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Cry freedom! (Read 210186 times)
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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #540 - Feb 20th, 2007 at 3:36pm
Italian Judge Imposes Abortion on 13-Year-Old

A 13-year-old girl from the Italian town of Torino has been forced to have an abortion due to her angry parents' opposition. The law states that minors must defer the decision to their parents.

After the abortion, she threatened suicide after going into a frenzy, requiring treatment. Torino Archbishop Severino Poletto said "The unborn baby is still a life and I defend life whatever the situation." The father is her 15-year-old boyfriend.

"Society must take of this child. I certainly oppose abortions but this case allows us to reflect on the situation. We have to take a step back and ask ourselves how this could have happened to a 13 year old girl," he said.

That judge should be executed.  Period.  The sentence he has passed is nothing less than murder, and murderers deserve the same fate they dole out.

(...hopes the girl went down kicking and screaming.)
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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #541 - Feb 20th, 2007 at 11:23pm
This story reminded me about the article posted by bob above with kinda the same thing.

There is also the danger of kids getting into trouble at school or with the cops for their own inappropriate online behavior. For example, a Florida appeals court recently upheld the conviction of two teens (16 and 17 at the time) who took sexually explicit pictures of each other and then one of them sent the digital images to the other.

The naughty photos weren't posted publicly or distributed but somehow police found out, and the youths were arrested and convicted for producing and possessing child porn. This is far from a case of pedophilia, but it was a technical violation of the very strict child porn laws.

Now for the big story that I like!  I'm just going to comment a bit within the story but not too much....hopefully.

Audit: Anti-terror case data flawed

By LARA JAKES JORDAN, Associated Press Writer Tue Feb 20, 4:35 PM ET

WASHINGTON - Federal prosecutors counted immigration violations, marriage fraud and drug trafficking among anti-terror cases in the four years after 9/11 even though no evidence linked them to terror activity, a Justice Department audit said Tuesday.

Overall, nearly all of the terrorism-related statistics on investigations, referrals and cases examined by department Inspector General Glenn A. Fine were either diminished or inflated. Only two of 26 sets of department data reported between 2001 and 2005 were accurate, the audit found.

Responding, a Justice spokesman pointed to figures showing that prosecutors in the department's headquarters for the most part either accurately or underreported their data — underscoring what he called efforts to avoid pumping up federal terror statistics.

The numbers, used to monitor the department's progress in battling terrorists, are reported to Congress and the public and help, in part, shape the department's budget.

"For these and other reasons, it is essential that the department report accurate terrorism-related statistics," the audit concluded.

Hmmm maybe because all terrorist acts are carried out by our own government.  I think the real proof that there is no terror threat, as far as we think about it today, is, in fact, that we've had no terrorists attacks since 9/11.  To show this I point to 3 key areas.  Board, Ports, Airports.  All three of these are NOT locked down so tight that it would stop any wrong-minded person to come in and do some damage if need be.  Want to carry out a jihad against San Fransisco?  Mexican boarder's wide open!  Want to ship in illegal exports and ship out white female sex slaves to China.  We've not only had open ports but we're sold the only deep sea port on the West Coast to the CHINESE!  Want to hijack a plane and hold hostages?  You've got 10 hours to do it while waiting for the plane to take off.  If our own government can't find real situations in which they've stopped real terrorists from attacking then that should be proof enough for anyone that there is no such thing as the terrorists we've come to know and love today.  Of course that's wishful thinking.

Fine's office took care to say the flawed data appear to be the result of "decentralized and haphazard" methods of collection or disagreement over how the numbers are reported, and do not appear to be intentional.

DECENTRALIZED?!  Isn't that what the Department of Homeland Security was for?!  I THINK SO!!!  How much more centralized can you get?!  Get the FBI, CIA, DOD, DOJ, NSA, DHS, Secret Service, FCC, RIAA, MPAA, UN, etc., etc. and make them to Department of Us Vs. You!?

Still, the errors led Sen. Charles E. Schumer, D-N.Y., to question whether the department had exaggerated the number of terror cases.

