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Cry freedom! (Read 210169 times)
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Truth Is Treason, In The
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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #450 - Dec 11th, 2006 at 12:53pm
You make knock off rubix cubes...DHS comes barging in on you for terrorism.

They loose 111,000 immigrant files resulting in citizenship for them without any knowledge if they are good or bad...meh nothing...they get re-elected.

111,000 Immigration Files Lost

American Free Press | December 11, 2006
James P. Tucker Jr.

An investigation by a government oversight agency recently revealed that in 2005 U.S. immigration authorities either “lost” or could not account for an estimated 111,000 files on immigrants to the United States, resulting in tens of thousands gaining citizenship without any indication as to whether authorities had checked to see if any of them had a criminal history.

The shocking loss was discovered in a study by the Government Accounting Office (GAO) sought by Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa). As many as 30,000 immigrants obtained citizenship with limited scrutiny as a result.

“In 2002, we had a person who was a threat to the United States that got citizenship and the file wasn't even reviewed,” Grassley said on the Lou Dobbs TV show Dec. 4.

“How can this happen? Basic incompetence of paperwork or the fact that even paperwork exists as opposed to having this stuff on computer where it can be saved.”

There only has to be “one mistake” and the United States could again become a victim of terrorism, Grassley said, “A terrorist has to be right once,” he said. “We have to be right every time.”

Grassley was referring to an individual who received his U.S. citizenship and was a known supporter of the Lebanese militia group, Hezbollah, which the United States considers a terrorist organization. Australia, the United Kingdom, Canada, the Netherlands and Israel also consider Hezbollah a terrorist organization. The rest of the world considers it a legitimate resistance organization that defends southern Lebanon from Israeli incursions.

“If they can't handle legal immigration, how are they going to give amnesty to 12 million people that are here illegally?” Dobbs asked.

“A test on that will come next year when we have a debate on an amendment that there can't be any guest worker programs or even any consideration of legalizing illegality if we don't control the borders in the first place,” Grassley responded. “In other words, control the borders in the first place and then look at all these other issues as a next step.”

In a prepared statement issued earlier, Grassley said “It takes one missing file of somebody with links to a terrorist organization to become an American citizen. A terrorist can be unsuccessful thousands of times, but we have to be perfect all the time. We can't afford to be handing out citizenship with blinders on.”

The 30,000 missing files represent about 4% of the 715,000 total applications handled by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services in 2005. The CIS is an agency within the Department of Homeland Security. The files, known as “A files,” contain information such as arrest warrants and the results of immigration proceedings. The losses can be attributed to “poor training” and “a lack of emphasis by managers,” the report said.

Sen. Susan Collins (R-Me.), who also called for the investigation, observed that some of the 9-11 hijackers entered the country legally, disappearing until the terrorist attacks.

She called it “unthinkable” that the U.S. immigration system could still grant citizenship to a potential terrorist “simply because they can't find a person's file.”

CIS officials told auditors that case adjudicators are not required to document whether they use A files. This means some of the 30,000 could have been reviewed but they don't know. Auditors recommended CIS tell employees to note whether an A file was used to adjudicate an application—something any clerk-typist would recommend.

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Truth Is Treason, In The
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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #451 - Dec 11th, 2006 at 11:21pm
Wow this is a well put together website:


Check this video out...it's on this page:


Entitled - Bush admits that in his version of Christianity, non-Christians can go to heaven!.

Soo...umm ya...any thoughts?

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Truth Is Treason, In The
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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #452 - Dec 12th, 2006 at 12:07pm

Secret talks with insurgents break down?  I thought we didn't negotiate with terrorists?  Why don't we go...hmm these are the leaders of the insurgency...LET'S BRING A FRACKIN GUN!  Bam Bam Bam!  Insurgents dead!  Or is it...are we controlling them?  Hmmm

Skilling won't have to report to prison: WSJ

Mon Dec 11, 10:17 PM ET

HOUSTON (Reuters) - A U.S. appeals court will allow ex-Enron Chief Executive Jeffrey Skilling to stay out of prison while it considers granting him bail, according to a report published on the Wall Street Journal's Web site on Monday.

Skilling was scheduled to report to a federal prison in Minnesota on Tuesday to begin a 24-year sentence for his role in hiding Enron's financial condition from investors as the company's fortunes eroded prior to its 2001 collapse.

Skilling attorney Daniel Petrocelli told the paper he found out Monday evening the Fifth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals would allow Skilling to remain under house arrest while it considers granting him bail during his appeals of fraud and conspiracy convictions.

