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Message started by musiciannary on Dec 1st, 2005 at 7:59pm

Title: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by musiciannary on Dec 1st, 2005 at 7:59pm
I'm starting this because some links just can't be classified as randomly stupid.  "Interesting" on the other hand is a conveniently ambiguous adjective.

So let me start off...

The Pope giveth and the Pope taketh away.

So where exactly are they going to put all of the babies that are already in limbo?

/loves Catholicism *cough*

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on Dec 1st, 2005 at 8:48pm
Yea Catholicism... wooo.

Question : Where do people go when they die now? Are we not judged until the End, when everyone has already come back and had a chance? That we stand before Jesus on his throne? Revelation puts that event at the end of the 1000 years. So what happens when you die now?

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Dec 1st, 2005 at 11:17pm
Umm I just want to say that I posted this story first in the stupidity post...for good reason

(Gives credit where credit is due)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Dec 1st, 2005 at 11:43pm
Yeah.  It definitely qualifies as Random (after nearly 700 years) Stupidity (because... it just is).

I can't believe that Mr. Pope would open his church to this kind of scrutiny.

(...talked about this at class tonight.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by musiciannary on Dec 2nd, 2005 at 10:26am
Oops, sorry Pat!  I've been behind on my reading...

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Dec 2nd, 2005 at 11:34am
He he.  No prob.  I just love making fun of the Catholics.

Also answerings Briney's question about where we go when we die right now.

People who've excepted Jesus go to heaven and people who haven't go to hell.  Now, you must remember that heaven exists out of space and time so "waiting" for the End Times probably means nothing.  Now during the end times you are right.  We will stand before the throne of God in the New Jeruselum and find out if we are in the Book or Life and Jesus' Book of Life.  Now, the dead will retain their old original bodies, the people who were Raptured come back down with Christ, and the people Left Behind...they just walk up.  Now if you are found to be in Jesus' Book of Life, you are set.  If you are not, you're name is blotted out of the other Book of Life, containing all those personages who've ever lived.  The people who are in, reign with God on earth for the 1,000 years, stuff takes place that I won't go into, at which time we will enter the New Heaven.  The people who've been in Hell and are sentenced their because of their unbelief will go to join Satan in the Like of Fire for eternity.

I hope I've answered the question well enough and accurately, although I am ALWAYS up for being critqued.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Dec 2nd, 2005 at 1:33pm
The Pope calls a meeting of all the cardinals.  When they have all assembled at the Vatican, he takes them into the meeting hall and states, "I have some really fantastic news and some very terrible news."  Of course, all the cardinals want to hear the good news first, so the Pope tells them, "Jesus Christ has returned to the world.  The time of judgement is at hand, and our faith in his existence is justified."

After the commotion dies down a bit, one of the cardinals speaks up, asking what the terrible news is.  The Pope replies, "He was calling from Salt Lake City."


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Dec 3rd, 2005 at 12:16pm

Although this is ment to be's funny that it would probably work.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Dec 5th, 2005 at 9:59pm

OMFG tell me that doesn't look like a dinosaur to you?!  Also how can they tell it's a mammal if it's a mystery animal?


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Dec 5th, 2005 at 10:12pm

(...said so, so it must be true.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Dec 6th, 2005 at 6:35pm
So I was looking at the picture of this "dino" the wrong way...what I thought was the head is really the tail of some new "cat-like spiecies"...sorry I'm a moron.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Dec 7th, 2005 at 8:55am
Good job, guy.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on Dec 8th, 2005 at 11:34am

Fake or Photo?

I got 10 outta 10, then 4 outta 4 bonus wee!

Can't fool me you sneaky animators.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Dec 8th, 2005 at 12:21pm
How is that a news article?   [smiley=Mario.gif]

I scored seven out of ten.  Not bad for someone with the artistic skills of a four year old!

(...draws stick figures.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Dec 8th, 2005 at 1:20pm
9 out of 10

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on Dec 8th, 2005 at 10:39pm
Yea I guess that falls more under Random Stupidity. Meh.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Dec 14th, 2005 at 1:48am

Our Ica stones are on here too along with a bunch of other artifacts that prove man was more advanced at one point in time...

Fav line:

"What are we to make of these finds? There are several possibilities:....Our dating methods are completely inaccurate, and that stone, coal and fossils form much more rapidly than we now estimate."

Ha ha ha...Really?  Ya think?!


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Ironman on Dec 14th, 2005 at 2:19pm
"Science informs us that this is mere fiction and that man is a few million years old, and that civilization just tens of thousands of years old. Could it be, however, that conventional science is just as mistaken as the Bible stories?"

What a bunch of @#$%.  Why even mention the Bible if you aren't going to discuss it?  

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Dec 14th, 2005 at 2:39pm
Come on, Eric, tell us how you really feel.

(...points to the soapbox.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Dec 14th, 2005 at 2:42pm
Heck yeah Eric!  Step up and preach the good word, man.

(If you don't someone else will)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on Dec 14th, 2005 at 6:38pm
Eric! its essay time, baybee!

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Jan 4th, 2006 at 8:38am

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jan 9th, 2006 at 2:49pm
Woman suffocates under pile of clutter...

Stupid question, but where the heck was her husband at over the past fifteen years?  At some point (like, I dunno, before the stuff reached the ceiling) he should've had a freakin' dumpster out front.  Throw that crap out!  Mental disorder or not, if I had to live there, it'd better be clean.

How could someone allow this to happen?  Were they both out of their bloody minds?  Crazy...


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Jan 10th, 2006 at 10:12am

Not sure how realiable this article is but it's about more proof of a world wide flood 6,000 years ago...or so.

Mwah ha ha ha ha!

(Tee hee hee hee)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jan 11th, 2006 at 10:43am


The Bureaucrat in Your Shower

by Jeffrey Tucker

The Department of Energy may soon be paying a visit to a certain shower-head manufacturer in Arizona. The company is Zoe Industries Manufacturing. It runs, a popular site that sells amazing equipment for bathrooms.

Consumers love the company but one man doesn't. He is Al Deitemann, head of conservation for the Seattle Water Board. Al ordered some products and sent them to BR Laboratories in Hungtington, California, according to the Seattle Post-Intelligencer. And sure enough, Bureaucrat Al gained enough data to report Zoe to the feds, accusing Zoe of "blatant violations of environmental protection laws." Now the heat is on.

What's the big deal? What critical matter of American public life is at stake? It's all about water flow and gallons per minute.

You might have some vague memory from childhood, and perhaps it returns when visiting someone who lives in an old home. You turn on the shower and the water washes over your whole self as if you are standing under a warm-spring waterfall. It is generous and therapeutic. The spray is heavy and hard, enough even to work muscle cramps out of your back, enough to wash the conditioner out of your hair, enough to leave you feeling wholly renewed — enough to get you completely clean.

Somehow, these days, it seems nearly impossible to recreate this in your new home. You go to the hardware store to find dozens and dozens of choices of shower heads. They have 3, 5, 7, even 9 settings from spray to massage to rainfall. Some have long necks. Some you can hold in your hand. Some are huge like the lid to a pot and promise buckets of rainfall. The options seem endless.

But you buy and buy, and in the end, they disappoint. It's just water, and it never seems like enough.

Why? As with most things in life that fall short of their promise, the government is involved. There are local regulations. Here is one example of a government regulation on the matter, from the Santa Cruz City Water Conservation Office: "If you purchased and installed a new showerhead in the last ten years, it will be a 2.5 gpm [gallons-per-minute] model, since all showerheads sold in California were low consumption models beginning in 1992."

You mean they regulate how much my shower sprays? Yes indeed they do. Government believes that it has an interest in your shower? Yes it does.

And it is not just crazy California. The Federal Energy Policy Act of 1992 mandates that "all faucet fixtures manufactured in the United States restrict maximum water flow at or below 2.5 gallons per minute (gpm) at 80 pounds per square inch (psi) of water pressure or 2.2 gpm at 60 psi."

Or as the Department of Energy itself declares to all consumers and manufacturers: "Federal regulations mandate that new showerhead flow rates can't exceed more than 2.5 gallons per minute (gpm) at a water pressure of 80 pounds per square inch (psi)."

As with all regulations, the restriction on how much water can pour over at once while standing in a shower is ultimately enforced at the point of a gun.

Manufacturers must adhere to these regulations under penalty of law, and to be on the safe side, and adjust for high-water pressure systems, they typically undershoot. If you try your showers right now, you will probably find that they dispense water at 2 gallons per minute or even less. Together with other regulations concerning water pressure, your shower could fall to as low as 1.5 gallons per minute!

This creates a rather serious problem for nearly everyone in the country. America is the land of the shower. Popular lore holds that Americans are some of the most showered people in the world, and this stands in contrast to, well, to lands of the less showered. (Not naming any names!)

As for Zoe Industries, they set out to address this strange problem that has made our showers less functional than they ought to be.

They are not water anarchists; we aren't talking about shower-reg secessionists here. But the company did insightfully observe that the restriction applies on a per-shower-head basis.

So Zoe sells full units that have three full heads per shower! What a solution — truly in the spirit of American enterprise in the best sense. These remarkable units are both brilliant and beautiful, and they comply with the letter of the law. The one that annoyed Bureaucrat Al is the "Nautilus II Chrome" — and what a piece of work it is!

If it turns out that the feds can't prove him in violation, Congress might have to go back to work. The regs might have to be changed to specify one head per shower space.

But then what can the government do about the length of showers? After all, there is no real way to regulate how much water we use (and pay for). Maybe the shower heads have to have timers on them. And maybe the feds need to put up little monitors in our showers to make sure that we have stopped and started them.

And what happens to shower offenders? One can see federal S.W.A.T. Teams screeching up to your house, black-clad men pouring out, securing the perimeter, and shouting through a bull horn: "Drop the soap and come out of the shower with your hands up!"

Most manufacturers adhere to the regulations. But savvy consumers know how to get around the problem.

Warning: The following section is for information purposes only; I am not advocating egregious violations of federal law as some trouble-making rebel might. Do not endanger your status as a law-abiding citizen who takes wimpy showers.

Many people now hack their showers — or customize them, if you prefer. You can take your shower head down, pull the washer out with a screwdriver, and remove the offending intrusion that is restricting water flow. It can be a tiny second washer or it can be a hard plastic piece. Just pop it out and replace the washer. Sometimes it is necessary to trim it out using a pen knife.

Using such strategies, you can increase your water flow from 2 gallons per minute to 3 and even 4 gallons per minute. You can easily clock this using a stopwatch and a milk carton.

Using this method (just as an experiment for the sake of journalism — again, do not try this at home) I was easily able to expand my gallons per minute on each shower in my house to an average of 3.4 gpm, thereby recreating that childhood sense of gushes of water pouring down.

Now, that doesn't compare to the amazing 12.7 gallons per minute that BR Labs claims they were able to clock with the Nautilus II (wow wow wow!) but it still exceeds federal regulations.

Why would anyone want to do this? According to the head of Zoe Industries, people somehow have the sense that I described above. "Generally, they don't like the water savers," he says, "the flow of water is too weak and they feel as though they haven't gotten a shower."

The whole craziness here recalls the similar frenzy about toilet tank size that resulted from the same act of Congress. Eventually manufacturers figured out ways to make the toilets flush but, even today, you never want a plunger to be too far from the toilet. Thus has it spawned an entire industry of designer plungers!

You might say that water needs to be conserved. Yes, and so does every other scarce good. The peaceful way to do this is through the price system. But because municipal water systems have created artificial shortages, other means become necessary. One regulation piles on top of another, and the next thing you know, you have shower commissars telling you what you can or cannot do in the most private spaces.

Has central planning ever been more ridiculous, intrusive, and self-defeating?

If Zoe Industries is bankrupted by federal fines, who will stand up for our rights to take showers our own way and make our own judgments about how much water to use?

(...welcome to the People's Republic of America.)
FazolisCommunism.jpg (22 KB | )

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Jan 11th, 2006 at 12:08pm

This article is written for men who measure their masculinity by their penis size....and who woulda thought the French were the biggest d*cks in the world?

(Raises hand)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by musiciannary on Jan 11th, 2006 at 8:21pm
You think that's funny...go to the site it links to...

(I'm not linking here you lazy bastards *evil laugh*)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Jan 11th, 2006 at 9:34pm're such a whore!


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Jan 13th, 2006 at 2:40am

Insteresting article about how America will soon have 300 million people...obviously I could not say citizens seeing that around 12 million or so are probably illegal and thus are not actual citizens


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Jan 13th, 2006 at 11:10pm

Note to self...get Jamie to drink more coffee

Another note to self.....get more mountain there anything it CAN'T do?


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Jan 21st, 2006 at 2:54am

American Idol is homophobic?

Well that's news to me...I thought American Idol was pretty homo?

Are the gays watching the correct program?

( to answer?)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Jan 21st, 2006 at 3:01am
I usually don't post things from sites most of us go to...however I believe this needs its own post

Now read the article, especially the second page, and see a good reporter ask some awesome questions calling out the 360 and its shottiness!


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jan 21st, 2006 at 2:29pm
Somehow, I don't think "next-generational" is a word.

(...Heil Grammar!)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Jan 26th, 2006 at 7:23pm

If true...I like it.  I know it might be bad for some things but without the line item veto, there's nothing we can do...except this!


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Jan 26th, 2006 at 10:52pm

Cezar is number 0...because he has all 10 of these assimalated into his collective.

(All hail Cezar!)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Jan 27th, 2006 at 1:52am

Reactions anyone?

Mine is that these people are so wishy washy that they're not just sitting on the fence but have made an entirely new fence to sit on.  While I appreciate the good intentions of both religions to try and co-exist we all know that the "road to hell is paved in good intentions".  I just can't see how a person can claim to be both.  Jesus said "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life.  No one can come to the Father except through Me."  where as Muhammid also claimed to be the only way (although the Koran teaches it's by works you are saved and not by in the scales you will be weighed when you are dead).  How could you be both and believe both these things.  Pretty stupid to me...but hey I'm just a narrow minded Christian fundamentalist evangelical...right?!


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jan 27th, 2006 at 5:48pm
These guys sound like Unitarians.  "Can't we all just get along?"

( thanks.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on Jan 30th, 2006 at 10:12am
Screw Exxon. 36 billion dollar PROFITS for last year.

While we are payin out the rear for gas, they are rollin in cash. How about some regulations about this sorta thing? Anyone? Congress?

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Jan 30th, 2006 at 11:22am
Well it's kinda hard when most of Congress owns stock, profits, or takes bribes from the oil industry.  Anyways, I thought this was America?  Land of capitalism...and profits?  Is there a monopoly involved...cause if not...why should we regulate a company for making money?  Should we regulate IPods so they won't make as much money?


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jan 30th, 2006 at 12:04pm
I'm not defending the oil industry (far from it!), but the thing to remember is that we really don't know enough about their financial status to take any concrete stance.

Let's say I make widgets.  I can manufacture 100 widgets per year, and they cost me $1,000 to produce.  I charge a simple markup of 10% on my widgets, meaning I market them for $1,100 and pocket $100 as profit.

Well, the raw material for my widgets (let's call it widgetanium) goes through the roof, so I have to charge more for them.  Let's assume I can still only make 100 per year and I'm still selling complete out of stock.  I now have to pay $2,000 to manufacture a widget.  If I keep my 10% markup, I now sell my widgets for $2,200 and get to pocket $200 as profit.  Is that wrong?

I don't think it's unfair of the gasoline producers to keep a static percentage of their wholesale cost of oil as profit.  In other words, if they pay $1.00 to manufacture a gallon of gas, and want 10% profit, they can charge the gas station $1.10 to buy their gas.  Likewise, if they pay $2.00 to manufacture a gallon of gas, I have no problem with them keeping their 10% margin and charging the gas station $2.20 to buy a gallon of their gas.

Likewise, I don't have a problem with the gas station doing the same thing.  If they want an x% margin, all the more power to them.  That's the law of supply and demand, right?

Sure, it sucks to get gouged at the pump, but that's capitalism folks.

(...doesn't like paying it either.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on Jan 30th, 2006 at 12:23pm
Socialism anyone?

I'm down.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jan 30th, 2006 at 1:27pm
I prefer imperialism.  Let's just take it all.  That should keep the prices down, right?

(...nods nods.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Jan 30th, 2006 at 2:09pm
On a lighter note...police beat down another black male!

Where's Jonny....oh he's dead?  Uhh well get me Tio Cockrin then!

If the ribs don't must aquit!

(Is shock!...SHOCKED I SAY!)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Feb 1st, 2006 at 1:37am



Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Feb 2nd, 2006 at 12:12pm

Top 10 weirdest USB devices.  These are kinda cool.  And yes, Briney don't worry, you can your friend favorite is number one.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on Feb 2nd, 2006 at 3:31pm

I want to buy the USB self destruct button. That looks hot!

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Feb 2nd, 2006 at 4:37pm
Self destruct button?  It must be mine!

(...needs to figure out how much 4,000 yen is.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by computerjuvenile on Feb 2nd, 2006 at 6:49pm
I knew that they made fans, and heaters USB powered, but I would have never thought about some of those.  

I want the grill

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Feb 2nd, 2006 at 7:31pm
Yanno, since they said the George Foreman was fake, I'm almost thinking about buying a cheap George Foreman grill and a USB heater and trying to integrate the two.  It's been far too long since I've wielded a soldering iron, so I might just have to give it a try.

(...would probably hurt himself in the process.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Feb 10th, 2006 at 2:43pm

Mugabe to ask whites back in land grab U-turn
By Peta Thornycroft in Harare
President Robert Mugabe has begun to reverse his "insane" land grab and offer some white farmers the chance to lease back their holdings in Zimbabwe.

With the fastest shrinking economy in the world, Mr Mugabe has had to backtrack on six years of chaos and his own determination to rid the country of all white farmers.

In an orgy of violence, Mr Mugabe seized the land, homes, equipment and infrastructure of about 4,000 white commercial farmers who produced almost half of Zimbabwe's foreign currency.

The U-turn is expected to be announced within days. The ruling Zanu-PF party's politburo has been informed and selected journalists in the state-controlled media have been briefed on how to spin the policy reversal.

About 250 whites remaining on small portions of their farms will immediately be offered state leases for the land they used to own. Some will be hoping that their full land holdings will be restored at a later stage.

The leases will, farmers hope, give them some legal protection from local warlords continuously trying to evict them or seize their equipment or crops.

In a second stage, the leases will be extended to some white farmers who have already been evicted, particularly where there is no activity on that land. Some fled to Britain, Australia, New Zealand or South Africa and are desperately homesick.

The government is expected to admit in the next few days that it has only used about 50 per cent of the land it seized. In reality, land economists say the figure of idle land is nearer 80 to 90 per cent.

The new policy is understood to have been approved by Mr Mugabe but it is unlikely he will announce it, as the government hopes to play down the U-turn.

It will be executed by two of his most trusted lieutenants: the lands minister Didymus Mutasa and the agriculture minister Joseph Made. Neither was available for comment yesterday.

In anticipation of this change of policy, the Commercial Farmers Union has advised some members to apply for leases, and some farmers have already filled in lease applications at the agriculture ministry.

The union yesterday issued a rare statement calling for a ''moratorium on land and agricultural policies''. All those involved in agriculture should get together and "rebuild the entire industry to return as the principal employer of labour and generator of food and foreign exchange", it said.

"We have the energy and capacity to help bring Zimbabwe back once again to be the bread basket of the sub-continent."

The statement was signed by the CFU president, Doug Taylor-Freeme, who would not comment on the change of policy. "We need to create some stability on the ground for existing farmers if we want any investment in agriculture. That's the first step.

"All land has been acquired by the state for one reason or another but the issue now is who uses that land? We believe it should be farmers. When you look at the state of agriculture and the state of the economy we need to find the right balance."

Behind closed doors last week, the International Monetary Fund told Zimbabwe's finance minister Herbert Murerwa - who has helped himself to a white-owned farm - that land seizures should halt immediately and that without increased agricultural production there was no chance of halting Zimbabwe's slide.

While this is a reversal of Zanu PF's policy to rid Zimbabwe of all white farmers, some of those who lost their holdings are cynical about any offers from the government. Many will need convincing that the offer is genuine unless it is openly endorsed by Mr Mugabe and, even then, they may still be sceptical about a president who has broken promises in the past. "The government vastly underestimates the damage of its insane policies," said one of Zimbabwe's former top cereal producers. "They probably believe that allowing some of us to return will turn the economy around in a single season. We won't be able to do anything without international finance, and we won't get that until there is political reform," he said.

"It's bloody miserable out there. All our friends have gone, our equipment has been broken, irrigation has been vandalised, our homes have been wrecked, the roads are a mess, our workers have gone so why should we return? I am sure there will be some clots who are so damn miserable in other countries or living in towns that they will go back.

"We should be campaigning for compensation, not going back to help people who wrecked our country."

(...thinks Mugabe needs to be shot.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by musiciannary on Feb 11th, 2006 at 8:47pm
Uproar over armed firefighters killing chickens by homes
By Christa Jenkins
Herald Writer

HIGH SPRINGS — After seeing High Springs firefighters toting rifles through a neighborhood and shooting at chickens last week, residents said they are infuriated.

The southwest sector of town between Southwest Fourth Avenue and Poe Springs Road has had a chicken problem for years.

Many residents said they were upset not that the chickens were killed but the manner in which the situation was handled last Wednesday, Feb. 1.

Residents said they were not notified that the shooting would happen, that they worried about the safety of their children and pets, and that firefighters ran through private property without permission.

When the shooting was over, residents said they were left to deal with injured chickens and a bloody mess.

City officials, however, said that multiple safety precautions were taken, including having the city’s police chief on the scene with a safety perimeter in place.

The Animal that Defied Classification

Starting about two years ago, the city began to receive complaints from residents living in the southwest area of town between Southwest Fourth Avenue and Poe Springs Road, said City Manager Jim Drumm, himself a previous resident of the area.

At that time, as many as 50 wild chickens that nested in the woods surrounding the area had begun to leave the woods and cause trouble for residents.

Roosters crowed at street lights at all hours of the night. Hens tore up yards and left feces in them for residents to step in. The fowl stood in the streets and upheld traffic.

When the cars in the neighborhood were parked, the chickens flew atop them to roost and left scratches.

Some residents even complained that they were afraid to leave their homes because the roosters were aggressive and chased people.

It was a mess for the growing city, Drumm said.

After receiving numerous complaints, city officials attempted to gain the help of Alachua County Animal Control but were declined because the organization only handles domestic animals and pets.

Since the chickens were wild, Animal Control would not help, Drumm said.

So officials went to the Florida Wildlife Commission instead, but that government agency labels chickens as farm animals and refused to help, Drumm said.

“These animals sometimes fall through the cracks of what anybody can do,” Drumm said.

With complaints still coming in, officials decided to take action themselves.

Code enforcement officials were first enlisted to capture the animals, but the chickens’ speed and ability to fly made attempts nearly impossible.

Officials asked for agile teenagers to volunteer to capture the chickens, and one boy did succeed in capturing a couple, but it was still a limited success.

“They are wild animals, and they are very good at escaping and flying,” Drumm said.

Traps with high quality feed inside them were put out to lure in the chickens, but after a hen was captured, roosters started to guard the traps and keep chickens away from them, Drumm said.

Officials put alcohol in the birds’ food to try to slow them down, but that didn’t work either, Drumm said.

While officials considered the option of using other types of drugs or chemicals in a similar manner, they worried about the possible effects it might have on pets in the area.

Officials tried to get more ideas by speaking with other city officials and police officers who had similar problems.

Residents were asked if they owned the chickens, but no one said they did.

While no one claimed the chickens as their own, residents often take in chickens during the daytime, Drumm said.

Nearly a year after first attempts to solve the problem, officials were running out of options, and residents were getting impatient, Drumm said.

The chickens would have to be shot, Drumm said.

“We actually tried many avenues to capture them,” Drumm said. “It was our last option to consider shooting them.”

The City’s Last Option

It was the morning of Wednesday, Feb. 1 that Janet Lashells, a friend of David Smart, who resides on Southwest 2nd Place, was horrified to see firefighters running through yards and shooting the chickens.

“Those chickens in the neighborhood never bothered us,” she said.

A barn close to the area is home to a group of wild kittens that Lashells and Smart feed, Smart said.

The food inadvertently attracts many chickens to enter the barn, and Smart thinks this would have been a better way to go about catching the chickens, he said.

“I realize that they had to do something, but I think they could have handled it differently,” he said.

According to Smart, there were between 50 and 75 chickens in the area previous to the shooting, and he has seen very few since then.

“It sounded like a war zone over there,” he said. “It was pretty bad.”

Some residents said they were angry that they were not notified beforehand that officials would be shooting guns in the neighborhood.

Jenni Callahan, a resident on Seventh Avenue, said she wishes she was warned about the shooting so she would know to keep pets inside.

She witnessed the events while on her lunch break and later returned home to find two shot and injured chickens taking shelter near her house, she said.

One had been shot in the leg and another in the wing, she said.

“I just don’t feel people should be running around with .22s in a neighborhood,” she said.

Joan Lenne, another resident of Seventh Avenue, said that firefighters ran through her back yard without informing her first or gaining her permission.

Lashells was worried for the safety of pets in the area and any people who happened to be outside, she said.

“Anything that was moving, they were shooting,” she said. “There’s blood all over the place.”

But many safety precautions were taken to ensure an accident-free day, Drumm said.

Safety and Legality Issues

Officials decided to take action on a morning that school was in session, and most children would be at school and away from the area.

They used rifles with a small caliber specially made to not travel far, and firefighters only made clear shots that were low to the ground to avoid ricochet.

Firefighters were chosen over policemen because firefighters were able to assist without being pulled away from active duties, and they were also ready and willing to help, Drumm said.

Those who assisted had backgrounds in hunting and handling firearms, Drumm said.

Additionally, Police Chief Ray Kaminskas was at the site to secure the perimeter from people, pets and everything else not a chicken.

“I understand the concern, but we try to make it as safe out here as possible,” Kaminskas said.

This was also the reason that residents in the area were not notified beforehand that officials would be present to shoot the chickens, Drumm said.

Officials feared that if they announced the event, onlookers would be present and would be put at risk.

“We were hoping not to have anybody in the area,” he said.

According to Drumm, the city employees involved attempted to stay in the streets, which are city-owned property, by herding the chickens into those directions.

Since the streets in the area are often very narrow, it appears that residents’ yards start at the edge of the road, when in fact the legal roadway is 60 feet wide.

Additionally, Drumm said, there were several residents who came out of their homes and tried to assist the firefighters with directing the chickens.

In these cases, the firefighters may have entered residents’ yards with their permission.

City code allows code enforcement actions to be carried out even on private property, so even if the firefighters did have to enter residents’ yards, it was still within the city’s legal right to do so, Drumm said.

It was also legal to discharge the firearms within city limits, Drumm said, because Police Chief Kaminskas had given his authority to do so, and he was there to supervise.

The city code also allows nuisance birds that are within city limits to be destroyed, Drumm said.

Firefighters targeted the roosters, since they seemed to be a greater part of the problem than the hens.

When residents began to come outside and question the firefighters, officials decided to quit for the day so that they wouldn’t endanger those people, Drumm said.

End Results

In the end, about eight chickens were killed, and one chick was captured and donated to the Camp Kulaqua Zoo for their children’s education program.

Additionally, firefighters located several nesting sites.

Although the problem was not completely taken care of, Drumm said, officials can use these nesting sites to capture more chickens in the future.

Also, since many of the roosters were killed, hens will not have many opportunities to create future hatchlings, Drumm said.

“They will live out their life and not move on to additional generations,” he said.

City officials are still seeking more alternatives with how to handle the chicken problem.

After hearing about the events last week, a man from Gilchrist County called officials to tell them that he has a Labrador Retriever rescued after Hurricane Katrina that can catch chickens without injuring them, Kaminskas said.

Officials tested the dog out on Tuesday, Feb. 7, and had positive results, he said.

Anyone else with ideas on how to approach the chicken problem is welcome to call, he said.

“I just want them gone,” he said. “If someone wants to come out here and catch a chicken, they can.”

Problems with wild chickens in cities often begin when people move from the country to the city and attempt to bring their chickens along, Drumm said.

But they are difficult to keep in small yards and often break free.

Other times, problems arise from parents who give their children baby chicks for Easter. The kids then set the chickens free when they get big.

Wherever their origin, the wild chickens that still roam free in the area seem to have evaded defeat once again.

“We’ve been listening to roosters for over a year,” said Joyce LaCagnina, a resident of the area. “And they’re still crowing.”

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on Feb 11th, 2006 at 10:58pm

Rick Grenell, spokesman for the US mission, told The Business the Bush administration had no position on outsourcing. “Our position is that the UN needs to function better,” Grenell said. “We need to look at all ways to make that better. No one is talking about cutting jobs or turning out lights. Talking about outsourcing is way ahead of the game.”

But there has been growing pressure from Washington on the UN to cut costs. The US pays 22% of the UN’s general budget. France pays 6.4%, the UK 5.5%, China 1.53% and Russia 1.2%. All five can wield a veto on war-making decisions.

Congressman Henry Hyde’s proposed UN Reform Act of 2005 would withhold 50% of US dues unless at least 32 of 39 proposed reforms are adopted – a clear indication of pressure intended to break the deadlock.

Some staff fear privatisation would cause a cultural shift at the organisation where international civil servants have been chosen through competitive exams for more than 60 years.

God Bless America!


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Feb 13th, 2006 at 12:09pm

Bush Fails To Prevent East Coast Blizzard
Minorities Hit Hardest
by Some Lefty Reporter 02/12/06

As President Bush and his staff cowered in the White House, the snow continued to pile up on the many poor and African American victims who could not afford to get out of town or to safety in Florida. Crucial supplies of blankets, hot cocoa, popcorn and dark rum - so essential to surviving the stress of any major snowstorm - lay in stores undelivered.

"Where is the government? I need my sidewalk shoveled so I can get out to buy my damn lottery tickets!" said one D.C. resident from his living room. "Why are we wasting money in Iraq when we could be spending it here on me?"

Progressive blogs blasted the President for his inaction. "We find the timing terribly suspicious - just as the Domestic Spying hearings kick into high gear, what happens? A major northeast Blizzard. Why now?" wrote a leftist blogger.

Hearings into the blizzards' effect on hearings are almost a certainty. Howard Dean wasted no time calling for an investigation, shouting, “I know the President was playing with the Halliburton weather machine in the White House basement! I know it! I demand equal access to the machine for my party!” John Kerry took a break from the sporting activities of the glamorous super-rich in some exotic locale (random choice: Ice Sailing in Finland) to call for new legislation outlawing snowstorms. "The Republican Congress has dropped the ball once again. I have always been a staunch supporter of anti-snow legislation, except for certain locations where I ski. Snow has no business on our roads and the President and Congress knows that."

Calls for impeachment over "SnowGate", as some are calling it, already are mounting as deeply as the snow itself, and what will be discovered underneath will prove to have a truly chilling effect on the Republicans, as the inevitable thaw proceeds.

Rumor has it that the operator of the machine was told to set it for 4 feet of snow, but refused. He was subsequently shot by the Vice President.

(...thinks it's typical how Bush sends white snow to oppress the working man.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on Feb 22nd, 2006 at 10:01am

-Spielberg confirms ‘Indiana Jones 4 ’ to follow ‘Munich’
Unless some very powerful fates finally conspire to do Indiana Jones in once and for all (and he’s beat some pretty tough foes in his day), the long-awaited fourth film in the “Indiana Jones” franchise is full speed ahead for production this year (and release next year, according to series creator George Lucas).

While director Steven Spielberg remained largely silent on his work on “Indiana Jones IV” during the busy days on “War of the Worlds” and “Munich,” Spielberg finally broke the silence in a recent interview with Israel’s Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper.

“I haven’t given up making entertaining films, but over the last decade I have been making some films that express the respect I have for history,” Spielberg said.

“I am about to make ‘Indiana Jones 4,’ which is, as far as I am concerned, the sweet dessert I give those who had to chow down on the bitter herbs that I’ve used in ‘Munich.’”

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Feb 22nd, 2006 at 12:46pm
Maybe Harrison Ford will come back to play Indy???  or Maybe ol Spiely will use a lot of special effects like his budy Lucas does!  Either way, with too many special effects or no Ford...I'm predicting a stinker.  Not to mention this will be the third movie in a row that has not done very well, War of the Worlds, Munich, then this one.

Also a comment on the horrible movie that will be Posideon....anyone know if the director always puts big waves into his films.  He's directed Perfect Storm (snooze!) and now this....both having to do with giant waves!

(Hates Hollywood)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Cait on Feb 22nd, 2006 at 2:18pm
I really hope Indiana Jones 4 isn't bad. that means that the entire movie hasn't been computerized and slaughtered like Star Wars was. If JarJar Binks shows up in this one, I might throw up.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Feb 22nd, 2006 at 2:47pm
I hope Jar Jar shows up, just so Indy can kick his #@%%@#!.

(...meesa gonna DIE!)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on Feb 22nd, 2006 at 4:15pm
Spielberg has said before that the effects used will be done in a manner identical to the first movies. He will use effects techniques from that era, and not go cg happy.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Feb 22nd, 2006 at 4:23pm
Yeah just like Lucas said that he would "never sacrifice plot for special effects"


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on Feb 22nd, 2006 at 7:48pm
Well lucas said that back in the day and speilberg doesnt want indy 4 to turn into something similiar to the new star wars's's

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Feb 22nd, 2006 at 9:30pm
You mean he does want it hated by fans, a steamy pile of crap that destroys every fiber of our childhood in a matter of a few hours?  Also he doesn't have 3 chances to make it not suck!

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on Feb 22nd, 2006 at 10:06pm

A pretty sweet game trailer. However I got a little deja vu while looking at some of the shots. Lo and behold several shots were direct ripoffs of shots from LOTR. My 3d class did not believe me so I made this webpage on the subject.

I'm prolly going to post this somewhere relevent, maybe send it to Weta Digital lol.


(...wasted an hour on this one)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by The_Fat_Man on Feb 23rd, 2006 at 3:41am
Wow, I smell lawsuit.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Feb 23rd, 2006 at 11:12am
That's not just an abuse of creative license, that's outright plagiarism.  As soon as I saw the trailer, I thought "rip off," and your site definitely added to the defense.  I didn't catch the Arwen similarity until I saw your side-by-side comparison.

I'm almost wondering if SUN was originally going to be a LotR title, but the producers lost the licensing rights somehow and had to alter the storyline.  Honestly, I can't see something being that blatant without some kind of reason.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on Feb 23rd, 2006 at 11:40am
I've looked into the game and it looks pretty sweet. The intro movie that was made for the game was made seperately by another production house called Visual Promotion. Games usually hire a seperate company to do their cinematics, or have a whole seperate division devoted to just cutscenes.

The game itself doesn't look like it is a ripoff of LotR, but the bloody intro movie sure is. I'm trying to figure out how to get a hold of the game studio, Webzen, because it prolly wouldnt be good for them to have this attached to their game when it is finally released.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Feb 24th, 2006 at 11:48am


I believe some studies have shown that violence was actually down in the days of gun fighters and cowboys...or that could just mean...we've gotten worse and our moral decline IS actually happening.

Comments anyone?....bob?


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Feb 24th, 2006 at 11:58am
That op-ed piece is just a bunch of unsupported hand-wringing.  Every time a state considers concealed carry or "castle doctrine" legislation, the hippies start screaming about "blood running in the streets" and the "return of the wild west."

It's never happened.

If you want to see what you can expect with the passage of concealed carry legislation and castle doctrine laws, just look at the states that have already done it.  Crime drops steadily as the adoption of those laws by "good guys" increases.

(...thinks this is an open and shut case.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Mar 1st, 2006 at 1:59pm

Wow a PA politician who will stand up to the feds???  Amazing!


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Mar 1st, 2006 at 5:04pm
This one is going to make Briney cry...


DETROIT - A 12-year-old visitor to the Detroit Institute of Arts stuck a wad of gum to a $1.5 million painting, leaving a stain the size of a quarter, officials say.

The boy was part of a school group from Holly that visited the museum on Friday, officials say. They say he took a piece of Wrigley's Extra Polar Ice gum out of his mouth and stuck it on Helen Frankenthaler's "The Bay," an abstract painting from 1963.

The museum acquired the work in 1965 and says it is worth about $1.5 million.

The gum stuck to the painting's lower left corner and did not adhere to the fiber of the canvas, officials told the Detroit Free Press. But it left a chemical residue about the size of a quarter, said Becky Hart, assistant curator of contemporary art.

The museum's conservation department is researching the chemicals in the gum to decide which solvent to use to clean it. The museum hopes to make the repair in two weeks and will keep "The Bay" on display in the meantime, she said.

"Our expectation is that the painting is going to be fine," Hart said.

Holly Academy director Julie Kildee said the boy had been suspended from the charter school and says his parents also have disciplined him.

"Even though we give very strict guidelines on proper behavior and we hold students to high standards, he is only 12 and I don't think he understood the ramifications of what he did before it happened, but he certainly understands the severity of it now," said Kildee.

(...loves how they got so specific about the brand of gum.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Mar 2nd, 2006 at 8:18am

I just found the painting in question.  How in the world is that crap worth $1.5 million?

(...doesn't get it.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Mar 2nd, 2006 at 9:28am
One word....Hippies!


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Mar 2nd, 2006 at 10:21am
Hippies have way too much money.

(...nods nods nods.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on Mar 2nd, 2006 at 12:20pm
The art world is a bunch of BS. Some moron art dealer prices the dang thing on the value of the artist, his/her concepts and utter bull. These elitist morons look at these splotches and say "ooo, how avante-garde, how groundbreaking. Its so different from the normal classical way of thinking. What an innovator!" Blam, 1.5 million dollar splotches of paint.

I hate everything the art community stands for and believe me im in the thick of it.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Mar 2nd, 2006 at 1:02pm
So, I guess the real question is this:  Do you prefer Wrigley's or Juicy Fruit on your paintings?


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Mar 2nd, 2006 at 1:43pm


Man showing off OnStar attracts cops who find drugs

ST. AUGUSTINE, Fla. - (AP) -- A man showing off his OnStar system in his Cadillac Escalade found out the system worked too well.

Ralph A. Gomez, 38, was being held in the St. Johns County Jail Wednesday on $15,000 bond on charges of possession of an illegal narcotic within 1,000 feet of a church and possession of drug paraphernalia.

Gomez was showing off his OnStar system to his girlfriend, but the volume was set so low that he couldn't hear the OnStar operator. OnStar comes on many new General Motors vehicles and allows a customer to contact an OnStar representative in an emergency or to get directions.

If there is no response, OnStar contacts police.

That's what happened with Gomez on Friday night, Tom Clements, a spokesman for the St. Augustine Police Department, said Wednesday.

When police located Gomez' car, they determined there was no problem. But Clements said cocaine was clearly visible on the car's center console.

In addition to seizing $1,900 in the case, the Cadillac equipped with the OnStar system was also seized, Clements said.

There was no information available from Clements or the jail on whether Gomez has a lawyer.

You've got to love dumb criminals.

(...certainly does.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Mar 2nd, 2006 at 4:46pm
This might be the saddest thing I've ever read.

CHICAGO (AP) — Americans apparently know more about "The Simpsons" than they do about the First Amendment.

Only one in four Americans can name more than one of the five freedoms guaranteed by the First Amendment (freedom of speech, religion, press, assembly and petition for redress of grievances.) But more than half can name at least two members of the cartoon family, according to a survey.

The study by the new McCormick Tribune Freedom Museum found that 22 percent of Americans could name all five Simpson family members, compared with just one in 1,000 people who could name all five First Amendment freedoms.

Joe Madeira, director of exhibitions at the museum, said he was surprised by the results.

"Part of the survey really shows there are misconceptions, and part of our mission is to clear up these misconceptions," said Madeira, whose museum will be dedicated to helping visitors understand the First Amendment when it opens in April. "It means we have our job cut out for us."

The survey found more people could name the three "American Idol" judges than identify three First Amendment rights. They were also more likely to remember popular advertising slogans.

It also showed that people misidentified First Amendment rights. About one in five people thought the right to own a pet was protected, and 38 percent said they believed the right against self-incrimination contained in the Fifth Amendment was a First Amendment right, the survey found.

The telephone survey of 1,000 adults was conducted Jan. 20-22 by the research firm Synovate and had a margin of error of plus or minus 3 percentage points.

(...bashes his head against the wall.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Mar 4th, 2006 at 1:24pm

"Lo and behold I saw them...riding through the sky.  And I saw the seventh sign on the End.  It was a pale horse, and upon him sat a half man, half Vulcan.  In his right hand was an inhaler, in his left hand was a slide rule.  Then the man spoke in a nazzly voice, "The final sign of the end...when geeks are considered cool!....Glovin!"

Revelations 14:6c...the secret chapter....the jocks got rid of it in 1611.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on Mar 6th, 2006 at 8:11pm

It took a hacker less than 30 minutes to gain root-level access to Mac OS X, according to a report from ZDNet. The hacker who penetrated the system called the Mac "easy pickings."

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Mar 6th, 2006 at 8:26pm

MediaMaster wrote on Mar 6th, 2006 at 8:11pm:

It took a hacker less than 30 minutes to gain root-level access to Mac OS X, according to a report from ZDNet. The hacker who penetrated the system called the Mac "easy pickings."

Nothing unexpected there.  There isn't a widely-used OS on the market that couldn't be pwned in under 30 minutes with all ports open to the Intertron.

Don't rely on your OS to save you.  Put a decent firewall in front of your boxen and restrict ports to what is absolutely necessary.  If you've got more than four or five publicly-accessible ports, you need to distribute your resources better.

(...thinks the test was sheer propoganda.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Mar 8th, 2006 at 3:45pm


(Think this guy needs a medal or something)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by musiciannary on Mar 10th, 2006 at 11:43am
I don't usually follow Google ad links, but I was just too curious about this one:

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Mar 10th, 2006 at 1:30pm

Marie wrote on Mar 10th, 2006 at 11:43am:
I don't usually follow Google ad links, but I was just too curious about this one:

That site is total BS.  It was put together by the Seventh Day Adventists to promote their totally skewed version of the end times.  Here's a sample of their absurdity, gleaned from that site.

15. How then can I avoid receiving the mark of the beast?

This is the most important question. God, in His infinite love, has warned us not to worship the beast and thereby receive his mark. Those receiving the mark of the beast "shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture [without mercy] into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone...who worship the beast [honor papacy through Sunday observance] and his image [USA enforcing Sunday observance], and whosever receiveth the mark of his name" Rev. 14:10, 11.

These are very solemn words from God. His wrath is in proportion to the offense. By honoring, Sunday, originated by Satan through the papacy, you are preparing to receive the mark of the beast. Satan wants to deceive as many as he can into honoring this counterfeit day. To perfect his deception, he chose Sunday, the day of Christ's resurrection knowing that most people would believe that Sunday observance is more appropriate than Saturday, since it honors the resurrection of Christ. But the only way not to receive the mark of the beast is to refuse honoring a day that was not chosen of God. The only day which God has ordained as holy is Saturday Sabbath and by honoring it you will receive the "the seal of the living God" Rev. 7:2.

In other words, they think you're going to Hell if you go to church on Sunday.  What a total crock.

God doesn't care when you assemble, only that you do assemble.  

Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them. –Matthew 18:20

If your church assembles at 2:30am on a bleary Tuesday morning, that assembly is just as relevant as one that assembles at 12:00pm on a bright Sunday afternoon, or 7:00pm on a Saturday evening.

I could go on and on about why we assemble on a Sunday, and why the Mark of the Beast is a literal, physical, visible symbol on the forehead and/or hand, but I think I'd be preaching to the choir.  Total BS.

What really upsets me about this is the great lengths the Seventh Day Adventists go to in concealing their identity.  This website, from what I can see, does not mention their name at all.  The doctrine, however, is very distinctly 7DA, just as polygamy is distinctly Mormon.  I got a letter in the mail from the 7DA advertising an "end times conference" (did I show this to you, Stewie?) that sounded really fantastic, until I started researching the speaker.  Total crackpot.  Nowhere on the letter was the name of the church mentioned, outside of the "address" the seminar was being held at.

Why the subterfuge?  What are they afraid of?  Why would you have to hide from the title of your church?

(...knows the answer.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on Mar 10th, 2006 at 9:23pm
It was my understanding that worship on Sunday originated from Emperor Constantine of the Roman Empire. It had something to do with Sunday being the  Roman day honoring the sun god Apollo.

Preach to the choir bob, I'm listening.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Mar 11th, 2006 at 4:34am
Ditto on what Bob you still happen to have that hilarious pamphlet the SDA gave you about the end times bob?  That was some good stuff...I want to bump my head on a rock and have visions and have poeple follow me.

(Not really)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Mar 11th, 2006 at 10:17am
I don't know if I still have it or not.  I got it about the same time I got my free "prayer rug" from those crackas in Illinois.  Weird.

Ellen G. White was truly a messed up woman.  She gets busted in the head with a rock and starts having visions, and people somehow think it's because she was blessed by the Holy Spirit.


(...shakes his head in disbelief.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by musiciannary on Mar 11th, 2006 at 3:58pm
What in the 7734 is a prayer rug?

Yeah, that site's messed up.

What worries me is that most of the relatives on my mother's side of the family are SDA and that they have grown up with these false truths.

Everyone else is Catholic, which isn't much better.  *sigh*

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Mar 11th, 2006 at 6:48pm
Dang you got screwed on both sides...that's too bad.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by musiciannary on Mar 12th, 2006 at 1:47am
I just got back from a baby shower where an aunt of mine explained that she's never been angry at God for things that have happened in life and has never hated anyone (I told her that was pretty admirable because I couldn't name a single person in the Bible to whom those two conditions apply, which made her smile), that she's going to heaven because she's been nice to everyone, was called to be a nun ever since she was 4 but never got the chance to do so, goes to mass three times a day, and that she is Jesus' favorite person because of all of this.

There's more, but it was a very long conversation and I'm tired and have church tomorrow.  There were so many times where she said one thing and then contradicted it minutes later, and when I addressed it she said that it didn't apply to her because Jesus treats her differently.

I also had a family friend a few months back who gave me a brochure pretty much stating that I'm going to hell because I believe in New Testament miracles like healing, prophecy and tongues and have witnessed all of them firsthand.  

Time to read more apologetics stuff!


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Mar 13th, 2006 at 12:27pm

Blast!  How am I not beating the Canadians just by myself?  I feel like such a failure!  :'(


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Mar 16th, 2006 at 2:56am

Proof Number 1,567 that God exists:

Harrison Ford will be playing Indy in IJ4!


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Mar 16th, 2006 at 9:48am
Who did you think was going to play it?  William Shatner?

(...notes this doesn't necessarily mean he'll have the lead role.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Mar 16th, 2006 at 1:41pm
Well I'll be the first to admit Han...oops I mean getting up there in years and in interviewing he's kinda.....slow and uninteresting.  I just don't know if

will equal


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Mar 16th, 2006 at 1:53pm
My guess is the main character will probably be Indy's child and/or protegé.  He'll be in the movie, but as a secondary character.

(...wouldn't bet on it, though.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Mar 20th, 2006 at 9:46am
This is the "Religion of Peace", right?

Afghan Christian Could Get Death Sentence
By DANIEL COONEY, Associated Press Writer

KABUL, Afghanistan - An Afghan man is being prosecuted in a Kabul court and could be sentenced to death on a charge of converting from Islam to Christianity, a crime under this country's Islamic laws, a judge said Sunday.

The trial is believed to be the first of its kind in Afghanistan and highlights a struggle between religious conservatives and reformists over what shape Islam should take here four years after the ouster of the Islamic fundamentalist Taliban regime.

The defendant, 41-yer-old Abdul Rahman, was arrested last month after his family accused him of becoming a Christian, Judge Ansarullah Mawlavezada told The Associated Press in an interview. Rahman was charged with rejecting Islam and his trial started Thursday.

During the one-day hearing, the defendant confessed that he converted from Islam to Christianity 16 years ago while working as a medical aid worker for an international Christian group helping Afghan refugees in the Pakistani city of Peshawar, Mawlavezada said.

"We are not against any particular religion in the world. But in Afghanistan, this sort of thing is against the law," the judge said. "It is an attack on Islam."

Mawlavezada said he would rule on the case within two months.

Afghanistan's constitution is based on Shariah law, which is interpreted by many Muslims to require that any Muslim who rejects Islam be sentenced to death, said Ahmad Fahim Hakim, deputy chairman of the state-sponsored Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission.

Repeated attempts to interview Rahman in detention were barred.

The prosecutor, Abdul Wasi, said he had offered to drop the charges if Rahman converted back to Islam, but he refused.

"He would have been forgiven if he changed back. But he said he was a Christian and would always remain one," Wasi told AP. "We are Muslims and becoming a Christian is against our laws. He must get the death penalty."

After being an aid worker for four years in Pakistan, Rahman moved to Germany for nine years, his father, Abdul Manan, said outside his Kabul home.

Rahman returned to Afghanistan in 2002 and tried to gain custody of his two daughters, now aged 13 and 14, who had been living with their grandparents their whole lives, the father said. A custody battle ensued and the matter was taken to the police.

During questioning, it emerged that Rahman was a Christian and was carrying a Bible. He was immediately arrested and charged, the father said.

Afghanistan is a conservative Islamic country. Some 99 percent of its 28 million people are Muslim, and the remainder are mainly Hindu.

A Christian aid worker in Kabul, who spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the matter, said there was no reliable figure for the number of Christians, though it was believed to be only in the dozens or low hundreds. He said few admit their faith because of fear of retribution and there are no known Afghan churches.

An old house in a war-wrecked suburb of Kabul serves as a Christian place of worship for expatriates. From the muddy street, the building looks like any other. Its guard, Abdul Wahid, said no Afghans go there.

The only other churches are believed to be inside foreign embassies or on bases belonging to the U.S.-led coalition or a NATO peacekeeping force.

Hakim, the human rights advocate, said the case would attract widespread attention in Afghanistan and could be exploited by Muslim conservatives to rally opposition to reformists who are trying to moderate how the religion is practiced here.

"The reformists are trying to bring about positive changes," he said. "This case could be fertile ground for extremists to manipulate things."

Muslim clerics still hold considerable power in Afghanistan, especially in rural areas where most women wear all-encompassing burqas and are dominated by men.

Hakim said that if Rahman was acquitted, it would be a propaganda win for the Taliban rebels, who have stepped up their insurgency in the past year.

In the months before U.S.-led troops ousted the Taliban in 2001, it claimed Western aid groups were trying to convert Afghan Muslims. They arrested eight foreign aid workers for allegedly preaching Christianity, but later released them unharmed.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Mar 20th, 2006 at 12:43pm
I know this isn't really a news article but it's still pretty cool I think.

"Desktop Earth is a wallpaper generator for Windows. It runs whenever you're logged on and updates your wallpaper with an accurate representation of the Earth as it would be seen from space at that precise moment."


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on Mar 20th, 2006 at 3:01pm

Incredible game that stars as a tiny single cell and ends with galactic conquest.

Watch the whole thing for jaw dropping goodness

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on Mar 23rd, 2006 at 1:53pm

This document is handwritten and has no official seal. Although contacts between bin Laden and the Iraqis have been reported in the 9/11 Commission report and elsewhere, (e.g. the 9/11 report states "Bin Ladn himself met with a senior Iraqi intelligence officer in Khartoum in late 1994 or early 1995) this document indicates the contacts were approved personally by Saddam Hussein.

It also indicates the discussions were substantive, in particular that bin Laden was proposing an operational relationship, and that the Iraqis were, at a minimum, interested in exploring a potential relationship and prepared to show good faith by broadcasting the speeches of al Ouda, the radical cleric who was also a bin Laden mentor.

How very relavent. I'm so glad this surfaced just as dissent regarding the Iraq war grows worse. Thank you oh wise and wonderful government for reminding us that Saddam helped Bin Laden commit the 9-11 attacks. Too bad Bin Laden has been out of the picture since 2001, probrably killed in an Afghani bombing run. If we didn't have that enemy to constantly be in fear of/hate, how could the US go about its emperialistic business? They might as well release a video of "Bin Laden" talking about accepting funds from Saddam... while we are at it let them release a tape talking about how great Iran is, and how Iran is helping Al Queda.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by musiciannary on Mar 23rd, 2006 at 2:23pm
Poor Jesus...

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Mar 27th, 2006 at 1:47pm

When will we learn!  Hammers in the hands of young children could lead to them accidently hammering themselves or volunteering for Habitat For Humanity.  Soon they'll be carrying them to school and running amuck with them...OH WON'T SOMEBODY PLEASE THINK OF THE CHILDREN!


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Mar 27th, 2006 at 1:56pm
Ban hammers - do it for the children!

(...oh, the humanity!)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Mar 29th, 2006 at 3:30pm

Go New Yorkers...the truth is coming out.  The dam is about the be broken and the deluge will be wraught forth, if the govt global boys don't do something soon.  Like pray to Molec or get Satan on it again.  Maybe we need another "terrorist attack" to get us to stop asking questions, maybe a nuke in LA or smallpoxs in NY or Chicago?

(Giving the good ol boys some pointers)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Mar 29th, 2006 at 3:43pm
I hadn't heard about the Charlie Sheen thing.  Do you happen to have a video of the CNN coverage?

(...would like to see it.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Mar 29th, 2006 at 10:06pm
Basically go to and it's all right there, esp. on the righthand side.  There are free showings of the CNN shows or you can download them at my fav torrent site


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Mar 30th, 2006 at 9:24am
Leave it to our pals at FEMA to screw over the good guys...

Supporters rally behind McGee
By Rachel Leifer

About 150 people gathered in support of Forrest County Sheriff Billy McGee on Sunday, outraged at federal charges against him stemming from a dispute over ice trucks in the days following Hurricane Katrina.

Most who convened at the McLaurin Community Center added their signatures to a petition, which asserts that McGee acted in the best interests of residents when he seized a pair of 18-wheelers full of ice from Camp Shelby without Federal Emergency Management Agency authorization on Sept. 4.

"We had diabetic people who hadn't been able to put their insulin on ice for three days," said Lee Behrens, 53, chief of the McLaurin Volunteer Fire Department.

"If it was up to FEMA, those trucks would still be at Camp Shelby."

McGee, 53, was scheduled to plead guilty Friday to a misdemeanor charge of interfering with, intimidating and impeding a federal officer, but the hearing was delayed indefinitely late Thursday. A new court date has not been scheduled.

McGee acknowledged to the Hattiesburg American on Thursday that he acted outside federal guidelines when he asked two ice truck drivers to follow him to distribution centers in the Brooklyn and Sheeplo communities.

"I didn't see anything wrong with what I was doing other than it was outside the protocol," he said Thursday.

The volunteer firefighters, law enforcement officers, educators and other residents from all over Forrest County who came to the Sunday rally emphatically agreed that the sheriff's actions were justified, considering citizens' desperate need in the aftermath of the Aug. 29 storm.

About 1,000 people relied on the McLaurin VFD for ice and water during those sweltering days, said volunteer firefighter Rhonda Hobson.

"I can hardly even describe the looks on people's faces when we had to tell them we couldn't give them anything," said Hobson, 37. "(McGee) did it for us, for the reasons we voted him in there - to protect us and take care of us."

The 681 houses in the Brooklyn fire district badly needed ice too, said Lynn Breland, chief of the Brooklyn VFD.

"We'd been told we would get at least one shipment a day, but for three or four days, we waited," he said. "We didn't have any ice until we got that truck."

Several sheriff's deputies attended the event. One cruiser bore a bumper sticker that read, "Billy McGee for Governor - Unafraid to Lead."

Capt. Glen Moore explained McGee's absence to the crowd.

"The sheriff's attorney advised him not to come," Moore said. "But he did ask to pass along to you all - he did get a bit emotional about it - how much he appreciates what you're doing from the bottom of his heart."

The petition in support of McGee had about 100 signatures before the rally began, and copies were set to be distributed among all eight of the county's volunteer fire departments.

But some rally attendees wanted more.

Debbie Burt, assistant superintendent of the Forrest County School District, suggested launching a letter-writing campaign to U.S. Attorney Dunn Lampton, who brought the charges against McGee.

And many said they planned to converge at the courthouse whenever the sheriff's hearing is scheduled.

"I believe he deserves a medal for helping the people of South Mississippi," Forrest County School District Superintendent Kay Clay told the group, which responded with thunderous applause.

Charlie Sims, 47, of McLaurin asked sheriff's deputies to relay a request from the people of South Forrest County.

"Would you please ask him to write a handbook for FEMA on how to make a decision?"

(...thinks this is absolutely pathetic.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Cait on Mar 30th, 2006 at 10:59pm

This article got me going on a rant this afternoon. Hush money and then letting that creep continue on hurting your child?! These are the kind of people that bring down the human race as a whole.

    ( cruising CNN right now)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Mar 31st, 2006 at 12:01am

Cait wrote on Mar 30th, 2006 at 10:59pm:

This article got me going on a rant this afternoon. Hush money and then letting that creep continue on hurting your child?! These are the kind of people that bring down the human race as a whole.

Save the taxpayers some money and give the mother and the neighbor what they deserve: one bullet each, straight to the cranium.  They deserve no less.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on Apr 13th, 2006 at 3:37pm

The Trophy active protection system creates something equivalent to a hemispheric "force field" around the protected vehicle. It has three elements providing – Threat Detection and Tracking, Launching and Intercept functions. The Threat Detection and Warning subsystem consists of several sensors, including flat-panel radars, placed at strategic locations around the protected vehicle, to provide full hemispherical coverage. Once an incoming threat is detected identified and verified, the Countermeasure Assembly is opened, the countermeasure device is positioned in the direction where it can effectively intercept the threat. Then, it is launched automatically into a ballistic trajectory to intercept the incoming threat at a relatively long distance.

Its not a forcefield, but it intercepts rockets and rpg's incoming to the tank.

Specific details about the composition and mechanism of this explosive interceptor device are vague. From the briefing provided by US sources, Defense Update understands that Trophy is design to form a "beam" of fragments, which will intercept any incoming HEAT threat, including RPG rockets at a range of 10 – 30 meters from the protected platform.

Pretty cool.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Cait on Apr 13th, 2006 at 4:01pm
here's my newsflash of the day:

I hate college.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Apr 14th, 2006 at 11:27am
Bahaha, they hit Kennedy!


Rep. Kennedy gets stitches after hit by hammer head in business meeting
PAWTUCKET, R.I. - Rhode Island U.S. Rep. Patrick Kennedy took six stitches in his bottom lip after being hit with a hammer during a business meeting.

Kennedy — son of Massachusetts Sen. Edward Kennedy — met Wednesday with Wisconsin entrepreneur Matt Kriesel, who is interested in relocating to Rhode Island. Kriesel runs a company that manufactures a shock-absorbing gel used in sports-shoe inserts, tennis rackets and horse saddles.

Kriesel was hitting the gel with a hammer to demonstrate how it reduces vibration when the hammer's head flew off and hit Kennedy in the mouth.
The accident caused Kennedy to cancel several public appearances Thursday.

Couldn't have happened to a better target!

(...wonders if he spilled his scotch?)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on May 3rd, 2006 at 1:58pm

By fall 2007, researchers, academics, and even K-12 users of the ultra high-speed Internet2 network will have the ability to conduct even more eye-popping applications for education and research, thanks to an upgrade in the works that reportedly could boost capacity of the network by as much as 80 times its current bandwidth.
April 28, 2006—By sending data using different colors of light, operators of the ultra high-speed Internet2 network are hoping to boost the research and education network's capacity by as much as 80-fold--better enabling researchers and academics to connect telescopes around the world and perform other bandwidth-intensive tasks.

The new network should be in place by fall 2007, said Douglas Van Houweling, Internet2's chief executive.

He announced the plans this week as researchers set a new networking speed record--8.8 gigabits per second (Gbps), nearing the Internet2's current theoretical limit of 10 Gbps, which is thousands of times faster than standard home broadband connections.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on May 3rd, 2006 at 2:08pm
Imagine how much pr0n you could download at that speed...

(...8.8GBPS?  Scwing!)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by The_Fat_Man on May 3rd, 2006 at 3:10pm
Probably all of it in like 2 or 3 days....

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on May 3rd, 2006 at 3:22pm
"You've reached the end of the Internet.  Turn back now."

(...remembers that one well.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by texfrost on May 3rd, 2006 at 10:30pm

Random.  And Why are we spending money on this?

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on May 4th, 2006 at 11:03am

Okay folks I have some good new and bad news.


Bad news - I'm going to have to spend $70 bucks to get it...again!  And it's going to be sold out by Dec. 31!

Ok people!  I want comments on this post!  NOW!


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on May 4th, 2006 at 11:10am
By "original," you mean, original-original?  I thought Lucas promised to never release them again after the last VHS set, of which I'm a proud owner?


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on May 4th, 2006 at 11:34am
I mean the most original original.  However it will be upgraded to DVD quality but all the mistakes will be in Jaba in ep 4, Han shoots first, etc.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on May 4th, 2006 at 12:20pm
I should've known better than to trust that guy...


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on May 4th, 2006 at 1:24pm

Korea, China and Japan have agreed to start joint research at government level on introducing an Asian single currency comparable to the euro. Finance Minister Han Duck-soo made the agreement with his Chinese counterpart Jin Renqing and Japan’s Sadakazu Tanigaki on the sidelines of the 39th annual meeting of the Asian Development Bank in India.

Lol one world currency!!

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on May 4th, 2006 at 2:19pm
Japan and China using the same currency?  They can hardly even tolerate living in the same hemisphere, let alone agree to use the same kizzash.

(...doubts it'll ever happen.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by The_Fat_Man on May 4th, 2006 at 5:03pm
I don't know, half of Europe hates the other half of Europe and they managed to get it done with a LOT more countries than just 3.

I'd say it will probably happen sooner or later (Agreed probably later).  People may hate each other, but everyone loves money.  And look what the Euro has done for the European economy.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by texfrost on May 4th, 2006 at 5:15pm
Yea, but the Euro has also weakened from what it once was.  It used to be a buck forty to the euro, now its more like a buck twenty.  Atleast it was the last time I checked.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on May 4th, 2006 at 6:18pm
Right now its 1.27 Eu to the dollar, but the value of the dollar is declining on a lot of fronts lately, causing gold to surge to 675 an ounce which is just insane. The USD was usually considered the backbone of world economics; it was a sure thing to invest in. Lately gold is becoming that backbone once again. To give you an idea of the scope, gold was about 220 an ounce in 2000. Now its triple that, somewhere near 675.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by texfrost on May 4th, 2006 at 6:21pm
Well, on the upside, atleast our economy is better, atleast for today.

"Dow hits fresh 6-year high"

Yea, I know cnn is evil, but their website is easier for me to browse on dialup.

I be to po fo hih sped

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on May 4th, 2006 at 6:26pm
Oh yea for sure, the economy is looking awesome, which is definetly good. But still the dollar cannot maintain its lead, because there is an 8.3 trillion dollar debt attached to it. I wouldnt invest in something like that.

yea its a good thing that the economy is doing so well. It only has 300 points to go before breaking records wee!

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by texfrost on May 4th, 2006 at 6:31pm
You have a point there.  Gotta love a Government that can't keep the books.  The other kinda scary part is that I, along with many others, don't trust China and who knows what kind of money we may have to spend to keep them in check.  Not to mention what we have left in spending for the conflict we're in right now.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by texfrost on May 4th, 2006 at 7:21pm
"BUDAPEST, Hungary - Hungarian builders who drank their way to the bottom of a huge barrel of rum while renovating a house got a nasty surprise when a pickled corpse tumbled out of the empty barrel, a police magazine Web site reported."

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on May 4th, 2006 at 11:05pm

Piracy worse than child pornography

Society's new perspectives

By Nick Farrell: Wednesday 26 April 2006, 06:44
THE NEW look Digital Millenium Copyright Act (DMCA) seems to be giving the world an unusual moral code.

Details of the upgraded act, which has the blessing of the music and film industry and the Bush administration, are now coming to light. It appears that the DMCA will have a maximum sentence of ten years inside for the crime of software and music piracy. It will also give the FBI the powers to wiretap suspected pirates.

Although sentencing varies in the US, the new law does send a very strange message as to what the government considers 'bad' in the 21st century.

For example assaulting a police officer will get you five years, downloading child porn will get you seven years, assaulting without a weapon will get you ten years and aggravated assault six years.

So in other words if you copy a Disney CD and sell it you will be in the same league as a paedophile who is distributing pictures of sexual attacks on children.

If you copy Craig David's CD you get ten years, but if you punch him in the face and pummel him into a seven day coma you will only get six. You are more likely to get the respect of the prison population with your six year sentence as well.

More here -

Okay, people...any comments on this?


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by texfrost on May 4th, 2006 at 11:11pm
Its kind of like speeding 10 over is more serious than not putting your infant in a safety seat.  I think 10 over was something like $125 or so and not using a safety seat was $75.  Which isn't much more than not wearing a seatbelt either.  

I can see the headlines now "18 year old on trial for life"  {article} 18 year old Bob is on trial for the piracy of 3452 CD's, 20 Games, and 358 Games.....

2nd page news "Jury Reaches Verdict in Child Porn Case" {article} Man was sentenced to 4 years in prison for distributing illegal child porn on the interenet....

Whats this world coming to.

{swears he isn't a post whore}

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by The_Fat_Man on May 4th, 2006 at 11:19pm
I recently found out that calling a cop a shithead is a crime.

People can't take jokes these days.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Cait on May 4th, 2006 at 11:24pm didnt.

did you?

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by texfrost on May 4th, 2006 at 11:28pm
{grins} ^^ Thats what I was wondering after his comment about being drunk.  

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on May 5th, 2006 at 12:19am

The_Fat_Man wrote on May 4th, 2006 at 11:19pm:
I recently found out that calling a cop a shithead is a crime.

People can't take jokes these days.

Alright, Wes... Spill it.   There's definitely a story behind that comment, and we demand to hear it!

(...needs to go to bed.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on May 5th, 2006 at 4:59am
Yea you can't spit on a cop either. Thats assualting an officer and it could net you life!

Ok i dont know about life, but a looongggg time...

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on May 5th, 2006 at 10:44am

8 year old Bob is on trial for the piracy of 3452 CD's, 20 Games, and 358 Games

HA!  Rookie!


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on May 5th, 2006 at 11:45am
20 games?  What a noob.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on May 5th, 2006 at 1:27pm

MOSCOW (Reuters) - A speech by Vice President Dick Cheney strongly critical of the Kremlin marks the start of a new Cold War that could drive Moscow away from its new-found Western allies, the Russian press said on Friday.