"If the Department of Justice can't even get their own books in order, how are we supposed to have any confidence they are doing the job they should be?" said Schumer, who sits on the Senate Judiciary Committee, which oversees the department. "Whether this is just an accounting error or an attempt to pad terror prosecution statistics for some other reason, the Department of Justice of all places should be classifying cases for what they are, not what they want us to think them to be."

Auditors looked at 26 categories of statistics — including numbers of suspects charged and convicted in terror cases, and terror-related threats against cities and other U.S. targets — compiled by the
FBI, Justice's Criminal Division, and the Executive Office of U.S. Attorneys.

It found that data from the Executive Office of U.S. Attorneys were the most severely flawed. Auditors said the office, which compiles statistics from the 94 federal prosecutors' districts nationwide, both under- and over-counted the number of terror-related cases during a four-year period.

The office has since agreed to change the way it counts and classifies anti-terrorism cases, said department spokesman Dean Boyd.

Boyd denied suggestions that the department pumped up its numbers. He said Criminal Division prosecutors at Justice headquarters and the FBI have overhauled their respective case reporting systems since 2004 for a more accurate picture of terror-related workloads. Both agencies, he said, were strained to accurately report terrorism data in the flood of cases immediately after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.

"The notion that the Justice Department intentionally inflated its statistics is false and flatly contradicted by the OIG report itself," Boyd said.

In all but one area, Criminal Division prosecutors either accurately stated or underreported their data — the ones the department usually uses in public statements about its counterterror efforts, Boyd noted. He said the Justice Department has already completed most of the fixes recommended in the audit.

Much of the problem stemmed from how that office defines anti-terrorism cases.

That's because no one has seen fit to define what terrorism is and what acts are terrorist acts!  Remember that whole PATRIOT Act thing?  Ya it defined all crime as terrorism!  When were the courts allowed to rule the constitutionality of this "law"...ohh never.  We have secret courts to rule over these "terrorist" cases sure.  Can you appeal them to the Supreme Court?  Negative.

A November 2001 federal crackdown on security breaches at airports, for example, yielded arrests on immigration and false document charges, but no evidence of terrorist activity. Nonetheless, the attorneys' office lumped them in with other anti-terror cases since they were investigated by federal Joint Terrorism Task Forces or with other counterterror measures.

Again proves my point!  Want to be the perfect terrorist?!  Sneak into the country and work for the frackin airports!  Are we to assume that these terrorists are smart enough to pull off 9/11 but to stupid to take the opportunity to submit an application?

Other examples, according to the audit, included:

_Charges against a marriage-broker for being paid to arrange six fraudulent marriages between Tunisians and U.S. citizens.

_Prosecution of a Mexican citizen who falsely identified himself as another person in a passport application.

_Charges against a suspect for dealing firearms without a license. The prosecutor handling the case told auditors it should not have been labeled as anti-terrorism.

"We do not agree that law enforcement efforts such as these should be counted as anti-terrorism," the audit concluded. Even if those cases were not taken into account, the audit said, the U.S. attorneys' office had overstated statistics in all other categories it reported.


On the Net:

The audit can be found at: http://www.usdoj.gov/oig/reports/plus/a0720/final.pdf

That's right...this is what we need to give up our rights for.  To be secure...from non-terrorists!!!  How can you have marriage fraud be terrorism?  I don't know...the defendants don't know...the GOVT DOESN'T EVEN KNOW!!!

(Take your happy pills and go back to sleep America...you're government is here!!!)
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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #542 - Feb 22nd, 2007 at 2:34am
Don't know if anyone would find this interest but I did.

I've been doing quite a bit of research on vaccines and whether or not they really work and what they do and the like.  Well what I've found is not good.

I did find this "cool" site:


It's the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System.  In the search field just but in the ages of 0 to 100 and you'll get basically all the info you want regarding affects from vaccines reported to VAERS.  It's really really scary.  If anyone wants more information I have a whole slew of it I can torrent over or send online including papers, articles, videos, audio, etc.