A Houston jury convicted Skilling in May.

Since being sentenced in October, Skilling has been under house arrest in Houston and required to wear an electronic monitoring device on his ankle.

This just shows you that if you steal a SHIITE LOAD OF MONEY...and are friends with Bush...you don't go to jail!

(Give me a break...or break my neck)
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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #453 - Dec 12th, 2006 at 12:16pm

Showtime show mocking 9/11 truth-seeks...warning contains profanity.
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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #454 - Dec 12th, 2006 at 1:36pm

Have a look at this photo.

Believe it or not, there was a time when people would have doubted a picture like this could have been taken in America. No one would believe it -- probably some third-world despot or Eastern European dictatorship.

In fact, it was taken in Durham, North Carolina by a college photojournalist, and recently won in the "Spot News" category of the College Photographer of the Year competition.

Here's the description:

    A member of the Durham Police Department Selective Enforcement Team escorts a child to use the bathroom after serving a search warrant at a suspected drug house. Working closely with the police department's Gang Units, SET is responsible for making high-risk entries into dwellings to serve search warrants. Gang Unit Two made two controlled buys, or drug purchases, from the home with the help of an informant, giving them probable cause for a search warrant.

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"Our Constitution is designed only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate for any other."&&&&John Adams&&
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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #455 - Dec 15th, 2006 at 11:26am
Federal judge invokes Military Commissions Act to reject Gitmo habeas petition

Jurist | December 15, 2006
Bernard Hibbitts

A federal judge Wednesday dismissed [ruling, PDF] a habeas corpus petition brought by Guantanamo detainee Salim Hamdan [ Trial Watch profile ], finding it was clearly barred under the controversial habeas-stripping language [JURIST report] of the new Military Commissions Act (MCA) [text, PDF] even though it was pending at the time the Act was passed. Agreeing with a position [JURIST report] on pending habeas petitions taken earlier this fall by the US Department of Justice, US District Judge James Robertson wrote in the first ruling to construe the MCA:
Hamdan's lengthy detention beyond American borders but within the jurisdictional authority of the United States is historically unique. Nevertheless, as the government argues in its reply brief, his connection to the United States lacks the geographical and volitional predicates necessary to claim a constitutional right to habeas corpus. Petitioner has never entered the United States and accordingly does not enjoy the “implied protection” that accompanies presence on American soil. Guantanamo Bay, although under the control of the United States military, remains under “the ultimate sovereignty of the Republic of Cuba.” Presence within the exclusive jurisdiction and control of the United States was enough for the Court to conclude in Rasul that the broad scope of the habeas statute covered Guantanamo Bay detainees, but the detention facility lies outside the sovereign realm, and only U.S. citizens in such locations may claim entitlement to a constitutionally guaranteed writ...

Congress's removal of jurisdiction from the federal courts was not a suspension of habeas corpus within the meaning of the Suspension Clause (or, to the extent that it was, it was plainly unconstitutional, in the absence of rebellion or invasion), but Hamdan's statutory access to the writ is blocked by the jurisdiction-stripping language of the Military Commissions Act, and he has no constitutional entitlement to habeas corpus.
In the context of his ruling Robertson left unaddressed Hamdan's general arguments that the Military Commissions Act is unconstitutional "because it does not provide an adequate substitute for habeas review, because it violates the principle of separation of powers by instructing the courts to ignore the Supreme Court's ruling that the Geneva Conventions afford judicially enforceable protections to petitioner Hamdan, because it is an unlawful Bill of Attainder, and because it violates Equal Protection."

Robertson initially granted Hamdan's habeas petition at the initial stage of the Hamdan v. Rumsfeld case in 2004, holding - as he explained Wednesday - that "he could could not be tried lawfully before a military commission that had not [then] been approved by Congress." Robertson's ruling was upheld on appeal [JURIST report] by the US Supreme Court in June this year

This violates so many US laws it's ridiculous.  Most of all is the ex post facto rule or "after the fact".  It'd be like me sneezing now and then 10 years from now a law says that no one can sneeze and then charge me for my sneeze now.  Not to mention the whole military commissions "act" is neither militarily lawful nor Constitutionally lawful.  Even in the military prionsers (that is our own military people we put in Leavenworth and the like) or POWs can submit habeas corpus writs.

People should burn for these executive branch "laws"

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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #456 - Dec 15th, 2006 at 1:32pm
Whatever happened to the common law theory of prohibiting "ex post facto" application?  This judgment horrendously violates the rule of law.