In shocked reaction to the harshest U.S. criticism of Moscow for years, commentators said Washington had created an anti-Russian cordon of Western-aligned states stretching from the Baltic almost to the Caspian Sea.

The Russian press agreed, comparing Cheney's words to a 1946 speech by British statesman Winston Churchill in Fulton, Missouri, when he said Europe was divided by an "Iron Curtain."

"Enemy at the Gates. Dick Cheney made a Fulton speech in Vilnius," said business daily Kommersant's front page headline.

"Vice President Dick Cheney made a keynote speech on relations between the West and Russia in which he practically established the start of the second Cold War ... The Cold War has restarted, only now the front lines have shifted," it said.

Stuff like that just warms my heart.

...thanks Cheney.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by The_Fat_Man on May 5th, 2006 at 2:03pm
I was in a parking lot, drunk.

I was chatting with some people, and drinking, when a cop pulled up.  The cop of course pulled up behind me, and being drunk, I didn't think anything of the sound of a car pulling in behind me.

My friends suddenly get real quiet and someone taps me on the shoulder.

I turn around and say - "What do you want shithead?" - thinking its Ryan.

And walla.....Colorado Springs Police badge right in my face.  He smiled and lectured me about how much trouble I could get in for calling a cop a name and being intoxicated in public.  Then he checked all of our ID's and told us to walk back to our house (Which wasn't very far away).

End of story.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on May 5th, 2006 at 2:16pm

MediaMaster wrote on May 5th, 2006 at 1:27pm:
...thanks Cheney.

What in the world is he thinking?  What an idiot!

(...should run for Vice President.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by texfrost on May 5th, 2006 at 3:27pm

TAMPA, Florida (AP) -- A 14-year-old boy who died after he was kicked and beaten at a juvenile boot camp was suffocated by the guards who roughed him up, a medical examiner said Friday.

Well, I bet he learned his lesson.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on May 5th, 2006 at 3:34pm
I'm sure we're all deeply saddened by the loss of one of society's finest young men.

(...doffs his cap.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by texfrost on May 5th, 2006 at 11:38pm
Since when werre 14 year old punks known as young men?  I thought they were just 14 year old little punks.  

I didn't get time to read the whole article to see what happened before I went to work so I'll have to check it out later.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on May 6th, 2006 at 8:54pm

06 May 2006

By Dan Buckley, Alan Good and Eoin English
THERE’S nothing quite like the roar of waves crashing on the beach to wipe away the cobwebs — unless it happens to be the scream of a US Navy F-14 Tomcat overhead.

Whichever was loudest appears to have masked the moment a piece of combat aviation history fell to earth recently and ended up on a beach in west Cork.

An investigation was underway last night after what is believed to be a large part of the structure of the US Navy fighter jet was found washed up yesterday by a retired Aer Lingus pilot.

The piece, about the size of a family car, is thought to be one of the tail fins from a twin-tail F-14 Tomcat — the jet featured in the movie Top Gun.

Retired Aer Lingus captain Charlie Coughlan made the amazing discovery at Long Strand at Owenahincha, near Rosscarbery.

“I just couldn’t believe it,” he said. “The paint is still perfect. It appears to have broken off the aircraft. I could see a spar inside — it’s cracked, not cut.”

The debris, which measures eight feet by four feet, is military grey and features a flying skeleton, the insignia of VF-101 squadron — also known as the Grim Reapers — who up until recently were the US Navy’s F-14 training squad.

“It is quite a substantial piece; you would think it would have sunk but the inside is layered with honeycomb material and that could have made it buoyant,” said Mr Coughlan.

“There are no barnacles on it, so I would say it has only been in the water a few months.”

He notified the Irish Aviation Authority who in turn contacted the gardaí. They sealed off the scene yesterday and handed the investigation over to the Air Navigation Investigation Unit.

A senior garda said there were no reports of any aircraft missing in the area. The US Navy seems equally mystified.

A spokesman at the Pentagon said last night that they were not aware of any missing tail fins.

“We don’t fly F-14s any more,” said Lieutenant Jim Marks. “They were decommissioned earlier this year.”

The F-14 Tomcat, with its distinctive swept wings, twin vertical fins and engines, and state-of-the-art technology, was one of the most formidable fighter jets in US combat aviation history.

Designed primarily as a naval air-to-air fighter, the Tomcat also proved adept in ground attack capabilities, tactical reconnaissance and precision strikes. The first prototype flew in 1970 and its first combat deployment began in 1972.

Both the Tomcat and its fighter squadrons were finally mothballed in January after more than three decades of combat duty.

A sense of that history can be found on the US Navy website. Wannabe Tom Cruises can download a computer video game designed to test the mettle of those intent on a career with the force.

Called the US Navy Training Exercise, the website declares it is being “conducted to help us evaluate future recruitment benchmarks”. Naturally, it has a code name: Strike & Retrieve.

The Navy says: “NTE: Strike & Retrieve presents a mental challenge that requires both sound reasoning and quick- thinking action on your part. At the navy we know the missions of the future will be determined not by who is the strongest but by who is the smartest.”

And, presumably, whoever manages to hang on to their tail-fins.

F-14 Tomcat factfile
Manufacturer: Grumman.
Introduced: Sept 1974.
Retired: 2006 (US Navy).
Status: still in active service in Iran.
Built: 675.
Unit cost: $38 million.
Top speed: 1,544mph
Crew: Two.
M61 Gatling gun.
Air-to-air missiles.
Laser-guided bombs.

It must've been one of the sub-launched F-14's deployed for Top Secret missions deep into UK territory.  [smiley=Alien-Beaming.gif]

(...knows this stuff.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by texfrost on May 8th, 2006 at 12:23pm
From Newish, to ancient....

Did Monks Try to Make Gold?
By Rossella Lorenzi, Discovery News

May 5, 2006 — A ceramic cone unearthed at a remote British abbey might indicate that Cistercian monks implemented the Benedectine motto "ora et labora" (pray and work) with another rule: "make gold."

On display for the first time at Bylands Abbey, which was founded in 1137 by Cistercian monks in North Yorkshire, the cone is what's known as an alembic.

The delicate apparatus, 8 inches tall and 6 inches across the base, originally sat on top of a "cucurbit" — a heated gourd-shaped pottery vessel that held a boiling concoction. Vapors given off by the boiling mixture would have passed though a small hole at the cone's apex into a pipe connected to a condenser.

The alembic could have been used in medicinal preparations, to distill alcoholic spirits by monks who fancied an illicit tipple, or in pursuit of the alchemist's dream — gold.

"Since no chemical traces have been found on the surface, we have no way of being certain of its use. However, we know that certain Cistercians, as with other monks, did experiment in alchemy," Kevin Booth, English Heritage's senior curator in the North, told Discovery News.

Born in ancient Egypt, where it flourished in the Hellenistic period, alchemy is considered the forerunner of chemistry.

Following the Aristotelian theory of elements, which stated that all things consisted of fire, air, water and earth, the early alchemists believed that gold could be obtained by altering the elements in a base metal.

A little shift in one metal's composition would have made a metal of low esteem, such as lead, turn into tin, iron, copper, mercury and finally, gold. Alchemists would have also tried to stimulate transmutation with a specific agent — the legendary philosopher's stone.

The Cistercians, known as the White Monks to distinguish themselves from the largest black-robed Benedictine congregation, banned alchemy in 1317. Despite the ban, rumors had it that the monks at Bylands Abbey had long tried to create gold.

Indeed, the alembic would support the account of 15th-century scholar Richard Dove of Buckfast, who described how one monk, Richard Archebold, saddled the Order with great debts in an attempt to "pursue the unattainable."

In 1470, Archebold wrote the abbot claiming he had managed to convert an amalgam of metals into gold, and asked for a loan in order to continue his experiments. By 1479, Archebold and the Bylands monks had accumulated substantial debts.

"This is an interesting story, but we should not run out the more likely uses, such as distilling alcoholic spirits. If the alembic had been found in association with mercury, then I would suspect alchemy. There was an example of this from a monastic site in Stamford, Lincolnshire, which contained other evidence of alchemy," archaeologist Glyn Coppack, author of The White Monks: Cistercians in Britain, told Discovery News.

Indeed, the Stamford vessel was found near a urinal: Urine, with quicksilver, was considered an essential ingredient of the alchemist's art.

"The line between religion and science was very blurred in those days. These findings do not directly support the claim of monks trying to make gold, but they certainly add to that possibility, Booth said.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on May 8th, 2006 at 1:09pm
That sounds like a huge leap of logic.  "They had an alchemical device, so they must've been trying to make gold!"  That's like saying I'm trying to win the Indianapolis 500 simply because I own a vehicle.

Horrible, horrible journalism!

(...wonders if the alembic was Novice, Journeyman, Master, etc?)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on May 8th, 2006 at 2:04pm

(...wonders if the alembic was Novice, Journeyman, Master, etc?)


...oh and it was an Expert Alembic.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by The_Fat_Man on May 8th, 2006 at 4:27pm
Or possibly the elusive Grand Masters Alembic....

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on May 8th, 2006 at 4:51pm
Sadness for the whole Geek race.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Cait on May 8th, 2006 at 4:55pm
i wish i knew what you kids were talking about.


(...farmer's almanac?)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on May 8th, 2006 at 5:08pm

The_Fat_Man wrote on May 8th, 2006 at 4:27pm:
Or possibly the elusive Grand Masters Alembic....

What is this Grand Master's Alembic you speak of?  IT MUST BE MINE!


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by The_Fat_Man on May 8th, 2006 at 6:16pm
I'm not sure if its in Oblivion as I'm only level 16 and I don't use Alchemy anyways.

But in Morrowind, there was ONE Grand Masters for each of the alchemy devices, and they were really hard to find.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on May 8th, 2006 at 7:12pm
Alchemy is easy to master and provides a ridiculous cash source once you get it up to higher levels.  I can go to a major city and depopulate the fruit and vegetables from the neighboring farms and make 10-15k in a single sell.

(...loves alchemy.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Cait on May 8th, 2006 at 7:15pm
...i just want to be done with school already.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on May 8th, 2006 at 7:23pm
Final exams are this week.  Sux0r.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by The_Fat_Man on May 8th, 2006 at 9:57pm
You go pick up fruit and vegetables and mix them together for your money.

I can clear an Oblivion Gate in 20 minutes and make 8-10k.

Potions are for hippies.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on May 8th, 2006 at 10:03pm
Well, they aren't just for profit potential.  I've got more Restore/Fortify potions than I know what to do with.  If I get into a tough battle, I can chug a couple of custom-made potions and become practically invincible.

(...called his favorite mix "The Potion of Whoopass.")

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by texfrost on May 8th, 2006 at 10:37pm

b0b wrote on May 8th, 2006 at 1:09pm:
That sounds like a huge leap of logic.  "They had an alchemical device, so they must've been trying to make gold!"  That's like saying I'm trying to win the Indianapolis 500 simply because I own a vehicle.

Horrible, horrible journalism!

(...wonders if the alembic was Novice, Journeyman, Master, etc?)

Did you not read the whole article again b0b?  They pointed that out and said it was most likly used for making alcohol.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on May 9th, 2006 at 12:07am

texfrost wrote on May 8th, 2006 at 10:37pm:
Did you not read the whole article again b0b?  They pointed that out and said it was most likly used for making alcohol.

Yes, but what they should've said is, "We most likely don't know what the heck it was used for, so we're just going to make up some stuff based on unsupported conjecture and pointless hearsay."


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on May 10th, 2006 at 11:02pm


Oil tanker explodes off Philippines coastline

11.05.06 2.10pm

MANILA - The Philippine coastguard said today an oil tanker had exploded off the coast of Bataan province, west of Manila.

George de Jesus, a member of the Philippine coastguard, said rescue operations were underway.

Radio reports said two crew members were critically injured. There were no immediate reports of fatalities or the cause of the explosion.

The Philippines' largest oil refiner, Petron Corp, has a 180,000 barrels per day oil refinery at Limay on the southern tip of Bataan. No one from the company was immediately available for comment.

The Philippine Department of Energy was checking reports of the explosion.


So, what do you think will happen to gas prices over the next few days?

(...wonders if it will have a big impact?)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on May 10th, 2006 at 11:16pm
It's kinda funny actually.  Pice of oil dropped 1 cent today.  Another thing, oil companies make money when the price of oil drops.  Think of it this way...gas is let's say $3.50 a gallon.  People who don't have to drive say "Yikes too high for me...I won't get any now."  A week later the price drops to $2.85, those conservation people say "Ha Ha suckers...all I had to do was wait a while."  When in fact, gas was originally lower than that a week before.  Gas goes up again for a few weeks until those same people run out of gas again...small drop but still higher than before.  Not to mention you get the people who daily commute.  Bing, Band're now the proud owner of a $34,000 shower curtain and a $74,000 umbrella stand.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by texfrost on May 10th, 2006 at 11:19pm
How much oil do we get from them?  But then again...

I wish they would just stop bidding for oil for a couple days.  Price Per Barrel would drop...

I'd like to see pictures.

{Hey time you get fuel...Check both Shell Stations...sometimes one can be $0.10 cheaper than the other...)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by The_Fat_Man on May 10th, 2006 at 11:21pm
You guys see the article about gas prices in Venezuela?

It's cheaper to get a gallon of gas than it is to get mineral water.

You can fill up an SUV for $2.30 there.

Fucking people.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by texfrost on May 10th, 2006 at 11:23pm
good thing I don't drink mineral water.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on May 11th, 2006 at 12:02am
Something makes me think the economy of Venezuela is such that citizens pay for their fuel in other ways.

(...knows there is a lot of government collusion in the oil industry there.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on May 11th, 2006 at 12:03am
yea you cant beat 12 cents per gallon!

Lets move down there!

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Cait on May 11th, 2006 at 12:04am
i was going to say "lets not!"

and then I realized that my spanish speaking skills are awesome.

(...totally thinking about venezuela now)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by texfrost on May 11th, 2006 at 12:06am
May I suggest being proficient in using one of these as well?  

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Cait on May 11th, 2006 at 12:11am
...has anyone told him my stance on guns?

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on May 11th, 2006 at 12:11am
Why bother, when you can have one of these?


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Cait on May 11th, 2006 at 12:15am
wtf is that?

   (...too tired to give stance on guns)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by texfrost on May 11th, 2006 at 12:15am
{laughs}  I should have known that was coming...  "Hey bob! Grab your gun! We gotta blind some assholes tonight!"

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Cait on May 11th, 2006 at 12:18am
what is it with men and guns?

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by texfrost on May 11th, 2006 at 12:20am
{grins} Whats with women and thier makeup?

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on May 11th, 2006 at 12:21am
What is it with aliens and anal rape?

(Just throwin it out there)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on May 11th, 2006 at 12:22am
Theres that puny, but rediculously cool looking scopes / gun

or theres this one!

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on May 11th, 2006 at 12:23am
"I said to shoot across her nose, not up it!" -Dark Helmet

(...quotes one of the best movies EVAR!!!!1111one)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by texfrost on May 11th, 2006 at 12:23am
^^ I laughed at that more than anything else on here before.

(late post. Was ment for Pat)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Cait on May 11th, 2006 at 12:24am
i'm a woman. i dont wear make up. if i am wearing it, its either because : 1:I'm very bored or 2: its a special event. like hell freezing over.

i dont know what it is with aliens and anal rape, X...

  (...refrains from being mean)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Cait on May 11th, 2006 at 12:25am

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on May 11th, 2006 at 12:29am

Bah.  Briney, that's got nothin' on the Atomic Cannon!

(...and it's mobile, too!)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on May 11th, 2006 at 12:30am

Cait wrote on May 11th, 2006 at 12:25am:

(...snickers like a sixth grader.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by texfrost on May 11th, 2006 at 12:31am
{laughs} Ha, you said balls...hahaha...she said balls...{points at cait}...she said balls...

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Cait on May 11th, 2006 at 12:31am
how dare you misquote me.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on May 11th, 2006 at 12:49am
Misquote?  The only thing I did was place emphasis on a select portion of your comment.

(...only kinda-sorta took it out of context.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by texfrost on May 11th, 2006 at 12:52am
Eh, who needs context neways.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Cait on May 11th, 2006 at 12:58am

(now its fair)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on May 11th, 2006 at 12:58am
Context is for hippies.  You're not a hippy, right Caitlin?

( on for psychology.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Cait on May 11th, 2006 at 1:05am
no, i am not a hippy, b0b.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on May 11th, 2006 at 1:06am

ummm yeah....


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on May 11th, 2006 at 1:29am
Good.  Then context doesn't matter!

(...thinks it's a moot point anyway.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on May 11th, 2006 at 2:17am
Thread Hijacks all over the place!

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Cait on May 11th, 2006 at 2:19am
....i'm so tired.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by The_Fat_Man on May 11th, 2006 at 8:30am
I dont know....I think Cait does put off a wavering hippie vibe....

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Cait on May 11th, 2006 at 11:41am
yeah, right.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on May 11th, 2006 at 11:46am
Yeah.  She's more of a pseudo-hippy.  A hippy in disguise, if you will.

(...kinda like Stick.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by The_Fat_Man on May 11th, 2006 at 6:50pm
I don't think Cait much cares for me anymore.

I think I crushed her very soul last night in that chat thing.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Cait on May 12th, 2006 at 12:21am
you give yourself way too much credit, wes.

 (...doesnt get crushed easily)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on May 12th, 2006 at 12:30am
Given the proper motivation, Wes can crush anything.  ANYTHING.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Cait on May 12th, 2006 at 12:32am
....honestly, please dont do anything too terribly mean.

i'm a weak little girl.  ;)

 (..."honestly officer, I had no idea that jaywalking was illegal in Pennsylvania!")

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by texfrost on May 12th, 2006 at 12:34am

b0b wrote on May 12th, 2006 at 12:30am:
Given the proper motivation, Wes can crush anything.  ANYTHING.


Think he could take out the transformer at school for me?

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Cait on May 12th, 2006 at 12:51am
yes, some great miracle...*cough*

   (... ;D)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on May 12th, 2006 at 7:31pm

DETROIT, Michigan (AP) -- The 2006 model year will be the last for the Hummer H1, the hulking, gas-guzzling status symbol that has attracted celebrities and off-road enthusiasts but has drawn the ire of environmentalists.


Goodbye Hummer, you will be missed.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Cait on May 12th, 2006 at 9:56pm

ding dong the hummer's dead, ding dong the wicked hummer's dead!!!!!

*celebrates the death of a truly ugly vehicle*


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by The_Fat_Man on May 12th, 2006 at 11:05pm
Whats ugly about a vehicle that can hit a rock going 45 and just bounce off? ;)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on May 12th, 2006 at 11:07pm
The saddest thing is that the real Hummer is dying, but the H2/H3 are still around.  Pathetic.

(...rolls his eyes.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by texfrost on May 13th, 2006 at 1:02am
I'll agree with that b0b.  Theres a reason I left posted the pic of that hummer H2 that got screwed up so badly in an accident...

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by texfrost on May 14th, 2006 at 1:25pm

Can we not make up our minds?  Lets complain about using Fossil Fuels for NRG, then lets come up with a new source of NRG, then lets complain that that new source will kill animals that most of us don't know about....

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on May 14th, 2006 at 3:40pm
BBC Interview Wrong Person

Instead of interviewing a guy with knowledge about iTunes, the BBC grabbed the guy's cabbie instead.  Video at the link.

(...found it highly amusing.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by texfrost on May 14th, 2006 at 8:30pm
Ugh.   Dialup sucks again.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by texfrost on May 14th, 2006 at 9:37pm


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on May 15th, 2006 at 4:43am

How is this an interesting news article?  And How does this story only allisit the word Oi?  Why does this story matter?

(We're not CNN here posting stories just for the heck of it)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on May 15th, 2006 at 8:38am
Full of sunshine and warmth today, are we?


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by texfrost on May 15th, 2006 at 12:13pm
I found it kinda interesting personally.  Being that the title of the thread is "Interesting News Article Thread" I figured it'd fit in here.  And "Oi" is my word for "wow" "goo" "wow" and so on.  I apologize for the possibility that whats interesting to me isn't interesting to I don't...cause I didn't do anything wrong...

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Cait on May 15th, 2006 at 12:14pm
none here. went to bed at 4:30 this morning. hecka tired and its gross outside.

  ( says "meh")

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on May 15th, 2006 at 4:50pm
Well I was just wondering why it was interesting.  If you post an article, I thought maybe you'd like to say why it's interesting to you.  I can see that if you were from Brazil and they were fighting over the proper way to say "ketshup" or "catshup".  But I was just wondering why you, I wasn't trying to insult your choice of article just that there was no discussion on it.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on May 16th, 2006 at 5:05pm
SpaceBalls meets reality...

TOKYO (Reuters) - Exhausted Japanese workers in need of a pick-me-up will soon be able to get a hit of canned oxygen at their local convenience store.

Seven-Eleven Japan will start marketing the new product, "O2 Supli," at select stores in the Tokyo area later this month and expand sales nationwide in June.

"People are under a lot of stress and can't get much exercise, so they aren't getting enough oxygen," said Minoru Matsumoto, a spokesman for Seven & I Holdings Co Ltd, Seven-Eleven's parent company.

"This is especially true of people who do long hours of desk work in front of a computer. They don't breathe that deeply."

The oxygen will be sold for 600 yen ($5.50) in 3.2-liter spray cans of 95 percent pure oxygen, each of which comes with a small plastic mask attached to the top.

Users place the mask over their mouth and nose, then push a nozzle, which dispenses the oxygen for two to three seconds.

Each can contains enough oxygen for about 35 doses, in either a grapefruit or peppermint fragrance.

"The peppermint should be really good for mornings when you're tired, or when you're driving, or when you really have to concentrate," Matsumoto said.

"The grapefruit should be good before you do sports or while you're working really late."

People involved in product testing gave favorable reports, Matsumoto said, noting that he had tried it himself.

"Everyone found it extremely refreshing," he added.

$5.50 for 35 breaths?  Wow.  A sign of the times, indeed!

(...sees that your schwartz is as big as his.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by texfrost on May 16th, 2006 at 5:12pm
I heard about that this morning on the radio but I wasn't sure how true it was.  Guess now I know the answer.  And they say American's are lazy and that we don't get out much.  How is it that they have canned O2 and stay skinny while we go outside and get fat?

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on May 16th, 2006 at 5:38pm

texfrost wrote on May 16th, 2006 at 5:12pm:
How is it that they have canned O2 and stay skinny while we go outside and get fat?

It might have something with them being the most industrious nation on the face of the planet, per capita.

(...bets that's it.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by texfrost on May 16th, 2006 at 5:44pm

b0b wrote on May 16th, 2006 at 5:38pm:

texfrost wrote on May 16th, 2006 at 5:12pm:
How is it that they have canned O2 and stay skinny while we go outside and get fat?

It might have something with them being the most industrious rediculous nation on the face of the planet, per capita.

(...bets that's it.)

Fixed it.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on May 17th, 2006 at 12:32am

texfrost wrote on May 16th, 2006 at 5:44pm:

b0b wrote on May 16th, 2006 at 5:38pm:

texfrost wrote on May 16th, 2006 at 5:12pm:
How is it that they have canned O2 and stay skinny while we go outside and get fat?

It might have something with them being the most industrious rediculous ridiculous nation on the face of the planet, per capita.

(...bets that's it.)

Fixed it.

Fixed it.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by texfrost on May 17th, 2006 at 12:34am
I knew that was coming but I was to bored/lazy to look up how to spell it.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on May 17th, 2006 at 2:03am

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on May 17th, 2006 at 10:17am
Wow Briney that must took a long time to type up that insult...good job!

(Really means it!)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on May 17th, 2006 at 10:34am
Bravo, Briney, most impressive!

( a standing ovation.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Cait on May 17th, 2006 at 11:35am
*golf clap*

   (...could go for some canned air this morning)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Cait on May 17th, 2006 at 12:23pm

By Jeannette Walls
Updated: 2:43 a.m. ET May 17, 2006
You know your hubby lacks class if even Janice Dickinson thinks he’s trashy.

Britney Spears, whose public image has taken a pounding lately, was critiqued by the likes of seventies supermodel Janice Dickinson — who thinks Spears needs an image overhaul and should dump husband Kevin Federline.

“I never found him hot at all. But she’s a hick anyway. She needs to get hot again. Stop clomping around in those Malibu flip-flops,” Dickinson told The Book Standard. Dickinson, whose book “Check Please: Mating, Dating, and Extricating” comes out next month, said she’d like to give Spears a makeover. “I would tar and feather her first of all, tell her to dump that [bleeping] hick husband of hers. She needs solid advice, and not from Hicksville.”

them was fightin' words.

  (....slow news day)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on May 17th, 2006 at 12:28pm
Best high school prank EVAR!!!!111


Muffins Send Teachers, School Staff To Hospital
Police: Muffins Apparently Laced With Harmful Ingredients

DALLAS -- A muffin mystery is surfacing at a North Texas school after a group of teachers who ate muffins possibly laced with dangerous ingredients were taken to a hospital Tuesday.

Three teachers and 15 support personnel at Lake Highlands High School were complaining of nausea and lightheadedness after eating the muffins at a staff lounge in what appears to be a deliberate incident.

"In talking to the staff members who were not feeling well, the common thread has been, they believe, traced to some muffins from the staff lounge," said school spokesman Tim Clark.

School surveillance video captured images of a man in his late teens or early 20s bringing the muffins to the school at about 8:15 a.m., NBC 5 News reported.

The FBI came to the school to test for a possible chemical or biological attack.

The daughter of an 86-year-old receptionist taken to Presbyterian Hospital said her mother tested positive for Benadryl and marijuana, and said her mother had not been using either, but had eaten a muffin at the school.

Only one of the victims, the receptionist, was admitted to the hospital.

The health department said tests should reveal what was in the muffins as early as Wednesday morning.

(...laughed for at least five seconds.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by computerjuvenile on May 17th, 2006 at 12:57pm
I wished I would have come up with that one first.

>> Atteberry

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on May 17th, 2006 at 1:04pm
Unless you want a felony on your record, more civil actions than you can shake a stick at, and a GED for a diploma, no... you don't. ;-)


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by computerjuvenile on May 17th, 2006 at 1:32pm
I wasen't literally going to do it, Bob.

Can you imagine me at home trying to bake muffins with marijuana laced in them.  Try explaining that to my father.

>> Atteberry

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on May 19th, 2006 at 12:14pm

BOSTON (Reuters) - Intel Corp. (Nasdaq:INTC - news) shares fell on Friday to a three-year low, after No. 1 personal computer maker Dell Inc. (Nasdaq:DELL - news) said it would begin using chips from smaller Intel rival Advanced Micro Devices Inc. (NYSE:AMD - news).

Dell said that for the first time in more than two decades Intel will no longer be its sole provider of computer microprocessors, or the brains that run computers.

Cool, good for AMD. I loved that last little line too, hehe.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on May 19th, 2006 at 1:12pm
It's about frickin' time that Dell started using AMD.  I wonder what finally made them fall over?

(...was wondering if it'd ever happen.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by computerjuvenile on May 19th, 2006 at 1:33pm
Why do you care Bob?  When was the last time you went out and bought a Dell?

The only Dell that I would get is the XPS laptop.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on May 19th, 2006 at 1:39pm
Yea but its good for AMD, which is good for me, cause thats the only processor ill ever use.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on May 19th, 2006 at 1:57pm
I recommend Dell almost exclusively for business use.  There's more to computers than gaming systems, Attebizzle.

(...points and laughs.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on May 19th, 2006 at 2:00pm

Dude.  Atlas Shrugged is going to be turned into a major motion picture.

By Hollywood.


(...curls up in a corner.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on May 19th, 2006 at 2:31pm
I like that favorite Ayn Rand book though is The Fountainhead...good stuff.  I don't buy her philosphy but it was still a good book.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on May 19th, 2006 at 2:55pm
"Are we to understand," asked the judge, "that you hold your own interests above the interests of the public?" "I hold that such a question can never arise except in a society of cannibals." -- Ayn Rand


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on May 20th, 2006 at 3:36pm
And you thought Wes had a drinking problem...


70,000 Beer Cans Found in Ogden Townhouse
May 17th, 2006 @ 9:38pm

John Hollenhorst reporting

A seemingly unbelievable mess discovered last year in an Ogden townhouse has suddenly become an Internet legend.

It's all TRUE!

You know how some people, after they use something, just can't bear to throw it away. That might make sense if it's magazines or clothes. But what if it's empty beer cans? In astounding numbers?

When property manager Ryan Froerer got a call from a realtor last year to check on a townhouse, he knew something was up.

Ryan Froerer, Century 21: "Said it was the sickest thing he's ever seen. Just unimaginable that someone could live in that."

He couldn't even open the front door. It was blocked from inside.

Ryan Froerer, Century 21: "There was beer cans I would say probably this high up on the door."

The realtor had forewarned him about the smell.

Ryan Froerer, Century 21: "He poked his head in, the smell was so awful he couldn't go in. "

At the back door, Froerer was astounded by what he saw in the kitchen.

Ryan Froerer, Century 21: "As we approached the door, there were beer boxes, all the way up to the ceiling."

Inside, he took just a few snapshots to document the scene. Beer cans by the tens of thousands. Mountains of cans burying the furniture. The water and heat were shut off, apparently on purpose by the tenant, who evidently drank Coors Light beer exclusively for the eight years he lived there.

Ryan Froerer, Century 21: "It's just unbelievable that a human being could live like that. "

To all outward appearances, the person who lived in the townhouse was the perfect tenant. He always paid on time and he never complained. He kept a low profile in the neighborhood.

Kirk Martin, Letter Carrier: : "Yeah I never delivered any mail there at all. I thought the apartment was vacant."

The cans were recycled for 800 dollars, an estimated 70,000 cans: 24 beers a day for 8 years.

Froerer e-mailed his photos to a couple of friends, who sent them to friends. Now he's getting calls from faraway places

Ryan Froerer, Century 21: "It's amazing how the internet can have the effect and get around. I'm sure it's been around the world. "

The townhouse was cleaned up last year and it's just fine today.

The man who lived there seems to be back on his feet. We spoke to him today and he says he's completely stopped drinking. He was welcomed back to his old job a few months ago, and his co-workers speak highly of him.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on May 20th, 2006 at 3:39pm
Hmm, let's think about some math...

70,000 Coors Light (12 oz cans) = 2,333 30-packs (cases)
2,333 cases @ $18/case = $42,000
$42,000 in 8 year time span = $5,250 per year
$5,250 per year = $437.50 per month
$437.50 per month = $109.38 each week
$109.38 each week  = $15.63 per DAY

That's about 26 beers a day.  Wow.

(...made some guesstimations.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on May 20th, 2006 at 5:34pm
Although it's $700,000 in returns in MI and $350,000 else where.  Right?


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on May 20th, 2006 at 6:38pm
It'd be $7,000 in returns (70,000 x $0.10).  That particular state doesn't have a can deposit, so they were just recycled for material value (i.e. scrap aluminum).

(...just the facts, ma'am.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on May 20th, 2006 at 7:46pm
Wow I so can't do math any more.  I must have been all geeked out from meeting this guy:

2.jpg (116 KB | )

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on May 20th, 2006 at 7:58pm
He's an imposter.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on May 20th, 2006 at 8:05pm
So, good guy eh?

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on May 20th, 2006 at 8:08pm
Oh he was awesome.  Was cool...funny, engaging, willing to talk and listen.  Good guy all around.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on May 21st, 2006 at 12:51am
Spill the details, Stewie.  Where did you meet him?  What'd he talk about?

(...thinks this proves Picard is better.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on May 21st, 2006 at 12:55am


Student nabbed in alleged food-fight plot

Brent Whiting
The Arizona Republic
May. 19, 2006 02:20 PM

A student at Mountain Ridge High School was arrested Friday by Glendale police for allegedly plotting to stage a food fight in the school cafeteria.

The boy, a 17-year-old junior, was taken into custody at the Glendale school then placed in a juvenile detention center on a charge of disrupting an educational facility, police said.

Jeff Payne, the student's father, said the food fight never happened, so he can't understand why his son was arrested.

"Shame on him for planning a food fight," Payne said. "But there was no food fight and he's in jail right now."

School officials have taken further action by slapping the student with a suspension, said Sandi Hicks, a spokeswoman for the Deer Valley Unified School District.

The food fight, which had been planned on an Internet Web site, was supposed to occur Thursday, but school officials got wind of the plot, Hicks said.

Extra teachers and security were posted in the school cafeteria and nothing happened, Hicks said. Officials were back on guard Friday and again foiled a possible outbreak of tossed food, she said.

Officer Mike Peña, a Glendale police spokesman, said the student was confronted with Web postings in which investigators believe he planned the food fight.

School administrators were specifically singled out as food-fight targets, Peña said. The boy was taken into custody after he became very uncooperative, he said.

Don't you all feel so much safer now that this nefarious criminal has been removed from our society?

(...thinks John Belushi is rolling over in his grave right now.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by The_Fat_Man on May 21st, 2006 at 1:35am
You got to meet Brent Spiner? I fucking hate you.  Did you at least let him know I'd bear his children for him?

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by texfrost on May 21st, 2006 at 1:53am
And how much exactly does that say Wes?

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Cait on May 21st, 2006 at 6:51pm
heavens no! anything but a food fight!

*runs away crying*

 (...had a guy friend in high school who was suspended for throwing a raisin at one of our other friends (one single measley raisin)).

  (..tried to get a mental image of Wes pregnant...but all I could see was....Wes) *ducks*

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on May 22nd, 2006 at 10:22am

Spill the details, Stewie.  Where did you meet him?  What'd he talk about?

I went to a comic book convention in Novi, MI.  It was awesome, thousands of geeks all in one place.  It reminded me of Celebration II a bit.  The following is basically our convo:

X: Hello, Mr. Spiner, a pleasure to meet you (shakes hands).
Spiner:  Hey thanks for coming out.  What's your name?
X: Patrick.
S: *weird voice* Patrick.
X: Ya know I love Data but my favorite character of yours was Dr. Okum (from Independence Day).
S: Oh really? Ha ha.  I liked him too.
X:  It's someone I could relate too.  Ha Ha.
S: Ha. Ha.  Yeah I still have faith that he could come back.
X:  Yeah he was great.  He kinda did in the second book.
S: Yeah but it was a prequil.
X:  Right Right but still awesome.
S:  Well I liked him and wouldn't mind playing him again.  Here ya go *hands me a signed picture*
X:  Do you think I could impose to get a picture.
S:  *Cheerfully* Oh sure sure!
*Take picture...see above*
S:  A pleasure to meet you Patrick.
X: No no Mr. Spiner the pleasure was all mine.

Did you at least let him know I'd bear his children for him?

Ya know...somehow that subject never came up.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on May 22nd, 2006 at 1:39pm
Boondock Saints, one of the best movies of all time, is going to be back in theatres tonight only as a marketing pitch for the new "special edition" DVD.

(...can't drive to Fort Wayne to see it, though.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Cait on May 22nd, 2006 at 1:41pm
...i still havent watched that whole movie. i only caught like, the first bit of it and then had to go do something.


      (...feck! ass!)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on May 22nd, 2006 at 2:34pm
You must watch it, it's one of the best movies to ever be graced by my attendance.  It quite possibly has the best ending of any movie ever.

(...wonders if this is an early indicator of a sequel?)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on May 22nd, 2006 at 5:30pm
Its playing in Livonia, 15 mins from my house, if you leave now, you can make it.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on May 26th, 2006 at 1:34am

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Imagine an invisibility cloak that works just like the one Harry Potter inherited from his father.

Researchers in England and the United States think they know how to do that. They are laying out the blueprint and calling for help in developing the exotic materials needed to build a cloak.

The keys are special manmade materials, unlike any in nature or the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. These materials are intended to steer light and other forms of electromagnetic radiation around an object, rendering it as invisible as something tucked into a hole in space.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on May 26th, 2006 at 2:55am
Ya know I think the scariest thing about that article is the headline.  They actually knew the HP inherited the cloak from his pop.  Good when is Bragelina's baby coming...oh who cares about Genocide in Darfor.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on May 26th, 2006 at 10:55am
My brain hurts.

(...thinks it might've been the steel wool.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Cait on May 29th, 2006 at 11:48pm
  -Brangelina had their baby yesterday or saturday, I do believe. a girl named Shiloh Jolie-Pitt.

                  :) Cait
                          (...resident pop-culture whore)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on May 30th, 2006 at 12:31am
Did you just call yourself a whore?  ;D

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Cait on May 30th, 2006 at 12:53am
what, did I stutter?

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on May 30th, 2006 at 1:15am
I guess not, whore.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on May 30th, 2006 at 10:20am

MediaMaster wrote on May 30th, 2006 at 1:15am:
I guess not, whore.


(...suffocates from laughing too hard.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by The_Fat_Man on May 31st, 2006 at 12:38am
Damn you just got burned by Briney Cait.  That's like...200 times worse than a normal burn.

You'll have emotional scars someday.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on May 31st, 2006 at 10:39am
Dude, somebody hurry up and Print Screen that before Briney denies it's existence!


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Cait on May 31st, 2006 at 2:17pm
i dont really care. i've been called "whore" before.

if thats briney's best burn, he totally let me down.

it really wasnt that funny.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on May 31st, 2006 at 2:19pm
It wasn't really a burn, but then again, I am not known for burning. I pretty much sit back and take it. <- quote

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on May 31st, 2006 at 9:33pm



(...laughs at the double entendré.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by texfrost on May 31st, 2006 at 10:51pm
Big words there b0b...

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jun 1st, 2006 at 11:34am

Originally Posted By Dance:
Panel: N.C. Should Pay for 1898 Race Riot

Associated Press Writer

RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) -- A state-appointed commission is urging North Carolina to provide reparations for the 1898 racial violence that sparked an exodus of more than 2,000 black residents from Wilmington.

The 500-page report that was produced after six years of study also said the violence, which killed as many as 60 people, was not a spontaneous riot but rather the nation's only recorded coup d'etat.

"There is no amount of money that can repair what happened years ago and compensate for the loss of lives and the loss of property," said vice chairman Irving Joyner, a professor at N.C. Central School of Law.

The commission did not provide any cost estimates, although compensation advocate Larry Thomas of Chapel Hill estimated that the economic losses calculated today are "probably in the billions of dollars."
Along with compensation to victims' descendants, the commission also recommended incentives for minority small businesses and help for minority home ownership. It also recommended that the history of the incident be taught in public schools.

State Rep. Thomas Wright, a Democrat who helped establish and chair the panel, said the next step is to file a bill in the Legislature with the recommendations. That won't happen before 2007 because the filing deadline for this session has passed.

The 1898 violence began when white vigilantes, resentful after years of black and Republican political rule during Reconstruction, burned the printing press of a black newspaper publisher, Alexander Manly.

Violence spread, resulting in an exodus of 2,100 blacks, the commission concluded. Then the largest city in the state, Wilmington flipped from a black majority to a white majority in the months that followed.

Before the violence, which led to a Democratic takeover from Republicans and Populists, black men in North Carolina had been able to vote for about three decades. But Democrats quickly passed voter literacy tests and a grandfather clause, which disenfranchised black voters until the civil rights movement of the 1960s.

"The growth of Wilmington was stunted as a result of what happened in 1898," Joyner said. "Wilmington has never recovered economically, socially or politically."

Wilmington likely became a "catalyst" for the violent white supremacist movement around the country, with other states taking note, said Lerae Umfleet, the state's lead researcher.

"Jim Crow had passed in a few other states," Umfleet said. "But the whole white supremacy campaign in North Carolina was watched around the country. People built on what happened in Wilmington."

Some previous historical accounts had portrayed the incident as spontaneous, although more recently, historians have described it as a coup d'etat.

"This sets the record straight," Wright said. "Now there is an official document confirming this part of North Carolina's - and America's - history. Nowhere in the United States has a legitimate government ever been overthrown."

While we're at it, why don't we pay reparations for slavery, too?


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Jun 1st, 2006 at 9:04pm
When I read this story I thought only one thing...

Teen Arrested For Allegedly Spiking Rival's Drink With Bleach
Police Say Teen Wanted Lead Role In Play

POSTED: 12:53 pm EDT June 1, 2006
UPDATED: 1:13 pm EDT June 1, 2006
Email This Story | Print This Story
HURST, Texas -- A North Texas teenager has been arrested for allegedly putting beach into another student's soda.

Katherine Smith, 18, turned herself in to the Tarrant County Jail. She faces a felony charge of tampering with a consumer product.

"(The alleged victim) noticed that the seal was already broken and then she went ahead and opened it and smelled it and thought it smelled unusual and she was suspicious of the contents," said Judy Ramos, a spokeswoman for the Hurst-Euless-Bedford Independent School District.

The 16-year-old alleged victim, who was the star in the school play, did not take a drink of the Mountain Dew, but instead went to the principal's office.

Police said Smith was the understudy and wanted the lead role, and they believe she tainted the soda with bleach.

Investigators said lab tests came back positive for byproducts of bleach.

Detectives issued an arrest warrant a week ago.

Smith is free on $2,500 bond. If convicted, Smith could face 20 years in prison.

School officials said Smith was placed in an alternative school and was barred from the senior prom and graduation ceremony. DARE he ruin the drink of the Dew of the Mountain!  I hope he gets the max!


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jun 2nd, 2006 at 12:39am
You mean she?

(...wants a Dew of the Mountain-flavored water from Bell of Taco.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Jun 2nd, 2006 at 2:08am
Yeah sorry about that...I hope she gets the max!


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jun 2nd, 2006 at 11:45am
I'm sure she's just a poor, innocent, misguided youth, forced into the situation by the pressures of society.

( lying, of course.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on Jun 2nd, 2006 at 12:44pm
I blame violent video games.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jun 2nd, 2006 at 12:46pm
I blame Canada.

(...especially the Frenchies.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Cait on Jun 2nd, 2006 at 5:13pm
i blame politics.

and science.

and Barney.

          (...never trust a purple dinosaur. or the Burger King.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on Jun 13th, 2006 at 6:43am

NEW YORK (Reuters) - The newspapers of the future - cheap digital screens that can be rolled up and stuffed into a back pocket - have been just around the corner for the last three decades.

But as early as this year, the future may finally arrive. Some of the world's top newspapers publishers are planning to introduce a form of electronic newspaper that will allow users to download entire editions from the Web on to reflective digital screens said to be easier on the eyes than light-emitting laptop or cellphone displays.

Flexible versions of these readers nay be available as early as 2007.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Jun 13th, 2006 at 10:27am


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jun 13th, 2006 at 3:36pm

One man's memorial to Hitler
Despite potential controversy, a former SS officer set to open a memorial near Millard
By Donna Lenz Wright/The Week (Walworth County, Wisconsin)
June 9, 2006

"Hitler did nothing.

"When the war happened, he tried everything diplomatic--everything.

"The soldiers of the Third Reich never stole anything. I fought next to them. They were good men. Never times were they bad.

"Not one person was gassed to death in the Third Reich."

This is what Ted Junker of Millard believes.

Junker says he was born in 1919 in Germany and fought as a German Waffen-Schutzstaffel (SS) officer during World War II.

For 60 years he has mulled over what he remembers happening during those years. And in the years since he has come to see those events as totally opposite from how they are commonly told.

"When I was laying in bed at night, I would ask, 'How is it possible that people get so misinformed?'" he says through a strong German accent.

So Junker figured he'd do something big to tell his side of the story.

He built a large hall and monument honoring the legacy of Adolf Hitler and the German Allied forces.

Junker will hold a grand opening Sunday, June 25 beginning at 11 a.m.

Down a mile-long winding dirt drive, past pastures, fields, a gravel pit and around a pond, lies Yunker's quaint, inviting farmstead. Around the last bend a building comes into view on the left that doesn't go with the rest of the spread.

On its side, large black-on-white letters greet visitors that stand out so strongly that they're impossible to ignore:

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

It's our own First Amendment.

"I put that there so people shouldn't be afraid," Junker said. "But they are afraid. But I thought when they see the First Amendment maybe they not so much be afraid."

Atop the Honorary Hall, which is built into a hillside, is a gigantic black marble monument, "dedicated to those German and other European heroes who fell in World War II, as well as to all victims of (German) Allied persecution and genocide. May God ever be with them," as it's engraved in the center.

On its left side, the Waffen-SS soldiers' countries are listed.

On its right side, SS death totals are broken down: 4.25 million.

Total war related deaths among Germany's allies "for freedom in Europe:" 15 million.

Under the dedication in the center, those who died after Germany's defeat are honored: 10 million.

Germans driven from their homes after the war: 17 million.

"After the war we lost our home too," Junker lamented. "After the war I had one pair of shoes and those were for Sunday, so I went barefoot. We lost everything."

Descending the hill to the front of the hall, two doors on each corner frame a curtain "so nobody gets a heart attack," Junker joked. As he retracts the curtain, the message-again large black-on-white letters-reveals the purpose of the building:

Honorary Hall for Adolf Hitler

Before you pass judgment,

Give careful and equal

Consideration to both sides.

Have courage

To stand for the truth.

The truth shall set you free.

Through the doors is a large, mostly empty hall. The walls are white and the carpet is an unassuming brown tone. A long wooden conference table is in the foreground of the hall. On each side are wooden shelves of books. And across the back wall is a huge red velvet curtain.

As Junker opens the curtain, the display slowly emerges.

Hitler's face stares back from two large photos. One sits atop a pedestal that will soon hold a bust of Hitler, Junker said. It's a dashing young Hitler in his SS uniform, swastika on his left arm sleeve. The other, much larger portrait is a close-up face shot. It sits in front of the pedestal on a large black box.

On the wall behind the photos is a huge Nazi flag on the right, and an equally-sized American flag on the left.

On each side of the flags are more messages important to Junker. Among the messages are, "Hitler did not start World War II," "Hitler advocated for Aryans but respected all races" and "Hitler united the German people and had a goal to unite Europe."

In the center, above the photos and between the flags the message says:

Naturgesetze Erkennen

Und danach handeln

Translated into English is:

Get to know the laws of nature

And live by them

But why would Junker feel the need to build such a large and obviously expensive monument of this nature so long after the war?

"The winner of the war writes the history, you see," Junker said. "Most people don't know what was really going on."

Junker says that for all of these years he lay awake nights thinking over what he perceives is a horrible wrong. He says Hitler's messages have been completely misconstrued and that the Nazi Party has been unjustifiably damned.

"Hitler gave dignity back to his people," Junker asserts. "Hitler united German people. His book, "Mein Kampf," provided direction for the future. He brought jobs, food and dignity back to the German people."

Junker says he remembers life before and after Hitler was elected Germany's chancellor in 1933, and the years after were far better than the those before.

"They even talk that Hitler was against the church," he said. "That's the biggest lie because he especially made laws to save the church.

"How the can people judge when for 60 years they just listen to one side?" he asks. "Not even the best judge can rule when he doesn't listen to the other side. People have only heard one side."
Becoming an SS officer

Junker spent his teen years in Romania. As Hitler was becoming more powerful, the Germans in his village were persecuted by the officials and the locals, he says. They weren't given the educational and occupational opportunities that the others were given.

"Romania was with their heart and soul French," he remembers. "(The persecution) was natural because France and England want war with Germany."

Junker and his friends would gather and sing German songs, he said. "In Romania you had to be quiet about Hitler. But we were German and we were singing German songs, but they said we were singing Hitler songs so they put me in jail.

"When we go evening out, the police came, they hit us, pushed us. I was four times in jail for nothing."

While he was in jail, pro-Hitler movements were gaining strength in Germany. Once he got out, he decided to go to Germany.

"Romanian jail is not like the United States," he said. "They were bad. They cut all your hair. There were bugs. They give you no food. It was real bad. So I decided to go to Germany and become an SS soldier."

So he set off on foot to see if he could enlist. He walked all the way to Germany and found a recruiting camp.

"That was in the Wiermacht Camp. There was over 40 young boys, they all wanted to go to the SS. The SS was very strict. You have to be naked and look how your bodies, your eyes, your teeth. From these 40 boys they picked just four, and I was one," he said proudly.

This is another major point of contention with Junker, that young men were forced to become SS soldiers.

"Today if somebody says he was pressed (in)to the SS, that's the biggest lie. They never took a single one who wasn't free."

In all, Junker says was wounded six times during the war and was in more than one prison camp. He waited five years to be able to come to the United States, and as soon as he could, he moved to the Chicago area.

And his pride in being an SS officer is as strong today as it was then. His comrades were honest and dutiful, he said.

"In the Third Reich the youth groups were so well educated and controlled in this manner. They wasn't allowed dope-it never existed in the Third Reich. You would never see smoking, never. We were healthy men."
On racism

Contrary to how Hitler has been portrayed, his being a racist was one of the largest fallacies, Junker believes.

"They said he was a racist. It's a lie. He advocated for, he was in favor of these people. He respected other races."

But things did change in regard to German feelings about Jews in 1933, he says. Two months after Hitler was elected the World Jewish Organization declared war on Germany.

Junker says that only then did Germans begin distrusting the Jews

In fact, Junker believes that Hitler himself did more to help the Jews than any other person or government of the time.
On concentration camps

While Junker wholeheartedly disbelieves the stories of mass executions in concentration camps, he doesn't deny that people were moved into the camps and in some cases deported.

"Why did they put them in them in the concentration camp? Why did United States put the Germans, Italians and the Japanese into camps?" he asked rhetorically. "Hitler did nothing against the law."

As for the film and photo footage of the concentration camps shown over and over through the years, Junker insists it's fabricated.

"It's Hollywood," he said. "It's proven already 30 years that experts from the United States, Austria and Germany. They didn't find in the walls residue from the gas like they say. Nothing is there. They didn't find corpses. They didn't find ashes."

The Institute for Historical Review (IHR), the experts Junker cites, does claim to have done extensive research at the camp sites. According to their Web site they don't dispute the fact that large numbers of Jews were deported to the camp, or that many died there, particularly of typhus and other diseases. But the evidence they present shows that Auschwitz was not an extermination center and that the story of mass killings in 'gas chambers' is a myth.

Confessions by Nazis were coerced and obtained through torture, they claim. The group also cites that upon firsthand inspection, the facilities were not equipped to be used as gas chambers or mass crematories.

"They want to have an open debate already for over 25 years," Junker says. "But nobody will debate them. You see, in history people lie."
How does an SS officer end up in Wisconsin?

Junker and his late wife moved to Walworth County in 1963 and raised their family. He loves the United States, he said, and would never want to live anywhere else.

"We couldn't come here the first five years after the war, so I came after that."

He isn't concerned about people disapproving of his Honorary Hall to Hitler, as it is what makes the United States so wonderful-the freedom of speech, he says.

His children have voiced their concerns and tried to persuade him to write a book instead, but he would not be deterred.

"I didn't build this so nobody knows it," he said. "I've been a peaceful man since I've been in the United States.

"That's why I made it here, in the middle of the country. Not in Milwaukee or big city. So if people don't want to see it, they don't. But if they do, it's here."

Even in Germany people can't speak freely about Hitler, the war or any of the associated stories, he said. "I'm so glad I'm alive in this world. In Germany you no can do this, they'll put you in jail."

But on the chance that he does get into some sort of trouble for his monument, Junker has taken steps to save his farm.

"I changed my will. I don't want (my family) to spend any money when they put me in jail," he said.

But the importance of his message pulled him so strongly, he felt he needed to speak his truth about what happened as he saw it in the 1930s, 1940s and the years since.

"I thought if I could do something for the world, or the United States, I would do this in my last days.

"When you know Hitler, he is the greatest guy ever existed. But I don't can change the minds of the people. But what he did-he was the greatest leader ever."
The grand opening

Junker is holding a grand opening for his monument and honorary hall on June 25 at 11 a.m. He will welcome anyone interested in visiting and talking on that day or by appointment. The monument is located at 6360 County Road A, Elkhorn.

There are pictures at the link.

In America, everyone has a constitutional right to be an idiot.  This man has chosen to exercise that right.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on Jun 15th, 2006 at 11:05pm
I just saw and advance screening of "Who Killed the Electric Car" amd it was a very good flick. I recommend it to all of you. It describes the creation of a car fully independant of gas, oil, and all that engine maintenance, and its destruction by its own maker, GM. Oil companies lobbied the government, and sued California's Clean air bill, and basically made it impossible to get one of these cars. Now the government pushes hydrogen fuel, an extremely experimental and expensive (1 mill per car) technology when weve had a relatively cheaper and gas free vehicle for a long time.

Good flick.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jun 16th, 2006 at 9:33am
It's about time someone publicized the issue.

(...wants a flying car, too.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Jun 22nd, 2006 at 4:25pm
Sweet sassy mallassy!!!

If you read way down to the bottom of a Wall Street Journal interview with Bill Gates that ran yesterday, you'll discover that the Microsoft executive admitted to watching pirated movies on the Internet. The confession came as he was talking about content he had viewed on YouTube. Here's part of the exchange:

   WSJ: You watch physics lectures and Harlem Globetrotters [on YouTube]?

   Gates: This social-networking thing takes you to crazy places.

   WSJ: But those were stolen, correct?

   Gates: Stolen's a strong word. It's copyrighted content that the owner wasn't paid for. So yes.

The Internet's biggest social failure has been that it has served as enabling technology for rampant cheating and theft - and the rationalization of it. The Internet makes stealing so easy that most people don't even think about it.

Bill Gates' comments would appear to be a case in point. You can hear the wheels turning as Gates thinks through the reality of his actions before finally admitting that he has indeed downloaded and consumed copyrighted content.

If you have a WSJ subscription you can view the story, Bill Gates on ...the Competition here.

Me: Your honor...I would like to refer you to "Bill Gates does it!!!"
Judge:  Case dismissed!
Everyone: Hazaaaaaa!


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Jun 23rd, 2006 at 11:57am


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Jun 26th, 2006 at 7:07pm

Ya know I never really like Iron Man all that much (not Eric...I love him..he's soooo dreamy) because I just viewed him as someone who uses tech as a "super power".  Unlike Batman, who I wouldn't call a superhero, I don't think Ironman was that much of a person to look towards.  He might be crippled (the first Iron Man was however other versions have him just normal) but he was too rich.  He wasn't at all like a Bruce Wayne type character with a dark background and something to fight for.

Anyone else?


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on Jun 27th, 2006 at 3:37am
Superman = not my idea of a superhero, just some dude with natural abilities, yadda yadda...

normal people that overcome difficulties and invent/use tools that elevate them to something greater = superhero.

then again thats just me, I still love superman and Xmen and all that jazz... but batman is the best.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jun 27th, 2006 at 10:54am
I agree.  Batman could beat Superman like a red-headed stepchild with sheer ingenuity.

( a huge thumbs up.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Cait on Jun 27th, 2006 at 11:03am
and the X-Men could take both of those tight-wearing pussies down.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Jun 27th, 2006 at 11:04am
While I have conflicts with both, as with any good hero/heroine, Superman could easily win.  Heat vision...boom! batman dead.  Batman would have to come prepared.  Like a suit made out of kryponite, a gun with kryponite bullets, get the first shot before superspeed.

One of the things I don't like about the new Supermans is that unlike the original he's just too powerful.  If you look back at the older comics Superman stood on the line between bad and good.  Oh sure he never stole or killed anyone.  But his temper and inner sadness of being alone was shown to be a more vulnerability then the big K.  However people started to look at him in the "boy scout" kinda way and he always kept a good and calm head.  This is the reason why I like superheros/heros.  You have vulnerabilities sure...but the mental and psychological ones showed that even with great power they were still human/humanlike with character flaws that you could relate to.  Wolverine had his temper that he had to get under control but could never quite get over the pain, Strom was clastraphobic, Spiderman had to deal with the seperate personality of Peter Parker and being torn between doing the best for the greater amount of people or helping his loved ones and himself.  Batman had the demons that plagued him from his parent's death and his travels.  The Shadow had a tempter and the ability to do evil.  The Hulk was the flaw for Bruce Banner.  These were the things that made the story lines not so linear.  Superman sees evil...superman confronts evil...superman quickly defeat evil...superman flys away.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jun 27th, 2006 at 11:09am
Sauron could beat all of them to a bloody pulp.

( there.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Cait on Jun 27th, 2006 at 11:20am
sauron? who the eff is that? a dinosaur?

ok, b0b. learn a lesson: if I dont know who the heck that is---then they sure as hell could not take down the x-men, OR even those two yuppies in tights.

for rizzle.

    (will only agree to the arguement that Chuck Norris could take them all down with one round house kick to the face!)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jun 27th, 2006 at 11:39am
You don't know who Sauron is?  Do you live in a bubble?


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Cait on Jun 27th, 2006 at 12:20pm
thats the most ass-backwards question any one has ever asked me.

think about it.

   ( the mood to fight!)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jun 27th, 2006 at 12:42pm
You'll lose.

( just stating a fact.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on Jun 27th, 2006 at 1:41pm;_ylt=AgGV6L4NSCfRFwR5F_veaSwUvioA;_ylu=X3oDMTBiMW04NW9mBHNlYwMlJVRPUCUl

NIZMIT HILL, Israel (Reuters) - Israeli tanks and troops massed near Gaza on Tuesday for a threatened offensive against Palestinian militants as the Israeli government said it would target Hamas leaders if an abducted soldier was not freed.

In northern Gaza, Palestinians blocked roads with dirt and barbed wire. Militants wielding automatic rifles and anti-tank rockets rigged explosive devices along a road as tensions hit their highest since
Israel quit Gaza nearly a year ago.

Israel has 100 tanks and a crap ton of soldiers waiting at the border for the Go order.

This is going to get ugly fast.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jun 27th, 2006 at 2:07pm
I've been following this for a couple of days now.  It looks like Israel is also preparing for some sort of aerial assault on "Palestine." *cough*

Screw Hamas.  You've got to give it up for Israel, though - they've got some massive, massive balls.

(...hunkers down.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Jun 27th, 2006 at 2:34pm
Well shoot...if I had God's help in maintaining my homeland...I'd be confident too!


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jun 27th, 2006 at 2:50pm

( old skewl.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Cait on Jun 27th, 2006 at 3:10pm
i wont lose.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jun 27th, 2006 at 3:46pm
Oh, but you already have...

(...didn't anyone tell you?)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Cait on Jun 27th, 2006 at 6:33pm
what exactly is it that i've lost?

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jun 28th, 2006 at 11:54am


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on Jun 28th, 2006 at 2:20pm

Israeli warplanes fired at least nine missiles at Gaza's only power station, cutting electricity to 65% of the Gaza Strip, engineers at the station said.

The station's three functioning turbines and a petrol reservoir were engulfed in flames. The airstrike will also affect water supplies to the Palestinians because pumps in Gaza are powered by electricity.

I don't like Israel's warmongering. They are just as bad or worse than the US. They were just waiting and/or orchestrated the kidnapping of the Israeli soldier so they could go into Gaza again. They blew up all of Gaza's main bridges "cutting Gaza in two" as it was said. And then took out most of their power. Thats just rediculous. I thought they were doing a search and rescue, not pacification.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jun 28th, 2006 at 3:01pm
I call bull.  If Israel wanted "warmongering" in Gaza, they never would've pulled out in the first place (something Wes's Mom should've tried *zing*).

Hamas made it quite clear they were responsible for the kidnapping, so the conspiracy theory is totally unfounded.  Israel = fire.  You play with fire, you get burned.

(...that is all.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on Jun 28th, 2006 at 3:06pm
theres a ton of palestinians in israeli jails. I call kidnapping on israel, lets go bomb them. I call bull on you. None of those actions are justified.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jun 28th, 2006 at 3:07pm
Oh come on, you didn't even laugh at the joke...

(...put a lot of effort into that one.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on Jun 28th, 2006 at 3:09pm
hehe i see it now.  ;D that was pretty good

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jun 28th, 2006 at 3:30pm
I hope he won't sit on me next weekend.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on Jun 28th, 2006 at 8:49pm
A guy that feels sorta like I do about Israel's actions today:

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jun 28th, 2006 at 10:56pm
Let's take a stab at that misguided liberal tripe article...

Let's ignore for a second that the Israeli response to a single kidnapped soldier was to blow up the only power plant in Gaza and invade the territory with enough troops and tanks to take a small country.  That in itself crossed the line of necessity.

How many kidnapped soldiers are too many, Briney?  If one isn't enough, how about two?  Ten?  A hundred?

In your mind, where does Israel draw the line and shove their collective boots up the Palestinian Authority's rear end?

If that soldier was your brother, father, son, uncle, or even yourself, would you be so non-chalant about allowing the action to go uncorrected?

If I were the Prime Minister of Israel, I would do everything in my power to bring that kid home safely.  Most military units live, breathe, and die by the motto "nobody gets left behind."  Knowing what Islamic extremists do to captured soldiers (and civilians, for that matter), the Israeli government has an obligation to use whatever force is necessary to bring their soldier back home.

If only the US had the cajones to treat kidnappings of their own citizens and soldiers with the same contempt...

(...would've blown the power plant up, too.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jun 28th, 2006 at 11:12pm
The ante has just been upped, and quite significantly at that...


GAZA (Reuters) - A spokesman for gunmen in the Gaza Strip said they had fired a rocket tipped with a chemical warhead at Israel early on Thursday.

The Israeli army had no immediate comment on the claim by the spokesman from the al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, an armed wing of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas's Fatah movement.

The group had recently claimed to possess about 20 biological warheads for the makeshift rockets commonly fired from Gaza at Israeli towns. This was the first time the group had claimed firing such a rocket.

"The al-Aqsa Brigades have fired one rocket with a chemical warhead" at southern Israel, Abu Qusai, a spokesman for the group, said in Gaza.

An Israeli military spokeswoman said the army had not detected that any such rocket was fired, nor was there any report of such a weapon hitting Israel.

The Palestinian Authority might possible be the dumbest bunch of idiots on the face of the planet.  They're just begging for the Gaza Strip to be turned into the biggest piece of glass on earth.  Seriously, regardless of whether you think they're right or wrong, you have to admit that they're freakin' retarded.

(...thinks Abbas needs to resign yesterday.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on Jun 29th, 2006 at 12:05am
Look Bob, I know that kidnapping is wrong, but what the hell, the Israelis have been doing that for years. If you so much as look the wrong way at them, the will hold you for questioning, indefinatly. Its rediculous! Dont lecture me on whether or not if this man was my brother or father... Plenty of honest "brothers and fathers" have been killed by Israeli soldiers. The crimes go both ways here. Thats all im trying to say. Israel is not some all-righteous country immune of all blame and ill doings. They have been shelling random Palestinian towns for weeks here, not caring who they hit. Many Israeli columnists refer to the Palestinians as less than human, as monsters who dont deserve to live.

Its that kind of thinking that starts genocide. And I am not taking sides here Im just pissed off that an obviously over aggressive action is seen as justified.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jun 29th, 2006 at 1:05am
I don't think anyone has the first clue what Israel and the Palestinian Authority have been doing in the past, so I'm focusing solely on the present.

Agents of the Palestinian Authority violated Israel's border and kidnapped one of their soldiers.  Those are facts, and - to the best of my knowledge - are not under dispute.

Kidnapping is a hostile action, and hostile actions committed by one sovereign power upon another through use of force is considered an act of war.

If Canada sent a platoon of Royal Marines into the United States to forcibly kidnap a random soldier from Fort Hood, I can pretty much guarantee you it'd be an international incident.  Why is it any different when the Palestinian Authority does the same thing to Israel?  Overreaction my butt.  If I was the Prime Minister I would shove my foot straight down Abbas's throat until he returned my soldier unharmed.  It is patently ridiculous to assert that Israel is "overreacting" by responding to the continuous assaults on their border towns and the kidnapping of the soldier and citizen.

Unless you want to get stomped on, you don't kidnap soldiers from neighboring countries without provocation, and you sure as heck don't fire rockets at their border towns.  Has Israel made mistakes in the past?  Absolutely.  So has the Palestinian Authority.  The PA wouldn't even exist if it wasn't for Israel giving them the Gaza Strip.  Within days of moving into the Strip, the Al Aqsa Martyr's Brigade fired Qassam rockets across the border into Israeli towns.  If that's not a crappy way to say "thanks," I don't know what is.  The Palestinian Authority knew Israel was going to retaliate, even if they underestimated the degree to which Israel would respond.  

The point is this: Don't mess with Israel and you won't get your crap blown up.  Period.  End of story.  There's nothing more to see here, folks.

( dot dot.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jun 29th, 2006 at 2:42pm
Panoramic view of the bridge the Israeli's destroyed.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jun 29th, 2006 at 2:58pm

An acquaintance told me she read that Russia is sending (probably selling) advanced anti-aircraft missles to Syria in response to the Israeli overflights according to a Hebrew website. If true, this could get messy fast.

That's all the more reason to get ready for WWIII to break out in the Middle East any time now. There's too many catalysts at work that could spark it.  And with oil in such great demand right now worldwide, once things break lose, all the world powers are gonna get pulled in one way or another, including the US, Russia and probably China too, as qwell as all the local players.  And if this situation doesn't escalate to that level, we don't know what the Iran situation is going to lead to, so we best be ready for nearly anything right now.  We are living in dangerous days.

(...wonders if he should segregate this into a separate thread?)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jun 29th, 2006 at 3:13pm
An update on the missile thing.  

According to the Russian language website, Russia has given advanced "Strela" missles to Syria so the president will "feel safe."

The escalation continues.  I think "Strela" refers to the SA-18 GROUSE advanced shoulder-fired heat-seeking missile.  This could very well end up being a much bigger fight than Israel and the Palestinians.  Israel wants the Hamas ringleader Syria is protecting because he calls the shots for Hamas from afar.  That's the #1 dog they're after, and if Syria continues to protect him, they're risking their entire country for one guy.  I'd say Damascus has some problems coming up.

According to Al Jazeera...

Israel arrests Hamas leadership
Thursday 29 June 2006, 5:01 Makka Time, 2:01 GMT

Hamas officials said more than 30 lawmakers have been arrested in the West Bank.

Other reports peg the number closer to 64 arrest, including approximately one-third of the President's cabinet.  Also, from the Jerusalem Post...

Defense Minister Amir Peretz revealed on Thursday that a "surprising diplomatic breakthrough" was possible in the attempts to release kidnapped Cpl. Gilad Shalit, but did not elaborate on the development.

We'll see.

(...has no clue which way this thing is going.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jun 29th, 2006 at 3:17pm
The second person that was kidnapped this week has been executed.  Savages...

