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Cry freedom! (Read 210191 times)
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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #420 - Nov 15th, 2006 at 9:46pm
I admit, that guy has balls the size of chihuahuas.

(...is impressed.)
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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #421 - Nov 15th, 2006 at 10:19pm

Abramoff Reports to Prison; Officials Focus on Reid, Others

November 15, 2006 1:23 PM

Brian Ross and Rhonda Schwartz Report:

Reid_nr As convicted lobbyist Jack Abramoff reported to federal prison today, a source close to the investigation surrounding his activities told ABC News that Sen. Harry Reid (D-Nev.) was one of the members of Congress Abramoff had allegedly implicated in his cooperation with federal prosecutors.

A spokesperson for Reid, elected yesterday as the Senate Majority Leader, said the senator had done nothing illegal or unethical.

"We have no idea what Abramoff is telling prosecutors to save his skin, but I do know that these kind of old allegations are completely ridiculous and untrue," Sen. Reid's spokesman Jim Manley told ABC News.

A source close to the investigation says Abramoff told prosecutors that more than $30,000 in campaign contributions to Reid from Abramoff's clients "were no accident and were in fact requested by Reid."

Abramoff has reportedly claimed the Nevada senator agreed to help him on matters related to Indian gambling.

The Associated Press reported earlier this year that Reid wrote at least four letters helpful to the tribes that had contributed money to his campaign.

Reid has denied there was any connection between the letters and the contributions and has said he is a longtime opponent of certain kinds of Indian reservation gambling.

The AP reported that Reid acknowledged "routine contacts" with Abramoff's lobbying partners and intervening to block rival tribal casinos.

The AP also reported that Abramoff's billing records showed extensive contact with Reid's office over a three-year period in which Reid collected more than $68,000 from Abramoff's firm, partners and clients.

Prosecutors have said that Abramoff's cooperation is essential to the corruption investigation, but, so far, they have brought only one prosecution against a member of Congress connected to Abramoff, Republican Bob Ney of Ohio, who resigned.

The source said prosecutors do not intend to rely solely on Abramoff's account of events, and his allegations against Reid and others will not necessarily result in criminal charges.   

Sources close to the federal investigation say Abramoff has offered testimony about his contacts with "six to eight seriously corrupt Democratic senators" and an ever larger number of Republican members of Congress.

In addition to Reid, the sources say Abramoff has been most closely questioned about his contacts with Sen. Conrad Burns (R-Mont.), who was defeated in last week's election.

"Being defeated may have been one of the best things that ever happened to Burns," said a source close to the investigation. "There is much more interest in members of Congress who are still in office," the source said.

Burns, who received more than $150,000 in Abramoff-connected campaign contributions, has strongly denied any wrongdoing and returned the money.

Sen. Reid has been an outspoken critic of the connections between Abramoff and Republican legislators.

In a speech earlier this year, Sen. Reid described it as "a program where the lobbyists paid and the Republican members of Congress played."

The Justice Department said it would have no comment on the ongoing Abramoff investigation.

Just wait until the dirt on Harry Reid comes out.  Then we're going to have some fireworks!

It couldn't happen to a classier dresser.

(...thinks someone is going to turn Abramoff into the next Vincent Foster.)
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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #422 - Nov 15th, 2006 at 11:18pm
What I love is the nonchalantness of this whole thing.  "Oh yea our politicians are taking bribes" la dee da.  Stupid Americans.

Derr Best Country in the F-in world!!!  Cause I don't know any other countries!

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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #423 - Nov 16th, 2006 at 6:03pm
Cries a little


Better video here: http://www.break.com/index/student_gets_tazed_for_not_having_id.html

Anyone want to believe that this student was white?  No?  Is it because his name is Tabatabainejad in reality?  Hmm.

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Wootzor von Leetenhaxor
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Grand High Overlard

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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #424 - Nov 16th, 2006 at 6:41pm
That is a fucking travesty.  I hope those cops are fired and held responsible for their actions.

And as for those people watching, if I'd been in that crowd I'd have been getting tazed to.  I could barely hold back my anger just watching the video.  In real life I'd probably have beat the shit out of the cop.
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sendasteel2000 fatmanlan  
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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #425 - Nov 17th, 2006 at 12:24pm

Tasered student claims racial profiling

Fri Nov 17, 9:15 AM ET

LOS ANGELES - A student who was shocked by a campus police officer's Taser gun after he refused to show ID at a UCLA library thought he was being singled out by the officer because of his Middle Eastern appearance, his lawyer said.

