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Interesting News Article Thread (Read 702246 times)
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Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Reply #270 - Jun 1st, 2006 at 11:34am
Originally Posted By Dance:
Panel: N.C. Should Pay for 1898 Race Riot

Associated Press Writer

RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) -- A state-appointed commission is urging North Carolina to provide reparations for the 1898 racial violence that sparked an exodus of more than 2,000 black residents from Wilmington.

The 500-page report that was produced after six years of study also said the violence, which killed as many as 60 people, was not a spontaneous riot but rather the nation's only recorded coup d'etat.

"There is no amount of money that can repair what happened years ago and compensate for the loss of lives and the loss of property," said vice chairman Irving Joyner, a professor at N.C. Central School of Law.

The commission did not provide any cost estimates, although compensation advocate Larry Thomas of Chapel Hill estimated that the economic losses calculated today are "probably in the billions of dollars."
Along with compensation to victims' descendants, the commission also recommended incentives for minority small businesses and help for minority home ownership. It also recommended that the history of the incident be taught in public schools.

State Rep. Thomas Wright, a Democrat who helped establish and chair the panel, said the next step is to file a bill in the Legislature with the recommendations. That won't happen before 2007 because the filing deadline for this session has passed.

The 1898 violence began when white vigilantes, resentful after years of black and Republican political rule during Reconstruction, burned the printing press of a black newspaper publisher, Alexander Manly.

Violence spread, resulting in an exodus of 2,100 blacks, the commission concluded. Then the largest city in the state, Wilmington flipped from a black majority to a white majority in the months that followed.

Before the violence, which led to a Democratic takeover from Republicans and Populists, black men in North Carolina had been able to vote for about three decades. But Democrats quickly passed voter literacy tests and a grandfather clause, which disenfranchised black voters until the civil rights movement of the 1960s.

"The growth of Wilmington was stunted as a result of what happened in 1898," Joyner said. "Wilmington has never recovered economically, socially or politically."

Wilmington likely became a "catalyst" for the violent white supremacist movement around the country, with other states taking note, said Lerae Umfleet, the state's lead researcher.

"Jim Crow had passed in a few other states," Umfleet said. "But the whole white supremacy campaign in North Carolina was watched around the country. People built on what happened in Wilmington."

Some previous historical accounts had portrayed the incident as spontaneous, although more recently, historians have described it as a coup d'etat.

"This sets the record straight," Wright said. "Now there is an official document confirming this part of North Carolina's - and America's - history. Nowhere in the United States has a legitimate government ever been overthrown."

While we're at it, why don't we pay reparations for slavery, too?

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Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Reply #271 - Jun 1st, 2006 at 9:04pm
When I read this story I thought only one thing...

Teen Arrested For Allegedly Spiking Rival's Drink With Bleach
Police Say Teen Wanted Lead Role In Play

POSTED: 12:53 pm EDT June 1, 2006
UPDATED: 1:13 pm EDT June 1, 2006
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HURST, Texas -- A North Texas teenager has been arrested for allegedly putting beach into another student's soda.

Katherine Smith, 18, turned herself in to the Tarrant County Jail. She faces a felony charge of tampering with a consumer product.

"(The alleged victim) noticed that the seal was already broken and then she went ahead and opened it and smelled it and thought it smelled unusual and she was suspicious of the contents," said Judy Ramos, a spokeswoman for the Hurst-Euless-Bedford Independent School District.

The 16-year-old alleged victim, who was the star in the school play, did not take a drink of the Mountain Dew, but instead went to the principal's office.

Police said Smith was the understudy and wanted the lead role, and they believe she tainted the soda with bleach.

Investigators said lab tests came back positive for byproducts of bleach.

Detectives issued an arrest warrant a week ago.

Smith is free on $2,500 bond. If convicted, Smith could face 20 years in prison.

School officials said Smith was placed in an alternative school and was barred from the senior prom and graduation ceremony.

...how DARE he ruin the drink of the Dew of the Mountain!  I hope he gets the max!

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Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Reply #272 - Jun 2nd, 2006 at 12:39am
You mean she?

(...wants a Dew of the Mountain-flavored water from Bell of Taco.)
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Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Reply #273 - Jun 2nd, 2006 at 2:08am
Yeah sorry about that...I hope she gets the max!

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Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Reply #274 - Jun 2nd, 2006 at 11:45am
I'm sure she's just a poor, innocent, misguided youth, forced into the situation by the pressures of society.