Palestinian Group Says Israeli Executed
Jun 28 8:37 PM US/Eastern

GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip

A Palestinian militant group said early Thursday it executed an 18- year-old Israeli settler kidnapped earlier in the West Bank. The statement from the Popular Resistance Committees in Gaza said the settler, Eliahu Asheri, had been executed.

The group, which has links to the ruling Hamas, had threatened to execute the Israeli if Israel did not halt its invasion of Gaza.

Palestinian security officials in the West Bank city of Ramallah said they believed a body had been found.

Israeli forces arrested the deputy prime minister of the Hamas government, two other Cabinet ministers and four lawmakers in a raid on a complex of buildings in the West Bank city of Ramallah, Palestinian security officials said. Israeli forces also arrested Labor Minister Mohammed Barghouti. All those arrested were from Hamas.

Earlier Wednesday, Air strikes and sonic booms shook Gaza as Israeli troops backed by tanks penetrated the impoverished coastal strip in a massive show of might designed to force Islamic militants to free a soldier whose fate has jolted Mideast politics.

In a bold warning to the country that shelters the political leader of the Islamic Hamas group, Israeli warplanes buzzed the home of Syrian President Bashar Assad.

Palestinians filled up on basic supplies after war planes knocked out electricity, raising the specter of a humanitarian crisis. The Hamas- led government's information ministry warned of "epidemics and health disasters" because of damaged water pipes feeding central Gaza.

Witnesses reported heavy shelling around Gaza's long-closed airport, and Israeli missiles hit two empty Hamas training camps and a rocket- building factory. Warplanes flew low over the strip, rocking it with sonic booms and shattering windows. Troops in Israel backed up the assault with artillery fire.

No casualties were reported in the incursion, launched in southern Gaza. The area's normally bustling streets were eerily deserted, with people taking refuge inside their homes. Dozens of people living near the airport, which Israeli troops took over, fled to nearby Rafah.

( glad Israel doesn't retaliate in kind.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jun 29th, 2006 at 3:21pm

"Palestinian sources Thursday morning warned against the move, saying that terror cells in northern Gaza had laid roadside bombs, readied suicide bombers, and had strapped explosives to donkeys  to thwart the IDF ground assault. "

In any other context, that would be funny.  Poor donkeys...

(...thinks PETA will have a field day with this one.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by musiciannary on Jun 29th, 2006 at 9:39pm
Reminds me of when my old cousins would catch frogs, impale them with bottle rockets, and set them off sailing across Klinger Lake.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on Jun 30th, 2006 at 1:38pm

BRITAIN discussed a nuclear strike on China in 1961 to defend Hong Kong, secret Government documents have revealed.

Letters circulated to PM Harold Macmillan recommended nuclear force as the only real alternative to abandoning the colony if the Chinese attacked.

British officials discussed the task of ensuring the Chinese understood that, if they did attack, retaliation would involve the US dropping nuclear bombs on them. The plan emerged from the records of the Prime Minister's office between 1957-61, made public yesterday by the National Archives at Kew, London.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Jul 3rd, 2006 at 8:52am

Make your windows desktop...into a Super Mario Level!


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by texfrost on Jul 3rd, 2006 at 11:54am
Thats one way to change the mood....

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jul 4th, 2006 at 5:58pm

(...cheers for evil.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jul 5th, 2006 at 1:40pm
Kenneth Lay is dead.

(...just saw it on Faux.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jul 5th, 2006 at 1:46pm
Here's an article on Kenneth Lay.  Massive heart failure, apparently.

(...bon voyage.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Jul 5th, 2006 at 3:07pm
I guess he realized how much he paid for that shower curtain rod and that umbrella stand!

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jul 5th, 2006 at 3:53pm
Yeah, it couldn't have happened to a better man.  *cough*

( lying.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on Jul 5th, 2006 at 10:00pm

I dont remember if anyone said anything yet but here ya go:

June 23, 2006 — Paramount Pictures and Marvel Entertainment will kick off the 2008 summer movie-going season on May 2nd with Iron Man, the first motion picture to be produced by Marvel under its alliance with Paramount

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Jul 5th, 2006 at 10:26pm
Briney remember...the whole arguement started into a poll last week or the week before?


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on Jul 5th, 2006 at 11:57pm
Like I said... I cant remember yesterday, let alone last week. Patrick, did you hear I went to Chicago the other day? I saw some interesting quotes about evolution, you shoulda been there...

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jul 6th, 2006 at 1:57pm
Check this letter out.  She's replying to this Ron Paul piece.

(...agrees almost entirely.)

I Am Angry
by Susan Fassanella

Dear Lew, the Honorable Ron Paul’s piece on why Americans are angry really stirred me to respond. Mr. Paul’s piece speaks about many issues facing Americans today.

I am a 51-year-old woman. I have been married to the same man since 1976. I am the secretary/office manager for a small legal firm in the D.C. suburbs. My husband manages a wine and spirits store. I have two sons, aged 26 and 22. After realizing it wasn’t possible to support themselves and the government at the same time, both returned to the nuclear nest. Along with most people in my economic situation, I believe I am living what is supposed to be the American dream. I know why I am an angry American. I am frightened because America isn’t the same country it was when I was my children’s age. Allow me to share with you some of the reasons why I am an angry American.

I am angry because my government has been taken over by liars, thieves, thugs, deviants, and micromanagers. The propaganda it produces rivals that of the most fascist dictatorship.

I am angry that my government perceives my intelligence to be that of a jar of pickles incapable of making the smallest decision.

I am angry that my government takes it upon itself to shove its clucking nose into my pantry, medicine chest, bedroom, family room, doctor’s office, workplace, and everywhere else it thinks I need guidance to keep me safe from myself.

I am angry that the will of the American people is ignored on every issue imaginable. If voting really mattered, it would have been outlawed long ago.

I am angry that I am called a conspiracy theorist because I dare to think on my own and question authority and its lies.

I am angry that the more I read about 9-11 the more it looks like an inside job that was allowed to happen, enabling the Patriot Act to be conveniently enacted into law with the ensuing "war on terrah" following closely on its heels.

I am angry that the evil puppets in power think laws are created for the peon masses and it is their right to ignore the ones that get in the way of their agenda.

I am angry that the media has sold its soul to the evil forces running the world.

I am angry that my "leaders" have taken to calling my country the "homeland." It reeks of socialism.

I am angry that my government has invaded yet another sovereign nation and caused untold death and destruction based on a flimsy lie. I am expected to believe that weapons of mass destruction threatened my freedom and then I am told several years and billions of squandered dollars later that a massive intelligence network got the wrong information. A select group of businesses profit enormously from war. When Bush announced his intention to save Iraq from itself and that its oil would pay for the overthrow of Hussein, I laughed so hard I nearly choked. I remember the instability in the Middle East during the 1970s and the gas "shortages" that followed. I knew which direction gas prices would go. How stupid does Mr. Bush and his cronies think I am?

I am angry that the world stands silently by while my government bombs foreign lands with weapons containing depleted uranium and the news magazines wonder on their front covers why lung cancer has increased six-fold in the last year.

I am angry that Americans accept as gospel the propaganda that is routinely cranked out of the Washington lie machine. The lies become more transparent and brazen with each passing year, yet the only thing that seems to matter in living rooms across America is who will be the next American Idol.

I am angry that I am punished with high energy and gas prices and the resulting inflation because tree-hugging terrorists masquerading as environmentalists have handcuffed my country’s ability to produce its own energy. It would be easy to tell the Middle East what to do with their oil if restrictions on exploration and production were lifted in our own backyard.

I am angry that I am constantly admonished by minimalists for being a greedy consumer because I live where I choose, drive the vehicle of my choice, eat meat, and use tin foil to cover my leftovers.

I am angry that my life doesn’t belong to me anymore.

I am angry that I am required to obtain permission, fill out mandated paperwork in quadruplicate, and obtain the correct license or permit for just about everything imaginable. The tentacles of government are strangling my freedom, choice, and privacy at an alarming rate. The wrath of the machine is a constant threat should I dare do anything without leaving a neon paper trail and of course ignorance of the law is never an excuse.

I am angry that property rights are a thing of the past thanks to court-approved eminent domain theft.

I am angry that the Constitution is routinely declared irrelevant making it easier for a fascist police state and new world order to take over.

I am angry that legislation is in the works that will require me to carry "papers" to "prove" who I am. Another coming law I will ignore.

I am angry that my right to own and carry a firearm is drastically regulated and restricted.

I am angry every time I see a young person detained on the side of the road while cops paw through their possessions looking for anything that could enable them to be arrested and dragged through the criminal justice system. This has become so commonplace it is now the accepted norm.

I am angry that roadblocks are set up under the guise of keeping roads free of drunk drivers. What has happened to my right to travel freely? Why am I presumed guilty without probable cause? I am afraid to have a few drinks when I go out to dinner for fear I will be pulled over and end up in court-ordered drug rehabilitation.

I am angry when I read stories of Americans terrorized in airports and treated like common criminals by government minions after they have paid for the right to travel within a private system, yet pilots are blocked from carrying firearms.

I am angry that America has become a nation of busybodies. We are constantly bombarded with messages to be on the lookout for terrorists around every corner, report "suspicious activity," and rat on our neighbor whenever the opportunity presents itself. Is this not how the Nazis gained control of Germany and then most of Europe?

I am angry that the government requires me to sign a form every time I purchase a prescription. Whose business is it that I choose to take a thyroid medication, an antibiotic, a painkiller, an appetite suppressant, or any other substance? Am I dying of cancer? Am I facing debilitating chronic pain? Do I simply want to get HIGH? Heaven forbid someone out there might get their hands on something that might make them FEEL GOOD! No substance should be illegal or unobtainable. If a person wishes to self-medicate, that is their right. The government should not be in the business of criminalizing personal choices of any kind as long as those choices don’t infringe on another’s rights.

I am angry that my government meddles in the lives of people all over the world but looks the other way on the catastrophic issue of what to do about the millions of illegals who have crashed the gates of this nation. My country’s laws are ignored and mocked, yet I am told I must accept with open arms those who are here illegally. My taxes are used to educate their children in their native language. Hospitals are overrun with indigent people seeking medical care. Untaxed dollars earned in the underground economy are sent to the family back home while social services here are stretched to the limit. I read job want ads stating if you aren’t bilingual don’t bother to apply. What would happen to me if I placed an ad that said don’t bother to apply if your English isn’t understandable? Marches are conducted in my cities’ streets waving their countries’ flags as they shamelessly demand their "rights." I am told they deserve the same opportunities that brought my forefathers here. I am scolded that it is un-American to ask why they are not sent home. I am told that the term "illegal alien" offends them and that they prefer to be called "undocumented workers" and that my economy would die without them. I will happily pay more for fruits and vegetables if it means enforcing sensible immigration laws. But immigration isn’t about the cost of lettuce. It is another facet of an agenda that is bent on changing the face of America. When America is no longer a wealthy country of white European descent, it will be a place worse than anything Orwell could have imagined.

I am angry that my country is the only nation on earth who declares that a baby born on its soil is automatically an American citizen.

I am angry that the thugs that run my country don’t have the guts to declare English my nation’s official language.

I am angry that I have to search a package for English and push a button on every telephone system and ATM machine to continue in English.

I am angry that Washington, D.C.’s Metro is now being pressured to replace every station sign with bilingual verbiage to the tune of millions of dollars. Are bilingual road signs going to be the next mandated law of the land? I am currently forced to pay for voting ballots printed in 15 different languages and my tax dollars pay for interpreter services for people who are summoned to court for breaking laws. If English is the international language of the world, why isn’t it good enough to be the official language of the United States?

I am angry when I am told I am a bigot when I thumb my nose at political correctness.

I am angry when I wonder whether an expressed belief or opinion could land me in litigation if someone doesn’t like what I said and wants to silence my voice.

I am angry that diversity and sensitivity training is being forced on people whose only crime is to dare to speak freely.

I am angry that the symbols, customs, and roots of my Judeo-Christian country are being systematically outlawed because my culture offends newcomers. When we freely choose to go somewhere, are we not accepting the customs and cultures of that place? I am weary of being made to feel guilty for being an American.

And finally, I am angry that after working my entire adult life, I don’t see retirement in my life’s picture. My husband and I earn over a hundred thousand dollars a year, but by the time we pay federal taxes, state taxes, social security taxes, property taxes, sales taxes, excise taxes, energy taxes, telecommunication taxes, savings taxes, fees, permits, etc., there isn’t much left. But please don’t think that I mind supporting every deadbeat and down-and-outer with his hand out for a piece of my pie that I worked so hard for. I love supporting the world. After all, it’s the American way, isn’t it?

July 5, 2006

Susan Fassanella was born in Washington, D.C. and resides in Frederick County, Maryland with her husband and two sons.

Copyright © 2006

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Jul 6th, 2006 at 2:16pm
I'm telling you Ron Paul is one of the only few people in power still on our side and a good guy.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Ironman on Jul 6th, 2006 at 2:39pm
I didn't like how she mixes things like national english langauage, immigration, drug legalization in with the same righteous attitude as things like political corruption, political lies, and an unprecedented invasion.  She should have separated her opinions on how the country's laws should be set up from things that are fundamentally wrong.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Jul 6th, 2006 at 2:49pm
Wow...amen Ironman..amen


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jul 6th, 2006 at 4:19pm

Ironman wrote on Jul 6th, 2006 at 2:39pm:
I didn't like how she mixes things like national english langauage, immigration, drug legalization in with the same righteous attitude as things like political corruption, political lies, and an unprecedented invasion.  She should have separated her opinions on how the country's laws should be set up from things that are fundamentally wrong.

The article was an opinion-editorial piece on what she saw as problematic.  Honestly, if she thought Furbies were problematic to America as a whole, she had every right to throw that in her article.

If it was a straight news piece, it would be a different story, but alas...


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Cait on Jul 14th, 2006 at 11:56pm

1 Dead, Many Sick As Carbon Monoxide Leaks

The Associated Press
Friday, July 14, 2006; 10:36 PM

SALEM, Va. -- Carbon monoxide leaked into a Roanoke College dormitory early Friday, sickening more than 100 teens and adults attending summer programs. One man was found dead.

People staying in the dorm contacted campus police, and one woman later described the scene inside as chaotic.

"One woman fell on the floor in the bathroom," said Annabelle Minter, 80, of Richmond. Minter said she also felt "on the dizzy side" and was taken to a hospital, but her roommate was even sicker.

Walter J. Vierling, 91, a retired pastor from Pearisburg, was found dead in a dormitory room, said college spokeswoman Teresa Gereaux. The medical examiner had not determined the cause of death.

Fire officials were trying to determine the source of the leak, and said they were focusing on a gas hot water system as a possible cause.

Of the 62 people taken to one of the hospitals, five were admitted and all were listed in stable condition Friday night, the school said.

Carilion Roanoke Memorial Hospital had treated and released 49 people, spokesman Steve Munsey said. The patients, whose ages ranged from 15 to 82, were checked for carbon monoxide in their blood and given oxygen through face masks.

About 100 of the dormitory guests had traveled from across Virginia, North Carolina and Pennsylvania to attend Power in the Spirit, a three-day Lutheran conference. There were also 37 teenage girls from southwest Virginia staying there as part of the Upward Bound program, Gereaux said.

Those in the church group appeared to have been more severely affected because of where they were located in the dormitory, Dr. Robert Dowling said.

Carbon monoxide is a colorless, odorless and tasteless gas that can cause sickness or death. Leaks in buildings typically come from furnaces, heaters and other gasoline-powered equipment.

Carbon monoxide poisoning is "essentially like drowning on the air," Dowling said.

...and the PR office of this school just went "awww....crap."

                 (...really, really tired---but in need of something interesting to read)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on Jul 17th, 2006 at 2:35pm

had to post the google cache of the article cause they pulled it after getting some attention. The guy is basically defending the rape and murder of a 14 year old Iraqi girl.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on Jul 18th, 2006 at 4:23pm

BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) -- More than 14,000 civilians have been killed in Iraq in the first half of this year, an ominous figure reflecting the fact that "killings, kidnappings and torture remain widespread" in the war-torn country, a United Nations report says.

Killings of civilians are on "an upward trend," with more than 5,800 deaths and more than 5,700 injuries reported in May and June alone, it says.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Jul 18th, 2006 at 5:00pm
Oh who cares's just a bunch of non-white people all the way over there.  They all live in mud huts or caves and don't have electricity or water.  They aren't really even people.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Jul 19th, 2006 at 7:16pm
Another badge of honor for "Snakes On A Planes"

"Snakes" Deplanes Critics

By Joal Ryan 1 hour, 29 minutes ago

Once you have snakes on a plane, do you really need movie reviews, too?

New Line Cinema has answered that very question with a decisive no. The studio announced this week it would not host advance screenings of its geek-championed horror flick, the one, the only, the actually titled Snakes on a Plane.

Conventional wisdom says such a move--hiding a film from Roger Ebert's judgmental thumb--is a red flag, signaling the arrival of an all-new Glitter. But conventional wisdom has very little do with Snakes on a Plane, opening Aug. 18, with some late-night screenings on Aug. 17.

Not showing the movie to critics is "another badge of honor" for star
Samuel L. Jackson and crew, says David Waldon, author of an upcoming book on the birth of the buzz, Snakes on a Plane: The Guide to the Internet Ssssssensation (Thunder's Mouth Press).

Agrees Nick Nunziata of the genre fan site "It adds to the fun of it."

Business-wise, Gitesh Pandya of the number-crunching movie site thinks New Line's decision will actually boost Snakes' bottom line.

"These kind of movies are marketing-driven, not critic-driven," Pandya said. "So the only thing the critics could do is hurt it. And even if the reviews are good, they wouldn't mean much."

The position of New Line, which will screen Snakes clips Friday at San Diego's fanboy orgy, Comic-Con International, is that it's performing a public service of sorts--sidestepping critics in order to preserve the movie-going experience for the fans.

"Understanding that they would be the driving force behind the film, we decided early on they should be the first to see it," the studio said in a statement to Variety, which first reported the announcement.

To Waldon, New Line's strategy is nothing less than "brilliant."

"The movie could very well suck, but they're putting a very creative spin as to why they're not showing it," Waldon said. "And even if the movie does suck, it goes along with the whole thing."

The whole thing is the Snakes on a Plane oeuvre: The title; the star; the star conjugating the title ("Get these motherf--kin' snakes off the motherf--kin' plane!"); the star complaining that any other title (i.e., Pacific Flight 121) would be unacceptable, not to mention un-conjugatable; the acronym ("SoaP"); the fan-made posters; the fan-penned fiction; the fan-nudged reshoots; and the blogs upon blogs upon blogs.

And so it's been for almost a solid year now. And if fans have been paying attention, Nunziata argued, they should be fully prepared for the Snakes on a Plane experience, advance reviews or no.

"I don't think anybody who works in our little world here expect[s] the film to be wonderful," said the Webmaster, who, in the larger world, has a movie in development at New Line. "Anybody who gets blindsided by Snakes on a Plane probably needed that reality pill, probably needed that slap."

This is not to suggest that Nunziata is dreading the arrival of an all-new Glitter--or, worse, an all-new Superman IV. Far from it. "I'm excited as hell about the movie because it's the kind of B-movie that our site was born out of," he said.

Likewise, Waldon said the target audience (read: young males) seems eager for a "god-awful" good time.

"A lot of the people I interviewed for the book wanted the movie to be crap--they're looking forward to it being crap," Waldon said.

The worst-case scenario for Snakes on the Plane, Waldon said, is that the movie turns out to be mediocre or--horrors!--boring. (A recent review from a mole on Ain't It Cool News presented the presumed best-case scenario: "Finally here's a movie that hunkers down to give the audience a shameless good time.")

In the end, Pandya predicted, Snakes on a Plane will do big business relative to its modest budget (estimated at $35 million). "I don't think it's going to move much beyond the core audience," he said. "[But] I think the core audience is large enough to begin with."

If Snakes slinks to the top of the box office in its first weekend--and Pandya expects it will--it'll join the likes of When a Stranger Calls, Madea's Family Reunion and Underworld: Evolution, all 2006 films that claimed number one status without the benefit and/or distraction of critics' screenings.

"As it becomes more common to open films without press screenings, it becomes less of an issue," Pandya said.

Besides, in the case of Snakes on a Plane, Ebert's thumb might be entirely unneeded. Said Nunziata: "The review is four words--it's the title."


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jul 21st, 2006 at 1:31pm

Ethiopia prepared to invade Somalia

By LES NEUHAUS, Associated Press Writer

NAIROBI, Kenya - Ethiopia is prepared to invade neighboring Somalia to defend its U.N.-backed government against what appeared to be an imminent attack by Islamic militiamen, a government spokesman said Wednesday.

The militiamen, who hold most of southern Somalia, deployed hundreds of fighters outside the town where the largely powerless government is based and said they planned to seize it.

"We have the responsibility to defend the border and the Somali government. We will crush them," Ethiopia's Minister of Information, Berhan Hailu, told The Associated Press.

Seizing the town of Baidoa would give the Islamic militia — which the United States has linked to al-Qaida — the uncontested authority over most of Somalia.

Somali transitional President Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed is allied with Ethiopia, and has asked for its support. Ethiopia has intervened militarily in Somalia in the past, and hundreds of Ethiopian troops have been spotted along the countries' border in recent weeks.

The Somali Islamist militants are allied with Muslim separatists in the Oromo region of Ethiopia.


"...and there will be wars and rumors of war."

(...points out that Ethiopia is a predominately Christian nation with a huge Jewish population.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jul 21st, 2006 at 3:15pm

Granholm signs self-defense bills
7/20/2006, 1:43 p.m. ET
The Associated Press

LANSING, Mich. (AP) — Democratic Gov. Jennifer Granholm signed legislation Thursday that supporters say is aimed at strengthening and clarifying self-defense rights in Michigan.

People now will be allowed to use deadly force, with no duty to retreat, if they reasonably think they face imminent death, great bodily harm or sexual assault. They can use deadly force on their property or anywhere they have a legal right to be.

The legislation also protects people from civil lawsuits if they have used force in self-defense.

"Law-abiding citizens will have the right to defend themselves against brutal violence without having to worry about being treated like a criminal," state Sen. Alan Cropsey, R-DeWitt, said in a statement.

Some Democratic lawmakers have said the legislation is not only dangerous but also unnecessary because prosecutors already don't charge people who have justifiably used deadly force to protect themselves. They predicted it could spark a shoot-first, ask-questions-later mentality that ends with innocent people getting shot.

But supporters said the law is needed to protect people from getting sued and partly because Michigan law previously required people to first retreat, putting them at a disadvantage.

The law also creates a "rebuttable presumption" — a legal advantage that assumes, unless there's strong proof to the contrary, that people honestly and reasonably believe they face death, rape or great bodily harm when someone breaks into their home.

The presumption won't apply in domestic violence situations, disputes involving the police and if people using the force are breaking the law.


The self-defense bills are House Bills 5142-43, 5153 and 5548, and Senate Bills 1046 and 1185.

(...will still vote for DeVos, though.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Cait on Jul 23rd, 2006 at 2:05am
looks like a real-life mimic of all the fairy tale evil stepmothers.....

2 girls found starving; have well-fed siblings
Stepmother allegedly kept 6-year-old, 7-year-old in basement

Associated Press, Updated: 6:19 p.m. ET July 22, 2006

WICHITA, Kan. - Two emaciated girls who told police they ate only when their father wasn’t traveling on business were hospitalized after police found them in an advanced state of starvation.

“It’s the worst case of malnutrition I’ve ever seen,” said police Lt. E.J. Bastian. The 6- and 7-year-old girls were found Friday in a home’s basement, were they were kept.

The girls’ stepmother, whose biological children were found healthy and well-fed upstairs, was taken in for questioning. Their father, traveling on business, was to be questioned when he returned, police said.

State social workers discovered the girls after receiving a tip and checking on their welfare. They then called police.

The two girls told police they ate whenever their father was home, which wasn’t a lot. With the father gone this week and next week, “they were really hoping they could eat this weekend,” Bastian said.

Healthy stepsiblings
The house had plenty of food, and the stepsiblings, a 4-year-old girl and an 8-year-old boy, were well cared for, Bastian said. They have been placed in protective custody, where the emaciated girls also will go once they leave the hospital.

A doctor told police it didn’t appear the girls had eaten in six days or had anything to drink in three days, despite recent temperatures above 100 degrees.

But it was obvious the girls had been starved for much longer than that, he said.

“This isn’t a six-day starvation,” Bastian quoted a doctor as telling a police officer. “Obviously, these kids have been starved for quite a while.”

hopes the girls have a fairytale ending.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Jul 23rd, 2006 at 2:33am
If by "fairytale ending" you mean the government looes them in the system and screws their lives up even more probably paving the way for them to be child molesters or force fed antipsycholtic drugs....sure


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Cait on Jul 23rd, 2006 at 12:17pm
by fairytale ending i mean the father dumps the shit stepmother and stays with the girls to make them okay.

or---the girls get adopted by a loving, caring family.

X, you're either a cynic to the core or have watched too many episodes of Law & Order: SVU


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jul 23rd, 2006 at 1:07pm

Cait wrote on Jul 23rd, 2006 at 12:17pm:
by fairytale ending i mean the father dumps the shit stepmother and stays with the girls to make them okay.

If that pathetic excuse for a "father" get his children back, it's anything but a fairytale ending.  Both of those parents should be taken out back and shot.  Do not pass go, do not collection $200.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Cait on Jul 23rd, 2006 at 1:59pm
....I dont really think the father knew what was going on, though.

perhaps I'm mistaken on this one.

  (...apologizes since she's working on a less than appropriate level of sleep lately)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jul 23rd, 2006 at 2:14pm
Bull.  There is no possible way he didn't know what was going on.  Willful neglect, nothing less.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Cait on Jul 23rd, 2006 at 3:30pm
well, since we all dont know the "whole story", lets just all pray the girls have a happy, healthy life.


  (...knows its a longshot, but miracles happen, right?)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Jul 23rd, 2006 at 4:06pm
Cait I know you and I spar sometimes but you've hit the nail on the head.

I am both cynical and have watched too many eps of SVU (being serious here).  Yet I have also seen and read the horror stories of children's lives ending in carnage when the government steps in without any oversite.

(Loves SVU...Richard Belzer's character the most...he's a conspiracy guy in the show and in real life)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Cait on Jul 23rd, 2006 at 4:18pm
and I understand how many children's lives get screwed up by abusive parents and the government (I, too, am a big SVU fan.)  

And this is really unfortunate and I hope there is a way around that for these girls so that their lives improve greatly.

 (....actually watched SVU last night)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jul 23rd, 2006 at 5:09pm
There is a way for their lives to improve, but their worthless father isn't part of that.

(...still thinks he needs to be surgically castrated.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Jul 24th, 2006 at 6:41pm

AMD agrees to buy ATI for about $5.4 billion

By Franklin Paul Mon Jul 24, 2:39 PM ET

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Advanced Micro Devices Inc. (NYSE:AMD - news) said on Monday it would buy Canadian graphics chipmaker ATI Technologies Inc. for $5.4 billion, in what analysts called an aggressive but expensive move to compete with Intel Corp.

The deal will give AMD, the No. 2 supplier of computer processors, better high-end graphics products for mobile computing, gaming and media markets putting pressure on its larger rival Intel (Nasdaq:INTC - news).

Under the terms of the pact, AMD will pay $4.2 billion in cash and 57 million shares of AMD common stock. That is about $20.47 for each ATI (Nasdaq:ATYT - news)(Toronto:ATY.TO - news) share, a 24 percent premium over ATI's closing price on Nasdaq on Friday. AMD will take on $2.5 billion in new debt to complete the deal.

While there are potential savings from the deal, it also compounds the risk facing AMD, which is embroiled in a bitter price war with Intel, analysts said.

"AMD must take on another significant amount of debt, which could be compounded with even more debt as the firm has laid out an aggressive capacity expansion plan for the next several years," Stifel, Nicolaus & Co. analyst Cody Acree wrote in a note to clients. AMD plans to spend $5 billion to increase capacity.

It expects to finance the cash portion of the transaction with a combination of cash and new debt. It has obtained a $2.5 billion term loan commitment from Morgan Stanley Senior Funding to help pay for the pact.

Ratings agencies Standard & Poor's and Moody's Investors Service said on Monday they may cut AMD's credit ratings as a result of the acquisition.


Since rumors of a deal first emerged in May, many industry analysts have voiced skepticism, saying it made little financial or strategic sense for AMD to buy ATI outright.

"There's probably the sound of champagne corks being let fly at Intel headquarters right now," said Brian Piccioni, an analyst at BMO Capital Markets. "Basically, AMD has bet the company on this transaction."

AMD shares slipped 3.7 percent to $17.56 on the
New York Stock Exchange, Intel shares rose 1.2 percent to $17.37 and ATI rose 18 percent to $19.59.

ATI rival Nvidia Corp. (Nasdaq:NVDA - news), whose shares rose 8.8 percent, to $19.32, may also stand to benefit as ATI is absorbed into AMD. "There's a good chance that ATI in a year is not going to be ATI as it is right now, and that would be for the net benefit of Nvidia," he said.

ATI is also a big supplier of chipsets -- the cluster of secondary chips and interfaces that surround a computer's processor -- for both AMD and Intel.

An AMD executive told Reuters he expected Intel to "move away from ATI" as a supplier as it is integrated into AMD.

He said there is no plan to reduce research and development spending as a result of the merger, nor any major layoffs.

The acquisition is expected to slightly add to earnings in 2007, and AMD said it will be "meaningfully accretive" in 2008, before the inclusion of acquisition-related charges. It sees a reduction of operating expenses by about $75 million for the combined company by the end of 2007.

However, Bank of America analyst Sumit Dhanda said that while the addition of ATI's revenue will boost AMD's 2007 sales by about $2.9 billion, the acquisition will likely shrink profit margins for AMD over the long term.

"We anticipate a reduction to... consensus estimates following the acquisition," Dhanda said in a note to clients.

ATI Chief Technology Officer Adrian Hartog said he saw short-term opportunities starting in 2007 to grow market share in the "commercial and mobile platforms within the PC space."

ATI said it has agreed to a termination fee of $162 million. The deal is subject to the approval of ATI shareholders and regulators in the United States and Canada.

(Additional reporting by Wojtek Dabrowski in Toronto, Anna Driver in New York and Jessica Hall in Philadelphia)

Wow that is just awesome!


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jul 24th, 2006 at 9:35pm
That's not awesome, that's stupid.  The last thing AMD needs to be doing right now is assuming a higher debtload.  Getting your credit rating cut is no small matter in the business world.

Switching from my financial hat to my technological hat, this is also a potentially bad move for us geeks.  Consolidation hurts competition and limits innovation, meaning a slower progression of new video products.  Besides, AMD has been in a life-or-death struggle against Intel from the very beginning.  They don't need to add another Silicon Valley powerhouse, nVidia, to the list of people that want to see them dead.

(...doesn't get this at all.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on Jul 24th, 2006 at 9:56pm
Ya this hurts me. I stick to a nVidia + AMD combination in all my machines. This kinda stinks

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jul 25th, 2006 at 11:42am
How long until incompatabilities start showing up when you mix an Intel chipset with an ATI video card?  Or an AMD chipset and an nVidia card?  Like Briney, I used an AMD processor and an nVidia video card, so this feels like seriously bad mojo for me.

( feeling a wee bit insecure.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jul 26th, 2006 at 5:55pm
Andrea Yates was found not guilty by reason of insanity.

(...will post an article later.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by theelbrando on Jul 26th, 2006 at 5:57pm
9 out of 10 too.....that darn Car got me...i should have known.....Cars always fool me

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Stick on Jul 26th, 2006 at 6:03pm
someone should have shot andrea yates on her way out of the court house.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Jul 26th, 2006 at 6:54pm
Ya cause that's a good idea


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by musiciannary on Jul 26th, 2006 at 8:45pm
Although it is no longer my career of choice, I still have a soft spot in my heart for the little known, often misunderstood field of music therapy.  I found an article about it on CNN today, and that makes me happy.  :)

In other news, I'm very happy that Andrea Yates was found not guilty.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jul 26th, 2006 at 9:18pm

Marie wrote on Jul 26th, 2006 at 8:45pm:
In other news, I'm very happy that Andrea Yates was found not guilty.

You've got to be freakin' kidding me.

The woman murders her own children in her bathtub one by one, and the jury doesn't have the guts to execute her. How does that make anyone "very happy?"

(...screw that.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by musiciannary on Jul 26th, 2006 at 9:25pm
Okay sweetie, what part of "insanity defense" do you not understand?

(more later)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by The_Fat_Man on Jul 26th, 2006 at 9:41pm
I won't pass judgement on Andrea Yates because I don't know very much about the cause or the person.

I do believe that people suffering from mental illness can do horrible things without even knowing they are doing it.  It doesn't make it right, or make it any less horrible, but it does make the person subject to a different set of rules.  Life in a mental ward would be my choice, none of this getting out bullshit.

I do also recocgnize that "insanity" pleas are HIGHLY overused this day and age.  Just because you are distraught and do something irrational doesn't make you insane folks.

Like I said, without having met Mrs. Yates or knowing more about the case, I don't think I can justly sentence her.

I just hope that jury understood what they are letting that woman get away with if they weren't 100% sure she was bat shit insane.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Jul 26th, 2006 at 10:01pm
Ahh finally a subject I can use my knowledge to help.

"I do also recocgnize that "insanity" pleas are HIGHLY overused this day and age.  Just because you are distraught and do something irrational doesn't make you insane folks."

You might think they are overused but no more than 3% of the total insanity defenses are accepted.  That is just ALLOWING THE PLEA to be accepted.  It is very very hard to do this...even in Michigan.  This is just one of the urban myths (I guess you could say that) that permiate through our criminal justice system.

"I just hope that jury understood what they are letting that woman get away with if they weren't 100% sure she was bat shit insane."

The judge charges the jury very strickly when these cases come.  These charges involve very very VERY strick rules in order to rule as NGBRMD (Not Guily By Reason of Mental Defect), not to mention the clarrification of what "beyond a reasonable doubt" is.  These trials are a dog and pony show that we might think they are.  Yes there are the bad apples but a case with this much ink will definately help in keeping it on the straight and narrow (unlike an OJ trial in CA).

Also, they aren't "letting her off".  She'll be going to a state run mental hospital.  These aren't the "dungeons" that are shown in movies normally.  But they aren't pleasure palaces like "One Flew Over The Koo Koo's Nest".  The only problem I have with mental hospitals and that line of work is that they've never cured anyone and it just seems like a housing pen for mentally ill people.  Now I know I'm making light of the caregivers but I kinda have a problem with some of it.

So I hope this little swarey helped!


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jul 26th, 2006 at 10:39pm
That woman isn't worth the oxygen she's breathing.  I think that the practice of not executing the criminally insane after a mass murder is one of the great failures of our society.  I'll even go so far as to state that the insanity defense is one of the worst things to happen to the US criminal justice system.

Ultimately, it is irrelevant if she was "sane" or not.  The results are the same.  Her children are dead, and she killed them.  Execute her.

I don't care what the excuse is (postpartum depression or schizophrenia or anything else for that matter), she killed five kids and she deserves to die.

I can pretty much guarantee that if the father had killed his five children, he would have been found guilty, sentenced to death, and you never would've though twice about what kind of lame insanity excuse was.   This is just another example of how the courts favor women.

(...thinks they should treat her for her depression and then drown her in a tub. )

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Jul 26th, 2006 at 11:12pm
This is a great discusstion.

Let me ask you a question bob...shouldn't we then kill all insane people, esp those that exhibit violent tendencies?

Also are there circumstances (obviously not obvious self defense I think we can all agree that's excusable) where the comission of a crime could be excusable because of a situation or mental state or whatever?

Should we prosecute the street bumb who steels the stereotypical loaf of bread to survive?

(Finally a good debate after so long and after so many Wes' mom jokes...anyone else want to voice their opinion)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by The_Fat_Man on Jul 26th, 2006 at 11:55pm
What about a man who is mentaly retarded b0b?  What if he accidently, being as most retarded people don't realize there own strength, killed a child or an adult?  Was he knowingly doing violence?  Did he understand what he was doing?

The same applies for people who are out of their minds.  That lady, if she is truly insane, had no idea that what she was doing was wrong.  She thought she was "saving" her children.  If you knew for a fact your child was about to suffer horrible torture and then die, would you kill them to spare it?  Now what if your insanity made you think that was the case and you did so when they were in no actual danger?

You can't treat people like that by the same rules as a person who KNOWINGLY goes out and does evil.

Your looking at it from a kill and be killed point of view.  But then again b0b, you aren't mentaly insane now are you.

And seems you so like them.  Lets use some scripture.

Matthew 7:1-2
"Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again"

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jul 27th, 2006 at 11:17am

X wrote on Jul 26th, 2006 at 11:12pm:
Let me ask you a question bob...shouldn't we then kill all insane people, esp those that exhibit violent tendencies?

No, we should kill all the people that KILL THEIR CHILDREN.  Don't turn this into a strawman argument.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jul 27th, 2006 at 11:42am

The_Fat_Man wrote on Jul 26th, 2006 at 11:55pm:
What about a man who is mentaly retarded b0b?  What if he accidently, being as most retarded people don't realize there own strength, killed a child or an adult?

Emphasis added.  The key word there is "accidentally."  What Andrea Yates did was not an accident.  She intentionally, calculatedly murdered her children one at a time.  She has stated multiple times that she was perfectly well aware that she was harming her children.

Postpartum psychosis affects mothers after 0.2% of all births.  That might not sound like a high number, but when you think of the number of births taking place across the US (and the civilized world as a whole), that a fair number of affected mothers every day.  How many of them show up on the news after having meticulously murdered her five children?  Yeah, I thought so.

Yates started out blaming her serial killings on religion.  When she realized nobody was going to buy it, she played the depression card.  It wasn't until this latest trial that she tried a blend of both excuses.  I'm just disappointed that 9 jury members bought it.

She thought she was "saving" her children.

Religion is a powerful tool when used for the wrong reasons.  If I convinced a generally sane person that flashing their nekkid bodies in public would get them a bigger house in heaven, would you expect the cop to not arrest them?  Of course you wouldn't.  Religion is not an excuse to murder your children.  EVER.

Have you ever studied the predecessors of the Pagan religion?  When Assyria occupied Israel, they used to have live human sacrifices in the valley of Hinnom just outside of Jerusalem.  Parents would bring their children to a continuously burning pit and throw them, kicking and screaming, onto the fiery coals.  Was that justified?  Were their actions excusable simply because they thought it would "save" their children?

You can't treat people like that by the same rules as a person who KNOWINGLY goes out and does evil.

The woman drowned her five children, one at a time, even after having to chase down the eldest and drag him forcibly into the bathroom.  The woman is freakin' evil.  Execute her and let God deal with her.

Your looking at it from a kill and be killed point of view.

I'm looking at it from a "she killed her own children" point of view.  How else is any rational human being supposed to see it?  In any other society in any other time period, she would've been walked to the gallows before the ink on her death warrant was dry.  Why is our society so "enlightened" that we think we can fix her?

Matthew 7:1-2
"Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again"

That quote is being taken way, way out of context.  If you read the rest of the chapter, you'll see that the entire passage deals with fairness.  It does not say, "don't ever judge anyone for any reason."  It is entirely appropriate to condemn someone (i.e. Andrea Yates) for commiting a horrendous crime (i.e. murdering her children).  The main concept of the passage that our conduct toward others will affect God's conduct toward us.

I want to ask you guys an honest question.  What is the best case scenario going forward?  Do you think she should be rehabilitated (if possible) and released back into the general public?  Do you think she should be locked up for the rest of her natural life?  I want to see if you guys agree on your ultimate "solution."

(...can't figure out how a hung jury resulted in a verdict, anyway.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on Jul 27th, 2006 at 12:29pm
All sin is the same in God's eyes eh? So if you judge someone for murder, its the same as judging someone for coveting his neighbors possesions.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by The_Fat_Man on Jul 27th, 2006 at 12:42pm

The main concept of the passage that our conduct toward others will affect God's conduct toward us.

So b0b, let me ask you this.

You are judging Mrs. Yates without mercy, and without consideration for her cirumstances (Can you honestly tell me you are 100% sure she isn't out of her mind?).  You are showing absolutely no forgiveness, and are not caring what factors might have caused her to do this act.  No reason can justify it in your eyes, and you say she deserves the ultimate punishment, NO MATTER WHAT.

Your bible says that God will judge you the way you judge others.

So if that is the case b0b.  When you arrive at the gates of heaven, and God knows all your sins.  You are going to hell.  God should show you no mercy, nor forgiveness, or take into fact the conditioins that may have led to your sins.

Do you think God will judge Mrs. Yates the way you are judging her b0b?

You are going against what your religion tells you b0b.  You should not be so quick to make resh and harsh decisions on others, when you yourself will someday have to face those same conditions.

I'm not saying we should NEVER judge a person, but that you should take into consideration all things, and show mercy for those who may not have done true evil.

And in my eyes bob, there is a big difference between the evil an insane person does, and the evil a sane person does.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Jul 27th, 2006 at 1:30pm

No, we should kill all the people that KILL THEIR CHILDREN.  Don't turn this into a strawman argument.

I resent that charge, bob.  I was asking an honest question to see where you stood on the subject.  I wasn't trying to trip you up but to see where you stood on a subject.  Like if we're talking about designer babies I would want to know if you would outlaw the birthing of children who haven't been alterted.  I don't have some evil motive like evolutionists have.

I also have to say that the "kill everyone and let God sort them out" is a bad idea.  I know that's not what you said so let me clarrify.  The people who commit murder and other crimes should be punished and placed into cells unlike the jails we have today.  While I defended the insantiy defence I will not defend that prisons aren't these cushy areas...the only reason someone would want to stay out of them is because of the other inmates.  But if you kill all these people who've killed aren't you not allowing them to repent?  Also what if we found a treatment, a rehabilitation program that actually worked (and I'm not talking about the evil we see in movies where we mess around with people's brains so they forget who they are."  But my point being is, aren't you taking away a person's ability to accept Christ as their Savior if they are killed as quickly as you want them to be?

My personal belief is that if we make prison a bad place no one would want to come to it.  However even if prison was literally Hell people would still go to it.  So while they are being held why don't we go vistit them and try to convert them.  Jesus says:

Mat 25:39  Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee?
Mat 25:40  And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.

Now as to your question as to what I would want to happen.  I would want her to get treated.  I would want her to get cured.  Then I want her in prison for taking life.  Those lives have to be justified someway.  If we can kill an insane inmate if we pump him/her full of drugs, I feel not at all guilty to house someone in the same condition.  Also if she really did realize the situation at hand (I'm not saying she doesn't now...I don't know enough about her to make that decision) you'd think she'd want to be punished for what she did.  However I was watching the news and just before I fell alseep they were talking about if she was stablized they could release her.  Any truth in that?

Also you don't need a unanimous verdict in a jury where the death penalty isn't wanted.  Also it would have been a hung jury if it was 7 to 10.  I have a feeling that the prosecutor dropped the ball (as the father is now saying he did) when he agreed to that.  The standard is 12, that means less people to manipulate for the state and a better chance for sympathy from the jury (you can also have a jury of 7 FYI).  So it wasn't a hung jury.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by musiciannary on Jul 27th, 2006 at 2:36pm
1. "The insanity plea is overused and is one of the worst things to happen to the justice system"

Why wouldn't it be?  For desperate criminals who want to walk freely, it seems very easy in theory.  However, insanity is more complicated than that.  Psychiatric illnesses have very specific criteria listed in the DSM-IV-TR that must be met in order to be diagnosed as such.  The sad reality is that many people don't know a lot about issues of mental health, and as a result of this ignorance, people who are relatively sound can fall through the cracks.  However, for people who truly suffer from a mental disorder, the insanity defense is definitely justified.  (On another note, I truly wish they would change
the technical term.  "Insanity" has gotten such a horrible connotation over the years and just adds to the ignorance and stigma experienced by people with mental illnesses.)

On another note, did you know that *I* used the insanity defense bob?  During an episode a broke several laws and ended up going to court and had to go to a state psychiatric facility for a thorough criminal evaluation.  The costs for my lawyer and my parents having to take days off without pay so they could drive up to East Lansing for my court days were devastating.

2. "State mental facilities have never cured anyone; they just seem like a housing pen for sick people"

I agree wholeheartedly, having stayed in one myself for several days.  If someone is sick, why the hell would you remove them from their home and natural support systems to stick them in some building where they're cut off from everything?  I couldn't shave or shower without someone there watching me to make sure I didn't hurt myself.  We were only allowed outside for a couple of hours a day, and that was in a fenced in area.  Middle-aged men would flash me their boy parts.  This was supposed to help me?  I'm a huge advocate of community rehabilitation.  At any rate, being where she is now is definitely a heck of a lot better than jail.

3. "Whether she was sane or not, she still murdered her children and deserves to die"

And you feel appointed to decide this how?

4. "She was using PPD as an excuse"

You wouldn't believe how many times I've heard this in my life.  "Well, why don't you just cheer up?  Snap out of it!  Maybe if you pray harder you won't feel so bad."  It's not that simple.  Psychiatric illnesses have a biological basis.  I actually had a group of people try to drive a demon out of me when I felt depressed.  Sigh...

5. "Her crime was not an accident.  She was well aware of what she was doing."

You can speculate all you want, but I highly doubt that you (or anyone else on this forum for that matter) have personally experienced a psychotic episode.  You are concious and aware of what you are doing, but it's like something is taking over your mind.  Delusions and hallucinations abound and are part of your reality.  Because of what you may believe, see, hear, touch, and so on, you are not really yourself even though you believe you are.  I think most of you know me well enough to know what kind of person I am.  However, in my psychotic state, I attacked a police officer and a neighbor, threw chairs and computer monitors at windows, and just about killed myself, among other things.  They were all justified to me at the time, but that was because my mind was throwing me for a loop.  It's very likely that Andrea Yates was aware of her actions, but because of her delusional beliefs at the time, it wasn't really *her*.

6. "A lot of women suffer from PPD but none ever do anything like this"

Most of those women are able to detect it early enough and intervene with appropriate treatment.  If left untreated, PPD, like other mental illnesses, can get worse and worse until the person completely loses touch with reality.  Her doctor told her husband to never leave her alone with the kids because of her state.  What did he do?  He left her alone with the kids.

7. "She was blaming her religion for her actions at first"

Are you aware of the fact that the most common delusions during psychosis are often based on religion?  During episodes, many people will claim to be God, to be working for God or to be spoken to by God.  This happens even to people who aren't religious.  It's part of the illness.

This is really all I can think of for now.  I always thought you were a basically good kid, but your ignorance both amuses and saddens me.  Do you go around calling me your "psycho ex" now?  Doesn't really matter, as I've had worse things said about me.

(Not getting off my soapbox, as it is now permanently glued to my feet...)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Ironman on Jul 27th, 2006 at 4:29pm
If I killed five children, insane and depressed, I would expect to die.  Shouldn't I honor them?

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jul 28th, 2006 at 12:20pm
I had intended to continue this discussion in a mature and reasonable manner, but it appears we've migrated to personal insults in lieu if a real conversation.  I think that's beneath us, and I'm disappointed it took that turn.  You'll forgive me if I withdraw from this discussion.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by musiciannary on Jul 30th, 2006 at 3:34pm
Since hindsight is 20/20...

I definitely have to admit that I was sans medication (and perhaps a tad bit tipsy) when I wrote what I did.  

This is more of a clarification than an apology, however.

In a more stable state of mind I probably would have typed something very similar, only significantly less explosive.

Ban me if you must.  I haven't exactly been a model citizen these days, both in virtual and in real life.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by The_Fat_Man on Jul 30th, 2006 at 8:32pm
I stand by my statement.  Anyone who is beyond forgiveness and understanding of their own man is beyond forgiveness of their own "god".  So says your bible.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on Jul 30th, 2006 at 10:15pm
This discussion should not have gotten personal, methinks. The topic was interesting enough without getting personal feelings mixed in. Also, noone will ever get banned, only bots get banned.  :)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by texfrost on Jul 31st, 2006 at 12:32am

Marie wrote on Jul 30th, 2006 at 3:34pm:
Since hindsight is 20/20...

I definitely have to admit that I was sans medication (and perhaps a tad bit tipsy) when I wrote what I did.  

This is more of a clarification than an apology, however.

In a more stable state of mind I probably would have typed something very similar, only significantly less explosive.

Ban me if you must.  I haven't exactly been a model citizen these days, both in virtual and in real life.

Naw, we'd hate to loose your girlfriend :)  (It'll be a while till I drop that :p )

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Jul 31st, 2006 at 1:50pm

Torrentspy Asks Why Hollywood Isn't Suing Google Too
from the don't-give-them-any-ideas dept

For years, we've pointed out that the entertainment industry doesn't seem to get that many of the individuals and companies they go after for file sharing are just search engines. Just because they're vertically focused, it doesn't make them any different than Google. In fact, last year, when Norway tried to outlaw sites that simply linked to downloadable MP3s, we wondered if they had effectively outlawed Google. It seems that the folks at torrent search engine Torrentspy have picked up on this line of reasoning as well. If you remember, Torrentspy is challenging the entertainment industry, pointing out that they're just a search engine, they don't infringe and (a la the Grokster decision) they don't induce infringement either. They've now put that "just a search engine" defense directly into their court filings. Threadwatch points out that their latest filing to dismiss the case wonders why the MPAA isn't suing Google as well, since they effectively do the same thing. As the filing notes: "There is nothing alleged to distinguish defendants' website from that maintained by Google. Everything alleged about defendants' website is true about Google, and even more so, because Google outperforms the allegations in the complaint." Of course, given the way the entertainment industry reacts these days, you never know... they might just sue Google next.

Next stop...the 30 million torrent users!  The court calls A. Aadam, B. Aadam.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................Z. Zoltra


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on Aug 1st, 2006 at 1:08am

SHANGHAI, China -- Shanghai has constructed a massive underground bunker complex capable of sheltering 200,000 people from a nuclear attack, a local newspaper reported.

The million-square-foot complex connects to shopping centers, office buildings, apartment buildings and the subway system via miles of tunnels, the Shanghai Morning Post said in an exclusive report.

Looks like China is getting ready for something. Where are our tunnels?

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Aug 1st, 2006 at 1:09am
No kidding.  I want some freakin' tunnels...


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Aug 1st, 2006 at 3:08am
Well it's easy to build these multi-billion dollar places when you supress your people and take most of their money away from them.  You need room for your political system, your top generals, and a few scientists who can make war after the nuclear winter!


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on Aug 1st, 2006 at 4:48pm,,3-2293700,00.html

A detailed article on the closure of Cheyenne mountain.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Aug 2nd, 2006 at 12:13pm

Not a single nuclear power plant has been commissioned in the United States since 1978, but that is about to change as General Electric and Hitachi have announced a joint venture to build two nuclear power plants in Texas.

The Texas project, announced in June with plants scheduled to begin operations in 2014, is expected to be the first in a new wave of economical and emissions-free nuclear power plants.

NRG Energy, which will operate the plants, has already filed a request with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to build the plants in Matagorda County about 70 miles southwest of Houston. Construction of the plants will cost $2.6 billion each, but they will thereafter produce power for a fraction of the cost of traditional power plants. NRG expects the new plants will create 6,000 new construction jobs and 1,000 permanent operator jobs.

Now, if only California would get on board...

(...or fall into the ocean.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Aug 6th, 2006 at 1:44am

You can't tell me that Microsoft actually came up with a helpful and intelligent plan like this?  Someone tell me I'm in the Twilight Zone or dreaming or this is a August 5th joke or something!


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Aug 6th, 2006 at 3:05pm
That's nothing surprising.  Microsoft has done similar things with nearly every major operating system release.

With Windows 2000, they actually hosted a box on the Interweb and offered to let hackers take a stab at it.  They succeeded!

( old school like that.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by musiciannary on Aug 6th, 2006 at 3:56pm
Things that make you go hmm...

Volcanic eruption 'triggered biblical parting of Red Sea'
Tony Allen-Mills, New York

THE greatest story ever told has acquired a Hollywood twist. James Cameron, the director of Titanic, is the executive producer of a new documentary that claims to have uncovered fresh evidence confirming one of the most dramatic episodes in the Old Testament — the parting of the Red Sea and the Jewish exodus from Egypt.

In The Exodus Decoded, a 90-minute documentary that will be shown in America this month, Cameron and Simcha Jacobovici, the Canadian film producer, claim a volcanic eruption on the Greek archipelago of Santorini triggered a chain of natural catastrophes recorded in the Bible as the 10 plagues that God visited upon Egypt as punishment for enslaving the Jews.

Cameron believes the parting of the Red Sea may have been a tsunami that destroyed the pharaoh’s army as it pursued the escaping Jews. The documentary claims the episode occurred not at the Red Sea but at the smaller Sea of Reeds, a marshy area at the northern end of the Gulf of Suez. An underwater earthquake may have released poisonous gases that turned the waters red.

Jacobovici said “the common wisdom is there isn’t a single piece of archeological evidence backing up the biblical story of the exodus”. Jewish scholars have reluctantly concurred that an episode central to their faith — commemorated each year at Passover — may never have taken place.

Yet Cameron and Jacobovici claim to have unearthed more than a dozen archeological relics that suggest the exodus took place three centuries earlier than biblical scholars estimate. By reinterpreting artwork at museums in Luxor, Cairo, Athens and elsewhere, Jacobovici dates the exodus to around 1500BC.

That was about the time when some geologists believe the Santorini volcano, 400 miles north of Egypt, erupted in the eastern Mediterranean. Scientists and historians have long speculated that the 10 “plagues” suffered by Egypt might have been linked in a “domino theory” of natural causes.
The documentary’s website argues that a series of earthquakes may have “destabilised the entire Nile Delta system and resulted in part of the delta sliding off the African continental shelf”. This would have raised the level of land around the Sea of Reeds, believed to have been saltwater swamps around El Balah, the now extinct lake.

“In other words, the sea parted,” the website says. “Water would have cascaded from higher ground to lower ground . . . creating dry land on which the Israelites could cross. This event would also have caused an enormous ‘backsplash’ of water, a veritable tsunami. If the waves went a mere seven miles inland they would have engulfed the Egyptian army.”

The Exodus producers believe the waters were turned red by chemicals released by underwater tremors. Something similar happened to the lakes in Cameroon in 1986. If the waters were poisoned, amphibians would hop ashore, producing the biblical plague of frogs. When the frogs died, insects would have bred on their bodies leading to plagues of locusts, fleas and lice.

They in turn would have spread disease to humans, the plague of boils, and animals, the plague of dying livestock. They would also have threatened crops, forcing the Egyptians to store grain which might have then turned mouldy. Contaminated food might account for the plague of deaths among first-born Egyptian males. Weather conditions spawned by the eruption might also have caused the plagues of hailstorms and darkness.

“It’s individual pieces that start to form a compelling pattern,” said Cameron.

(just skimmed through it; will read and process more thoroughly after shower and homework; if it turns out to be stupid I apologize in advance for wasting your time; I really could use some human interaction right about now; the past two days have been spent almost entirely in my room; I miss my family, my friends, my cats, and the kids at church because I couldn't get a ride this weekend; only two weeks of summer left!)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Aug 6th, 2006 at 5:13pm
It's an interesting perspective, but the plagues occurred before the crossing of the Red Sea, not as a result of it.  Unless I'm missing something, the scholars have their cause and effect relationship backward.

(...thinks the domino theory is awesome, though.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Ironman on Aug 6th, 2006 at 11:34pm
Well, they can't explain the Isrealites and their livestock remaining untouched since they were living with the Egyptians.  Also, I would like to see them explain the pillar of fire protecting the Isrealites before the sea opened or the staves turning to snakes.  Unless those things don't count becuase we don't find evidence for it thousands of years later.  Perhaps all written historical documentation can be thrown unless we find evidence.  For instance, maybe Socrates never existed...after all, we only have Plato's written history of him...  

In fact, I theorize that Socrates was a fictional character conspired by Plato in order to publish his own views without being sentenced to death by those who opposed him.  In fact, in his books, Socrates becomes a martyr for his views!  Clearly this was plot by Plato to sway the people!  Now, where's my documentary!

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Aug 24th, 2006 at 4:29pm

Astronaut Lets New Spaceship Name Slip

CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (Aug. 22) - The name of the new vehicle that NASA hopes will take astronauts back to the moon was supposed to be hush-hush until next week.

But apparently U.S. astronaut Jeff Williams, floating 220 miles above Earth at the international space station, didn't get the memo.

Williams, through no fault of his own, let it slip Tuesday that the new vehicle's name is Orion.

"We've been calling it the crew exploration vehicle for several years, but today it has a name -- Orion," Williams said, taping a message in advance for the space agency that was transmitted accidentally over space-to-ground radio.

NASA planned to reveal the new name Aug. 31, when the space agency also announces which contractor will build the vehicle. Competing for the award are Lockheed Martin and a team made up of Northrop Grumman and Boeing.

The crew exploration vehicle will replace the space shuttle program after it ends in 2010. Earlier this summer, NASA announced the names of the rockets that will propel the crew exploration vehicle and a cargo vehicle, respectively Ares I and Ares V.

"One of the things we get into at NASA is we run around and call things by technical names and acronyms," project manager Skip Hatfield told The Associated Press on Tuesday. "This allows us to have an identity that we can use."

(...the galaxy is on Orion's belt.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Aug 28th, 2006 at 7:16am

This is a pretty interesting article about how Fight Club was really Calvin and Hobbes.  I think this is a new thing that many people haven't seen.  It's pretty convincing!


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Aug 29th, 2006 at 10:38am
Here's a candidate for mother of the year.


Police: Vandalism Suspects Received Rides From Mother

POSTED: 7:00 pm PDT August 28, 2006
UPDATED: 7:05 pm PDT August 28, 2006

LOS ANGELES -- A mother suspected of driving a tagging crew of five -- including two of her children -- in her sport utility vehicle as they allegedly spray painted graffiti is being held without bond, authorities said Monday.

Victoria Villicano, 42, and five others were arrested on suspicion of vandalism last Tuesday, police said Monday.

Villicano and one of her sons, David Ramirez, are due in Los Angeles Superior Court Division 50 in the Criminal Courts Building at 8:30 a.m. on Wednesday.

Officers were called to Micheltorena Street School on Sunset Boulevard in Silver Lake last Tuesday at 4:30 p.m., according to a Los Angeles Police Department statement. The officers saw what appeared to be fresh spray painting on the wall, which read "HIV" in black paint.

As the officers investigated the first graffiti, another call of spray painting suspects at Sunset Boulevard and Rosemont Avenue with the same description was broadcast, police said.

The officers quickly responded and arrested the mother and five subjects who had paint on their hands.
Witnesses identified all the people arrested as those who had been spray painting "HIV" along Sunset Boulevard, police said.

The officers found similar graffiti on Sunset Boulevard between Virgil Avenue and Lemoyne Street, more than two miles away.

The graffiti contained the letters "HIV" or "HIVC" at about 100 locations, resulting in an estimated tens of thousands of dollars in damage, police said.

One of those arrested was Ramirez, 19, who was held on $100,000 bail. Four juveniles ages 14 to 16, were also held, including another of Villicano's sons, police said

Detectives from the Northeast Station said they do not know the woman's motive.

Anyone with additional information was asked to call 213-485-2566 or 877-529-3855 on weekends and evenings.

(...why are we in this handbasket, and why is it so hot?)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Aug 29th, 2006 at 12:03pm

How the Schools Shortchange Boys
Gerry Garibaldi

In the newly feminized classroom, boys tune out.

Since I started teaching several years ago, after 25 years in the movie business, I’ve come to learn firsthand that everything I’d heard about the feminization of our schools is real—and far more pernicious to boys than I had imagined. Christina Hoff Sommers was absolutely accurate in describing, in her 2000 bestseller, The War Against Boys, how feminist complaints that girls were “losing their voice” in a male-oriented classroom have prompted the educational establishment to turn the schools upside down to make them more girl-friendly, to the detriment of males.

As a result, boys have become increasingly disengaged. Only 65 percent earned high school diplomas in the class of 2003, compared with 72 percent of girls, education researcher Jay Greene recently documented. Girls now so outnumber boys on most university campuses across the country that some schools, like Kenyon College, have even begun to practice affirmative action for boys in admissions. And as in high school, girls are getting better grades and graduating at a higher rate.

As Sommers understood, it is boys’ aggressive and rationalist nature—redefined by educators as a behavioral disorder—that’s getting so many of them in trouble in the feminized schools. Their problem: they don’t want to be girls.

Take my tenth-grade student Brandon. I noted that he was on the no-pass list again, after three consecutive days in detention for being disruptive. “Who gave it to you this time?” I asked, passing him on my way out.

“Waverly,” he muttered into the long folding table.

“What for?”

“Just asking a question,” he replied.

“No,” I corrected him. “You said”—and here I mimicked his voice—“ ‘Why do we have to do this crap anyway?’ Right?”

Brandon recalls one of those sweet, ruby-cheeked boys you often see depicted on English porcelain.

He’s smart, precocious, and—according to his special-education profile—has been “behaviorally challenged” since fifth grade. The special-ed classification is the bane of the modern boy. To teachers, it’s a yellow flag that snaps out at you the moment you open a student’s folder. More than any other factor, it has determined Brandon’s and legions of other boys’ troubled tenures as students.

Brandon’s current problem began because Ms. Waverly, his social studies teacher, failed to answer one critical question: What was the point of the lesson she was teaching? One of the first observations I made as a teacher was that boys invariably ask this question, while girls seldom do. When a teacher assigns a paper or a project, girls will obediently flip their notebooks open and jot down the due date. Teachers love them. God loves them. Girls are calm and pleasant. They succeed through cooperation.

Boys will pin you to the wall like a moth. They want a rational explanation for everything. If unconvinced by your reasons—or if you don’t bother to offer any—they slouch contemptuously in their chairs, beat their pencils, or watch the squirrels outside the window. Two days before the paper is due, girls are handing in the finished product in neat vinyl folders with colorful clip-art title pages. It isn’t until the boys notice this that the alarm sounds. “Hey, you never told us ’bout a paper! What paper?! I want to see my fucking counselor!”

A female teacher, especially if she has no male children of her own, I’ve noticed, will tend to view boys’ penchant for challenging classroom assignments as disruptive, disrespectful—rude. In my experience, notes home and parent-teacher conferences almost always concern a boy’s behavior in class, usually centering on this kind of conflict. In today’s feminized classroom, with its “cooperative learning” and “inclusiveness,” a student’s demand for assurance of a worthwhile outcome for his effort isn’t met with a reasonable explanation but is considered inimical to the educational process. Yet it’s this very trait, innate to boys and men, that helps explain male success in the hard sciences, math, and business.

The difference between the male and female predilection for hard proof shows up among the teachers, too. In my second year of teaching, I attended a required seminar on “differentiated instruction,” a teaching model that is the current rage in the fickle world of pop education theory. The method addresses the need to teach all students in a classroom where academic abilities vary greatly—where there is “heterogeneous grouping,” to use the ed-school jargon—meaning kids with IQs of 55 sit side by side with the gifted. The theory goes that the “least restrictive environment” is best for helping the intellectually challenged. The teacher’s job is to figure out how to dice up his daily lessons to address every perceived shortcoming and disability in the classroom.

After the lecture, we broke into groups of five, with instructions to work cooperatively to come up with a model lesson plan for just such a classroom situation. My group had two men and three women. The women immediately set to work; my seasoned male cohort and I reclined sullenly in our chairs.

“Are the women going to do all the work?” one of the women inquired brightly after about ten minutes.

“This is baloney,” my friend declared, yawning, as he chucked the seminar handout into a row of empty plastic juice bottles. “We wouldn’t have this problem if we grouped kids by ability, like we used to.”

The women, all dedicated teachers, understood this, too. But that wasn’t the point. Treating people as equals was a social goal well worth pursuing. And we contentious boys were just too dumb to get it.

Female approval has a powerful effect on the male psyche. Kindness, consideration, and elevated moral purpose have nothing to do with an irreducible proof, of course. Yet we male teachers squirm when women point out our moral failings—and our boy students do, too. This is the virtue that has helped women redefine the mission of education.

The notion of male ethical inferiority first arises in grammar school, where women make up the overwhelming majority of teachers. It’s here that the alphabet soup of supposed male dysfunctions begins. And make no mistake: while girls occasionally exhibit symptoms of male-related disorders in this world, females diagnosed with learning disabilities simply don’t exist.

For a generation now, many well-meaning parents, worn down by their boy’s failure to flourish in school, his poor self-esteem and unhappiness, his discipline problems, decide to accept administration recommendations to have him tested for disabilities. The pitch sounds reasonable: admission into special ed qualifies him for tutoring, modified lessons, extra time on tests (including the SAT), and other supposed benefits. It’s all a hustle, Mom and Dad privately advise their boy. Don’t worry about it. We know there’s nothing wrong with you.

To get into special ed, however, administrators must find something wrong. In my four years of teaching, I’ve never seen them fail. In the first IEP (Individualized Educational Program) meeting, the boy and his parents learn the results of disability testing. When the boy hears from three smiling adults that he does indeed have a learning disability, his young face quivers like Jell-O. For him, it was never a hustle. From then on, however, his expectations of himself—and those of his teachers—plummet.

Special ed is the great spangled elephant in the education parade. Each year, it grows larger and more lumbering, drawing more and more boys into the procession. Since the publication of Sommers’s book, it has grown tenfold. Special ed now is the single largest budget item, outside of basic operations, in most school districts across the country.

Special-ed boosters like to point to the success that boys enjoy after they begin the program. Their grades rise, and the phone calls home cease. Anxious parents feel reassured that progress is happening. In truth, I have rarely seen any real improvement in a student’s performance after he’s become a special-ed kid. On my first day of teaching, I received manila folders for all five of my special-ed students—boys all—with a score of modifications that I had to make in each day’s lesson plan.

I noticed early on that my special-ed boys often sat at their desks with their heads down or casually staring off into space, as if tracking motes in their eyes, while I proceeded with my lesson. A special-ed caseworker would arrive, take their assignments, and disappear with the boys into the resource room. The students would return the next day with completed assignments.

“Did you do this yourself?” I’d ask, dubious.

They assured me that they did. I became suspicious, however, when I noticed that they couldn’t perform the same work on their own, away from the resource room. A special-ed caseworker’s job is to keep her charges from failing. A failure invites scrutiny and reams of paperwork. The caseworkers do their jobs.

Brandon has been on the special-ed track since he was nine. He knows his legal rights as well as his caseworkers do. And he plays them ruthlessly. In every debate I have with him about his low performance, Brandon delicately threads his response with the very sinews that bind him. After a particularly easy midterm, I made him stay after class to explain his failure.

