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Cry freedom! (Read 210159 times)
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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #585 - Mar 30th, 2007 at 6:36am
blood lust is the in thing right now, you better watch it, bush i gonna declare war on her any day now...
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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #586 - Mar 30th, 2007 at 11:56am
Not to throw a wrench into the conspiracy theory, but Iran is openly and publicly admitting to taking those troops.  Do you think the British government (or US, whatever) purposely put them out there to get snatched?  Of all the troops running interference on the sea at the moment, what is the likelihood that Iran would coincidentally grab the exact troops the Brits/US wanted them too?

(...is just saying.)
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WWW JamesRRogers2  
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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #587 - Mar 30th, 2007 at 12:30pm
Well don't forget Israel sent their troops into Lebanon, and they were kidnapped, which started that whole shebang.


(...also is just sayin)
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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #588 - Mar 30th, 2007 at 12:40pm
Well first of all I would suggest we are not hearing the entire story about this whole thing.  First of all this is the one area where Iran contests its holding with another country.  If you remember this is what we did in the months following the 2nd war with Iraq.  We purposely made UN flights fly into the set up no fly zones for Iraq.  However Iraq didn't recognize them and rightly so since it'd be like another country telling us we couldn't use half of our legal airspace to run planes through.  They scrabbled fighters and tried shooting down the plane.  So that was just one plane in the air...this was just one boat on the sea. 

Also if things are so hot right now with the country of Iran wouldn't you want to tiptoe around the proverbial cat to your mouse?  Would you make absolutely sure that unless you absolutely need to violate the territory that you would make sure everyone stayed away from it?

Also I wouldn't even suggest that these are the only troops violating Iranian territory.  I've read some articles with tongue in cheek saying that the US had secret Delta force guys in the country poking and prodding.

I am glad that Iran came out and said "umm are these yours?"  What would happen if we were a country who just allowed illegal people to enter our country.  Ok bad example.  Look at us today we allow the Chinese to steal our nuclear secrets with the help of the President even (Los Almos + Printer + Clinton = free plots at Arlington Cemetery for some Chinese).  Then we have our boarders and troops both Chinese and Mexican coming and shooting across the boarder; plus we're training a few more countries troops in our country as well.  The only spies we do publicly oust are American's spying for X country.  If you think the world doesn't use spies like they did during the Cold War you are mistaken.  And just like the Cold War there are unwritten rules to the game with the bigger countries.

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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #589 - Mar 30th, 2007 at 1:31pm
The border between Iran and Iraq's waters is very clear and has been defined for years.  Just because Iran wants to encroach on Iraq's waters doesn't mean that Iraq, the US, or Britain should tiptoe around the "disputed area" just to be nice.

Screw that.  If you "claim" some of my property, then kidnap some of my soldiers from that property, you'd better believe I'm going to nuke your butt back into the stone age.

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WWW JamesRRogers2  
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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #590 - Mar 30th, 2007 at 1:32pm
What would happen if we were a country who just allowed illegal people to enter our country.  Ok bad example.

rofl, so you have seen the factories around sturgis
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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #591 - Mar 30th, 2007 at 2:17pm
so you have seen the factories around sturgis

Ya...the factories, the homes, the other businesses, Home Depot..ya basically.
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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #592 - Mar 31st, 2007 at 8:09am
There's a Home Depot in Sturgis?

(...wants to go!)
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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #593 - Apr 1st, 2007 at 11:21pm

Ron Paul on Bill Maher.  More and more I am wishing that he will win the nomination...and the more I wish...the less I see it happening.  I think Bill needs to learn what is actually private run and govt run the next time he does an interview on the subject.

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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #594 - Apr 3rd, 2007 at 1:19pm
AVON PARK - Desre’e Watson better hold on, there may be tough times ahead. She is just 6-years-old, and was just arrested and put in jail. “I was scared,” she recalled.

Desre’e goes to school at Avon Elementary. Police say she had a run in with a teacher, got angry, and began kicking and scratching. She even hit a teacher who tried to intervene.

It’s hard for her mom to believe. “She never falls out. She is very respectful. I tell her to do anything, she do it,” offered mother Lateshia Wilson.

When school officials couldn’t get her under control, they called in the police as a last resort. Officers say Desre’e just wouldn’t calm down, so they handcuffed her and put her into a cruiser.

Next, they say she began to kick the door.

She was booked into the Highlands County Jail, just like an adult, and charged with a felony and two misdemeanors.

“I was very upset and felt like they violated my baby’s rights,” said Wilson. “I am very upset about it.”

So upset, she called the NAACP to investigate.

Police say when Desre’e hit and kicked a teacher, she committed a crime. So, they had every right to arrest her.


National Association for the Advancement of Child Prisoners?

(...ban whitey.  Do it for the children.)
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Truth Is Treason, In The
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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #595 - Apr 3rd, 2007 at 1:38pm
How this for giving up freedom for "security"!

Homeland Security wants master key for the Internet

The Inquirer | April 2, 2007
Nick Farrell

THE US Department of Homeland Security is insisting that Verisign hand over the master keys of the Internet.

