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Interesting News Article Thread (Read 702215 times)
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Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Reply #360 - Jul 26th, 2006 at 6:54pm
Ya cause that's a good idea

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GeekCrew Hax0r

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Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Reply #361 - Jul 26th, 2006 at 8:45pm
Although it is no longer my career of choice, I still have a soft spot in my heart for the little known, often misunderstood field of music therapy.  I found an article about it on CNN today, and that makes me happy.  Smiley


In other news, I'm very happy that Andrea Yates was found not guilty.
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Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Reply #362 - Jul 26th, 2006 at 9:18pm
Marie wrote on Jul 26th, 2006 at 8:45pm:
In other news, I'm very happy that Andrea Yates was found not guilty.

You've got to be freakin' kidding me.

The woman murders her own children in her bathtub one by one, and the jury doesn't have the guts to execute her. How does that make anyone "very happy?"

(...screw that.)
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WWW JamesRRogers2  
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Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Reply #363 - Jul 26th, 2006 at 9:25pm
Okay sweetie, what part of "insanity defense" do you not understand?

(more later)
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Wootzor von Leetenhaxor
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Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Reply #364 - Jul 26th, 2006 at 9:41pm
I won't pass judgement on Andrea Yates because I don't know very much about the cause or the person.

I do believe that people suffering from mental illness can do horrible things without even knowing they are doing it.  It doesn't make it right, or make it any less horrible, but it does make the person subject to a different set of rules.  Life in a mental ward would be my choice, none of this getting out bullshit.

I do also recocgnize that "insanity" pleas are HIGHLY overused this day and age.  Just because you are distraught and do something irrational doesn't make you insane folks.

Like I said, without having met Mrs. Yates or knowing more about the case, I don't think I can justly sentence her.

I just hope that jury understood what they are letting that woman get away with if they weren't 100% sure she was bat shit insane.
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sendasteel2000 fatmanlan  
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Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Reply #365 - Jul 26th, 2006 at 10:01pm
Ahh finally a subject I can use my knowledge to help.

"I do also recocgnize that "insanity" pleas are HIGHLY overused this day and age.  Just because you are distraught and do something irrational doesn't make you insane folks."

You might think they are overused but no more than 3% of the total insanity defenses are accepted.  That is just ALLOWING THE PLEA to be accepted.  It is very very hard to do this...even in Michigan.  This is just one of the urban myths (I guess you could say that) that permiate through our criminal justice system.

"I just hope that jury understood what they are letting that woman get away with if they weren't 100% sure she was bat shit insane."

The judge charges the jury very strickly when these cases come.  These charges involve very very VERY strick rules in order to rule as NGBRMD (Not Guily By Reason of Mental Defect), not to mention the clarrification of what "beyond a reasonable doubt" is.  These trials are a dog and pony show that we might think they are.  Yes there are the bad apples but a case with this much ink will definately help in keeping it on the straight and narrow (unlike an OJ trial in CA).

Also, they aren't "letting her off".  She'll be going to a state run mental hospital.  These aren't the "dungeons" that are shown in movies normally.  But they aren't pleasure palaces like "One Flew Over The Koo Koo's Nest".  The only problem I have with mental hospitals and that line of work is that they've never cured anyone and it just seems like a housing pen for mentally ill people.  Now I know I'm making light of the caregivers but I kinda have a problem with some of it.

So I hope this little swarey helped!

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Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Reply #366 - Jul 26th, 2006 at 10:39pm
That woman isn't worth the oxygen she's breathing.  I think that the practice of not executing the criminally insane after a mass murder is one of the great failures of our society.  I'll even go so far as to state that the insanity defense is one of the worst things to happen to the US criminal justice system.

Ultimately, it is irrelevant if she was "sane" or not.  The results are the same.  Her children are dead, and she killed them.  Execute her.

I don't care what the excuse is (postpartum depression or schizophrenia or anything else for that matter), she killed five kids and she deserves to die.

I can pretty much guarantee that if the father had killed his five children, he would have been found guilty, sentenced to death, and you never would've though twice about what kind of lame insanity excuse was.   This is just another example of how the courts favor women.

