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Cry freedom! (Read 210133 times)
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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #885 - Nov 15th, 2007 at 8:19am
That's exactly my sentiment as well, Spanky.

Tasers are classified as LESS lethal weapons, not non-lethal weapons.

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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #886 - Nov 15th, 2007 at 8:33am
Tasers are classified as LESS lethal weapons, not non-lethal weapons.

Just like my...

Come on it was the perfect setup, I had to go there!
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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #887 - Nov 15th, 2007 at 8:39am
That's complete crap.  I hope those officers get a taste of their own medicine.

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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #888 - Nov 15th, 2007 at 11:15am
Don’t Ever Change, Cambridge
In these uncertain times, it’s nice to know we can rely on some things. The sun will always rise and set. Gravity will always hold us down. And Cambridge will always be liberal to a fault.

During last week’s elections, a troop of Boy Scouts set up donation boxes at polling places to raise money for the troops in Iraq. In typical Cambridge fashion, the city removed the boxes and the Boy Scouts because they may have had a “pro-war” bent.

Marsha Weinerman, executive director of the city’s Election Commission, said the boxes were removed after a resident complained to commission workers about their implied “pro-war” message.

“We contacted the law department, and it was determined that the best course of action would be to remove the boxes,” Weinerman said.

Way to stand up to those preteen hawks, Cambridge.

The Secretary of State told the Cambridge Chronicle that most of the Scouts’ booths were legal.

Weinerman cited a law that prohibits political messages near any polling station in an election. But state law prohibits political messages pertaining to a particular election within 150 feet of any polling station, according to a spokesperson for Secretary of State William Galvin’s office. There is no law stopping someone from promoting an unrelated political message within 150 feet of any polling place.

This is how the idea that those who are against the war are also somehow against the troops gets started. Good for you, Cambridge. You’ve managed to teach a group of kids that ideology trumps empathy every time.

It's a good thing they took care of those good-for-nothing Boy Scouts!  I swear, they're always up to no good, selling their popcorn and wearing their fancy schmancy badges...

(...thinks Marsha Weinerman is an idiot.)
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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #889 - Nov 15th, 2007 at 11:40am
Marsha Weinerman

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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #890 - Nov 15th, 2007 at 3:00pm

City going after Ron Paul signs
Because they're too large not to mention too early

Published Thursday, November 15, 2007

The city of Springfield is trying to get some signs for presidential candidate Ron Paul taken down because they apparently are larger than zoning allows.

Letters dated Oct. 25 were sent from the building and zoning department to owners of property at 2115 S. Fifth St. and 1211 S. Sixth St., saying that "banners and stakes" there exceeded the square footage allowed. The property owners were asked to contact the city within 10 days.

Follow-up letters dated Tuesday said no contact had been made, so the matter was referred to the city's legal office for further action.

One property owner said Wednesday that he had taken down a banner after getting the first letter but that if the city tells him to take down a wooden sign remaining in front of his home, he won't do it.

"Putting signs in your yard is as old as the election process itself," said Calvin Mabus, 49, who lives at the South Fifth Street address. "What's more important - preserving our national sovereignty or worrying about a stupid little sign?"

Included on the sign, which is about 16 feet square, are the words "Save our Constitution," "freedom," "liberty," "President '08" and "RonPaul2008.com."

A couple of smaller printed Ron Paul signs also are displayed at Mabus' single-family residence.

Zoning for such homes allows temporary signs no more than 12 square feet. The city allows only temporary signs advocating a candidate to be in place within 60 days of an election, which will be Dec. 7 for Feb. 5 primary.

Joe Gooden, the city's zoning administrator, said the size instead of the timing of the signs was made an issue in the notices because, with the hearing process, if a property owner fought to keep a sign up, the case probably wouldn't be resolved until the allowed period.

A sign the size of a small billboard is outside commercial property at the Sixth Street address, and owner Garret Jordan said he had just received copies of both letters Wednesday afternoon. Gooden said allowable temporary signs at such commercial property cannot exceed 50 square feet combined.

Jordan said he planned to check with the city to see what his options are.

The large hand-painted wooden sign on Jordan's property represents an American flag, asks people to "Wake Up" and says the nation's founders warned people about things including "disregarding the Constitution," "not preserving sovereignty," "private central banking" and "foreign entanglements."

