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Cry freedom! (Read 210207 times)
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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #810 - Sep 25th, 2007 at 8:49pm
Welcome to America, where you have to prove you legally own your possessions or the cops will keep 'em!

(...guilty until proven innocent?)
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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #811 - Sep 26th, 2007 at 5:28pm

The only thing I see wrong with this picture is that Greenspan and his handlers would love to ban guns.
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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #812 - Sep 26th, 2007 at 6:49pm
Hey guys...remember that cop who got fired for threatening the kid.  Ya...his buddy's are now stalking him.  link with video, doesn't show much but it's something:


Missouri: Police Stake Out Brett Darrow Home
Saint Louis, Missouri police stake out the home of young motorist whose video of an out-of-control police officer garnered international attention.

Saint Louis Police Car 65A young Saint Louis, Missouri motorist faces trouble with local police upset at the national attention his September 7 video of an out-of-control officer has drawn to ongoing problems within area law enforcement agencies. On Sunday, Brett Darrow filmed a Saint Louis Metropolitan Police Department cruiser staking out his home.

"It was the first time I've seen it," Darrow told TheNewspaper. "But my neighbor said he's seen a lot of police down our dead end street since all of this happened."

When Darrow walked outside to his 1997 Nissan Maxima, he noticed two officers sitting in a marked squad car, numbered 65. There is little question as to why the officers were there.

"As I got into the car, he started to pull up the street and he and his partner just stared me down," Darrow explained.

The patrol car drove away as Darrow started his car and followed. Because his camera had been set to capture night-time footage, the first 45 seconds of the video is obscured. It does, however, capture the police car making questionable turning maneuvers in order to get away. Members of the police community are on the record regarding their desire to stake out Darrow's home and harass the twenty-year-old. In late June, users of St. Louis CopTalk, an unofficial forum for Saint Louis area law enforcement, posted Darrow's home address along with messages containing apparent death threats in retaliation for the young motorist's taping of a DUI roadblock in November and a traffic ticket in June. One CopTalk user repeating the address wrote, "Every copper, City and County, should etch this little punks [sic] name in their [sic] memory. Brett Darrow, [address deleted], city of St. Louis." (View screen capture of post)

This month, however, scandals within the Saint Louis Police Department which otherwise would have been a local story, gathered national attention and fueled additional resentment. Some $40,000 in cash turned up "missing" from the police evidence room on September 17. The city of St. George was forced to fire Sergeant James Kuehnlein for his threat to "come up with reasons" to "lock up" Darrow. An investigation into whether Kuehnlein's actions merit criminal charges is under way. Darrow met on Monday with a Saint Louis County Police Department detective.

"I quickly learned that this was about finding something I did wrong and not the officer," Darrow said.

Despite the official harassment, Darrow has been comforted by an unexpected level of support from the general public. Motorists who recognized him from various television interviews have stopped to thank him or give him the "thumbs up." A judge also dropped charges from the June traffic stop after a Saint Louis police officer failed to show up at a trial where Darrow had been prepared to defend himself with video evidence.

View stalking video.

(Hopes more cops get fired)
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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #813 - Sep 26th, 2007 at 9:29pm
X wrote on Sep 26th, 2007 at 5:28pm:

The only thing I see wrong with this picture is that Greenspan and his handlers would love to ban guns.

The only thing I see wrong with this picture is that the chick in the middle is about to lose her thumb to the merciless hammer on her .45-caliber 1911.

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WWW JamesRRogers2  
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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #814 - Sep 27th, 2007 at 9:17am
Judge Rules 2 Patriot Act Provisions Unlawful
Wednesday, September 26, 2007

PORTLAND, Ore. —  Two provisions of the USA Patriot Act are unconstitutional because they allow search warrants to be issued without a showing of probable cause, a federal judge ruled Wednesday.

U.S. District Judge Ann Aiken ruled that the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, as amended by the Patriot Act, "now permits the executive branch of government to conduct surveillance and searches of American citizens without satisfying the probable cause requirements of the Fourth Amendment."

Portland attorney Brandon Mayfield sought the ruling in a lawsuit against the federal government after he was mistakenly linked by the FBI to the Madrid train bombings that killed 191 people in 2004.

The federal government apologized and settled part of the lawsuit for $2 million after admitting a fingerprint was misread. But as part of the settlement, Mayfield retained the right to challenge parts of the Patriot Act, which greatly expanded the authority of law enforcers to investigate suspected acts of terrorism.