“An ‘F’?!” I said, holding the test under his nose.

“You were supposed to modify that test,” he countered coolly. “I only had to answer nine of the 27 questions. The nine I did are all right.”

His argument is like a piece of fine crystal that he rolls admiringly in his hand. He demands that I appreciate the elegance of his position. I do, particularly because my own is so weak.

Yet while the process of education may be deeply absorbing to Brandon, he long ago came to dismiss the content entirely. For several decades, white Anglo-Saxon males—Brandon’s ancestors—have faced withering assault from feminism- and multiculturalism-inspired education specialists. Armed with a spiteful moral rectitude, their goal is to sever his historical reach, to defame, cover over, dilute . . . and then reconstruct.

In today’s politically correct textbooks, Nikki Giovanni and Toni Morrison stand shoulder-to-shoulder with Mark Twain, William Faulkner, and Charles Dickens, even though both women are second-raters at best. But even in their superficial aspects, the textbooks advertise publishers’ intent to pander to the prevailing PC attitudes. The books feature page after page of healthy, exuberant young girls in winning portraits. Boys (white boys in particular) will more often than not be shunted to the background in photos or be absent entirely or appear sitting in wheelchairs.

The underlying message isn’t lost on Brandon. His keen young mind reads between the lines and perceives the folly of all that he’s told to accept. Because he lacks an adult perspective, however, what he cannot grasp is the ruthlessness of the war that the education reformers have waged. Often when he provokes, it’s simple boyish tit for tat.

A week ago, I dispatched Brandon to the library with directions to choose a book for his novel assignment. He returned minutes later with his choice and a twinkling smile.

“I got a grrreat book, Mr. Garibaldi!” he said, holding up an old, bleary, clothbound item. “Can I read the first page aloud, pahlease?”

My mind buzzed like a fly, trying to discover some hint of mischief.

“Who’s the author?”

“Ah, Joseph Conrad,” he replied, consulting the frontispiece. “Can I? Huh, huh, huh?”

“I guess so.”

Brandon eagerly stood up before the now-alert class of mostly black and Puerto Rican faces, adjusted his shoulders as if straightening a prep-school blazer, then intoned solemnly: “The Nigger of the ‘Narcissus’ ”—twinkle, twinkle, twinkle. “Chapter one. . . .”

Merry mayhem ensued. Brandon had one of his best days of the year.

Boys today feel isolated and outgunned, but many, like Brandon, don’t lack pluck and courage. They often seem to have more of it than their parents, who writhe uncomfortably before a system steeled in the armor of “social conscience.” The game, parents whisper to themselves, is to play along, to maneuver, to outdistance your rival. Brandon’s struggle is an honest one: to preserve truth and his own integrity.

Boys who get a compartment on the special-ed train take the ride to its end without looking out the window. They wait for the moment when they can step out and scorn the rattletrap that took them nowhere. At the end of the line, some, like Brandon, may have forged the resiliency of survival. But that’s not what school is for.

It's a conspiracy!

(...knew it all along.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Aug 31st, 2006 at 4:29pm
Quite possibly the worst company ever.

( surprised none of them snapped and killed some folks.)

RadioShack Fires 400 Employees by E-Mail

FORT WORTH, Texas (AP) - RadioShack Corp. notified about 400 workers by e-mail that they were being dismissed immediately as part of planned job cuts.

Employees at the Fort Worth headquarters got messages Tuesday morning saying: "The work force reduction notification is currently in progress. Unfortunately your

Company officials had told employees in a series of meetings that layoff notices would be delivered electronically, spokeswoman Kay Jackson said. She said employees were invited to ask questions before Tuesday's notification on a company intranet site.

Jackson said the electronic notification was quicker and allowed more privacy than breaking the news in person.

"It was important to notify people as quickly as possible," she said. "They had 30 minutes to collect their thoughts, make phone calls and say goodbye to employees before they went to meet with senior leaders."

Employees met with supervisors and human resources personnel before leaving. At coffee bar areas on each floor, the company provided boxes and plastic bags for employees to pack their personal belongings.

"Things went very smoothly. Everyone left very graciously and very professionally," Jackson said.

Derrick D'Souza, a management professor at the University of North Texas, said he had never heard of such a large number of terminated employees being notified electronically. He said it could be seen as dehumanizing to employees.

"If I put myself in their shoes, I'd say, 'Didn't they have a few minutes to tell me?'" D'Souza said.

Laid-off workers got one to three weeks pay for each year of service, up to 16 weeks for hourly employees and 36 weeks for those with base bay of at least $90,000, the company said.

The company announced Aug. 10 that it would cut 400 to 450 jobs, mostly at headquarters, to cut expenses and "improve its long-term competitive position in the marketplace." RadioShack has closed nearly 500 stores, consolidated distribution centers and liquidated slow-moving merchandise in an effort to shake out of a sales slump.

Shares of RadioShack rose 29 cents, or 1.6 percent, to close at $18.21 Wednesday on the New York Stock Exchange.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on Sep 3rd, 2006 at 2:25am
Wow that is terrible.

and so was the downtime of the forum.  :'(

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by computerjuvenile on Sep 3rd, 2006 at 1:26pm
Thats horrible.  At least they didn't try Donald Trump's method.  Make them all pack before he fires just one of them

Nathan Atteberry ( Your fired... )

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on Sep 4th, 2006 at 1:10am,23599,20349888-2,00.html

I am sad to tell you that Steve Irwin was killed fiming a documentary. A stingray barb hit him in the chest.

Cheers mate,

you will be missed.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Cait on Sep 4th, 2006 at 2:31am
i wont lie.

i actually cried when i heard about this one.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by The_Fat_Man on Sep 4th, 2006 at 10:57am
Thats really sad, I heard about it last night in General chat while I was playing WoW heh.

That saddest part of it all is that he had two young children :(

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Sep 5th, 2006 at 10:17am
Yeah, that sucks hardcore.  His wife was also his producer, which certainly can't make things any easier.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Sep 6th, 2006 at 9:00am
This guy is the only man I know of with bigger jibblies than Chuck Norris.  I love true stories, especially amazing ones like this...

(...RIP, marine.)

WWII Hero Gabaldon Dies

By MATT SEDENSKY, Associated Press Writer

MIAMI - Guy Gabaldon, who as an 18-year-old Marine private single-handedly persuaded more than 1,000 Japanese soldiers to surrender in the World War II battle for Saipan, has died. He was 80.

Gabaldon died of a heart attack Thursday at his home in Old Town, his son, Tech. Sgt. Jeffrey Hunter Gabaldon, said Monday.

Using an elementary knowledge of Japanese, bribes of cigarettes and candy, and trickery with tales of encampments surrounded by American troops, Gabaldon was able to persuade soldiers to abandon their posts and surrender. The scheme was so brazen - and so amazingly successful - it won the young Marine the Navy Cross, and fame when his story was told on television's "This Is Your Life" and the 1960 movie "Hell to Eternity."

"My plan, as impossible as it seemed, was to get near a Japanese emplacement, bunker, or cave, and tell them that I had a bunch of Marines with me and we were ready to kill them if they did not surrender," he wrote in his 1990 memoir "Saipan: Suicide Island."

"I promised that they would be treated with dignity, and that we would make sure that they were taken back to Japan after the war," he wrote.

The 5-foot-4-inch Gabaldon used piecemeal Japanese he picked up from a childhood friend to earn the trust of the enemy, who believed his story of hundreds of looming troops. In a single day in July 1944, Gabaldon was said to have gotten about 800 Japanese soldiers to follow him back to the American camp.

His exploits earned him the nickname the Pied Piper of Saipan.

The private acknowledged his plan was foolish and, had it not been pulled off, could have resulted in a court-martial. His family suspected his initial disobedience _ though they say officers later approved _ might have kept him from receiving the Medal of Honor.

"My actions prove that God takes care of idiots," he wrote.

Born March 22, 1926, in Los Angeles, Gabaldon signed up for the service on his 17th birthday and arrived on Saipan on D-Day. His military career was cut short after two-and-a-half years by injuries from machine gun fire. He spent the years that followed running a variety of businesses, including a furniture store, a fishing operation and an import-export firm, and the unsuccessful pursuit of a California congressional seat in 1964.

Services for Gabaldon were to be held Tuesday in Cross City, Fla.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Sep 14th, 2006 at 3:49pm

Eighth Grader Goes Cherry Commando With Prank on Teacher's Coffee

LENEXA, Kan. (AP) — A student was sentenced to six months of probation for contaminating a teacher's coffee with a cherry sports drink.

The boy was found guilty Tuesday of a misdemeanor charge of adulterating the coffee on Jan. 26 but not guilty of a second count that allegedly occurred Jan. 5. At the time, the boy was an eighth-grader at Trailridge Middle School in Lenexa.

The boy brought a cherry sports drink to school and a classmate put a capful into the teacher's coffee as part of a prank, defense attorney Stephen Mirakian, who argued that the boy's actions were not criminal behavior.

The prosecutor, however, said the boy brought the GI Joe Survival Beverage — Cherry Commando — to school intending to place it in the teacher's coffee. The teacher went to a hospital on Jan. 5, prosecutor Kristiane Gray said.

The teacher testified that a parent called her in late February to tell her about the incidents, which were being discussed by students on, a social networking Web site.

The teacher said she went to a hospital emergency room after having pain in her arm and heart palpitations, and she was eventually given medication for high blood pressure.

The classmate acknowledged his part in the prank and was granted diversion.

Mirakian said the boy's family is considering an appeal.

Talk about overreacting... Wow.  How does the punishment fit the crime at all?

(...thinks Cherry Commando would be a great name for an all-girl rock band.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Sep 14th, 2006 at 7:03pm
Why did she go to the hospital?  Was she allergic to GI Joe?  Couldn't this kid also be charged with bringing an image on violence (the GI Joe drink) into school.  This also means that under 802 of the Patriot Act...he could be considered a terrrorists and be sent to CIA camps, which Bush has recently confirmed existing.  On a side note, if these camps are fully LEGAL and GOOD.  Why are they overseas and not here?

(Just something to think about)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by The_Fat_Man on Sep 14th, 2006 at 8:00pm
Since when is it illegal to pour a fruit drink in coffee?

I must be missing something in this story.

Was the lady allergic or some shit?

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Sep 16th, 2006 at 2:24pm

Dr.: Va. teen cancer patient improving

By SHELIA BYRD, Associated Press Writer 1 hour, 44 minutes ago

GREENWOOD, Miss. - A Virginia teenage cancer patient appears to be improving less than a month after he won a court fight to forgo chemotherapy and seek alternative treatments, his doctor said Friday.

"His tumor is shrinking very nicely and he's gaining energy and stamina," said Dr. Arnold Smith, medical director and radiation oncologist at the North Central Mississippi Regional Cancer Center in Greenwood.

It was the first update on 16-year-old Starchild Abraham Cherrix's condition since his family was allowed to pursue alternative treatments in his battle with Hodgkin's disease.

Neither Cherrix or his doctor would discuss specifics about the treatment, but the teen's father said chemotherapy was not part of the treatment plan.

The teen was diagnosed last year with Hodgkin's disease, a cancer of the lymphatic system that is considered treatable in its early stages. He said he was so debilitated by three months of chemotherapy that he declined a second, more intensive round early this year. He has said he thought it would kill him.

His then-oncologist alerted social services officials when the teen chose instead to go on a sugar-free, organic diet and use an alternative herbal liquid treatment called the Hoxsey tonic. The treatment was banned in the United States in 1960.

Cherrix, dressed in bluejeans, a button-down shirt and a baseball cap that read: "Victory shall be mine," said he's feeling excellent.

"This treatment has been working for me," he said. "I've had a tremendous boost of energy."

The teen's family has leased a house in Greenwood but his mother and younger brother remain on Chincogeague Island in Virginia.

Take that FDA, the courts, and you people who don't allow alternative medicines!!!


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on Sep 17th, 2006 at 1:54pm
Horton hears a Who  movie...

Jim Carrey will voice Horton

And Steve Carell will voice the mayor of Whoville.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Sep 19th, 2006 at 3:05pm

This is why I love the BBC.  I could comment and comment on this article not the mention the moronicy of the papalcy after Peter...but hey...what's fun in that?!


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Cait on Sep 20th, 2006 at 7:10pm

Chavez launches Bush broadside at U.N.

By IAN JAMES, Associated Press Writer
20 minutes ago

UNITED NATIONS - Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez called        President Bush "the devil" in a speech to the        United Nations on Wednesday, making the sign of the cross in a dramatic gesture and accusing him of "talking as if he owned the world."
The fiery speech by the leftist leader, one of the Bush's staunchest critics abroad, was harsher in tone than that of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who sparred with Bush the previous day over Tehran's disputed nuclear program but avoided any personal insults.

"Yesterday, the devil came here," Chavez said, referring to Bush's address before the U.N. General Assembly on Tuesday. "Right here. Right here. And it smells of sulfur still today, this table that I am now standing in front of."

He then made the sign of the cross, brought his hands together as if praying and looked up at the ceiling.

Lest anyone wasn't listening, Chavez continued:

"Yesterday, ladies and gentlemen, from this rostrum, the president of the United States, the gentleman to whom I refer as the devil, came here, talking as if he owned the world. Truly. As the owner of the world," Chavez said.

Chavez's words drew tentative giggles at times from the audience, but also applause at the end of the speech and when he called Bush the devil — a word he used no fewer than eight times.

Secretary of State        Condoleezza Rice said Chavez's remarks were "not becoming for a head of state."

"I am not going to dignify a comment by the Venezuelan president to the president of the United States," Rice told reporters in New York. The main U.S. seat in the assembly hall was empty as Chavez spoke, though the U.S. Ambassador John Bolton told The Associated Press that a "junior note-taker" was present, as is customary "when governments like that speak."

The address appeared to be one of Chavez' boldest moves yet to lead an alliance of countries firmly opposed to the Bush administration. The speech came after the leftist leader crisscrossed the globe this summer visiting like-minded nations from        Iran to Belarus.

The Venezuelan has become Latin America's leading voice against the U.S. government, and his speech was reminiscent of crusading addresses by his mentor        Fidel Castro of Cuba and the late Argentine revolutionary Ernesto "Che" Guevara.

In his 23-minute address, Chavez also called Bush a "spokesman of imperialism" who was trying "to preserve the current pattern of domination, exploitation and pillage of the peoples of the world."

"An Alfred Hitchcock movie could use it as a scenario. I would even propose a title: `The Devil's Recipe,'" Chavez said.

He accused the U.S. of planning and financing a failed 2002 coup against him, a charge the U.S. denies. And he said the U.S. tries to impose its vision of democracy militarily in countries like Iran and        Iraq.

"We appeal to the people of the United States and the world to halt this threat, which is like a sword hanging over our head," he said. "The imperialists see extremists everywhere. It's not that we are extremists. It's that the world is waking up."

At the start of his talk, Chavez held up a book by American writer Noam Chomsky, "Hegemony or Survival: America's Quest for Global Dominance," and recommended it to everyone in the General Assembly, as well as to the American people.

"The people of the United States should read this ... instead of the watching Superman movies," Chavez later told reporters.

He called U.S. consumerism "madness," saying Americans have wasteful habits in using oil and energy. He held up a satellite photo showing the world at night, with bright light emanating from the U.S. and other wealthy countries.

Consuming less should be an environmental priority, he said, "instead of looking for oil" through the war in Iraq.

The United States continues to be the top buyer of Venezuelan oil, bringing the South American country billions of dollars in earnings that help fund Chavez's popular social programs.

Accusing Bush of neglecting the poor, Chavez started a program last winter for Venezuela's U.S.-based oil company Citgo to sell discounted heating oil to poor American families. It distributed more than 40 million gallons of oil last winter to low-income Americans, and Chavez announced a doubling of that this winter.

Chavez also lambasted the U.S. government for trying to block Venezuela's campaign for a seat in the        U.N. Security Council. He said if chosen over U.S.-favorite Guatemala in a secret-ballot U.N. vote next month, Venezuela would be "the voice of the Third World."

The council currently consists of five permanent members with veto power — the United States, Britain, Russia, China and France — and 10 non-permanent members who serve two-year terms and have no power to veto resolutions.

The U.S. argues that Venezuela — closely allied with Iran,        Syria and Cuba — would be a disruptive force. The campaign for a U.N. seat is shaping up to be a formidable diplomatic test for Chavez, gauging his ability to lobby head-to-head against the United States.

Chavez said the U.N. in its current system "doesn't work" and is "antidemocratic." He called for the world body to be overhauled, saying the U.S. government's "immoral veto" had allowed recent Israeli bombings of Lebanon to continue unabated for more than a month.

The Mideast was in the spotlight, with ministers from the Quartet that drafted the stalled so-called "road map" peace plan — the U.S., the U.N., the        European Union and Russia — planning to meet. The Security Council also was scheduled to hold a ministerial meeting Thursday that Arab leaders hope will help revive the peace process.

On Wednesday, Bush met with Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas and described him as "a man of peace" who can help move forward the stalled peace process.

Afghan President Hamid Karzai also addressed the General Assembly, warning that terrorism is rebounding in his country. He said efforts to build democracy there had suffered setbacks over the past year as violence increased, especially in the volatile south where        NATO forces have been battling Taliban militants in some of the fiercest battles since the hard-line government was toppled in 2001.

"We have seen terrorism rebounding as terrorists have infiltrated our borders to step up their murderous campaign against our people," he told the General Assembly.

He also expressed concern about "the increased incidents of Islamophobia in the West," saying it does not "bode well for the cause of building understanding and cooperation across civilizations."

any thoughts on this, guys?

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Sep 21st, 2006 at 8:33am
My opinion on the matter is very succinct:  Chavez can blow me.

(...can't think of any other way to put it.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Cait on Sep 21st, 2006 at 3:01pm

true love.

chavez + b0b = lovahhhs

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Sep 22nd, 2006 at 1:12am

'Spaceballs' to become TV cartoon
POSTED: 11:47 a.m. EDT, September 21, 2006
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LOS ANGELES, California (Hollywood Reporter) -- Mel Brooks is developing an animated TV series based on his comedy feature "Spaceballs."

Like the 1987 movie, which parodied well-known science-fiction movies, "Spaceballs: The Animated Series" will spoof current blockbusters as well as every genre of entertainment from movies and reality TV to culture and politics.

It is set to debut on cable network G4 in fall 2007. Production has already started on an initial batch of 13 episodes.

Brooks, who will voice two characters in the show, co-wrote the pilot with longtime collaborator Thomas Meehan, who will oversee all writing for the series.

Brilliant...I would be worried if it wasn't for Mel Brooks being the creator!!!


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Sep 22nd, 2006 at 8:12am
...that could suck.  Spaceballs is a once-in-a-lifetime creation of comedic genius.

(...hopes it rocks.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Cait on Sep 22nd, 2006 at 10:13pm
I have mixed feelings about this all.

Its kind of like....Spaceballs should not be a cartoon.


  (...about to have a fight with the roomie)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Sep 26th, 2006 at 11:53am

Limewire Hits Back Hard: Sues RIAA For Antitrust And Consumer Fraud
from the this-may-get-interesting dept

Last month, the RIAA sued Limewire after Limewire wouldn't agree to simply roll over and pretend the RIAA's interpretation of the Supreme Court decision in the Grokster case was actually what the Supreme Court said. The court actually said that services could be found liable, if they were shown to actively induce infringement. The RIAA and the MPAA pretended this meant that any file sharing network that had unauthorized content was flat-out illegal. Of course, that's a bit of a stretch. So, it already seemed like it would be an interesting case, but now Limewire has hit back even harder with counterclaims accusing the RIAA of antitrust violations, consumer fraud and other misconduct. Specifically, they seem to be making the case that the RIAA only wants to shut down Limewire because it is a competitive distribution mechanism that they cannot control, which helps compete with their monopolistic control on traditional distribution. It's an interesting claim that does make some sense, though the RIAA will simply try to paint Limewire as a tool for "thieves." As with many of these types of cases, there's probably a decent chance that the sides will settle before any decision is made, but in this case, it would be very interesting to see the actual outcome of any lawsuit -- both on the issue of whether or not simply running a file sharing network is inducement and on whether or not there really is an antitrust claim here. If the case does go forward and the RIAA loses on the antitrust issue, it could have a big impact on the traditional labels, and could actually be a catalyst towards forcing them to accept the changing nature of the market. This is becoming a case well worth watching.

Wow...finally someone with the balls to take the fight to RIAA...go Limewire!


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Sep 29th, 2006 at 1:14am

The complete 6000 years of history of control of the middle 90 seconds

(pretty shweet)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Sep 30th, 2006 at 2:04am
Think the Cold Wars over do ya?

Fighter planes intercept Russian bombers
Associated Press

ANCHORAGE, Alaska - American and Canadian fighter planes were launched to intercept a pair of Russian bombers after the bombers came close to Alaska while conducting an exercise, military officials said Friday.

The Russian aircraft on Thursday penetrated a 12-mile buffer zone near American airspace, according to the North American Aerospace Defense Command, or NORAD.

The bombers never violated U.S. or Canadian airspace, said Maj. Gen. Brett Cairns, NORAD director of operations.

Elmendorf Air Force Base in Anchorage sent four F-15s to meet the Russian aircraft, said Master Sgt. Tim Hoffman, a base information officer. Two F-15s intercepted the planes by making visual contact and verifying their identity.

The Russian planes then left the buffer zone, he said.

"We just carried out our typical mission," Hoffman said. "They were in international airspace the whole time."

CF-18 fighters also were launched from Canada, but did not intercept the Russian planes.

Lt. Gen. Igor Khvorov, commander of Russian long-range aviation, said the exercise involved 70 bombers, which test-fired 18 cruise missiles, the Russian news agency RIA Novosti reported.

"All the aircraft involved flew over neutral waters, and none of them came closer than 12 nautical miles to the maritime borders of any country," Khvorov said.

What made the event somewhat unusual was that the Russian military had told the United States about the maneuvers ahead of time, Hoffman said, a sharp contrast to Cold War practices.

"They have become more open with the exercises," he said.



Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Oct 2nd, 2006 at 1:57am

He he does anyone else find it funny that they get Robert Downey Jr. to play the alcholic Iron Man?

Trivia:  Iron Man wasn't always an alcholic.  Stan Lee found him too 1 dementional and made him the first superhero with a drinking problem.  Many people credit the Iron Man with helping Stan Lee creat the Daredevil, the blind lawyer.  Althought ruined by Ben Afleck...Daredevil isn't a douche bag.  He he.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Oct 2nd, 2006 at 8:13am
It could be worse.  They could've cast Matt DAAAAAAAAMON to play the role.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Oct 2nd, 2006 at 11:54am
Ya he's too busy bringing down the destruction of Star Trek

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Oct 2nd, 2006 at 1:11pm


Woman Arrested For Hamster Neglect

POSTED: 7:40 am EDT October 2, 2006
UPDATED: 7:45 am EDT October 2, 2006

JANESVILLE, Wis. -- Police arrested a woman for neglecting hamsters at her home after her roommate called authorities, police said Sunday.

Sgt. Rick Larson said police arrested the 23-year-old on 39 counts each of two charges: failing to provide food and drink and failing to provide proper shelter to animals.

The Rock County Humane Society removed 33 live and six dead hamsters.

The woman was already is facing charges of failing to provide shelter and food to a Great Dane removed from her home in August.

(...has nothing to say.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Stick on Oct 2nd, 2006 at 6:50pm
The headline sounds funny but its a pretty serious offence.  In other news... I shot my first goose on Saturday.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Oct 2nd, 2006 at 7:38pm
It's about freakin' time.  What took so long?

( kidding, of course.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Cait on Oct 2nd, 2006 at 11:11pm
:'( poor goose.

how will you be preparing it?

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Oct 3rd, 2006 at 8:37am
With sharp point knives and lots of fire?


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Stick@school on Oct 3rd, 2006 at 6:06pm
I hear goose is not very good tasting.  Most recipes I found online consist of apples and lime juice, baking for 2.5hrs at 325o

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Oct 3rd, 2006 at 9:13pm
It tastes like chicken, but with a chewier consistency.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Stick on Oct 4th, 2006 at 12:56pm

haha, fox misslabed Foley as a Democrat.  I find this funny because most of this scandal stuff is only leaked  for political purposes.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Oct 4th, 2006 at 3:13pm
From what I understand, the CNN correspondent that broke the story sat on it since the beginning of the year.  If that's true, it truly reeks of political motivation.

(...thinks Foley should be shot.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by computerjuvenile on Oct 6th, 2006 at 1:39am

Electronic teenager repellant and scraping fingernails, the sounds of Ig Nobel success

Alok Jha, science correspondent
Friday October 6, 2006
The Guardian

It's a device with a variety of practical applications; an ingenious gadget that disperses gangs of loitering teenagers by emitting a piercing shriek only they can hear. Not the pinnacle of science, perhaps, but high enough to win the Welsh engineer who designed it an award from Harvard.

Howard Stapleton today receives the 2006 Ig Nobel award for peace, joining a prestigious group of previous British winners of prizes that are becoming nearly as coveted their more high-minded Nobel cousins. The Ig Nobels celebrate the quirkier side of serious scientific endeavour, according to Marc Abrahams, the man behind them, honouring "achievements that first make people laugh, and then make them think".

For Mr Stapleton, of Compound Security Systems in Merthyr Tydfil, south Wales, the accolade came for his electronic teenager repellant, called the Mosquito.

The Mosquito exploits an ageing effect that sees our ability to hear high frequency sounds dwindle as we get older. In our teens, we can typically hear sounds ranging from 20Hz to 20kHZ, but with age, the highest frequencies we can hear drops, sometimes to 18kHz or less.

"We discovered that, even at relatively low volumes, the right frequency noise would only be heard by 25s and below and it was highly annoying after five minutes," Mr Stapleton said. "The Mosquito was born."

Tests of the £580 unit at a local Spar shop in Barry, south Wales, last year were declared a success when teenagers that congregated outside the premises pleaded with the owner, Robert Gough, to turn it off. Older customers were reported to be oblivious to the high-pitched shriek. The box, mounted on a wall outside the shop, was programmed to emit an 80-decibel pulse of high frequency sound that cleared an area up to 15 metres away....

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on Oct 8th, 2006 at 11:00pm
North Korea just detonated a nuclear device!

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Oct 8th, 2006 at 11:24pm

Ya know what would make me feel better?  If lord...err... President Bush asked me to give up MORE rights so I know he'll protect me from the eveil of the evil Kimmy.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Oct 9th, 2006 at 9:10am
Uh oh, it looks like Kim Jong Il is ronrey.

(...4.2 magnitude, baby!)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Oct 14th, 2006 at 12:11am

This is the reason Madonna should just launch herself into the sun.  You know you are a horrible, evil, bad person (with a fake British accent) when people won't let you have a needy, hungry baby with no parents from a 3rd world country!


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Oct 18th, 2006 at 8:36am

Why have so many dogs leapt to their deaths from Overtoun Bridge?
Last updated at 23:28pm on 17th October 2006
Reader comments (5)

Overtoun Bridge in Scotland where so many dogs have jumped to their deaths

For Donna Cooper, the worst thing about watching her collie dog, Ben, leap to his death has been the effect it has had on her two-year-old son Callum.

'Nearly a year on, Callum still asks about Ben. He was very upset by the dog's death and wants to know if his leg has been fixed in heaven,' she says.

Just 12 months previously, Donna, her husband and son were walking their dog across the picturesque Overtoun Bridge in Milton, near Dumbarton, Scotland.

Without warning, Ben leapt over a parapet on the century-old granite bridge and fell 50ft to his death on the rocks below.

'His paw was broken, his jaw was broken and his back was broken and badly twisted. The vet decided it wasn't worth putting him through the pain, so we had to let him go,' recalls Donna.

Kenneth Meikle can sympathise with the Cooper family because he, too, has had to watch in horror as his golden retriever, Hendrix, leapt from the same bridge at virtually the same spot.

'I was out walking with my partner and children when suddenly the dog just jumped. My daughter screamed, and I ran down the bank to where the dog lay and carried her up to safety.

'As I did so, her hair started to fall out. It must have been shock because when we got her home, she shook all night.

'Next day, thank goodness, she was fine. We were lucky because she landed on a moss bed which broke her fall.'

50 dogs in the last 50 years
Other dogs have not been as fortunate. In the past half-century, some 50 dogs have leapt to their deaths from the same historic bridge.

During one six-month period last year, five dogs jumped to their deaths.

All of the deaths have occurred at virtually the same spot, between the final two parapets on the right-hand side of the bridge, and almost all have been on clear, sunny days.

Furthermore, the dogs which have perished have all-been long-nosed breeds: labradors, collies and retrievers.

Dorren Graham, of the Scottish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals calls the phenomenon a 'heartbreaking mystery'.

'There are lots of owners whose dogs have died and who are trying to find out why they jumped.'

Could dogs be deliberately committing suicide?
Built in 1895 by Calvinist Lord Overtoun, the ornate Victorian structure arches 50ft over Overtoun Burn, the stream which runs below.

Now, thanks to stories posted on the internet, doglovers from around the world are asking: could dogs be deliberately committing suicide on this particular bridge, and if so, why?

In an attempt to solve a problem which has left many local dog owners so concerned, they will no longer walk their pets on the doomed bridge, a host of specialists converged on the west Scotland town earlier this year to investigate - and finally solve the mystery.

Rumours have long circulated that the bridge and nearby Overtoun House are haunted. In 1994, local man Kevin Moy threw his baby son to his death from the bridge, claiming he thought the child was the anti-Christ.

Shortly after he tried to end his own life with an unsuccessful suicide attempt from the same bridge.

Donna Cooper says: 'Rumour has it that he was on drugs, but he insisted the place was haunted and it does seem to have a strange effect on people and dogs.'

The Thin Place
In Celtic mythology, Overtoun is known as 'the thin place' - an area in which heaven and earth are reputed to be close.

Certainly dogs have been shown in the past to be more sensitive than humans.

Were they 'spooked' by some supernatural or external force emanating from the bridge, and deliberately leaping to their deaths?

Psychic Mary Armour took her own labrador for a walk along the bridge to test the theory. However, she reported no unusual sensations.

'Animals are hyper-sensitive to the spirit world, but I didn't feel any adverse energy.'

In fact, Mary said she experienced a feeling of 'pure calmness and serenity' but admitted that her dog did pull her towards the right-hand side of the structure.

Suicidal or depressed feelings
If there is nothing supernatural propelling animals to their deaths, could they be picking up on suicidal or depressed feelings of their owners?

Kendal Shepherd, a veterinarian behavioural specialist, believes dogs can indeed suffer from psychosis, and anyone who has ever owned a dog would agree they can pine, look listless and go off their food when they are depressed.

As far back as ancient Egypt, dogs have been bred to do specific jobs on farms and in hunting.

Today, the need for working dogs has diminished, but we still breed them as surrogate friends and partners, a situation which has led some experts to believe we might be transferring our own negative emotions onto our pets.

A famous Austrian experiment has shown dogs can pick up on the thoughts and intentions of their owners from many miles away and don't just rely on physical clues to interpret what their owners want.

In the study, conducted by Dr Rupert Sheldrake, a dog and its owner were filmed simultaneously in separate environments.

Dog could sense its owner
The female owner went out for the day while the dog remained at home. The owner was instructed to return home at a time chosen by the researcher and to do so in a taxi so as not to provide any familiar car sounds.

Just 11 seconds after she was told to go home, the dog moved to the window, where it could look out and await her arrival.

It remained there the entire 15 minutes it took the woman to travel home, proving, says Dr Sheldrake, that thoughts and intentions can be transmitted to dogs.

So perhaps the dogs jumped to their deaths because they picked up on some human cues.

Dumbarton, near to where the bridge is situated, is a site of economic decline and regularly voted one of the most depressing places in Britain to live.

Suicide among the adult population has risen 200 per cent in the past three years, and it is now the leading cause of death among young men in the area - greater even than road accidents.

However, none of the owners whose dogs jumped from Overtoun Bridge reported any suicidal feelings and after careful analysis, Kendal Shepherd concluded: 'Human suicide is usually precipitated by a feeling that tomorrow will not be any better than today.

'But there is no evidence to suggest dogs have a sense of now and tomorrow.'

If not suicide then what?
So if the dog deaths cannot be attributed to suicide, what is causing them?

In a final bid to solve the mystery, canine psychologist Dr David Sands was dispatched to Dumbarton to try to view the bridge - and the sensation of crossing it - from an animal's point of view.

His first experiment was to recross the bridge with the only dog known to have survived the fall, to see how she reacted.

When he took 19-year-old Hendrix to the scene of her near-death experience, the dog walked happily across the bridge until towards the end on the right-hand side she suddenly tensed.

Because of her advanced age, Hendrix did not have the strength to jump, but something had clearly caught her attention, and Dr Sands concluded one of her three primary senses - sight, sound or smell - must have been so stimulated that she experienced an overwhelming urge to investigate.

Sight was quickly eliminated, as from a dog's eye view the only thing visible on the bridge is uninterrupted-granite.

Visit from an animal expert
To establish if either sound or smell was the culprit, specialists from a Glasgow acoustics company and the RSPB's David Sexton, an animal habitat expert, visited the spot.

Locals thought the nearby nuclear base at Faslane might be emitting some sound audible only to dogs, and there was also the possibility that nearby telephone pylons or the bridge structure itself might give off a sound only animals could hear.

However, after monitoring sound levels across the bridge, acoustic experts found nothing untoward that might explain the dog deaths.

Sexton, on the other hand, who laid bait in the undergrowth beneath the bridge, soon discovered that mice and mink resided there, while evidence of squirrel nests was also found in cannons embedded in the bridge's structure.

In order to narrow down which smell might be attracting the dogs, he distributed odour from all three species in a field and unleashed ten dogs - of the varieties which have died at the bridge - to see which one most interested them.

His findings were remarkable. Of the ten dogs tested, only two showed no interest in any of the scents while the overwhelming majority - 70 per cent - made straight for the mink.

Could a mink be the cause?
The mink's powerful anal glands leave marks wherever they go and the strong musty smell they emit is obviously proving irresistible to dogs.

It would also explain why the deaths have all occurred on sunny, dry days - relatively rare on the notoriously wet west coast - when the mink smell has not been diluted by the damp weather. Furthermore, the theory fits with the timeline of the deaths - single minks were introduced to Scotland in the Twenties but only started to breed in large numbers in the Fifties - which is when the mysterious dog deaths began occurring. But there are 26,000 mink in Scotland. Why are dogs in pursuit of them only jumping to their death from this particular bridge?

According to Dr Sands: 'When you get down to a dog's level, the solid granite of the bridge's 18-inch thick walls obscures their vision and blocks out all sound.

'As a result, the one sense not obscured, that of smell, goes into overdrive.'

For Donna Cooper, at last there is some explanation to offer her troubled son for the reason behind the death of their beloved family pet. Yet for others some questions still remain.

Why for example are all the deaths centred around the final two parapets on the right-handside?

Until a satisfactory answer is found how many dog lovers will feel brave enough to walk their animals over the mysterious ramparts of the dog suicide bridge?

Dog Suicide Bridge is on Channel Five on Wednesday night at 8pm

"The mink's p]owerful anal glands leave marks..."

Wes's mom told me he has the same problem, and she hates doing his laundry.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Oct 19th, 2006 at 6:57pm

Read this hilarious letter sent from an angry pro-football player on the stats of his Madden video game persona.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Oct 20th, 2006 at 1:22pm
Pat, you win the award for best link of the month.  I haven't laughed that hard in months (at work, no less!).  Pat for teh win!!!111

(...probably killed a few braincells.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Oct 20th, 2006 at 2:47pm
Bob, I think that's one of the nicest things you've ever said about me.


(I'm sooo happy!!!)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Ironman on Oct 21st, 2006 at 11:59am

Chins would recede, as a result of having to chew less on processed food.

Despite the fact that the whole article is speculation, it is ridiculous that this 'evolution theorist' still think that evolution occurs through use and disuse of organs.  

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Oct 21st, 2006 at 1:09pm
That's right!

So if I stop breathing then either myself or my offspring will develop gills, right?


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on Oct 21st, 2006 at 2:31pm
no silly, all you have to do is put your head underwater for a long time!

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Oct 21st, 2006 at 3:14pm
Ohh so that's what I was doing wrong...I was just holding my breath, while watching Waterworld, and saying to myself...Evolve...Evolvvve...Evollvvveee!

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on Oct 21st, 2006 at 4:50pm
lol, wow thats exactly what i was doing yesterday. Stop reading my mind. ;D

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Oct 27th, 2006 at 10:16am


70-year-old ex-SAS soldier dares to tackle four muggers and wins

Last updated at 22:00pm on 24th October 2006

A 70-year-old former British soldier who fought guerillas in Aden and Triad gangs in Hong Kong showed four muggers how it doesn't pay to mess with the SAS.

Douglas O'Dell is past retirement age but the moves he learned as a volunteer in Britain's toughest regiment half-a-century ago stood him in good stead when he was ambushed near his home in Bielefeld, Germany, by four local toughs.

The former Provost Sergeant put paid to the danger on the street like he once took out bandits in hotspots across the globe.

THWACK! The first mistake came when one of the teenagers grabbed him around the throat and said in German: "Give my your money, grandad, if you don't want to get hurt."

"Bad move," said Douglas. "The only part he got right was grandad. If you're gonna grab someone from behind take their arms and pin them to their waist.

"This joker, I was able to grab his elbow, crouch down and throw him over my shoulder. He landed on his back on a fence and squealed like a stuck pig."

CRASH! As one went down another moved in and Douglas thought he saw him reaching for a knife. The Birmingham-born divorcee, who has a daughter and three grandchildren, said: "I had the measure of him but I slipped on some wet leaves as he came for me and bashed my face badly on the concrete.

"I saw his boot coming towards my face and I thought: 'No you don't, sunshine.' I grabbed his leg and twisted it until he too was screaming out in agony.

"Then I got to my feet and kicked him in the chest."

With two down the two remaining would-be muggers had enough. One peeled his groaning pal from the fence, the other picked up his crippled accomplice from the pavement.

"The last I saw of them they were limping down the pavement like a WW1 trench raiding party who got clobbered," said Douglas.

Douglas, who served nearly nine years with the Royal Warwickshire Regiment before leaving the army in the late 1950s, learned his combat moves when he was accepted for SAS training.

He completed the course and was to join the famous regiment when he contracted malaria and had to leave the army.

"I was upset at the time but I made the best of it. It's funny, but I never thought I would need to know that stuff again, the unarmed combat, but it came back just when I needed it."

The youths ambushed him just 60 feet from the flat he lives in in the British Army garrison town he has called home since 1961.

He went on: "The police only became involved because I went to the hospital with my face. Otherwise I wouldn't have bothered. They didn't get anything – except a bloody good hiding.

"They were German, I think east Germans, from their accent. There have been a lot of break-ins in my road.

"I just didn’t think this would happen to me. I was only returning from a pal's place after drinking a few beers."

Douglas, who spent three years as a policeman in Birmingham before returning to Germany to live after his marriage ended, shares his flat with a mongrel dog called Schnuffi.

He still works, as a delivery driver, "because my pension isn't very good."

Police in Bielefeld are still looking for his attackers.

But a spokesman said: "He had everything under control. These guys picked the wrong guy on the wrong night."

"No you don't, sunshine."

That's awesome!

(...would love to buy this guy dinner.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Nov 12th, 2006 at 4:05pm
God bless this woman who's fighting the evil system of RIAA tyranny!

udge Grants Marie Lindor's Motion to Amend Answer to Add Affirmative Defense of Unconstitutionality of Damages

In UMG v. Lindor, Judge Trager has granted Ms. Lindor's motion to add a defense based on the unconstitutionality of the $750-per-song damages sought by plaintiffs. He rejected the RIAA's arguments that the defense was without merit, that the motion was untimely, that the amendment would prejudice the RIAA, or that Ms. Lindor was required to send a notice to the United States Department of Justice of her defense of unconstitutionality.

Judge Trager ruled:

   [P]laintiffs can cite to no case foreclosing the applicability of the due process clause to the aggregation of minimum statutory damages proscribed under the Copyright Act. On the other hand, Lindor cites to case law and to law review articles suggesting that, in a proper case, a court may extend its current due process jurisprudence prohibiting grossly excessive punitive jury awards to prohibit the award of statutory damages mandated under the Copyright Act if they are grossly in excess of the actual damages suffered.....Furthermore, Lindor provides a sworn affidavit asserting that plaintiffs' actual damages are 70 cents per recording and that plaintiffs seek statutory damages under the Copyright Act that are 1,071 times the actual damages suffered. Aff. of Morlan Ty Rogers, ("Rogers Aff.", [pars.]5, 6. See also Aff. of Aram Sinnreich, ("Sinnreich Aff."), [par.] 2, 3 (attesting that popular music sound recording downloads and consumer license to use same are lawfully obtainable to the public at 99 cents per song, and of that 99 cents, roughly 70 cents per song is paid by the retailer to the record label). As FRCP Rule 12(b)(6) requires that this figure be taken as true for purposes of the motion, Lindor has alleged a factual basis supporting her affirmative defense."

Does this mean a change in the way law will look at copyright and the cases brought to them?

(Still a long way to go)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Nov 13th, 2006 at 12:28pm

Teachers 'stressed' by websites
The sites allow pupils to rate teachers
Teachers in Northern Ireland are being caused "a lot of stress" by websites which allow pupils to post their opinions of them, it has been claimed.

Sites such as and bebo give pupils the chance to anonymously praise or castigate their teachers from their own homes.

Fern Turner, regional officer of the National Association of Head Teachers, said the situation was "unacceptable".

"We're talking here about teachers' professionalism," she said.

Among the posts on one of the sites,, were ones which read: "A useless piece of garbage who wouldn't know chemistry if it ran him over"; "She spends all our lessons on her mobile texting her boyfriend"; "I didn't like her as a teacher... she had a weird smell of vodka to her."

"The fact that somebody is making money out of attacking people isn't appropriate," Ms Turner said.

"I think part of being a teacher is training young children, and indeed sometimes adults, to respect others and respect their feelings and not to go out of their way to damage people.

"I think that is what this does," she said.

Ms Turner said her organisation did not condone bad teaching, but there were better ways to deal with problems.

"If the teacher is not doing the job it has to be dealt with, but it has to be dealt with properly.

"The website is not the way to do it," Ms Turner said.

"We need students to be active, we need them to be involved in their education, but this isn't the way to do it."

Yes, because we can't criticize the perfect position of teaching!  When did teaching become godship for people?  Teachers are having sex with students, dropping the ball on educating children, and just overall sucking.  Teacher are not perfect and there is no outlet for criticism to the system for the kids, and prob the parents too.  Those who went to TRHS can remember, at least me and bob the most, the absolute waste of time and space that teachers such as Mr. Best and Mr. Woods took up.  I complained about both to the Principle, and even my parents did.  The parents did because Mr. Best wanted me to bring a knife into school, I can fight my own fights but I wanted some higher ups to help me out.  I think all the complaints about Mr. Woods from our Global Studies class even got Mr. Rathburn, who was a friend at the time when he was principal and trusted me, actually came down to review Mr. Woods.  Of course that was the one day he "taught" something instead of rambled on and on about African queens in Vietnam or chitlets is good or some other crap like that.  To bring my point to a head, there is no check and/or balance on teachers today.  Teachers unions and esp tenure are out of control.  I remember coming to school and seeing our teachers protesting outside before class started.  I wanted to protest them!  And remember some of the teachers...I liked.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Nov 13th, 2006 at 12:29pm

Hmmm...why is classic Star Trek being used to teach proper science and not TNG?

Because Kirk is better than Picard of course!


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Nov 13th, 2006 at 1:02pm
Nah, it's just because the teacher is a woman.

(...runs away.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Nov 16th, 2006 at 1:17pm

Nobel economist Milton Friedman dead at 94
Advocate of deregulation whose influence soared after Ronald Reagan became president.
November 16 2006: 1:04 PM EST

NEW YORK ( -- Milton Friedman, the Nobel-prize winning economist who helped shape and define free-market economic theory, died Thursday at the age of 94 in San Francisco.

A spokesman for the Milton & Rose Friedman Foundation confirmed the news to CNN.
Milton Friedman

Friedman, who won the Nobel prize in 1976, helped interpret and popularize modern free-market economics that came to dominate much of U.S. public policy in second half of the 20th century.

Free-market economic theories, which included tight fiscal discipline and deregulation of markets, grew influential in the United States after Ronald Reagan became president in the United States.

Friedman was regarded as the leader of the Chicago School of monetary economics and the leading proponent of free-market theory.

The Chicago School regarded the quantity of money as an instrument of government policy, capable of influencing inflation and business cycles, according to his biography at the Hoover Institution where Friedman served as a research fellow.

Overseas, Friedman's work helped shape policies used in Chile and Argentina in the 1970s.

Friedman received his BA from Rutgers University in 1932, an MA from the University of Chicago the next year. In 1946 he received his Ph.D. from Columbia University.

Everything you need to know about economics you can learn from the work of Adam Smith, Milton Friedman and Max Weber.  Forget that socialist hack Keynes.  He and FDR were the progenitors of the modern US socialistic slant.

(...requiescat in pace.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Cait on Nov 16th, 2006 at 10:34pm
news from my side of the world (my ignorant little private college feminazi side, that is):

I'm going to CHINA in MAYYYYYYY!!!

I just found out today.

And I am way. excited.

 (....actually chose Belize and Guatemala first.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by The_Fat_Man on Nov 16th, 2006 at 10:41pm
Man....thats awesome and rough at the same time.

Communism pretty much sucks :)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Nov 16th, 2006 at 11:35pm
Watch your kidney!!

Horrific New Evidence of China Organ Harvesting Revealed

Jan Jekielek
Epoch Times
Thursday, November 16, 2006

A Chinese military surgeon had eight Chinese citizens killed to supply a single foreign patient with a new kidney, said former Canadian Secretary of State for Asia-Pacific David Kilgour on November 14. Kilgour spoke as a special guest at the Asian Human Rights Week forum in Warsaw, on day two of a five day program.

"The incredible thing is that the doctor would…go down the names on sheets of paper looking for blood types and tissue types and so on, and he [the patient] would point at names on the list. The doctor would then go away and come back with organs," said Kilgour.

While conducting research in Asia, Kilgour interviewed a now 35 year-old man (name and nationality withheld) who received a kidney transplant at Shanghai No. 1 People's Hospital in 2003. The man said that his surgeon was Dr Tan Jianming, Secretary General of the Chinese Research Society of Dialysis and Transplantation. Dr Tan also holds top posts in a number of Chinese military and civilian hospitals.

The patient suffered from an antibody condition that made it difficult to find a suitable kidney. Over an eight day period, four separate kidneys were brought to him and tested, said Kilgour. When none of those worked, three months later he tried another four – the last of which was a fit. The man was later transferred to No. 85 Hospital of the People's Liberation Army to convalesce.

Dr Tan told the man explicitly that these organs came from executed Chinese prisoners, and that at least some of the organs had been harvested secretly, against the donors' will.

"I am certain that at least some of these were Falun Gong practitioners who never went near a court, who were never convicted of anything," said Kilgour.

Earlier in 2006, Kilgour co-wrote a report detailing evidence of China's large scale state-supported killing of Falun Gong prisoners of conscience – in order to extract their organs to sell for huge profits to people such as this man. Kilgour and co-author human rights lawyer David Matas estimated that over 41,000 organ transplants performed in China could not be accounted for, based on published records.

Kilgour believes, based on many lines of evidence, that apart from death row prisoners, Falun Gong practitioners are particularly targeted for live organ harvesting, as opposed to other groups that the Chinese Communist regime labels as "dissidents" or "enemies of state."

Falun Gong is the peaceful spiritual practice that saw its popularity grow at an astonishing rate in the 1990's. In 1999, then-Chinese dictator Jiang Zemin outlawed the practice in China and ordered its eradication. Multiple human rights organizations have documented the communist regime's brutal, large scale persecution of Falun Gong practitioners since that time.

Since the publication of their report last July, Kilgour and Matas have traveled to over 20 countries searching for support, as well as for new evidence that might either prove or disprove the organ harvesting allegations. Over that time, in addition to the 18 lines of evidence examined in the initial report, Kilgour says they found another ten areas of evidence pointing to the same conclusion. He intends to publish an updated report by the end of the year, and says that it will contain more evidence of the Chinese military's involvement.

"We were hoping that it [the organ harvesting] would have stopped by now, but we are convinced that it is still happening," said Kilgour.

Cautiously Optimistic

Yet Kilgour is cautiously optimistic.

The Transplantation Society (TTS), a global body dedicated to the development of transplantation science, education and ethics, issued a statement on the use of organs from Chinese executed prisoners on November 6.

"TTS is opposed to the recovery of organs and tissues from executed prisoners and from any other individual where an autonomous consent for the procurement is lacking," said the statement.

"TTS should express concern that the recovery of organs from executed prisoners [in China] has resulted in rampant commercialism and transplant tourism," it said.

After Kilgour detailed the organ harvesting evidence to the Australian parliament last August, the Australian media took up the cause.

"I have evidence from a senior medical professional in Australia that the number of Australians going for transplant operations in China has [since] collapsed. We are delighted that Australians have stopped," said Kilgour.

On November 15, Chinese state-controlled media reported that Chinese Assistant Health Minister Huang Jiefu called for "an information network that registers and keeps track of every human organ donation."

"That's either a step in the right direction, or it's a smoke screen," said Kilgour, in response to news of the official statement.

Kilgour's revelations were part of series of seminars examining the state of human rights in Asia being held November 13-17, 2006 in Warsaw, Poland. Warsaw's Asian Human Rights Week is focused on human rights in Burma, Cambodia, North Korea, Vietnam, China, Tibet and Bhutan.

The forum was organized by the Oriental Culture Center, an organization dedicated to the promotion of Asian culture in Poland, and Collegium Civitas, a top Polish private university specializing in the humanities. It was under the patronage of Polish Minister of Culture and Heritage, as well as the Mayor of Warsaw.

While in Warsaw, Kilgour also presented his report to Marek Jurek, the elected leader of the Sejm, the lower house of the Polish Parliament.

Why are you going to China?  And why are you excited?

(Really wants to know)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Nov 17th, 2006 at 8:23am
Yeah, what's in China?  Is this a short-term trip, or are you going for a year of school?  Don't you generally need to know the language fluently for that?

(...would love to know.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Cait on Nov 17th, 2006 at 1:59pm
I'm going in May for about 2 weeks with my school. I initially had chosen the Guatemala and Belize trip, but that was filled mainly with bio and environmental studies majors. So, Chatham put me with my second choice--China. I'll be taking a train tour around the country, learning about its economy, politics and how women are effected by all of it. Since I'm going to school here for journalism, it'll really beef up the resume as well as give me experience in a country that's becoming more important as the days go by. I won't need to be fluent in the language---but I guarantee you that I'll be learning all of the basics, and a little more in order to feel well-prepared (and also, because I think it's rude to go to another country and NOT at least attempt the language).

I'm REALLY excited to go because I haven't been out of this country (aside from a weekend trip to Toronto when I was 13---but Canada doesn't count as "foreign travels"). I also haven't been on a plane since I was an infant, and have never ridden on a train. I don't know much about China---so it'll be awesome to learn more. I'm only dreading the whole process of getting my passport and visa and shots. yuck. needles.

But, I think it'll be an awesome trip. More on what I'm going to be doing/seeing when I get my schedule for the trip. I know of a few places were visiting---I'm just wayyyy excited and rambling now.

More later.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Nov 28th, 2006 at 12:59am
Because YOU asked for it!  UNDERWEAR FACTS!!!

Amazing Underwear Facts!!


Underwear Facts
Percentage of Men who...
Prefer Briefs:      41%
Prefer Boxer Briefs:      27%
Prefer Trunks:      14%
Prefer Boxers:      12%
Prefer Thongs:      4%
Prefer Other Styles:      2%
Percentage of Women who...
Prefer Bikini Briefs:      37%
Prefer Briefs:      23%
Thongs:      19%
Boyshorts:      17%
Prefer Other Styles:      4%
*Based on a sample size of 125,000

· In 1991, the average bra size in the United States was 34B; today it's 36C.

· Married men change their underwear twice as often as single men.

· Italians wear red,  Argentineans wear pink, and Brazilians wear brand new underwear on New Years Eve

· The loincloth is both the simplest and the most popular form of underwear. It was probably the first undergarment worn by human beings.

· Bras did not exist until 1913 when Mary Phelps Jacob tied two handkerchiefs together with ribbon. In 1928, Maidenform introduced modern cup sizes.

· In 1935, the first men's briefs appeared. They had a Y-shaped front and overlapping fly on knitted drawers and came in both short and long styles.

· Panty hose, which combined panties and hose into one garment, made their first appearance in 1959, invented by Glen Raven Mills of North Carolina. The company later introduced seamless panty hose in the 1965, spurred by the popularity of the miniskirt.

· The thong first gained popularity in Brazil, in the 1980s as a swimsuit style. By the 1990s, thong underwear became popular and today it is one of the fastest selling styles.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Cait on Nov 28th, 2006 at 10:29am
Mary Phelps Jacob and Glen Raven Mills just became two of the people I hate most.

But, interesting facts, X. Gave me something to do during media ethics.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by The_Fat_Man on Nov 28th, 2006 at 10:39am
Why would you hate the lady who invented the bra?

Would you rather have big ol saggy boobs by time you are 26?

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Cait on Nov 28th, 2006 at 11:07am
1: bras are uncomfortable
2: I personally doubt my boobs would be saggy by age 26.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on Nov 28th, 2006 at 12:09pm
Im pretty sure wearing a bra is not a law.... yet.

Burn them all!


( a feminist)


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Nov 28th, 2006 at 2:03pm
I don't know which is worse...Wes being a C cup or if we did burn bras he would sag to his knees.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by The_Fat_Man on Nov 29th, 2006 at 12:07am
I'm a small B cup now...thank you...

Anyways, I wouldn't be so sure Cait.  Have you seen those ladies on Discovery Channel?  There boobs like like stretched out Candy Corn.

God bless the bra imo.  Keeping women looking attractive since 1913!

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Cait on Nov 29th, 2006 at 12:38am
attractive and uncomfortable.

gee whiz.

You're right...I couldnt ask for much more than this torture device of cloth, padding and underwire.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Nov 29th, 2006 at 1:09am
Uhh hello Cait but I think you are forgetting high heels.  It's the rich woman's foot binding!  Why women would subject themselves to 40 inch heels is beyond me.  No wonder women are better dancers...when they wear heels they are basically balancing on a 45 degree angle!


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by The_Fat_Man on Nov 29th, 2006 at 1:34am
Buy my comfortable bras?  Plus not wearing a bra, while possibly comfortable, is bad for a womans back after a certain amount of time.

Not noticeable in the days gone by, with extending life spans, your back will thank you later.

Boobs aren't light....specialy if you got big ones.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Cait on Nov 30th, 2006 at 4:04pm
Wes has got bigger boobs than I do.

I dont know if I should laugh or weep.

the difference between high heels and bras is that, heels can be shown off and flashy and fun.

bras just are bras. no fancy shit goes on there. and while they are necessary for those who have larger breasts as a means of preventing sagging, back problems and so on....they're just kind of a required pain in the ass for the rest of us whose boobs are small enough to say that they'll probably never sag or cause any back trauma.

And Wes, I'd love to buy your comfortable bras, but....I don't buy used underwear and I fear that your boobs would grow lonesome for the soft caress and companionship of such items.

But if you were suggesting I buy MORE comfortable bras, I doubt their existance.

   (...thinks its funny that she's arguing bras with doodes. Do any of you ever WEAR bras?)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Nov 30th, 2006 at 6:07pm
Bras aren't fancy?  My dear obviously you've obviously never heard of the anti-feminist store Victoria Secrets.  I think men love the look of an almost naked woman almost more than a naked one.  But ya...bras are much more noticed by men than shoes.  I will put dollars to donuts (whatever that means) that a guy could tell you if a good looking woman was wearing a bra and what kind rather than what types of shoes they had.  Another difference between what men notice and women think will be noticed.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by The_Fat_Man on Nov 30th, 2006 at 7:51pm
Yeah about the only thing that gets a guy more excited than a naked woman, is an almost naked woman :)

Bra's can be a lot of fun. As Patsy said, I doubt Victoria Secret pulls in millions of dollars a year because girls like wearing fancy underwear under their clothes....

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Cait on Dec 1st, 2006 at 12:11am
i didnt say i was against victorias secret, or bras for special occassions.

....and out of curiosity, why do you guys call X Patsy?

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Cait on Dec 1st, 2006 at 12:12am
PS--I know plenty a feminist that swears by Vicky's Secret!!!

(i go to school with many....and single-sex education was NOT a smart choice on my half)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Dec 1st, 2006 at 12:28am
Oh don't get me wrong I wasn't saying that feminists hate V.S.  I'm just saying it's a company that makes be seen.  I'm sure some woman can find the items there to be good looking on them but it's like having the Holy Grail.  Sure you can put it in a vault and you go in there and just stare at it...but you want...nay...NEED to show other people it.  The items there are designed for men (and lesbians) to look at on the pallet that is the female body.  That was my main point.  However I find it odd that VS is owned by a guy and the adds seem to pull woman out of the real world and into some fantasy realm.  You could take the symbol of the angel and, for people who don't believe in them, be unobtainable figures.  Then you have the non-angel models strut around in too perfect bodies modeling items when doing non-typical women strutting around or dancing sexily.  I would think it strange that feminists (at least radical feminsts...cause I'm all for the true movement) would hate that store.

And since the nickname thing wasn't asked of me...I'll let the others share the fable of the tale of how I became to be know as........


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Dec 1st, 2006 at 10:31am
I agree, a mostly-nekkid woman is far more seductive than a nekkid woman.  I'm not entirely certain of the psychological reasoning behind it, but it's just more fun to unwrap your presents than to have them delivered to you already unwrapped.

For what it's worth, Victoria's Secret (and other similar venues) are as much for men's benefit as it is for women's.  The ladies know they look sexy when dressed (or undressed, as it may be) in certain types of clothing.  As Pat mentioned, the ladies certainly don't dress up like that simply to hide it under daily work/school clothes.  Hell no, they're going to show those babies to the world!


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Cait on Dec 2nd, 2006 at 2:07am
ugh. i know that somewhere deep down in me right niow i have something femistically smart ass to respond with....

but i dont think i have the function to type it ut riht here or think about it.

me = drun

l k

 (....gon to bed)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by The_Fat_Man on Dec 2nd, 2006 at 10:40am
Getting your crunk on are we Cait?

Oh and we call X Patsy becuase his name is Pat, and Patsy just sounds fucking pimp ;)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Cait on Dec 2nd, 2006 at 2:21pm
......okay, it was winter traditions this weekend at chatham. my apologies, all, for my....interesting post.

Patsy is a piiimp name?

  (...takes another ibuprofen and crawls back into bed in order to die of embarassment)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on Dec 3rd, 2006 at 5:05pm
one of the referring pages to this forum:,RNWE:2004-20,RNWE:en&q=Briney+crotch

haha somone was searching for britney spears' crotch and they stumbled on the forum. least I hope they were searching for britney's crotch and not mine.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Stick on Dec 4th, 2006 at 8:52am
lol, did you read the sub link's description?

The Geek Crew - Random Stupidity
Briney if I told you once I told you a thousand times! It's illegal to have sex with a horse! I do have to wonder here...was the guy "pitching" or ... - 50k - Supplemental Result - Cached - Similar pages
[ More results from ]

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Dec 4th, 2006 at 9:51am
Oh Google, how I love thee...

(...ode to Briney's crotch.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Dec 4th, 2006 at 4:26pm

Driver chases youths, fires shots after SUV is struck; no arrest yet

Police are searching for the driver of an SUV who chased and fatally shot a 14-year-old boy he thought had thrown an egg at his vehicle early yesterday.

Danny Crawford, of 3217 Valley View Dr., died of a single gunshot wound in the upper body, according to Franklin County Coroner Brad Lewis.

Danny’s body was found in an alley behind 28 N. Terrace Ave., on the city’s West Side. The shooting took place about 12:30 a.m.

He died at the scene, Lewis said.

The eighth-grade student at Westmoor Middle School was with two other boys, one of whom threw an egg at an SUV on W. Broad Street, according to one of the boys, whose parents did not want his name used.

The boy said Danny did not throw the egg.

He said when the SUV stopped, he and Danny fled down an alley between N. Terrace Avenue and Eldon Avenue. The driver, he said, followed while the third boy ran in another direction.

The boy said the driver stopped the SUV, got out and began to run after them. The boy said while he ran through one back yard, Danny found himself trapped in the alley.

He said when he got to his house near Terrace Avenue, he heard six shots.

Danny’s house is about a mile from the alley where he was shot. A woman who answered the door at the house yesterday said Danny’s father did not want to comment.

Sgt. Dana Norman said the driver fled in the SUV. Police located the vehicle a short time later nearby on Burgess Avenue.

Norman said the SUV is registered to a Columbus resident.

Billy Hicks, who lives at 22 N. Terrace Ave., said he noticed several young people in a parking lot south of Broad Street, near the Hillcrest Baptist Church, about 12:30 a.m.

He said he then heard several shots fired in the alley behind his house.

"I ran out of my house and a neighbor said a kid had been shot," Hicks said.

He said police arrived almost immediately.

Duane Pritchett, who lives at 38 N. Terrace, said he heard the shots as well.

"I told my 8-year-old (son) to get down behind a metal desk because they sounded so close," he said.

It's a crying shame, but what the heck is a 14-year old doing out at 12:30am?!  

Getting egged is no reason to shoot someone.  That said, if you get into the habit of throwing eggs at people's cars at midnight, you are eventually going to get shot.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Dec 5th, 2006 at 4:38pm


NEW YORK (AP) -- The Board of Health voted Tuesday to make New York the nation's first city to ban artery-clogging artificial trans fats at restaurants -- from the corner pizzeria to high-end bakeries.

The board, which passed the ban unanimously, did give restaurants a slight break by relaxing what had been considered a tight deadline for compliance. Restaurants will be barred from using most frying oils containing artificial trans fats by July and will have to eliminate the artificial trans fats from all of its foods by July 2008.

Health Commissioner Thomas Frieden said recently that officials seriously weighed complaints from the restaurant industry, which argued that it was unrealistic to give them six months to replace cooking oils and shortening and 18 months to phase out the ingredients altogether.

The ban contains some exceptions; for instance, it would allow restaurants to serve foods that come in the manufacturer's original packaging.

Trans fats are believed to be harmful because they contribute to heart disease by raising bad cholesterol and lowering good cholesterol at the same time. Some experts say that makes trans fats worse than saturated fat.

The panel also passed another measure that has made restaurants unhappy: Some that chose to inform customers about calorie content will have to list the information right on the menu. The rule would generally apply to fast-food restaurants and other major chains.

Trans fats are formed when liquid oils are made into solid fats by adding hydrogen in a process called hydrogenation. A common example of this is partially hydrogenated vegetable oil, which is used for frying and baking and turns up in processed foods like cookies, pizza dough and crackers. Trans fats, which are favored because of their long shelf life, are also found in pre-made blends like pancake and hot chocolate mix.

The FDA estimates the average American eats 4.7 pounds of trans fats each year.

Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who banned smoking in bars and restaurants during his first term, is somewhat health-obsessed, and even maintains a monthly weight-loss competition with one of his friends in order to stay slim.

He has dismissed cries that New York is crossing a line by trying to legislate diets.

"Nobody wants to take away your french fries and hamburgers -- I love those things, too," he said recently. "But if you can make them with something that is less damaging to your health, we should do that."

Many food makers have stopped using trans fats on their own, after the U.S. Food and Drug Administration began requiring companies to list trans fat content on labels.

Fast-food restaurants and other major chains were particularly interested in the board's decision on Tuesday, because for these companies, a trans-fat ban wouldn't just involve substituting one ingredient for another. In addition to overhauling recipes, they have to disrupt nationwide supply operations and try to convince customers that the new french fries and doughnuts will taste just as good as the originals.

Already, McDonald's Corp. has been quietly experimenting with more than a dozen healthier oil blends but has not committed to a full switch. At an investor conference last month, CEO Jim Skinner said the company is making "very good progress," at developing an alternative, and vowed to be ready for a New York City ban.

Wendy's International Inc. introduced a zero-trans fat oil in August and Yum Brands Inc.'s KFC and Taco Bell said they also will cut the trans fats from their kitchens.

Taco Bell worked for more than two years to find a substitute, conducting blind consumer taste tests and extensive research, the company said.

Chicago is also considering its own trans fat law, which wouldn't ban them outright but would severely restrict the amount that kitchens can use. The measure would apply only to large restaurants, defined as those that make more than $20 million in sales per year.

New York's move to ban trans fats has mostly been applauded by health and medical groups, although the American Heart Association warns that if restaurants aren't given ample time to make the switch, they could end up reverting to ingredients high in saturated fat, like palm oil.

What will they ban next?  Bacon? Unquilted toilet paper?  Finger nail biting?  After they banned smoking I joked that they will go after red meat next.  I wasn't that far off.

Trans fats are believed to be harmful.

Well, it's certainly good to know they're just banning things based on their beliefs.  After all, those crazy scientists have never been wrong before!

Soon, New York will be better known as Tofuland.  It's sad to see Chicago going down the same path.  Considering the huge tourist population that shows up for "Taste of Chicago" and how important food is to Chicago's heritage, I can only hope they'll have an easier time shooting down this legislation.

(...wonders if this post is against the law somewhere?)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Dec 5th, 2006 at 4:44pm
You know, the more I think about that last article, the more it irritates me.

This kind of legislation ultimately stems from the "society pays" mentality of health care.  People would not be as upset about the fat problem in America if we weren't all paying for it with insurance premiums.  Because I pay for it, it actually does bother me that lardbuckets are taxing the system with lifestyle-related health problems.  The same goes for smoking.  One company here in town just banned all tobacco at work and their justification was how much it costs them in health insurance payments.  The root problem is socialism, once again.  Let the people with bad habits pay extra for all the extra costs they incur instead of just the copay.

When national socialized medicine becomes a reality you will see this on a grand scale.

Now we just need a BTFSG (Bureau of Trans-Fats, Sugar, and Grease) to conduct no-knock raids and confiscate contraband french fries.  Having a deep fryer will also get you charged with constructive intent to manufacture an unhealthy food, and if they find a used napkin you will also be charged with possession of fat paraphernalia.

