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Cry freedom! (Read 210168 times)
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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #285 - Jul 19th, 2006 at 11:45am
Wow who is surprised at this?

Report: DHS employees wasted thousands
Audit: iPods, dog booties, beer-making equipment among expenses

WASHINGTON - The Homeland Security Department wasted hundreds of thousands of dollars last year on iPods, dog booties, beer-making equipment and designer jackets, congressional investigators have concluded.

More than 100 laptop computers and a dozen boats also bought by Homeland Security employees are missing, the investigators found.

Poor training, lax oversight and rampant confusion over what employees are allowed to buy with government-issued purchase cards left Homeland Security "vulnerable to fraud, waste and abuse," according to a draft report by the Government Accountability Office, Congress' investigative and auditing arm.
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The report was to be released Wednesday by a Senate panel that oversees the department.

Senators said more than 10,000 Homeland Security employees carry purchase cards for business-related expenses — with a spending limit that was raised to $250,000 for emergencies after Hurricane Katrina hit last Aug. 29. Aides said the audit covered expenses for a five-month period both before and after Katrina.

Investigators: Scant training, lax supervision
But investigators found that employees received scant training on how to use the cards, were given little or lax supervision and were told to follow spending guidelines that differed among the 22 agencies that make up the department.

The department spent $435 million with the purchase cards in the 2005 budget year, compared with $296 million in 2004, Homeland Security spokesman Russ Knocke said Tuesday evening. But he said only a fraction of the expenses were improper, noting that the department has disciplined about 70 employees amid 1.1 million purchases.

"Comparatively, we're talking about a small number of bad apples," Knocke said.

Among the expenses that investigators described as abusive or otherwise questionable:

    * More than 2,000 sets of dog booties, costing $68,442, that have sat unused in storage since emergency responders decided they were not suited for canines assisting in Gulf Coast recovery efforts.
    * Three portable shower units for $71,170 from a contractor who investigators said overcharged the government. Customs and Border Protection agents could have gotten similar showers for nearly a third of the price — and faster.
    * 12 Apple iPod Nanos and 42 iPod Shuffles, worth $7,000, for Secret Service "training and data storage." Because the Shuffles cost less than $300, the Secret Service said they were not required to track them to ensure they were used properly.
    * 37 black Helly Hansen designer rain jackets, costing nearly $2,500, for use in a firing range that the Customs and Border Protection purchaser later acknowledged shuts down when it's raining.
    * Conference and hotel rooms at a golf and tennis resort at St. Simons Island in Georgia, worth $2,395, for training 32 newly hired attorneys when they could have used a nearby federal law enforcement training center.
    * A beer brewing kit and ingredients for more than $1,000 for a Coast Guard official to brew alcohol while on duty as a social organizer for the U.S. Coast Guard Academy. "The estimated price for a six-pack of USCG beer was $12," the investigators noted, adding: "Given that the six-pack cost of most beers is far less than $12, it is difficult to demonstrate that the Academy is achieving cost savings by brewing its own beer."

Investigators also noted that Customs and Border Protection wasted up to $464,586 by buying meals-ready-to-eat over the Internet instead of contracting through the Pentagon, as is standard procedure. And they found that the Federal Emergency Management Agency cannot locate 107 laptops, 22 printers and two GPS units worth $170,000. FEMA also cannot find 12 of 20 boats the agency bought for $208,000.
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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #286 - Jul 19th, 2006 at 12:50pm
I can see misplacing a laptop or two, but over 100?  Worse yet, how the heck do you lose twelve boats?

(...thinks the iPods might have been legitimate.)
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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #287 - Jul 21st, 2006 at 11:01pm
Judge Orders Teen to Cancer Treatment
Jul 21 7:49 PM US/Eastern
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Associated Press Writer


A judge ruled Friday that a 16-year-old boy fighting to use alternative treatment for his cancer must report to a hospital by Tuesday and accept treatment that doctors deem necessary, the family's attorney said.

The judge also found Starchild Abraham Cherrix's parents were neglectful for allowing him to pursue alternative treatment of a sugar-free, organic diet and herbal supplements supervised by a clinic in Mexico, lawyer John Stepanovich said.

Jay and Rose Cherrix of Chincoteague on Virginia's Eastern Shore must continue to share custody of their son with the Accomack County Department of Social Services, as the judge had previously ordered, Stepanovich said.

The parents were devastated by the new order and planned to appeal, the lawyer said.

Stepanovich said he will ask a higher court on Monday to stay enforcement of the order, which requires the parents to take Abraham to Children's Hospital of the King's Daughters in Norfolk and to give the oncologist their written legal consent to treat their son for Hodgkin's disease.

