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Cry freedom! (Read 210194 times)
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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #495 - Jan 9th, 2007 at 5:44pm
So can officers search your vehicle if they "smell" smoke?  Or for that matter...french fries?

(Agrees with bob)
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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #496 - Jan 9th, 2007 at 7:28pm
  Supreme Court upholds “secret law” requiring travelers to show their ID to fly

WikiProtest Blog
Tuesday, January 9, 2007

If this ruling doesn’t truly discredit the Supreme Court as just another rubber stamp I don’t know what will. The ruling is in reference to Gilmore v. Gonzales, 06-211, in which millionaire Libertarian Activist John Gilmore (co-founder of the Electronic Frontier Foundation) attempted to force the the federal government to disclose the actual law that requires people traveling by air to either show ID or submit to a more thorough search when passing through airport security.

The justices, by letting the appeals court ruling against Gilmore stand, have legitimized the use of “secret laws” against the citizens of the United States. This means you are now responsible for abiding by laws that are not published, and even classified in some cases.

I have asked before and I will ask again. When will people say enough is enough? What happens when people start getting arrested for breaking secret laws, and then find themselves in secret courts. Oh, wait, that has already been approved by the Military Commissions Act.

This ruling marks yet another blow against personal liberty and freedom, and a giant step towards totalitarianism in America. I just hope people start waking up to this soon, before it’s too late.

Anyone who has taken Law 101 will know that a law is always unjust if it is not known by the populace that is under it.  Therefore, what the US Supreme Court is saying is that anyone with power can make any secret law they want that has to be followed by the people under it.  For example, the Congress makes a secret law that states that you must wear blue socks with your Molec is lord t-shirt every Friday.  If you don't...you go to a nice "internment camp" for 25 years.  Under this SC ruling...you can go to the IC for 25 years.  I'm sorry but this is just wrong and not only that is treasonous to the principles of America...but also to the Law.

Also check out this nice write up about the upcoming 24 season.  I liked the first 2 seasons...but now I watch it just to get mad at it and see what they're trying to say behind the lines.


Last season they had a 9/11 widow on champion the show for its use of torture of a possible terrorist....this was during a commercial break.  And she said something to the affect of "I wish the govt had these types of policies before terrorists took my husband out in the 9/11 attacks".  If you haven't studies history...this is called PROPAGANDA!

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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #497 - Jan 10th, 2007 at 9:55am
Wiki ordered to remove link to drug documents
EFF argues right to free speech breached
By OUT-LAW.COM → More by this author
Published Wednesday 10th January 2007 10:32 GMT
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A wiki about a controversial prescription drug has been ordered by a US court to remove a link to documents which originated with Eli Lilly, the drug's manufacturer.

The drug, Zyprexa, has been the subject of payouts by Eli Lilly in cases over its alleged side effects. The pharmaceutical company still faces a large number of product liability lawsuits which claim that the schizophrenia and bipolar disorder treatment has caused patients to gain weight or to contract diabetes. Eli Lilly has already paid out $1.2bn to settle suits before they reached court, including $500m just last week.

A wiki about the controversy, zyprexa.pbwiki.com, published a link to internal Eli Lilly documents which the New York Times said showed that the company deliberately downplayed the side effects of the drug, which are alleged to include weight gain, high blood sugar levels and diabetes.

The judge in one of the product liability cases, federal district Judge Jack Weinstein, ordered the site and a number of named individuals to refrain from distributing the documents or causing them to be distributed.

Digital rights group the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) defended the free speech rights of one anonymous poster in front of Weinstein but the judge has reiterated his earlier decision. He will hear further arguments on 16th January.

The EFF argued that the ruling breached the individual's rights to free speech, enshrined in the first amendment of the US Constitution. The case is one of the first to involve citizen journalists and new online developments such as wikis in such a serious case.

"Preventing a citizen-journalist from posting links to important health information on a public wiki violates the first amendment," said EFF Senior Staff Attorney Fred von Lohmann. "Eli Lilly's efforts to censor these documents off the internet are particularly outrageous in light of the information reported by The New York Times, which suggests that doctors and patients who use Zyprexa need to know the information contained in those documents."

"The following individuals, entities and organisations who have received documents produced by Eli Lilly and Company are hereby enjoined from further disseminating these documents," said Weinstein's ruling. He goes on to name 13 individuals, at least four of them doctors, and four websites, including the Zyprexa wiki.

Wikis have exploded in popularity after the success of Wikipedia, the online encyclopaedia. A wiki is an online store of information which readers can amend, edit, expand and update. Conceived as collaborative tools, wikis gain their authority from the combined expertise of readers and activists rather than purely from the qualifications and expertise of a team of professional authors and editors.