Mayfield claimed that secret searches of his house and office under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act violated the Fourth Amendment's guarantee against unreasonable search and seizure. Aiken agreed with Mayfield, repeatedly criticizing the government.

"For over 200 years, this Nation has adhered to the rule of law — with unparalleled success. A shift to a Nation based on extra-constitutional authority is prohibited, as well as ill-advised," she wrote.

By asking her to dismiss Mayfield's lawsuit, the judge said, the U.S. attorney general's office was "asking this court to, in essence, amend the Bill of Rights, by giving it an interpretation that would deprive it of any real meaning. This court declines to do so."

Elden Rosenthal, an attorney for Mayfield, issued a statement on his behalf praising the judge, saying she "has upheld both the tradition of judicial independence, and our nation's most cherished principle of the right to be secure in one's own home."

Justice Department spokesman Peter Carr said the agency was reviewing the decision, and he declined to comment further.

Mayfield, a Muslim convert, was taken into custody on May 6, 2004, because of a fingerprint found on a detonator at the scene of the Madrid bombing. The FBI said the print matched Mayfield's. He was released about two weeks later, and the FBI admitted it had erred in saying the fingerprints were his and later apologized to him.

Before his arrest, the FBI put Mayfield under 24-hour surveillance, listened to his phone calls and surreptitiously searched his home and law office.

The Mayfield case has been an embarrassment for the federal government. Last year, the Justice Department's internal watchdog faulted the FBI for sloppy work in mistakenly linking Mayfield to the Madrid bombings. That report said federal prosecutors and FBI agents had made inaccurate and ambiguous statements to a federal judge to get arrest and criminal search warrants against Mayfield.

Bahahaha, in your face!

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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #815 - Sep 27th, 2007 at 2:40pm
Great now the terrorists are going to get us using those 2 provisions...and all because they and the judge hate our freedom.  Doesn't anyone realize that since they hate our freedom we must let the govt take it away so that we are safe?!

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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #816 - Sep 27th, 2007 at 2:50pm
I only feel safe when someone else makes all my decisions for me.
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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #817 - Sep 27th, 2007 at 3:12pm
I only feel safe when I've got 1,500+ rounds of 5.56x45mm sitting in my closet.

(...oh yeah!)
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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #818 - Sep 28th, 2007 at 5:28am

This is just elitism and corruption.  If I was in this legislature's building I would be drug out screaming as these douchbags....I just can't believe the chick wants the people who vote for her to have integrity...but she flips her constituents the bird when it comes to her and her fellow cronies!

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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #819 - Sep 28th, 2007 at 4:46pm

Drop a piece of birthday cake in school - you get arrested, your arm broken, called a racial slur, and expelled.

You're her mother who wants the security guard arrested - You get arrested.

You take a video of the security guard abusing the girl - You get arrested.

Your the sister of a guy who takes a video of the security guard abusing the girl - You get arrested.

Nope...no police state here!

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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #820 - Oct 2nd, 2007 at 9:00am
Zimbabwe runs out of bread

Harare admits land reform has failed as the deadline passes for the last white farmers to leave their land

Chris McGreal, Africa correspondent
Monday October 1, 2007
Guardian Unlimited

Zimbabwe's bakeries have shut and supermarkets have warned there will be no bread for the foreseeable future as the government admitted that wheat production had collapsed following the seizure of white-owned farms.
The agricultural ministry announcement that the wheat harvest is only about a third of what is required, and that imports are held up by lack of hard currency, came as a deadline passed today for the last white farmers to leave their land or face prosecution for trespass.

The maize harvest is expected to be equally dire and price controls to contain hyperinflation have emptied the stores of most other foodstuffs. The World Food Programme says at least 3 million people - one in four of the population - will need food aid in the coming months. It describes hunger in some parts of the country, which used to be a food exporter, as "acutely serious".
Last week, the government said it plans to import 100,000 tonnes of wheat but acknowledged that a shipment of 35,000 tonnes was held up in Mozambique because of a shortage of hard currency to pay for it.

The agriculture minister, Rugare Gumbo, has blamed the food shortages on black farmers who have taken over formerly white-owned land.

"I am painfully aware of the widespread theft of stock, farm produce, irrigation equipment and the general vandalism of infrastructure by our new farmers," he said.

"I am disappointed that our new farmers have proved to be failures since the start of the land reform programme in 2000. In spite of all the support government has been pouring into the agricultural sector, productivity and under-utilisation of land remain issues of concern."

The ministry of agriculture has also blamed electricity shortages for the wheat shortfall, saying that power cuts have affected irrigation and halved crop yields per acre.