"I want to caution all parents of Virginia: Look out, because Social Services may be pounding on your door next when they disagree with the decision you've made about the health care of your child," Stepanovich said.

Phone calls to the Cherrix home went unanswered.

The lawyer declined to release the ruling, saying juvenile court Judge Jesse E. Demps has sealed much of the case.

Social Services officials have declined to comment, citing privacy laws.

After three months of chemotherapy last year made him nauseated and weak, Abraham rejected doctors' recommendations to go through a second round when he learned early this year that his Hodgkin's disease, a cancer of the lymph nodes, was active again.

A social worker then asked a judge to require the teen to continue conventional treatment. In May, the judge issued a temporary order finding Abraham's parents neglectful and awarding partial custody to the county, with Abraham continuing to live at home with his four siblings.

Land of the free...home of the enslaved

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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #288 - Jul 21st, 2006 at 11:13pm
Thats rediculous, if he wants to do his own thing, by all means let him. I would prefer natural means besides "oh we are gonna keep him here for another few week$ to monitor him for any more possible cancerou$ growth$.
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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #289 - Jul 22nd, 2006 at 12:30pm
Briney hit it on the head.

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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #290 - Jul 24th, 2006 at 11:58am
Bohemian Grove draws protesters
Peace, immigrant groups oppose secret retreat
Associated Press

MONTE RIO - Hundreds of protesters gathered outside an exclusive California retreat for government and business leaders Saturday to challenge the right of a ''ruling elite'' to make policy decisions without public scrutiny.

The annual Bohemian Grove retreat has attracted powerful men such as Ronald Reagan, George Bush, former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, philanthropist David Rockefeller, former West German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich.

It's also become a magnet for all types of activists who increasingly use the event to network and organize their campaigns. Saturday's triple-digit heat didn't stop them from making the trek to Monte Rio, a resort town about 70 miles north of San Francisco.

''I want to take a stand against war and many of the people gathering here are the people pulling the strings,'' said Maria Potter, 38, of Occidental. ''I don't feel it's fair for them to take refuge when others can't.''

Protesters listened to an Indian drum ensemble and speakers and planned to march to the front of the retreat before an afternoon get-together.

For more than a quarter century, summer protests under the towering redwoods here have been a magnet for committed activists. Protesters say the event is quickly becoming a networking spot for leaders from the peace, environmental and immigrant rights movements.

The protests peaked at about 1,000 in 2001 before attendance dropped off. Protesters say interest has picked up in the past two years as activists realized they needed to work together on the waning anti-war movement and immigrants rights.

''Because they are up there networking and getting stronger, we need to network, too,'' said Mary Moore, 71, who's helped organize the event since 1980. ''The idea is for people to get together and realize we have a common antagonist.''

Protesters turned to anti-war march organizer Act Now to Stop War and End Racism for help with this year's protest, hoping the group could beef up the anti-war movement.

''What we're trying to do is build a broad grass-roots action,'' said Bill Hackwell, an ANSWER organizer based in San Francisco.

The men who attend the Bohemian Grove retreat spend two weeks performing plays, eating gourmet camp grub, listening to speakers and power-bonding at the 2,700-acre compound near the Russian River in Sonoma County.

The retreat is organized by the exclusive San Francisco-based Bohemian Club. The club and event are shrouded in mystery, much like Yale University's most-famous secret society, Skull and Bones, whose members include President George W. Bush and his presidential rival Sen. John Kerry.

A Nevada man who called himself ''the Phantom Patriot'' was found guilty of five felonies in recent years after he broke into the grove to stop what he thought were human sacrifices and child abuse.

Matt Oggero, the Bohemian Club's general manager, said a guest list would not be released to protect visitors' privacy, but the organization ''respects the right of the protesters to protest.''

Bill Strubbe, 51, drove several hours to the protest from Oakland in a 1980 red Volvo covered with painted slogans like ''those who would give up their liberties for security deserve neither.'' Strubbe said he uses his car as ''a political weapon.''

''I go to practically every demonstration within 100 miles,'' Strubbe said. ''This is probably the highest concentration except for the G-8 of the 'lizard people' as I like to call them."

Wow I'm really surprised this is now being admitted and covered!

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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #291 - Jul 24th, 2006 at 12:03pm
I will now show you two stories that portrays the greatest amount of double think by the elite as possible.  The first story is from today and the second story is from about a month ago.