(...thinks they should treat her for her depression and then drown her in a tub. )

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Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Reply #367 - Jul 26th, 2006 at 11:12pm
This is a great discusstion.

Let me ask you a question bob...shouldn't we then kill all insane people, esp those that exhibit violent tendencies?

Also are there circumstances (obviously not obvious self defense I think we can all agree that's excusable) where the comission of a crime could be excusable because of a situation or mental state or whatever?

Should we prosecute the street bumb who steels the stereotypical loaf of bread to survive?

(Finally a good debate after so long and after so many Wes' mom jokes...anyone else want to voice their opinion)
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In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king. - Max Payne
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Wootzor von Leetenhaxor
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Grand High Overlard

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Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Reply #368 - Jul 26th, 2006 at 11:55pm
What about a man who is mentaly retarded b0b?  What if he accidently, being as most retarded people don't realize there own strength, killed a child or an adult?  Was he knowingly doing violence?  Did he understand what he was doing?

The same applies for people who are out of their minds.  That lady, if she is truly insane, had no idea that what she was doing was wrong.  She thought she was "saving" her children.  If you knew for a fact your child was about to suffer horrible torture and then die, would you kill them to spare it?  Now what if your insanity made you think that was the case and you did so when they were in no actual danger?

You can't treat people like that by the same rules as a person who KNOWINGLY goes out and does evil.

Your looking at it from a kill and be killed point of view.  But then again b0b, you aren't mentaly insane now are you.

And seems you so like them.  Lets use some scripture.

Matthew 7:1-2
"Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again"
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sendasteel2000 fatmanlan  
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Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Reply #369 - Jul 27th, 2006 at 11:17am
X wrote on Jul 26th, 2006 at 11:12pm:
Let me ask you a question bob...shouldn't we then kill all insane people, esp those that exhibit violent tendencies?

No, we should kill all the people that KILL THEIR CHILDREN.  Don't turn this into a strawman argument.

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WWW JamesRRogers2  
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Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Reply #370 - Jul 27th, 2006 at 11:42am
The_Fat_Man wrote on Jul 26th, 2006 at 11:55pm:
What about a man who is mentaly retarded b0b?  What if he accidently, being as most retarded people don't realize there own strength, killed a child or an adult?

Emphasis added.  The key word there is "accidentally."  What Andrea Yates did was not an accident.  She intentionally, calculatedly murdered her children one at a time.  She has stated multiple times that she was perfectly well aware that she was harming her children.

Postpartum psychosis affects mothers after 0.2% of all births.  That might not sound like a high number, but when you think of the number of births taking place across the US (and the civilized world as a whole), that a fair number of affected mothers every day.  How many of them show up on the news after having meticulously murdered her five children?  Yeah, I thought so.

Yates started out blaming her serial killings on religion.  When she realized nobody was going to buy it, she played the depression card.  It wasn't until this latest trial that she tried a blend of both excuses.  I'm just disappointed that 9 jury members bought it.

She thought she was "saving" her children.

Religion is a powerful tool when used for the wrong reasons.  If I convinced a generally sane person that flashing their nekkid bodies in public would get them a bigger house in heaven, would you expect the cop to not arrest them?  Of course you wouldn't.  Religion is not an excuse to murder your children.  EVER.

Have you ever studied the predecessors of the Pagan religion?  When Assyria occupied Israel, they used to have live human sacrifices in the valley of Hinnom just outside of Jerusalem.  Parents would bring their children to a continuously burning pit and throw them, kicking and screaming, onto the fiery coals.  Was that justified?  Were their actions excusable simply because they thought it would "save" their children?

You can't treat people like that by the same rules as a person who KNOWINGLY goes out and does evil.

The woman drowned her five children, one at a time, even after having to chase down the eldest and drag him forcibly into the bathroom.  The woman is freakin' evil.  Execute her and let God deal with her.

Your looking at it from a kill and be killed point of view.

I'm looking at it from a "she killed her own children" point of view.  How else is any rational human being supposed to see it?  In any other society in any other time period, she would've been walked to the gallows before the ink on her death warrant was dry.  Why is our society so "enlightened" that we think we can fix her?