( only joking.  Kinda.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Dec 5th, 2006 at 5:35pm
It irks me too bob.

This is the government, once again, over stepping its bounds.  Are they going to ban us from eating poison too?  It makes no sense.  Are we suddenly not going to take poison just because our government tell us?  If they don't control it does that mean everyone's going to just be taking poison left and right?!

I can buy that trans fats are bad for you.  Even still, we have a govt institution which kills thousands of people each year...the FDA.  How many times have we heard of recalls and pulling things off the shelves.  Those are just what we hear about.  We don't hear about the 3,000 deaths per year for properly taking asprin and on top of that the other thousands who properly take other meds.

And then on top of that the FDA makes big pharma a monopoly by not even bothering to look at natural cures and remedies.

In this business it's not about making people's about making them feeling better for a while.  You don't make money by curing make money by getting them sick again.

I know I kinda went off topic there but it's all tied into the same crap.  The government needs to be put in check and the people need to realize that the govt is NOT our babysitter.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Dec 6th, 2006 at 11:36am


Who gives to charity?
By John Stossel
Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Americans are pretty generous. Three-quarters of American families give to charity -- and those who do, give an average of $1,800. Of course that means one-quarter of us don't give at all. What distinguishes those who give from those who don't? It turns out there are many myths about that.

To test them, ABC's "20/20" went to Sioux Falls, S.D., and San Francisco. We asked the Salvation Army to set up buckets at their busiest locations in both cities. Which bucket would get more money? I'll get to that in a minute.

San Francisco and Sioux Falls are different in some important ways. Sioux Falls is small and rural, and more than half the people go to church every week.

San Francisco is a much bigger and richer city, and relatively few people attend church. It is also known as a very liberal place, and since liberals are said to "care more" about the poor, you might assume people in San Francisco would give a lot.

But the idea that liberals give more is a myth. Of the top 25 states where people give an above-average percentage of their income, all but one (Maryland) were red -- conservative -- states in the last presidential election.

"When you look at the data," says Syracuse University professor Arthur Brooks, "it turns out the conservatives give about 30 percent more. And incidentally, conservative-headed families make slightly less money."

Researching his book, "Who Really Cares" (LINK:, Brooks found that the conservative/liberal difference goes beyond money:

"The people who give one thing tend to be the people who give everything in America. You find that people who believe it's the government's job to make incomes more equal, are far less likely to give their money away."

Conservatives are even 18 percent more likely to donate blood.

The second myth is that people with the most money are the most generous. But while the rich give more in total dollars, low-income people give almost 30 percent more as a share of their income.

Says Brooks: "The most charitable people in America today are the working poor."

We saw that in Sioux Falls, S.D. The workers at the meat packing plant make about $35,000, yet the Sioux Falls United Way says it gets more contributions of over $500 from employees there than anywhere else.

Note that Brooks said the "working" poor. The nonworking poor -- people on welfare -- are very different, even though they have the same income. The nonworking poor don't give much at all.

What about the middle class? Well, while middle-income Americans are generous compared to people in other countries, when compared to both the rich and working poor in America, Brooks says, "They give less."

When asked why, many say, "I don't have enough money to spare." But it's telling that the working poor manage to give.

Finally, Brooks says one thing stands out as the biggest predictor of whether someone will be charitable: "their religious participation." Religious people are more likely to give to charity, and when they give, they give more money -- four times as much.

But doesn't that giving just stay within the religion?

"No," says Brooks, "Religious Americans are more likely to give to every kind of cause and charity, including explicitly nonreligious charities. Religious people give more blood; religious people give more to homeless people on the street."

And what happened in our little test? Well, even though people in Sioux Falls make, on average, half as much money as people in San Francisco, and even though the San Francisco location was much busier -- three times as many people were within reach of the bucket -- by the end of the second day, the Sioux Falls bucket held twice as much money.

Another myth bites the dust.

I think San Francisco needs a 10.1 on the Richter Scale.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Dec 6th, 2006 at 6:05pm


Deputy indicted for tasering suspect who fired on police
PINELLAS COUNTY – A Pinellas County sheriff’s deputy who chose to taser a suspect that shot at him and another deputy instead of using deadly force was indicted by a federal grand jury for allegedly using excessive force. Deputy Richard Farnham was on special volunteer assignment in the Florida Panhandle after Hurricane Ivan in September 2004 when the incident occurred.

Despite the fact that one of the suspects allegedly fired a handgun at Farnham and a Santa Rosa County deputy while on patrol in Navarre Beach, the jury sitting in the Northern District of Florida’s Pensacola Division agreed that Farnham used excessive force by using a Taser gun on one of two armed suspects who had allegedly fired their guns at the deputies.

Farnham, authorities said, actually had the right to shoot back, but chose instead not to use a life-threatening means to subdue the gunman. Farnham, who was to surrender in Santa Rosa County this week, is on administrative paid leave. The indictment has caused an uproar in the law enforcement community.

“We are concerned and disappointed about these allegations, but will continue to cooperate in this process,” Pinellas County Sheriff Jim Coats said.

Who the heck was on that jury?

(...thinks they need to be shot.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Stick on Dec 6th, 2006 at 6:19pm
I doubt all the facts were supplied in the article.  It sounds like the officer may have tasered the guy for a long period of time.  Either way the sentence for the officer should be light.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Dec 7th, 2006 at 12:20pm

U-M, Wayne State to continue affirmative action programs despite ban

December 7, 2006 - 10:03AM
DETROIT (AP) - Two of Michigan's largest public universities are moving ahead with programs to encourage diversity despite a voter-enacted ban on affirmative action policies.

The University of Michigan says it will continue to set hiring goals for women and minorities, saying not doing so would jeopardize federal funding.

Wayne State's law school also has a new admissions policy it hopes will maintain diversity. It states that students who meet certain grades and test scores will automatically be accepted, but it allows more than two dozen exceptions for those who don't meet that level.

Proposal 2 passed last month with 58 percent of the vote and banned the use of race and gender preferences. It has already been challenged in federal court.

Sometimes no just doesn't mean no, huh?

(...give up, for crying out loud!)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Dec 7th, 2006 at 2:43pm
Hmm doing it for federal funding?  Ya know I think the Founding Fathers would see this as a tyrannical control by the federal government on the ability of individual states to rule themselves as free as possible.  Someone should sue.  Like some white kid with a black girlfriend...not me find you cause I'm so done with school.

I think if these colleges were just doing it for the money they would keep their mouths shut.  However since they are bragging about it they are trying to booster minority and women applications.  No doubt about it.  This is about right vs. wrong...this is about the green.

(In it we trust)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on Dec 7th, 2006 at 3:02pm

At most companies, going AWOL during daylight hours would be grounds for a pink slip. Not at Best Buy. The nation's leading electronics retailer has embarked on a radical--if risky--experiment to transform a culture once known for killer hours and herd-riding bosses. The endeavor, called ROWE, for "results-only work environment," seeks to demolish decades-old business dogma that equates physical presence with productivity. The goal at Best Buy is to judge performance on output instead of hours.

Hence workers pulling into the company's amenity-packed headquarters at 2 p.m. aren't considered late. Nor are those pulling out at 2 p.m. seen as leaving early. There are no schedules. No mandatory meetings. No impression-management hustles. Work is no longer a place where you go, but something you do. It's O.K. to take conference calls while you hunt, collaborate from your lakeside cabin, or log on after dinner so you can spend the afternoon with your kid.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Dec 8th, 2006 at 12:36pm
Now this is one MMO, besides a better Star Wars Galaxy, that I would play!

'Firefly' to become MMORPG
Author: Ryan Garside
Published: 8th December 2006

Firefly was a brilliant television series. Will the MMO live up to that?
Firefly was a brilliant television series. Will the MMO live up to that?

Multiverse, a company made up of former Netscape employees, was founded in 2004 with the aim of creating a network of Massively Multiplayer Online Games. Two years later and the company has announced a major coups, the rights to make the MMO for the cult hit television series Firefly. They will now be in charge of a project that will bring the Firefly universe to the internet.

The irony is that the company who canned the television series (to the anger of many) is now commissioning the MMO. Adam Kline, FOX spokesperson told Wired News:

"We see virtual worlds as an extraordinarily promising new entertainment medium. We believe Multiverse can deliver an experience that will remain true to the original series, while enabling a whole new level of personal involvement for fans."

It’s a bitter-sweet pill for Firefly fans, who will no doubt relish the prospect of jumping into a universe full of Reavers, traders, mercenaries, futuristic geishas and a whole range of bizarre and imaginative locations they know and love from the series. On the other hand they may feel slightly angered by the fact that this all but ends any hope of there ever being a second Firefly series, with Wheadon (Firefly director) stating he would never work with FOX again. If the MMO is a success then FOX will not let go of the franchise lightly.

The game won't be based around the characters that you know from the movie/series. Instead you will build your own characters, probably in a similar vein to how Star Wars Empires worked, and plop them into the universe. The initial aim is to try and create something distinct from World of Warcraft. However, whether this MMO will be any different to the: choose character, take on quest, level up, then repeat ad infinitum, remains to be seen.

Firefly has a dedicated internet following with sites like producing fan fiction and Firefly News. There is even a site dedicated to getting a second Firefly 2 series commissioned. No doubt a fruitless quest.

(Also waiting for the day when there's an adult MMO)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Dec 8th, 2006 at 12:47pm
This MMO will suck.  It's going to be a combination of the Star Wars and Matrix MMO's, and - like each - will die a silent death.

(...can't wait until Galaxies drops off the radar entirely.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Dec 8th, 2006 at 1:24pm

HOLIDAY MALL ATTACK THWARTED: A 22-year-old Chicago man has been charged with plotting a terrorist attack on a Rockford, Ill. mall. The suspect is accused of planning to use guns and explosives during the holiday shopping season. The suspect is described as an unaffiliated 'lone wolf-style terrorist', though MSNBC is reporting that he is 'ideologically motivated'. A press conference is forthcoming...

"lone wolf-style terrorism"?  Whatever happen to "this guy is just nuts?!"  Patriot Act says that terrorism includes all I guess this and jaywalking are both terrorist activities!

Also, Chi-town is suddenly becoming the capital of thwarted "terrorist plots".  If you'll recall the Chicago 8 or how ever many there were.  They were supposedly Islamic extremists.  However their "leader" said that they follow the Bible.  Not to mention the FBI set these guys up with a few thousand dollars and a video camera and told them to tape themselves.  Also, not to mention the fact that most of them were mentally retarded.  Also, whatever happened to these guys?  It's like the Una-bomber...where are they now?!


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Dec 10th, 2006 at 2:29am
I file this under this thread and not random stupidity because...well I'll explain after you read the article.

14-year-old boy commits suicide, hoping for better luck next life

KAWAGOE, Saitama -- A 14-year-old boy who leaped to his death from a condominium complex left a suicide note saying he will come back in his next life, police said.

"I'm sure I'll be reborn. I'll come back to you as a more capable person. Don't forget me. I'm sorry. Goodbye," his suicide note to his family left on his desk partly read.

Investigators said the boy, a second-year junior high school student, appeared shocked to lose his regular position in the school's basketball club. Police are investigating the motives for his suicide.

At about 2:45 a.m. on Saturday, a passer-by found the boy lying on the premises of the condominium complex where he lived, and alerted police. The boy subsequently died from blood loss.

The boy apparently jumped from the landing on the 10th floor of the structure, local police said.

I file this under interesting because this is what a true believer in that religion should do.  Just as if you don't believe there is anything after this should do anything and everything you want to do.  I guess that explains the actions of our "politicians".


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Dec 10th, 2006 at 2:32am
Ok I would put this under random stupidity but I think it illustrates my point above.  If you don't teach consequences...then don't expect your kids to NOT turn into thugs!

Boy holds up convenience store for $1 candy

11:15 PM CST on Friday, December 8, 2006

By JASON TRAHAN / The Dallas Morning News

A boy believed to be about 12 held up a Pleasant Grove convenience store at gunpoint before school Wednesday after a girl he was with got mad at the clerk for charging her tax for candy.

At 7:40 a.m., six youths entered the Heba Mini-Mart in the 9500 block of Scyene Road near St. Augustine Drive.

A girl, whose age was not reported, tried to buy $1 worth of candy but did not "want to pay the tax on the item," according to a police report.

The clerk insisted that she would be charged the tax. "What is your problem?" asked the boy, pulling a chrome, semiautomatic pistol on the clerk.

As the boy and girl left the store, one of them took the dollar's worth of candy. The other four kids followed them out.

(If only they were candy cigarettes)  

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Dec 19th, 2006 at 1:57am

Top Ten stories missed in 2006.  Of course most of them involve the US and then f-in up the world!


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Dec 19th, 2006 at 8:49am
Error 10061!

( page for j00!)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Dec 19th, 2006 at 12:13pm
Ya the page has been acting kind of weird...however it does in fact work...when it's not crashed.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Dec 27th, 2006 at 10:33pm

Exclusive: A Serenity Sequel?
This one's for the Browncoats.
by IGN FilmForce

December 1, 2005 - IGN FilmForce has heard that, although it was very disappointed in the poor box office showing for Serenity, Universal may not have retired Captain Malcolm Reynolds and his renegade crew just yet.

Sources said that, given the strong sales of the TV series Firefly on DVD, Universal is planning a sequel film to Serenity that will be produced with and to broadcast premiere on the Sci Fi Channel, which is part of the NBC Universal family.

The project is said to be a lower budget undertaking streamlined for the small-screen.

IGN FilmForce checked with Joss Whedon's camp who denied the claim; Universal did not comment.

Time will tell if this rumor pans out.

I think we can all agree whether Christian or Muslim...Jewish or Buddhist....Believer or Atheist...we can all pray for this movie to be brought forth!


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Dec 28th, 2006 at 9:10am
As much as I love Firefly and Serenity, the conclusion to Serenity was about as... conclusive... as it gets.  I want Wash back, darn it!

(...a leaf upon the wind.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Dec 28th, 2006 at 3:25pm
While I have to agree with you bob that once that ended it was all over for any hope I had for Firefly to come back on...I guess it served its point then.

However this could be a prequel, during the war...or Whedon could just say...hey here's an adventure that happened in between Serenity and Firefly.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jan 2nd, 2007 at 11:41am


Irritating, worn-out words of '06 banned

By SVEN GUSTAFSON, Associated Press Writer
Mon Jan 1, 12:30 AM ET

If the media's habit of combining celebrity names didn't cause word watchers enough heartburn in 2006, the past year had plenty of other words and phrases that language purists wish had "gone missing."

Lake Superior State University on Sunday released its annual "List of Words and Phrases Banished from the Queen's English for Mis-Use, Over-Use and General Uselessness."

The Sault Ste. Marie school in the Upper Peninsula has been compiling the list since 1976 to attract publicity. A total of 16 words or phrases were selected by a university committee from more than 4,500 nominations.

The list reads like a lexicon of popular culture.

Take "ask your doctor," the mantra of pharmaceutical commercials. The university called it "the chewable vitamin morphine of marketing."

Critics piled on the media's practice of combined celebrity names such as "TomKat" or "Brangelina." One said, "It's so annoying, idiotic and so lame and pathetic that it's "lamethetic.'"

Real estate listings were targeted for overuse of "boast." As in "master bedroom boasts his-and-her fireplaces — never 'bathroom apologizes for cracked linoleum,'" quipped Morris Conklin of Portugal.

It wasn't hard to find the phrase "gone/went missing" in 2006. "It makes 'missing' sound like a place you can visit, such as the Poconos. Is the person missing, or not?" asked Robin Dennis of Texas.

The university's word watchers had no use for "truthiness," the word popularized by Comedy Central satirist Stephen Colbert. It was selected as the word that best summed up 2006 in an online survey by dictionary publisher Merriam-Webster.

The list, which in recent years has included such gems as "show me the money, "erectile dysfunction" and "holiday tree," is closing in on its 1,000th banishment. And despite the university's vigilance, university spokesman Tom Pink said he's not aware that any dictionaries have followed its advice.

"Sometimes people write us and tell us, 'This isn't working,'" Pink said. "I tell them we need an enforcement division."

I vote to add the following words:
  • Bling
  • Irregardless
  • Seriously
  • In all honesty
  • Git 'r done
  • Overuse of "had," as in "I had parked the car"
  • Where you at?
  • Metrosexual
  • Wassup dawg?
  • "Try and" instead of "try to"
  • Undocumented Alien

    I'll stop there for my own sanity.

    (...realizes that resistance is futile.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jan 3rd, 2007 at 11:38am

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Pat Robertson
VIRGINIA BEACH, Virginia — Religious broadcaster Pat Robertson predicted Tuesday a horrific terrorist act on the United States that will result in "mass killing" late in 2007.

"I'm not necessarily saying it's going to be nuclear," he said during his news-and-talk television show "The 700 Club" on the Christian Broadcasting Network. "The Lord didn't say nuclear. But I do believe it will be something like that."

Robertson said God told him during a recent prayer retreat that major cities and possibly millions of people will be affected by the attack, which should take place sometime after September.

"I put these things out with humility," he said.

Robertson said God also told him that the U.S. only feigns friendship with Israel and that U.S. policies are pushing Israel toward "national suicide."

Robertson suggested in January 2006 that God punished then-Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon with a stroke for ceding Israeli-controlled land to the Palestinians.

Predicting events for the coming year is an annual tradition for Robertson.

He predicted in January 2004 that President George W. Bush would easily win re-election. Bush won 51 percent of the vote that fall, beating Democratic Sen. John Kerry of Massachusetts.

In 2005, Robertson predicted that Bush would have victory after victory in his second term. He said Social Security reform proposals would be approved and Bush would nominate conservative judges to federal courts.

Lawmakers confirmed Bush's 2005 nominations of John Roberts and Samuel Alito to the Supreme Court. But the president's Social Security initiative was stalled by widespread opposition.

"I have a relatively good track record," he said. "Sometimes I miss."

In May, Robertson said God told him that storms and possibly a tsunami were to crash into America's coastline in 2006. Even though the U.S. was not hit with a tsunami, Robertson on Tuesday cited last spring's heavy rains and flooding in New England as partly fulfilling the prediction.,2933,240841,00.html

So is Pat saying that God "missed," or that he did?  Here's some scripture for Mr. Robertson...

Matthew 7:15:
Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.

Deuteronomy 18:20-22
But the prophet, which shall presume to speak a word in my name, which I have not commanded him to speak, or that shall speak in the name of other gods, even that prophet shall die.  And if thou say in thine heart, How shall we know the word which the LORD hath not spoken?  When a prophet speaketh in the name of the LORD, if the thing follow not, nor come to pass, that is the thing which the LORD hath not spoken, but the prophet hath spoken it presumptuously: thou shalt not be afraid of him.

Suck it, Mr. Robertson.

(...rolls his eyes.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Jan 5th, 2007 at 2:30am

Nigeria pays 1.4 billion dollars of London Club debt

Thu Jan 4, 2:13 PM ET

ABUJA (AFP) - Nigeria has repaid 1.4 billion dollars (1.12 billion euros) to the so-called London Club of private creditors, while the rest of the debt will be cleared by March, President Olusegun Obasanjo said.

"We have paid off 1.4 billion dollar of the amount we owe to the London Club, and the balance of about 900 million dollars (720 million euros) will be paid by March this year, effectively wiping clean the debts we owe," Obasanjo said.

Early last year, Nigeria became the first African nation to settle all its official debt of 4.6 billion dollars to Paris Club, a group of 19 international lenders that include Britain, Russia and Germany.

Before this latest payment to the London Club, Nigeria's total foreign debt stock stood at less than 5 billion dollars, officials said.

Obasanjo, who is due to leave power next May having served a constitutional limit of two four-year terms, had promised to pay all Nigeria's debts before then.

Egads!  A country that not only pays off its debt but also is free from debt?  Good thing I gave that money to that Nigerian guy to help get his dead father's account open.  I will be expecting my payment any day now since they are paying off debts now!


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jan 5th, 2007 at 5:40pm
Bahaha, me too!

(...not really.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Jan 11th, 2007 at 11:09am

The first external hard drive.  What do people think?  I think it's kinda nice since you don't have to worry too much about your huge computer over heating it.  However how many external things can you have for your computer.  You have external speakers, hard drives, printers, scanners, keyboard, mouse, and all the other cables that you plug your mp3 player and digital camera into.  That's a lot of space to take up.  Yet this would also be good for the computer gamer who isn't into computers all that much.  So if Granny is noticing slow movement on GTA and she's got a 5200 she can upgrade it easier...without having come to me for help!


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jan 11th, 2007 at 2:14pm
That's really nifty.  If the price isn't too extravagant, I might have to buy one for my lapper.  I'm sure a 7900GS would go a long way toward turning even a mediocre laptop into a decent gaming machine.

Stick might want to look into getting one, too.

(...nods approvingly.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Jan 13th, 2007 at 2:49am

The Pirate Bay plans to buy island

Published: 12th January 2007 12:37 CET

Swedish file-sharing website The Pirate Bay is planning to buy its own nation in an attempt to circumvent international copyright laws.

The group has set up a campaign to raise money to buy Sealand, a former British naval platform in the North Sea that has been designated a 'micronation', and claims to be outside the jurisdiction of the UK or any other country.
Related Articles

The Pirate Bay says it is the world's largest 'bit torrent tracker', and is a popular way of sharing music, films, software and other copyrighted material online. It has been under the scrutiny of authorities in Sweden and around the world for some time.

The site was briefly closed down after raids by the Swedish police last May. After initially moving to the Netherlands, the site returned to Sweden in June. Swedish authorities have been put under pressure to do more to stop the site. The Motion Picture Association of America, the Swedish Anti-Piracy Bureau and the US government have all lobbied for The Pirate Bay's closure.

According to a website set up to secure the purchase of Sealand, The Pirate Bay plans to give citizenship of the micronation to anyone willing to put money towards the purchase.

"It should be a great place for everybody, with high-speed Internet access, no copyright laws and VIP accounts to The Pirate Bay," the organisation claims on its website

The "island" of Sealand, seven miles off the coast of southern England, was settled in 1967 by an English major, Paddy Roy Bates. Bates proclaimed Sealand a state, issuing passports and gold and silver Sealand dollars and declaring himself Prince Roy.

When the British Royal Navy tried to evict Prince Roy in 1968, a judge ruled that the platform was outside British territorial waters and therefore beyond government control.

The British government subsequently extended its territorial waters from three to twelve nautical miles from the coast, which would include Sealand, but Prince Roy simultaneously extended Sealand's waters, claimed that this guaranteed Sealand's sovereignty.

The island is now being put up for sale by Prince Roy's son, Prince Michael, who styles himself head of state. A firm of Spanish estate agents has valued the island at £504 million (about 7 billion kronor), although Prince Michael told The Times of London that it is hard to gauge how much it will fetch in reality.

The Pirate Bay says it is looking at alternatives to buying the former naval platform.

"If we do not get enough money required to buy the micronation of Sealand, we will try to buy another small island somwhere and claim it as our own country," the organization says on its website.

LOL that is freakin cool!!!  I wonder how many people would move there too.  Also how do you set up your own country?  I mean you'd have to build power generators, internet connection, I'm assuming plumbing.  Also you have to worry about the weather and sharks.  This will be interesting.

(Wonder if US will attack it for having WMDs?!)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jan 13th, 2007 at 11:26am
Sealand is a pretty nifty place.  I'm wondering what kind of Internet connection they'll have out there?


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on Jan 13th, 2007 at 12:28pm

I  wouldnt want it.... They should skip sealand and just get their own island. Sealand's price tag is too high.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Jan 16th, 2007 at 4:22pm
Wow go Michigan...I might have to live here eventually he he.

Adultery could mean life, court finds
That's what the law says in sex-drug case Cox appealed

January 15, 2007



In a ruling sure to make philandering spouses squirm, Michigan's second-highest court says that anyone involved in an extramarital fling can be prosecuted for first-degree criminal sexual conduct, a felony punishable by up to life in prison.

"We cannot help but question whether the Legislature actually intended the result we reach here today," Judge William Murphy wrote in November for a unanimous Court of Appeals panel, "but we are curtailed by the language of the statute from reaching any other conclusion."

"Technically," he added, "any time a person engages in sexual penetration in an adulterous relationship, he or she is guilty of CSC I," the most serious sexual assault charge in Michigan's criminal code.

No one expects prosecutors to declare open season on cheating spouses. The ruling is especially awkward for Attorney General Mike Cox, whose office triggered it by successfully appealing a lower court's decision to drop CSC charges against a Charlevoix defendant. In November 2005, Cox confessed to an adulterous relationship.

Murphy's opinion received little notice when it was handed down. But it has since elicited reactions ranging from disbelief to mischievous giggling in Michigan's gossipy legal community.

The ruling grows out of a case in which a Charlevoix man accused of trading Oxycontin pills for the sexual favors of a cocktail waitress was charged under an obscure provision of Michigan's criminal law. The provision decrees that a person is guilty of first-degree criminal sexual conduct whenever "sexual penetration occurs under circumstances involving the commission of any other felony."

Charlevoix Circuit Judge Richard Pajtas sentenced Lloyd Waltonen to up to four years in prison after he pleaded guilty to two felony counts of delivering a controlled substance. But Pajtas threw out the sexual assault charge against Waltonen, citing the cocktail waitress' testimony that she had willingly consented to the sex-for-drugs arrangement.

Charlevoix prosecuting attorney John Jarema said he decided to appeal after police discovered evidence that Waltonen may have struck drugs-for-sex deals with several other women.

Cox's office, which handled the appeal on the prosecutor's behalf, insisted that the waitress' consent was irrelevant. All that mattered, the attorney general argued in a brief demanding that the charge be reinstated, was that the pair had sex "under circumstances involving the commission of another felony" -- the delivery of the Oxycontin pills.

The Attorney General's Office got a whole lot more than it bargained for. The Court of Appeals agreed that the prosecutor in Waltonen's case needed only to prove that the Oxycontin delivery and the consensual sex were related. But Murphy and his colleagues went further, ruling that a first-degree CSC charge could be justified when consensual sex occurred in conjunction with any felony, not just a drug sale.

The judges said they recognized their ruling could have sweeping consequences, "considering the voluminous number of felonious acts that can be found in the penal code." Among the many crimes Michigan still recognizes as felonies, they noted pointedly, is adultery -- although the Prosecuting Attorneys Association of Michigan notes that no one has been convicted of that offense since 1971.

Some judges and lawyers suggested that the Court of Appeals' reference to prosecuting adulterers was a sly slap at Cox, noting that it was his office that pressed for the expansive definition of criminal sexual conduct the appellate judges so reluctantly embraced in their Nov. 7 ruling.

Murphy didn't return my calls Friday. But Chief Court of Appeals Judge William Whitbeck, who signed the opinion along with Murphy and Judge Michael Smolenski, said that Cox's confessed adultery never came up during their discussions of the case.

"I never thought of it, and I'm confident that it was not something Judge Murphy or Judge Smolenski had in mind," Whitbeck told me Friday. But he chuckled uncomfortably when I asked if the hypothetical described in Murphy's opinion couldn't be cited as justification for bringing first-degree criminal sexual conduct charges against the attorney general.

"Well, yeah," he said.

Cox's spokesman, Rusty Hills, bristled at the suggestion that Cox or anyone else in his circumstances could face prosecution.

"To even ask about this borders on the nutty," Hills told me in a phone interview Saturday. "Nobody connects the attorney general with this -- N-O-B-O-D-Y -- and anybody who thinks otherwise is hallucinogenic."

Hills said Sunday that Cox did not want to comment.

The Court of Appeals opinion could also be interpreted as a tweak to the state Supreme Court, which has decreed that judges must enforce statutory language adopted by the Legislature literally, whatever the consequences.

In many other states, judges may reject a literal interpretation of the law if they believe it would lead to an absurd result. But Michigan's Supreme Court majority has held that it is for the Legislature, not the courts, to decide when the absurdity threshold has been breached.

Whitbeck noted that Murphy's opinion questions whether state lawmakers really meant to authorize the prosecution of adulterers for consensual relationships.

"We encourage the Legislature to take a second look at the statutory language if they are troubled by our ruling," he wrote.

Hills declined to say whether the Attorney General's Office would press for legislative amendments to make it clear that only violent felonies involving an unwilling victim could trigger a first-degree CSC charge.

"This is so bizarre that it doesn't even merit a response," he said.

Meanwhile, Waltonen has asked the state Supreme Court for leave to appeal the Court of Appeals ruling. He still hasn't been tried on the criminal sexual conduct charge. His attorney said a CSC conviction could add dozens of years to Waltonen's current prison sentence.

Justices will decide later this year whether to review the Court of Appeals' decision to reinstate the CSC charge.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Jan 17th, 2007 at 10:25pm

Congo rebels said to kill, eat gorillas

By TODD PITMAN, Associated Press Writer Wed Jan 17, 5:55 PM ET

DAKAR, Senegal - Rebels in eastern Congo have killed and eaten two silverback mountain gorillas, conservationists said Wednesday, warning they fear more of the endangered animals may have been slaughtered in the lawless region.

Only about 700 mountain gorillas remain in the world, 380 of them spread across a range of volcanic mountains straddling the borders of Congo, Rwanda and Uganda in Central Africa.

One dismembered gorilla corpse was found Tuesday in a pit latrine in Congo's Virunga National Park, a few hundred yards from a park patrol post that was abandoned because of rebel attacks, according to the London-based Africa Conservation Fund. Another was killed in the same area on Jan. 5, said the group, which based its report on conservationists in the field.

The group blamed rebels loyal to a local warlord, Laurent Nkunda, for the latest killing. Nkunda is a renegade soldier who commands thousands of fighters in the vast country's east who have in recent years assaulted cities and clashed sporadically with government forces.

Oh nose!!!  Is PETA going to go to the Congo to protest nude?  Will the UN finally step in to save the endangered gorillas?

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by The_Fat_Man on Jan 18th, 2007 at 1:08pm
If PETA protests nude in the congo, I hope Playboy does a spread on it....

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jan 18th, 2007 at 2:44pm

The_Fat_Man wrote on Jan 18th, 2007 at 1:08pm:
If PETA protests nude in the congo, I hope Playboy does a spread on it....

If I protest nude in the Congo, I hope your mom does a spread on it.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Jan 18th, 2007 at 3:29pm
That magazine would be 2,000 square inches to get half of Wes' mom!


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jan 19th, 2007 at 4:23pm

Are the American people ready for an elected president who was educated in a Madrassa as a young boy and has not been forthcoming about his Muslim heritage? This is the question Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton’s camp is asking about Sen. Barack Obama.

An investigation of Mr. Obama by political opponents within the Democratic Party has discovered that Mr. Obama was raised as a Muslim by his stepfather in Indonesia. Sources close to the background check, which has not yet been released, said Mr. Obama, 45, spent at least four years in a so-called Madrassa, or Muslim seminary, in Indonesia.

"He was a Muslim, but he concealed it," the source said. "His opponents within the Democrats hope this will become a major issue in the campaign."

When contacted by Insight, Mr. Obama’s press secretary said he would consult with “his boss” and call back. He did not.

Sources said the background check, conducted by researchers connected to Senator Clinton, disclosed details of Mr. Obama's Muslim past. The sources said the Clinton camp concluded the Illinois Democrat concealed his prior Muslim faith and education.

"The background investigation will provide major ammunition to his opponents," the source said. "The idea is to show Obama as deceptive."

In two best-selling autobiographies—"The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream" and "Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance"—Mr. Obama, born in Honolulu where his parents met, mentions but does not expand on his Muslim background, alluding only to his attendance at a "predominantly Muslim school."

The sources said the young Obama was given the name Hussein by his Muslim father, which the Illinois Democrat rarely uses in public.

His father was black and came from Kenya. Mr. Obama’s mother, the daughter of a farmer, came from Wichita, Kansas. Mr. Obama's parents divorced when he was two years old. His father returned to Kenya.

Later, Mr. Obama's mother married an Indonesian student and the family moved to Jakarta. Mr. Obama returned to Hawaii when he was 10 to live with his maternal grandparents.

The sources said the background check concerned Mr. Obama's years in Jakarta. In Indonesia, the young Obama was enrolled in a Madrassa and was raised and educated as a Muslim. Although Indonesia is regarded as a moderate Muslim state, the U.S. intelligence community has determined that today most of these schools are financed by the Saudi Arabian government and they teach a Wahhabi doctrine that denies the rights of non-Muslims.

Although the background check has not confirmed that the specific Madrassa Mr. Obama attended was espousing Wahhabism, the sources said his Democratic opponents believe this to be the case—and are seeking to prove it. The sources said the opponents are searching for evidence that Mr. Obama is still a Muslim or has ties to Islam.

Mr. Obama attends services at Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago’s South Side. However, he is not known to be a regular parishioner.

"Obama's education began a life-long relationship with Islam as a faith and Muslims as a community," the source said. "This has been a relationship that contains numerous question marks."

The sources said Mr. Obama spent at least four years in a Muslim school in Indonesia. They said when Mr. Obama was 10, his mother and her second husband separated. She and her son returned to Hawaii.

"Then the official biography begins," the source said. "Obama never returned to Kenya to see relatives or family until it became politically expedient."

In both of his autobiographies, Mr. Obama characterizes himself as a Christian—although he describes his upbringing as mostly secular.

In “The Audacity of Hope,” Mr. Obama says, "I was not raised in a religious household." He describes his mother as secular, but says she had copies of the Bible, the Koran and the Bhagavad Gita in their home.

Mr. Obama says his father was "raised a Muslim, but by the time he met my mother he was a confirmed atheist...." Mr. Obama also describes his father as largely absent from his life. He says his Indonesian stepfather was "skeptical" about religion and "saw religion as not particularly useful in the practical business of making one's way in the world ...."

In the book, Mr. Obama briefly addresses his education in Indonesia. "During the five years that we would live with my stepfather in Indonesia, I was sent first to a neighborhood Catholic school and then to a predominantly Muslim school; in both cases, my mother was less concerned with me learning the catechism or puzzling out the meaning of the muezzin's call to evening prayer than she was with whether I was properly learning my multiplication tables."

Mr. Obama graduated from Columbia University and Harvard Law School; he became the first black editor of the Harvard Law Review. He later settled in Chicago, joined a law firm and began attending and helping local churches.

Mr. Obama is married to Michelle Robinson and they have two daughters, Malia and Sasha. In 1996, he was elected to the Illinois state Senate. Eight years later, he became a U.S. senator from Illinois.

The sources said Ms. Clinton regards Mr. Obama as her most formidable opponent and the biggest obstacle to the Democratic Party’s 2008 presidential nomination. They said Ms. Clinton has been angered by Mr. Obama's efforts to tap her supporters for donations.

In late 2006, when the Illinois senator demonstrated his intention to run for president, the Clinton campaign ordered a background check on Mr. Obama, the sources said. Earlier this week, Mr. Obama established an exploratory committee, the first step toward a formal race.

Uh oh, it look like Hillary is playing for keeps.  I just love to see the Democratic Party self-destruct and eat their own young.  Let the feeding frenzy begin!

(...loves internal combustion.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by The_Fat_Man on Jan 19th, 2007 at 5:11pm
Clinton and Obama may be dipshits, but they aren't any worse then whatever the pathetic Republican party tosses our way.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Jan 20th, 2007 at 9:39am's+computers/

This guy is my hero of the month so far.  What happens when the banks hold out on you?  Why you send bailiffs in, during business hours, in front of customers, and seize EVERYTHING!

(ha ha take that globalist bankers!)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jan 20th, 2007 at 12:44pm
That made me feel all warm inside.

(...just like W... never mind.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Cait on Jan 21st, 2007 at 2:52am
oy. Hillary IS running in 08'.

And even though I love the gal, I think she should've waited til 2012.

i'm sadly disappointed.

  ( me obi wan kenobi. you're our only hope)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Jan 24th, 2007 at 1:09am

Italian court: Downloading OK if not for profit
Decision overturns convictions of students who set up file-sharing network

MILAN, Italy - Italy's top criminal court has ruled that downloading music, movies and software over the Internet isn't a crime if profit wasn't the motivation, though analysts questioned Monday whether the ruling would have much effect on copyright laws.

The court's decision, issued earlier this month but reported over the weekend by the Italian media, overturns earlier convictions against two former Turin Polytechnic Institute students who set up in 1994 a peer-to-peer, file-sharing network that was shut down within months.

They were found guilty of illegal duplication and given a one-year sentence, which was reduced to three months on appeal, defense lawyer Carlo Blengino said.
Story continues below ↓ advertisement

The top criminal court in Rome threw out the convictions, ruling that it was not a crime to download computer files from such networks if there was no financial gain.

But analysts said violating a copyright, for example by breaking copy-protection technologies in place, remained illegal even if downloading the material had been decriminalized.

"I consider this sentence as a very intermediate step in clarifying what is legal and what is not legal," said analyst Carlo Alberto Carnevale Maffe, the president of Assodigitale, a think-tank on digital technology. "This sentence marks an important step in that peer-to-peer per se is not an illegal activity. What stays and remains illegal is copyright infringement by cracking copyright files, and distributing it for commercial purposes."

That could cover services that charge access or connectivity fees, he said.

The Italian agency that monitors copyright issues, known by the acronym SIAE, said in a statement that the ruling did not bring any "revolutions" in terms of author's rights because the case predates current legislation calling for a fine for anyone who shares protected material over the Internet, even without financial gain.

God bless the Eye-talians!


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jan 24th, 2007 at 8:36am
Go Italy!

(...wouldn't live there, though.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Jan 24th, 2007 at 10:21am
I wouldn't live there either, as Eddie Izzard says (which I got from you bob and was so hilarious I got his other 7 shows) "All of Italy just rides around on mopeds going, 'Chowww'".


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jan 24th, 2007 at 1:37pm
Eddie Izzard is the best EVER.

(...would you perform the `me' maneuver?)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Jan 27th, 2007 at 8:12pm
Is it just me, bob, or is it weird to see Eddie Izzard not in drag?  I watched Circle, Definite Article, Glorious, Sexie, and then I saw Live At The Embassador where he wasn't in drag and I was like, "wow..he looks weird".

That just seems crazy to me.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jan 27th, 2007 at 8:52pm
Yeah, it's true.  I never thought I'd say that a man looks better in drag, but for Eddie it just seems to fit.

(...these things happen.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on Jan 28th, 2007 at 5:06pm

LOS ANGELES, California (AP) -- The comedy spoof "Epic Movie" debuted atop the box office as Oscar contenders got a bump in the first weekend since the Academy Award nominations were announced, according to studio and industry estimates Sunday.

"Epic Movie," which lampoons dozens of films, a few MTV shows and Paris Hilton, raked in $19.2 million.

People! We are not going to get Hollywood to stop making stinking piles of crap until we stop seeing those movies!


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Jan 28th, 2007 at 7:25pm
Briney movies are a lot like politics.  Given the choice between a group that is all the same with no new or interesting qualities...people are still going to not go for the alternative.  People go, Oh there's nothing out...what should we see?  So that's the reason why I'm voting third party....and laugh at a "80 bazillion dollar loss".

The MPAA should sue people for NOT going to movies next!


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jan 29th, 2007 at 8:47am

X wrote on Jan 28th, 2007 at 7:25pm:
The MPAA should sue people for NOT going to movies next!

They'll do the same thing RIAA did and blame the industry downturn on movie pirates.

(...arrr, thar be the intarweb!)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Jan 31st, 2007 at 9:40am

Twins, 10, have tantrum after uni expulsion

From correspondents in Ottawa

January 31, 2007 03:37pm
Article from: AAP

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TWIN 10-year-old boys threw a tantrum today after being expelled from a Canadian university and are now seeking damages for age discrimination.

With the help of their mother, Sebastien and Douglas Foster filed a complaint with the Ontario Human Rights Commission after the University of Ottawa expelled them from a course that looked at the environmental, political, and ethical issues raised by advances in science and technology.

The university said it made a mistake when it allowed the twins to enrol in the course in September.

"The expulsion had nothing to do with age," said spokeswoman Sophie Nadeau.

"They didn't have a high school diploma and weren't in the process of obtaining a high school diploma, which is required for admittance."

But the family refused to accept the school's explanation, saying the university took their tuition fees, issued student cards to the boys and they completed the required course work despite being booted from the class.

"As far as I'm concerned, they've earned their credits," said their mother Wendy Foster, who also took the course.

The boys were seeking unspecified damages, she said.

Commission spokesman Jeff Poirier would not comment on the case, but said age discrimination complaints from children are rare. The statute is aimed primarily at curbing injustice to seniors, he said.

I think this is a really interesting story here.  The school admitted these 2 kids, took their tuition, issued them IDs, allowed them to sign up for enough classes that they were ready to get a degree.  Then they completely deny them the outcome.  I believe it's the university's job to make sure that everyone they admit lives up to the requirements they set out.  If the admit someone who doesn't fit that criteria then they must have either made a mistake or judge them on another set of principles (like do they have $$$$$).  So I'm going to side with the kids here.  Money was exchanged and services were delivered up to a point.  So  :P school!


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jan 31st, 2007 at 9:48am
If the requirements of the degree state that the applicant "must have a high school diploma (or be in the process of obtaining one)" then they haven't met the requirements for the degree.  Period.

(...doesn't see any wiggling room in this one.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Jan 31st, 2007 at 10:22am
Then how did they get accepted into college in the first place?  Also why did the college take their money yet didn't tell them they needed a HS degree?  And why suspend them now?  Why not just continue to take their money?

Questions need to be answered....not really...meh I don't care anymore...these kids should just test out for a GED.

10 bucks says these kids wind up working at The Sizzler for the rest of their lives going...we're just so smart everything is too good for us.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jan 31st, 2007 at 10:55am
I can pretty much guarantee that the degree enrollment paperwork (or class enrollment, assuming it was just that) specifically and clearly states that the student must meet and maintain certain requirements to qualify for enrollment.

(...has a point.  Somewhere.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Jan 31st, 2007 at 12:02pm
I have a new hero today!!!

Teen Accuses Record Companies of Collusion

Associated Press Writer
Technology Video
Buy AP Photo Reprints

WHITE PLAINS, N.Y. (AP) -- A 16-year-old boy being sued by five record companies accusing him of online music piracy accused the recording industry on Tuesday of violating antitrust laws, conspiring to defraud the courts and making extortionate threats.

In papers responding to the record companies' lawsuit, Robert Santangelo, who was as young as 11 when the alleged piracy occurred, denied ever disseminating music and said it's impossible to prove that he did.

Santangelo is the son of Patti Santangelo, the 42-year-old suburban mother of five who was sued by the record companies in 2005. She refused to settle, took her case public and became a heroine to supporters of Internet freedom.

The industry dropped its case against her in December but sued Robert and his sister Michelle, now 20, in federal court in White Plains. Michelle has been ordered to pay $30,750 in a default judgment because she did not respond to the lawsuit.

Robert Santangelo and his lawyer, Jordan Glass, responded at length Tuesday, raising 32 defenses, demanding a jury trial and filing a counterclaim against the companies that accuses them of damaging the boy's reputation, distracting him from school and costing him legal fees.

His defenses to the industry's lawsuit include that he never sent copyrighted music to others, that the recording companies promoted file sharing before turning against it, that average computer users were never warned that it was illegal, that the statute of limitations has passed, and that all the music claimed to have been downloaded was actually owned by his sister on store-bought CDs.

Robert Santangelo also claims that the record companies, which have filed more than 18,000 piracy lawsuits in federal courts, "have engaged in a wide-ranging conspiracy to defraud the courts of the United States."

The papers allege that the companies, "ostensibly competitors in the recording industry, are a cartel acting collusively in violation of the antitrust laws and public policy" by bringing the piracy cases jointly and using the same agency "to make extortionate threats ... to force defendants to pay."

The Recording Industry Association of America, which has coordinated most of the lawsuits, issued a statement saying, "The record industry has suffered enormously due to piracy. That includes thousands of layoffs. We must protect our rights. Nothing in a filing full of recycled charges that have gone nowhere in the past changes that fact."

I love it all!


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jan 31st, 2007 at 12:52pm

Try this link: LINK (NYTIMES)

In his interview with the Observer, Mr. Biden also had this to say about Mr. Obama:
“I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy,” he said. “I mean, that’s a storybook, man.”

That's gonna sting.  According to Joe Biden, every other African-American who has ever existed is either not: (1) mainstream; (2) articulate; (3) bright; (4) clean) or (5) nice-looking.  If Bush said that, he'd be crucified.

( just saying.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Jan 31st, 2007 at 1:59pm

If Bush said that, he'd be crucified.

Then even MORE people/morons would believe he's Christ!


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Feb 14th, 2007 at 3:47pm
This is a great story.

Study: P2P effect on legal music sales "not statistically distinguishable from zero"

2/12/2007 8:49:06 AM, by Ken Fisher

A new study in the Journal of Political Economy by Felix Oberholzer-Gee and Koleman Strumpf has found that illegal music downloads have had no noticeable effects on the sale of music, contrary to the claims of the recording industry.

Entitled "The Effect of File Sharing on Record Sales: An Empirical Analysis," the study matched an extensive sample of music downloads to American music sales data in order to search for causality between illicit downloading and album sales. Analyzing data from the final four months of 2002, the researchers estimated that P2P affected no more than 0.7% of sales in that timeframe.

The study compared the logs of two OpenNAP P2P servers with sales data from Nielsen SoundScan, tracking the effects of 1.75 million songs downloads on 680 different albums sold during that same period. The study then took a surprising twist. Popular music will often have both high downloads and high sales figures, so what the researchers wanted was a way to test for effects on albums sales when file-sharing activity was increased on account of something other than US song popularity. Does the occasionally increased availability of music from Germany affect US sales?

The study looked at time periods when German students were on holiday after demonstrating that P2P use increases at these times. German users collectively are the #2 P2P suppliers, providing "about one out of every six U.S. downloads," according to the study. Yet the effects on American sales were not large enough to be statistically significant. Using this and several other methods, the study's authors could find no meaningful causality. The availability and even increased downloads of music on P2P networks did not correlate to a negative effect on music sales.

"Using detailed records of transfers of digital music files, we find that file sharing has had no statistically significant effect on purchases of the average album in our sample," the study reports. "Even our most negative point estimate implies that a one-standard-deviation increase in file sharing reduces an album's weekly sales by a mere 368 copies, an effect that is too small to be statistically distinguishable from zero."

The study reports that 803 million CDs were sold in 2002, which was a decrease of about 80 million from the previous year. The RIAA has blamed the majority of the decrease on piracy, and has maintained that argument in recent years as music sales have faltered. Yet according to the study, the impact from file sharing could not have been more than 6 million albums total in 2002, leaving 74 million unsold CDs without an excuse for sitting on shelves.

So what's the problem with music? The study echoes many of the observations you've read here at Ars. First, because the recording industry focuses on units shipped rather than sold, the decline can be attributed in part to reduced inventory. Gone are the days when Best Buy and others wanted a ton of unsold stock sitting around, so they order less CDs. The study also highlighted the growth in DVD sales during that same period as a possible explanation for why customers weren't opening their wallets: they were busy buying DVDs.

What has RIAA been claiming an $80 billion dollar loss due to piracy?  It's either 8 or 80 I forget which.  Anyways...grr those pirates always dlin music and then going out and buying it later or getting it from ITunes!  How dare they!

(Hates all music and haven't dled a single song in a long time)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Feb 15th, 2007 at 10:37pm
This is an interesting article

February 12, 2007
Google Turns Over User IDs
By Nicholas Carlson

Google's YouTube and a company called Live Digital will offer no refuge to users who uploaded pirated copies of Fox Television's "24" and "The Simpsons" onto their video platforms.

In an e-mail to, a 20th Century Fox Television spokesperson said that Google and Live Digital complied with subpoenas issued by the U.S. District Court in Northern California and disclosed to Fox the identities of two individuals who illegally uploaded entire episodes of "24" prior to its broadcast and DVD release.

According to copies of the subpoena applications, Fox found this season's first four episodes of "24" on LiveDigital and YouTube on Jan. 8, a full week before they were to air for the first time in the U.S.

Fox said a YouTube user who goes by the handle "ECOTtotal" uploaded 12 episodes of the popular animated show "The Simpsons." The LiveDigital user's display name was "Jorge Romero."

"We intend to use the information provided to pursue all available legal remedies against those who infringed our copyrights," 20th Century Fox Television Vice President of Media Relations Chris Alexander told

The U.S. District Court first instructed Google and Live Digital to produce identifying information in identical subpoenas, pursuant to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, issued Jan. 24 after L.A. law firm Loeb & Loeb filed them for Fox on Jan. 18.

Since Google purchased YouTube for $1.56 billion last fall, the company has been besieged by similar complaints of copyright infringement.

Last week, for example, media giant Viacom demanded YouTube take down 100,000 clips, including content from MTV, Comedy Central and other networks.

Viacom said "it has become clear that YouTube is unwilling to come to a fair market agreement" on content distribution.

Some media companies have been more congenial. According to a Google spokesperson, of the big four music labels, only EMI is yet to sign a revenue-sharing deal with Google.

And today, Digital Music Group announced it entered into an agreement with Google to make more than 4,000 hours of video content and approximately 40,000 music recordings available to the YouTube community.

DMGI currently owns or controls the digital distribution rights to classic television episodes of "Gumby," "I Spy," "My Favorite Martian," "Peter Gunn" and more.

So let's see here...insiders got a hold of 24 and posted it a whole week before.  Hmm can't blame it on hackers, can't blame it on true pirates, can't blame it on Al Qaeda.  Darn.  These guys were stupid to post it up.  Like no one could wait a whole week to watch propaganda hour...I mean 24?

Viacom said "it has become clear that YouTube is unwilling to come to a fair market agreement" on content distribution.

What the heck are they talking about?  A Fair Market would be to allow people to post videos that they own to share with others.  Isn't that what Free Trade Unions basically do?  So if these companies can get on this action why are not consumers allowed to post their own legally owned copies?  I'm watching some old Screen Savers on YouTube right now and so far they haven't been found out by the owners of G4.  So I just don't understand copyright laws or copyright holders anymore.

DMGI currently owns or controls the digital distribution rights to classic television episodes of "Gumby," "I Spy," "My Favorite Martian," "Peter Gunn" and more.

While this is good and cool of DMGI...why are these programs still under copyright?  I think shows that were around 50 years ago or 30 years ago should enter public domain.  However we have Clinton and his Congress extended copyright for 90 to 99 years and there's talk of it being extended.  Is Twinkle Twinkle Little Star going to go back under copyright?

Before 1976 we use to have a good copyright law system now we've just taking crazy juice and saying random crap like "I own the dot in the .com"  copyright it!  Every time someone uses a period I get paid $5,000.  I mean come on, the Birthday song is still under copyright for crying out loud!  There is no fair use anymore and the problems that the internet and digital media has been bringing to light ever since the DMCA was passed has been like the Red Scare of the 1950s.  We're just going to make everything you do illegal and hide under our bed when rational thought comes creeping out!

(Sick of copyright "laws")

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Feb 20th, 2007 at 10:16am

This is a pretty well written article about Ron Paul and how he's a guy you know will stand for the people and not for himself or the federal government.

God bless this man!


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Feb 20th, 2007 at 10:46am
I'd vote for a Ron Paul/Alan Keyes (or Keyes/Paul) ticket any day of the week.

(...should be so lucky.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Feb 23rd, 2007 at 9:20am

Jesus’ burial site found - film claims

New film documents discovery of Jerusalem cave containing ten caskets believed to hold remains of Jesus, Mary, Mary Magdalene and others

Ariella Ringel-Hoffman
Published:      02.23.07, 10:26 / Israel Culture

The cave in which Jesus Christ was buried has been found in Jerusalem, claim the makers of a new documentary film.

If it proves true, the discovery, which will be revealed at a press conference in New York Monday, could shake up the Christian world as one of the most significant archeological finds in history.

The coffins which, according to the filmmakers held the remains of Jesus of Nazareth, his mother Mary and Mary Magdalene will be displayed for the first timeon Monday in New York.

Jointly produced by Emmy award-winning documentary filmmaker Simcha Jacobovici and Oscar winning director James Cameron, the film tells the exciting and tortuous story of the archeological discovery.

The story starts in 1980 in Jerusalem’s Talpiyot neighborhood, with the discovery of a 2,000 year old cave containing ten coffins. Six of the ten coffins were carved with inscriptions reading the names: Jesua son of Joseph, Mary, Mary, Matthew, Jofa (Joseph, identified as Jesus’ brother), Judah son of Jesua (Jesus’ son - the filmmakers claim).

Decades of research

The findings in the cave, including the decipherment of the inscriptions, were first revealed about ten years ago by internationally renowned Israeli archeologist Professor Amos Kloner.

Since their discovery, the caskets were kept in the Israeli Antiquities Authority archive in Beit Shemesh, but now two have been sent to New York for their first public exhibition.

Although the cave was discovered nearly 30 years ago and the casket inscriptions decoded ten years ago, the filmmakers are the first to establish that the cave was in fact the burial site of Jesus and his family.  

The film, which documents the stages of the discovery, is the result of three years labor and research. It will be broadcast on the international Discovery Channel, Britain's Channel 4, Canada’s Vision and Israel’s Channel 8, which also took part in the film's production.

According to the filmmakers, the film’s claim is based on close work with world-famous scientists, archeologists, statisticians, DNA specialists and antiquities experts.

So if this is true that means all of Christianity is a lie.  The only problem I have with this is...isn't this hard to prove?  I mean first of all Jesus' name, first of all, wasn't special...there were other people with that name.  Also will this be treated with the same scrutiny as was the "James - Brother of Jesus" Coffin that was shown to be a hoax?

The other trouble I have with this is that...if Jesus was burried in this spot couldn't the Pharisee's just go, "Hey people!!!  He's right here still.  He never raised himself from the dead!  We were right!"?

Also, why did it take so long to translate the names?  Hebrew isn't a dead language.  And why are we just now hearing about this?  This should have been made a big deal oh let's say...before the release of the DaVinci Code.  Also weren't supposed scholars so sure that Mary went to France

So my main points come to this:
1) How would you prove that this real (eg not a hoax, a misrepresentation, or something like Gnostic graffiti.
2) If real why didn't the Pharisees write down the location and tell the newly forming Christian world that Jesus' body (along with his love child and wife) was at that spot?
3) Will scholars actually take the time to verify claims they make this ground shaking for a faith?

(Kinda scared at the fallout of this)


Here's a snip-it of another story adding more info that this might not be the Jesus we were thinking of.  

But the senior Israeli archaeologist who thoroughly researched the tombs after their discovery, and at the time deciphered the inscriptions, cast serious doubt on it.

"It's a beautiful story but without any proof whatsoever," Professor Amos Kloner, who had published the findings of his research in the Israeli periodical Atiqot in 1996, told Deutsche
Presse-Agentur dpa Friday.

"The names that are found on the tombs are names that are similar to the names of the family of Jesus," he conceded.

"But those were the most common names found among Jews in the first centuries BCE and CE," he added.

Kloner dismissed the combination of names found in the cave as a "coincidence."

Also (man does anyone think I use that word a lot?  Does that bother anyone or is it only because I'm noticing it?) I find it interesting that this is an Israeli scholar saying this.  You would think it would be a Christian scholar who would have vested interest in making this claim and the Israeli person would want to tout this as proof for his beliefs?

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Feb 26th, 2007 at 1:59am
Awesome BBC article about how the rest of the world hates our copyright protection.  Go BBC!

US copyright lobby out-of-touch
Internet law professor Michael Geist takes a look at intellectual property protection in the US and finds it somewhat out of step with the rest of the world.

The US has very strict approach to DRM issues
The International Intellectual Property Alliance, an association that brings together US lobby groups representing the movie, music, software, and publisher industries, last week delivered its annual submission to the US government featuring its views on the inadequacy of intellectual property protection around the world.

The report frequently serves as a blueprint for the US Trade Representative's Section 301 Report, a government-mandated annual report that carries the threat of trade barriers for countries that fail to meet the US standard of IP protection.

The IIPA submission generated considerable media attention, with the international media focusing on the state of IP protection in Russia and China, while national media in Canada, Thailand, and Taiwan broadcast dire warnings about the consequences of falling on the wrong side of US lobby groups.

While the UK was spared inclusion on this year's list, what is most noteworthy about the IIPA effort is that dozens of countries - indeed most of the major global economies in the developed and developing world - are singled out for criticism.

The IIPA recommendations are designed to highlight the inadequacies of IP protection around the world, yet the lobby group ultimately shines the spotlight on how US copyright policy has become out-of-touch and isolated from much of the rest of the globe.

The IIPA criticisms fall into three broad categories. First, the lobby group is very critical of any country that does not follow the US model for implementing the World Intellectual Property Organisation's Internet Treaties.

Those treaties, which create legal protection for technological protection measures, have generated enormous controversy with many experts expressing concern about their impact on consumer rights, privacy, free speech, and security research.

Double standards?

Prof Michael Geist (Michael Geist)
Countries singled out for criticism should not be deceived into thinking that their laws are failing to meet an international standard.

Michael Geist
The US implementation, contained in the 1997 Digital Millennium Copyright Act, represents the world's most aggressive approach to the WIPO Internet Treaties, setting very strict limits on the circumvention of digital rights management systems and establishing a ban on devices that can be used to circumvent DRM, even if the circumvention is for lawful purposes.

Given the US experience, it is unsurprising that many countries have experimented with alternate implementations.

This experimentation invariably leads to heavy criticism from the IIPA as countries such as Canada, New Zealand, Japan, Switzerland, Hong Kong, South Korea, Israel, Mexico, and India are all taken to task for their implementation (or proposed implementation) of anti-circumvention legislation.

Further, countries that have not signed or ratified the WIPO Internet treaties (which still includes the majority of the world), face the wrath of the US lobby group for failing to do so.

Second, in a classic case of "do what I say, not what I do", many countries are criticised for copyright laws that bear a striking similarity to US law. For example, Israel is criticised for considering a fair use provision that mirrors the US approach.

The IIPA is unhappy with the attempt to follow the US model, warning that the Israeli public might view it as a "free ticket to copy." Similarly, the time shifting provisions in New Zealand's current copyright reform bill (which would permit video recording of television shows) are criticised despite the fact that US law has granted even more liberal copying rights for decades.

The most disturbing illustration of this double standard is the IIPA's criticism of compulsory copyright licensing requirements.

Countries around the world, particularly those in the developing world (including Indonesia, the Philippines, Lebanon, Kuwait, Nigeria, and Vietnam) all face demands to eliminate compulsory licensing schemes in the publishing and broadcasting fields.

Moreover, the report even criticises those countries that have merely raised the possibility of new compulsory licensing systems, such as Sweden, where politicians have mused about an Internet file sharing license.

Long list

Left unsaid by the IIPA, is the fact that the US is home to numerous compulsory licenses.

These include statutory licenses for transmissions by cable systems, satellite transmissions, compulsory licenses for making and distributing phonorecords as well as the use of certain works with non-commercial broadcasting.

students at Ottawa University
Some countries are criticised for offering exceptions to universities

Third, the IIPA recommendations criticise dozens of efforts to support national education, privacy, and cultural initiatives.

For example, Canada, Brazil, and South Korea are criticised for copyright exceptions granted to students and education institutions.

Italy and Mexico are criticised for failing to establish an easy method for Internet service providers to remove allegedly infringing content (without court oversight), while Greece is viewed as being offside for protecting the privacy of ISP subscribers.

Greece is also taken to task for levying a surcharge at movie theatres that is used to support Greek films.

Moreover, countries that have preserved their public domain by maintaining their term of copyright protection at the international treaty standard of life of the author plus an additional fifty years are criticised for not matching the US extension to life plus 70 years.

There are literally hundreds of similar examples, as countries from Europe, Asia, Africa, North and South America are criticised for not adopting the DMCA, not extending the term of copyright, not throwing enough people in jail, or creating too many exceptions to support education and other societal goals.

In fact, the majority of the world's population finds itself on the list, with 23 of the world's 30 most populous countries targeted for criticism (the exceptions are the UK, Germany, Ethiopia, Iran, France, Congo, and Myanmar).

Countries singled out for criticism should not be deceived into thinking that their laws are failing to meet an international standard, no matter what US lobby groups say.

Rather, those countries should know that their approach - and the criticism that it inevitably brings from the US - places them in very good company.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Feb 26th, 2007 at 12:18pm
Here are two more stories for the "Jesus coffin".  What ticks me off in all the articles I read was that no bones were found in the "Jesus" casket.  This adds confusion when later in the first article it says the bones have been reburied?  Which bones?  The other people's bone or the others PLUS "Jesus" bones?

I've found the coffin of Jesus, says film director

Add your view

James Cameron

A Hollywood director will today unveil three coffins he claims were those of Jesus, his mother Mary and his 'wife' Mary Magdalene.

James Cameron says he has proof that Jesus married Mary and that she bore him a son, Judah, who was buried alongside them.

'Jesus' tomb

The Titanic director has produced a documentary telling the story of ten stone coffins found in a 2,000-year-old tomb in Jerusalem by Israeli builders.

'Jesus' tomb

The Lost Tomb of Jesus, made for the Discovery Channel, will be shown in the U.S. this week and later in Britain by Channel 4.

Today, Cameron is holding a press conference on what he describes as 'one of the greatest archaeological finds of all time'.

Crucially, he is not denying the resurrection - as there were no bones in the caskets.

But the £2million film still strikes at the foundation of Christianity in the same manner as the novel The Da Vinci Code, by Dan Brown, in claiming that Jesus married and had a family.

His theory, which has already met with derision from experts, centres on a tomb found in the Talpiot suburb in 1980. Inside, archaeologists found ten coffins, or caskets for bones, and three skulls.

Six had names etched into them, which were translated as Jesus son of Joseph, Judah son of Jesus, Maria, Mariamne (thought to be Mary Magdalene's real name), Joseph and Matthew.

At the time the inscriptions provoked little interest. The Israeli Antiquities Authority said the names were common at the time.

A connection to the holy family was not made until 15 years later, when a film crew stumbled across the collection in a storeroom.

Though the bones had long since been reburied elsewhere, as was the custom, tiny traces of DNA left in the caskets were tested.

The results for the coffins labelled Jesus and Mariamne showed the two were not related by blood, leading Cameron and his team to conclude they were married.

The film's Israeli director, Simcha Jacobovici, said: 'Either this cluster-of names represents the tomb of Jesus of Nazareth and his family.

'Or some other family, with this very same constellation of names, existed at precisely the same time in history in Jerusalem.'

The idea that Mary Magdalene had a child with Jesus was the main theme of The Da Vinci Code. The book claimed their union was kept secret in a church conspiracy.

The location of Cameron's conference is being kept secret until the last moment to stop crowds trying to see the artefacts. The cave in which they were found has also been put under armed guard.

However, the archaeologist who oversaw the work at the tomb described the theory as 'nonsense'.

Amos Kloner said the names found on the coffins had been found in tombs before, adding: 'It makes a great story for a TV film, but it's impossible.

'Jesus and his relatives were a Galilee family with no ties in Jerusalem. The Talpiot tomb belonged to a middle-class family from the first century.'

You can check out a few of the good comments made by people at the bottom of this story at this link:'ve+found+the+coffin+of+Jesus%2C+says+film+director/

Story 2 a bit more critical:

Scholars Criticize New Jesus Documentary

Feb 26 10:03 AM US/Eastern

Associated Press Writer


JERUSALEM (AP) -- Archaeologists and clergymen in the Holy Land derided claims in a new documentary produced by the Oscar-winning director James Cameron that contradict major Christian tenets.

"The Lost Tomb of Christ," which the Discovery Channel will run on March 4, argues that 10 ancient ossuaries _ small caskets used to store bones _ discovered in a suburb of Jerusalem in 1980 may have contained the bones of Jesus and his family, according to a press release issued by the Discovery Channel.

One of the caskets even bears the title, "Judah, son of Jesus," hinting that Jesus may have had a son. And the very fact that Jesus had an ossuary would contradict the Christian belief that he was resurrected and ascended to heaven.

Most Christians believe Jesus' body spent three days at the site of the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem's Old City. The burial site identified in Cameron's documentary is in a southern Jerusalem neighborhood nowhere near the church.

In 1996, when the BBC aired a short documentary on the same subject, archaeologists challenged the claims. Amos Kloner, the first archaeologist to examine the site, said the idea fails to hold up by archaeological standards but makes for profitable television.

"They just want to get money for it," Kloner said.

The claims have raised the ire of Christian leaders in the Holy Land.

"The historical, religious and archaeological evidence show that the place where Christ was buried is the Church of the Resurrection," said Attallah Hana, a Greek Orthodox clergyman in Jerusalem. The documentary, he said, "contradicts the religious principles and the historic and spiritual principles that we hold tightly to."

Stephen Pfann, a biblical scholar at the University of the Holy Land in Jerusalem who was interviewed in the documentary, said the film's hypothesis holds little weight.

"I don't think that Christians are going to buy into this," Pfann said. "But skeptics, in general, would like to see something that pokes holes into the story that so many people hold dear."

"How possible is it?" Pfann said. "On a scale of one through 10 _ 10 being completely possible _ it's probably a one, maybe a one and a half."

Pfann is even unsure that the name "Jesus" on the caskets was read correctly. He thinks it's more likely the name "Hanun."

Kloner also said the filmmakers' assertions are false.

"It was an ordinary middle-class Jerusalem burial cave," Kloner said. "The names on the caskets are the most common names found among Jews at the time."

Archaeologists also balk at the filmmaker's claim that the James Ossuary _ the center of a famous antiquities fraud in Israel _ might have originated from the same cave. In 2005, Israel charged five suspects with forgery in connection with the infamous bone box.

"I don't think the James Ossuary came from the same cave," said Dan Bahat, an archaeologist at Bar-Ilan University. "If it were found there, the man who made the forgery would have taken something better. He would have taken Jesus."

Although the documentary makers claim to have found the tomb of Jesus, the British Broadcasting Corporation beat them to the punch by 11 years.

Osnat Goaz, a spokeswoman for the Israeli government agency responsible for archaeology, declined to comment before the documentary was aired.

I think this story will soon break down.  However I'm concerned that skeptics will use the same blind faith that they claim Christians to have and just except this as true even though the physical and historical evidence doesn't support the theory.  I really want to see what Cameron's movie is and just why he believes it and why he is making the movie?


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Feb 27th, 2007 at 4:33pm

""The numbers range from 1 in 100 to 1 in 1,000 that there is some other family,'' said Andrey Feuerverger, a professor of mathematics at the University of Toronto."