Murdoch 'unlikely' to back Clinton in race for president

By Holly Yeager in Washington and Aline van Duyn in New York
Updated: 1:42 a.m. ET July 22, 2006

Rupert Murdoch, the conservative media mogul, said it was unlikely that he would support Hillary Clinton if she were to run for president – just days after hosting a New York fundraiser for her Senate re-election campaign.

Appearing on the Charlie Rose Show, the US public television interview programme, Mr Murdoch said on Thursday that if the 2008 presidential contest came down to a choice between Mrs Clinton, the Democratic frontrunner, and John McCain, the Republican frontrunner, he would "probably support McCain. If it was happening today, I think so."
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Mr Murdoch's New York Post tabloid was tough on Mrs Clinton during her first campaign for the Senate six years ago, and his media group, including the conservative Fox News, were part of the "vast rightwing conspiracy" that she said targeted her husband Bill while he was president.

Mr Murdoch's surprising decision to host a fundraiser was seen as a warming of relations between the two and an indication that Mrs Clinton's attempt to soften her liberal reputation was working, at least on him.

But Mr Murdoch, the chairman and chief executive of News Corp, insisted that the fundraiser was based on her performance as a senator.

He called her "a very impressive, able woman" but said he remained uncertain of her political philosophy. "Has she suddenly become a moderate and a centrist in everything or is she the old Hillary Clinton? I don't know."

Mr Murdoch has been a strong supporter of Tony Blair, the British prime minister; the decision by The Sun, one of his newspapers, to back Mr Blair in the 1997 general election is considered to have contributed to Mr Blair's electoral success.

Asked if he was keeping the door open to giving similar support to Mrs Clinton in 2008, Mr Murdoch said: "I'd be very surprised if I found myself doing that." But he said Mr McCain "would be a fine president".

"I like him very much. I think he's a great natural hero, and I think he's talking a lot of sense," Mr Murdoch said.

That praise was offered despite Mr McCain's support of an overhaul of the cable industry's pricing model that would allow for more customer choice. "It would destroy the business and destroy so many channels," Mr Murdoch said.

A WNBC/Marist poll of New York voters, released on Friday, showed that Mrs Clinton continues to lead her potential rivals for the Democratic presidential nomination. But many – including 54 per cent of Democrats – think she will not be elected president. And while the state usually backs Democrats in presidential races, the poll found Mrs Clinton trailing to Rudy Giuliani, the Republican former mayor of New York, and in a close contest with Mr McCain.

Mr Murdoch was also asked what he thought of David Cameron, the new leader of the Conservative party in Britain.

"Not much," he said, potentially reducing the chances that Mr Murdoch's media empire would give him its backing in the next general election.

Now the second story:

Mon May 08 2006 18:25:16 ET

Rupert Murdoch has agreed to host a political fundraiser for Hillary Clinton this summer!

Murdoch's surprise decision to raise money for Clinton, on behalf of NEWS CORP., parent company of FOXNEWS and the NEW YORK POST, underlines a dramatic turn of relations between Murdoch and Clinton, who in 1998 coined the phrase ?vast rightwing conspiracy? to denounce critics of her husband.

The move by Murdoch is believed to reflected his views of her as a senator, rather than as a presidential candidate in 2008.

Last week, Clinton surprised Washington and media watchers by attending a FOX NEWS anniversary party, where she toasted Murdoch.

Political powerbroker and studio head Harvey Weinsten is said to have convinced Hillary that Murdoch could be a friend, not a foe, in her ongoing political maneuvers.

Same story different source:

What is going on in the world?!

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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #292 - Jul 24th, 2006 at 12:19pm
ABA: Bush violating Constitution
Bar association president says signing statements erode democracy      

WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Bush's penchant for writing exceptions to laws he has just signed violates the Constitution, an American Bar Association task force says in a report highly critical of the practice.

The ABA group, which includes a one-time FBI director and former federal appeals court judge, said the president has overstepped his authority in attaching challenges to hundreds of new laws.

The attachments, known as bill-signing statements, say Bush reserves a right to revise, interpret or disregard measures on national security and constitutional grounds.

"This report raises serious concerns crucial to the survival of our democracy," said the ABA's president, Michael Greco. "If left unchecked, the president's practice does grave harm to the separation of powers doctrine, and the system of checks and balances that have sustained our democracy for more than two centuries."

Some congressional leaders had questioned the practice. The task force's recommendations, being released Monday in Washington, will be presented to the 410,000-member group next month at its annual meeting in Hawaii.

ABA policymakers will decide whether to denounce the statements and encourage a legal fight over them.

The task force said the statements suggest the president will decline to enforce some laws. Bush has had more than 800 signing statement challenges, compared with about 600 signing statements combined for all other presidents, the group said.