"The price of liberty is eternal vigilance," it says.

Jordan also said that while banners attached to the bottom of the sign, including one urging a vote for Paul, could be considered campaign material, he doesn't consider the large wooden structure in that category.

"It's no different than 'Don't drink and drive,'" he said. "It's a message. It's not a campaign sign."

Jordan, 49, said he considers himself a Democrat but has been apathetic about recent presidential races.

"The last time I voted for a president, I voted for Ross Perot twice," he said. "I did vote for Ronald Reagan, who was the last true conservative."

He said the main reason he's for Paul, a Texas congressman considered a long shot for the Republican nomination, is that Paul wants to bring troops home from Iraq and shrink the federal government.

"He wants to have a strong national defense, not a strong national offense," Jordan said, adding that he thinks Paul's strength is building "underground" via the Internet.

"The people who support the Ron Paul campaign are the most learned political people in the country," he said. "They know what's going on."

Mabus said, "Ron Paul is the only one that stands for our freedoms and liberties."

Bernard Schoenburg can be reached at 788-1540 or bernard.schoenburg@sj-r.com.

As long as that guy lawfully owns his property, he can put any political sign up that he darn well pleases.

I hope somebody mentions LaDue v. Gilleo and tells the city to shove it.


(...so there!)
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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #891 - Nov 16th, 2007 at 3:03pm

New SF ID cards for residents - whether in the country legally or not
Wyatt Buchanan, Chronicle Staff Writer
(11-13) 15:56 PST San Francisco

The Board of Supervisors voted today to make San Francisco the largest U.S. city to issue municipal identification cards to its residents, regardless of whether or not they are in the country legally.

Supervisor Tom Ammiano, the legislation's author, said the availability of identification cards is a smart public safety measure because it would make residents living on the social margins of San Francisco more likely to seek the help of police and could give them more access to banking services.

"People are afraid to report crimes," Ammiano said, referring to illegal immigrants who avoid local law enforcement authorities over fear of being arrested or deported by federal immigration officials.

The legislation would require companies doing business with San Francisco to accept the municipal card as a legitimate form of identification - except in cases where other state and federal laws require other forms of proof of age, name and residence.

Under San Francisco's sanctuary ordinance, it already is city policy that no municipal government personnel or resources may be used to assist federal immigration officials in the arrest and deportation of illegal immigrants.

Ammiano said banking institutions in San Francisco have signaled their willingness to accept the municipal ID card for the purpose of setting up accounts. He noted that people without bank accounts are frequently more vulnerable to theft and robbery.

The legislation, which was approved 10-1 on the first of two readings, has the support of Mayor Gavin Newsom. Supervisor Sean Elsbernd voted against the measure, noting afterward that his opposition was primarily financial in that the city doesn't know how much implementing the program will cost.

The city of New Haven, Conn., began issuing municipal identification cards earlier this year.

Supporters of tougher enforcement of U.S. immigration laws argue that local identification card programs have the effect of legitimizing the decisions of people who entered or have remained in the country illegally and make it more difficult for the federal government to enforce those laws.

Since the banks are required to accept this ID card to open a bank account, you can do all sorts of anonymous money laundering if you desire.



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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #892 - Nov 16th, 2007 at 3:16pm
I thought Sturgis was around # 8 or 9...
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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #893 - Nov 27th, 2007 at 4:49pm
U.S. Air Force F-22 Raptors reportedly conducted their first-ever intercept of Russian Bear H bombers on Thanksgiving Day.

Military sources tell In From the Cold that the intercept occurred as the Russian aircraft approached Alaskan airspace, near the Aleutian Islands. F-22s from Elmendorf AFB were scrambled to intercept the Russian bombers, which were detected at long range by radar and intelligence systems. The Raptors flew alongside the TU-95s for a few minutes before the bombers turned and headed back toward Russian airspace. One of the photographs taken during the intercept reportedly shows the F-22's shadow falling across the fuselage of the Bear H.

The Thanksgiving mission was the latest by Moscow's long-range bomber squadrons, which have become increasingly aggressive in recent months, after years of inactivity. Over the past year, Bear and TU-160 Blackjack have flown a series of high-profile sorties against Norway, the United Kingdom, Iceland, Alaska and Guam. Similar missions were flown during the Cold War, and analysts say the recent flights are symbolic of a resurgent Russian military, under President Vladimir Putin.