Attorney Stephen Yagman said he plans to file a federal civil rights lawsuit on behalf of the U.S.-born student, Mostafa Tabatabainejad.

Tabatabainejad, 23, was shocked Tuesday night after arguing with a campus police officer who was conducting a routine check of student IDs at the University of California, Los Angeles Powell Library computer lab.

Yagman said his client declined to show his school ID because he thought he was being targeted for his appearance. His family is of Iranian descent.

Police have said Tabatabainejad encouraged others at the library to join his resistance, and when a crowd gathered, the officer used the stun gun on him.

Yagman disputed that, saying Tabatabainejad started yelling to draw attention after the police officer pulled out the Taser.

Tabatabainejad was arrested for resisting and obstructing a police officer and later released on his own recognizance.

The incident, recorded on another student's camera phone, showed Tabatabainejad screaming while on the floor of the computer lab. It was the third time in a month in which police behavior in the city was criticized after amateur video surfaced.

UCLA's interim chancellor, Norman Abrams, urged the public to withhold judgment while the campus police department investigates.

Several civil rights organizations, including Amnesty International and the Council on American-Islamic Relations, have called for an independent review.
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Truth Is Treason, In The
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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #426 - Nov 17th, 2006 at 5:33pm

Man jailed for Britain's first "web-rage" attack
Fri Nov 17, 2006 10:26am ET28
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LONDON (Reuters) - A British man convicted of what has been described as the country's first "web-rage" attack, was jailed for 2-1/2 years on Friday for assaulting a man he had exchanged insults with over the Internet.

Paul Gibbons, 47, from south London, admitted he had attacked John Jones in December 2005 after months of exchanging abuse with him via an Internet chatroom dedicated to discussing Islam.

The Old Bailey heard that Gibbons had "taken exception" to Jones, 43, after he had made the claim that Gibbons had been "interfering with children".

After several more verbal and written exchanges -- with Jones threatening to track him down and give him a severe beating -- Gibbons and a friend went to his victim's house in Essex, armed with a pickaxe and machete.

Jones himself was armed with a knife but Gibbons took it off him, held it to his throat and "scratched" him across the neck.

Gibbons, who the court heard had previous convictions for violence, admitted unlawful wounding on the first day of his trial last month.

Other charges of attempted murder and issuing online threats to kill four other chatroom users were not pursued but could be reactivated in future if he reoffends.

Media reports said it was the country's first case of "web-rage" and Judge Richard Hawkins described the circumstances as "unusual".

"This case highlights the dangers of Internet chat rooms, particularly with regards to giving personal details that will allow other users to discover home addresses," said Detective Sergeant Jean-Marc Bazzoni of Essex Police.

This is what happens when freedom of speech is checked.  This is a nation that we have look to to help us decide such important cases as abortion.  Britain is just one of many we considered "civilized".  If we truly are going to take after them in law...I'm very very scared.

I understand the part where he actually did something physically to her but "making threats".  Hopefully none of us makes any Wes' mom jokes in Britain any time soon.

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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #427 - Nov 17th, 2006 at 10:22pm
Uh, Pat, this is one time where the Brits seem to be perfectly justified.

If you got on the Internet and made a serious threat to kill someone, you would be arrested and tried for that crime.

Even in the US, you can't make threats of bodily injury.  The first amendment does not allow you to threaten to kill someone.

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Wootzor von Leetenhaxor
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Grand High Overlard

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Colorado Springs, Colorado
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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #428 - Nov 18th, 2006 at 10:18am
Yeah I'm gonna gree with the Brits here.  You have the freedo of speech, but you do not have the freedom to impede on someone elses freedoms.

And not being threatened with your life is one of those freedoms.

You can't go around telling people you are going to kill them or beat them with weapons, even over the Internet.

I think this guy got what he deserved.
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sendasteel2000 fatmanlan  
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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #429 - Nov 18th, 2006 at 3:16pm
Wow, did Wes and I just agree on something?  Hurry, take a screenshot!

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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #430 - Nov 21st, 2006 at 3:45pm
6 Imams Removed From Twin Cities Flight
Nov 21 1:42 AM US/Eastern
Associated Press Writer


Six Muslim imams were removed from a US Airways flight at Minneapolis- St. Paul International Airport on Monday and questioned by police for several hours before being released, a leader of the group said.