The power shortages are likely to continue. Mozambique has reduced electricity supplies to Zimbabwe because of a $35m (£17.1m) unpaid bill. Shortages of coal and spares for power stations and mining equipment have also hit electricity production and power cuts are now a regular feature of daily life.

Zimbabwe, once the world's second largest exporter of tobacco, has also seen production of its main cash crop nosedive, further undermining its ability to buy food from abroad. This year's crop is not likely to be much better than recent harvests, with many farmers saying that their seedlings have died for lack of irrigation.

Cigarettes are only available on the black market at many times the official price, and now cost more than marijuana - a cash crop that does not appear to have been severely affected by the crisis.

The government's admission that the land redistribution has failed to deliver the promised boost to food production coincides with a deadline for the last white farmers to vacate their land. The farms were nationalised last year and the handover to the state was set for today.

Any farmer remaining on their former land faces prosecution for trespassing on state property. About 50 farmers have already been summonsed by the courts.

White farmers say that senior ruling party, military and intelligence officials have been touring their former properties to lay a claim and that they have little confidence the land will be distributed among the poor as the government claims.

Zimbabwe's economic problems are likely to be compounded by a law passed last week that compels many publicly owned companies, including foreign firms, to sell a majority of their equity to black Zimbabweans.

Critics say the legislation amounts to expropriation because it effectively forces the companies to hand over half of their value by taxing them to raise the money to "buy" the 51% stake for black investors approved by the government.

The government has ignored the protests of some foreign investors, including South African banks and mining houses. With the collapse of tobacco production, mining is now the country's largest source of foreign currency.

Zimbabwe's minister of indigenisation, Paul Mangwana, said those companies that do not like it can "pack their bags and go".

"If they feel that we went into the bush [to fight against white rule] for them to enjoy our wealth then they can leave. We are talking about the total liberation of this country. I have no apologies for that," he said.

Last week, the International Monetary Fund said that it would not renew assistance to Zimbabwe until it adopts economic policies rooted in "reality". The IMF suspended dealings with Harare late last year.

President Robert Mugabe continues to blame his country's financial problems on what he calls British-led economic sanctions. The UK says that the sanctions, imposed by the EU and the US, target leading Zimbabwe officials and have no impact on the economy.

Let them eat cake.  This is pure poetic justice.

Zimbabwe, formerly Rhodesia, used to be the breadbasket of Africa.  Now they'll eat the crop seed and sell the farm equipment for scrap.  This is what happens when the inmates run the asylum.

(...another success story for socialism.  Viva la revolution!)
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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #821 - Oct 2nd, 2007 at 1:23pm
Bloomberg calls surveillance-camera critics 'ridiculous'


Tuesday, October 2nd 2007, 4:00 AM

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LONDON - Mayor Bloomberg has a message for New Yorkers who don't like surveillance cameras: Get real.

"It's just ridiculous people who object to using technology," the mayor said, adding that he had not talked with anyone in London who wasn't "thrilled" at the presence of security cameras in their capital.

The Daily News reported yesterday that a camera in lower Manhattan has been secretly recording license plates in a test of the planned "Ring of Steel" surveillance system.

The plates are compared against a database so the NYPD can immediately know when a suspicious car or truck is in the area. London has such a system in place in its financial district.

Bloomberg, appearing with London Mayor Ken Livingstone at a news conference, said New Yorkers are "very naοve" if they don't realize they are already being watched.

"We are under surveillance all the time," he said, pointing out that cops grab video from private closed-circuit cameras when crimes are committed.

As for privacy concerns, he said, "You've already given that away when you buy a car and register it and put a license plate on the back, which is basically putting your name on the back of the car."

Livingstone agreed that Londoners feel safer because of the cameras, saying he couldn't recall a single letter of complaint.

The mayor called his visit a "busman's holiday." He rode a double-decker bus with Livingstone, viewed a hybrid taxi and visited a police control room, where he saw the original "Ring of Steel" in action.

City of London Police Superintendent Alex Robertson said the surveillance system to monitor every vehicle that enters the square-mile financial district - known as the City of London - was pioneered to combat IRA terrorism.

As a demonstration, he displayed a screen image of the car Bloomberg arrived in. "I'm the handsome one in the back," Bloomberg quipped.

Noting that London has a camera in every bus and subway car, Bloomberg said, "We are way behind and we really do have to catch up."

Bloomberg also talked about another London innovation he admires - congestion pricing, introduced by Livingstone in 2003. Londoners pay $16 to drive into the center of town. Bloomberg said he believed the New York State Legislature would pass his plan to introduce pricing on a pilot basis in the city.

