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Interesting News Article Thread (Read 702228 times)
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Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Reply #435 - Oct 14th, 2006 at 12:11am

This is the reason Madonna should just launch herself into the sun.  You know you are a horrible, evil, bad person (with a fake British accent) when people won't let you have a needy, hungry baby with no parents from a 3rd world country!

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Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Reply #436 - Oct 18th, 2006 at 8:36am
Why have so many dogs leapt to their deaths from Overtoun Bridge?
Last updated at 23:28pm on 17th October 2006
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Overtoun Bridge in Scotland where so many dogs have jumped to their deaths

For Donna Cooper, the worst thing about watching her collie dog, Ben, leap to his death has been the effect it has had on her two-year-old son Callum.

'Nearly a year on, Callum still asks about Ben. He was very upset by the dog's death and wants to know if his leg has been fixed in heaven,' she says.

Just 12 months previously, Donna, her husband and son were walking their dog across the picturesque Overtoun Bridge in Milton, near Dumbarton, Scotland.

Without warning, Ben leapt over a parapet on the century-old granite bridge and fell 50ft to his death on the rocks below.

'His paw was broken, his jaw was broken and his back was broken and badly twisted. The vet decided it wasn't worth putting him through the pain, so we had to let him go,' recalls Donna.

Kenneth Meikle can sympathise with the Cooper family because he, too, has had to watch in horror as his golden retriever, Hendrix, leapt from the same bridge at virtually the same spot.

'I was out walking with my partner and children when suddenly the dog just jumped. My daughter screamed, and I ran down the bank to where the dog lay and carried her up to safety.

'As I did so, her hair started to fall out. It must have been shock because when we got her home, she shook all night.

'Next day, thank goodness, she was fine. We were lucky because she landed on a moss bed which broke her fall.'

50 dogs in the last 50 years
Other dogs have not been as fortunate. In the past half-century, some 50 dogs have leapt to their deaths from the same historic bridge.

During one six-month period last year, five dogs jumped to their deaths.

All of the deaths have occurred at virtually the same spot, between the final two parapets on the right-hand side of the bridge, and almost all have been on clear, sunny days.

Furthermore, the dogs which have perished have all-been long-nosed breeds: labradors, collies and retrievers.

Dorren Graham, of the Scottish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals calls the phenomenon a 'heartbreaking mystery'.

'There are lots of owners whose dogs have died and who are trying to find out why they jumped.'

Could dogs be deliberately committing suicide?
Built in 1895 by Calvinist Lord Overtoun, the ornate Victorian structure arches 50ft over Overtoun Burn, the stream which runs below.

Now, thanks to stories posted on the internet, doglovers from around the world are asking: could dogs be deliberately committing suicide on this particular bridge, and if so, why?

In an attempt to solve a problem which has left many local dog owners so concerned, they will no longer walk their pets on the doomed bridge, a host of specialists converged on the west Scotland town earlier this year to investigate - and finally solve the mystery.

Rumours have long circulated that the bridge and nearby Overtoun House are haunted. In 1994, local man Kevin Moy threw his baby son to his death from the bridge, claiming he thought the child was the anti-Christ.

Shortly after he tried to end his own life with an unsuccessful suicide attempt from the same bridge.

Donna Cooper says: 'Rumour has it that he was on drugs, but he insisted the place was haunted and it does seem to have a strange effect on people and dogs.'

The Thin Place
In Celtic mythology, Overtoun is known as 'the thin place' - an area in which heaven and earth are reputed to be close.

Certainly dogs have been shown in the past to be more sensitive than humans.

Were they 'spooked' by some supernatural or external force emanating from the bridge, and deliberately leaping to their deaths?

Psychic Mary Armour took her own labrador for a walk along the bridge to test the theory. However, she reported no unusual sensations.

'Animals are hyper-sensitive to the spirit world, but I didn't feel any adverse energy.'

In fact, Mary said she experienced a feeling of 'pure calmness and serenity' but admitted that her dog did pull her towards the right-hand side of the structure.

Suicidal or depressed feelings
If there is nothing supernatural propelling animals to their deaths, could they be picking up on suicidal or depressed feelings of their owners?

Kendal Shepherd, a veterinarian behavioural specialist, believes dogs can indeed suffer from psychosis, and anyone who has ever owned a dog would agree they can pine, look listless and go off their food when they are depressed.

As far back as ancient Egypt, dogs have been bred to do specific jobs on farms and in hunting.

Today, the need for working dogs has diminished, but we still breed them as surrogate friends and partners, a situation which has led some experts to believe we might be transferring our own negative emotions onto our pets.