Now where did I put my First Amendment?!

Hmm let's see.

Zyprexa is a drug that kills.  I know of no one who has taken it who has lived to tell the tale.  Zyprexa is made by a company whose CEO are into money pedophilia.  They are also known to worship the Giant Spaghetti Monster in the sky.  Spaghetti also causes tentacles to grow from one eye sockets.  Zyprexa turns your sex organs inside out (or right side in) and turns your nipples into 1924 silver dollars.  Zyprexa slows your heart beat by turning into a Big Mac.  It turns your brain matter green and hot pink which causes you to not to be able to say ANYTHING BAD IN AMERICA ANYMORE!!!

(Expects a lawsuit soon...good luck in that bob)
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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #498 - Jan 10th, 2007 at 1:12pm
Zyprexa... turns your nipples into 1924 silver dollars.

I'll take two!

(...1924 for life!)
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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #499 - Jan 10th, 2007 at 7:18pm
Government spooks helped Microsoft build Vista

The Inquirer | January 10, 2007
Nick Farrell

THE USA GOVERNMENT'S cryptologic organisation, the National Security Agency, has admitted that it is behind some of the security changes to Microsoft's operating system Vista.

According to the Washington Post , the agency which was once so secret that it was jokingly referred to as 'No such Agency' has admitted making 'unspecified contributions' to Vista.

Tony Sager, the NSA's chief of vulnerability analysis and operations group, told the Post that it was the agency's intention to help everyone these days.

The NSA used a red and a blue team to pull apart the software. The red team posed as "the determined, technically competent adversary" to disrupt, corrupt or steal information. The Blue team helped Defense Department system administrators with Vista's configuration.

Vole said that it has sought help from the NSA over the last four years. Apparently its skills can be seen in the Windows XP consumer version and the Windows Server 2003 for corporate customers.

The assistance is at the US taxpayers' expense, although the NSA says it all makes perfect sense. Not only is the NSA protecting United States business, its own Defense Department uses VoleWare so it is in the government's interest to make sure it is as secure as possible.

Microsoft is not the only one to tap the spooks. Apple, with its Mac OSX operating system, and Novell with its SUSE Linux also asked the NSA what it thought of their products. The NSA is quite good at finding weapons of mass destruction that are not there.

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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #500 - Jan 11th, 2007 at 11:18am
  Historian 'pinned to ground by US police and beaten for jaywalking'

Laura Clout
London Telegraph
Thursday, January 11, 2007

A distinguished British historian claims he was knocked to the ground by an American policeman before being arrested and spending eight hours in jail — because he crossed the road in the wrong place.

Felipe Fernandez-Armesto said he had been the victim of "terrible, terrible violence" after he inadvertently committed the offence of "jaywalking" in Atlanta, Georgia, last week and failed to realise the man telling him to stop was an officer.

The slight, bespectacled professor claimed that five burly officers pinned him to the ground after Kevin Leonpacher kicked his legs from under him as he hesitated to show his ID.

He was left "traumatised and disorientated" and with a gashed forehead as he was taken to the local jail and charged with pedestrian failure to obey a police officer and physical obstruction of police.

The academic, professor of global environmental history at Queen Mary College, University of London, and a member of Oxford University's modern history faculty, said he had been subjected to "very humiliating procedures" and even had his box of peppermints confiscated.

The 56-year-old appeared in court the next day, "tortured" by the fear of getting a criminal record that would wreck his chances of getting a green card allowing him to work in America. But prosecutors dropped the charges.

Atlanta's police chief ordered an inquiry after the mayor raised the incident.

Prof Fernandez-Armesto, who is also a member of the history department at Tufts University, Massachusetts, was in Atlanta for the convention of the American Historical Association. He said he was crossing the road and became aware of a "rather intrusive young man shouting at me telling me that I shouldn't have crossed the road there".

Because he was wearing a "rather louche" bomber jacket that covered his uniform, the professor did not realise he was a policeman.

"I thanked him for his advice and went on," said the professor. When Officer Leonpacher tried to stop him and demanded to see identification, the professor asked to see his, which he "didn't take kindly to". "He said 'I am going to arrest you'," Prof Fernandez-Armesto said. "In the culture I come from this wouldn't mean that the conversation was over.

"Nor would it mean that you were about to be subjected to terrible, terrible violence. This young man kicked my legs from under me, wrenched me round in what I think is a sort of a judo move, pinned me to the ground, wrenched my arms behind my back and handcuffed me.

"Naturally I was bridling at this moment and he called his colleagues to his assistance. I had five burly policemen pinioning me to the ground, pressing my neck with really very severe pain. I'm a mass of contusions and grazes.