(...thinks that is retarded.)
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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #457 - Dec 16th, 2006 at 2:02pm
Homeland Security chief defends Real ID plan
Dismissing privacy concerns, Michael Chertoff says electronically read IDs will make the country more secure.
By Anne Broache
Staff Writer, CNET News.com
Published: December 14, 2006, 12:01 PM PST

WASHINGTON--U.S. Department of Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff on Thursday defended forthcoming national ID cards as vital for security and consistent with privacy rights.

Yes "privacy" meaning only you and anyone with government access knows about it.  Then that's true only if all those intelligence agency agents don't steal them or sell them or "loose" them.

Chertoff said one of his agency's top goals next year is to forge ahead with recommendations for the controversial documents established by a federal law called the Real ID Act in May 2005. By 2008, Americans may be required to present such federally approved cards--which must be electronically readable--to travel on an airplane, open a bank account or take advantage of myriad government services such as Social Security.

What this article doesn't tell you is that the Bush admin slipped the Real ID Act under some crucial bills at the last minute.  Also the reason WHY tis is controversial, which again this article says nothing about, because some 60-70% of the American public DON'T WANT IT!  I think tyranny of the majority just because tyranny of the minority aka our govt appointed bodies!

"I think this is an example (of) when security and privacy go hand in hand," the Homeland Security chief said in a half-hour speech at George Washington University here. "It is a win-win for both."

Umm how is this a win for the American people?  Oh anything we do can be tracked and all this after we read about the millions of IDs stolen from Vets and current service members.  If you can't treat your own soldiers with respect enough to care about what happens to their personal data then why should you care about us "little people"?

The importance of such documents was magnified by an announcement Wednesday, Chertoff said. Federal authorities reported that they had made more than 1,200 arrests related to immigration violations and unmasked criminal organizations stealing and trafficking in genuine birth certificates and Social Security cards belonging to U.S. citizens.

Here's a plan...how about you tighten security on the boarders and you won't have to worry about the LEGAL AMERICAN PUBLIC!!!

"Do you think your privacy is better protected if someone can walk around with phony docs with your name and your Social Security number, or is your privacy better protected if you have the confidence that the identification relied upon is in fact reliable and uniquely tied to a single individual?" Chertoff asked rhetorically.

And how is the National ID Card going to do that?!  I will be anyone...any money that we find, if and when this gets implemented...the bastards, that their is counterfeiting and theft of these "unsinkable" cards.

The upcoming federally approved IDs are intended to be a secure, tamperproof means of protecting Americans' identities while keeping out terrorists and other wrongdoers, Chertoff said.

Just like our SSN right?  Oh wait....

The Homeland Security chief, who is nearing his two-year mark with the agency, was likely trying to quell rampant skepticism about the IDs voiced by some privacy advocates, immigrants and other groups. Some have said they fear that the IDs are a stepping stone to a veritable police state, complete with ready surveillance of individuals.

What?!  No!  Go back to sleep America...you're government has everything under control...Go back to sleep America.

Some have argued that the idea of creating more tamperproof IDs is only a marginally better way to screen out those intent on committing terrorist acts because ID cards don't even begin to tackle a core crime prevention challenge: determining a person's unspoken intentions.

WTF?!  Who are these "Some" that are arguing?  This would mean...hey let's chip people so we can track their actions to see if they are terrorists.  If we are suspicious of someone let's not allow them to buy goods and services because of it!

State governments have also been critical of the 2008 deadline and what they have said amounts to an unfunded mandate to switch over their systems. A September study released by the National Governors Association, National Conference of State Legislatures and American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators estimated that the overhaul of their identification systems would cost states more than $11 billion over five years. The New Hampshire state legislature even considered passing a law earlier this year that would prohibit the state from complying with the federal Real ID law.

Ya but why listen to the states...X says sarcastically...ya know if the states weren't so commandeered by the fed with money in order to survive I would almost think we'd have another civil war looming!  I wish people would be forced to read their Constitutions again.

Homeland Security has yet to issue congressionally mandated recommendations for the cards, so it's unclear how, exactly, they would work. The cards must contain, at a minimum, a person's name, birth date, gender, ID number, digital portrait, address, "physical security features" to prevent tampering or counterfeiting and a "common machine-readable technology" specified by Homeland Security.

Ya good luck with that.  Also, if we are so concerned with the immediate terrorist actions....why did we wait so long to implement these things?

A recent draft report by a DHS advisory committee advised against using radio frequency identification technology, or RFID, in tracking humans because of privacy concerns.