A famous Austrian experiment has shown dogs can pick up on the thoughts and intentions of their owners from many miles away and don't just rely on physical clues to interpret what their owners want.

In the study, conducted by Dr Rupert Sheldrake, a dog and its owner were filmed simultaneously in separate environments.

Dog could sense its owner
The female owner went out for the day while the dog remained at home. The owner was instructed to return home at a time chosen by the researcher and to do so in a taxi so as not to provide any familiar car sounds.

Just 11 seconds after she was told to go home, the dog moved to the window, where it could look out and await her arrival.

It remained there the entire 15 minutes it took the woman to travel home, proving, says Dr Sheldrake, that thoughts and intentions can be transmitted to dogs.

So perhaps the dogs jumped to their deaths because they picked up on some human cues.

Dumbarton, near to where the bridge is situated, is a site of economic decline and regularly voted one of the most depressing places in Britain to live.

Suicide among the adult population has risen 200 per cent in the past three years, and it is now the leading cause of death among young men in the area - greater even than road accidents.

However, none of the owners whose dogs jumped from Overtoun Bridge reported any suicidal feelings and after careful analysis, Kendal Shepherd concluded: 'Human suicide is usually precipitated by a feeling that tomorrow will not be any better than today.

'But there is no evidence to suggest dogs have a sense of now and tomorrow.'

If not suicide then what?
So if the dog deaths cannot be attributed to suicide, what is causing them?

In a final bid to solve the mystery, canine psychologist Dr David Sands was dispatched to Dumbarton to try to view the bridge - and the sensation of crossing it - from an animal's point of view.

His first experiment was to recross the bridge with the only dog known to have survived the fall, to see how she reacted.

When he took 19-year-old Hendrix to the scene of her near-death experience, the dog walked happily across the bridge until towards the end on the right-hand side she suddenly tensed.

Because of her advanced age, Hendrix did not have the strength to jump, but something had clearly caught her attention, and Dr Sands concluded one of her three primary senses - sight, sound or smell - must have been so stimulated that she experienced an overwhelming urge to investigate.

Sight was quickly eliminated, as from a dog's eye view the only thing visible on the bridge is uninterrupted-granite.

Visit from an animal expert
To establish if either sound or smell was the culprit, specialists from a Glasgow acoustics company and the RSPB's David Sexton, an animal habitat expert, visited the spot.

Locals thought the nearby nuclear base at Faslane might be emitting some sound audible only to dogs, and there was also the possibility that nearby telephone pylons or the bridge structure itself might give off a sound only animals could hear.

However, after monitoring sound levels across the bridge, acoustic experts found nothing untoward that might explain the dog deaths.

Sexton, on the other hand, who laid bait in the undergrowth beneath the bridge, soon discovered that mice and mink resided there, while evidence of squirrel nests was also found in cannons embedded in the bridge's structure.

In order to narrow down which smell might be attracting the dogs, he distributed odour from all three species in a field and unleashed ten dogs - of the varieties which have died at the bridge - to see which one most interested them.

His findings were remarkable. Of the ten dogs tested, only two showed no interest in any of the scents while the overwhelming majority - 70 per cent - made straight for the mink.

Could a mink be the cause?
The mink's powerful anal glands leave marks wherever they go and the strong musty smell they emit is obviously proving irresistible to dogs.

It would also explain why the deaths have all occurred on sunny, dry days - relatively rare on the notoriously wet west coast - when the mink smell has not been diluted by the damp weather. Furthermore, the theory fits with the timeline of the deaths - single minks were introduced to Scotland in the Twenties but only started to breed in large numbers in the Fifties - which is when the mysterious dog deaths began occurring. But there are 26,000 mink in Scotland. Why are dogs in pursuit of them only jumping to their death from this particular bridge?

According to Dr Sands: 'When you get down to a dog's level, the solid granite of the bridge's 18-inch thick walls obscures their vision and blocks out all sound.

'As a result, the one sense not obscured, that of smell, goes into overdrive.'

For Donna Cooper, at last there is some explanation to offer her troubled son for the reason behind the death of their beloved family pet. Yet for others some questions still remain.

Why for example are all the deaths centred around the final two parapets on the right-handside?

Until a satisfactory answer is found how many dog lovers will feel brave enough to walk their animals over the mysterious ramparts of the dog suicide bridge?

Dog Suicide Bridge is on Channel Five on Wednesday night at 8pm


"The mink's p]owerful anal glands leave marks..."

Wes's mom told me he has the same problem, and she hates doing his laundry.

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Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Reply #437 - Oct 19th, 2006 at 6:57pm

Read this hilarious letter sent from an angry pro-football player on the stats of his Madden video game persona.