Matthew 7:1-2
"Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again"

That quote is being taken way, way out of context.  If you read the rest of the chapter, you'll see that the entire passage deals with fairness.  It does not say, "don't ever judge anyone for any reason."  It is entirely appropriate to condemn someone (i.e. Andrea Yates) for commiting a horrendous crime (i.e. murdering her children).  The main concept of the passage that our conduct toward others will affect God's conduct toward us.

I want to ask you guys an honest question.  What is the best case scenario going forward?  Do you think she should be rehabilitated (if possible) and released back into the general public?  Do you think she should be locked up for the rest of her natural life?  I want to see if you guys agree on your ultimate "solution."

(...can't figure out how a hung jury resulted in a verdict, anyway.)
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Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Reply #371 - Jul 27th, 2006 at 12:29pm
All sin is the same in God's eyes eh? So if you judge someone for murder, its the same as judging someone for coveting his neighbors possesions.
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"Our Constitution is designed only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate for any other."&&&&John Adams&&
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Wootzor von Leetenhaxor
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Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Reply #372 - Jul 27th, 2006 at 12:42pm
The main concept of the passage that our conduct toward others will affect God's conduct toward us.

So b0b, let me ask you this.

You are judging Mrs. Yates without mercy, and without consideration for her cirumstances (Can you honestly tell me you are 100% sure she isn't out of her mind?).  You are showing absolutely no forgiveness, and are not caring what factors might have caused her to do this act.  No reason can justify it in your eyes, and you say she deserves the ultimate punishment, NO MATTER WHAT.

Your bible says that God will judge you the way you judge others.

So if that is the case b0b.  When you arrive at the gates of heaven, and God knows all your sins.  You are going to hell.  God should show you no mercy, nor forgiveness, or take into fact the conditioins that may have led to your sins.

Do you think God will judge Mrs. Yates the way you are judging her b0b?

You are going against what your religion tells you b0b.  You should not be so quick to make resh and harsh decisions on others, when you yourself will someday have to face those same conditions.

I'm not saying we should NEVER judge a person, but that you should take into consideration all things, and show mercy for those who may not have done true evil.

And in my eyes bob, there is a big difference between the evil an insane person does, and the evil a sane person does.
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sendasteel2000 fatmanlan  
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Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Reply #373 - Jul 27th, 2006 at 1:30pm
No, we should kill all the people that KILL THEIR CHILDREN.  Don't turn this into a strawman argument.

I resent that charge, bob.  I was asking an honest question to see where you stood on the subject.  I wasn't trying to trip you up but to see where you stood on a subject.  Like if we're talking about designer babies I would want to know if you would outlaw the birthing of children who haven't been alterted.  I don't have some evil motive like evolutionists have.

I also have to say that the "kill everyone and let God sort them out" is a bad idea.  I know that's not what you said so let me clarrify.  The people who commit murder and other crimes should be punished and placed into cells unlike the jails we have today.  While I defended the insantiy defence I will not defend that prisons aren't these cushy areas...the only reason someone would want to stay out of them is because of the other inmates.  But if you kill all these people who've killed aren't you not allowing them to repent?  Also what if we found a treatment, a rehabilitation program that actually worked (and I'm not talking about the evil we see in movies where we mess around with people's brains so they forget who they are."  But my point being is, aren't you taking away a person's ability to accept Christ as their Savior if they are killed as quickly as you want them to be?

My personal belief is that if we make prison a bad place no one would want to come to it.  However even if prison was literally Hell people would still go to it.  So while they are being held why don't we go vistit them and try to convert them.  Jesus says:

Mat 25:39  Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee?
Mat 25:40  And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.

Now as to your question as to what I would want to happen.  I would want her to get treated.  I would want her to get cured.  Then I want her in prison for taking life.  Those lives have to be justified someway.  If we can kill an insane inmate if we pump him/her full of drugs, I feel not at all guilty to house someone in the same condition.  Also if she really did realize the situation at hand (I'm not saying she doesn't now...I don't know enough about her to make that decision) you'd think she'd want to be punished for what she did.  However I was watching the news and just before I fell alseep they were talking about if she was stablized they could release her.  Any truth in that?

