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Cry freedom! (Read 210120 times)
Wootzor von Leetenhaxor
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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #270 - Jun 29th, 2006 at 2:03pm
If there's no danger she's like likely to cozy up b0b.  Geez.....
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Truth Is Treason, In The
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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #271 - Jul 1st, 2006 at 1:35am

This is a great list that shows you just how corrupt and monopolied our media we are suppose to trust is owned by so few.  This reminds me of 1984 when there was only one news statoin which was controlled and supported the government.  99% of our media are owned by 10 big companies.  Most, if not all, of these company leaders are members of the ellite or think they are.  They are just pawns of the maximum elite who control all.  Read this list and just think what implications a great deal of power has in the hands of so few.
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Holy Xenu!

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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #272 - Jul 1st, 2006 at 1:37am
Yea the list was done in 02 and some stuff has merged a bit even more!
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"Our Constitution is designed only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate for any other."&&&&John Adams&&
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Truth Is Treason, In The
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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #273 - Jul 4th, 2006 at 11:54am


Mourn, don't celebrate, this Independence Day
Cynthia Banas / Guest Columnist

This year it is more appropriate to mourn rather than celebrate July Fourth. Our freedom is based not only upon the Declaration of Independence, but also our Constitution, the bedrock of our democracy.

Our Constitution is being attacked and ignored by the very leaders who are sworn to uphold it. For example, Bush has never vetoed a law passed by Congress. Instead Bush signs the bill, which then becomes law. But after his signature is added a postscript called a “Signing Statement.” If Bush signs this statement, it gives him the authority to disregard the law he has just signed!

So, what is the point of Congress? Why doesn't Bush just make decrees and proclamations? How is Bush's rule any different from a dictator's? And what has become of our system of checks and balances?
According to Article 6 of the U.S. Constitution, international laws and treaties to which we are signatory are the highest laws of our land. Among these are the United Nations Charter, Geneva Conventions and Nuremberg Principles. Bush has broken all these highest laws. Bush's war is an illegal one since it violates the United Nations Charter. Just as Hitler “preventively” attacked Poland in 1939, so Bush “preventively” attacked Iraq on March 19, 2003. It is public knowledge that Iraq did not attack the Twin Towers. Bush attacked Iraq in spite of most of the international community calling for more time for inspections rather than invasion.

Article 4 of the Constitution gives an accused person the rights to be charged with a crime and to confront his accusers and defend himself. Holding people by whatever name they are given (such as “enemy combatants”) does not exempt the United States from treating them with basic human decency as specifically stated in Article 3 of the Geneva Accords.

Torture is used at Guantánamo Bay as it is used in other U.S. prisons. This is public knowledge. (See the book “Guantánamo and the Misuse of Presidential Power.”) Holding prisoners in Guantánamo detention camps for years without charge — while the whole world is watching and calling for the camps' closure and while Bush is traveling the world talking of “freedom and democracy” — has to give people of other lands pause to wonder what our country is about.

Before the rise of Hitler, there was a breakdown of the German language. By misuse and reinterpretation of language, all the crimes committed in Germany during Hitler's time were made legal; none of the atrocities committed in Nazi Germany were illegal according to the remade German laws. In our country members of the judicial branch have corrupted our language, thereby making illegal actions “legal.” For example, calling people held at Guantánamo “enemy combatants” makes it okay to torture them since “enemy combatants” do not come under the rules of the international accords we have signed. These changes were made by Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez and attorney Samuel Alito, who now holds a seat on the Supreme Court, and their staff of lawyers in our Justice Department.

What happened to our nation of law?

So, let us have our Fourth of July parades. But let us carry our flags upside down as we march. It is perfectly patriotic and legal (even without misrepresenting any truths or corrupting any language) to hold our flag upside down. Carrying or flying the flag upside down is a signal of distress, and certainly the fracture and violation of our Constitution are great signs of distress. Carrying our flags upside down signals that some of our greatest freedoms have already been destroyed or are in the process of being destroyed, not by some foreign enemy but by the very people whom we have elected.

As we walk, let us also wear a black armband in memory of the thousands of Americans and Iraqis who have been the victims of this illegal war.

And as we walk, let us reflect. Let us not fool ourselves into thinking that we are sending our youngsters to Iraq to kill and be killed so that we can be free here on our streets. The purpose of our being in Iraq is to control it and its resources. Why else are we constructing the largest U.S. embassy in the world in Iraq, a nation of some 24 million people? And why are we building five huge U.S. military bases in Iraq?

As Lincoln said, “you cannot fool all of the people all of the time.”

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Truth Is Treason, In The
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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #274 - Jul 4th, 2006 at 12:01pm

Welcome to the New World Order...and our new country of the Western Hemisphere!!!