Learn and grow

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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #543 - Feb 22nd, 2007 at 10:50pm
This is what even FOX calls torture...this is what we do to anyone we want:


And this is the "fake" news show giving you what probably really happens:


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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #544 - Feb 23rd, 2007 at 12:44pm
This is a great video of Ron Paul not playing politics and trying to get the truth to come out in these subcommittees.  He treats the cause rather than the symptoms of our economic woes!


This is a man I would follow if he led the Presidency.  He he...cause he would make it so small that he wouldn't ask for followers!

(Vote Paul in '08!!!)
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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #545 - Feb 23rd, 2007 at 1:13pm
Meet Julie Amero, substitute teacher

There's a good chance that you've already heard something about Julie. She's perhaps better known as the Connecticut substitute schoolteacher who's been convicted of "child endangerment." She now faces a sentence of up to 40 years in prison because porn pop-ups appeared on a school computer.

For background on the case, you can read articles from the New York Times, MSNBC, or SecurityFocus. (Full disclosure: WSN editorial director Brian Livingston is quoted in the New York Times piece supporting Julie. The article at the MSNBC site is also a good read, but I don't recommend the accompanying video, which starts out with a falsehood and goes downhill from there.)

Let me begin by saying that I'm biased when it comes to Julie's innocence. I'm doing my best to spread the word about her case, and have offered my technical skills to support her defense. I have access to some technical experts who are reviewing the trial transcripts and computer forensic evidence. I can't point to a public reference to support all of my positions yet, so you'll just have to take my word, for the time being.

There are many points I could make about what's wrong with her case. But I'll stick with my core competency and just point out some of the technical flaws.

Flawed technology condemns an educator

The key issues were set in motion before Julie ever arrived to substitute-teach on the day in October 2004 that the pop-ups occurred. The school district had allowed its Web-filtering software support contract to expire, preventing the software from receiving updates. The computer in question was running Windows 98, and the browser in use was IE 6.

According to evidence analysis performed by Alex Shipp, an independent malware researcher, the antivirus software was a trial version of Cheyenne Antivirus (CA). That product had been discontinued by Computer Associates on Mar. 17, 2004. It appears that CA issued a last courtesy update on June 30. Julie taught the class on Oct. 19. The computer had no antispyware software.

In other words, this computer had almost no protection and an unsecurable operating system. This is the machine Julie was given to use.

On the day in question, the regular teacher was there before class to log Julie into the computer. Substitutes didn't have their own accounts, and were ordered not to log out or shut down the computer. Julie left briefly and, when she returned, the regular teacher was gone. She found students, some of whom didn't even belong in the upcoming class, Web surfing on the teacher's computer.

Experts now analyzing the hard-drive image have confirmed that the computer had been infected with adware days before Julie's arrival. Unfortunately, in this case, that means that when a student tried to visit a hairstyle Web site, he or she was instead redirected to a different site that had adult products advertised. When Julie tried to close the site down, this started a pop-up cascade.

One thing I should mention about Julie: She's a total "computerphobe." She can perform basic computing functions, but that's about it.

So what did she do when she couldn't get rid of the pop-ups? She turned the screen away from the students. It was at the front of the room, where the students would have had to be essentially at the teacher's desk in order to see. She did her best to get rid of the images without making it obvious to the students that something was wrong. If a student approached, she reportedly chased them away.

During a break, Julie went for technical help to get rid of the pop-ups, which reappeared as fast as she tried to close them, but she received no help. No one would return to the classroom with her. She was told not to worry about it. However, she was worried about it, and it turns out she had reason to worry — she was later arrested for "child endangerment."

Legal system fails pop-up victim

When law enforcement became involved, sanity should have prevailed. Instead, the technical flubs continued, and the case sped downhill. A detective was assigned to take a forensic image of the computer and perform a technical analysis.

Let me briefly tell you what I know about taking a proper forensic image of a computer that will be involved in a criminal case. Keep in mind that I'm not a forensics expert; these standards are just common knowledge in the computer security field.

If you're going to image a drive for evidence, you have to use special write-blocking hardware that helps take a sector-by-sector image of the entire hard drive, including the "empty" space. The image is then hashed so that any tampering will be evident, and you always work from copies.