The mayor, who has a home in London's posh Chelsea neighborhood, said he expected to spend more time here once he leaves office.

Let's put cameras in your private areas, Mayor.

Yes it's ridiculous that anyone would want a system of cameras that has been shown NOT to work in Britian that has 1 camera for every 4 people.  Yes, it's ridiculous that anyone would spend money on a system that doesn't work, pay people to watch them not work, and assume that people are safer because of them.  Maybe NY should try and concentrate on a crime reducing policy that will actually lower crime...not waste money on a failed system.

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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #822 - Oct 2nd, 2007 at 10:59pm

long article on the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty that show that Israel knowingly attacked the US vessel, possibly to draw the United States into their war.

some quotes.

"I can't identify it, but in any case it's a military ship," Spector radioed his ground controller, according to a transcript of the Israeli air-to-ground communications published by the Jerusalem Post in 2004.

That transcript, made by a Post reporter who was allowed to listen to what the Israeli Air Force said were tapes of the attacking pilots' communications, contained only two references to "American" or "Americans," one at the beginning and the other at the end of the attack.

The first reference occurred at 1:54 p.m. local time, two minutes before the Israeli jets began their first strafing run.

In the Post transcript, a weapons system officer on the ground suddenly blurted out, "What is this? Americans?"

"Where are Americans?" replied one of the air controllers.

The question went unanswered, and it was not asked again.

Twenty minutes later, after the Liberty had been hit repeatedly by machine guns, 30 mm cannon and napalm from the Israelis' French-built Mirage and Mystere fighter-bombers, the controller directing the attack asked his chief in Tel Aviv to which country the target vessel belonged.

"Apparently American," the chief controller replied.

Fourteen minutes later the Liberty was struck amidships by a torpedo from an Israeli boat, killing 26 of the 100 or so NSA technicians and specialists in Russian and Arabic who were working in restricted compartments below the ship's waterline.

Analyst: Israelis wanted it sunk

The transcript published by the Jerusalem Post bore scant resemblance to the one that in 1967 rolled off the teletype machine behind the sealed vault door at Offutt Air Force Base in Omaha, where Steve Forslund worked as an intelligence analyst for the 544th Air Reconnaissance Technical Wing, then the highest-level strategic planning office in the Air Force.

"The ground control station stated that the target was American and for the aircraft to confirm it," Forslund recalled. "The aircraft did confirm the identity of the target as American, by the American flag.

"The ground control station ordered the aircraft to attack and sink the target and ensure they left no survivors."

Forslund said he clearly recalled "the obvious frustration of the controller over the inability of the pilots to sink the target quickly and completely."

"He kept insisting the mission had to sink the target, and was frustrated with the pilots' responses that it didn't sink."

Nor, Forslund said, was he the only member of his unit to have read the transcripts. "Everybody saw these," said Forslund, now retired after 26 years in the military.

Forslund's recollections are supported by those of two other Air Force intelligence specialists, working in widely separate locations, who say they also saw the transcripts of the attacking Israeli pilots' communications.

One is James Gotcher, now an attorney in California, who was then serving with the Air Force Security Service's 6924th Security Squadron, an adjunct of the NSA, at Son Tra, Vietnam.

"It was clear that the Israeli aircraft were being vectored directly at USS Liberty," Gotcher recalled in an e-mail. "Later, around the time Liberty got off a distress call, the controllers seemed to panic and urged the aircraft to 'complete the job' and get out of there."

Six thousand miles from Omaha, on the Mediterranean island of Crete, Air Force Capt. Richard Block was commanding an intelligence wing of more than 100 analysts and cryptologists monitoring Middle Eastern communications.

The transcripts Block remembered seeing "were teletypes, way beyond Top Secret. Some of the pilots did not want to attack," Block said. "The pilots said, 'This is an American ship. Do you still want us to attack?'

"And ground control came back and said, 'Yes, follow orders.'"

Gotcher and Forslund agreed with Block that the Jerusalem Post transcript was not at all like what they remember reading.

"There is simply no way that [the Post transcript is] the same as what I saw," Gotcher said. "More to the point, for anyone familiar with air-to-ground [communications] procedures, that simply isn't the way pilots and controllers communicate."

Block, now a child protection caseworker in Florida, observed that "the fact that the Israeli pilots clearly identified the ship as American and asked for further instructions from ground control appears to be a missing part of that Jerusalem Post article."