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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #275 - Jul 4th, 2006 at 5:42pm

North Korea has test-fired a number of missiles, one of which was reported to have been the long-range Taepodong-2 which US media said failed in flight.

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"Our Constitution is designed only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate for any other."&&&&John Adams&&
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Truth Is Treason, In The
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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #276 - Jul 5th, 2006 at 11:41am
Busted for wearing a peace T-shirt; has this country gone completely insane?
By Mike Ferner
Online Journal Contributing Writer

Jul 5, 2006, 01:49

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Friday afternoon, drinking a cup of coffee while sitting in the Jesse Brown V.A. Medical Center on Chicago's south side, a Veterans Administration cop walked up to me and said, "Okay, you've had your 15 minutes, it's time to go."

"Huh?" I asked intelligently, not quite sure what he was talking about.

"You can't be in here protesting," Officer Adkins said, pointing to my Veterans For Peace shirt.

"Well, I'm not protesting, I'm having a cup of coffee," I returned, thinking that logic would convince Adkins to go back to his earlier duties of guarding against serious terrorists.

Flipping his badge open, he said, "No, not with that shirt. You're protesting and you have to go."

Beginning to get his drift, I said firmly, "Not before I finish my coffee."

He insisted that I leave, but still not quite believing my ears, I tried one more approach to reason.

"Hey, listen. I'm a veteran. This is a V.A. facility. I'm sitting here not talking to anybody, having a cup of coffee. I'm not protesting and you can't kick me out."

"You'll either go or we'll arrest you," Adkins threatened.

"Well, you'll just have to arrest me," I said, wondering what strange land I was now living in.

You know the rest. Handcuffed, led away to the facility's security office, past people with surprised looks on their faces, read my rights, searched, and written up.

The officer who did the formalities, Eric Ousley, was professional in his duties. When I asked him if he was a vet, it turned out he had been a hospital corpsman in the Navy. We exchanged a couple sea stories. He uncuffed me early. And he allowed as to how he would only charge me with disorderly conduct, letting me go on charges of criminal trespass and weapons possession -- a pocket knife -- which he said would have to be destroyed (something I rather doubt since it was a nifty Swiss Army knife with not only a bottle opener, but a tweezers and a toothpick).

After informing me I could either pay the $275 fine on the citation or appear in court, Ousley escorted me off the premises, warning me if I returned with "that shirt" on, I'd be arrested and booked into jail.

I'm sure I could go back to officers Adkins' and Ousleys' fiefdom with a shirt that said, "Nuke all the hajis," or "Show us your tits," or any number of truly obscene things and no one would care. Just so it's not "that shirt" again.

And just for the record? I'm not paying the fine. I'll see Adkins and Ousley and Dubya's Director of the Dept. of Veterans Affairs, if he wants to show up, in United States District Court on the appointed date. And if there's a Chicago area attorney who'd like to take the case, I'd really like to sue them -- from Dubya on down. I have to believe that this whole country has not yet gone insane, just the government. This kind of behavior can't be tolerated. It must be challenged.

I was at the Jesse Brown V.A. Medical Center because I'm participating in the Voices for Creative Nonviolence's 30-day, 320-mile "Walk for Justice," from Springfield to North Chicago, Illinois, to reclaim funding for the common good and away from war.

Boy, I'm sure glad HE'S off the street.  I feel much safer!  I think he's doing the right thing throughout this story.

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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #277 - Jul 5th, 2006 at 12:15pm
X wrote on Jul 5th, 2006 at 11:41am:
I was at the Jesse Brown V.A. Medical Center because I'm participating in the Voices for Creative Nonviolence's 30-day, 320-mile "Walk for Justice," from Springfield to North Chicago, Illinois, to reclaim funding for the common good and away from war.

So, he was protesting?

(...sees a lot of obfuscation.)
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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #278 - Jul 5th, 2006 at 4:33pm

Try this one on for size, Stewie.

(...breaks out his tin-foil hat.)
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Truth Is Treason, In The
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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #279 - Jul 5th, 2006 at 4:46pm
He he I've actually seen that one before.  Remember...don't wear sunscreen...it gives you cancer.

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Truth Is Treason, In The
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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #280 - Jul 6th, 2006 at 3:10pm
Man Raided By FBI, ATF, Canadian Law Enforcement After Handing Out 'Subversive' Alex Jones Material
Gun seller questioned on militia, ownership of George Washington speeches

Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones/Prison Planet.com | July 6 2006

A Dillon Montana man had his home raided by 40 FBI, BATF and Canadian law enforcement agents after handing out Alex Jones' material to his local Sheriff which was subsequently deemed 'subversive'.

Richard Celata sells 80% completed firearms kits intended for purchasers who want to avoid having to register their weapons in government databases. The kits are completely legal in Montana.