(...is lying, of course.)
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Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Reply #275 - Jun 2nd, 2006 at 12:44pm
I blame violent video games.
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Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Reply #276 - Jun 2nd, 2006 at 12:46pm
I blame Canada.

(...especially the Frenchies.)
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Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Reply #277 - Jun 2nd, 2006 at 5:13pm
i blame politics.

and science.

and Barney.

          (...never trust a purple dinosaur. or the Burger King.)
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Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Reply #278 - Jun 13th, 2006 at 6:43am

NEW YORK (Reuters) - The newspapers of the future - cheap digital screens that can be rolled up and stuffed into a back pocket - have been just around the corner for the last three decades.

But as early as this year, the future may finally arrive. Some of the world's top newspapers publishers are planning to introduce a form of electronic newspaper that will allow users to download entire editions from the Web on to reflective digital screens said to be easier on the eyes than light-emitting laptop or cellphone displays.

Flexible versions of these readers nay be available as early as 2007.

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Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Reply #279 - Jun 13th, 2006 at 10:27am

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Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Reply #280 - Jun 13th, 2006 at 3:36pm
One man's memorial to Hitler
Despite potential controversy, a former SS officer set to open a memorial near Millard
By Donna Lenz Wright/The Week (Walworth County, Wisconsin)
June 9, 2006

"Hitler did nothing.

"When the war happened, he tried everything diplomatic--everything.

"The soldiers of the Third Reich never stole anything. I fought next to them. They were good men. Never times were they bad.

"Not one person was gassed to death in the Third Reich."

This is what Ted Junker of Millard believes.

Junker says he was born in 1919 in Germany and fought as a German Waffen-Schutzstaffel (SS) officer during World War II.

For 60 years he has mulled over what he remembers happening during those years. And in the years since he has come to see those events as totally opposite from how they are commonly told.

"When I was laying in bed at night, I would ask, 'How is it possible that people get so misinformed?'" he says through a strong German accent.

So Junker figured he'd do something big to tell his side of the story.

He built a large hall and monument honoring the legacy of Adolf Hitler and the German Allied forces.

Junker will hold a grand opening Sunday, June 25 beginning at 11 a.m.

Down a mile-long winding dirt drive, past pastures, fields, a gravel pit and around a pond, lies Yunker's quaint, inviting farmstead. Around the last bend a building comes into view on the left that doesn't go with the rest of the spread.

On its side, large black-on-white letters greet visitors that stand out so strongly that they're impossible to ignore:

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

It's our own First Amendment.

"I put that there so people shouldn't be afraid," Junker said. "But they are afraid. But I thought when they see the First Amendment maybe they not so much be afraid."

Atop the Honorary Hall, which is built into a hillside, is a gigantic black marble monument, "dedicated to those German and other European heroes who fell in World War II, as well as to all victims of (German) Allied persecution and genocide. May God ever be with them," as it's engraved in the center.

On its left side, the Waffen-SS soldiers' countries are listed.

On its right side, SS death totals are broken down: 4.25 million.

Total war related deaths among Germany's allies "for freedom in Europe:" 15 million.

Under the dedication in the center, those who died after Germany's defeat are honored: 10 million.

Germans driven from their homes after the war: 17 million.

"After the war we lost our home too," Junker lamented. "After the war I had one pair of shoes and those were for Sunday, so I went barefoot. We lost everything."

Descending the hill to the front of the hall, two doors on each corner frame a curtain "so nobody gets a heart attack," Junker joked. As he retracts the curtain, the message-again large black-on-white letters-reveals the purpose of the building:

Honorary Hall for Adolf Hitler

Before you pass judgment,

Give careful and equal

Consideration to both sides.

Have courage

To stand for the truth.

The truth shall set you free.

Through the doors is a large, mostly empty hall. The walls are white and the carpet is an unassuming brown tone. A long wooden conference table is in the foreground of the hall. On each side are wooden shelves of books. And across the back wall is a huge red velvet curtain.

As Junker opens the curtain, the display slowly emerges.

Hitler's face stares back from two large photos. One sits atop a pedestal that will soon hold a bust of Hitler, Junker said. It's a dashing young Hitler in his SS uniform, swastika on his left arm sleeve. The other, much larger portrait is a close-up face shot. It sits in front of the pedestal on a large black box.