Typically, only software tools with support from existing case law are used. Otherwise, questions can arise over the soundness of the tools and techniques. The imaging tools that have case law behind them are EnCase and the Unix dd utility.

The detective in this case took an "image" of the hard drive with Norton Ghost. Norton Ghost is a tool used to back up a computer's hard drive in order to restore it to a known state after people have modified the configuration. It is often used on training or lab machines. There is nothing wrong with Ghost for what it does, but it is not a forensic tool.

So what did the detective use to examine the "image"? He used a program called ComputerCOP Pro. It appears that the program displays a version of the Internet Explorer history, which shows the URLs that were visited. At trial, this ended up translating to the prosecutor telling the jury that this means that Julie "physically clicked" those links. In fact, pop-ups show up in the history the same way as a link you click on.

In truth, the software also cannot tell you who was in front of the computer, who typed in a URL, or who saw the pictures displayed. It's clear that someone who lacks the technical background to properly interpret the results, and is not willing to put in the time to figure it out, can jump to some very wrong conclusions. The detective never even looked for spyware on the computer.

This is the kind of technical evidence on which Julie was convicted.

An innocent teacher awaits sentencing

Julie is now awaiting sentencing, which is scheduled for Mar. 2. I could discuss jail-time possibilities, but many of us are still refusing to accept any possibility other than someone coming to their senses and throwing the verdict out.

To that end, the experts I mentioned are frantically preparing their report on the technical information. The hope is that the prosecution or court will recognize that there has been a basic mistake in the facts presented at trial before a sentence is handed down.

Despite my bias that I told you about, do you have reasonable doubt about Julie's guilt? For more information, see the julieamer blog at Blogspot, which is largely maintained by Julie's husband. There's a PayPal button at the top of that blog so people can contribute to help pay Julie's defense costs, which are reported to be over $20,000 so far.

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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #546 - Feb 24th, 2007 at 1:28am

Ron Paul's Pesidential Exploritory Committee.

Listen to what he says and look at his record both previous speaking and voting.  This man is the true underdog, the Mr. Smith Goes To Washington character, in his fight.  His proposed bills never get 2nd because he's taking power out of the politicians hands and tries to give them to the people.

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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #547 - Feb 28th, 2007 at 10:29pm
"That's So Gay" Saying at Center of Court Fight

SANTA ROSA, CA (AP) -- When a few classmates razzed Rebeka Rice about her Mormon upbringing with questions such as, "Do you have 10 moms?" she shot back: "That's so gay."

Those three words landed the high school freshman in the principal's office and resulted in a lawsuit that raises this question: When do playground insults used every day all over America cross the line into hate speech that must be stamped out?

After Rice got a warning and a notation in her file, her parents sued, claiming officials at Santa Rosa's Maria Carillo High violated their daughter's First Amendment rights when they disciplined her for uttering a phrase "which enjoys widespread currency in youth culture," according to court documents.

Testifying last week about the 2002 incident, Rice, now 18, said that when she uttered those words, she was not referring to anyone's sexual orientation. She said the phrase meant: "That's so stupid, that's so silly, that's so dumb."

But school officials say they took a strict stand against the putdown after two boys were paid to beat up a gay student the year before.

"The district has a statutory duty to protect gay students from harassment," the district's lawyers argued in a legal brief. "In furtherance of this goal, prohibition of the phrase `That's so gay' ... was a reasonable regulation."

Superior Court Judge Elaine Rushing plans to issue a ruling in the non-jury trial after final written arguments are submitted in April. Her gag order prevents the two sides from discussing the case.

Derogatory terms for homosexuality have long been used as insults. But the landscape has become confusing in recent years as minority groups have tried to reclaim terms like "queer," "ghetto" and the n-word.

In recent years, gay rights advocates and educators have tried teaching students that it is hurtful to use the word "gay" as an all-purpose term for something disagreeable. At Berkeley High School, a gay student club passed out buttons with the words "That's so gay" crossed out to get their classmates to stop using them.