Noel J. Francisco, a former Bush administration attorney who practices law in Washington, said the president is doing nothing unusual or inappropriate.

"Presidents have always issued signing statements," he said. "This administration believes that it should make clear ... when the Congress is getting close to the lines that our Constitution draws."

Francisco said the administration's input is part of the give and take between the branches of government. "I think it's good that the debate is taking place at a public level," he added.

White House Press Secretary Tony Snow said last month that "it's important for the president at least to express reservations about the constitutionality of certain provisions."

The ABA report said President Reagan was the first to use the statements as a strategic weapon, and that it was encouraged by then-administration lawyer Samuel Alito -- now the newest Supreme Court justice.

The task force included former prosecutor Neal Sonnett of Miami; former FBI Director William Sessions; Patricia Wald, former chief judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit; former Republican Rep. Mickey Edwards; and former Reagan administration lawyer Bruce Fein; and law school professors and other lawyers.

LOL Wow where we you guys 3 weeks after September 2001?

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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #293 - Jul 26th, 2006 at 9:24pm

FEMA bans reporters from Katrina victims
Residents of trailer parks not permitted to talk with media unless agent present


Posted: July 26, 2006
1:00 a.m. Eastern

© 2006 WorldNetDaily.com

Federal officials are preventing Hurricane Katrina victims in government trailer parks from being interviewed by the media unless a FEMA agent is present at all times.

Many victims of Hurricane Katrina still reside in FEMA trailer parks like this one, but are being precluded from talking with the media unless federal officials are present.

The rule is coming under heavy fire from Louisiana's congressional delegation who are blasting the policy as absurd and outrageous.

"How in the world can you stop someone in their home from talking to whomever they want?" Rep. Bobby Jindal, R-Kenner, asked the Baton Rouge Advocate. "It's a freedom of speech issue; it's a freedom of association issue."

Jindal was reacting to an incident the paper reported July 15, where a reporter and photographer were ordered off a Federal Emergency Management Agency-operated trailer park in Morgan City, La.

The journalists were invited to a trailer by resident Dekotha Devall and her family. But during the interview, the news team was ordered by a security guard to leave.

When the reporter tried giving a business card to Devall, the security guard called police, saying such an act was forbidden.

The guard also told another resident, Pansy Ardeneaux, she was not permitted to speak to reporters through a chain-link fence at the park and ordered her back to her trailer.

Upon learning of the incident, FEMA officials said media had to be escorted at all times by members of the agency.

"If a resident invites the media to the trailer, they have to be escorted by a FEMA representative who sits in on the interview," FEMA spokeswoman Rachel Rodi told the Advocate. "That's just policy."

FEMA says it's not allowing media easy access to its trailer parks in order to "protect the privacy" of those dwelling there.

Rep. Bobby Jindal, R-La.

Jindal calls such a policy ridiculous.

"FEMA just strikes you as a bureaucracy that's out of control," the congressman said. "You don't lose your fundamental rights just because you're living in temporary housing. It's an outrageous pattern of behavior."

"To try and defend the behavior and say that was FEMA policy added insult to injury," Jindal added. "FEMA should have apologized and tried to rectify the situation."

Other members of Congress are stunned.

"These people are not incarcerated; they're not crooks," said Rep. Charlie Melancon, D-Napoleonville. "There's no reason why the press or anyone else shouldn't be able to talk to these folks if they want to talk."

Rep. Charles Boustany, R-La.

Rep. Charles W. Boustany, R-Lafayette, noted, "This seems to be a clear case of arrogance coupled with incompetence and that' s not a good combination. I don't think the heavy hand of government should be telling people what they can and can't do in that regard."

The Society of Professional Journalists has already sent a complaint to FEMA Director David R. Paulison. It was signed by SPJ president David E. Carlson and Charles N. Davis, co-chair of the Freedom of Information Committee.

"On behalf of the Society of Professional Journalists, we are writing to express outrage at the treatment given to residents of FEMA parks in Louisiana and the journalists trying to report their stories," the two wrote.

"We are outraged by the arrogance and contempt for public discourse on display in Louisiana, a year after FEMA's performance in the wake of Katrina earned it widespread criticism," the letter states. "Now FEMA is banning reporters from public property as reporters try to provide scrutiny of the agency.

"We fail to see how such journalism is anything but the very sort of newsgathering for which the First Amendment was created," the letter says.

The message requests FEMA evaluate "the constitutionality of any policy that dictates when and how those affected by FEMA's work may speak to the press."

It concludes, "Receipt of FEMA aid should not mean that citizens leave their constitutional rights behind."