On the wall behind the photos is a huge Nazi flag on the right, and an equally-sized American flag on the left.

On each side of the flags are more messages important to Junker. Among the messages are, "Hitler did not start World War II," "Hitler advocated for Aryans but respected all races" and "Hitler united the German people and had a goal to unite Europe."

In the center, above the photos and between the flags the message says:

Naturgesetze Erkennen

Und danach handeln

Translated into English is:

Get to know the laws of nature

And live by them

But why would Junker feel the need to build such a large and obviously expensive monument of this nature so long after the war?

"The winner of the war writes the history, you see," Junker said. "Most people don't know what was really going on."

Junker says that for all of these years he lay awake nights thinking over what he perceives is a horrible wrong. He says Hitler's messages have been completely misconstrued and that the Nazi Party has been unjustifiably damned.

"Hitler gave dignity back to his people," Junker asserts. "Hitler united German people. His book, "Mein Kampf," provided direction for the future. He brought jobs, food and dignity back to the German people."

Junker says he remembers life before and after Hitler was elected Germany's chancellor in 1933, and the years after were far better than the those before.

"They even talk that Hitler was against the church," he said. "That's the biggest lie because he especially made laws to save the church.

"How the can people judge when for 60 years they just listen to one side?" he asks. "Not even the best judge can rule when he doesn't listen to the other side. People have only heard one side."
Becoming an SS officer

Junker spent his teen years in Romania. As Hitler was becoming more powerful, the Germans in his village were persecuted by the officials and the locals, he says. They weren't given the educational and occupational opportunities that the others were given.

"Romania was with their heart and soul French," he remembers. "(The persecution) was natural because France and England want war with Germany."

Junker and his friends would gather and sing German songs, he said. "In Romania you had to be quiet about Hitler. But we were German and we were singing German songs, but they said we were singing Hitler songs so they put me in jail.

"When we go evening out, the police came, they hit us, pushed us. I was four times in jail for nothing."

While he was in jail, pro-Hitler movements were gaining strength in Germany. Once he got out, he decided to go to Germany.

"Romanian jail is not like the United States," he said. "They were bad. They cut all your hair. There were bugs. They give you no food. It was real bad. So I decided to go to Germany and become an SS soldier."

So he set off on foot to see if he could enlist. He walked all the way to Germany and found a recruiting camp.

"That was in the Wiermacht Camp. There was over 40 young boys, they all wanted to go to the SS. The SS was very strict. You have to be naked and look how your bodies, your eyes, your teeth. From these 40 boys they picked just four, and I was one," he said proudly.

This is another major point of contention with Junker, that young men were forced to become SS soldiers.

"Today if somebody says he was pressed (in)to the SS, that's the biggest lie. They never took a single one who wasn't free."

In all, Junker says was wounded six times during the war and was in more than one prison camp. He waited five years to be able to come to the United States, and as soon as he could, he moved to the Chicago area.

And his pride in being an SS officer is as strong today as it was then. His comrades were honest and dutiful, he said.

"In the Third Reich the youth groups were so well educated and controlled in this manner. They wasn't allowed dope-it never existed in the Third Reich. You would never see smoking, never. We were healthy men."
On racism

Contrary to how Hitler has been portrayed, his being a racist was one of the largest fallacies, Junker believes.

"They said he was a racist. It's a lie. He advocated for, he was in favor of these people. He respected other races."

But things did change in regard to German feelings about Jews in 1933, he says. Two months after Hitler was elected the World Jewish Organization declared war on Germany.

Junker says that only then did Germans begin distrusting the Jews

In fact, Junker believes that Hitler himself did more to help the Jews than any other person or government of the time.
On concentration camps

While Junker wholeheartedly disbelieves the stories of mass executions in concentration camps, he doesn't deny that people were moved into the camps and in some cases deported.

"Why did they put them in them in the concentration camp? Why did United States put the Germans, Italians and the Japanese into camps?" he asked rhetorically. "Hitler did nothing against the law."

As for the film and photo footage of the concentration camps shown over and over through the years, Junker insists it's fabricated.

"It's Hollywood," he said. "It's proven already 30 years that experts from the United States, Austria and Germany. They didn't find in the walls residue from the gas like they say. Nothing is there. They didn't find corpses. They didn't find ashes."