Phew!  Well I'm convinced!  Those odds are like totally huge!  There's no way that there were more than 1,000 people back then so that must be the real person!  Now where did I put my MI lottery ticket where 540,000 other people are going to have to split $216 million!


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Feb 27th, 2007 at 7:16pm
Um, Pat, do you think you could quote or link to the rest of the article? I don't have any clue what that is even referencing.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Feb 27th, 2007 at 8:24pm
Sorry forgot all about that.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on Feb 28th, 2007 at 12:26pm

Scientists invent real-life 'tricorder'

WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind., Feb. 27 (UPI) -- U.S. scientists have created a handheld sensing system they liken to Star Trek's "tricorder," used to analyze the chemical compounds of alien worlds.

But Purdue University researchers say their system could have more reality-based applications, such as testing foods for dangerous bacterial contaminants and urine for biomarkers that might provide an early disease warning.

The instrument is a miniature mass spectrometer combined with a technique called desorption electrospray ionization, or DESI. The device and technique were developed by a team of researchers led by Purdue Professor R. Graham Cooks.

"Conventional mass spectrometers analyze samples that are specially prepared and placed in a vacuum chamber," Cooks said. "The key DESI innovation is performing the ionization step in the air or directly on surfaces outside of the mass spectrometer's vacuum chamber.

"We like to compare it to the tricorder because it is truly a handheld instrument that yields information about the precise chemical composition of samples in a matter of minutes without harming the samples."

The research team has used the device to identify cocaine on a $50 bill in less than 1 second.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Feb 28th, 2007 at 12:33pm
I'll take two!

( for each hand, FTW!)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on Feb 28th, 2007 at 12:57pm;title;1&om_act=convert&om_clk=topslot)

Empire Earth 3 baby!

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Feb 28th, 2007 at 3:13pm;jsessionid=8D3B8F68A0E457E6249DF9713702B7D7?contentId=2523232&version=3&locale=EN-US&layoutCode=VSTY&pageId=1.1.1


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Feb 28th, 2007 at 4:59pm
Empire Earth III looks like it's going to be the new hotness.  I didn't see an anticipated release date in the article, but I didn't have time to read it all.  Any idea?

(...screw Boston.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Feb 28th, 2007 at 6:00pm

Technology News

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Report: Man dies after 'marathon' online session
POSTED: 3:06 p.m. EST, February 28, 2007
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BEIJING, China (Reuters) -- An obese 26-year-old man in northeastern China died after a "marathon" online gaming session over the Lunar New Year holiday, state media said on Wednesday.

The 150-kilogram (330-pound) man from Jinzhou, in Liaoning province, collapsed on Saturday, the last day of the holiday, after spending "almost all" of the seven-day break playing online games, the China Daily said, citing his parents.

Xu Yan, a local teacher, said the "dull life" during the holiday prompted many people to turn to computer games for entertainment.

"There are only two options. TV or computer. What else can I do in the holiday as all markets, KTV and cafeterias are shut down?" the paper quoted Xu as saying.

China has seen an alarming rise in the number of teenage and young adult Internet addicts in recent years, despite attempts to restrict minors from cyber cafes and limit online game playing times. (Watch how China is trying to cure Internet addicts Video)

About 2.6 million -- or 13 percent -- of China's 20 million Internet users under 18 are classed as addicts, state media have reported.

Quick someone call Wes and see if he went to China!!!


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Mar 2nd, 2007 at 2:37pm


Jaramillo opts for $75-per-night jail accommodations
The former assistant O.C. sheriff's yearlong stay at the pay-to-stay, more-amenities Fullerton city lockup for two felonies won't be a picnic -- well, actually, sometimes it can be.
By H.G. Reza, Times Staff Writer
March 2, 2007

Pay-to-stay jail time

It is not the Mayberry jail, where justice is tempered with Southern hospitality, but for George Jaramillo it is the next best thing.

The former Orange County assistant sheriff will rent a cramped cell at Fullerton City Jail to serve his one-year sentence for lying to a grand jury and unauthorized use of a county helicopter, police and district attorney officials said Thursday.

Jaramillo, 46, has until April to begin serving his term at a private or municipal jail of his choice after pleading no contest in January to two felonies. In return for his plea, the Orange County district attorney's office dropped nine other counts and agreed he would not have to serve his term in a county jail. He could have gotten 13 years in state prison if convicted of all charges.

Instead, Jaramillo will pay his debt to society in a spartan cell 3 feet from the drunk tank. The tank has no shortage of noisy occupants on weekends, mostly drunks picked up in the city's trendy downtown area. One of his jail chores will include cleaning the drunk tank.

Pay to stay can be summer camp compared with state prison. A criminal who can afford to pay for his jail stay enjoys privileges that make his punishment more bearable.

For starters, Jaramillo may be able to bring his cellphone and a laptop computer. A screenwriter who paid to do his brief sentence in Fullerton was able to finish his screenplay on his laptop, said jailer Efren Ragay.

Jail officials said Jaramillo will have trusty status, as do all pay-to-stay inmates, and he will be allowed to roam outside the building but not off the unfenced grounds. They are not concerned about him walking away, because that would earn him a transfer to the type of lockup he is trying to avoid. While in custody, he will have to wear an orange smock with the letters "FPD" at all times.

Jaramillo will also be allowed family visits in a patio in front of the police station, where he can enjoy restaurant meals that visitors can bring him. Otherwise it is frozen dinners from the microwave. The cost to be the city's guest is $75 per day. Usually, the entire sum is payable in advance, but because of Jaramillo's longer sentence he will probably be able to pay in installments, said Lt. John Petropulos.

"If you're going to be in jail, it's the best $75 per day you'll ever spend in your life. You don't have to worry about getting beat up by a guy with a shaved head and tattoos," he said.

Cities began opening up their jails for paying clients about a decade ago. About 15 cities in Los Angeles and Orange counties rent jail space to low-risk offenders, including Pasadena, Alhambra, Seal Beach and Huntington Beach. Rates differ from jail to jail. Fullerton's rate seems like a bargain compared with that of Torrance, where inmates pay $171 per day.

There are no reliable figures showing how many men and women have chosen to use pay-to-stay facilities. But generally, only low-risk inmates serving a year or less for nonviolent crimes are accepted.

The program is little known, but its popularity is growing so quickly that you had better make your reservations soon. Huntington Beach Jail administrator Dale Miller said his facility, which can handle eight male and four female paying clients, is booked until June. He said he turns down about half of those who apply.

Celebrities who have paid for their crimes include actor Christian Slater, who served 59 days in La Verne City Jail for battery and drug offenses. Rap music producer Dr. Dre, sentenced to five months for violating probation, served his time in the Pasadena jail.

Critics charge that pay to stay is a glaring example of the unequal distribution of justice in this country.

"It symbolizes the two-tiered system we have in this country for poor defendants and the well-to-do," said Paul Wright, editor of Prison Legal News magazine, which is an advocate for inmates. "The poor are just as deserving but can't afford to participate. This makes a mockery of the notion of equal justice under the law."

Jaramillo's choice of jails still must be approved by the judge. Dist. Atty. Tony Rackauckas, who also has a say-so in where Jaramillo will serve his sentence, has already raised an objection.

"I will not agree to any special privileges for Jaramillo, including the use of a cellphone or personal computer," he said.

Robert Corrado, Jaramillo's attorney, said he and his client considered several jails in Southern California, making Jaramillo's safety the priority.

"It needs to be a decent, clean place where his family can visit," Corrado said.

Bill Naber, a jail consultant and former Sonoma County sheriff's captain, said that even if Jaramillo were ordered to serve his term in a county jail, he would not spend his time in Orange County Jail because inmates might seek revenge against him.

Petropulos said Jaramillo would be required to work in the Fullerton jail. His duties will include heating the frozen meals for other inmates and mopping and cleaning the aging but spotless jail.

Jaramillo, expected to report around the middle of the month, will share with another inmate a cell the size of a walk-in closet.

They will share a corner toilet partly hidden behind a slim canvas wardrobe, affording only a modicum of privacy. Next to the toilet is a sink and two wall lockers like those found in a high school hallway. A card table with two chairs is wedged between two prison beds.

Jaramillo can relax inside his cell and watch television or movies on a VCR. A wall phone below the TV allows him to make collect calls if he is not allowed to bring his cellphone. There is also a small shelf with reading material. The only other recreation available is shooting hoops in the jail's driveway.

The Fullerton jail was built during the Great Depression by the Works Progress Administration, but the facility has all of the electronic gadgets and surveillance equipment found in modern jails.

"It's like the Mayberry jail with modern technology," said Ragay, who has worked there 20 years.

Blind justice my cherry-red butt.

(...wonders how far this will go?)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Mar 3rd, 2007 at 11:09pm
Who said that the old Soviet ways are dead!!!

Expert in Russian poisoning case is shot
FBI joins investigation, but officials think it’s just local crime
Pete Williams

WASHINGTON - FBI agents say they are assisting police in suburban Washington who are investigating the shooting of a Russian expert — a man who spoke out on "Dateline NBC" last weekend and strongly suggested that remnants of the KGB were responsible for the bizarre poisoning death of Alexander Litvinenko.

The Russian expert, Paul Joyal, was shot Thursday night as he got out of his car in front of his house in Adelphi, Md. Investigators in Prince Georges County say a witness claims to have seen two men running away after the shooting. Joyal remains hospitalized with a gunshot wound to the midsection. Authorities have not said whether they've been able to talk to him.

Joyal is a long-time consultant on security and Russian affairs. From 1980 to 1989, he was director of security for the Senate Intelligence Committee.
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On last weekend's "Dateline," he said of Litvenenko's death: "A message has been communicated to anyone who wants to speak out against the Kremlin: 'If you do, no matter who you are, where you are, we will find you and we will silence you — in the most horrible way possible.'"

'Dateline NBC' investigation

The shooting has certainly raised eyebrows, because Maryland police are well aware of Joyal's views regarding the Litvinenko death. But at this point, they have no evidence suggesting the shooting was anything other than an example of the rising crime rate in Washington's Maryland suburbs. Local investigators are highly skeptical that his shooting was anything other than street crime.

• Polonium-210
Feb. 28: London's Dana Center focuses on radioactive isotope polonium-210, blamed for the poisoning death of Alexander Litvinenko. NBC's Chapman Bell reports.

NBC News Web Extra
In an odd twist, another person who appeared on the "Dateline" broadcast died of a heart attack last month. Reporter Daniel McGrory of the Times of London, who has written about the Litvinenko case, died Feb. 20, before the "Dateline" segment was broadcast. He was 54.

His family said he "died suddenly at home." He was a veteran British foreign correspondent who had reported from several war zones. Just before his death, he had been reporting in Pakistan.

(In Russia...Kremlin murders YOU!!!)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Mar 9th, 2007 at 2:32pm

Appeals Court Overturns D.C. Gun Ban

Mar 09 1:52 PM US/Eastern

WASHINGTON (AP) -- A federal appeals court overturned the District of Columbia's long- standing handgun ban Friday, rejecting the city's argument that the Second Amendment right to bear arms applied only to militias.

In a 2-1 decision, the judges held that the activities protected by the Second Amendment "are not limited to militia service, nor is an individual's enjoyment of the right contingent upon his or her continued intermittent enrollment in the militia."

A lower-court judge in 2004 had told six residents they did not have a constitutional right to own handguns. The plaintiffs include residents of high-crime neighborhoods who wanted the guns for protection.

The Bush administration has endorsed individual gun-ownership rights, but the Supreme Court has never settled the issue.

If the dispute makes it to the high court, it would be the first case in nearly 70 years to address the Second Amendment's scope.

It is true that gun ownership only applies to militias but if you look at the term militia using the definition of the day you would see that EVERYONE is part of the militia.  Also if guns are only for the militias we have today doesn't that mean our govt is out to get those "nuts"?


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Mar 11th, 2007 at 12:50pm
I never understood how someone could seriously believe that "the right of the people" could refer to anything other than... ahem... the people.

(...has been keeping a close eye on this one.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Mar 11th, 2007 at 12:57pm
Well it's like liberal Bible people believing that when the Bible say things like "all" and "one day" they really mean "not all" and "gabiazillan of years".

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Mar 14th, 2007 at 2:19pm

Riccardo Crossland used a pellet gun to rob a man legally carrying a real gun outside a Bridgeton motel Tuesday morning and ended up shot, police said.

Crossland went off to a hospital with wounds of the hand and leg; the victim went on his way with the congratulations of police.

"Here was a robbery where we have a good ending for once," said Bridgeton Police Major Don Steinman, who said the shooting was clearly self-defense.

The 23-year-old victim holds a concealed-carry permit from his home state of Florida, which is honored in Missouri, officials said. Advertisement

"He had his gun aimed at my face," the robbery victim said in an interview granted on the condition that his name and hometown not be used. "I definitely thought he was going to shoot me, so I started firing."

Crossland's weapon turned out to be a pellet gun that resembled a .45-caliber handgun, police said. The victim had a real .45 in his waistband.

Crossland, 39, of the 7100 block of Beulah Avenue in Jennings, was taken to DePaul Health Center, police said, for treatment of his wounds, which were not considered life-threatening. He was charged with first-degree robbery and armed criminal action.

Police said Crossland is on probation for a drug-related offense, and has convictions for robbery, burglary, stealing and drug-related crimes.

The victim gave this account:

He had stayed several days at the Motel 6, near Interstate 270 and St. Charles Rock Road, while looking at a race car engine to buy from a man in St. Louis.

About 3 a.m. Tuesday, he took his pit bull on an errand for food. Just outside the motel, he encountered two men who asked questions about the dog before one of them pulled out what looked like a gun and announced a holdup.

"The one guy started to pat me down, and I didn't want him to find my gun, so I was handing them over everything I could," the victim said. "I was just waiting for the right opportunity to get my gun."

The robbers then started to depart with the man's wallet, necklace, ring and cash.

"The guy with the gun was walking away with the gun at his side, but then he turned around and aimed it at my face," the victim said. "I definitely thought he was going to shoot me, so I pulled my gun out and started firing."

He fired seven shots and the pair fled.

Crossland was found about a quarter of a mile away, hiding on a parking lot in the 12900 block of St. Charles Rock Road, police said. The accomplice was not caught.

The victim said he had the concealed-carry permit for two years but had never used the weapon. Missouri has no tracking system for cases in which people with concealed-carry permits use their weapons.

BAAAAAAHAHAHA!  Heck yeah!  Get some!

(...two w00ts for CCW!)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Mar 14th, 2007 at 3:24pm
Obviously someone needs new lessons if he fires 7 shots and misses them all.

(Is kinda surprised that the guy isn't being charged with attempted murder)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Mar 14th, 2007 at 7:08pm
He fired seven shots, but the article doesn't say how many connected.  Since the thief was treated for his wounds, he must've been hit at least once.

His aim is a bit weak, but you have to take into account the loss of fine motor skills and lack of mental capacity that would've been at play during a near-death incident such as that.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Mar 14th, 2007 at 8:07pm
Well I guess....


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on Mar 14th, 2007 at 9:10pm
Finally that Smilie gets use!

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Mar 15th, 2007 at 8:31am


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Mar 20th, 2007 at 10:26am

Wamp Says Thompson Likely To Run For President

The Chattanoogian
March 19, 2007

Rep. Zach Wamp said Monday that former Tennessee Sen. Fred Thompson is very likely to run for president.

The Third District congressman told the Chattanooga Pachyderm Club, "I had a follow-up conversation with Fred Thompson, and there is a real, real strong possibility that he will run."

He said Thompson "has to meet some obligations" with the "Law and Order" TV show and with broadcaster Paul Harvey.

He said Thompson has set aside April 18 and will meet with members of Congress. Rep. Wamp said he has already lined up over 40 members who are interested in the Thompson candidacy.

Rep. Wamp said, "These are from some key places like Tennessee, South Carolina, Georgia and Kentucky."

Rep. Wamp said he and Rep. John Duncan will be co-chairmen of a committee designed to encourage Thompson to seek the Republican presidential nomination.

They will lead the "Draft Fred Thompson 2008" committee. The committee's goal is "to recruit and organize citizens from both the public and private sectors into a leadership group that will serve as a clearinghouse for Thompson supporters from across the country."

Rep. Wamp said, "It is becoming increasingly obvious that a growing number of Americans want Fred Thompson to join the 2008 presidential campaign.

"Sen. Thompson's ability to communicate an optimistic vision for America, coupled with his strong conservative credentials, makes him an ideal choice for thousands of our fellow citizens."

Rep. Duncan said he was "proud to lend my name and energy to this important draft effort."

He said, "I have known Fred Thompson for many years, and I believe he is an exceptional national leader who has the character and integrity to be an outstanding president."

A third congressman from Tennessee, freshman David Davis, has also agreed to become a member of the committee.

The co-chairmen said they believe that "scores of other prominent leaders from Tennessee and across the country will be joining the draft movement in the next several weeks."

Rep. Duncan said, "I believe that thousands of Americans from every walk of life will join this grass-roots effort. They will help us send a clear message to Sen. Thompson that he should take the next step and announce his candidacy."

Rep. Wamp said Thompson "personifies strength and trust. His charisma, eloquence, and exemplary public service have inspired Tennesseans and Americans alike. When I ask my conservative colleagues in Congress if Fred should run, it’s like setting off fireworks above the Capitol."

Rep. Wamp said, "America needs Fred Thompson to answer this call."

Dean Rice of Knoxville, a former aide to Thompson and now a government relations executive, is the treasurer of the Draft Fred Thompson 2008 committee.

He urged those interested in the campaign to visit the committee's website, or e-mail

Rep. Wamp told the Pachyderm Club that a poll by conservative TV host Sean Hannity gave Fred Thompson 52 percent of the vote. He said it was "about twice what McCain received."

He said the Wall Street Journal, writer Bob Novak and others have been commenting on the possible Thompson candidacy.

This guy is a solid candidate and I'd vote for him in a heartbeat if Ron Paul and Alan Keyes weren't on the primary ballot.  I don't think he stands a chance, though, because the average American has never heard of him.

I fear the Republican ticket is going to be split between Giuliani and McCain, neither of which should ever hold a federal office of any sort.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Mar 20th, 2007 at 2:02pm
I agree with you on that completely Bob.  Giuliani is a neo-con through and through and even now the firefighters are fighting against him and if he becomes the republican ticket runner than he's going to see another swift boat response that Kerry got.  As for McCain this guy seems like he wants to do some good but it always seems like he goes out to do good but comes back with the opposite of what he wanted.

Also I had a question about Obama.  I know this guy was a local politician in IL I believe.  But isn't this the first federal position that he has JUST been elected to?  So if that's true why is this guy running for Prez?  That would be like me being elected as a Senator and running for President right off the bat.  Not to mention; just think how indebted this guy is with special interest.  He won his election to Senate and that cost him big bucks and within a month or 2 of being elected to that he just started up a Presidential fund.

I really hope Paul/Keyes will get on TV more and I really can't wait for the debate.  Unless it's going to be like the '00 debates where they wouldn't let in one of the candidates to debate even though he was a higher front runner.  In fact they had to kick him out of the building because he was screaming while the debate was going on.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Mar 22nd, 2007 at 3:06pm

News Corp., NBC pull together to challenge YouTube...
Thu Mar 22 2007 10:45:59 ET

NEW YORK, March 22, 2007 -- News Corporation and NBC Universal will launch the largest Internet video distribution network ever assembled with the most sought-after content from television and film, it was announced today by Jeff Zucker, President and Chief Executive Officer, NBC Universal and Peter Chernin, President and Chief Operating Officer, News Corporation. The video-rich site will debut this summer with thousands of hours of full-length programming, movies and clips, representing premium content from at least a dozen networks and two major film studios.

AOL, MSN, MySpace and Yahoo! will be the new site’s initial distribution partners. Their users, who represent 96 percent of the monthly U.S. unique users on the Internet, will have unlimited access to the site’s vast library of content. This media alliance will offer consumers free long- and short-form video and create a compelling platform for advertisers, targeting the rapidly growing audience of online video consumers. Charter advertisers include Cadbury Schweppes, Cisco, Esurance, Intel Corporation and General Motors.

“This is a game changer for Internet video,” said Peter Chernin, President and Chief Operating Officer of News Corporation. “We’ll have access to just about the entire U.S. Internet audience at launch. And for the first time, consumers will get what they want -- professionally produced video delivered on the sites where they live. We’re excited about the potential for this alliance and we’re looking forward to working with any content provider or distributor who wants to take advantage of this extraordinary opportunity.”

“Anyone who believes in the value of ubiquitous distribution will find this announcement incredibly exciting,” said Jeff Zucker, President and CEO of NBC Universal. “This venture supercharges our distribution of protected, quality content to fans everywhere. Consumers get a hugely attractive aggregation of a wide range of content, and marketers get a novel way to connect with a large and highly engaged audience.”

At launch, full episodes and clips from current hit shows, including Heroes, 24, House, My Name Is Earl, Saturday Night Live, Friday Night Lights, The Riches, 30 Rock, The Simpsons, The Tonight Show, Prison Break, Are You Smarter than a 5th Grader and Top Chef, plus hits from the studios’ vast television libraries, will be available free, on an ad-supported basis, within a rich consumer experience featuring personalized video playlists, mashups, online communities and video search. Plus, the extensive programming lineup will include fan favorite films like Borat, Little Miss Sunshine, Devil Wears Prada, The Bourne Identity and Bourne Supremacy with bonus materials and movie trailers. Post- launch, plans will be considered for acquiring additional content as well as producing and licensing original programming for the new site’s audience.

Its launch distribution partners will provide the biggest potential reach of any player on the Internet. Moreover, the new site will actively seek agreements with a variety of additional distribution partners.

“This new venture is further proof that the Internet is now a full-fledged entertainment medium, and we are delighted to serve as a major online distribution partner for the quality content produced by these media powerhouses, as well as a provider of strategic services to the new venture,” said Randy Falco, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, AOL.

“This partnership is completely aligned with our continued investment in video on MSN and will allow hundreds of millions of our consumers to tune into a vast library of high-quality, safe and legal online video,” said Kevin Johnson, President, Platform and Services Division, Microsoft. “Our alliance proves that you can deliver quality online video entertainment and protect intellectual property and copyright at the same time. We look forward to working together to explore additional opportunities to distribute this content across other Microsoft services and devices.”

“By delivering the new site’s content to our more than 65 million users, we can build on MySpace’s position as a leading destination for online video, and enable content creators to tap into the power of social networking,” said Peter Levinsohn, President of Fox Interactive Media. “The ability to embed video clips within over 160 million profile pages will empower members of the MySpace community to view, share and truly interact with some of the entertainment world’s most popular content.”

“We are excited to be a part of this landmark partnership that connects people to the content they care about. As the most visited site in the U.S., this deal gives Yahoo!’s users unprecedented access to their favorite shows and offers them engaging content in a premium video format,” said Terry Semel, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Yahoo! Inc. “We believe that this relationship underscores Yahoo!'s respect for content owners and copyrights and positions us as one of the premier distribution sites on the Web for entertainment programming.”

Each distribution partner will feature the site’s content in an embedded player customized with a look and feel consistent with each site, making the offering organic to each destination. The new company will offer innovative advertising sales propositions by being able to sell cross-platform -- on-air and on-line. Post-launch, sites affiliated with founding companies, including iVillage and IGN, will also have the opportunity to become distribution partners.

The new company will be located in New York and Los Angeles. A transitional management team led by NBC Universal’s Chief Digital Officer George Kliavkoff, along with an experienced group of executives from NBC Universal and News Corporation, will work together to launch the site. The company’s permanent management will be announced shortly, along with branding details and additional advertising partners. Each company will devote a significant marketing and promotional budget to the new site’s launch.

News Corporation and NBC Universal are creating this strategic alliance at a time when Internet users and advertisers are embracing online video as never before. In January, there were 123 million unique video streamers and downloaders (comScore Video Metrix). In 2005, video streams totaled nearly 18 billion, and that amount is expected to triple by 2010 (AccuStream iMedia Research, 2006). And research firm eMarketer estimates $410 million was spent on online video advertising in 2006, an amount that is expected to almost double this year.

Will that mean that these companies would no longer be able to sue people for dlin "their property"?


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Mar 22nd, 2007 at 3:19pm
Sure they will... when it shows up on YouTube.

(...thinks that's one way to stifle the competition.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Mar 22nd, 2007 at 3:41pm

S.C. lawmakers advance abortion bill

By SEANNA ADCOX, Associated Press Writer Wed Mar 21, 7:49 PM ET

COLUMBIA, S.C. - With calls of emotional blackmail from opponents, a measure requiring women seeking abortions to first review ultrasound images of their fetuses advanced Wednesday in the South Carolina Legislature.

The legislation, supported by Republican Gov. Mark Sanford, passed 91-23 after lawmakers defeated amendments exempting rape or incest. The House must approve the bill again in a routine vote before it goes to the Senate, where its sponsor expects it to pass with those exemptions.

Some states make ultrasound images available to women before an abortion, but South Carolina would be alone in requiring women to view the pictures.

Critics consider the proposal a tool to intimidate women who already have made an agonizing decision.

"You love them in the womb but once they get here, it's a different story," said Rep. Gilda Cobb-Hunter, a Democrat and a social worker. "You're sitting here passing judgment? Who gave you the right?"

Proponents hope women will change their minds after seeing an ultrasound.

Rep. Alan Clemmons, choking back tears as he talked about his two adopted children, recalled a prayer given by his 11-year-old daughter.

"She thanked her God, her father in heaven for her birth mother for loving her enough to give her life," said Clemmons, a Republican. "I thank my God for those young mothers who chose to give them life."

The state's three abortion clinics already perform ultrasounds, paid for by the woman seeking the procedure, to determine the fetus' age. The state's informed-consent law, passed in 1994, requires abortion doctors to tell women at least an hour before the operation the likely age of their fetus and give them information about fetal development and alternatives to abortion.

Ok now I don't want to start another abortion debate but I just have one point to make here.  Critics of this bill "emotional blackmail".  However if you believe that you are on the right side of morality then why would anyone find this wrong.  Why not just say, "Ok so I see my fetus now can you nerve staple it and suck it out with the vacuum and I'll be on my way"?


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Mar 22nd, 2007 at 5:36pm
I'm glad to see South Carolina is making progress on the abortion issue, but this is ultimately a pointless gesture.

(...could go on.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Mar 23rd, 2007 at 3:25am
*starts the slow applause...looking for others to join*

RIAA University Campaign Sputters: Group Asked To Pay Up For Wasting School's Time
from the sticking-up-for-the-students dept

Lately, the RIAA has been on a high-profile campaign to get college students that the RIAA believes have been involved in illegal file trading to settle lawsuits against them at a "discount". As part of this strategy, the company has tried to enlist universities to help them identify and turn over the names of offending students. But it's heartening to see that some universities aren't spinelessly acquiescing to the RIAA's demands. The University of Wisconsin has told the RIAA that it has no obligation to rat its students out unless it's compelled to do so by a subpoena. Meanwhile, the University of Nebraska has told the RIAA that it can't help them identify many of the students accused of file trading. The school's system changes a computer's IP address each time its turned on, and it only keeps this information for month. After that month, the school has no way of associating an IP address with a computer or its user. The RIAA is angry about this, and a spokesman for the group criticized the university for not understanding "the need to retain these records". This is a ridiculous complaint. The university doesn't have a need to retain these records, and there's no reason it should do so out of some obligation to the RIAA. If there were any doubt that the university is really irritated by the RIAA's requests, it has requested that the RIAA pay the university to reimburse its expenses from dealing with this (good luck with that). If all of this back and forth sounds familiar, it's because it very closely resembles what happened a few years ago when the RIAA tried getting ISPs to share data on their users. Fortunately, the ISPs stood up for their users and told the RIAA to get lost. It's too bad the group didn't seem to learn its lesson.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Mar 23rd, 2007 at 10:49am


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Mar 27th, 2007 at 10:33am

New Tolkien book to be published next month: report

Sun Mar 25, 5:44 PM ET

LONDON (AFP) - An unfinished book by "Lord of the Rings" author J.R.R. Tolkien, which was completed by his son, will go on sale on next month, a newspaper said.

"The Children of Hurin", which Tolkien began in 1918, will be in bookshops on April 17, the Independent on Sunday added. The author's son, Christopher, spent 30 years completing the story from the many drafts produced by his father.

Publisher HarperCollins is keeping exact details of the story under close wraps but its description as "an epic story of adventure, tragedy, fellowship and heroism" will be familiar to the legions of Tolkien fans.

Artist Alan Lee has provided 25 pencil sketches and eight paintings for the book.

Lee won an Oscar for art direction on
Peter Jackson's "The Return of the King", the third blockbuster film based on the "Lord of Rings" trilogy that brought the stories to a worldwide audience.

"The Children of Hurin" is the first "new" Tolkien book since a collection of his works -- "The Silmarillion" -- was published posthumously in 1977, four years after the writer's death. It was also edited by Christopher Tolkien.

The chairman of the Tolkien Society, Chris Crawshaw, was quoted by the Independent on Sunday as saying: "It ('The Children of Hurin') would probably make a very good movie, if anyone can secure the film rights."

Man the Geek stampede will be worse than the Harry Potter trampling of '04 Sheboygan Rollin's Bookstore Massacre!


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Mar 27th, 2007 at 11:22am
Children of Hurin is going to suck for a couple of reasons.  First, Tolkien wasn't a very good author in 1918.  He was mostly writing young children's books (ages 4-6) and didn't really develop his epic fantasy prowess for many more years.  Tolkien didn't start working on The Hobbit for another decade (finally getting it published in '37).  Second, Christopher Tolkien's writing sucks.  Reading his fiction is like eating Shredded Wheat without milk.  Try reading The Silmarillion immediately after The Lord of the Rings, and you'll get an idea of how bad things can get when Christopher Tolkien tries to finish his father's incomplete works.

(...will buy it anyway.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Mar 27th, 2007 at 11:24am

b0b wrote on Mar 27th, 2007 at 11:22am:
(...will buy it anyway.)

you consumer whore!

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Mar 27th, 2007 at 11:33am
Gotta catch 'em all!

(...I choose SHOE!)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on Mar 27th, 2007 at 12:20pm
Well the Silmarillion was just taken from Tolkien's notes that he used as a backstory for the series. I think Chris was trying to keep as much of his fathers writing alive that he could, and not reinvent anything. It reads like a history book because that is all Tolkien had the time to do, it was going to be published later when he did turn the history into stories. But alas, he passed on before then, so all we have are his notes.

(...will also buy the new book)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Mar 27th, 2007 at 12:55pm
The book as it stands today is really a compilation that consists of the original "Silmarillion" and a handful of other texts thrown together.  JRR started working on it in the early '20s and originally submitted it to his publisher as a follow-up to The Hobbit.  It was rejected, and JRR was asked to write a chronological continuation to The Hobbit instead.  Hence, Lord of the Rings.

Tolkien worked on it fairly regularly up to his death, including a heavy spurt between his completion of the Lord of the Rings and it's publication and again in the late '50s.

( pulling this from memory and could be wrong.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on Mar 27th, 2007 at 1:19pm
Ya seems right, he created the world and languages first, before the stories we know. kudos to that publisher for asking for a continuation of the story!

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Stick@school on Mar 29th, 2007 at 4:59pm

Lets all speculate at what this could be....

I'm going to say it is matter of the planet's poles switching.(random guess)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Mar 29th, 2007 at 5:43pm
I'm going to say it's a naturally occurring phenomenon that happens every so often because of high polarity atmosphere but we don't pay too much attention because we assume that space holds nothing for us here on earth and is only a waste of money.  Ya that's what the monkeys said about the monolith in 2001: A Space Oddissy...that that's why they evolved into black people...that's how it went right?


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Mar 30th, 2007 at 12:00pm

Stick@school wrote on Mar 29th, 2007 at 4:59pm:
Lets all speculate at what this could be....

It holds nothing for us.  It's a waste of money.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Mar 30th, 2007 at 1:26pm
it's the dolphins home world signalling the rebellion, God help us!

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Stick on Mar 31st, 2007 at 12:04am

b0b wrote on Mar 30th, 2007 at 12:00pm:
It holds nothing for us.  It's a waste of money.

It only costs you $55 per year in taxes to see what NASA offers.
"$1.06 a week, or $0.15 cents a day"

I would say it's worth it to me.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Mar 31st, 2007 at 2:34am
Exactly...if we're so concerned about polluting our world why not establish bases, on say, the moon or Mars and pollute the nonexistent atmosphere of those worlds.  That way we develop a slew of whole new tech for everything considering we'd have to invent new ships to transport good from planet to planet.  Then more people would go into space as well.  Although let's try and make it not become like Total Recall...or Babylon 5 for that matter!


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Mar 31st, 2007 at 8:02am
Do you have any idea how much it would cost to transport basic goods from space to earth?  Even from the moon!  I think I'll stick with my subpar Korean/Taiwanese/Chinese crap from Walmart, thank you very much.

(...doesn't plan to be around long enough to care.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on Mar 31st, 2007 at 8:11am
Space Elevator!

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Mar 31st, 2007 at 8:14am
the earth killed my baby kelly!  thats why i am all for pollution

take that you bastard!

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Mar 31st, 2007 at 9:14am
Space elevator for teh win!

The problem with the space elevator, though, is that you still have to get supplies from the elevator to the moon (or mars, or whatever).

(...would go on the space elevator.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Mar 31st, 2007 at 11:51am

(Doesn't believe in coincidences)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Mar 31st, 2007 at 1:13pm

X wrote on Mar 31st, 2007 at 11:51am:


(...runs away.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Mar 31st, 2007 at 1:59pm
bob come out the closet

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Mar 31st, 2007 at 2:08pm
I'll come out as soon as I'm done showing your mother a good time.

(...runs away.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Mar 31st, 2007 at 2:53pm
Well..d-don't you need...a penis to do that?

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Mar 31st, 2007 at 3:11pm
yes, this is the interesting news article thread right? ... can't you see the headline?

"Bob has a penis"

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Mar 31st, 2007 at 3:41pm
How would you know, Spanky?!

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Apr 3rd, 2007 at 6:24am
well i was unemployed and needed the money...

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Apr 3rd, 2007 at 1:16pm
Desperate times call for desperate measures.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Apr 4th, 2007 at 1:53am
Well I never thought I'd say it...but...good job California!

DVD Copy Control licence so badly written it's invalid

Copy protection lawyers shoot selves in foot

By Andrew Thomas: Friday 30 March 2007, 11:28
US LAWYERS HAVE SCREWED UP the licensing specifications designed to protect movies from being copied, reports EETimes. A California court ruled yesterday that a Silicon Valley company isn't violating the technology used to protect DVDs because the licence and specifications for the technology are so badly written.

The judge found against the DVD Copy Control Association (CCA) which was attempting to stop startup company Kaleidescape from selling a media server product that stores DVD movies on disk. He ruled that an entire section of the CCA's specification for the Content Scramble System was not part of the licence agreement.

"This is a product of a committee of lawyers," said the judge.

The CCA believed its licence stated that a movie could only be stored on disk if the DVD remained in the player and that if this were not the case, there would be nothing to stop borrowed DVDs from being illegally copied. Unfortunately for them, the judge thought otherwise.

(Feels dirty right now for what I just typed)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Apr 4th, 2007 at 6:14am

The CCA believed its licence stated that a movie could only be stored on disk if the DVD remained in the player

you're right! ... the only reason i burn anything is to never take it out of the player, brilliant!

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Apr 4th, 2007 at 9:10am
That's just retarded.

(...+1 for Kalifornistan.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Apr 4th, 2007 at 3:14pm


Community Sues To Oust 3-Year-Old

Child With Drug-Addict Mom Lives With Grandparents

LARGO, Fla. -- A Florida homeowners group wants 3-year-old Kimberly Broffman to take her Big Wheel and hit the road.

They've banded together to oust the toddler from their Tampa-area community, which bans residents under 18.

The child's grandparents, Judie and Jimmy Stottler, admit Kimberly's been living there in violation of homeowners' association rules for three years. They said her mother has a drug problem, and isn't capable of caring for the child.

The grandparents said they live on a fixed income and can't afford to move until they sell their house. So far, there have been no takers to buy their house, even after they lowered the $189,000 asking price by $10,000 six months ago.

They also said they can't afford to hire an attorney.

Judie Stottler supports the family with her $18,000-per year dishwashing job because Jimmy Stottler is disabled and is unable to work.

Judie Stottler's friends told the St. Petersburg Times that they are worried.

"It is so ridiculous that this has gone so far," said Keith Tinsley, a cook who works with her. "She's trying her best to sell her house. It's like they are trying to force her to put Kimberly in foster care.

"These people keep batting her down and batting her down. They're just mean."

Judie Stottler said she is scared that she wil lose her house before she is able to sell it.

"We don't have any family to take us in," Judie Stottler said.

The Lakes homeowners association filed suit to oust Kimberly last month.

Utterly and patently ridiculous.

( sure there is more to the story, though.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Apr 5th, 2007 at 11:35am

London's 'white slaves'

By Caroline Davies
Last Updated: 2:05am BST 05/04/2007

As Britain commemorates the 200th anniversary of the abolition of the slave trade, new research traces the stories of the first batch of slaves sent to the colonies in America - not black Africans but white children from London.

A new book, White Cargo, tells how children as young as 10 were swept off the city's streets and sent with convicts to work in America several months before the first shipment of African captives arrived in 1619. Authors Don Jordan and Michael Walsh say hundreds of homeless children were rounded up and held in the Bridewell, a workhouse and prison near Blackfriars Bridge.

But, to disguise the fact these children were to be enslaved, officials sold it as giving the underprivileged a new life. In truth, the City of London wanted to get rid of their street children while the merchants behind the company colonising Virginia wanted slave labour.

Calling Al Sharpton!  Calling Al Sharpton!

(...demands reparations.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Apr 5th, 2007 at 1:35pm
Where's my apology and repreations!?  Also I don't want to see the Union Jack's an old symbol of my *sniffle* time of oppression.

(Expects my check in the mail now!)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Apr 5th, 2007 at 2:38pm

SEATTLE - She met him at the mall, the older teen orphaned by the terrible deaths of his parents. They talked on the phone and went on a date, and soon her family let him move in.

Now a year later, the family has received stunning news from police: Mark, the 14-year-old's boyfriend, isn't an orphan, or even a boy at all. He is a 30-year-old woman.

And that 30-year-old woman beat and sexually molested the young, trusting girl, according to court papers filed this week. Other acquaintances claim the woman scammed them out of money while posing as Mark.

"They were all surprised that this individual was not who she said she was, both in name and sex," Everett Police Sgt. Robert Goetz said Wednesday.

Lorelei Corpuz was charged Wednesday with rape of a child in the third degree. Corpuz is being held on $150,000 bail, and is expected to make her first court appearance on Thursday afternoon. Corpuz was arrested Sunday after an officer ran a check on her Honda, then parked at an Everett gas station, to see if it was stolen.

The check pulled up an outstanding traffic warrant naming Mark Villanueva, also known as Lorelei Corpuz. The officer had arrested Corpuz in January on another warrant and recognized her. Corpuz was arrested on the warrant, and the officer asked the girl in the passenger seat how she knew the suspect.

"She indicated it was her boyfriend," Goetz said. "When the 14-year-old victim said that, that obviously piqued the concern of the officer."

Police are not identifying the girl except by her initials, T.N.

Officer Don de Nevens wrote in a probable cause statement that while Corpuz lived with the girl, the two had kissed on the lips, and Corpuz performed oral sex on the girl. About three months ago, Corpuz had intercourse with the girl; the girl told police she did not see what Corpuz had placed inside her.

"Over the year that suspect lived with victim, the suspect never let victim see her/his private parts and victim always thought that suspect was male until officer informed her otherwise," de Nevens wrote.

The relationship was also abusive, de Nevens wrote. At one point, the girl's father went to Alaska for work, and Corpuz began striking her once a week. Twice, Corpuz bit her on the back, leaving a scar, the probable cause statement said.

"Every time I questioned her she would get really mad," said the alleged victim. "So I just stopped caring."

The two met at the Alderwood Mall in September 2005, police said, and "Mark" told the girl that his mother had died of cancer and that his father committed suicide. The girl's parents believed his story and let Corpuz move into their home.

Family members told police they never suspected Corpuz was a woman in the year she lived in the home. The alleged victim says she no longer has feeling for Corpus now that she knows the truth, but admits she used to.

"Well he was really nice and I didn't really have anybody to talk to because my mom and dad are always at work," she said. "He talked to me."

Meanwhile, two young boys claaim Corpuz scammed out of money. The two boys, who are cousins, say they befriended who they thought was Mark out of sympathy.

"Sometimes he was crying, telling me people were after him, that his girlfriend hit him, that his parents are dead," said one of the boys, "Devante".

They boys sad Corpuz suckered them into handing over their ATM cards, then withdrew more than $1,000 from their savings accounts.

"He took all the money out. He was just making stuff up pretty much- she," Devante said.

"Gabe", the other boy, said he believed Corpuz was a boy.

"It could be convincing she was a boy because she cut her hair short and she could act like a boy," he said.

The boys' grandmother, Cindy Woods, says she's still in shock.

"He scammed my grandchildren, he scammed juveniles. And in the process, he scammed me," she said.

Corpuz has not been charged in connection with the alleged theft.

Booking records list Corpuz as 5-foot-3 and 140 pounds. Her arrest was first reported Wednesday in The Herald newspaper of Everett.

Chlorine needs to be spread in a pretty wide swath over that whole family.  Letting your 14-year old daughter's boyfriend move in?  What the heck are they smoking up there?

("...Lesbian transvestite pedophilic convict in love tryst with underage teen, next on Jerry Springer.")

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Apr 17th, 2007 at 2:34pm


April 17, 2007
Housing Slump Takes a Toll on Illegal Immigrants

HURON, Calif. — Some of the casualties of America’s housing bust are easy to spot up and down California’s Central Valley.

From Fresno to Sacramento, big tangles of wire and PVC pipes clutter vacant lots in silent subdivisions, waiting for houses to be built — some day. Dozens of “For Sale” signs already dot the lawns across new residential communities. And right next to the ubiquitous billboards from builders are fresh signs offering homeowners help to avoid foreclosure.

But another set of losers is less visible: the immigrant workers, mostly illegal, who rode the construction boom while it lasted and now find jobs on building sites few and far between.

Offering more than $10 an hour as well as new skills and a shot at upward mobility, construction provided many illegal immigrants the best job they ever had, a step up from the backbreaking work reserved for those toiling without legal authorization, which in the Central Valley mostly meant pruning and picking in fruit and vegetable fields.

The growing presence of illegal immigrants in home building, mostly working for small labor contractors, might help explain why government statistics have recorded only a small decline in construction employment, despite the collapse in residential investment.

“Technically they don’t fire them,” said Myrna Martínez, coordinator for the Fresno office of the American Friends Service Committee, a nonprofit organization working on social assistance projects for immigrant workers. “They just tell them that there is no more work.”

As building jobs have grown scarce, many of the workers who left farm labor a few years ago are returning to where they came from. They can be seen once again hunched in clusters under the unremitting sun, cutting heads of lettuce or slicing off spears of asparagus for minimum wage, clinging to the hope that home building will resume again.

“If another construction job comes up, I’ll go there,” said Cresencio B., a former Mexico City policeman who arrived illegally in the United States in 1991.

Cresencio B. toiled on farms up and down the West Coast until he got a job cutting wood segments on a construction crew two years ago, making about $11 an hour. But building jobs dried up in October. In early April, he was in a tomato field nearby, brandishing his hoe for $7.50 an hour, clearing out the weeds and the leftover garlic sprouts from last year’s crop.

(The Times is using only the first name and last initial of the workers.)

“There are quite a few in this situation,” Ms. Martínez said. “This construction boom that started five or six years ago just suddenly started to fall apart.”

Illegal immigrants played a big if quiet part on the supply side of America’s housing boom. According to the Pew Hispanic Center, a research organization in Washington, immigrants from Mexico and other Latin American countries account for about one in five construction workers. Those who arrived since 2000 — who are likely to be unlawfully in the United States because they had virtually no way of immigrating legally — account for an estimated 7 percent of the construction work force.

They were mostly pulled in by the building frenzy of the first half of the decade. According to the analysis by the Pew Hispanic Center, based on census data, Hispanic immigrants took 60 percent of the million new construction jobs created from 2004 to 2006. Those recently arrived took nearly half.

While there are no equivalent statistics at the state or local level, a glance at a construction crew anywhere in the valley confirms the overwhelming immigrant share. “There are only Mexicans,” said Adrián L., an illegal immigrant from Oaxaca who does interior work on homes here. “Now not even the supervisors are American.”

Like no other job, construction allowed many immigrants a shot at the American dream. After more than five years in construction, Adrián L. was making $25 to $35 an hour leading a 15-strong team for a company building new tract homes in the Central Valley.

Farther north, construction work also allowed José Manuel J. to aspire to a better life. An illegal immigrant from Guanajuato State in Mexico, he left the fields to sweep construction sites eight years ago. By last year he was making $25 an hour running a small crew laying roofs. He got a mortgage and bought a home in the United States. He bought land and built a house in Mexico.

For Cresencio B. a construction job meant his wife, Marta M., could afford to stay home and care for their 2-year-old son, Ángel.

But when home builders stopped building, they stopped calling. Hoe in hand, Marta M. is back at work these days, hacking alongside her husband at the weeds in a tomato field from 5 a.m. to 5 p.m. Ángel is left in the care of his 18-year-old sister.

Adrián L. and José Manuel J. have resisted going back into the fields, making do with piecemeal work: putting up a roof here, re-tiling a bathroom there. But they are near the end of the line. “If work doesn’t pick up,” José Manuel J. said, “in May I am going to have to go to pick in the cherry crop.”

The nation’s great housing bust has not shown up so far in official employment data. According to the Labor Department, employment in residential construction has declined by only 28,000 jobs — or some 3 percent — since its peak last fall.

“It is sort of surprising that construction employment numbers haven’t gone down more already,” said David F. Seiders, chief economist at the National Association of Home Builders. “I’m not sure about the quality of the data.”

The statistics seem to belie the debacle that has overwhelmed home building. In February, there were 15 percent fewer homes under construction and 27 percent fewer homes started than in the corresponding month of 2006. In California, 42 percent fewer building permits for new residential units were issued in February than a year earlier.

“Because we have fewer homes sold, we have slowed down the building of various phases in some communities,” said Joel H. Rassman, chief financial officer for the home builder Toll Brothers, which expects to deliver 6,000 to 7,000 homes in 2007, down from 8,600 in 2006. “We have delayed the start of some communities, and we are letting less work out to our contractors.”

Mr. Seiders suggested that reported employment might not be falling as starkly as other statistics because builders do not employ construction workers directly. Instead, they use subcontractors to build different parts of a development. These often use labor contractors, who may also turn to subcontractors to fill their crews.

José Carlos J., José Manuel’s nephew, has not formally lost his job as a roofer. But the contractor he works for has hardly called him in recent months. “Since November I’ve laid only four roofs,” he said.

Most of the workers disgorged back into the fields are in a similar situation. Milling about in a park near downtown Stockton after work on a recent afternoon, José Manuel’s brother, Raymundo J., who is the foreman of a crew picking asparagus near Stockton, pointed to several former construction workers from his hometown in Mexico who are now in the field.

There was his other nephew, Roberto, who used to tear roofs down for $15 an hour, and Manuel S., who used to spray stucco on houses in the San Francisco Bay Area. Antonio R. lost a $14-an-hour job cutting wood last October. Chuy R., who got a job wiring homes immediately after arriving in the United States in May 2006, lost it at the end of the year.

They all hang on to the hope that construction will rebound. Most fear, however, that times will never again be as good. Said José Manuel J., “I don’t think building houses will pick up for several years.”

The growing season is barely starting in the Central Valley. Demand for farm workers will peak in the summer, at around 450,000. But many growers are concerned that tight border controls will continue to cut deeply into their labor force and that, as happened last year, crops will be left to rot in the fields.

Still, as farm workers once lured into construction are returned to the fields, there are signs that the labor supply on some California farms is increasing.

Luawanna Hallstrom, chairwoman of the California Farm Bureau’s labor committee and general manager of Harry Singh & Sons, a large tomato grower north of San Diego, noted that more workers were showing up at greenhouse nurseries than last year.

She pointed out that the lull in construction, combined with the frosts this year that devastated the state’s citrus crop and part of the nut crop, are freeing workers for other farms.

“There’s an opportunity for some areas in agriculture to attract labor who would have been doing other agricultural jobs or tied up in construction,” Ms. Hallstrom said.

The immigrants agree. “There are too many people for too little field work,” José Manuel J. complained. “People are scattering up to Oregon and further north because there is little work here.”

Cry me a freakin' river.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on Apr 17th, 2007 at 2:39pm
Comon man, where is the love?

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Apr 17th, 2007 at 3:14pm
It seems like all my love is crossing a line illegally so I have none to give here.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Apr 17th, 2007 at 4:17pm

MediaMaster wrote on Apr 17th, 2007 at 2:39pm:
Comon man, where is the love?

In Mexico, where it belongs.

(...high-fives Stewie.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Apr 18th, 2007 at 9:25am

BEIJING —  Red hair and the big earrings are out for women Beijing cab drivers in the run-up to next summer's Olympic Games, a state-run newspaper reported Wednesday.

The bans were part of a 12-item self-improvement list given to cab drivers by the city's transport management bureau, the Beijing News said.

The list includes the usual pleas to be polite and not to smoke, spit or overcharge, plus the hair and jewelry tips for women. Men were told not to have long hair.

"Some drivers don't care about their appearance and this has a negative impact on the whole industry," the bureau's vice director Yao Kuo was quoted as saying by the newspaper.

"A person's hairstyle and accessories are their personal business, but cab drivers must remember they are a window for China's capital," Yao said.

Drivers who do not use their meters or refuse to pick up passengers will lose their licenses, the paper said.

It did not say if there would be any penalties for cab drivers who dyed their hair red or broke the other guidelines.

Proof the gingers don't have souls.

(...and that China is a fascist cesspit.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Apr 20th, 2007 at 1:34pm


Weapons to go offstage
Trachtenberg cites Virginia Tech attack

Courtney Long
Staff Reporter and Copy Editor

In the wake of Monday’s massacre at Virginia Tech in which a student killed 32 people, Dean of Student Affairs Betty Trachtenberg has limited the use of stage weapons in theatrical productions.

Students involved in this weekend’s production of “Red Noses” said they first learned of the new rules on Thursday morning, the same day the show was slated to open. They were subsequently forced to alter many of the scenes by swapping more realistic-looking stage swords for wooden ones, a change that many students said was neither a necessary nor a useful response to the tragedy at Virginia Tech.

According to students involved in the production, Trachtenberg has banned the use of some stage weapons in all of the University’s theatrical productions. While shows will be permitted to use obviously fake plastic weapons, students said, those that hoped to stage more realistic scenes of stage violence have had to make changes to their props.

Trachtenberg could not be reached for comment Thursday night.

“Red Noses” director Sarah Holdren ’08 said she first heard about the changes in a phone call from a friend as she arrived at the Off-Broadway Theater on Thursday morning. At the theater, technical director Jim Brewczynski told her about the new regulations. The pair then met with Trachtenberg, who initially wanted no stage weapons to be used in the show, Holdren said, though she later agreed to permit the use of obviously fake weapons.

In a speech made before last night’s opening show of “Red Noses,” Holdren said that Trachtenberg’s decision to force the production to use wooden swords instead of metal swords will do little to stem violence in the world.

“Calling for an end to violence onstage does not solve the world’s suffering: It merely sweeps it under the rug, turning theater — in the words of this very play — into ‘creamy bon-bons’ instead of ‘solid fare’ for a thinking, feeling audience,” she said. “Here at Yale, sensitivity and political correctness have become censorship in this time of vital need for serious artistic expression.”

Holdren said she is primarily worried about the University’s decision to place limitations on art, rather than the specific inconvenience to her production.

“I completely understand that the University needs to respond to the tragedy, but I think it is wrong to conflate sensitivity and censorship,” she said in an interview. “It is wrong to assume that any theater that deals with tragic matter is sort of on the side of those things or out to get people; they’re not — they’re out to help people through things like this. I want my show and all shows to be uplifting to people. That’s why I’m upset about this — it’s not because my props were taken — it’s about imposing petty restrictions on art as the right way to solve the problems in the world.”

Brandon Berger ’10, who plays a swordsman in the show, said the switch to an obviously fake wooden sword has changed the nature of his part from an “evil, errant knight to a petulant child.”

“They’re trying to make an appropriate gesture, but they did it in an inappropriate way — they’ve neutered the play,” he said. “The violence is important to what it actually means. What these types of actions do is very central — it is not gratuitous.”

Susie Kemple ’08, an actress in the show, said Trachtenberg’s way of dealing with the Virginia Tech massacre was not beneficial to the students’ own mourning process.

“It is problematic because all of us were incredibly shocked by the events at Virginia Tech,” Kemple said. “We turn to extracurriculars in our grief [and] the Yale administration makes the healing more difficult. None of the shows are about massive gun violence — this show is about showing and explaining the human experience.”

Berger also said he finds the ruling inconsistent because forms of stage violence that do not involve weapons — such as hangings — are still permitted.

“Red Noses” will end its run Saturday night.

Here's another heaping helping of feel-good liberalism for you.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Apr 20th, 2007 at 1:37pm
Isn't this kinda like putting your hand across your eyes and saying, "If I don't see it it's not really there?!"

I think we need to ban squirt guns, super soakers, and Nintendo guns, as well as the SNES cannon, oh and all Nerf guns...and paintball guns, and pictures of guns!

Then I'll feel safer!


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on Apr 20th, 2007 at 1:43pm

Oh Noes!

EDIT: Actually that kind of offended me. Wow. Gonna leave it tho

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Apr 20th, 2007 at 2:29pm

X wrote on Apr 20th, 2007 at 1:37pm: well as the SNES cannon...

It's called the Super Scope Six, you insensitive jerk!  Get it right or pay the price!

(...needs to find his SS6.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Apr 20th, 2007 at 2:31pm

MediaMaster wrote on Apr 20th, 2007 at 1:43pm:
EDIT: Actually that kind of offended me. Wow. Gonna leave it tho

What offended you?

( confused.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by computerjuvenile on Apr 24th, 2007 at 10:38pm
* Edited *

9.08 Gbps, holy crap

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Apr 24th, 2007 at 11:17pm

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Apr 25th, 2007 at 8:44am

With the 10-fold increase, a high-quality version of the movie "The Matrix" could be sent in a few seconds rather than half a minute over the current Internet2 and two days over a typical home broadband line.

Does anyone here have trouble downloading "The Matrix" in DivX format in less than two days?

I'm estimating 6-8 hours, tops.

(...and that's on a slow day.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on Apr 25th, 2007 at 9:38am

a high-quality version of the movie "The Matrix"

I'm sure they mean 1080p in uncompressed form.

Divx all the way!

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on Apr 27th, 2007 at 2:21pm

Vladimir Putin on Friday renewed criticism of U.S. plans to deploy a missile shield in Eastern Europe, saying Russia would take "appropriate measures" to counter the system.

They're back baby!

Cold War II! Starring George W and Vlad Putin!

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Apr 27th, 2007 at 2:27pm
Bring it, commies!  At last, a military opponent worth our time!

(...wants to shoot his commie military rifles now!)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on May 1st, 2007 at 4:30pm

Sun 19 Nov 2006
Carbon nanotechnology in an 17th century Damascus sword
Posted by Ed Yong under Nanotechnology , Technology

The Damascus swords of the Middle East were legendarily sharp, strong and flexible. Now, an analysis of one of these weapons under an electron microscope reveals that the key to its properties is nanotechnology, inadvertently used by blacksmiths centuries before modern science.

In medieval times, crusading Christian knights cut a swathe through the Middle East in an attempt to reclaim Jerusalem from the Muslims. The Muslims in turn cut a swathe through the invaders using a very special type of sword, which quickly gained a mythical reputation among the Europeans.

These ‘Damascus blades’ were extraordinarily strong, but still flexible enough to bend from hilt to tip. And they were reputedly so sharp that they could cleave a silk scarf floating to the ground, just as readily as a knight’s body.

These superlative weapons gave the Muslims a great advantage, and their blacksmiths carefully guarded the secret to their manufacture. The secret died eventually died out in the eighteenth century and no European smith was able to reproduce their method.

Now, Marianne Riebold and colleagues from the University of Dresden have uncovered the startling origins of Damascus steel using a technique unavailable to the sword-makers of old – electron microscopy.

Damascus blades were forged from small cakes of steel from India called ‘wootz’. All steel is made by allowing iron with carbon to harden the resulting metal. The problem with steel manufacture is that high carbon contents of 1-2% certainly make the material harder, but also render it brittle.

This is useless for sword steel since the blade would shatter upon impact with a shield or another sword. Wootz, with its especially high carbon content of about 1.5%, should have been useless for sword-making. Nonetheless, the resulting sabres showed a seemingly impossible combination of hardness and malleability.

Riebold’s team solved this paradox by analysing a Damascus sabre created by the famous blacksmith Assad Ullah in the seventeenth century, and graciously donated by the Berne Historical Museum in Switzerland.

They dissolved part of the weapon in hydrochloric acid and studied it under an electron microscope. Amazingly, they found that the steel contained carbon nanotubes (see left), each one just slightly larger than half a nanometre. Ten million could fit side by side on the head of a thumbtack.

Carbon nanotubes are cylinders made of hexagonally-arranged carbon atoms. They are among the strongest materials known and have great elasticity and tensile strength. In Riebold’s analysis, the nanotubes were protecting nanowires of cementite (Fe3C), a hard and brittle compound formed by the iron and carbon of the steel.

Here is the answer to the steel’s special properties – it is a composite material at a nanometre level. The malleability of the carbon nanotubes makes up for the brittle nature of the cementite formed by the high-carbon wootz cakes.

It isn’t clear how ancient blacksmiths produced these nanotubes, but the researchers believe that the key to this process lay with small traces of metals in the wootz including vanadium, chromium, manganese, cobalt and nickel. Alternating hot and cold phases during manufacture caused these impurities to segregate out into planes.

From there, they would have acted as catalysts for the formation of the carbon nanotubes, which in turn would have promoted the formation of the cementite nanowires. These structures formed along the planes set out by the impurities, explaining the characteristic wavy bands, or damask (see image at top), that patterns Damascus blades.

By gradually refining their blade-making skills, these blacksmiths of centuries past were using nanotechnology at least 400 years before it became the scientific buzzword of the twenty-first century.

The ore used to produce wootz came from Indian mines that were depleted in the eighteenth century. As the particular combination of metal impurities became unavailable, the ability to manufacture Damascus swords was lost.

Now, thanks to modern science, we may eventually be able how to replicate these superb weapons and more importantly, the unique steel they were shaped from.

I thought it was an interesting article.

...high-carbon wootz cakes.

Breakfast of champions!

(...wants some wootz cakes.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on May 2nd, 2007 at 2:53pm

(5/01/07 - KTRK/HOUSTON) - A senior at Clements High School isn't in his normal classroom. The district removed him for playing a violent computer game that looks a lot like his school.

The student created a video game from his home computer. But when word got out at school, among other students and subsequently their parents, that's when school district officials took some action. [How did schools get this much control over what students do away from school?]

At Clements High School, student Jordan Schlafer is appalled and shocked to learn her school was used as a backdrop for a violent video game.

She said, "If somebody can make a map like that of the whole school, I mean, it does kind of scare me a little bit, and make me wonder, you know, what else they could do." [Oh, I don't know. How about design video games?]

The game is called Counter Strike a popular online game where the user, either as a terrorist or anti-terrorist, kills his or her targets. One of the features is that the player can create their own location. A 12th grader who got in trouble apparently made the Clements campus the scene of his game.

"It was the exact replication of the campus," said Fort Bend ISD spokesperson Mary Ann Simpson. "There were players in the game that were armed and the purpose of the game was to shoot and kill."

What made the situation even worse is that the video game was discovered by a fellow student days after the Virginia Tech shootings. School officials immediately removed the teen from school, placing him in an alternative education campus. They called the situation a 'terroristic threat.'

Allan Cease, the teen's attorney, disagreed, "Looking at the criminal definition of terroristic threat, we're not even close to that definition. There was no criminal intent, there was no intent to harm anybody."

Cease says in no way did the teenager attempt to replicate the game. He's fighting on behalf of the teen and his parents to have the student placed back in school.

In the meantime, students we talked to are torn as to whether the game was a real threat or not.

"I think he just did it for fun," said student Maaria Faoqi. "I mean, he goes here. He probably didn't mean anything."

Schlafer said, "I do think some measures needed to be taken, about making him out for the school. So, if they thought that the alternative school was the best for him, then, yeah."

The Fort Bend ISD police searched the boy's home. No charges have been filed.

The teen's parents are appealing the decision. They'll need to go through a four-step process before any action is taken.

This crap has become retarded on an indescribably assinine level.  Oh well, I always knew Counterstrike was evil.

I wonder how many camp spots were on that map.  Moreover, where do you think the terrorists had to set the bombs?

(...thinks CS is gay.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on May 3rd, 2007 at 12:40am
That chick should be shot...oops....

Seriously can you say, with a straight face,
"If somebody can make a map like that of the whole school, I mean, it does kind of scare me a little bit, and make me wonder, you know, what else they could do."

Well if they can do that...they can graduate from College of Creative Studies and work for a game company...I believe...


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on May 3rd, 2007 at 9:38am
Oh noes! I'm a terrerrristt!

I think that word is silly. To the British, the early Americans throwing tea off their boats and other acts of destruction and rebellion were terrorists. But to us they were freedom fighters! Yay Freedom! Same in Iraq. They are really just freedom fighters, fighting those that would restrict their freedoms.... the US! But lets just call them terrorists, cause they are the other guy, and who cares about them, right? As far as we the 5% of the world population are concerned, everyone else is muck! I am tired of Christians attacking other cultures. Yea, way to love your neighbor, let alone your enemy! Sheesh, grow up people, and don't judge lest ye be judged, eh?

Got off track a bit.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on May 3rd, 2007 at 10:36am

MediaMaster wrote on May 3rd, 2007 at 9:38am:
They are really just freedom fighters, fighting those that would restrict their freedoms.... the US!

You've got to be kidding me!  Do you really think a bunch of Islamofascist cowards that kill their own citizens in an attempt to push Sharia law want freedom?  Do you really think they even understand the concept?

Complete and utter bull.  People that want freedom don't force the women in their society to wear burkas upon threat of death.  People that want freedom don't force their specific brand of religion on their fellow citizens at gun point.  People that want freedom don't assassinate democratically-elected leaders due to religious disagreements.  People that want freedom don't attack fellow citizens that attempt to vote.  People that want freedom don't murder family members that have been raped to save "family honor."

The concept that cowardly Islamofascist militants are "freedom fighters" is patently absurd to its very core.  Strapping a bomb to your daughter and telling her to run into a military mess hall isn't fighting freedom, it's sheer cowardice.  I'd like to see you go up to the parents of a deceased soldier and tell them that their son was killed by "freedom fighters."  

(...harnesses the almighty power of deductive reasoning.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on May 3rd, 2007 at 11:08am
It is all a matter of perception. Sorry but you aren't going to change my mind on this one. If we were taken over by lets say china, you bet your balls there would be people that would resort to suicide bombing to fight back if they had no other options.  People anywhere are willing to die for their beliefs, same as our soldiers are willing to do the same, so are theirs. The almighty American Army is just as guilty of targeting civilians. Sheesh, we are not the shining beacon of light on the world as we say we are.

You list extreme examples in the Islamic faith that the media jumps upon.  It is still a minority within Islam that carries out violence, most of them abhor it. So called Christians are guilty of the same things my friend. Crusades, anyone? Inquisition? The Iraqis are people under an oppressive invasion force. Most just accept it and hope they leave soon. They go and vote, sure. Others feel more strongly about it and see those that vote as cooperating with the enemy. Like after the Nazi's were booted out of France, people who cooperated with them were beaten or killed. So of course some will see those who cooperate with American's as traitors. We would do the same if taken over by China. I am not saying it is right, I am saying Islam does not hold the patent on violence.

As far as violence between Sunni, and Shiites go, look at Catholics and Protestants fighting in Ireland. that got nasty. Dude everyone is guilty of this same thing, and each group of people is going to have that minority that resorts to despicable tactics.

As far as freedom fighter goes, they are fighting for their freedom. I wouldn't want tanks rolling around my house all the time. Americans don't belong in that country, end of story. If freedom for them involves sticking to the rules set by their faith, that is their choice. Women weren't exactly treated equally in the Old testament or even the new, anyway.

I'm not saying I am in support of what they do, but you have to acknowledge that under the same conditions, we might do the same. It still is all a matter of perception. Many Christians were martyred for their faith, and unfortunately some radical Islamists think that they can be martyred by killing others. There is just a lot of confusion and Godlessness going on, and killing them isn't going to solve anything.

Great bumper sticker: When Jesus said Love thy neighbor, I'm pretty sure he didn't mean kill them.

Sorry for rambling. Either way, there are people who do evil on any side. I dislike lumping entire groups of people or countries into an object that we are supposed to hate.

Can't we all just get along?

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on May 3rd, 2007 at 12:06pm
Ok looking it back over, I want to say that I am arguing about the language used. I do not think everyone should be lumped as a terrorist. I do not defend suicide bombing. I defend the fact that some over their are fighting an oppressive force. Others are just doing it for violence's sake... I do not defend that. I defend the fact that these are still human beings deserving of our love. That is all. Love God, love people. Simple as that.

I'll try not to write in the early morn again. My brain was mushy.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on May 3rd, 2007 at 1:22pm
I can accept and agree with that.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on May 4th, 2007 at 11:22am

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on May 10th, 2007 at 3:06pm

New Port Richey police officers chased a driver who had no arms and one leg, and the man escaped.

Authorities believe the driver was 40-year-old Michael Francis Wiley, who taught himself to drive with stumps and then became one of Pasco County's most notorious drivers.

Wiley is well known by local law enforcement and has had his license suspended many times.

Tuesday, an officer reported spotting Wiley in a blue sport utility vehicle at a convenience store. When the officer went to investigate, police said Wiley took off. The officer, who was joined by a second cruiser, chased the SUV for about eight minutes.

Police said the officers broke off pursuit because of the potential danger to others. Police will seek an arrest warrant for Wiley Wednesday.

Charges could include fleeing to elude and habitually driving with a revoked license.

His friends call him Lucky.

(...or Skip.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on May 11th, 2007 at 1:16pm


Nasa unveils Hubble's successor

The US space agency Nasa has unveiled a model of a space telescope that scientists say will be able to see to the farthest reaches of the universe.