Ya they'll just stick a chip in our arms for that!  Don't need over kill!

The purpose of Chertoff's Thursday morning speech was to reflect on the agency's work during the past year and to outline goals for 2007. For the past year, he focused on three major areas: immigration and border security, Hurricane Katrina recovery and a foiled terrorism plot originating from London in August.

Conspicuously absent was any mention of the department's cybersecurity plans. After more than a year of delay, Chertoff hired Gregory Garcia, who had been working as a vice president at the Information Technology Association of America lobby group, as the department's first assistant secretary for cybersecurity. That step came after the department had sustained repeated bashing of its efforts in that realm from members of Congress.

What did the DHS do this year?  Here's something to show you how much of a waste DHS really is!

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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #458 - Dec 18th, 2006 at 9:36am
The Iranian central bank is to convert the state's foreign dollar assets into euros and use the euro for foreign transactions.

keep up your policies, US, and youll see lots of countries that are angered switch to other currency. China is the largest backer and holder of US currency, if they sell off, ouch!
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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #459 - Dec 18th, 2006 at 11:40am
China switched to a "basket" currency system last year.  They peg their currency to a mix of world currencies now, not solely the US dollar.

(...the more you know!)
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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #460 - Dec 19th, 2006 at 12:59am
McVeigh Video Destroys OKC Bombing Official Story
Shows McVeigh was in military receiving instruction in "explosives and demolition" over a year after official story says he was discharged, whistleblower harassed for years while unknowingly in possession of bombshell tape

Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones
Prison Planet
Monday, December 18, 2006

A video that shows Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh at a U.S. military base that specializes in explosives and demolition training over a year after he supposedly left the army puts the official story of the April 19 1995 federal building bombing under serious doubt and mandates a re-opening of an investigation into the terror attack that killed 168 people.

The video was released by Bill Bean, a film producer who has suffered intense surveillance and harassment since taking the footage, and is the subject of a February 2007 Hustler Magazine feature story.

On August 3rd 1993, Bean was given a tour of the Camp Grafton military facility in North Dakota as part of a research effort to scout possible shooting locations for a film he was working on. Bean met the Camp Superintendent Col. Dahl and was permitted to film every location he visited.


Bean takes up the story, "I videotaped all locations as possible future shot sites even if there was no actual scene written for that location. Mess Hall, Rec Room, Armory, etc. About an hour into the tour we passed by a long row of tanks and I was informed these had been used in the Gulf War. In fact I believe I was told there were captured tanks there also. While videotaping and viewing this location, two soldiers began to offload what I was told was an armored personnel carrier from a flatbed. One soldier driving the other directing from the ground. I watched them for a moment and then did a slow 360 with my camera and came back to them."

Given permission to board the tank, Bean walked over and pointed the camera inside, at which point one of the soldiers turned around and, appearing somewhat shocked to see the camera, uttered a brief response to Bean's question and attempted to push past him.

That individual has now been positively identified to be Timothy McVeigh, who according to the official timeline as endorsed by the FBI, was honorably discharged from the military for the last time in May 1992. And yet he is seen here on tape at a U.S. military base over a year after that date in August of 1993.

"I did not realize how significant what I had was, for many years," states Bean, "It was not until Mcveigh’s trial that I realized it was Mcveigh in the tank. Even then the larger point escaped me. That point is, McVeigh was not supposed to be in the military at that time. His military record shows him enlisting in 1988, being honorably discharged from the Army, on Dec. 31, 1991. His records then show he was in the Army reserve in Buffalo New York, from January 1992 until May 1992, he was then honorably discharged from the Army reserve. After May of 1992 he was never again in uniform on any base anywhere, never again part of the military. He was totally out of military service. The FBI states the only time they lose track of McVeigh, in his entire life, is the late summer of 93. They think he was somewhere between Kingman Arizona and Decker Michigan. Probably at gun shows, meeting antigovernment rightwing militia types. But he wasn’t, he was at Camp Grafton, in uniform, learning explosives and demolition!"

Get 5 months free at Prison Planet.tv when you sign up for our Christmas Special! TV shows, conference footage, field reports, protest clips, in studio camera and audio interviews, books, every Alex Jones film, dozens of other documentaries! Click here to subscribe!

To confirm that the individual in the tape was indeed McVeigh, Bean presented the video to Prof. Blomgren of the University of Utah, who then undertook a voice forensics analysis. The results produced an 86% match for the voice characteristics heard in the video compared to those taken from a 60 Minutes interview with McVeigh.