The six were among passengers who boarded Flight 300, bound for Phoenix, around 6:30 p.m., airport spokesman Pat Hogan said.

A passenger initially raised concerns about the group through a note passed to a flight attendant, according to Andrea Rader, a spokeswoman for US Airways. She said police were called after the captain and airport security workers asked the men to leave the plane and the men refused.

"They took us off the plane, humiliated us in a very disrespectful way," said Omar Shahin, of Phoenix.

The six Muslim scholars were returning from a conference in Minneapolis of the North American Imams Federation, said Shahin, president of the group. Five of them were from the Phoenix-Tempe area, while one was from Bakersfield, Calif., he said.

Three of them stood and said their normal evening prayers together on the plane, as 1.7 billion Muslims around the world do every day, Shahin said. He attributed any concerns by passengers or crew to ignorance about Islam.

"I never felt bad in my life like that," he said. "I never. Six imams. Six leaders in this country. Six scholars in handcuffs. It's terrible."

Ibrahim Hooper, spokesman for the Washington-based Council on American-Islamic Relations, expressed anger at the detentions.

"CAIR will be filing a complaint with relevant authorities in the morning over the treatment of the imams to determine whether the incident was caused by anti-Muslim hysteria by the passengers and/or the airline crew," Hooper said. "Because, unfortunately, this is a growing problem of singling out Muslims or people perceived to be Muslims at airports, and it's one that we've been addressing for some time."

Hooper said the meeting drew about 150 imams from all over the country, and that those attending included U.S. Rep.-elect Keith Ellison, D-Minneapolis, who just became the first Muslim elected to Congress. Shahin said they went as far as notifying police and the FBI about their meeting in advance.

Shahin expressed frustration that _ despite extensive efforts by him and other Muslim leaders since even before the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks _ so many Americans know so little about Islam.

"If up to now they don't know about prayers, this is a real problem," he said.

Reached by cell phone just after his release, Shahin said he didn't know where they would spend the night or how they would try to get back to Phoenix on Tuesday. Hooper said US Airways refused to put the men on another flight.

Hogan said more information would likely be released Tuesday.

The other passengers on the flight, which was carrying 141 passengers and five crew members, were re-screened for boarding, Rader said. The plane took off about three hours after the men were removed from the flight.

Wait a minute!!!  How could they be terrorists!?  Only people on the No Fly Lists are terrorists!  Like the 4 y/o, the 83 y/o lady, a Sean Penn!

Cause our society isn't quickly becoming the America that black once knew in the 50s and 60s!  Noooo.

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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #431 - Nov 22nd, 2006 at 1:08pm

This just in...Harlem, NY in now a POW camp!

NYPD Installs "Sky Watch" In Harlem Neighborhood

The NYPD has installed a patrol tower in a Harlem neighborhood in an effort to cut crime in the high-risk neighborhood.

The two-story booth tower, called Sky Watch, gives the officer sitting inside a better vantage point from which to monitor the area. Officers in the booth have access to a spotlight, sensors, and four cameras. The tower is portable and can be moved to the areas that need it most.

Residents in Harlem say they like the idea, though some wonder if the appearance of Sky Watch has anything to do with the two new luxury condos built on a nearby corner.

"There was crime around here before and they never had it. Now all these expensive buildings, it's true,” said one area resident. “But actually it's good though, because then I used to see a lot of crowd here and sometimes I was scared to pass here, but guess what, that doesn't happen anymore. It’s a kind of deterrence and it's good."

Police say the Harlem tower was placed there to combat a rise in murders.

Sky Watch has also been tested in Crown Heights in Brooklyn where it reduced crime. Police are hoping to have three more towers soon.

(Go NWO York...I mean New York!)
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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #432 - Nov 24th, 2006 at 3:43pm
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"Our Constitution is designed only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate for any other."&&&&John Adams&&
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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #433 - Nov 25th, 2006 at 5:49pm

Yes because we should all plan national policy on what Americans watch on TV!

This is another proof that this administration can't distinguish what is fake and what is real.

If watching 24 makes it ok to torture then I guess the millions who play Grand Theft Auto would be oked to steal cars, run over people, and have some HOT COFFEE with hookers!

(Anyone else got any quips?)
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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #434 - Dec 1st, 2006 at 8:16pm
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"Our Constitution is designed only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate for any other."&&&&John Adams&&
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