It's lots to read yes, but very interesting.
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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #823 - Oct 3rd, 2007 at 1:34am
I'm thinking of starting a new post as well...called WTF are our cops up to?!


     "I'm certainly not going to excuse what is seen on tape, but I would ask everyone who views it to consider, perhaps, the context and maybe what had occurred up to that point."

I know police officers are human and make mistakes but don't we train police officers to deal with these "emotions" if that's the defense route you want to take.

Also...if that guy can be elected mayor...I think any nerd living in his mom's basement has a chance too.  Come on, put a Viking hat on that guy and give him a bag of Cheetos and he's a D&D guy!

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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #824 - Oct 5th, 2007 at 3:08pm
Officials say drug caused Nigeria polio

By MARIA CHENG, AP Medical Writer 1 hour, 26 minutes ago

LONDON - A polio outbreak in Nigeria was caused by the vaccine designed to stop it, international health officials say, leaving at least 69 children paralyzed.

It is a frightening paradox in a part of the world that already distrusts western vaccines, making it even tougher to stamp out age-old diseases.

The outbreak was caused by the live polio virus that is used in vaccines given orally — the preferred method in developing countries because it is cheaper and doesn't require medical training to dispense.

"This vaccine is the most effective tool we have against the virus, but it's like fighting fire with fire," said Olen Kew, a virologist at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The CDC and the World Health Organization announced the cause of the polio outbreak last week, even though they knew about it last year.

Outbreaks caused by the oral vaccine's live virus have happened before. But the continuing Nigerian outbreak is the biggest ever caused by the vaccine. It also follows a nearly yearlong boycott of the vaccine in Africa's most populous country because of unfounded fears the vaccine was a Western plot to sterilize Muslims.

Officials now worry that the latest vaccine-caused Nigerian outbreak could trigger another vaccine scare.

Experts say such outbreaks only happen when too few children are vaccinated. In northern Nigeria, only about 39 percent of children are fully protected against polio.

The oral polio vaccine contains a weakened version of polio virus. Children who have been vaccinated excrete the virus, and in unsanitary conditions it can end up in the water supply, spreading to unvaccinated children.

In rare instances, as the virus passes through unimmunized children, it can mutate into a form that is dangerous enough to spark new outbreaks.

In 2001, officials reported that 22 children were paralyzed from polio in the Dominican Republic and Haiti in this way. Subsequent vaccine-caused polio outbreaks have occurred in the Philippines, Madagascar, China and Indonesia.

In the West, the polio vaccine is given as a shot and uses an inactivated virus, but that method is more expensive and requires training.

In Nigeria, the outbreak comes "in the wake of all the other problems they've had in," said Dr. Donald A. Henderson, who led WHO's smallpox eradication campaign in the 1970s.

In 2003, politicians in northern Nigeria canceled vaccination campaigns for nearly a year, claiming the vaccine was a Western plot to sterilize Muslims. That led to an explosion of polio, and the virus jumped to about two dozen countries.

Now, health officials' decision to keep quiet about the cause of the outbreak for so long may look suspicious.

Dr. David Heymann, WHO's top polio official, said that because the organization considered the outbreak to be a problem for scientists and not something that would change global vaccination practices, they thought it was was unnecessary to immediately share publicly.

CDC's Kew added: "The people who are against immunization may seize on anything that could strengthen their position, even if it's scientifically untenable."

Rumors are still rife among Nigerians that the vaccine is unsafe, and several religious leaders continue to lecture on its dangers. Another mass vaccine boycott could lead to further polio spread, derailing long-standing eradication efforts for good.

Nigerian health officials contacted by The Associated Press declined to comment on the situation.

"Convincing the Nigerians to take even more of this vaccine will be a tough sell," said Dr. Samuel Katz, an infectious diseases specialist at Duke University and co-inventor of the measles vaccine.

More than 10 billion polio doses have been given to children worldwide, and the vaccine has been credited with cutting polio incidence by more than 99 percent since 1988. Far more children are paralyzed by the wild polio virus than the virus spread by the oral vaccine. But no vaccine is risk-free.

WHO said that changing the vaccination strategy is unnecessary. "It would be nice if we had a more stable oral polio vaccine, but that's not the way it is today," Heymann said. "We will continue working the way we have been working because we don't want children to be paralyzed anywhere."

Ya and I get called crazy for telling people that mercury in vaccines are bad for you and that Africa keeps getting vaccines that are "accidentally" laced with anti-fertility drugs, which are not the cheapest things ever, and given to African women.  Ya there's no way any of these vaccines are harmful or cause any side effects!
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