"I was traumatised, disorientated, my conference programme was in the gutter and I was begging them to give it back to me and to give me my spectacles back," he said. "I still find it incredible that an ageing, mild-mannered professor of impeccable antecedent, should be the subject of such abominable treatment."

The professor, who has written books on the Americas and global exploration, was handcuffed to another suspected criminal in a "filthy, foetid paddy wagon" to be transported to jail and had his fingerprints and mugshot taken. With his bail set at £720 but with no way to get the cash, Prof Fernandez-Armesto remained incarcerated, until he eventually got out with the help of a professional bail agent.

In court the following day he explained to the judge and charges were dropped.

Officer Leonpacher denied that he overreacted, saying the historian repeatedly refused to co-operate. The 28-year-old told the Atlanta Journal-Constitution: "I used an excessive amount of discretion."

Atlanta's mayor, Shirley Franklin, said: "We want everyone who visits Atlanta to find Atlanta to be friendly and helpful."

The professor said he had no plans to sue, adding: "It was actually a fantastic experience going into that detention centre and spending time with those miserable wretches of the earth. I feel I've learnt more than I would have in important sessions of the Historical Association."

Remember when you thought I was joking that the Patriot Act labels all crime as terrorism...even jay-walking....TA DAAAA!!!  This is the revolution of the police against the citizenry of a great nation.  This is fear and true terrorism.  Yes jaywalking is illegal but everywhere it is a ticket offense and you CANNOT be arrest unless you assault a police officer or what not.  So have fun police...you are now the terrorists.

(Needs a job so he can change the system)
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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #501 - Jan 11th, 2007 at 2:16pm
The only reason why that guy got off the hook is because he was relatively famous, wealthy, and powerful.  Had that happened to you or I, we'd be cooling our heels in a cell block at this very hour.

(...hates the police state we're becoming.)
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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #502 - Jan 12th, 2007 at 2:51pm
Ron Paul: Next President Of The USA?
Texas Congressman enjoys support across political spectrum, anti-war pro-freedom hero represents America's last hope

Prison Planet | January 12, 2007
Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones

Ron Paul's office has confirmed reports that the Texas Congressman is set to run for the 2008 Presidency. Paul unites opposition to the war and the police state at home across the entire political spectrum and in contrast to the current gaggle of criminals running the White House, represents everything that America truly stands for. A gargantuan effort in support of Ron Paul needs to be mobilized now to prevent Americans from being hoodwinked once again into electing a different puppet of the same dark establishment in 2008.

Paul first ran for President as the Libertarian candidate in 1988, receiving a massive 400,000 votes. He now commands the support of those all across the political spectrum, from libertarians through anti-war Democrats to real paleoconservative Republicans.

Paul has been in and out of Congress since the 70's and is universally hated by the Republican elite, who routinely back Democrats against him just to try and get him out of office. The former Vietnam flight surgeon is the perfect candidate for President and activists from every corner of every political persuasion should mobilize now in an attempt to help Paul shatter the power monopoly of the Republican and Democrat establishment who have worked together for decades to slit America's throat in the interests of power, greed, and ego - all working towards the realization of a new world order.

The Texan represents a dying breed in Congress, those who actually cast their votes in accordance with the Constitution and not at the discretion of lobbyists or the fear that the elite will tarnish their political careers if they don't continually support the establishment. As a result Ron Paul is the elite's worse nightmare, simply having him on the ticket itself will be a massive public relations blow, and that's why media organs will probably be activated to try and discredit him before 2008.

Paul was one of only a handful of Republicans to vote against the illegal invasion of Iraq, contenting rightly that the Constitution clearly states that only Congress can declare war. In bucking a trend, Paul was anti-war long before the majority of the country came around to a similar way of thinking following the catastrophe of the occupation.

While Democrats soft-peddle and cozy up to Bush, creating phony arguments about the level of troop presence in Iraq and ignoring the majority will of the country to bring the troops home immediately, Ron Paul's opposition to unnecessary wars of intervention has remained steadfast throughout his entire political career.

If a gargantuan effort is made from now until the end of 2008 to heighten Paul's media profile and forward him as America's last hope, he truly has a significant chance of giving Jeb Bush, Rudy Giuliani or whichever elitist puppet the Republicans choose to put forward a real run for their money.

At the very least it's a chance to attract attention to some serious issues and hold the establishment's feet to the fire. But with the favor of the political landscape continually swinging away from the scam repeatedly run by the Republicrats and Democans, we should really start off on a positive footing and consider the fact that Ron Paul, though still an underdog, has a real chance of becoming the next President.