Rick Ayers, a retired teacher who helped compile and publish the "Berkeley High School Slang Dictionary," a compendium of trendy teen talk circa 2001, said educating students about offensive language is preferable to policing their speech.

"I wouldn't be surprised if this girl didn't even know the origin of that term," he said. "The kids who get caught saying it will claim it's been decontextualized, but others will say, `No, you know what that means.' It's quite talked about."

Rice's parents, Elden and Katherine Rice, also claim the public high school employed a double-standard because, they say, administrators never sought to shield Rebekah from teasing based on Mormon stereotypes.

In addition, the Rices say their daughter was singled out because of the family's conservative views on sexuality. They are seeking unspecified damages and want the disciplinary notation expunged from Rebekah's school record.

Eliza Byard, deputy executive director of the New York-based Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network, said nearly nine out of 10 gay students her organization surveyed in 2005 reported hearing "That's so gay" or "You're so gay" frequently.

"It bothers them a lot," Byard said. "As odd or funny as the phrase sounds, imagine what it feels like to be in a setting where you consistently hear it used to describe something undesirable or stupid, and it also refers to you."

She said it is OK to discipline students for using the phrase after efforts have been made to educate them.

"The job of a school is to deal proactively and consistently with all forms of bullying, name-calling and harassment," she said.

Jordan Lorence, an attorney with the Alliance Defense Fund, a Christian legal organization, agreed "That's so gay" carries a negative meaning and said he would not want his children to say it. But he said formal discipline is not the answer.

"Reasonable people should say, `Let's put a stop to this kind of search-and-destroy mission by school officials for everything that is politically incorrect,"' he said.

That's so gay...Oops! Smiley

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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #548 - Mar 1st, 2007 at 9:10am
That's not just gay, it's also retarded.

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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #549 - Mar 4th, 2007 at 12:33pm
Go back to sleep America...the FDA has all the best intentions for you and your food stuffs....

that's why they are okaying a drug for cows that has a majority of the people who tested it for safety say it's harmful to humans!!!


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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #550 - Mar 5th, 2007 at 12:41pm
Your British govt at work!

Help us spot terrorists - Police
EXCLUSIVE Nicola Dowling
5/ 3/2007

POLICE today issued an unprecedented call for the people of Greater Manchester to help spot terrorists who may be living or working alongside them.

With security experts describing the terror threat to Britain as 'severe', officers say they cannot fight the problem without the eyes and ears of every citizen.

In a new anti-terror drive, a tip-off hotline is being relaunched and an advertising campaign will urge people to report any suspicious behaviour. It asks:

* Do you know anyone who travels but is vague on where they're going?

Like when I ask my neighbor and he's says he's going to the store...WHAT STORE MR BIN LADDEN?!

* Do you know someone with documents in different names for no obvious reason?

You mean like college students with fake IDs?  Yes I do!!!

* Do you know someone buying large or unusual quantities of chemicals for no obvious reason?

You mean like the meth heads?  Are they terrorists now too?

* Handling chemicals is dangerous, maybe you've seen goggles or masks dumped somewhere?

I use to in college...in my chemistry building...you think that's a terrorist training ground?

* If you work in commercial vehicle hire or sales, has a sale or rental made you suspicious?

Ya know I wondered why a bunch of dark skinned people came in.  They said they were moving out of the south...I now wonder....

* Have you seen someone with large quantities of mobiles?

Jay Leno is a terrorist!!!

* Have you seen anyone taking pictures of security arrangements?

Ya in fact I saw this one guy who supposedly worked for the British govt install cameras all over the country and I think some of them...even look at each other!!

* Do you know someone who visits terrorist-related websites?

Like infowars.com, prisonplanet.com, Al Jezirra.com, and Fark?  Sure do!

* Have you seen any suspicious cheque or credit card transactions?

Ya there was this lady with like 12 children and she said it was that time of the month to cash her check....you think she's with Al Qaeda?

* Is someone is asking for a short-term let on a house or flat on a cash basis for no apparent reason?

There were these kids who came to my rental and asked if they could stay there for half a semester?  You think that's terrorist code speak for until the next attack?