If it succeeds, the US will be able to track DNS Security Extensions (DNSSec) all the way back to the servers that represent the name system's root zone on the Internet.

Effectively it would mean that US spooks could snoop on anyone in the Worldwide wibble and place control of the Interweb tubes firmly in the paws of the US government.

The information that Homeland security is after the "key-signing key", currently held by Verisign, was revealed to the the meeting of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) in Lisbon.

Not surprisingly other countries in the world are a little concerned about this. According to the German magazine Heise Online, a representative of the EU Commission said that the matter is being discussed with EU member states.

The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA), which handles route management within the ICANN, could be entrusted with the task of keeping the keys. But the US authorities claims the right to oversee ICANN/IANA.

(Security is the new tyranny)
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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #596 - Apr 3rd, 2007 at 1:31pm
Police send four police officers to tackle boy, 11, who called schoolmate 'gay'
By LIZ HULL - More by this author »Last updated at 10:44am on 2nd April 2007
Comments (31)

When two policemen turned up unannounced at Alan Rawlinson's home asking to speak to his young son, the company director feared something serious had happened.

So he was astounded when the officers detailed 11-year-old George's apparent crime - calling one of his schoolfriends 'gay'.

They said primary school pupil, George, was being investigated for a 'very serious' homophobic crime after using the comment in an e-mail to a 10-year-old classmate.

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'Terrified': George Rawlinson with his mother Gaynor, who is a magistrate

But now his parents have hit out at the police, who they accused of being heavy-handed and pandering to political correctness.

"It is completely ridiculous," Mr Rawlinson said.

"I thought the officers were joking at first, but they told me they considered it a very serious offence.

"The politically correct brigade are taking over. This seemed like a huge waste of resources for something so trivial as a playground spat."

Cheshire police launched the investigation last month after a complaint from the parents of the 10-year-old younger boy who received George's e-mail.

They said their son had been called a 'gay boy' and were concerned that there was more to the comment than playground banter and that their child was being bullied.

As a consequence, two officers were sent to the boys' school, Farnworth Primary, in Widnes, Cheshire, to speak to the headteacher who directed them to the Rawlinsons' home in nearby St Helens, Merseyside.

George told his parents that the comment was in no way meant to be homophobic and that he had simply been using the word gay instead of 'stupid'.

Mr Rawlinson, 41, who runs his own business, and whose wife, Gaynor, also 41, is a magistrate, said his son was terrified when the police arrived at their home.

He feared he was going to be arrested and locked up in a cell because of it, he added. "I feel very aggrieved about this," Mr Rawlinson, who has lodged a formal complaint against the police, said.

"We are law-abiding citizens who have paid taxes all our lives.

"I've constantly contacted police about break-ins at my business and never get a suitable response.

"George was really upset, he thought he was going to be locked up. This just seemed like a huge waste of resources for something so trivial."

Inspector Nick Bailey, of Cheshire police, said no further action would be taken against George. However, he said the force had been obliged to record the incident as a crime and that they had dealt with it in a 'proportionate' manner.

"The parents of the boy believed it was more sinister that just a schoolyard prank," Inspector Bailey said.

"We were obliged to record the matter as a crime and took a proportionate and maybe old fashioned view.

"Going to the boy's house was a reasonable course of action to take. This e-mail message was part of some behaviour which had been on going.

"The use of the word 'gay' would imply that it was homophobic, but we would be hard pushed to say it was a homophobic crime.

"This boy has not been treated as an offender."

This is a latest in a series of incidents where police have been accused of heavy handedness for interviewing or threatening children with prosecution for seemingly trivial crimes.

Last October the Daily Mail revealed how 14-year-old Codie Scott was arrested and thrown in a police cell for almost four hours after she was accused of racism for refusing to sit next to a group of Asian pupils in her class.

Teachers reported the youngster, from Harrop Fold High School in Worsley, Greater Manchester, after she claimed it was impossible for her to get involved in the class 'discussion' because only one of the Asian pupils spoke English.

She had her fingerprints and DNA taken but was eventually released without charge.

The incident followed that of a 15-year-old boy from Burnley, Lancashire, who was arrested, thrown in a police cell, hauled before the courts and landed with a criminal record simply for throwing a snowball at a car.

The teenager, who cannot be named for legal reasons, was prosecuted under a little used 160-year-old law last March, and fined £100 in a case which provoked a public outcry.


What ever happened to "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me?"

This, my friends, is the pinnacle of stupidity.

(...thinks this is so gay.)
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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #597 - Apr 3rd, 2007 at 3:11pm
Has this entire country become Kalifornia?!

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In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king. - Max Payne
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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #598 - Apr 3rd, 2007 at 8:11pm
hehe took this the other day
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Truth Is Treason, In The
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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #599 - Apr 3rd, 2007 at 10:33pm
I see something weird...A white woman on a sign in a predominately black city!  Why?  Does this mean that white people should watch black people more since they're the ones probably making the bombs?  He he ...sorry still laughing at the BoS Militant Black Guy vid I posted.

But I do see something weird...a person staring at me with no nose or mouth!  What good is she?  If she sees anything...she can't say anything!

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In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king. - Max Payne
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