The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) is intended to replace the ageing Hubble telescope.

It will be larger than its predecessor, sit farther from Earth and have a giant mirror to enable it to see more.

Officials said the JWST - named after a former Nasa administrator - was on course for launch in June 2013.

The full-scale model is being displayed outside the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum in the US capital, Washington DC.

'Birth of the universe'

The $4.5bn (£2.27bn) telescope will take up a position some 1.5 million km (930,000 miles) from Earth.

It will measure 24m (80ft) long by 12m (40ft) high and incorporate a hexagonal mirror 6.5m (21.3ft) in diameter, almost three times the size of Hubble's.

Hubble, launched in 1990, has sent back pictures of our solar system, distant stars and planets, and remote fledgling galaxies formed not long after the Big Bang.

But scientists say the JWST will enable them to look deeper into space and even further back at the origins of the universe.

"Clearly we need a much bigger telescope to go back much further in time to see the very birth of the universe," said Edward Weiler, director of Nasa's Goddard Space Flight Centre.

Martin Mohan of Northrop Grumman, the contractor building the telescope, said that the team was making excellent progress.

"There's engineering to do, but invention is done, more than six years ahead of launch," he said.

When ready, the JWST will be launched by a European Ariane V rocket. It is expected to have a 10-year lifespan.

Until then, the 17-year-old Hubble telescope will continue to do its work. Nasa plans to send astronauts on the space shuttle to service it in 2008.

$4.5 Billion for ten years?  This thing had better take some amazing photos for that price!


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Ironman on May 11th, 2007 at 4:54pm
holy crap, that's alot of money  :o

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on May 11th, 2007 at 7:35pm
Ya I don't think they're getting their parts at RadioShack again!

Hopefully this time they'll align the lens right so we don't waste a good chunk of change like we did with Hubble!


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on May 14th, 2007 at 9:01am

Family of girl, 12, sues after 'Brokeback' shown in class
May 13, 2007

A suit was filed on behalf of a 12-year-old girl who claims she suffered psychological distress when a teacher showed in class the gay-themed movie "Brokeback Mountain."

The girl, Jessica Turner, and her grandparents Kenneth and LaVerne Richardson, are seeking more than $400,000 in damages under the suit filed Friday against the Chicago Board of Education and others.

According to the suit, a substitute teacher introduced herself as Ms. Buford to Jessica's class at Ashburn Community Elementary School, 8300 S. St. Louis Ave. She then said, "What happens in Ms. Buford's class stays in Ms. Buford's class," the suit claims. Buford then had a student close the door, and started showing the controversial R-rated film, which features two men engaged in sex.
The suit alleges Ashburn's principal, Jewel A. Diaz, was aware that the tale of the love between two cowboys set in the West of the 1960s was being shown to the minors.

Turner later told her grandfather that she was confined to her seat and felt she could not leave the room, according to the suit filed in Cook County Circuit Court.

The plaintiffs accuse Diaz, Buford and the Chicago Board of Education of negligence, false imprisonment and intentional infliction of emotional distress.

The suit claims Jessica continues to suffer from emotional distress caused by watching the film and is currently undergoing psychological treatment and counseling.

I'm not really a fan of frivolous lawsuits, but a certain part of me hopes the plaintiffs win crazy money.

(....CRAZY money!)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on May 14th, 2007 at 10:49am
Wow bob, I knew you were a crazy homophobe but I didn't think you would like people to push that kind of belief on a little girl.  There is a 99.9% chance the little girl was just happy to have a movie day and not have to do school work.  The "emotional distress" probably came from her parents yelling at her "OMG you saw WHAT!?!??!, GAYS are not allowed in school!!11bbq".  Now a couple questions for the rest of you: 1.Did you ever watch a movie in school with the door wide open?  2.Has anyone in school ever threatened you with bodily harm if you leave their class(and being serious, Mrs. Brock and Mrs. Gates don't count)?  3.When did you even watch a PG-13 movie without getting a permission slip signed?  4.Does seeing a movie like this force you to be gay? (if it does that means bob is gay from a movie I know jerod has shown him)

When are people going to see that almost every single time a child has mild "emotional distress" it is from the parents.  And don't give me this BS about what if they were taken hostage to a desert island and forced to watch puppies getting trampled, how often do things like that happen?  My only hope is the judge stands up, walks over to the parents, punches each one in the face, and then charges then for wasting his time.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on May 14th, 2007 at 11:15am
I'm not being homophobic by saying it's entirely inappropriate to force a class of middle schoolers to watch Brokeback Mountain.  Not only does the movie not have any intrinsic or cultural value, it's also offensive to a pretty decent portion of America (and the world as a whole).

Although I entirely agree that "emotional distress" is ridiculous in this case (as it is in most cases), I think I'd want to scrub my brain with steel wool if I had to watch that movie, too.  I don't know about anyone else, but I would've been getting pretty damned vocal if I was sitting in that class.

How many R-rated movies did you watch in middle school?  How many times did your instructor force you to watch two guys "gettin' it on" in class?

What's that?  You never had to sit through a gay romance movie in middle school?  What a coincidence, I didn't either!

(...would anyone care to eat their words now?  Table for two? By the window?)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by The_Fat_Man on May 14th, 2007 at 12:57pm
I just have to ask why Middle Schoolers were watching a movie with sexual overtones, scenes, and partial nudity in it really.

Gay or not, that movie has no place in a school.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on May 14th, 2007 at 1:48pm
Shoot Mrs. Bennet made up watch Excalbur and "forgot" about the part where Uther is giving it to his sister in disguise.

10th grade it was "ha ha" but look at me now...sure I'm a sexual pervert...but that's only because I'm a least I'm not giving it to my sister...if I had one...though my brother is kinda girly....

Still, 1) you shouldn't show something "controversial" in a classroom which was probably only for shock value and having this type of response to point and say "See...people are homophobic still!" 2) If you can sue a school of pysch distress...I'm never working again...nor is anyone who has ever been in school!


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on May 15th, 2007 at 8:27am

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on May 15th, 2007 at 8:58am
This has absolutely nothing to do with religion.  The point of this article was to illuminate a pathetic substitute teacher that showed an R-rated movie that depicted graphic anal sex between two men.  This movie was shown to a class of twelve year olds.  How messed up does your moral compass have to be to consider this event acceptable?

I don't know how any decent American, regardless of sexual orientation, could possibly think such a movie was appropriate for a class of prepubescent children.  I couldn't care less what kind of movies you may or may not have watched in junior high, but I absolutely guarantee that you were never forced to watch explicit anal sex while in junior high.  It didn't happen.

Don't try to make this a religious issue, because it isn't one.  It's an issue of common decency, common morality, and common sense.  You don't show graphic sexual content in a passive manner to twelve year olds, and you most certainly don't show it without the parents' knowledge and consent.

(...puts the romance back in necromancy.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on May 15th, 2007 at 1:04pm
Just think is that teacher was a guy.  He'd be arrested for pedophilia.  What's the difference between showing that movie and showing a porn?  Just longer sex scenes I believe.

Basically...shouldn't teachers be more careful today.  I mean they're shacking up with more teens of both sex than the Vatican...and that's saying something!


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on May 15th, 2007 at 1:14pm

X wrote on May 15th, 2007 at 1:04pm:
I mean they're shacking up with more teens of both sex than the Vatican...

Bam!  Straight in the kisser!


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on May 15th, 2007 at 3:18pm

This is kinda addicting.  Watch real time upload of images to flickr.  You can even go down to the street and rough house of the uploader!


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on May 21st, 2007 at 12:44am
Man...I just!!!

And Frakes wrote "To Patrick - Go Boldly!"

We're friends now...see pic above for proof!


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on May 21st, 2007 at 8:35am
Wow, he's looking crazy old!  I think it's time for some "Just for Men."

(...or Grecian 5.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on May 21st, 2007 at 10:16am
ok, i give up, who the hell is the firsrt guy, I know "number one" but drawing a blank on the other.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by The_Fat_Man on May 21st, 2007 at 10:51am
The first guy played Jonas Quinn in season 6 (I think) of Stargate SG-1.

And damn!  Number One is looking a bit old these days ain't he.....

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on May 25th, 2007 at 2:57pm


May 24, 2007


ST. LOUIS — The father of Josh Hancock filed suit today, claiming a restaurant provided drinks to the St. Louis Cardinals relief pitcher even though he was intoxicated prior to the crash that killed him.

The suit, filed in St. Louis Circuit Court by Dean Hancock of Tupelo, Miss., does not specify damages. Mike Shannon’s Restaurant, owned by the longtime Cardinals broadcaster who starred on three World Series teams in the 1960s, is a defendant in the case along with Shannon’s daughter, Patricia Shannon Van Matre, the restaurant manager.

Other defendants include Eddie’s Towing, the company whose flatbed tow truck was struck by Hancock’s sport utility vehicle in the early hours of April 29; tow truck driver Jacob Edward Hargrove; and Justin Tolar, the driver whose stalled car on Interstate 64 was being assisted by Hargrove.

The Cardinals and Major League Baseball were not listed as defendants.

Authorities said the 29-year pitcher had a blood content of nearly twice the legal limit for alcohol in his system when he crashed into the back of the tow truck. He was also speeding, using a cell phone and wasn’t wearing a seat belt, Police Chief Joe Mokwa said after the accident. Marijuana also was found in the SUV.

Mokwa said Hancock went to Shannon’s not long after the Cardinals played a day game against the Chicago Cubs on April 28. The lawsuit claimed that Hancock was a regular at the restaurant bar and was there for more than 361/2 hours.

“It’s understood that for the entire 3 1/2 hours that Josh Hancock was there that he was handed drinks,” Keith Kantack, a lawyer for Dean Hancock, said. “It’s our understanding that from the moment Josh Hancock entered Mike Shannon’s that night that he was never without a drink.”

A person answering phones at the restaurant declined comment. A message left with Van Matre was not returned.

The lawsuit claimed Tolar was negligent in allowing the vehicle to reach the point where it stalled on the highway, and for failing to move it out of the way of oncoming traffic.

Hargrove parked the tow truck behind the stalled car, and police said he arrived there moments before the truck was struck by Hancock’s SUV. Kantack said the tow truck may have been there up to 15 minutes, yet failed to get the stalled vehicle out of the way.

“Were the police contacted?” Kantack asked. “Why weren’t flares put out? Why was the tow truck there for an exorbitant amount of time?”

Tolar did not have a listed telephone number. Calls to the towing company were met with a busy signal.

Kantack said others could be added later as defendants in the suit. He declined to speculate on whether the Cardinals or Major League Baseball could be added to the suit, but said the Hancock family has been “overwhelmed by the support and respect the Cardinals have shown since Josh’s passing.”

Dean Hancock said in a statement that the “facts and circumstances” of Josh’s death “have caused great pain to all of Josh’s family.” As administrator of his son’s estate, Dean Hancock said he has an obligation to represent the family on all issues, “including any legal actions necessary against those who contributed to the untimely and unnecessary death.”

Whatever happened to personal responsibility?  They're suing the guy whose car broke down, for crying out loud!

This is completely retarded.  Their son chose to drink, then chose to drive, and therefore chose to die.  Does it suck for the parents?  Sure, but in the end he was solely responsible.  

I know it's callous to say "Tough cookies!" but there are way too many people today who think they deserve some sort of award for their own stupidity.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on May 25th, 2007 at 3:08pm
Please have your retards spade or neutered.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on May 25th, 2007 at 4:16pm
Times like these...I sort of believe in Darwin...but at least this time some drunk driver didn't kill the 4.0 beauty queen who was days away from curing world hunger and all diseases who adopted her 2 month old brother after their parents died bringing the Israelis and the Palastineans together.

(How THAT for a scenario?!)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on May 31st, 2007 at 12:02am
Umm did I miss something or has the Cold War started again?!

[quote] Russia: Missile can pierce shields
POSTED: 1606 GMT (0006 HKT), May 29, 2007
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MOSCOW, Russia (AP) -- Russia on Tuesday test-launched a new intercontinental ballistic missile, apparently developed secretly, that a top government official said could penetrate any defense system, Russian news agencies reported.

The missile would modernize Russia's stockpile at a time of rising tensions with the West.

"As of today Russia has new (missiles) that are capable of overcoming any existing or future missile defense systems," ITAR-Tass quoted First Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Ivanov as saying. "So in terms of defense and security Russian can look calmly to the country's future."

President Vladimir Putin and Ivanov, a former defense minister seen as a potential candidate to succeed the Russian leader in elections next year, have repeatedly said their country would continue to improve its nuclear weapons systems and respond to U.S. plans to deploy a missile defense system in Europe.

The missile capable of carrying multiple independent warheads was fired from a mobile launcher at the Plesetsk launch in northwestern Russia, and its test warhead landed on target about 3,400 miles away on the Far Eastern Kamchatka Peninsula, according to a statement from Russian Strategic Missile Forces.

Ivanov said Russia also successfully tested a tactical cruise missile./quote]


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on May 31st, 2007 at 8:43am
"HA!  They blew up congress!"


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on May 31st, 2007 at 9:39am
Was that a rare Mars Attacks reference?

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on May 31st, 2007 at 10:54am
Indeed.  It was the only decent part of that whole movie.

(...was greatly disappointed by it.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on May 31st, 2007 at 2:54pm
I totally agree with you bob...I was a fan of the card set and I had the only 2 books published and I had all the comics ever made....and none of it was comedy.  Yes it had dark comedy....very dark comedy at times...but that was a really gay movie and I don't know how they got all those "stars" to work on that picture.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jun 1st, 2007 at 10:58am

German impaled on plunger

A German almost died after using a sink plunger as a bath plug and impaling himself after slipping on a bar of soap.

Dieter Bayer, 79, who moved to Switzerland with his wife Frieda after he retired, decided to use the plunger because he could not find the bath plug.

But as he stood up to soap himself he slipped and fell heavily on the plunger, wedging the wooden handle up his backside.

His wife, 68, who rushed to the bathroom when she heard him screaming in pain, was unable to pull him free and called emergency services.

An ambulance spokesman said: "There was a lot of blood, the injury was very serious, he could have died."

Doctors operated for eight hours to repair the damage and it will be at least two weeks before he can leave hospital.

That might be the saddest thing I've ever heard.  Ever.

A German almost died after using a sink plunger as a bath plug and impaling himself after slipping on a bar of soap.

Suuuuuuuure.  That sounds reasonable, right?


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Jun 1st, 2007 at 11:25am
All we need is a banana peel, a key lime pie, and the keystone cops!

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on Jun 1st, 2007 at 12:03pm
rofflewaffle that is the silliest thing Ive ever heard. I'm sure the hospital people just rolled their eyes at that excuse. They've seen and heard it all, folks.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Jun 10th, 2007 at 12:40pm
This is for all the people who believe that only cops should have weapons:

Man Suspected Of Shooting Officer Released

(AP) Anoka, Minn. Anoka County authorities have released without charges a man suspected of shooting and wounding an undercover Robbinsdale police officer.

Martin Treptow,35, says he fired to protect his wife and two toddlers inside the family SUV.

The Anoka County attorney's office says Treptow was released after Thursday's incident in Coon Rapids, but the investigation was ongoing.

Coon Rapids police say Treptow and a 27-year old officer in an unmarked car got into a dispute on the road. After angry words and gestures, Treptow pulled his SUV up to the driver side of the other car, stopped at a light. Treptow says as the driver got out of his, he pulled out a weapon.

"We're about three feet away from each other and he's pointing the gun at my wife, so it was a tough situation, where I couldn't drive away at that particular moment, I had to defend my family," Treptow said.

Treptow says the man was in street clothes and never identified himself as a police officer. With his wife in the passenger seat, Treptow fired three shots at the officer, hitting him in both legs and grazing his arm.

The 27-year-old officer was treated and released at a Minneapolis hospital for wounds to his legs and arm.

The man's two children were also in the vehicle at the time. He had a permit to carry a weapon.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Jun 11th, 2007 at 8:20am
This is a great story and I can only hope he learned something and doesn't just blame the guy defending his family.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jun 11th, 2007 at 1:38pm
The only problem I have with that story is the placement of the shots.  The driver should've pulled a Mozambique drill - two to the chest and one to the head.  Tap, rack, repeat.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on Jun 11th, 2007 at 5:04pm
wow, brutal. or you could just incapacitate the guy with shots to the gun arm and legs? and from shooting over his wife from the driver's side, those are hard shots to make if the dude was close to the car.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Jun 11th, 2007 at 5:24pm
Just ignore bob, he is one of those people who "I would have just shot his bullet out of the air, while free falling, and eating a foot long sub" aka thinks he is a better shot than he is.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jun 11th, 2007 at 6:54pm
No, actually, that'd be Briney.  Shooting someone "in the gun arm" is damn near impossible from even short distances, let alone from a respectable distance while under pressure.  The entire point of the Mozambique drill is to incapacitate a target quickly while under duress.  Center-of-mass shots ensure efficient incapacitation while providing the simplest possible target.

(...thinks Craig got it backward.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jun 14th, 2007 at 10:21am
Here's one job that I would never do...

Apparently, due the the nature of the structure (brick masonry), there is no tensile support to demolish, so explosive demolition is impossible.  Since other structures are nearby, the only way to bring this stack down is from the top to the ground.

(...wouldn't be caught dead up there.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Jun 14th, 2007 at 10:26am
...waits for the news article where that thing falls to the ground.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Jun 14th, 2007 at 1:17pm

Former U.N. Secretary-General Kurt Waldheim, who was elected Austrian president despite an international scandal about his secretive World War II military service for the Nazis, died Thursday, Austrian media reported. He was 88.

Waldheim, who was hospitalized in Vienna late last month with a fever-causing infection, died of heart failure with family members at his bedside, state broadcaster ORF reported.

Waldheim's tenure as U.N. chief from 1972-82 and his election as president in 1986 were overshadowed by revelations that he belonged to a German army unit that committed atrocities in the Balkans during World War II.

While Waldheim himself was not implicated in wrongdoing, his initial denial of such service and then assertions that he and fellow Austrians were only doing their duty led to international censure and a decision by Washington to place him on a "watch list" of persons prohibited from visiting the U.S.

That ban was never lifted.

President Heinz Fischer issued a statement expressing his "deepest condolences," and officials lowered the flag flying outside his office to half-staff.

Aww I'm so sad  ;D .  Who knew that the UN would elect a former bad guy Nazi in its top post?  *Looks around and slowly raises his hand*


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Jun 19th, 2007 at 8:35am

Lustful women jam emergency lines

SOME 900 Kampala women call the Uganda Police emergency lines every night begging the officers for sex.

Shocking reporters at a usually drab police weekly press conference, Kampala Extra Police Spokesman Simeo Nsubuga said the information room was flooded with unwanted calls from lonely women.

"We warn desperate women who call our officers at night using police patrol lines asking them to make love. They call the toll free line everyday saying they are feeling so cold in bed and need some assistance from police," Mr Nsubuga told the bemused journalists.

"These women also go further to direct our officers at their places of residence so that they can reach them. They mainly start calling from midnight up to morning talking nonsense."

Hotlines which the Police Force publicises regularly are meant for quick response to emergencies like fire, robbery and theft.
The force which is strained by small numbers and less than ideal number of cars would rather respond to genuine emergencies rather than naughty callers.
Some naughtier callers, Mr Nsubuga said went as far as dialling the police only for officers to be treated to the sounds of people having sex.
Few policemen
According to official figures there is just one policeman for every 1,880 Ugandans.
According to Mr Nsubuga the information or dispatch room receives between 800-1,000 calls per night but only 10 per cent are genuine.

He singled out female callers as the most notorious abusers of the facility. Interestingly, Mr Nsubuga said some of the women claim it's the newspapers, radio stations and their pastors that convince them that men are available at the other end of the 999 emergency dial.

"We are warning them to stop congesting our Patrol lines because they deny access to people with serious emergencies," he said. Mr Nsubuga warned that the public risked a "no response" from the police in times of real need.

Police mission
The mission statement of the Uganda Police is to "secure life and property in partnership with the public". That mission is made difficult at times such as this. Among other complaints, the police mentioned callers who insult the officers and others who simply engage the lines but say nothing.

"Some drunkards just call us asking to be escorted back home after dancing and drinking. This is too much for us. We shall follow every caller and arrest those who don't have genuine reasons for calling," Mr Nsubuga said.

Police said among the bizarre requests made on the emergency 999 line are people who want to talk to their dead friends or relatives.

"They call us when they want to talk to Kadongo kamu artiste the late Paul Job Kafeero because their pastors told them to use 999 very late in the night and be able to talk to their beloved deceased," he said.

He advised the public to be brief when they call and clearly mention their address.
The police also advise residents to interest themselves in the phone numbers of area police stations and urged local leaders to clearly mark roads to enable accessibility by the police rescue teams.

Now thats what I call an emergency!

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jun 19th, 2007 at 8:45am
I bet Stewie would rise to the challenge!

(...ha, get it?)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Jun 19th, 2007 at 8:55am
Part of a cop's mantra is to SERVE and protect...I would only be helping those thousands of lonely, exotic women.  It would make a great movie into.

*Scruffy voice*
In a world where mankind is on the verge of extinction...

There is one man....

And 900 lonely Kampala women...

He is their only hope...

Coming this summer...



Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jun 19th, 2007 at 9:33am
Followed by the sequel, "Pleasure Cop and the Burning Genital Warts of Doom".

(...thinks this conversation will go downhill quickly.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Jun 19th, 2007 at 5:55pm

Independent film, Max Payne: Payne and Redemption, makes Uwe Boll blush
16 comments by NickBrutal on 06.18.2007

I can come up with a number of reasons why, up until now, I haven't heard about this independent film, Max Payne: Payne and Redemption. For starters, as solid as the series is, I usually fall asleep when anyone uses the deadly combination of the words "Max" and the oh-so-clever "Payne."

But I'll be damned, because this trailer for the British-made independent film (based on the Remedy Entertainment videogame series) looks pretty hot. The film's narrative takes place between the events of the first and second Max Payne games, and focuses on exploring what makes Payne tick ... which of course means bullet-time and prescription drugs he finds just lying around all over the place.

This first film is the third chapter in an ambitious six part project (wrap your head around that!), and I definitely wish the team the best of luck on actually completing the project. I'm just hoping they found an actor that can nail that "constipayted" look of the film's title character.

(Come on know MP was a couple of great games!)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jun 19th, 2007 at 6:14pm
You do know who Uwe Boll is, right?

Max Payne was a great game (and I still use the mouse pad that came with it to this day), but any movie directed by Uwe Boll is a train wreck waiting to happen.

(...Bloodrayne, anyone?)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Jun 20th, 2007 at 5:27pm

So does this mean that we should put black people back into slavery if they're going to do crap like this?

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on Jun 21st, 2007 at 10:58am
Wow Patrick... too much?

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Jun 21st, 2007 at 11:31am
I just don't see how a celebration of freedom can turn into violence.  This time it wasn't about cops getting off for clearly beating a black guy or a black guy who's high kills himself running from the police on a motorcycle.

However, if that's the way they want to handle it...I think we should forget about repreations and call it good.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jun 21st, 2007 at 1:53pm
Wow, Pat, that was a bit... yeah.

My philosophy on these riots is simply this:  If you act like an idiot, you're going to be treated as such.  Anyone responsible for pulling an innocent bystander from their vehicle and beating them will be caught and arrested.  A judge and jury will be assembled from the area for a speedy but fair trial.  Once the victim's guilt is confirmed beyond a reasonable doubt, they'll be escorted to an open grave and a bullet will be placed in their skull.

Don't pass go, don't collect $200.

(...could save taxpayers millions.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Jun 21st, 2007 at 2:30pm
That's why we should charge people money to conduct their own trails.  If found innocent...the bills on us.  If found sorry for you!


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jun 21st, 2007 at 2:55pm
Do you think the idiots in that video would have the money to pay for their own trial and incarceration?  The .gov have to hire tens of thousands of bill collectors to try to collect even a fraction of what is owed.  I doubt they'd even collect enough money to pay their own salaries and overhead costs.

The only way I see that plan really working is if we forced all prisoners to work in prison factories until they satisfy their debts.  Considering they often don't earn enough in a workday to cover their daily incarceration costs, I don't really see that happening.

If you can come up with an easy way to collect those costs without adding tens of thousands of bill collectors to the governmental payroll (either as direct employees or contractors), I'm game.

(...nods nods.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Jun 21st, 2007 at 5:38pm

Copyright is Dead

Anyone who doubts that the copyright regime as we know it is dead should read a short article about President Bush's Father's Day that appeared in the Miami Herald June 18, written by an Associated Press writer. (The article is at

And here's the money quote:

   [President] Bush's twin daughters, gave him a CD they had made for him to listen to while exercising.

Let me unpack that statement. Let's assume twelve songs, copied from twelve different CDs. We'll assume for the purpose of argument that there's no problem with the original recordings being registered (17 U.S.C. §412 (2006) makes statutory damages unavailable for unregistered works) or not being marked correctly (17 U.S.C. §402 (2006)).

This mix CD isn't a compilation being copied, it's one being created, so the last sentence of 17 U.S.C. §504(c)(1) (2006) doesn't apply--the copyright rights-holder may get damages for each song copied. There's a rebuttable presumption that the infringement was willful (17 U.S.C. §504(c)(3)(A) (2006)), which means that 17 U.S.C. §504(c)(2) (2006) applies: $150,000 statutory damages per infringement.

That's $1,800,000 in statutory damages.

Excuse me while I call the RIAA and complain in the strongest possible terms. (Anyone think they'll care?) Meanwhile, the RIAA continues suing peer-to-peer infringers apace.

I would have sooo much more respect for RIAA if they so did this!!!


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Jun 21st, 2007 at 5:55pm


A Ron Paul 2008 Presidential Campaign event is coming to your state of Michigan this Friday. Lew Moore, our campaign manager, will be meeting with supporters in Troy at Dean Sellers Ford. If you would like to meet a key figure in Ron Paul's national presidential campaign, this is your chance!

Here are the details:

When: Friday, June 22 12:30 p.m.
Location: Dean Sellers Ford in Troy, MI (2600 West Maple Road, between Crooks & Coolidge)

Eventful Link:

To RSVP call Mark DeWitt at 313-766-9029.

For more details, please email Paul Garfield at


Justine Lam
eCampaign Director
Ron Paul 2008

Super sweet!

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Jun 21st, 2007 at 5:58pm
I would go out and buy a CD if RIAA would sue bush...

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Jun 28th, 2007 at 11:16am

Government figures 'missing' two million violent crimes
By David Barrett, PA Home Affairs Correspondent
Published: 26 June 2007

An extra two million violent crimes a year are committed in Britain than previously thought because of a bizarre distortion in the Government's flagship crime figures, it was claimed yesterday.

A former Home Office research expert said that across all types of crime, three million offences a year are excluded from the British Crime Survey (BCS).

The poll caps the number of times a victim can be targeted by an offender at five incidents a year.

If anyone interviewed for the survey says they have been targeted more than five times a year, the sixth incident and beyond are not included in the BCS.

The authors of a report by think-tank Civitas said the five-crimes limit is " truly bizarre" and "misleading".

Professor Graham Farrell of Loughborough University and the former acting head of the Home Office's Police Research Group, Professor Ken Pease, calculated that if the cap is ignored, the overall number of BCS crimes is more than 14 million rather than the current 11 million a year estimate.

Violent crime is 82 per cent higher at 4.4 million offences compared with 2.4 million in the BCS, the survey claims, including a 156 per cent rise in " acquaintance violence" from 817,000 incidents to 2.1 million.

Domestic violence is 140 per cent higher, up from 357,000 incidents a year to 857,000, the authors said, while there are nearly three million common assaults a year rather than the 1.5 million estimated by the BCS, a rise of 98 per cent.

Burglary is 20 per cent higher than currently estimated, at 877,000 a year, and vandalism is 24 per cent higher, the report calculated.

Robbery is 7 per cent up on the official estimates, or an extra 22,000 crimes bringing the yearly total to 333,000.

"If the people who say they suffered 10 incidents really did, it is capping the series at five that distorts the rate," the authors said.

"It is truly bizarre that the victimisation survey, based as it is on the assumption that people will by and large tell the truth about what happened to them, ... suddenly withdraws its trust in their honesty when what they are told does not chime with their own experience.

"Yet the reality is that some people are very frequently victimised, and that frequent victimisation is what they suffer rather than being an invention or exaggeration."

The cap of five crimes for repeat victims has operated ever since the inception of the BCS in 1981.

Ministers claim the survey - which now polls 40,000 people a year about their experiences of crime, is the most reliable indicator of crime levels,

The authors said: "The unwillingness to believe the facts of chronic victimisation means that crime control, police training and criminal justice action are now substantially misdirected."

In particular, the system means that the most vulnerable people in society may not be getting the police protection they require from repeat offenders, the report said.

He he...that means that without guns and without the police 2 million people in the nanny state are held hostage.  Good job with those "reporting caps" bobbies...why to let down your country for world public opinion.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on Jun 28th, 2007 at 11:59am
This just goes to show that all that surveillance in Britain is working!


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on Jun 28th, 2007 at 2:08pm

Disney to scrap direct-to-DVD sequels

In a major strategy shift, the Walt Disney Co. said it will stop making lucrative direct-to-DVD sequels of such classic animated films as Cinderella, a move that reflects the growing influence of former Pixar Animation executives John Lasseter and Steve Jobs, who once called the films "embarrassing."


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Jun 28th, 2007 at 2:41pm
You mean with such classics as Lion King 2 Simbah's pride, Little Mermaid 2, the Princess Adventures, Cinderella Back In Time, and all the rest weren't generating profits?!

(Has Lion King 2...but not 1 he he)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jun 28th, 2007 at 3:25pm
Why do you even know the titles to those movies?

(...thinks it's time to hand in your man card.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Jun 28th, 2007 at 5:15pm
I handed that card in a looooong time ago with the utterance of "ya know, chick flicks aren't all bad"

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Jun 29th, 2007 at 12:02pm

This chick, who's a ginger, wrote a story about the ill treatment of gingers.  If that picture doesn't prove she's a souless vampire...I don't know what will!


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jun 29th, 2007 at 12:25pm
Craig and I watched the original Resident Evil movie last night, and I pointed out a ginger zombie in the crowd.  To the best of my knowledge, it's the only red-headed walking dead guy I've ever seen.

If gingers don't have souls, then that ginger must've had an anti-soul.  That's hardcore!

(...would've shot him first.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Jun 29th, 2007 at 1:20pm
Maybe that's how zombie work?  Since gingers don't have souls the dead, when hell get too crowded, infects a few gingers and they bite 2 friends...and they bite 2 friends...and they bite 2 friends....


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Jun 30th, 2007 at 12:26am
So what's going on?

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jul 2nd, 2007 at 1:18pm
A new job has required you to move to Portugal.  You find a lovely farmhouse set on a decent plot of land.  The place has been empty for 15 years...

While exploring your new property you find a large barn.  The door is padlocked and welded shut and it's all rusted solid.  So you grind the padlock and the welds off and...

(...thinks somebody got insanely lucky.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Jul 2nd, 2007 at 1:20pm that guy got lucky.

I was going to say cast magic missiles but...find a butt load of old cars with no owners works too.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Jul 2nd, 2007 at 2:23pm
ewww sell all that eurotrash and get a good car.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jul 2nd, 2007 at 2:44pm
Hey, there were a lot of nice American oldies, too!

For what it's worth, I'd also sell them all so that I could pay off the property purchase and buy a nice 1998 Jeep Grand Cherokee 5.9 Limited, and have some work done on it!

(...vroom, vrooooom!)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jul 5th, 2007 at 10:10am


By staff report
July 5, 2007
A 26-year-old local man was arrested Tuesday after allegedly hitting his brother with a garden gnome and a ladder, according to an arrest affidavit.

Johnathon Gesell, of the 3200 block of Southeast Pinto Street, faces charges including aggravated assault, criminal mischief and two counts of aggravated battery in connection with the 5:15 p.m. incident.

Gesell and his brother, James, reportedly began arguing before Johnathon hit James in the back with the gnome. After allegedly striking his brother with the lawn ornament, Johnathon Gesell allegedly punched his brother's girlfriend in the face and smashed part of the rear tail light and quarter panel on his brother's truck with a baseball bat.

Johnathon Gesell, who is listed as being unemployed, also allegedly hit his brother in the side with a ladder.

That's what happens when you screw with somebody's travel plans.  That gnome doesn't mess around.

(...thinks the .gov should ban assault gnomes.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Jul 5th, 2007 at 11:58am
Too bad he'll soon be taken out by Shatner and Nimoy from think that gnome doesn't mess around?  Try two actors who will always be known, for the most part, from just one show!

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jul 5th, 2007 at 4:50pm
Well, as long as it's not Sulu...


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jul 11th, 2007 at 9:39am

GUATEMALA CITY, Guatemala  - A 330-foot-deep sinkhole killed at least two teenagers as it swallowed about a dozen homes early Friday and forced the evacuation of nearly 1,000 people in a crowded Guatemala City neighborhood. Officials blamed the sinkhole on recent rains and an underground sewage flow from a ruptured main. The pit emitted foul odors, loud noises and tremors, shaking the surrounding ground. A rush of water could be heard from its depths, and authorities feared it could widen or others could open up.

Rescue operations were on hold until a firefighter, suspended from a cable, could take video and photos above the hole and officials could use the documentation to decide how to proceed.

HOLE-EE CRAP!  Real estate is really going down the hole in Guatemala!

That's a big freakin hole!  Imagine the bunker you could build in that thing!

(...thinks it looks a little tight, but he'd still hit it.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Jul 11th, 2007 at 10:53am
Guatemalans are going to become MOLE PEOPLE!!!

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Jul 11th, 2007 at 11:12am

The pit emitted foul odors, loud noises and tremors, shaking the surrounding ground.

But enough about wes's mom, lets hear more about what happened in Guatemala.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Jul 11th, 2007 at 11:36am

(That is all)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Jul 12th, 2007 at 8:22pm

Old Testament figure named on 2600-year-old tablet
By Dalya Alberge in London

THE British Museum yesterday hailed a discovery within a clay tablet in its collection as a breakthrough for biblical archeology - proof of the accuracy of the Old Testament.

The cuneiform inscription in a tablet dating from 595BC has been deciphered for the first time - revealing a reference to an official at the court of Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, that proves the historical existence of a figure mentioned in the Book of Jeremiah.

It is rare evidence in a non-biblical source of a real person, other than kings, featured in the Bible.

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The tablet names a Babylonian officer called Nebo-Sarsekim who, according to Jeremiah 39 was present in 587BC when Nebuchadnezzar "marched against Jerusalem with his whole army and laid siege to it".

The cuneiform inscription records how Nebo-Sarsekim lavished a gift of gold on the Temple of Esangila in the fabled city of Babylon, where, at least in folk tradition, Nebuchadnezzar is credited with building the Hanging Gardens, one of the Seven Wonders of the World.

British Museum staff are excited by the discovery.

Irving Finkel, assistant keeper in the Department of the Middle East, said: "A mundane commercial transaction takes its place as a primary witness to one of the turning points in Old Testament history.

"This is a tablet that deserves to be famous."

The discovery was made by Michael Jursa, associate professor at the University of Vienna, on a research trip to the museum.

"It's very exciting and very surprising," he said.

"Finding something like this tablet, where we see a person mentioned in the Bible making an everyday payment to the temple in Babylon and quoting the exact date, is quite extraordinary."

Since 1991, Dr Jursa has been visiting the museum to study a collection of more than 100,000 inscribed tablets - the world's largest holdings.

Cuneiform is the oldest known form of writing. During its 3000-year history, it was used to write about 15 languages, including Babylonian, Assyrian, Hittite and Urartian.

There are only a small number of scholars worldwide who can read cuneiform script.

One of them is Dr Jursa, who yesterday said the British Museum tablet was so well preserved that it took him just a couple of minutes to decipher.

This one - which is 5.5cm wide - was acquired by the British Museum in 1920, "but no one realised the connection," Dr Jursa said.

"They didn't really read it."

It was unearthed from the ancient city of Sippar, where there was a huge sun temple, about 2km from Baghdad.

On hearing of the discovery yesterday, Geza Vermes, the eminent emeritus professor of Jewish studies at the University of Oxford, said such a discovery revealed that "the Biblical story is not altogether invented".

"This will be interesting for religious people as much as historians," he said.

Blast that Bible!  Always getting things right!

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jul 12th, 2007 at 9:21pm

On hearing of the discovery yesterday, Geza Vermes, the eminent emeritus professor of Jewish studies at the University of Oxford, said such a discovery revealed that "the Biblical story is not altogether invented".

Thanks for the vote of confidence, bud.

(...thinks Mr. Vermes needs to find a new line of work.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Jul 17th, 2007 at 2:31am

A great list of all the female teachers who made the news for having sex with their students.

Ya there's no outcry or epidemic here like there was for the Catholic thing...South Park had it one cares if it's a woman and a young, underage guy.

(Some on the list...I wouldn't let near my genitalia if they paid me!)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Jul 17th, 2007 at 8:28am
What was her name....Ms. Jelinek (spelling?)

You saying you wouldn't if she offered you some 'home schooling'?  I know she is tainted now (Mr. shaw..../scared for life) but when she first started, hells yeah.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on Jul 17th, 2007 at 9:34am
was she the one with the pants that said 18-92?





Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jul 17th, 2007 at 9:55am

( lost.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on Jul 17th, 2007 at 9:59am
Patrick should get it... I hope.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jul 17th, 2007 at 10:43am
Inside jokes are made of fail!

( is this post!)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Jul 17th, 2007 at 10:47am
Yeah whatcha talkin 'bout willis?!

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Jul 17th, 2007 at 2:44pm

I'm so proud  :'( *tear*

Ya, she wore these sweat pants and this was the time when pants started to put words on the butt.  And I think hers was Ambercrombie or something like that.

Anyway they had the year 1892 on it but they were spaced far enough apart and the pants were tight enough so when she walked each cheek would magnify either the 18 or the 92.  And she was walking in front of Briney, myself, and Andrew and we were cracking up and she was then on called 18...92.

I'm just so impressed Briney remembered that.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jul 17th, 2007 at 3:08pm
Are you sure it wasn't 18092?

( subtle like a fox!)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jul 19th, 2007 at 10:19am

Riddle of Russia reported arms sale to Syria/Iran

Moscow continues to deny repeated reports that it is wrapping up a major arms deal with Syria and Iran despite mounting evidence to the contrary. Reuben F Johnson investigates

Persistent reports from sources in Moscow, New Delhi and foreign delegations attending last month's Paris Air Show point towards Russia's state arms export agency, Rosoboronexport, preparing to make a major sale of conventional arms to Syria and Iran

During the Paris show, the Moscow-based newspaper Kommersant reported on a Rosoboronexport contract to deliver five Mikoyan MiG-31E fighter aircraft and an undetermined number of MiG-29M/M2 fighters to Syria in a deal worth more than USD1 billion.

The MiG-29M/M2 aircraft will be new production models, but the MiG-31E fighters will be used Russian Air Force aircraft that have been upgraded at the Sokol plant in Nizhni-Novgorod, where they were originally manufactured.

The MiG-31 contract is reported to be worth USD400 million of the USD1 billion deal, indicating that these five aircraft are probably only the first batch of a larger number to be delivered.

Kommersant also reported that Syria does not have the financial resources to support such an order and that the contract is being financed by Iran. Under the mutual defense agreement between the two nations, the aircraft might be transferred to Iran once Damascus has taken delivery.

However, Russia recently wrote off USD10 billion in debt that Syria had accumulated during the Soviet years, mostly from weapon systems delivered to Damascus on credit. The canceling of this debt now gives Syria a clean ledger to start purchasing weapons anew.

Israeli analysts also point out that the weapons may be a secondary consideration. At about the same time as the MiG contract was reportedly signed, Syria and Russia penned another agreement giving Moscow access to the Syrian port of Tartus.

This port access satisfies Russia's longstanding ambition for a naval base in the Mediterranean and it explains both the debt forgiveness and the shiny new weapons being delivered to the As sad regime.

It is not without precedent for Moscow to write off debt left over from the Soviet era in order to put together a set of interlocking arms sales and strategic trade and defense assistance agreements.

A similar set of deals was reached with Algeria that forgave that nation's debt in exchange for a multibillion-dollar weapons sale, access for Russian oil companies to Algerian oil fields and an agreement on transfer of Algerian gas liquefaction technology to Moscow's Gazprom.

At Paris, however, Rosoboronexport General Director Sergei Chemezov denied the existence of the contract. He stated: "Russia has no plans to supply fighters to Syria and Iran. If talks start with these countries, it will be announced."

Skeptics point out that Chemezov's denial is hard to take at face value for several reasons.

None other than Russian Federal Industry Agency Chairman Boris Alyoshin, whose government ministry controls the entire Russian defense industry, confirmed that there is a contract to supply these upgraded MiG-3 l Es to a foreign customer, but declined to name the buyer.

Another member of the Russian delegation at Paris also verified the existence of the MiG-3 1 contract, stating that the aircraft are for an unnamed "Middle Eastern nation".

Adding to the speculation are statements from sources in New Delhi that quote Rosoboronexport representatives as preparing to sell "as many as 250 Sukhoi Su-3OMKs to Iran".

Because there is the possibility of such a large sale in the offing, said one Indian defence analyst, Rosoboronexport is not particularly bothered about the problems it currently has in fulfilling some of its contracts to India - most notably delays in delivering the refitted Admiral Gorshkov aircraft carrier.

"They seem prepared to let India - at least temporarily - become disenchanted with its Russian supplier in order to focus on the potential for a new client base in Iran," continued the analyst.

Where the mystery begins is why Moscow dispatched Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov to Israel the week after the Paris Air Show to make the Russian position on sales to Syria clear.

"Whatever we do in the area of arms supplies is absolutely in line with our international obligations," he told the Israeli government on 28 June.

"It's also absolutely in line with the national legislation of the Russian Federation," Lavrov said. "Whatever we supply to Syria is transparent and is not offensive. In any case, it is not destabilizing the balance [of power] in the region."

The question, however, is this: if Chemezov's denials are true and there are no sales to Syria in process, then why did Moscow feel compelled to send Lavrov all the way to Jerusalem to defend the right to make a sale that is not supposed to even exist?

The answer is that it has been made very clear - at least inside Russia - that arms sales to Syria and Iran are a subject that is off limits for discussion.

In early March, Kommersant reporter Ivan Safranov, a retired Russian military colonel and a defense exports correspondent with the newspaper for 10 years, fell to his death from the fifth floor of his apartment building - two floors above from where his own apartment is actually located. Numerous circumstances surrounding this event point to someone or some organization trying to permanently silence him.

Safranov had been pursuing a story that detailed plans for Rosoboronexport to sell Su-3OMKs, Iskander-E intermediate-range ballistic missiles and Almaz-Antei S-300 air-defense systems to Iran - using both Syria and Belarus as pass-through nations in order to give Moscow deniability of its involvement.

Reuben F Johnson is a JDW correspondent, writing from Kiev.

If true, this is very disconcerting.

I can't imagine how bad things will get if Russia is selling advanced weaponry to the enemies of the US & Britain just prior to what appears to be a major increase in tension, if not outright war, in return for the establishment of a naval base in vital and contentious strategic area.

Not only that, but the nature of the arms are such that they could only be used to counter American and Israeli action.  You can't really use an SU-30 to man a road block, can you?

When you couple this with the TU-95 incident, the carry on about BMD in Europe, the cyber-attack on Latvia, the natural gas pipeline shutdown last year, and the rise of authoritarianism, nationalism and anti-US rhetoric in Russia, the situation is starting to look like a more aggressive and dynamic version of the Cold War at the least.  In short, this is not good.

(...will keep an eye on this one.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Jul 19th, 2007 at 11:12am
Yeah us Canadians hate you American pig dogs!

/em hides

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Jul 19th, 2007 at 1:38pm
I'm sorry but this is what the Russia people get when they elect a former KGB man.  You've listed some of the things that have happened but let's not forget Putin ordering the gases of the theater that was taken over by terrorists and which killed the remaining hostages.  There's also the killing of the former KGB man by posion.

I think the Russian people have had it ingrained in their DNA even since the Bolsheviks that they must rely on the state of Mother Russia and the powers on high.

If only we had the good ol days of Peter the Great!

(Knows his history)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jul 19th, 2007 at 2:02pm
Meh, lets bring back the Tsars.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jul 20th, 2007 at 9:00am

Philippine troops recover beheaded marines

MANILA, Philippines (AP) -- Philippine troops recovered the bodies of 14 marines, some of them beheaded, after clashing with Muslim insurgents while searching for a kidnapped Italian priest, a marine spokesman said Wednesday.

Nine others were wounded in some of the bloodiest fighting this year. The clash erupted Tuesday in Tipo Tipo town on southern Basilan island, said Lt. Col. Ariel Caculitan.

At least 10 bodies were beheaded, Caculitan said, including those of six marines earlier reported missing.

About 50 troops went to Basilan island to check on reports of sightings of the Rev. Giancarlo Bossi, a 57-year-old missionary from Milan who was kidnapped by gunmen on June 10.

The marines were heading back to camp when they were attacked by about 300 suspected Abu Sayyaf guerrillas, Caculitan said.

But Mohagher Iqbal, chief negotiator for the Muslim separatist Moro Islamic Liberation Front, which is engaged in peace talks with the government, said his forces fought back after marines attacked a MILF stronghold.

He denied his forces were responsible for the beheadings, saying he would investigate. Four MILF members were killed in the fighting while seven others were wounded, he added.

Iqbal accused government troops of violating a 2003 cease-fire, saying they failed to coordinate their movements into the area with the rebels. He ruled out that Abu Sayyaf militants had sought refuge in the MILF stronghold, but did not explain who might have been responsible for the beheadings.

The gruesome decapitations are a trademark of the Abu Sayyaf, which has beheaded hostages in the past, including an American.

"It cannot be a mistaken encounter because it was a deliberate act on the part of the marines that entered the area, knowing that the area is a bailiwick of the MILF, in complete violation of the cease-fire," Iqbal said.

Still, he said, the clash was only a "tactical problem" and would not hamper peace talks with the government.

Philippine officials have issued conflicting statements on the identity of the groups that might have kidnapped Bossi.

Authorities initially blamed a MILF commander. The group denied any role and deployed forces in the initial weeks after the abduction to help government troops search for Bossi.

National Security Adviser Norberto Gonzales has said Abu Sayyaf militants may have been responsible. But army officers say Abu Sayyaf gunmen do not have a presence in the area where Bossi was kidnapped.

Caculitan said he couldn't confirm reports that Bossi was taken to Basilan.

"We have no visual contact ... so we cannot say he is there or he is not there," he said.

I have personally penetrated the MILF stronghold several times.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jul 25th, 2007 at 9:30am

BOULDER, Colo. -- The University of Colorado announced Monday that it will dismiss controversial professor Ward Churchill.

"Today, I issued to Professor Churchill a notice of intent to dismiss him from his faculty position at the University of Colorado Boulder," CU Interim Chancellor Phil DiStefano said Monday afternoon.

Churchill has 10 days to appeal, which entails making a request to have the university president or chancellor forward the recommendation to the faculty senate Committee on Privilege and Tenure. A special panel will then conduct hearings on the matter and make a recommendation to the president on whether grounds for dismissal are supported.

Another committee found Churchill guilty of research misconduct and another panel recommended that he be fired because of "repeated and deliberate" infractions of scholarship rules.

Churchill's attorney promptly called a news conference Monday afternoon to announce that his client does intend to appeal to the tenure committee. He also mentioned going to court.

Churchill, who ignited a firestorm by calling some of the World Trade Center victims "little Eichmanns" in an essay he wrote after Sept. 11, 2001, has vowed to sue the school if he was fired.

"We're going to a real court because we can trust juries to do the right thing," said Churchill's attorney David Lane. "Churchill says this all completely bogus. Let's see if a jury and a Federal District Court agrees with the committee. Or see if everything that's happened here is retaliation for Ward Churchill's First Amendment free speech relating to 9/11."

The tenured professor of ethnic studies has repeatedly denied all accusations of misconduct.

He told The Associate Press in mid-June, "The basic situation here is that there was a call by high officials in the state, notably the governor but hardly restricted to the governor, for my termination clear back last February, whether or not it was legal. They were willing to take the heat and go to court if necessary to stand behind an illegitimate investigation."

When his essay was brought to light in January 2005, Gov. Bill Owens, state lawmakers and relatives of Sept. 11, 2001 victims in New York immediately denounced it. University officials concluded Churchill could not be fired for the essay, but in March 2005 they launched an investigation into allegations of plagiarism and other research misconduct.

"A committee last year began to look at his writings including his essay on 9/11," said DiStefano. "We determined his writings were protected under the First Amendment. However, during that process there were allegations of research misconduct."

Last month, an investigative subcommittee concluded that Churchill repeatedly fabricated his research, plagiarized others' work and strayed from the "bedrock principles of scholarship."

Churchill called the investigation "a kangaroo court" designed to reach the conclusion that he should be fired.

"A university is a marketplace of ideas, a place where controversy is no stranger," said Distefano. "An opinioned discourse is applauded. But as is true of all liberties enjoyed by all Americans with freedom, comes responsibility."

Owens supported the chancellor's decision in a statement Monday. "I applaud the Chancellor's decision. If the university is the marketplace of ideas, then Mr. Churchill is the rotten fruit among hundreds of good apples," Owens said. "Hopefully we can say good riddance to Ward Churchill once and for all."

I'm so glad this loser is gone.  He was a total scum bag.

Here's a sample of the 9/11 article he wrote that led to the discovery of his blatantly falsified research...

Well, really. Let's get a grip here, shall we? True enough, they were civilians of a sort. But innocent? Gimme a break. They formed a technocratic corps at the very heart of America's global financial empire – the "mighty engine of profit" to which the military dimension of U.S. policy has always been enslaved – and they did so both willingly and knowingly. Recourse to "ignorance" – a derivative, after all, of the word "ignore" – counts as less than an excuse among this relatively well-educated elite. To the extent that any of them were unaware of the costs and consequences to others of what they were involved in – and in many cases excelling at – it was because of their absolute refusal to see. More likely, it was because they were too busy braying, incessantly and self-importantly, into their cell phones, arranging power lunches and stock transactions, each of which translated, conveniently out of sight, mind and smelling distance, into the starved and rotting flesh of infants. If there was a better, more effective, or in fact any other way of visiting some penalty befitting their participation upon the little Eichmanns inhabiting the sterile sanctuary of the twin towers, I'd really be interested in hearing about it.

His entire essay went on raving like that.  He's a complete nutjob.

(...old leftist hippies never die, they just smell that way.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Jul 25th, 2007 at 11:03am
yay for liberal arts degrees!

would get a good job with an "I hate all companies" degree

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Jul 25th, 2007 at 11:50am
This was a jerk who said things only to make himself feel bigger...and of course the mainstream media...especially FAUX "News" talking heads gave it to him.

Some people claim that this is just one man who's a moron.  While true, this is an example of the socialist movement that is being carried out by some people who are claiming everything socialism has to offer except the name.  A big majority of these people are Hollywood and the others are very liberal Democrats....with a few others flung into the pot for extra taste.

These people hate profit from companies and almost boarders on communistic ideals.  For example, you look at Michael Moore, he is a champion of profit haters.  He does not realize what a driving force profit has in a truly open and free market.  Look at the name of what he wants..."universal" healthcare, aka government handed out healthcare, aka socialize healthcare just like the other nanny states have.

Then you look at what the big Hollywood stars are saying.  They say they want to redistribute the wealth of the rich.  They, of course, mean the rich people who control companies...not those who get paid to be celebrities.  These people, like Steven Spielberg and many, many others in H-Wood, already have a comfortable life...a very comfortable life...and so don't have to care if there is one AT&T phone company or the govt controlling everything for the middle class.  If they truly got what they wanted they would be in the middle class with the rest of us and they would be force to live in a "Simple Life" world.  Imagine these people who would have to take real jobs to maintain a fraction of their current lifestyle.  Paris Hilton gets paid $5,000 for her model role and because the govt needed her inheritance to pay for more doctors because there is one system of healthcare for everyone she becomes a fast food worker who has no sense of work ethic...or sense at all.  How about George Cloony trying to make it as a bar tender in a college town.  He'd be telling everyone is downfall and how he doesn't belong here while crying into his stock of "the drink".  Think of those people who aren't even really smart trying to make it in the middle class world...Britney Spear, Simon Cowell, Jean Claud Van Dam, Steven Seagull, and all those sport stars.

Yes, I went off on a tangent but Ward Churchill is just one level of the example of the socialist attitudes that are embodied in Americans today.  You look at Generation Y, or whatever we're on now, and you see them whine about not having stuff given to  them.  Just think what they would embrace if big celebs told them they could have everything provided for them if they just...let go of their freedom and their culture as a country.



Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Jul 25th, 2007 at 12:13pm
no no no pat.  What we need is a person in the town that just does like the baking.  And one that emforces the laws.  And one that sells gas.  In bigger cities you can have more than one.

Dude.  Wait.  Whoa.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jul 27th, 2007 at 3:58pm

Jul 26, 2007 2:53 pm US/Central

Man Drives 1,300 Miles To Win Online Fight
(AP) ELM MOTT A Navy man who got mad when someone mocked him as a "nerd" over the Internet climbed into his car and drove 1,300 miles from Virginia to Texas to teach the other guy a lesson.

As he made his way toward Texas, Fire Controlman 2nd Class Petty Officer Russell Tavares posted photos online showing the welcome signs at several states' borders, as if to prove to his Internet friends that he meant business.

When he finally arrived, Tavares burned the guy's trailer down.

This week, Tavares, 27, was sentenced to seven years in prison after pleading no contest to arson and admitting he set the blaze.

Wow, that's dedication!

( a golf clap.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Jul 27th, 2007 at 4:25pm
Just because he called him a "nerd"?  That's not much of a flame war.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jul 27th, 2007 at 4:57pm
I disagree.  I think it's the perfect example of a flame war!

(...heh heh, get it?)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jul 30th, 2007 at 10:51am
I think I finally found a Paris Hilton story worth posting!


Paris Hilton loses inheritance

July 30, 2007 02:16pm

PARTY princess Paris Hilton is $60 million out of pocket after her billionaire grandfather - appalled by her jail term for drink-driving offences - axed her inheritance.

Family patriarch Barron Hilton was already embarrassed by his granddaughter's wild behaviour - notably when her home sex video was leaked on the internet.

But the 79-year-old considered her 23-day sentence last month the last straw.

"He was, and is, extremely embarrassed by how the Hilton name has been sullied by Paris," says Jerry Oppenheimer, who wrote a biography of the clan called House Of Hilton.

"He now doesn't want to leave unearned wealth to his family."

Hilton senior, the only member of the family left with a sizeable stake in the huge hotel chain, has let it be known that he intends to donate to charity the $2.4bn he will gain from this month's sale of the company to private equity firm Blackstone.

The money will go to the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation, the charity set up in the name of the founder of the family business.

Considering that she's quite independently wealthy, this probably won't be a huge deal for her.

(...HA HA!)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on Jul 30th, 2007 at 11:04am
Oh man, thats still symbolically awesome!

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Jul 30th, 2007 at 11:28am
So he was ok with the sex tape, the horrible shows, her showing her body in movies with not much on, doing horrible shows, modeling...but going drinking and driving and getting caught was what ticked him off?  Shoot it's all the rage with celebs today...she was just trying to fit in!  Maybe he did it because she was CAUGHT!


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Jul 30th, 2007 at 11:39am
damn right he did that because she got caught.  Even though she was rich and spent shit in jail time compaired to her crime.

btw, anyone hear about that lohan girl, on the radio they said she is now broke!!!  Man the joys of a coke habit.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jul 30th, 2007 at 11:45am
Considering Lohan made $5.4 million on a movie that hasn't even been released yet, that's really saying something.

(...wonders why he's discussing this?)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Jul 31st, 2007 at 1:00am

Paris Not Being Locked Out of Hotel Fortune

Posted Jul 30th 2007 5:23PM by TMZ Staff
Filed under: Gossip/Rumors, Paris Hilton

paris hiltonHotel heiress Paris Hilton doesn't need to worry about family patriarch and precious grandad Barron Hilton cutting her out of his will.

A story published in the UK said the ex-con party princess was in jeopardy of losing her mega-inheritance because sullying the family reputation, saying that grandpa was cutting her out of the will. TMZ has confirmed that's baloney.

After the socialite was sprung from the klink, she spent a few days at grandpa Hilton's family compound in Beverly Hills. It's rumored that Paris stands to inherit somewhere in the neighborhood of $30 million.

Don't ya love it?!  It's not the internet that's full of hoaxes and's the mainstream media!


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jul 31st, 2007 at 8:17am
If it's on the Internet, it must be true!


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Jul 31st, 2007 at 8:18am
This sucks, I was so happy when I heard she lost it.  They shouldn't play with my emotions like that!

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Aug 1st, 2007 at 10:25am
Proof that the Democrats are no different than the Republicans:

Obama might send troops into Pakistan

By NEDRA PICKLER, Associated Press Writer 28 minutes ago

WASHINGTON - Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama said Wednesday that he would send troops into Pakistan to hunt down terrorists even without local permission if warranted — an attempt to show strength when his chief rival has described his foreign policy skills as naive.

The Illinois senator warned Pakistani President Gen. Pervez Musharraf that he must do more to shut down terrorist operations in his country and evict foreign fighters under an Obama presidency, or Pakistan will risk a U.S. troop invasion and losing hundreds of millions of dollars in U.S. military aid.

"Let me make this clear," Obama said in a speech prepared for delivery at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. "There are terrorists holed up in those mountains who murdered 3,000 Americans. They are plotting to strike again. It was a terrible mistake to fail to act when we had a chance to take out an al-Qaida leadership meeting in 2005. If we have actionable intelligence about high-value terrorist targets and President Musharraf won't act, we will."

The excerpts were provided by the Obama campaign in advance of the speech.

Obama's speech comes the week after his rivalry with New York Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton erupted into a public fight over their diplomatic intentions.

Obama said he would be willing to meet leaders of rogue states like Cuba, North Korea and Iran without conditions, an idea that Clinton criticized as irresponsible and naive. Obama responded by using the same words to describe Clinton's vote to authorize the Iraq war and called her "Bush-Cheney lite."

Thousands of Taliban fighters are based in Pakistan's vast and jagged mountains, where they can pass into Afghanistan, train for suicide operations and find refuge from local tribesmen. Intelligence experts warn that al-Qaida could be rebuilding here to mount another attack on the United States.

Musharraf has been a key ally of Washington in fighting terrorism since the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, but has faced accusations from some quarters in Pakistan of being too closely tied to America.

The Bush administration has supported Musharraf and stressed the need to cooperate with Pakistan, but lately administration officials have suggested the possibility of military strikes to deal with al-Qaida and its leader, Osama bin Laden.

Analysts say an invasion could risk destabilizing Pakistan, breeding more militancy and undermining Musharraf. The Pakistani Foreign Office, protective of its national sovereignty, has warned that U.S. military action would violate international law and be deeply resented.

A military invasion could be risky, given Pakistan's hostile terrain and the suspicion of its warrior-minded tribesmen against uninvited outsiders.

Congress passed legislation Friday that would tie aid from the United States to Islamabad's efforts to stop al-Qaida and the Taliban from operating in its territory. President Bush has yet to sign it.

Obama's speech was a condemnation of President Bush's leadership in the war on terror. He said the focus on Iraq has left Americans in more danger than before Sept. 11, and that Bush has misrepresented the enemy as Iraqis who are fighting a civil war instead of the terrorists responsible for the attacks six years ago.

"He confuses our mission," Obama said, then he spread responsibility to lawmakers like Clinton who voted for the invasion. "By refusing to end the war in Iraq, President Bush is giving the terrorists what they really want, and what the Congress voted to give them in 2002: a U.S. occupation of undetermined length, at undetermined cost, with undetermined consequences."

Obama said that as commander in chief he would remove troops from Iraq and putting them "on the right battlefield in Afghanistan and Pakistan." He said he would send at least two more brigades to Afghanistan and increase nonmilitary aid to the country by $1 billion.

He also said he would create a three-year, $5 billion program to share intelligence with allies worldwide to take out terrorist networks from Indonesia to Africa.

Hmm let's see...he believes terrorists are hold up in a country, he doesn't want permission from the country itself to send in troops, he doesn't care what the UN thinks.  Geeze how is this guy any different than what Bush did in Iraq?  What if China were to send in troops to Seattle, WA to find some of their people who left the glorious communistic bliss?  We'd be a little ticked I believe.  Also I don't believe anything the UN does is productive or helpful, other than to regulate war.  I use that as an example because all I ever hear from liberal and/or progressives is that we need the UN's permission to flush the toilets, ya know the ones Al Gore had us change so we need to flush like 10 times for everything to do down.  I'm surprised no one else is making a big deal out of this story.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Aug 3rd, 2007 at 9:29am

Russians to plant flag on N Pole seabed

By Isabel Gorst in Moscow

Published: August 1 2007 12:32 | Last updated: August 1 2007 12:32

Russian explorers are preparing to plunge below the North Pole to plant a Russian flag on the seabed of the Artic Ocean and lay symbolic claim to a large swathe of territory believed to be rich in oil and minerals.

Russia’s Akademik Fyodorov research vessel is expected to reach the North Pole on Wednesday evening at the end of an 8-day voyage accompanied by ice-breakers from Murmansk, on the north west coast of Russia, Itar-Tass reported.

The unprecedented expedition is led by Artur Chilingarov, an Arctic explorer who is a legend in Russia as well as deputy speaker of the country’s parliament. The expedition’s main goal is to back the claim of an increasingly assertive Russia that part of the Lomonosov Ridge, a huge underwater mountain range stretching from Greenland to Siberia, is an extension of its own territory.

”We must prove the North Pole is an extension of the Russian continental shelf,” said Mr Chilingarov. “We will be the first to plant a flag there. The Arctic is ours and we should manifest our presence.”

Canada and Denmark also claim that the Lomonosov Ridge, which geologists say could hold billions of barrels of oil reserves, is linked to their lands. The UN committee that administers the Law of the Sea rejected a Russian claim to the area submitted in 2002, saying there was insufficient evidence to support it.

The Russian government, enriched with oil revenues, is backing the high-cost enterprise. Scientists are already monitoring ice conditions in an area near Franz Josef Land where mini-submarines will bear explorers more than 4,000 metres beneath the ocean in the first ever manned mission to the seabed of the North Pole.

Rock samples gathered from the seabed will help geologists understand the Arctic’s oil and gas potential and research the history of climate change, pertinent in the Arctic which is particularly vulnerable to global warming.

The Russians will also test the performance of advanced diving technology applicable in future offshore oil projects.

Analysts said that the astronomical cost of exploring in the Arctic would prohibit the exploitation of oil and gas resources for several decades. But oil majors are already positioning themselves in the race for opportunities in the area. BP has formed an alliance with Rosneft, Russia’s state oil company, to bid jointly for Arctic exploration acreage.

Copyright The Financial Times

This isn't a huge deal.  By Russia's theory, we own the freakin' moon.

(...and the huge laser that's on it.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Aug 3rd, 2007 at 9:53am
Well I do assume we own the moon, and we should tax any other country who tries to go to the moon.

I also claim mars, bob can have uranus.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Aug 3rd, 2007 at 10:12am
Your mom is close enough to a planet to satiate my needs.  She's so fat that she has smaller fat people locked into orbit around her.

(...thinks one planet is all he can handle.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Aug 3rd, 2007 at 12:52pm
Shouldn't we copyright the moon and sue anyone who views it or takes pictures of it without the expressed written and oral consent of NASA?


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Aug 3rd, 2007 at 12:57pm
expressed written not implied oral consent!

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Aug 3rd, 2007 at 12:58pm

By CHARLES HURT Bureau Chief
NEWS TO HIM: John Edwards blasts foes for taking News Corp. cash but took $800,000 for his book, whose real title is "Home."
NEWS TO HIM: John Edwards blasts foes for taking News Corp. cash but took $800,000 for his book, whose real title is "Home."
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August 3, 2007 -- WASHINGTON - John Edwards, who yesterday demanded Democratic candidates return any campaign donations from Rupert Murdoch and News Corp., himself earned at least $800,000 for a book published by one of the media mogul's companies.

The Edwards campaign said the multimillionaire trial lawyer would not return the hefty payout from Murdoch for the book titled "Home: The Blueprints of Our Lives."

The campaign didn't respond to a question from The Post about whether it was hypocritical for Edwards to take money from News Corp. while calling for other candidates not to.

In addition to a $500,000 advance from HarperCollins, which is owned by News Corp., Edwards also was cut a check for $300,000 for expenses.

Edwards claimed $333,334 in royalties from last year's release of the book, according to media accounts. The campaign said last night that those funds were part of the advance.

He says he gave that amount to charity, which would also provide tax benefits for Edwards. "We're more than happy to give even more of Murdoch's money to Habitat for Humanity and other good causes," spokesman Eric Schultz told The Post yesterday.

He declined to show proof, however, that Edwards had donated the $500,000 advance or $300,000 expense checks to charity.

Meanwhile, Edwards yesterday attacked Hillary Rodham Clinton for taking more than $20,000 in donations from News Corp. officials, arguing that the company's Fox News Channel is tilted to the right. News Corp. also owns The New York Post.

Click here to read Edwards' attack.

Clinton declined to respond.

The Edwards campaign said it would return less than $1,000 in donations from three Fox employees.

Languishing in the polls behind Clinton and Barack Obama, Edwards also has led the Democratic field's boycott of a Fox co-sponsored presidential debate.

"The time has come for Democrats to stop pretending to be friends with the very people who demonize the Democratic Party," Edwards said.

Well there goes his chances!  I still don't understand this?  If FOX is suppose to be conservative then why is Murdox giving money to both Hillary and Edwards?  It's almost like he's trying to manipulate the political system of America...hmmmm.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Aug 3rd, 2007 at 1:46pm

spanky wrote on Aug 3rd, 2007 at 12:57pm:
expressed written not implied oral consent!

Your mom gave me oral consent.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Aug 3rd, 2007 at 2:26pm
To do what?

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Aug 6th, 2007 at 3:11pm

An armed gang of four kidnapped one of the world's top RPG gamers after one criminal's girlfriend lured him into a fake date using Orkut, Google's social network. After sequestering him in Sao Paulo, they held a gun against the victim's head for five hours to get his password, which they wanted to sell for $8,000. And yes, the story gets even better.