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Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Reply #438 - Oct 20th, 2006 at 1:22pm
Pat, you win the award for best link of the month.  I haven't laughed that hard in months (at work, no less!).  Pat for teh win!!!111

(...probably killed a few braincells.)
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Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Reply #439 - Oct 20th, 2006 at 2:47pm
Bob, I think that's one of the nicest things you've ever said about me.


(I'm sooo happy!!!)
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In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king. - Max Payne
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Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Reply #440 - Oct 21st, 2006 at 11:59am

Chins would recede, as a result of having to chew less on processed food.

Despite the fact that the whole article is speculation, it is ridiculous that this 'evolution theorist' still think that evolution occurs through use and disuse of organs.
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Truth Is Treason, In The
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Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Reply #441 - Oct 21st, 2006 at 1:09pm
That's right!

So if I stop breathing then either myself or my offspring will develop gills, right?

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In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king. - Max Payne
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Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Reply #442 - Oct 21st, 2006 at 2:31pm
no silly, all you have to do is put your head underwater for a long time!
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"Our Constitution is designed only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate for any other."&&&&John Adams&&
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Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Reply #443 - Oct 21st, 2006 at 3:14pm
Ohh so that's what I was doing wrong...I was just holding my breath, while watching Waterworld, and saying to myself...Evolve...Evolvvve...Evollvvveee!
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In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king. - Max Payne
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Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Reply #444 - Oct 21st, 2006 at 4:50pm
lol, wow thats exactly what i was doing yesterday. Stop reading my mind. Grin
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"Our Constitution is designed only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate for any other."&&&&John Adams&&
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Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Reply #445 - Oct 27th, 2006 at 10:16am

70-year-old ex-SAS soldier dares to tackle four muggers and wins

Last updated at 22:00pm on 24th October 2006

A 70-year-old former British soldier who fought guerillas in Aden and Triad gangs in Hong Kong showed four muggers how it doesn't pay to mess with the SAS.

Douglas O'Dell is past retirement age but the moves he learned as a volunteer in Britain's toughest regiment half-a-century ago stood him in good stead when he was ambushed near his home in Bielefeld, Germany, by four local toughs.

The former Provost Sergeant put paid to the danger on the street like he once took out bandits in hotspots across the globe.

THWACK! The first mistake came when one of the teenagers grabbed him around the throat and said in German: "Give my your money, grandad, if you don't want to get hurt."

"Bad move," said Douglas. "The only part he got right was grandad. If you're gonna grab someone from behind take their arms and pin them to their waist.

"This joker, I was able to grab his elbow, crouch down and throw him over my shoulder. He landed on his back on a fence and squealed like a stuck pig."

CRASH! As one went down another moved in and Douglas thought he saw him reaching for a knife. The Birmingham-born divorcee, who has a daughter and three grandchildren, said: "I had the measure of him but I slipped on some wet leaves as he came for me and bashed my face badly on the concrete.

"I saw his boot coming towards my face and I thought: 'No you don't, sunshine.' I grabbed his leg and twisted it until he too was screaming out in agony.

"Then I got to my feet and kicked him in the chest."

With two down the two remaining would-be muggers had enough. One peeled his groaning pal from the fence, the other picked up his crippled accomplice from the pavement.

"The last I saw of them they were limping down the pavement like a WW1 trench raiding party who got clobbered," said Douglas.

Douglas, who served nearly nine years with the Royal Warwickshire Regiment before leaving the army in the late 1950s, learned his combat moves when he was accepted for SAS training.

He completed the course and was to join the famous regiment when he contracted malaria and had to leave the army.

"I was upset at the time but I made the best of it. It's funny, but I never thought I would need to know that stuff again, the unarmed combat, but it came back just when I needed it."

The youths ambushed him just 60 feet from the flat he lives in in the British Army garrison town he has called home since 1961.

He went on: "The police only became involved because I went to the hospital with my face. Otherwise I wouldn't have bothered. They didn't get anything – except a bloody good hiding.

"They were German, I think east Germans, from their accent. There have been a lot of break-ins in my road.

"I just didn’t think this would happen to me. I was only returning from a pal's place after drinking a few beers."

Douglas, who spent three years as a policeman in Birmingham before returning to Germany to live after his marriage ended, shares his flat with a mongrel dog called Schnuffi.

He still works, as a delivery driver, "because my pension isn't very good."

Police in Bielefeld are still looking for his attackers.

But a spokesman said: "He had everything under control. These guys picked the wrong guy on the wrong night."

"No you don't, sunshine."

That's awesome!

