I ski. Snow has no business on our roads and the President and Congress knows that."

Calls for impeachment over "SnowGate", as some are calling it, already are mounting as deeply as the snow itself, and what will be discovered underneath will prove to have a truly chilling effect on the Republicans, as the inevitable thaw proceeds.

Rumor has it that the operator of the machine was told to set it for 4 feet of snow, but refused. He was subsequently shot by the Vice President.

(...thinks it's typical how Bush sends white snow to oppress the working man.)
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Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Reply #53 - Feb 22nd, 2006 at 10:01am

-Spielberg confirms ‘Indiana Jones 4 ’ to follow ‘Munich’
Unless some very powerful fates finally conspire to do Indiana Jones in once and for all (and he’s beat some pretty tough foes in his day), the long-awaited fourth film in the “Indiana Jones” franchise is full speed ahead for production this year (and release next year, according to series creator George Lucas).

While director Steven Spielberg remained largely silent on his work on “Indiana Jones IV” during the busy days on “War of the Worlds” and “Munich,” Spielberg finally broke the silence in a recent interview with Israel’s Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper.

“I haven’t given up making entertaining films, but over the last decade I have been making some films that express the respect I have for history,” Spielberg said.

“I am about to make ‘Indiana Jones 4,’ which is, as far as I am concerned, the sweet dessert I give those who had to chow down on the bitter herbs that I’ve used in ‘Munich.’”
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Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Reply #54 - Feb 22nd, 2006 at 12:46pm
Maybe Harrison Ford will come back to play Indy???  or Maybe ol Spiely will use a lot of special effects like his budy Lucas does!  Either way, with too many special effects or no Ford...I'm predicting a stinker.  Not to mention this will be the third movie in a row that has not done very well, War of the Worlds, Munich, then this one.

Also a comment on the horrible movie that will be Posideon....anyone know if the director always puts big waves into his films.  He's directed Perfect Storm (snooze!) and now this....both having to do with giant waves!

(Hates Hollywood)
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GeekCrew Hax0r

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Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Reply #55 - Feb 22nd, 2006 at 2:18pm
I really hope Indiana Jones 4 isn't bad. that means that the entire movie hasn't been computerized and slaughtered like Star Wars was. If JarJar Binks shows up in this one, I might throw up.

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Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Reply #56 - Feb 22nd, 2006 at 2:47pm
I hope Jar Jar shows up, just so Indy can kick his #@%%@#!.

(...meesa gonna DIE!)
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Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Reply #57 - Feb 22nd, 2006 at 4:15pm
Spielberg has said before that the effects used will be done in a manner identical to the first movies. He will use effects techniques from that era, and not go cg happy.
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Truth Is Treason, In The
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Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Reply #58 - Feb 22nd, 2006 at 4:23pm
Yeah just like Lucas said that he would "never sacrifice plot for special effects"

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In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king. - Max Payne
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Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Reply #59 - Feb 22nd, 2006 at 7:48pm
Well lucas said that back in the day and speilberg doesnt want indy 4 to turn into something similiar to the new star wars's's
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