I hate FEMA, and I'm not overly fond of supporting Katrina victims a full year after the fact, but this is total crap.

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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #294 - Jul 26th, 2006 at 10:06pm
Welcome to Amerika...where freedom of speech is an after thought and we design special areas for them!

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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #295 - Jul 28th, 2006 at 1:43pm
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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #296 - Jul 28th, 2006 at 11:33pm

Cell Phone Picture Called Obstruction Of Justice
Man Arrested For Shooting Photo Of Police Activity

POSTED: 6:41 pm EDT July 25, 2006
UPDATED: 5:11 pm EDT July 26, 2006

PHILADELPHIA -- A Philadelphia family said they are outraged over the arrest of one of their family members.

The family of Neftaly Cruz said police had no right to come onto their property and arrest their 21-year-old son simply because he was using his cell phone's camera. They told their story to Harry Hairston and the NBC 10 Investigators.

"I was humiliated. I was embarrassed, you know," Cruz said.

Cruz, 21, told the NBC 10 Investigators that police arrested him last Wednesday for taking a picture of police activity with his cell phone.

Police at the 35th district said they were in Cruz's neighborhood that night arresting a drug dealer.

Cruz said that when he heard a commotion, he walked out of his back door with his cell phone to see what was happening. He said that when he saw the street lined with police cars, he decided to take a picture of the scene.

"I opened (the phone) and took a shot," Cruz said.

Moments later, Cruz said he got the shock of his life when an officer came to his back yard gate.

"He opened the gate and took me by my right hand," Cruz said.

Cruz said the officer threw him onto a police car, cuffed him and took him to jail.

A neighbor said she witnessed the incident and could not believe what she saw.

"He opened up the gate and Neffy was coming down and he went up to Neffy, pulled him down, had Neffy on the car and was telling him, 'You should have just went in the house and minded your own business instead of trying to take pictures off your picture phone,'" said Gerrell Martin.

Cruz said police told him that he broke a new law that prohibits people from taking pictures of police with cell phones.

"They threatened to charge me with conspiracy, impeding an investigation, obstruction of a investigation. … They said, 'You were impeding this investigation.' (I asked,) "By doing what?' (The officer said,) 'By taking a picture of the police officers with a camera phone,'" Cruz said.

Cruz's parents, who got him out of jail, said police told them the same thing.

"He said he was taking pictures with his cell phone and that was obstructing an investigation," said Aracelis Cruz, Neftaly Cruz's mother.

The NBC 10 Investigators asked the ACLU union how they viewed the incident.

"There is no law that prevents people from taking pictures of what anybody can see on the street," said Larry Frankel of the American Civil Liberties Union. "I think it's rather scary that in this country you could actually be taken down to police headquarters for taking a picture on your cell phone of activities that are clearly visible on the street."

Frankel said Cruz's civil rights might have been violated.

"He was unlawfully seized, which is a violation of the 4th amendment the last time we checked," Frankel said.

Cruz, a Penn State University senior, said that after about an hour police told him he was lucky because there was no supervisor on duty, so they released him.

"They said if the supervisor was there I wouldn't be a free man and that he is letting me go because he felt that I was a good person," Cruz said.

Police told Hairston that they did take Cruz into to custody, but they said Cruz was not on his property when they arrested him. Police also denied that they told Cruze he was breaking the law with his cell phone. Cruz's famly said it has filed a formal complaint with the police department's Internal Affairs division and are requesting a complete investigation.

Unless there is more to the story than meets the eye, the city of Philadelphia is going to be paying this guy's college fund.

(...cries `freedom'.)
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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #297 - Jul 30th, 2006 at 1:10pm
Don't you know bob...photography is now terrorism.  So is chewing bubble gum, spitting, looking at government leaders, and sneezing.

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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #298 - Jul 30th, 2006 at 1:12pm
WASHINGTON - U.S. citizens suspected of terror ties might be detained indefinitely and barred from access to civilian courts under legislation proposed by the Bush administration, say legal experts reviewing an early version of the bill.

A 32-page draft measure is intended to authorize the Pentagon's tribunal system, established shortly after the 2001 terrorist attacks to detain and prosecute detainees captured in the war on terror. The tribunal system was thrown out last month by the Supreme Court.

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"Our Constitution is designed only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate for any other."&&&&John Adams&&
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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #299 - Jul 30th, 2006 at 1:21pm
Rabble!  Rabble!  How are you post that subversive article!  You're a terrorists!  I'm going to do my patriotic duty and turn you in so that they can come and no one will ever hear from you again!...just like it says in that terrorist paper, the Constitution!  Rabble!!!

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