Last Thursday's intercept came barely three months after the F-22s arrived in Alaska. Elmendorf's 3rd Fighter Wing will eventually operate two squadrons of the fifth-generation fighters. The Air Force is pushing to buy more Raptors (beyond the current production run of 183 aircraft), but critics have complained about the cost of the program. At $130 million a copy, the F-22 is more far expensive than the F-15s and F-16s that form the backbone of the USAF fighter inventory, but the Raptor offers advanced capabilities (stealth, supercruise) that the older jets can't match.

In that regard, the Thanksgiving intercept may have been an inadvertent gift from the Russians. The Air Force will use the mission as proof of an escalating threat, that must be met by state-of-the-art fighters like the F-22.

The pilot should've locked on to the Bear just to freak out the commies!

(...bets that bomber pilot shat himself when the Raptor came out of nowhere.)
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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #894 - Nov 27th, 2007 at 5:01pm
The cold war 2!

too bad sequals are never as good as the original.
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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #895 - Nov 27th, 2007 at 6:14pm
Not true sir...what about Terminator 2: Judgment Day?!

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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #896 - Nov 28th, 2007 at 8:19am
Or The Empire Strikes Back?

(...but not Return of the Jedi.)
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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #897 - Nov 30th, 2007 at 10:57am
Nov. 28, 2007, 6:13PM
New Software Detects Web Interference

SAN JOSE, Calif. — Increasingly worried over Internet providers' behavior, a nonprofit has released software that helps determine whether online glitches are innocent hiccups or evidence of deliberate traffic tampering.

The San Francisco-based digital rights group Electronic Frontier Foundation hopes the program, released Wednesday, will help uncover "data discrimination" _ efforts by Internet providers to disrupt some uses of their services _ in addition to the cases reported separately by EFF, The Associated Press and other sources.

"People have all sorts of problems, and they don't know whether to attribute that to some sort of misconfiguration, or deliberate behavior by the ISP," said Seth Schoen, a staff technologist with EFF.

The new software compares lists of data packets sent and received by two different computers and looks for discrepancies between what one sent and the other actually received. Previously, the process had to be done manually.

Schoen compared the software to a spelling checker.

"If you really had no idea what you were looking for, this could save dozens of hours," he said.

Increasingly people are contacting the EFF worried that their online activity has been disrupted by their Internet service provider, he said. The goal of the EFF's program is to "help consumers get more clarity about what the ISPs are doing."

An Associated Press investigation, published last month, confirmed in nationwide tests that Comcast Corp., the No. 2 U.S. Internet provider, interfered with attempts by some subscribers to it's high-speed service to share files online. EFF, which had been running its own tests, later said its findings were consistent with the AP's results.

The tests revealed that a PC would see messages from Comcast that were invisible to the user that told it to stop communicating, which would lead it to cancel a download or upload.

The AP's tests helped revive the debate over so-called "'Net Neutrality," how to treat all types of Internet traffic equally.

Comcast says it does not block access to any applications but does use sophisticated technologies to keep Internet connections running smoothly.

Some online activities, like peer-to-peer file-sharing, swallow massive amounts of bandwidth and can slow Internet connections for other subscribers.

My torrents still seem to be running fine, so I'm not sure if Comcast simply hasn't installed filtering hardware in the area yet or if they aren't touching my account because I have business-class service.  The former seems more likely than the latter.

Either way, I think I'm going to download a copy of this program and run it over the weekend to see what I can find!

(...will post the results.)
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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #898 - Nov 30th, 2007 at 11:07am
If you could...throw up a link to that software.  I have Verizon and they're pretty good at leaving everything alone...still...it's nice to be on the safe side.

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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #899 - Nov 30th, 2007 at 11:36am
Actually, I can't seem to find the program they're alluding to on the EFF.org website.  It may have not been posted quite yet.

The closest thing I can found is a WireShark/Ethereal tutorial:


Of course, that requires you to have a host on both ends of the torrent connection, which simply isn't going to happen for most people.

(...will keep looking for the new program.)
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