Celata was politically active in disseminating the material of Alex Jones and others in his area, including handing out material to his local Sheriff.

"On Monday morning the Sheriff called me and said, I've read all your stuff, I would like to speak to you on Wednesday, could you come in," Celata told GCN radio host Jack Blood.

Celata said he thought the scheduled meeting on Wednesday was strange because there was an election on the Tuesday and the Sheriff wouldn't have known whether he'd still be in office or not.

"Wednesday morning I get a phone call saying 'I lost the election and it's even more important that we have our meeting than it was before'."

Celata collected material he had previously handed out to the Sheriff and traveled to his office.

"I walk into the room and there's way too many people in the Sheriff's office," said Celata.

Celata said he knew he was in trouble as he was introduced to BATF and FBI agents and handed a search warrant and a promise that his premises were going to be raided.

"I read the search warrant and low and behold there's no signed affidavit," said Celata.

Celata told the Sheriff that the search warrant was therefore void to which the FBI and BATF responded that the affidavit was secret and sealed by the court.

"Now they can make up the affidavit to match what they found if they want to," said Celata as he was told that the agents would carry out the search anyway.

Celata was then escorted by an estimated 40 FBI, ATF and Canadian law enforcement agents to his property. Celata asked if he could call his wife so as to enable her and their two small children to leave the property before the SWAT team arrived but was refused on the grounds that he was giving her a secret code to destroy evidence. However, the Sheriff allowed the call to be made and the family was able to leave. At no point was Celata shown any identification by any of the agents.

The cadre of agents, which now included Canadian AFT agents, then began the process of methodically cataloguing and seizing Celata's possessions - bizarrely urinating on the exterior of the property ignoring the two bathrooms located inside the building.

Celata was told, without being shown any supporting evidence, that five of the pistols he had sold were used to commit murders in Canada.

"I said look, guns don't kill people - people kill people," said Celata.

Following the raid Celata was questioned on his ownership of a Citizen's Rulebook, speeches by George Washington and Alex Jones' books and videos. He was asked why he read and listened to them and if he believed them.

The agents asked Celata if he was in a militia or if he knew anyone that was. Celata had previously sent out material asking why Montana didn't have a state organized militia when it was required by law.

The agents then specifically asked Celata about specific individuals in the freedom movement, including JPFO's Aaron Zelman, author Devvy Kidd and constitutional attorney Edward Vieira. The only way the agents could have known about Celata's interest in the work of Kidd and Vieira was if they had gained access to his e mail.

After this three hour interrogation the agents took Celata's entire inventory of 80% finished frames, copied his computer hard drive (causing the computer to break down), and left.

Tune in to the Alex Jones show today for more details on the raid. The audio MP3 of the interview will be posted here later.
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Truth Is Treason, In The
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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #281 - Jul 15th, 2006 at 10:34am

That's amazing and ironic.  The Federal Reserve (which is neither federal nor a reserve) is saying we're going bankrupt?  Well it's weird because they were set up by the globalists just for that reason!!!

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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #282 - Jul 15th, 2006 at 1:49pm

Discussion of the tunnel that led to the 1st Israeli soldier's capture.

As an engineer I’ve given the notion of digging a tunnel which the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs tells us was some 650 metres long,[1] dug under sand across the Gaza border into Israel some thought. I’m beginning to wonder whether this is actually feasible especially considering that it would have to be built covertly and across the terrain that Israel claims. A 650 metre long covert tunnel being constructed under sand is a considerable undertaking the logistics of which would be enormous.

In my opinion this is how we are going to get in a war with Iran. This tunnel thing Israel told us stinks. And the 2 soldiers that were kidnapped a couple days ago were actually inside the Lebanon border, so of course Hezbollah took that as an act of war and attacked them.

Israel is going to start this war themselves, considering the US has been dragging their feet on it.
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"Our Constitution is designed only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate for any other."&&&&John Adams&&
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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #283 - Jul 15th, 2006 at 11:48pm
X wrote on Jul 15th, 2006 at 10:34am:

That's amazing and ironic.  The Federal Reserve (which is neither federal nor a reserve) is saying we're going bankrupt?  Well it's weird because they were set up by the globalists just for that reason!!!


Well if all the countries that owed us as well would pay up....
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Truth Is Treason, In The
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Re: Cry freedom!
Reply #284 - Jul 16th, 2006 at 1:30am
Oh who owes us money?  No one...why?  Because we owe millions upon millions of dollars to China, the UN, and Japan.  That's why the UN now owns the Grand Canyon, Carl's Bad Caverns, and a multitude of other "nation" parks.  No one owes us money because most of the countries don't borrow or spend more money then they have.  Those who do owe money only owe the IMF and the like and they made their deal with Satan a long time ago.

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In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king. - Max Payne
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