According to the Associated Press , "Paul bills himself as "The Taxpayers' Best Friend," and is routinely ranked either first or second in the House by the National Taxpayers Union, a national group advocating low taxes and limited government."

On every single issue of national importance - borders, the war, limited government, U.S. sovereignty, tax and the federal reserve - Ron Paul stands for populist ideals that the country is screaming out for after seven years of hell under Bush, preceded by eight years of disgrace under Bill Clinton.

Ron Paul voted against the Patriot Act, opposes the draft, advocates the abolition of the income tax, urges the re-introduction of the gold standard, and stands against initiatives to strip the U.S. of its sovereignty such as CAFTA and the FTAA.

During several appearances on The Alex Jones Show , Ron Paul has consistently upheld his commitment to civil liberties, slammed the militarized police state that Bush has created and also called for immediate impeachment proceedings to be brought against the current incumbent of the White House.

President Ron Paul could truly return America to the great nation it once was and his decision to run is an exciting development that we should all embrace and stand beside him in the fight to restore some form of dignity to the office of President that has been completely absent since the assassination of John F. Kennedy in 1963.

"Congressman Ron Paul is a dream candidate, a super patriot, a total Constitutionalist, an American hero."

"We must elect him President."
Alex Jones

I would so vote for Ron Paul if he ran for President.  I would laugh if he got elected because he'd be the first president to make the executive office weak.  Although he'd probably get assassinated by a "lone gunman".

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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #503 - Jan 12th, 2007 at 4:01pm
I would vote for Ron Paul in a heartbeat.

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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #504 - Jan 12th, 2007 at 6:57pm

Watch out!!!  It's a black student!!  Cop pulls his gun out not once but twice on the kid.  The second time all he does was push him...but not the first time...

(Maybe I should just start beating people at random...maybe that'd get me a job sooner)
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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #505 - Jan 12th, 2007 at 11:55pm
There isn't really any way to tell what preceded the first scene.  The second scene, however, seemed totally justified to me.  If you push a police officer to the ground, you should fully expect to see the barrel of firearm up close and personal.

Anyone carrying a firearm (whether they are police, military, or civilian) cannot afford to get into a wrestling match, especially if they are carrying openly.  It doesn't take much to relieve an officer of their service pistol once you've got them pinned to the ground.

(...would really like to know more about the taped incident.)
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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #506 - Jan 13th, 2007 at 2:58am
Actually the second one is not justified.  Police use what is called The Force Continuum.  It is very strick as to what an officer can use in certain situations.  If you look at the video you notice that the student pushes the officer to the floor and backs away into a hallway.  A hallway full of people...what if the officer had fired and missed or the bullet went through the guy.  He'd be on every news channel from here to Timbucktoo.  This officer probably has mace and a taser as well.  Trust me...officers are not weary about firing their tasters...esp in schools at students.

Also in the second one...I think we can assume that the officer had control of the student since he was pushed up against a wall by the scruff of his neck.  The officer would have better control over the student if he would have used two hands to maintain control.  We know this student didn't have a gun or weapon because there were a group of students around looking on at a fight.  If he did have a weapon those students would still be running.  Also we would have heard nothing about it.  Oh what?  The shooter was black oh that's old news.  That happens all the time in NY and CA.

Here's an new article.


I have to say...we are so concerned with child molesters and Catholic priests right?  Well how come we are not as strict on schools that assault their students and basically statutorily rape them.  Yes the students are usually guys and the teachers are female.  Is it because these are govt institutions who are basically protected from the bad press?  Priest who molest and child molesters are bad...but when ok looking teachers have sex with underage students (who btw are also considered child molesters and carries a higher sentences because they are in places of trust) is somewhat just a fantasy fulfillment for boys.

(Just doesn't get it)
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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #507 - Jan 14th, 2007 at 4:46am

Iran has demanded the immediate release of five of its citizens held in a US military raid in northern Iraq, who it says are diplomats.

The US says the detainees arrested on Thursday in Irbil are linked to the Iranian Revolutionary Guards which they say trains and arms insurgents in Iraq.

But Iran's foreign ministry says they were "involved in consulate affairs".

Iran also demanded compensation for damage to the Iranian liaison office where the men were seized.

yay now theres a reason for them to do something to us!

maybe "attack" one of our carries?

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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #508 - Jan 14th, 2007 at 9:38am
Or march 12 guys into Alaska.  How big is Iran's military?  I know they have some high powered weapons to knock out some of our carriers and other ships.

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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #509 - Jan 14th, 2007 at 10:07am
Either that, or some sort of "dirty bomb" will be set off in a major US city.

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