The Institute for Historical Review (IHR), the experts Junker cites, does claim to have done extensive research at the camp sites. According to their Web site they don't dispute the fact that large numbers of Jews were deported to the camp, or that many died there, particularly of typhus and other diseases. But the evidence they present shows that Auschwitz was not an extermination center and that the story of mass killings in 'gas chambers' is a myth.

Confessions by Nazis were coerced and obtained through torture, they claim. The group also cites that upon firsthand inspection, the facilities were not equipped to be used as gas chambers or mass crematories.

"They want to have an open debate already for over 25 years," Junker says. "But nobody will debate them. You see, in history people lie."
How does an SS officer end up in Wisconsin?

Junker and his late wife moved to Walworth County in 1963 and raised their family. He loves the United States, he said, and would never want to live anywhere else.

"We couldn't come here the first five years after the war, so I came after that."

He isn't concerned about people disapproving of his Honorary Hall to Hitler, as it is what makes the United States so wonderful-the freedom of speech, he says.

His children have voiced their concerns and tried to persuade him to write a book instead, but he would not be deterred.

"I didn't build this so nobody knows it," he said. "I've been a peaceful man since I've been in the United States.

"That's why I made it here, in the middle of the country. Not in Milwaukee or big city. So if people don't want to see it, they don't. But if they do, it's here."

Even in Germany people can't speak freely about Hitler, the war or any of the associated stories, he said. "I'm so glad I'm alive in this world. In Germany you no can do this, they'll put you in jail."

But on the chance that he does get into some sort of trouble for his monument, Junker has taken steps to save his farm.

"I changed my will. I don't want (my family) to spend any money when they put me in jail," he said.

But the importance of his message pulled him so strongly, he felt he needed to speak his truth about what happened as he saw it in the 1930s, 1940s and the years since.

"I thought if I could do something for the world, or the United States, I would do this in my last days.

"When you know Hitler, he is the greatest guy ever existed. But I don't can change the minds of the people. But what he did-he was the greatest leader ever."
The grand opening

Junker is holding a grand opening for his monument and honorary hall on June 25 at 11 a.m. He will welcome anyone interested in visiting and talking on that day or by appointment. The monument is located at 6360 County Road A, Elkhorn.

There are pictures at the link.


In America, everyone has a constitutional right to be an idiot.  This man has chosen to exercise that right.

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Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Reply #281 - Jun 15th, 2006 at 11:05pm
I just saw and advance screening of "Who Killed the Electric Car" amd it was a very good flick. I recommend it to all of you. It describes the creation of a car fully independant of gas, oil, and all that engine maintenance, and its destruction by its own maker, GM. Oil companies lobbied the government, and sued California's Clean air bill, and basically made it impossible to get one of these cars. Now the government pushes hydrogen fuel, an extremely experimental and expensive (1 mill per car) technology when weve had a relatively cheaper and gas free vehicle for a long time.

Good flick.

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"Our Constitution is designed only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate for any other."&&&&John Adams&&
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Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Reply #282 - Jun 16th, 2006 at 9:33am
It's about time someone publicized the issue.

(...wants a flying car, too.)
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Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Reply #283 - Jun 22nd, 2006 at 4:25pm
Sweet sassy mallassy!!!

If you read way down to the bottom of a Wall Street Journal interview with Bill Gates that ran yesterday, you'll discover that the Microsoft executive admitted to watching pirated movies on the Internet. The confession came as he was talking about content he had viewed on YouTube. Here's part of the exchange:

    WSJ: You watch physics lectures and Harlem Globetrotters [on YouTube]?

    Gates: This social-networking thing takes you to crazy places.

    WSJ: But those were stolen, correct?

    Gates: Stolen's a strong word. It's copyrighted content that the owner wasn't paid for. So yes.

The Internet's biggest social failure has been that it has served as enabling technology for rampant cheating and theft - and the rationalization of it. The Internet makes stealing so easy that most people don't even think about it.

Bill Gates' comments would appear to be a case in point. You can hear the wheels turning as Gates thinks through the reality of his actions before finally admitting that he has indeed downloaded and consumed copyrighted content.

If you have a WSJ subscription you can view the story, Bill Gates on ...the Competition here.

Me: Your honor...I would like to refer you to "Bill Gates does it!!!"
Judge:  Case dismissed!
Everyone: Hazaaaaaa!

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Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Reply #284 - Jun 23rd, 2006 at 11:57am
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