Also you don't need a unanimous verdict in a jury where the death penalty isn't wanted.  Also it would have been a hung jury if it was 7 to 10.  I have a feeling that the prosecutor dropped the ball (as the father is now saying he did) when he agreed to that.  The standard is 12, that means less people to manipulate for the state and a better chance for sympathy from the jury (you can also have a jury of 7 FYI).  So it wasn't a hung jury.


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GeekCrew Hax0r

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Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Reply #374 - Jul 27th, 2006 at 2:36pm
1. "The insanity plea is overused and is one of the worst things to happen to the justice system"

Why wouldn't it be?  For desperate criminals who want to walk freely, it seems very easy in theory.  However, insanity is more complicated than that.  Psychiatric illnesses have very specific criteria listed in the DSM-IV-TR that must be met in order to be diagnosed as such.  The sad reality is that many people don't know a lot about issues of mental health, and as a result of this ignorance, people who are relatively sound can fall through the cracks.  However, for people who truly suffer from a mental disorder, the insanity defense is definitely justified.  (On another note, I truly wish they would change
the technical term.  "Insanity" has gotten such a horrible connotation over the years and just adds to the ignorance and stigma experienced by people with mental illnesses.)

On another note, did you know that *I* used the insanity defense bob?  During an episode a broke several laws and ended up going to court and had to go to a state psychiatric facility for a thorough criminal evaluation.  The costs for my lawyer and my parents having to take days off without pay so they could drive up to East Lansing for my court days were devastating.

2. "State mental facilities have never cured anyone; they just seem like a housing pen for sick people"

I agree wholeheartedly, having stayed in one myself for several days.  If someone is sick, why the hell would you remove them from their home and natural support systems to stick them in some building where they're cut off from everything?  I couldn't shave or shower without someone there watching me to make sure I didn't hurt myself.  We were only allowed outside for a couple of hours a day, and that was in a fenced in area.  Middle-aged men would flash me their boy parts.  This was supposed to help me?  I'm a huge advocate of community rehabilitation.  At any rate, being where she is now is definitely a heck of a lot better than jail.

3. "Whether she was sane or not, she still murdered her children and deserves to die"

And you feel appointed to decide this how?

4. "She was using PPD as an excuse"

You wouldn't believe how many times I've heard this in my life.  "Well, why don't you just cheer up?  Snap out of it!  Maybe if you pray harder you won't feel so bad."  It's not that simple.  Psychiatric illnesses have a biological basis.  I actually had a group of people try to drive a demon out of me when I felt depressed.  Sigh...

5. "Her crime was not an accident.  She was well aware of what she was doing."

You can speculate all you want, but I highly doubt that you (or anyone else on this forum for that matter) have personally experienced a psychotic episode.  You are concious and aware of what you are doing, but it's like something is taking over your mind.  Delusions and hallucinations abound and are part of your reality.  Because of what you may believe, see, hear, touch, and so on, you are not really yourself even though you believe you are.  I think most of you know me well enough to know what kind of person I am.  However, in my psychotic state, I attacked a police officer and a neighbor, threw chairs and computer monitors at windows, and just about killed myself, among other things.  They were all justified to me at the time, but that was because my mind was throwing me for a loop.  It's very likely that Andrea Yates was aware of her actions, but because of her delusional beliefs at the time, it wasn't really *her*.

6. "A lot of women suffer from PPD but none ever do anything like this"

Most of those women are able to detect it early enough and intervene with appropriate treatment.  If left untreated, PPD, like other mental illnesses, can get worse and worse until the person completely loses touch with reality.  Her doctor told her husband to never leave her alone with the kids because of her state.  What did he do?  He left her alone with the kids.

7. "She was blaming her religion for her actions at first"

Are you aware of the fact that the most common delusions during psychosis are often based on religion?  During episodes, many people will claim to be God, to be working for God or to be spoken to by God.  This happens even to people who aren't religious.  It's part of the illness.

This is really all I can think of for now.  I always thought you were a basically good kid, but your ignorance both amuses and saddens me.  Do you go around calling me your "psycho ex" now?  Doesn't really matter, as I've had worse things said about me.

(Not getting off my soapbox, as it is now permanently glued to my feet...)
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