(...would love to buy this guy dinner.)
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Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Reply #446 - Nov 12th, 2006 at 4:05pm
God bless this woman who's fighting the evil system of RIAA tyranny!

udge Grants Marie Lindor's Motion to Amend Answer to Add Affirmative Defense of Unconstitutionality of Damages

In UMG v. Lindor, Judge Trager has granted Ms. Lindor's motion to add a defense based on the unconstitutionality of the $750-per-song damages sought by plaintiffs. He rejected the RIAA's arguments that the defense was without merit, that the motion was untimely, that the amendment would prejudice the RIAA, or that Ms. Lindor was required to send a notice to the United States Department of Justice of her defense of unconstitutionality.

Judge Trager ruled:

    [P]laintiffs can cite to no case foreclosing the applicability of the due process clause to the aggregation of minimum statutory damages proscribed under the Copyright Act. On the other hand, Lindor cites to case law and to law review articles suggesting that, in a proper case, a court may extend its current due process jurisprudence prohibiting grossly excessive punitive jury awards to prohibit the award of statutory damages mandated under the Copyright Act if they are grossly in excess of the actual damages suffered.....Furthermore, Lindor provides a sworn affidavit asserting that plaintiffs' actual damages are 70 cents per recording and that plaintiffs seek statutory damages under the Copyright Act that are 1,071 times the actual damages suffered. Aff. of Morlan Ty Rogers, ("Rogers Aff.", [pars.]5, 6. See also Aff. of Aram Sinnreich, ("Sinnreich Aff."), [par.] 2, 3 (attesting that popular music sound recording downloads and consumer license to use same are lawfully obtainable to the public at 99 cents per song, and of that 99 cents, roughly 70 cents per song is paid by the retailer to the record label). As FRCP Rule 12(b)(6) requires that this figure be taken as true for purposes of the motion, Lindor has alleged a factual basis supporting her affirmative defense."

Does this mean a change in the way law will look at copyright and the cases brought to them?

(Still a long way to go)
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Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Reply #447 - Nov 13th, 2006 at 12:28pm
Teachers 'stressed' by websites
The sites allow pupils to rate teachers
Teachers in Northern Ireland are being caused "a lot of stress" by websites which allow pupils to post their opinions of them, it has been claimed.

Sites such as ratemyteacher.co.uk and bebo give pupils the chance to anonymously praise or castigate their teachers from their own homes.

Fern Turner, regional officer of the National Association of Head Teachers, said the situation was "unacceptable".

"We're talking here about teachers' professionalism," she said.

Among the posts on one of the sites, ratemyteacher.co.uk, were ones which read: "A useless piece of garbage who wouldn't know chemistry if it ran him over"; "She spends all our lessons on her mobile texting her boyfriend"; "I didn't like her as a teacher... she had a weird smell of vodka to her."

"The fact that somebody is making money out of attacking people isn't appropriate," Ms Turner said.

"I think part of being a teacher is training young children, and indeed sometimes adults, to respect others and respect their feelings and not to go out of their way to damage people.

"I think that is what this does," she said.

Ms Turner said her organisation did not condone bad teaching, but there were better ways to deal with problems.

"If the teacher is not doing the job it has to be dealt with, but it has to be dealt with properly.

"The website is not the way to do it," Ms Turner said.

"We need students to be active, we need them to be involved in their education, but this isn't the way to do it."

Yes, because we can't criticize the perfect position of teaching!  When did teaching become godship for people?  Teachers are having sex with students, dropping the ball on educating children, and just overall sucking.  Teacher are not perfect and there is no outlet for criticism to the system for the kids, and prob the parents too.  Those who went to TRHS can remember, at least me and bob the most, the absolute waste of time and space that teachers such as Mr. Best and Mr. Woods took up.  I complained about both to the Principle, and even my parents did.  The parents did because Mr. Best wanted me to bring a knife into school, I can fight my own fights but I wanted some higher ups to help me out.  I think all the complaints about Mr. Woods from our Global Studies class even got Mr. Rathburn, who was a friend at the time when he was principal and trusted me, actually came down to review Mr. Woods.  Of course that was the one day he "taught" something instead of rambled on and on about African queens in Vietnam or chitlets is good or some other crap like that.  To bring my point to a head, there is no check and/or balance on teachers today.  Teachers unions and esp tenure are out of control.  I remember coming to school and seeing our teachers protesting outside before class started.  I wanted to protest them!  And remember some of the teachers...I liked.

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In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king. - Max Payne
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Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Reply #448 - Nov 13th, 2006 at 12:29pm

Hmmm...why is classic Star Trek being used to teach proper science and not TNG?

Because Kirk is better than Picard of course!

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In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king. - Max Payne
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Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Reply #449 - Nov 13th, 2006 at 1:02pm
Nah, it's just because the teacher is a woman.

(...runs away.)
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