The motto of the campaign is: “You don’t have to be sure. If you suspect it, report it.”

Phew that's good because I don't know half my neighbors and the other half I don't like so I want them to get into trouble for anything I can.  Also there's this person who's really paranoid and keeps talking to the cops...I think he's just trying to divert them to other people so they can get away with being a terrorists!

Speaking exclusively to the M.E.N, Det ective Chief Supt erintendent Tony Porter, the boss of Greater Manchester’s Counter Terrorism Unit, said: “The help and support of local communities is vital to tackling the terrorist threat.

“When people provide information to the hotline they could be giving us the final piece of a complex jigsaw.

“People are often aware of unusual activity or behaviour, something which may be causing them concern.

“So we are asking people to trust their instincts and call the hotline. Your information may help disrupt terrorists and ultimately save lives.

“I can reassure anyone with concerns that all information provided to the Anti-Terrorist Hotline is treated in the strictest confidence and it is thoroughly researched before any police action is taken.”

The number to call is: 0800 789 321.

So can I finally report the two black guys walking down the street carrying a TV and they look suspicious?  Good.  (Working at 911 one day I actually heard that call.)

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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #551 - Mar 5th, 2007 at 12:57pm
I don't think you can report women or minorities on the hotline, Stewie.  White heterosexual Christian men only, please!

(...you know it's true!)
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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #552 - Mar 6th, 2007 at 12:47am
So how do you like your socialist government America?!


(We need less laws not more laws!  Or at least more laws that actually matter!)
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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #553 - Mar 6th, 2007 at 11:39pm
This is one of the funniest things I've seen all week!


Terrorists need computers?!  Oh nose!!!

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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #554 - Mar 7th, 2007 at 8:53am
Again...this is what socialism gets you and this is what we're going to basically have to the run up of complete tyranny and dictictorial rule in the future if we don't stop it.

France bans citizen journalists from reporting violence

By Peter Sayer, IDG News Service

The French Constitutional Council has approved a law that criminalizes the filming or broadcasting of acts of violence by people other than professional journalists. The law could lead to the imprisonment of eyewitnesses who film acts of police violence, or operators of Web sites publishing the images, one French civil liberties group warned on Tuesday.

The council chose an unfortunate anniversary to publish its decision approving the law, which came exactly 16 years after Los Angeles police officers beating Rodney King were filmed by amateur videographer George Holliday on the night of March 3, 1991. The officers’ acquittal at the end on April 29, 1992 sparked riots in Los Angeles.

If Holliday were to film a similar scene of violence in France today, he could end up in prison as a result of the new law, said Pascal Cohet, a spokesman for French online civil liberties group Odebi. And anyone publishing such images could face up to five years in prison and a fine of €75,000 (US$98,537), potentially a harsher sentence than that for committing the violent act.

Senators and members of the National Assembly had asked the council to rule on the constitutionality of six articles of the Law relating to the prevention of delinquency. The articles dealt with information sharing by social workers, and reduced sentences for minors. The council recommended one minor change, to reconcile conflicting amendments voted in parliament. The law, proposed by Minister of the Interior Nicolas Sarkozy, is intended to clamp down on a wide range of public order offenses. During parliamentary debate of the law, government representatives said the offense of filming or distributing films of acts of violence targets the practice of “happy slapping,” in which a violent attack is filmed by an accomplice, typically with a camera phone, for the amusement of the attacker’s friends.

The broad drafting of the law so as to criminalize the activities of citizen journalists unrelated to the perpetrators of violent acts is no accident, but rather a deliberate decision by the authorities, said Cohet. He is concerned that the law, and others still being debated, will lead to the creation of a parallel judicial system controlling the publication of information on the Internet.

The government has also proposed a certification system for Web sites, blog hosters, mobile-phone operators and Internet service providers, identifying them as government-approved sources of information if they adhere to certain rules. The journalists’ organization Reporters Without Borders, which campaigns for a free press, has warned that such a system could lead to excessive self censorship as organizations worried about losing their certification suppress certain stories.

In a world of tyrannical rule...everyone's a criminal!

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