Though in a response to Hustler the North Dakota National Guard denied McVeigh was ever present at Camp Grafton, they did confirm that demolitions training is part of the regimen at the facility.

Bean provided us with a list of suspicious telephone calls, examples of harassment and surveillance that he had been targeted for in the seven year period after filming McVeigh, starting in 1994. Much of the surveillance and spying occurred even before Bean became aware that he had filmed Timothy McVeigh.

"On Wed June 19th 2002, my mother who lived with me was talking to a relative in Washington state. The relative said the line sounded “strange” my mother said “Yea, the phone is tapped!” At that point the phone went dead," claims Bean.

"Or, look at January 14th Tues 2003. We lived on the third floor of an apt. building. A green station wagon, Illinois plates HYB115, parked down two doors and sat there with the engine on. For over 25 minutes a woman sat in the driver’s seat looking up in our window. All the while she kept a running dialogue with someone who wasn’t there. She held a device, thin, dark plastic or metal up to her mouth and then would read something on it. She did this for more than 25 minutes. When my mother who was suffering from cancer, walked into the room, I whispered in her ear what was happening. Being a sick old woman she said out loud, “who is looking in our window from a car?” At that point the woman shoved the car in gear and sped away tires screeching!”

The fact that McVeigh was still involved with the U.S. army long after his supposed honorable discharge only amplifies long-standing questions that severely undermine the official explanation behind the Oklahoma City bombing.

- In early April 1995 a Ryder truck identical to the one used in the bombing was filmed by a pilot during an overflight of of an area near Camp Gruber-Braggs, Oklahoma. A June 17th, 1997 Washington Post article authenticates the photos as being exactly what they appear to be, photos of a Ryder truck in a clandestine base at Camp Gruber-Braggs. Why were the military in possession of a Ryder truck housed in a remote clandestine army base days before the Alfred P. Murrah bombing?


- In a 1993 letter to his sister, McVeigh claimed that he was approached by military intelligence and had joined an "elite squad of government paid assassins." McVeigh often contradicted himself and changed his story on a whim to fit in with the latest government version of events. Is the Camp Grafton footage evidence of McVeigh's enrollment in such a clandestine program?

- The August 1993 footage neatly fills in an unexplained gap in McVeigh' timeline that even the FBI cannot explain. Was this gap deliberately left ignored to avoid a probe into McVeigh's activities at Camp Grafton?

- The FBI claimed McVeigh scouted the Alfred P. Murrah building weeks before the bombing and yet on the morning of the attack he stopped at a local gas station to ask directions.

- Multiple reports of Arabs at the scene assisting McVeigh were ignored and surveillance tapes were withheld under national security. The likely reason for this was the fact that Bush senior and Clinton were responsible for bringing in nearly 1,000 Iraqi soldiers captured by U.S. forces during the 1991 Persian Gulf War, some of whom were involved in the bombing.

- Original reports of two explosions and several failed devices being defused by bomb squads were buried by the establishment as the official explanation that McVeigh acted alone was pushed.

- Many eyewitnesses reported that bomb squads in full reaction gear were seen around the building immediately before the blast.

Check out the video and pics here:


This really shoots down the govt's official story.  Well this and about a million other pieces of evidence.

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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #461 - Dec 19th, 2006 at 8:56am
Tagged for home viewing!

(...isn't holding his breath.)
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Grand High Overlard

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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #462 - Dec 19th, 2006 at 3:51pm
Yeah I take anything posted on prisonplanet with a grain of salt really.  Just like the news is biased towards the government, prisonplanet is damn near as bad when it comes to leaning towards the conspiracy side of things.
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Truth Is Treason, In The
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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #463 - Dec 19th, 2006 at 4:31pm
Well I think that's true for anything.  However the video and picture evidence helps.  Plus this isn't a...ooo look what Democrats did...that means the Republicans will save us!  This shows that both sides are just as evil as each other.

It's not about right vs left it's about right vs wrong.

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In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king. - Max Payne
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Grand High Overlard

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Colorado Springs, Colorado
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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #464 - Dec 19th, 2006 at 8:32pm
Well I am not saying I disagree with the article.  But you gotta look at the facts.

1.  Can they show documentation and get witnesses to testify that video was recorded WHEN he says it was recorded?

2.  "The man in the video has been positively identified as Timothy...."....by who?  A few guys at Prison Planet?  Prison Planet has a way of wording things to convince, just likes the major news networks word things to spin.

Like I said, I agree, it probably IS ol Timmy...but you gotta prove it.
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