Surprisingly enough, after five hours the hostage wasn't talking. The group leader had a gun against his head all that time but the guy didn't say a word. At that point, the crooks gave up and decided to let him go. The brazilian police then caught the four suspects, aged 19 to 27.

According to the police, the captive is the world leader in GunBound, a turn-based RPG-style multiplayer online game. Developed in South Korea, in this artillery game you get more experience points, offensive and defensive capabilities depending on your skills during battle, as well as money to buy more weapons, armor and all kinds of gear for your multiple avatars. You can only play with one of your avatars each time, but all of them belong to a single account.

The game looks to be quite popular, so the four gangsters decided they could make some quick cash if they kidnapped him to steal his user. Their plan: use one of the criminal's girlfriends, called Tamires, to get him into a date using Google's online social network Orkut, which is also extremely popular in Brazil. After contacting and seducing him, she told the GunBound wizard to meet her in a shopping mall.

But she never appeared. Instead, Igor the boyfriend did. Gun in hand, he abducted and held the player prisoner, planning to rely the password to his mates using a cellphone. Against all odds, our hero (or very stupid guy) resisted. Probably using some Stamina +357 spell. Or a Big Cojones +577 mana potion.

Whatever he did to resist the torture for a stupid game password, boys and girls, there's a moral to this story: if you live in Brazil, keep playing Tetris

This guy rules, who wouldn't die to protect your online character?

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Aug 6th, 2007 at 4:00pm
I think I'd die to protect my forum user name.  I know my high post count gets the ladies all riled up...

(...or something.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Aug 7th, 2007 at 1:12pm
A nice write up on what we pay for NASA as compared to all the other crap we do.  And a bit more debunking of anti-space mantra.

Neil Tyson on exploring space

Posted at 7:59 pm in Politics, NASA, Astronomy, Piece of mind

Astronomer Neil Tyson wrote a pretty good article for Parade magazine this week about why we explore space. He hits a lot of the right points, and he says something that I wind up hammering when I give public talks as well:

   How many times have we heard the mantra: “Why are we spending billions of dollars up there in space when we have pressing problems down here on Earth?” Let’s re-ask the question in an illuminating way: “What is the total cost in taxes of all spaceborne telescopes, planetary probes, the rovers on Mars, the space station and shuttle, telescopes yet to orbit and missions yet to fly?” Answer: less than 1% on the tax dollar—7/10ths of a penny, to be exact.


   So, with 99 out of 100 cents going to fund the rest of our nation’s priorities, the space program is not now (nor has it ever really been) in anybody’s way.

The short version: space exploration costs us very little. Need I remind you that we are basically setting fire to $11,000,000 per hour in Iraq? When I talk on this topic, I make an analogy: when your disk drive is full, do you go through and take hours to delete thousands of small text files, or do you delete that one big 3 Gb video file you never watch? NASA is a text file on the hard drive of the government.

Amazingly, even after Neil made his case perfectly clear, people took the time to post incredibly ignorant comments on the Parade website, making me wonder if they read what Neil wrote at all:

   How much longer will vital funds needed for crucial projects here on earth, such as bridge inspections and repairs, be squandered on the space program?

This doesn’t even deserve an answer, since it’s plain as day in Neil’s article.

Another person wrote:

   I am avidly againt [sic] wasting money for outer space exploration. […] We have so many needs here that there doesn’t seem to be money for.

Yup. Same thing. A third wrote:

   He sites [sic] pride as a nation and the science that accidentally results from NASA’s projects. I would feel much more proud of our nation if we were known for caring for our own people and not for putting another rover on mars or another person on the moon. We should fund research for cancer directly and not hope for an offshoot of something that we accidentally discovered with the Hubble.

This person has it precisely wrong. We didn’t hope to find a help for cancer using astronomical imaging techniques. It just happened; a happy outcome. In fact, astronomical and medical imaging techniques are very similar; so similar that years ago I considered switching fields, knowing that my imaging knowledge would transfer easily. But anyway, this misses the point: we don’t fund these avenues because of serendipitous results; we fund them because it’s the right thing to do. Knowledge always benefits us. Always.

Or maybe these people are just really big fans of Katie Couric.

If you are laughing or ruefully shaking your head at the woeful pig-headery displayed by those three people, then consider this: those are real people with real (if utterly wrong) opinions. They are your co-workers, your neighbors, maybe even your relatives. Most people have no clue why we fund space exploration; in fairness most people probably don’t have an opinion about it. But I bet most people also think it’s very expensive (every single time something goes wrong with a NASA mission, the first thing reporters comment on is how much it cost, but they never seem to compare it to, say, the cost of a bridge in Alaska that goes nowhere).

This is why we need to speak up. People don’t get it. If you hear someone making these arguments, send them to Neil’s article, and tell them not to skim it, but to actually read it. Maybe we can get a few people at least to understand the real issues.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Aug 8th, 2007 at 8:27am

Minnesota Cops Seek 'Professionals' Who Removed Man's Testicles

Minnesota police are looking for suspected quack surgeons who removed a St. Paul man's testicles at his home, the Star Tribune reports.

The 62-year-old man, Russell Daniel Angus, said he'd been suffering from chronic pain and had asked doctors to remove his testicles, but they'd refused, the paper said, citing a search warrant affidavit filed Monday in Ramsey County District Court.

Police said Angus hired two or three "professionals" to do the job on a makeshift operating table in his home and that's where his daughter found him bleeding on July 28, the paper said.

"I have never in my life seen anything quite like that," Tom Walsh, a St. Paul police spokesman, told the Star Tribune.

Angus refused to tell police who performed the surgery.

Police removed three specimen jars in their search of the home, but it was unclear if the man's testicles were found.

I don't know what to say, that's just...wrong.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Aug 8th, 2007 at 8:39am
...that article was actively painful to read.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Aug 9th, 2007 at 8:51am

Playboy Mansion sexual assault claim probed

LOS ANGELES - The Los Angeles Police Dept. said Wednesday it was investigating an allegation of sexual assault at the Playboy Mansion, the famed site of unabashed hedonism for more than 30 years.

News reports said the alleged incident took place at the weekend during a pajama party hosted by Playboy magazine's 81-year-old founder, Hugh Hefner, who has lived and worked at the expansive property since 1971.

According to, the annual Midsummer Night's Dream bash was attended by the likes of socialites Paris and Nicky Hilton, movie director Garry Marshall, rock star Dave Navarro and Oscar-winning actor Martin Landau.

An LAPD statement said detectives had started their investigation into "a possible sexual assault" Monday.

"For reasons of law and confidentiality that are critical aspects in investigations of this type, no additional information will be released at this time," the statement said.

A spokesman for Playboy Enterprises Inc., the adult-entertainment firm that owns the mansion and published the flagship magazine, also declined comment.

The mock-Tudor mansion sits on a lush six-acre (2.4-hectare) lot that Hefner bought for $1.05 million according to

Located in the chic suburb of Holmby Hills, the estate has hosted thousands of parties over the years, drawing guests who luxuriate in the freewheeling atmosphere. These days, it is often rented out as a corporate entertainment venue.

I know this is going to sound bad...but, with how much money these girls are making and the fact you were at a "pajama party" at the playboy mansion, I think I can say boo freaking hoo.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Aug 9th, 2007 at 12:54pm
They're not people...they're objects!

Have you seen any clips of Girls Next Door?  These girls have the combined brain cells of an egg plant.  It's just lucky they aren't considered food.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Aug 9th, 2007 at 3:22pm

X wrote on Aug 9th, 2007 at 12:54pm:
It's just lucky they aren't considered food.

Umm, yeah... about that...


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Aug 10th, 2007 at 9:24am
Here's my nomination for Idiot of the Day award:


Teen Burned While Trying to Steal Gas

Friday , August 10, 2007

Associated Press


An 18-year-old man was severely burned Thursday after he lit a flame while trying to steal gasoline from a riding lawnmower. He and another 18-year-old man were in a Town of Two Rivers shed early Thursday, trying to extract the fuel from the mower.

At one point, they decided they needed more light, so one of them ignited burning materials, according to Manitowoc County Sheriff's Inspector Gregg Schetter. The gasoline then exploded, Schetter said.

One of the men was taken to a Milwaukee hospital with serious burns.

Authorities learned of the theft after responding to a 4 a.m. call Thursday of a shed on fire.

County sheriff's deputies and Two Rivers police officers eventually learned of the burned man and connected the clues, Schetter said.

The other man wasn't injured. He was being held in the Manitowoc County Jail, Schetter said.

God Bless America.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Aug 10th, 2007 at 3:26pm

A Wichita library patron is tased after police say he pulled a knife on a librarian. It happened Tuesday afternoon at the Central Library on S. Main Street in Wichita.  

According to police, a customer went to a librarian and said a man was behind some shelves masturbating.  The librarian found the man sitting at a table and confronted him.

Police say other employees came over to help after the man became irate and started yelling at the librarian.  As the librarian grabbed the man's arm, he reached into his back pocket and pulled out a short knife.

A WPD security officer saw the knife and tased the man before he could stab the librarian.  The 58-year-old was then arrested for aggravated assault and indecent exposure.

Library employees say they'd had a similar complaint about this man several weeks ago, but they couldn't find him in the library.

The man doesn't have a permanent address and has been living out of local shelters.

Wichita police started manning libraries with armed security officers in December of last year.

If you can't do it in a library then what's the point?

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Aug 10th, 2007 at 6:13pm
If the freakin' library needs armed security officers, something is seriously wrong.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Aug 13th, 2007 at 8:24pm
This is an extraordinarily lengthy read, but if you're at all familiar with our fiat banking system, it's really quite a fascinating (and scary) article.

By: Devvy
August 13, 2007
© 2007 -

Last week saw a bucking bronco ride in the stock market. The American people read headlines such as: Fed vows, then pumps massive funds to calm markets and Fed's $38 billion helps markets. I have written many columns the past several years as have hundreds of others warning of the coming financial tsunami. Far too many people scoffed at all the warnings, continued to rack up massive debt and pursued the American dream of owning their own home when their financial portfolio and credit history simply could not float the big boat they were taking out into the ocean. The first of the dominos began to teeter earlier in the week: Aug. 6 (Bloomberg) -- "American Home Mortgage Investment Corp. became the second-biggest residential lender to file for bankruptcy protection this year, adding to signs that late payments have spread to homeowners with good credit records."

Dr. Edwin Vieira is arguably the foremost authority in this country on the central bank and the history of our monetary system. His monumental tomes, CrashMaker (fiction) and Pieces of Eight (non-fiction) are the quintessential teaching tools towards understanding this complex issue and making it understandable for average Americans like me. I bring this up because over the weekend I had a long telephone discussion with Edwin about the market last week. We both agree that the clock is ticking and all the bombastic gas let loose by financial guru's like FAUX's (FOX) Neil Cavuto, is just that because all the kings horses and all the kings men will not be able to fix this one. Not for a long time.

The government's plunge protection team (PPP) galloped in this past week and dumped almost $70 billion "dollars" into the banking system to save themselves. Creating "billions" out of thin air. Worldwide, central banks were scrambling and issuing more worthless paper to the tune of triple digit billions. The big neon billboard has been lit up with a message no one wanted: the stock market growing more fearful about tightening credit after years of free for all liquidity. High Times at Mortgage Express. Investors who don't have in-depth knowledge or real understanding of our monetary system and the FED, trying to figure out what's going to happen to their investments. The subprime mortgage market free fall has been building for years. These are loans made to people who have less than ideal credit - all being done during a housing market that began it's slumpalmost two years ago.

On August 9, 2007, the privately owned Federal Reserve pumped "$24 billion in temporary reserves to the banking system amid an increase in demand for cash from banks roiled by U.S. subprime loan losses." The next day, the FED infused the dying patient on the operating table three different injections: $38 billion. Some say this won't be nearly enough to stop the hemorrhaging. This latest "rescue" by the central bank is going to be short lived and many experts not on the government's payroll predict the FED will have to reverse it's decision last week to leave interest rates alone and instead, announce an emergency drop in rates. The wise folks over at said it best last Friday: "When up to a third of a trillion dollars being dumped into financial market's in 36-hours doesn't stem the tide, even the financially ignorant can sense something has changed. That's pouring money into the financial system at a rate equivalent to all of Canada's Annual GDP every four days. And what did we get? A 31-point Dow loss anyway!"

The government announced on August 10, 2007, that Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae will not be allowed to acquire any more mortgage debt. Banks and lending institutions have for too long been making bad loans and despite the gigantic warnings signs, greed carried them through the years, but now foreclosures packages are spitting out more paper than the Pentagon. Let me give you an example. Go to: On the left side, just pick California (state) and Los Angeles (county). Look at just this one list of houses in foreclosure. There are other sites I've browsed with page after page after page of houses in foreclosure just in the LA area alone; they range from $250,000-$1.8 million. Foreclosures were already hitting record numbers by June 2007.

The inventory of available housing continues to stack up like Uncle Sam's IOUs to the world. The "dominant media" continues to dress up the naked mannequin in little better than see-through clothing; the numbers tell the real story. During the roaring re-fi years of low interest rates, Americans took the equity out of their homes and enjoyed the good life. Then came the unpleasant taste of fear when their homes were no longer worth what they paid for them, inventory in their areas can't be sold and the final shocker: subprime loans in numbers enough to gag a planet suddenly went bad as consumers could no longer make those payments. Where do these folks go when they are forced out because of foreclosure? Rental apartments, family or in their cars. They contribute nothing to the economy because any disposable income they might have goes just for the basics of survival.

As Edwin said in our recent conversation, the system has to keep propping itself up in an attempt to fend off hyper inflation like what hit Argentina where people once able to prosper were eating out of garbage cans. Unfortunately, and sadly, most Americans simply have little or no understanding of the subject matter, but to not understand what's happening will be deadly for millions. How will this affect the average American out there already dying under the weight of credit cards debt insufficient household income (despite two working people, sometimes with three paychecks) and taxes in all forms taking disposable income?

1. The middle class has been destroyed by unconstitutional trade agreements; our most productive and important job sectors decimated - agriculture, manufacturing, industrial. Wages have not kept up with the cost of goods and services; the illegals invasion sucking the lifeblood out of this country by stealing jobs (like meat packing at good wages) and sending BILLIONS "home." Pile on the continued sacking of the people's purse by thieves in one Congress after another and a five year undeclared war being funded through borrowing slapped on their backs, has left the American family broke. Seniors living on social security and investments will see those dwindle and will have to keep tapping whatever savings they might have accumulated over their lifetimes. One "rainy day" will drown them.

2. Growing numbers of Americans refuse to buy Made in Communist China; I am one who has been doing it since 1994 when NAFTA was unconstitutionally signed into law. I don't even own a toaster. I go without when I can't find what I need, but I can generally find what I want by taking the time; see Made in USA. If you can't find it there, do a search and you will get results. This does not help our economy or retailers, but I'm sorry. I will not give my money to an enemy of my country just for "things." And, remember this: there's a good chance the fur in your sweater, parka and even doll clothes comes from dogs skinned alive in Communist China.

3. In the real world, parents across this country are scrambling to get their children new clothes, books and other trappings because summer break ends for most schools the end of this month. Cash strapped, they go for credit cards. Too many are already maxed out and as credit tightens by the banks, the situation becomes even more dire. Heap the bankruptcies on top of foreclosures (July 2007: Ariz. bankruptcies up 60%; credit-card debt, higher mortgage payments cited) and we're no longer talking chump change here, we're talking about a dreadful scenario for our nation.

4. In a couple of months you will start to see hints of Thanksgiving and Christmas decorations begin to hit the big box stores. Retailers depend on the grotesque spending spree every December called Christ-mas for their big earnings boost. But what's going to happen this year? It's difficult to buy Christmas presents - especially all that 'bling' when your house is in foreclosure, you're one of two SUV payments behind and child care is running you $150 a week. Johnny needs braces, Sally wants ballet lessons, both kids want to go to Disneyland and you would just love a week in the French countryside. However, when the financial squeeze starts to keep you awake at night, the first thing to go is non-essential services like entertainment, eating out in restaurants 2-3 nights a week, vacations and those $75 seats at the Cowboys game. Savings in this country is almost extinct and for the poor, the only place they have to go is ever expanding food banks which are hurting in many major cities throughout the country. For part 2 click below.

What's going to happen next year when the first wave of baby boomers begin to retire? At the sake of repeating myself, Comptroller General David Walker has been touring the U.S. trying to warn the American people what's going to happen and it isn't pretty: "What they don't talk about is a dirty little secret everyone in Washington knows, or at least should. The vast majority of economists and budget analysts agree: The ship of state is on a disastrous course, and will founder on the reefs of economic disaster if nothing is done to correct it." The only presidential candidate addressing the issue of the FED and our economy is Congressman Ron Paul, a man now hated by his own party (GOP) and marginalized by the MSM (mainstream media) and cable networks as if one of the great constitutionalists of our time is nothing more than a "maverick and semi-crank." (Look at this exquisite ad for Dr. Paul). The tax and spend Democrats (who replaced the tax and spend Republicans) have been in office eight months and what have they accomplished? Zippo, yet the one man who can do what has to be done (along with the right Secretary of Treasury, say Dr. Edwin Vieira) is being treated like a disease.

5. It isn't just the house that doesn't sell causing major financial problems, it's also the construction industry itself. Every house has a faucet, carpeting, light fixtures - but all industries suffer when houses aren't built or remodeling stops because of a recession or depression. That means major home improvement stores like Home Depot, lays off and the domino effect starts to rattle already jittery investor nerves. Investors don't like "lower than expected" earnings and anyone who has done enough research knows the feds have been cooking the books for decades thereby deceiving investors. Well, the chickens are coming home to roost. Local municipalities suffer because contractors are charged a percentage of the project for schools, parks and other revenue generating enterprises. Tax bases from a dozen sources dry up. Every related industry from mortgage loan brokers, realtors to escrow companies all begin to feel the noose. Tensions heat up as tribalism takes over as a matter of survival and crime increases in these massive, over crowded metropolitan cities. It's not a pretty picture when one sits down and lists all the ingredients for financial and societal melt down.

I wish everyone could subscribe to Their writers are exceptional. Their knowledge of this subject matter is easy to understand and not sanitized for votes, i.,e., this recent post by Neville Bennett on Credit contamination: "The sub-prime mortgages offered by U.S. institutions have been sliced, diced and repackaged to get them off U.S. bank balance sheets. They have contaminated global credit markets. Very strong metaphors are appropriate. To some extent, it is poison. It is also a virus, virulent and contagious. 49 European banks and financial institutions needed support last week.

"It could be more this week as uncertainty spreads. Banks can discount good news, they can discount bad news, but one report rightly says, “they cannot discount what they do not know.” My take is that they do not know the present value of their assets. The packages of U.S. housing debt, sold under a variety of names, were syndicated and accepted because they had a credit rating and a good anticipated yield. However, there have been more sub prime defaults than anticipated and escalating defaults. It is increasingly difficult value these packages. Many large hedge funds are admitting a 25% fall in value. This is often wildly optimistic. The Street is predicting a 90% fall.

"Rather than discuss generalities, this article will explore the recent difficulties of BNP Paribas, France’s largest bank. The Bank caused mayhem in Europe by suspending three investment funds worth 2 bn euros, saying it was impossible to value certain assets, because of the “complete evaporation “of liquidity in some markets. It said a valuation would be made “when liquidity returned to the market.” The ECB responded to the crisis made $130 b of loans available. These were on the same scale as the intervention on 9/11. What impressed me was that 49 banks and financial institution grasped the ECB’s lifeline. 49 banks needing support!

"Paribas’s statement is very scary. It confirms that the two-way movement of bonds and derivatives associated with the U.S. housing market is seizing up. I have heard that $3 trillion of derivatives have been written in this market. There will be massive repercussions. The scariest aspect could be that the massive French bank declined to buy these investments from investors who want to sell. It suspended activity. It could have bought them at fair value, and have held the bonds until maturity. It did not. This suggests the bonds are toxic...Paribas apparently invested also in asset-backed securities (ABS) which are bundles of loans, (credit card loans, car loans etc) that were packaged together into bonds. These are now frozen. The mounting crisis is reflected in the soaring LIBOR (London interbank offered rate). The LIBOR is regarded a risk-free investment made on overnight loans. It is important to realize how fast the credit storm is developing."

How is the average Joe and Mary out in America trying to put food on the table and fill up their gas tank at $50 - $75 bux a pop going to understand all this, much less react to it? The media continues to gloss things over with carefully crafted word smithing while a gallon of milk climbs towards $4.00. Dr. Edwin Vieira began warning Americans a couple of years ago in his columns, i.e., Are Monetary and Banking Crises Inevitable in the Near Future?

(...definitely found some food for thought.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Aug 13th, 2007 at 11:28pm
If this doesn't show you that the American economic system is being controlled by people who want us dead and in turmoil I don't know what will.  I don't see how Congress can just turn over this power to people who they, and the American people, are not told who they are or what they will do.  When the fed is about to make a decision everyone stops and holds their collective breath and wait for the almighty Wizard Of Oz to make his ruling.  And just like the great never know who's behind the curtain until the very end.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Aug 14th, 2007 at 2:15pm

Australia to spend $189 million on anti-porn tech initiative

Australia's prime minister John Howard and opposition leader Kevin Rudd revealed the Australian government's sweeping new $189 million anti-pornography initiative on Friday at an event hosted by the Australian Christian Lobby. During the presentation, which was broadcast to over 700 Australian churches, Howard discussed Christian values and described the government's latest costly plans for preventing pictures of naked people from clogging The Tubes.

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Approximately $89 million will be used to establish Australia's National Filter Scheme, which will impose burdensome filtering requirements on ISPs and provide Australian citizens with free* access to PC-based Internet filtering software. The filtering systems will leverage the Australian Communications and Media Authority's official Blacklist, which is based on the country's National Classification Scheme. According to a statement issued on Friday by communications minister Helen Coonan, the Australian Communications and Media Authority is also evaluating plans to extend the Blacklist to include "terrorism and cyber-crime sites upon prescription by the Attorney-General."

Approximately $22 million will be spent on a broad "public awareness and education campaign" to inform parents of Internet safety issues, and another $11.7 million will be used to establish community outreach programs that will push "the Internet safety message" into thousands of schools. Additionally, the government plans to establish a consultative working group to find a "workable solution" to combat "the use of social networking web sites by predators to contact and groom children via the internet."

Only last year, the Australian government spent $116 million on a similar initiative, $93 million of which was used to provide free* Internet filtering software to families for a three-year period. At the time, Coonan said in a statement that the government's three separate studies on the efficacy of ISP-level filtering found "significant problems with content filter products operating at the ISP-level," and Coonan cited ease of circumvention and limited filtering control when arguing that ISP-level filtering isn't as effective as PC-based filtering. It is ironic that Australia's latest costly anti-pornography initiative leverages the same kind of ISP-level filtering technologies that were dismissed as inadequate only a year ago. One wonders what kind of improvements have been in the filtering technology field since then.

Proposal would impose jail sentences for possessing five or more pornographic movies
In related news, the Australian Parliament is evaluating a legislative proposal introduced by indigenous affairs minister Mal Brough that aims to impose extreme restrictions on pornography in the Northern Territory. The proposal is inspired by the Australian government's "Children Are Sacred" report, which discusses instances of child sexual abuse in the Northern Territories. Mal Brough's proposal, which is described as "draconian" by the New Zealand Herald, would implement a broad ban on X-rated films in the Northern Territory, and impose jail sentences for porn "trafficking" on those who are caught with five or more X-rated films even in instances where the pornographic products are not being distributed.

Although Mal Brough only aims to impose the restrictions and "trafficking" penalties on the Northern Territories, groups like the Australian Christian Lobby are calling for the proposed directive to be expanded nationally. "The Australian Christian Lobby, along with many other Christian and family groups is asking why the ban on X-rated pornography should only apply to Northern Territory indigenous communities," the Australian Christian Lobby said in a statement. "The problems of pornography aren't confined to these communities and the ban needs to extend Australia-wide. Don't all children need protecting?"

$116 million spent last year and it didn't work, I know!  Throw more money at the problem!

And since when does looking at pron make you want to touch children?  Want to keep your kids safe, KEEP THEM OUT OF CHURCH! (oh dang)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Aug 14th, 2007 at 4:31pm
Here's a continuation of yesterday's economic theme.

The Unfolding Crisis (Economy) – an Interview with Doug Casey
Q. The dollar is under increasing pressure. Do you think it’s realistic that the U.S. dollar could lose its status as the world’s reserve currency anytime soon? What are the implications and how soon do you think it could happen?

A. The U.S. dollar will eventually reach its intrinsic value; it’s simply a question of time. The Forever War in the Middle East is greatly accelerating the process. The whole idea of a reserve currency is meaningless if the currency is backed by nothing but the good will of the issuing government. That’s why gold has always been used as money; you don’t have to rely on anyone’s full faith and credit, good will, competence, trade surpluses, self-restraint or anything else. And it’s why gold will again be used, in everyday transactions, as money.

The dollar is a hot potato. There are trillions—nobody knows exactly how many—floating outside the U.S. But only Americans have to accept them, and only the U.S. Government can create them (although the North Koreans do their best). The Chinese have good reason to worry about all those dollars. When they tried to buy the Unocal oil company, they were turned away by the U.S. Government. So, obviously, their dollars weren’t good for that. When Dubai wanted to buy companies that manage six U.S. seaports, they found their dollars had no value.

At some point there’s going to be a panic out of the dollar. When it happens, it’s likely to be the biggest financial upset since the 1930s. Part of the question is what they’ll panic into. The euro? As I have said many times, if the dollar is an “I owe you nothing,” the euro is a “Who owes you nothing?” I think the big beneficiary will be gold. The problem for the world’s economy is that just a trillion dollars—which is only about 1/6 of the dollars outside the U.S. alone—can buy a billion ounces of gold, even at $1,000 an ounce. But only about four billion ounces have ever been mined.

It’s an explosive situation. The one thing you can count on when there’s a crisis is that the government will “do something,” which means controlling its subjects—not, God forbid, itself. And that something is likely to be foreign exchange controls. A small straw in the wind is the new regulation making it illegal to export more than $5 worth of pennies and nickels, because their metal is worth more than their face value—even though there’s no longer much copper in the pennies or nickel in the nickels.

If an American doesn’t get significant assets outside the U.S. now, it may be impossible in the future. The best thing to do is buy real estate abroad, since it’s currently not reportable, like bank and brokerage accounts, and they can’t very well make you repatriate it. I expect, however, very few people will take my advice, even though they may agree with it. But everybody gets what he deserves, so it’s not a problem..

Q. Looking at the broad picture, it seems like the U.S. government is facing nearly insurmountable odds. The cost of government has soared to something over 50% of GDP, weighing heavily on the private sector, yet there is no end in sight to the wide river of can’t-stop spending… on the military, on Social Security and Medicare—especially in the face of the baby boomers beginning to retire. How does the country manage to maintain that?

A. Nothing lasts forever. I’ll be surprised if the U.S. is able to maintain its present geographic boundaries for this century. The Mexicans talk of the Reconquista; the gringos stole the Southwest from them in the 1800s, and they’re likely to take it back. What do you think the odds are that a young Latino male in California, 20 years from now, is going to pay 20% of his wages in Social Security and Medicare to support some old white broad in Massachusetts? Especially since he knows he’s never going to get an aluminum nickel back? Even today, polls show that more kids believe in aliens than believe they’ll see any Social Security money.

We’ve had really good times for a whole generation. People become fat and sassy, or in the case of Americans, obese and arrogant, during good times. They don’t think of hanging their leaders from lamp posts until things get seriously bad.

I don’t know how bad things will get. But when I’m asked, I’m prone to quip “Worse than even I think they’ll get.”

Q. You and the team at Casey Research have been vocal about expecting a major inflation. Yet, other than occasional surprises, inflation doesn’t seem to be much of a problem. What gives?

A. Things that you expect to happen usually take longer than you’d think. But once the process gets underway, they usually happen much more quickly. It’s like a boulder balanced on the edge of a cliff; nothing seems to happen until it happens all at once. Just adjust that analogy to the scale of a human lifespan.

The word "inflation" covers two different concepts, and it's important to keep them separate. One concept is monetary inflation, which is an increase in the supply of money that outruns growth in the supply of goods and services. Papering over problems with yet more money is now the default solution for governments around the world. Case in point, when faced with the growing problems associated with the subprime mortgage sector, the European Central Bank announced that it would make “unlimited” funds available to the banking sector. The Fed will, predictably, react in the same way, running the printing presses overtime.

The other concept is price inflation, which is an increase in the overall level of prices for goods and services.

The relationship between the two is the relationship of cause and effect. Monetary inflation causes price inflation. But while almost everyone sees price inflation when it happens, few people notice the monetary inflation that is causing it. And so they tend to blame the producers of goods and services for higher prices—rather than the money-creating government that is the true culprit.

We’re now experiencing a lot of monetary inflation, which eventually will be reflected in price inflation. What’s really going to tip this over the edge, however, is the rest of the world deciding to get out of dollars. A lot of those $6 trillion abroad are going to come back to the U.S., and real goods are going to be packed up and shipped abroad. Inflation will explode.

It’s just a matter of time. But I think it’s going to happen this cycle.

Q. How do you think the Chinese currently view the U.S.? Recently they threatened to use the “nuclear option”, dumping their U.S. dollar reserves in response to anti-Chinese legislation making its way through the U.S. Congress. Do you think there is any scenario under which they would let the dollar collapse, given that they own about one trillion of the things?

A. It’s said the Chinese need us to provide a market for their goods. Which is absurd. Markets are about trade. You send me a load of VCRs; I send you a new Cadillac. Right now the Chinese are getting nothing in return for their VCRs but IOUs. If those IOUs aren’t redeemed—and at this point there are so many I’m not sure how they could be—they might as well send their goods to the North Koreans in return for IOUs. Or dump them into the ocean, if the only idea is to keep the factories humming and people employed. At some point the Chinese will want payment in something other than dollars.

In the meantime the yuan will go higher. It’s a good thing for them. It will lower the cost of importing capital goods, technology and raw materials. It will force their manufacturers to be even more efficient. It will make buying foreign companies cheaper. It will raise the standard of living of the average Chinese, defusing some political problems. A strong currency is a good thing. Too bad the U.S. will be on the opposite side of that trade. It was a pathetic embarrassment to see Bernanke and that other buffoon from Treasury lecturing the Chinese on how to manage their currency.

Q. You are on record as leaning toward an inflationary meltdown versus a recessionary one. But what about all the debt? Won’t people paying down their loans and refusing to go further into debt—because for one thing, pretty much everyone who ever wanted a house now has one—result in less spending? And less money chasing more goods would seem to suggest a recession.

A. The first point is not to confuse terms. In today’s vernacular, a recession can be defined as a very mild or short depression. A depression can be given any of three definitions. One, most broadly, is a period when most people’s standard of living drops significantly. Two, it’s a period when the business cycle climaxes. And, three, it’s a period when distortions and misallocations of capital are liquidated. There’s much more to be said on all of these, but now’s not the time.

Inflation, on the other hand, is a monetary phenomenon. You can have either an inflationary depression, like Germany in the ‘20s, or a deflationary one, like the U.S. in the ‘30s. The opposite of depression isn’t inflation; it’s prosperity. And you certainly don’t need inflation to create prosperity. Inflation is a drag on prosperity; it’s a tax on cash, because the government gets to spend the new money it creates while your old money depreciates.

What do I think is likely? Certainly a depression, probably of the inflationary type. But if there are widespread defaults in the mortgage market because of a housing bust, hundreds of billions of dollars worth of buying would disappear, which is deflationary. You could have both things happening at once, in different parts of the economy.

Q. Last year you went on record early calling for gold to top $700, which it did. But you expected it to end the year at about $750. Currently, it trades at around $665. Why do you think it didn’t hold up? And, just for entertainment purposes, how high do you think it will trade in 2007?

A. I’m sure the government, directly and indirectly, did everything it could to keep the price down. The last thing they want to see is a gold panic. So the short run is hard to predict. But we’re still relatively early, certainly in terms of price, in what will be a bull market for the record books. It’s as if you can see the perfect storm brewing. Since I’ve been involved in the markets, there have been a number of times when things could have come unglued—‘70-‘71, with the stock market crash and the devaluation of the dollar, ‘73-‘74, with another market meltdown and financial crisis, ‘80-‘82, when commodities and interest rates both went through the roof, ‘87, ‘92, ‘98, the tech meltdown… Throughout that time, I’ve always tended to be a bear. In other words, I’ve tended to make my money during the crises; it’s relatively easy to make money during good times. As the tech boom proved, any idiot who knows nothing about the markets or the economy, can do it.

My guess is that the next crisis is going to be breathtaking. And it’s not going to be just financial, but economic, social, military and political. Of course, I hope I’m wrong. If I’m wrong, I’m not likely to get hurt, for a number of reasons. But I don’t want to be inconvenienced if I’m right.

So where is gold going? I notice that it is starting to move counter to the equity markets in this current crisis, as it should given the inflationary implications of the massive government bail outs and the increased likelihood that the Fed will be forced to rates, making the dollar a less attractive holding for foreigners. I hate making predictions, but if things continue down this path, I think we could see gold going over $1,000 within the next 12 months, and maybe even before year-end. And then the mania starts for the mining stocks.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Aug 15th, 2007 at 1:48pm
Here is yet more proof (as though any is needed) that gun control laws don't work.

Shooting Massacre In German Town

SKY News
Updated: 07:16, Wednesday August 15, 2007

Six people have been shot dead in a west German town - all of them suffered bullet wounds to the head.

Five bodies were found in two cars near the train station in Duisburg and a sixth person died in an ambulance on the way to hospital.

Police spokesman Hermann-Josef Helmich said police do not yet know who could have committed the killings or what the motive might have been.

"A witness heard the shots and stopped a police patrol car which was incidentally driving nearby," said another police spokesman, Reinhard Pape.

The bodies were discovered around 2.30am local time and all victims were between 20 and 30 years old, Mr Pape said.

He said one of the cars was a small van registered in Duisburg while the other one was a white Volkswagen from Pforzheim in south west Germany.

Police started investigating at the crime scene but work was hindered by heavy rain, he said.

In case you guys are wondering what Germany's gun laws are like, here's an excerpt from a post made after a previous German massacre:

To own a gun in Germany, one must posses a license issued by the police. Target shooters must be members of a legitimate club, must attend a 3-day safety class, and must pass a written and practical exam. Strict limits are placed on the number and types of guns one may own: "Assault weapons" (defined as guns having the "outer form" of a full-auto gun, regardless of actual functionality) are illegal, and the law limits target shooters to a maximum of 8 single-shot .22s.

Perhaps surprisingly, a very wide range of guns are in fact legal, including almost any handgun available in the U.S., to people who hold the appropriate license. A dealer informed me that a particular H&K rifle was legal with a grey plastic stock, but would be considered an "assault weapon" if the stock were black. Hunting rifles and shotguns exactly like those in the US are available for sale, but the Germans seem to prefer double and triple-barreled guns (say, one 12ga. barrel, one .270, and one .44 mag, on the same break-action stock) to the more familiar bolt and pump repeaters.

A hunting gun requires a hunting license, which is issued only after a 1-year class (2-3 times a week) and an exhaustive test. Applicants get only one chance to pass this test. I personally knew one woman who planned on getting hunting license primarily because she would enjoy learning woodcraft and tracking, and secondarily so that she could keep an heirloom shotgun in the family after her grandfather died (if no one in the family had had a hunting license, the gun would have gone to the local police).

Concealed carry is legal for those with permits. Permits are issued on a "may-issue" basis to those who can prove a "need." In reality, this means that NO ONE gets permits except professional bodyguards. Self-defense generally is stigmatized. One woman who was a martial artist informed me that martial arts training was a liability legally; if she injured a rapist, she could expect to be charged with assault and have her karate knowledge used as evidence against her.

It is technically illegal to keep a loaded weapon at home--guns and ammo have to be stored "securely," a term which is undefined in the law. A recent change in the law will require that they also be stored separately. Shooting a home invader before he shoots at you is likely to be regarded as murder. Since there are no juries in Germany, you'd better hope you get a sympathetic judge.

Buying a gun, gun parts, or ammunition, even .22, is legally impossible without a license unless your gun will be immediately exported. Ironically, mail-order guns are common--just send in a notarized copy of your license, and they send the gun to your door.

In what is perhaps the oddest result of tight gun laws, Germans can choose from a plethora of realistic-looking "Scare-guns," which are almost indistinguishable from the real thing, but which fire only blanks, or in some cases, pepper spray and CS tear gas. Where American gun shops proudly display racks of pistols, German shops have similar racks of fake pistols available for immediate, no-license purchase. Until recently carrying a fake gun for "self-defense" was generally legal; a new law will require a "fake gun CCW" permit.

On the black market side, an illegal full-auto AK is easy to come by because of the collapse of East Germany. Glock handguns sell for $200 on the street (I rely on my conversations with gun dealers for this information, as I made no attempt to illegally acquire any weapons). Corrupt sale of gun licenses to criminals by police officials does occur, but I cannot say if this problem is widespread. Certainly I saw stories about it in my year over there.

Target shooting thrives in Germany, as it has for some 500 years. Self-defense is dead. Hunting remains, as it ever was, an aristocratic amusement.

On the day before this most recent massacre, a new law was passed from the lower house of the German parliament which would make the following changes in German weapons regulations:

--"Little CCW" license now required for carry of fake "scare-guns." A practical test will be administered in their safe use.

--"Violence-prone extremists" forbidden to posses weapons.

--Various types of knives forbidden.

--Throwing stars forbidden (I'm sorry, but I have to comment: how dumb is this? Has ANYONE been killed with throwing stars in Germany this year?)

--Guns and ammo must be stored separately.

The massacre at the high school has prompted the German police union to call for additional laws:

--Strengthening of penalties for illegal concealed carry of weapons, including knives.

--Creation of a national gun database (Current registries are local.)

The police union claims there is a "huge black market" in illegal weapons in Germany. How their proposals would reduce this problem is unclear.

Indeed, it is unclear what if any effect all of Germany's strict laws might have had on such a disgusting but well-planned crime as this.

In summary, Germany's gun laws closely resemble those of Massachusetts, but are perhaps a tiny bit more irrational. They do not appear to deter school shootings, several of which have taken place in the past year.

I do not expect Germany to enact truly rational reforms anytime soon, and the lack of a strong pro-rights lobby will likely spell disaster for the shooting community if these sorts of school shootings continue.

Good job, Germany.  What a way to keep your streets safe!


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Aug 15th, 2007 at 2:17pm
What was one of the first things Hitler did when he got into power (along with Stalin and Moa?)

Why he cracked down on gun rights, for the good of the German people and confiscated them.  He did this, knowing full well what kind of govt he was going to turn Germany into to.  And to do that you don't want an armed mob at your door with high powered weapons when you tell them they have no rights anymore!

(Those who don't learn from history....)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Aug 16th, 2007 at 1:36pm

'Career flasher' sentenced to 13 years for indecent exposure

A 52-year-old man prosecutors called a "career flasher" was sentenced to more than 13 years in prison after pleading no contest to charges he exposed himself to a woman on a commuter train.

Police arrested Kenneth Ray Burton of San Francisco last year after he allegedly began masturbating in front of a woman on a Bay Area Rapid Transit train.

Prosecutors sought the lengthy prison sentence because Burton already had two prior convictions for indecent exposure and a previous conviction on six counts related to sexual assault, San Mateo County Chief Deputy District Attorney Steve Wagstaffe said.

The sentence of 13 years, four months in state prison was handed down Wednesday in San Mateo County Superior Court after Burton agreed to plead no contest to five felony counts of indecent exposure. He originally faced a maximum sentence of 25 years to life.

"Our concern was, 'Are we being too lenient? Are we adequately protecting the public?'" Wagstaffe said. "We have a person here who has done this for many, many years. And with all likelihood, he will be doing it again."

You can make a career out of this?!

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Aug 16th, 2007 at 1:53pm
Come on now...does flashing really require a 13 year sentence?  That would mean I could go and steal a car and run from the cops without wearing my seat belt and get less time than this guy!


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Aug 16th, 2007 at 2:04pm
They should probably just chemically castrate him and be done with it.  What a deranged old man...


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Aug 16th, 2007 at 2:58pm

These games look wicked!  Number 8 is my fav!


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Aug 20th, 2007 at 11:11am

Bears eat man at beer festival

BELGRADE, Serbia (Reuters) -- A 23-year old Serb was found dead and half-eaten in the bear cage of Belgrade Zoo at the weekend during the annual beer festival.

The man was found naked, with his clothes lying intact inside the cage. Two adult bears, Masha and Misha, had dragged the body to their feeding corner and reacted angrily when keepers tried to recover it.

"There's a good chance he was drunk or drugged. Only an idiot would jump into the bear cage," zoo director Vuk Bojovic told Reuters.

Local media reported that police found several mobile phones inside the cage, as well as bricks, stones and beer cans.

well, bears do look like fuzzy bean bag chairs when drunk...

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Aug 20th, 2007 at 11:24am did this happen...went to the chili cook off, got in a fight with Marge, ate South American hallucinating peppers...ohhh

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Aug 20th, 2007 at 12:54pm
Who the heck has a "beer festival" at a zoo with dangerous animals?  That's just retarded!

(...besides, giraffes are angry drunks!)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Aug 20th, 2007 at 1:07pm
Maybe the animals got a hold of a copy of Animal Farm and now they're sending out fliers to the humans...they couldn't even resist...beeeeeeeer

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Aug 21st, 2007 at 2:14pm
This is a great article showing some of the falicies of RIAA's cases.  Ars Technica has some of the best reporting on copyright laws and similar stories.  I would suggest anyone view some excellent reporting on this site.

Foundation on which RIAA builds cases in danger of being undermined

By Eric Bangeman | Published: August 20, 2007 - 11:40PM CT

At the base of every one of the over 25,000 lawsuits filed by the RIAA against suspected file-sharing is a single argument: making a song available over a P2P network like KaZaA infringes on the copyrights of the record labels. That assertion will be tested by Warner v. Cassin next month, as her attorney, Ray Beckerman, will argue the matter in a federal court in White Plains, NY.
Related Stories

   * RIAA spends thousands to obtain $300 judgment
   * Judge deals another blow to RIAA's war against on-campus file-sharing
   * RIAA's final tab for Capitol v. Foster: $68,685.23
   * RIAA backtracks after embarrassing P2P defendant
   * DoJ may lend the RIAA a hand in file-sharing case

Although the RIAA's claim that making a song available over a P2P network infringes on a record label's copyrights may seem sound at first glance, the issue is as not cut and dried as the music industry would lead us to believe. First, the RIAA has not established that any infringement has actually taken place. The RIAA's claims of copyright infringement come after its investigator, MediaSentry, discovers music in a P2P user's shared folder. MediaSentry then takes screenshots, notes the IP address, and the litigation process is set into motion. That's the sole basis for the RIAA's complaints.

A number of defendants have pointed out the weakness of the RIAA's argument. First, the RIAA's complaints do not allege any actual acts of infringement, which the Copyright Act says must take place in order for a case for infringement to be made. The only downloading that the RIAA can actually prove occurred was done by its authorized agent, MediaSentry. Since the RIAA cannot demonstrate that someone other than MediaSentry downloaded the file—or that the defendant ever illegally downloaded any of the tracks in the shared folder—it therefore cannot show that infringement actually took place. Looking at it from another angle, there are no allegations that the defendants actually engaged in a specific act of distribution at any point in time—which is why the RIAA's boilerplate complaints refer to "ongoing" and "continuous" infringement.

Or, as Beckerman notes in his motion, "the complaint fails to set forth... any instance or example of 'downloading' a recording; any instance or example of 'distributing' a recording; any instance or example of 'making [a recording] available';... or what law would support a claim for 'making [a recording] available.'"

Beckerman also argues that if making available is found to be the same as distributing, it could have broader implications than just sharing files over a P2P network. "Under such an elastic interpretation and ill-defined standards, almost all participants in the Internet would become vulnerable to accusations that they 'make available' a variety of content, including copyrighted materials, to users," he argues in the reply. Think about hyperlinks, which make available other content on the Internet. Providing a hyperlink could be construed as distribution under the RIAA's definition, argues Beckerman.

There have been seven cases in which the making available argument has been tested. In six of those cases, the judges did not actually rule on the issue of whether making a file available is the same as distribution. Instead, the judges said that the cases could go ahead based on the allegations of continuing infringement. The judge in Elektra v. Perez also considered the argument after the RIAA decided to dismiss the case and the defendant argued that the case should be dismissed with prejudice. The judge presiding over the seventh case, Elektra v. Barker, has yet to issue a decision but has promised to rule on the making available argument.

The rulings in Warner v. Cassin and Elektra v. Barker could change the legal landscape for both the RIAA and defendants if the judges hold that making a file available on KaZaA or any other P2P network does not constitute copyright infringement. In fact, it would all but certainly kill the RIAA's current litigation model. The labels would have to show actual evidence that someone downloaded a file from a targeted P2P user instead of just offering a few screenshots and a report from MediaSentry along with a boilerplate complaint.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Aug 23rd, 2007 at 2:50pm

Woman Torches Ex-Husband's Genitalia While He Watches Television

Thursday August 23, 2007 Staff
There's nothing worse than two people being forced to live together after they've separated just to save a few pennies on rent.

This was especially true for a divorced couple in Russia, who after three years of co-habitating on account of high property taxes, finally reached their boiling point. In a shocking outburst, the woman set fire to her ex-husband's genitals as he sat naked watching television and drinking vodka.

Moscow officials reported it was three years of pent up hostility over having to share the same roof that lead to the freak attack. Whether or not he'll make a full recovery is "difficult to predict", according to a police spokesperson.

"It was monstrously painful," the wounded man told a Russian newspaper. "I was burning like a torch. I don't know what I did to deserve this."

And they thought the fire had dwindled from the relationship.

I don't care how expensive it is, if you are living with a woman this unstable GTFO!

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Aug 23rd, 2007 at 4:57pm
Amen to that!

GetOutQuick.jpg (19 KB | )

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Aug 27th, 2007 at 12:18am
Cool collection of alarm clocks that would actually get you up.

I think number 8 is how most teenage boys wake up anyways.

I want number 4 and 2 would just be hilarious.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Aug 27th, 2007 at 12:14pm

US Attorney General Gonzales resigns

By MATT APUZZO, Associated Press Writer 1 minute ago

WASHINGTON - Alberto Gonzales, the nation's first Hispanic attorney general, announced his resignation Monday, driven from office after a wrenching standoff with congressional critics over his honesty and competence.

Republicans and Democrats alike had demanded his departure over the botched handling of FBI terror investigations and the firings of U.S. attorneys, but President Bush had defiantly stood by his Texas friend for months until accepting his resignation last Friday.

"After months of unfair treatment that has created a harmful distraction at the Justice Department, Judge Gonzales decided to submit his resignation and I have accepted his decision," Bush said from Texas, where he is vacationing.

Solicitor General Paul Clement will be acting attorney general until a replacement is found and confirmed by the Senate, Bush said.

Homeland Security chief Michael Chertoff was among those mentioned as possible successors, though a senior administration official said the matter had not been raised with Chertoff. Bush leaves Washington next Monday for Australia, and Gonzales' replacement might not be named by then, the official said.

"It has been one of my greatest privileges to lead the Department of Justice," Gonzales said, announcing his resignation effective Sept. 17 in a terse statement. He took no questions and gave no reason for stepping down.

Bush denounced what he called "unfair treatment" that he said prevented Gonzales from adequately doing his job. He said the attorney general's "good name was dragged through the mud for political reasons."

Though some Republicans echoed Bush's veiled slap at Democrats, Gonzales had few defenders left on Capitol Hill.

"Better late than never," said Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards, summing up the response of many to the resignation.

Many Republicans welcomed the departure of the embattled attorney general, some quietly and others publicly so.

"The attorney general's decision to step down is a positive step forward for the Department of Justice," said Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine.

"Attorney General Gonzales' ability to lead the Department of Justice had been undermined by his serious errors in judgment and conflicting statements," she said in a statement.

We can pretty much call the Bush Administration's 8 years a complete failure now.  He had a good run from 2000 to 2001 when he was unpacking and then he sold his soul and his country out to Satan.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Aug 27th, 2007 at 12:20pm
OH GOOD LORD!!!  Why not replace Gonzales with an angry miget that kicks everyone in their groins?!  It'd hurt a whole lot less than the following:!

Senior admin. officials: Chertoff may get nod

Chertoff may be nominated to succeed Gonzales.

WASHINGTON (CNN) — President Bush may nominate Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff to replace Alberto Gonzales as Attorney General, senior administration officials told CNN Monday.

Chertoff, 53, previously sat on the 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, which handles appeals from New Jersey, Delaware, Pennsylvania and the Virgin Islands.

Before becoming a judge, he was assistant attorney general in the Department of Justice's criminal division from 2001 to 2003.

Chertoff received his law degree from Harvard University and was a law clerk to Supreme Court Justice William H. Brennan Jr. in 1979 and 1980. He first stepped into a prosecutorial role as an assistant U.S. attorney in the Southern District of New York from 1983 to 1987.

From there, he moved to the District of New Jersey and was assistant U.S. attorney from 1987 to 1990 and U.S. attorney until 1994.

Between 1994 and 1996, Chertoff was counsel to the GOP Whitewater committee investigating the business dealings of President Clinton and first lady Hillary Clinton, who is now New York's junior senator and a candidate for president of the United States.

An independent counsel later determined that the Whitewater investigation did not uncover sufficient evidence to warrant any criminal charges against the Clintons.

As a senator, Mrs. Clinton cast the only vote against Chertoff when he was nominated for the appeals court in 2003.

UPDATE: A Senate aide with close connections to the Department of Justice tells CNN's Dana Bash Chertoff will not be the president's choice to replace Gonzales.

I hope that update at the bottom is true.  We'd be going from the man who said "we can torture small children sexually in front of their parents to get the parents to talk" to the man who flushes money down the crapper and see more terrorist around every corner than Rush Limbaugh sees liberal around those same corners!


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Aug 28th, 2007 at 1:04pm

I have high hopes for this movie...Alien Vs. Predator: Requiem

Why am I so hopefull?  Because this time Fox isn't making it for kids and giving it a hard R!


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Aug 28th, 2007 at 2:10pm
Wow, I pooped a little during that trailer.  I have got to see that.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by The_Fat_Man on Aug 29th, 2007 at 1:24am
Wow......that almost looked....good...

Which is far more than I could say for the first one....

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Aug 29th, 2007 at 7:30am
That trailer was pretty decent, and probably contained more cool moments than the entirety of the last movie.  I'm not going to hold my breath, though, since sequels for crap movies are usually even crappier than their predecessor.

(...Dungeons and Dragons, anyone?)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Aug 29th, 2007 at 3:59pm

Attack on girl was gang-related

A shovel-wielding Good Samaritan who came to the aid of a 16-year-old sexual assault victim says he was told the assault was part of a gang initiation.

The Saskatoon man said he and his father were walking to their garage in the city's Pleasant Hill neighbourhood at about 10 p.m. Monday when they heard a woman scream.

When they went to investigate, they saw a man on top of a young woman, who was screaming.

"He started to hit her so we ran up," said Stephen, who didn't want to give his last name out of concern over gang reprisals.  "There was three of us — the neighbour from downstairs and my father and me — and we started yelling at this guy."

Stephen said the attacker was trying to pull up his pants as he tried to get away.
Stephen chased him over a fence and through the next few backyards, then found a shovel.

"He said, 'Don't hit me. I'm getting jumped into a gang and this is what I have to do.' And that's when I proceeded to hit him with the shovel," Stephen said.

So all I have to do is scar a girl for life to get in this gang?!  I am in like flint!

...not the first time i ruined her night....OH!

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Aug 29th, 2007 at 4:11pm
Give those men a medal, then shoot the gang banger!


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Aug 29th, 2007 at 10:20pm
If that so called "good Samaritan" can use a shovel to defend someone...he can use it to attack anyone!!!  Oh won't somebody PLEASE think of the children...and ban these spades of death!


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Aug 30th, 2007 at 3:39pm

PDATE from Drudge

It's official: Fred Thompson will formally enter the Presidential race today, with an announcement to be made at 4:30pm.

For all who have waited for this for months -- here you go.

He's finally putting his money where his mouth is. Word is that he is making phone calls to supporters as we speak.

It's about time!  Run, Fred, run!

(...thinks Billary had better take her Maalox.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Aug 30th, 2007 at 4:26pm
Ya now that he's taken all the money he can from the special interest groups without having to report it...he's going to take honest people's money now.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Sep 4th, 2007 at 11:20am

Residents: Nooses spark school violence, divide town

   * Story Highlights
   * Attorneys to ask judge Tuesday to reconsider Mychal Bell's case, conviction
   * Bell, five black teens -- aka the Jena Six -- charged in attack on white student
   * Victim's mother: Charges warranted because attack could have killed her son
   * Attack, other violence came after white students hung nooses from campus tree

By Susan Roesgen and Eliott C. McLaughlin
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JENA, Louisiana (CNN) -- Mychal Bell was like a lot of boys his age, his mother says.

The always-smiling 16-year-old often spent weekends on the couch, munching Little Debbie snack cakes, watching football and dreaming of a day he might join his heroes in the NFL.

That was before police arrested the star running back and five other teens -- dubbed the "Jena 6" -- on attempted murder and conspiracy charges after a December 4, 2006, fight at the local high school.

Bell, now 17, sits in a cell in Jena, Louisiana, waiting to learn later this month if he will spend the next two decades in prison.

"He's not the same. He's grown up a lot since he's been in there. He's not the same ol' smiling Mychal he used to be," his mother, Melissa Bell, says. "I pray that the judge will go easy on him."

Mychal Bell wasn't convicted for attempted murder. The charges were diluted to aggravated battery and conspiracy, but undiluted is the outrage over the fates of Bell and the rest of the Jena 6. Video Watch how the case has divided the town »

Many in this sleepy town of 3,000 are calling Bell's July conviction a case of Jim Crow justice.

They question why Bell's public defender never called a witness in the trial. They question the all-white jury that took three hours to convict him. They question charges they say are wildly overblown. They question why the teen was tried as an adult.

And they say the fight never would have happened if not for the nooses.

A threat or a prank?

In September 2006, as the school year kicked off, a black Jena High School student asked the vice principal if he and some friends could sit under an oak tree where the white students typically congregated.

Told by the vice principal they could sit wherever they pleased, the student and his pals plopped down under the sprawling branches of a shade tree in the campus courtyard.

The next day, students arrived at school to find three nooses hanging from those branches.

"I seen them hanging. I'm thinking the KKK, you know, were hanging nooses. They want to hang somebody. Real nooses, the ones you see on TV, are the kind of nooses they were," Robert Bailey, 17, one of the Jena 6, told the syndicated radio show "Democracy Now!"

According to The Town Talk in nearby Alexandria, the school's principal recommended expulsion for those behind the nooses. Instead, the newspaper reported, a school district committee overruled the recommendation and suspended three white students for three days for hanging the nooses, a gesture written off as a "prank."

"Toilet paper, that's a prank, you know what I'm saying?" Bailey told the radio show. "Nooses hanging there -- nooses ain't no prank."

A series of scuffles ensued over the next three months as racial tension at the school became palpable.

The district attorney was summoned to address the student body. Off-campus fights were reported. Bailey said he had a beer bottle broken over his head in one incident, a shotgun pulled on him in another.

On November 30, someone torched the school's main academic building. The arson remains unsolved, but many suspect it's linked to the discord strangling Jena High.

The attack

Four days after the arson, several students jumped a white classmate, Justin Barker, knocking him unconscious before stomping and kicking him.

Parents of the Jena Six say they heard Barker was hurling racial epithets. Barker's parents say he did nothing to provoke the beating.

Barker was taken to the hospital with injuries to both eyes and ears, as well as cuts. His right eye had blood clots, said his mother, Kelli Barker. Justin Barker was treated and released that day.

Bell, Bailey, Theo Shaw, Carwin Jones, Bryant Purvis and an unidentified juvenile -- all black teens -- were arrested and charged with attempted murder. The weapons used, according to the charges -- shoes. Their bails were set at between $70,000 and $138,000.

Only Bell remains in jail, on a $90,000 bond, and the judge has refused to lower it, citing Bell's criminal record, which includes four juvenile offenses -- two simple battery charges among them.

The Jena 6 say they are innocent. Bailey told CNN that by the time he arrived at the fight, students and coaches had broken it up.

"When a fight breaks out, all the kids just run to see a fight. That's just how it was," he said. "You really couldn't see nothing. So when I'm running to see what's going on, I got down there to the fight, it was over."

Attorneys ask judge to reconsider

Bell's new attorneys will try Tuesday to have their client's conviction thrown out or have the case remanded to juvenile court, where they say it should've been handled in the first place.

If that fails, Bell is scheduled for a September 20 sentencing hearing where he faces up to 22 years in prison. The other five await their days in court.

The case is getting international media attention -- a buzz that has drawn the NAACP and civil rights stalwarts like the Rev. Al Sharpton and Martin Luther King III -- but many in Jena are skeptical the boys can get a fair trial.

"Jena has been a community that has had self-imposed segregation probably since the '50s. They never got the memo," said radio host Tony Brown, who coined the name Jena 6.

Brown, who hosts a statewide radio newsmagazine from nearby Alexandria, where he has lived since 1991, says there are still "righteous people" in Jena. However, he said, there is little commingling among black and white residents and the town often abides by "a Jim Crow mentality."

Bell's and Bailey's mothers concur, but Caseptla Bailey insists, "Jena's a good place to live. It's home. It's something that's in our hearts."

Kristi Boyett, a white resident, is not so nostalgic. She and her family are leaving Jena "because of the racist stuff that's going on here," she said.

She fears for her children's safety in the public schools, she said, and she's not surprised that racial tension in Jena has reached a breaking point.

"That's the way this town's always been. I've lived here for 16 years, and it's been segregated since we lived here," she said.

'We lost Jena'

Other longtime residents, however, paint a more harmonious portrait of Jena and blame the media for casting their town in a negative light. Mayor Murphy McMillan declined to be interviewed, saying only, "The media is making our town look bad."

Paula Brewer, who grew up in Jena, told The Town Talk in nearby Alexandria that "everybody talks to everybody" and there are no racial boundaries in the central Louisiana hamlet.

"Where did Jena go in all this?" she asked the newspaper. "We lost Jena. We aren't what they are calling us -- racist and ignorant. Jena is a good town with good people."

Though some say race drove the decision to charge the teens with attempted murder, the victim's mother, Kelli Barker, doesn't think so. Had the attackers not been pulled off her son, she said, he could have been killed.

"I wish to goodness it wouldn't have happened," she said. "And I hate it for them parents. I mean, I can only imagine, but I also have to think about my child and my family."

Advocates for the Jena 6 aren't saying the boys should be let off if they indeed pummeled Justin Barker. Rather, they're saying the charges should match the crime -- and that the juvenile court should handle the teens' cases.

Brown said he will use his radio show as a platform to push for justice until an appellate court throws out Bell's conviction and the remaining Jena 6 see a fair trial.

Brown said of his rationale, "My grandma used to tell me, 'You can't hang a thief for murder,' and that's what they're doing in Jena.

I bet you there will be NO talk about filing these charges under "Hate Crime Laws".  The NAACP will not speak out against this type of racist behavior.  And, somehow I think the white kid is going to be tired to be the bad guy here.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Sep 4th, 2007 at 2:27pm
Of course the white kid is the bad guy, I give it 2 days before Al Sharpton says that he started the fight against the 6 other kids and they were just defending themselves by beating him until he passed out then continued to hit/kick him.  Why the hell is only one of those kids in jail, they knew what they were going to do when they went looking for the white kid that "be sayin some bad shit".  You know what that is called boys and girls?  Premeditation.

/ holds the black man down by putting criminals in jail.(well sort of, I support the Pat!)

On another note, 3 days for hanging nooses?  Yeah I would have kicked them out for the rest of the year.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Sep 4th, 2007 at 3:20pm
This case is too complicated.  We should just gather them all together in a nice little room and gas 'em.

( quite expeditious.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Sep 4th, 2007 at 4:03pm
Wow, Bob's worse than Texas!  [smiley=Shocked2.gif]

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Sep 4th, 2007 at 5:35pm
OMG I figured out his secret!

Bob = Texas!

Now lets do a little math...

Texas = Gay
Bob = Texas
Bob = Gay

woot!  I love math!

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Sep 4th, 2007 at 5:48pm

Buying these environmentally friendly cars often depends on where you live.  

The 2008 Honda Accord is an all-new redesign of the familiar favorite, but for most consumers the ultra-green version is not available for purchase.

In September 2002 Nissan and Toyota signed a basic agreement in which Toyota will supply Nissan with hybrid system components.

PZEVs such as this Ford Focus are so clean that hydrocarbon emissions from grilling a single burger are equivalent to a three-hour drive in this car.

On a recent run from Boston to Cape Cod, I test drove the 2008 Honda Accord, the latest version of this family favorite. The new Accord boasts an environmental first: a six-cylinder gasoline engine that's cleaner than many hybrid systems.
There's only one catch: You can't actually buy this ultra-green Accord, or the four-cylinder version that also produces near-zero pollution. That is, unless you live in California, New York or six other northeast states that follow California's tougher pollution rules. Only there can you buy this Accord, or the roughly two dozen other models that meet so-called Partial Zero Emissions Vehicle standards, PZEV for short.

Not only can't you buy one, but the government says it's currently illegal for automakers to sell these green cars outside of the special states. Under terms of the Clean Air Act—in the kind of delicious irony only our government can pull off—anyone (dealer, consumer, automaker) involved in an out-of-bounds PZEV sale could be subject to civil fines of up to $27,500. Volvo sent its dealers a memo alerting them to this fact, noting that its greenest S40 and V50 models were only for the special states.

So, just how green is a PZEV machine? Well, if you just cut your lawn with a gas mower, congratulations, you just put out more pollution in one hour than these cars do in 2,000 miles of driving. Grill a single juicy burger, and you've cooked up the same hydrocarbon emissions as a three-hour drive in a Ford Focus PZEV. As the California Air Resources Board has noted, the tailpipe emissions of these cars can be cleaner than the outside air in smoggy cities.

That's amazing stuff. But what's more amazing is how few people have a clue that the gas-powered, internal combustion engine could ever be this clean.

Naturally, no company wants to bring too much attention to a car that most people can't buy, unless it's Ferrari. And there's the catch. PZEV models are already available from Toyota, Ford, Honda, GM, Subaru, Volvo and VW. They're scrubbed-up versions of familiar models, from the VW Jetta to the Subaru Outback. But chances are, you've never heard of them.

These cars aren't the only green leaf that's being dangled over our heads. The sweet-looking, sporty-handling Nissan Altima Hybrid borrows its hybrid system from the Toyota Camry, and sipped fuel at 32 mpg during my week-long test drive here in New York. But once again, if you'd love to buy the Nissan and burn less fuel, you're out of luck—unless you live in California or the Northeast.

It's not all the fault of the car companies. The crazy quilt of environmental regulations is forcing carmakers to design and build two versions of the same cars. And it costs real money to make a car this green. So in states where there are no regulations to force their hand,automakers don't want to have to boost their prices for the green versions—or to simply eat the extra cost and make less profit.

Honda appears to be doing just that. It currently charges Californians and other green-staters about $150 extra for these solid-citizen models. But experts suggest that it costs carmakers closer to $400 a pop to install the gear.

Another issue: The PZEV cars don't get any better mileage than conventional versions. Would most self-interested Americans even pay a lousy 100 bucks for cleaner air that doesn't put fuel savings back in their pocket? "With hybrids, the selling point is fuel economy, so there's a dollar amount on that," said William Walton, Honda's product planning chief for U.S. cars. "We want to give people the cleanest vehicles we can produce, but how much are people willing to pay for clean air?"

Then again, so what if Honda or others lose a few million at first? Toyota clearly went into the red on every Prius it sold in the early years, but shrewdly viewed that cash as an investment to create buzz and build a loyal following. Today, Toyota dealers can barely keep the Prius in stock—and the company has surrounded itself with a green halo that's priceless.

As often as automakers express envy and resentment over Toyota's image, you might think Honda would be filming TV ads, erecting billboards, shouting from rooftops that the Accord is the world's cleanest six-cylinder car. In the green game that Toyota has played like a chess master, it seems like this is a lost opportunity for Honda, Nissan and the rest to siphon off some of Toyota's goodwill.

So give Honda's talented engineers credit for this clean-burning Accord. But give its marketing department a big, smoggy raspberry for keeping it a virtual secret—and keeping it off-limits to buyers in 42 states.

HAH!  Government trumps environment again!

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Sep 4th, 2007 at 6:06pm

spanky wrote on Sep 4th, 2007 at 5:48pm:
Not only can't you buy one, but the government says it's currently illegal for automakers to sell these green cars outside of the special states. Under terms of the Clean Air Act—in the kind of delicious irony only our government can pull off—anyone (dealer, consumer, automaker) involved in an out-of-bounds PZEV sale could be subject to civil fines of up to $27,500.

I really wish the article would've elaborated on this little morsel a bit more.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Sep 10th, 2007 at 8:19am

MySpace Pictures Force Deputy Suspension

KALAMAZOO(AP) - A Kalamazoo County sheriff's deputy has been suspended with pay for photos on that show people posing suggestively in and around his patrol vehicle.

Unidentified men and women are pictured sitting in, and standing outside, the Chevrolet Tahoe.

Another photo shows two women pretending to frisk a third female in front of the sport utility vehicle.

Still more shots show people posing suggestively in the back of
the Tahoe and on its hood.

The deputy's name has not been released.

He is not in any of the suggestive photos. But he does appear in two other photos, dressed
in uniform while posing with a woman shown in some of the suggestive photos.

An internal investigation is expected to start Monday.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Sep 10th, 2007 at 9:41am
I don't know anything about this...I'm not really surprised should hear some of the stories of some of the cops who got in trouble at Columbus, OH.  One women who posted a video on YouTube that was a bit anti-Semetic...and then the officer who posted a video on YouTube posing with his patrol car, with call numbers in plain view, talking about the quality of an escort service.

Cops....stay away from the will get back to you!  It's not called the world wide web for nothin!


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Sep 10th, 2007 at 10:56am
That guy gets the idiot award of the day, and it's only 11:00am!

(...doesn't bestow that distinction lightly.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Sep 10th, 2007 at 11:53am
The official teaser trailer for Iron Man!

Hotness...there's even the clasic Iron Man shell in this!  Before he pimps it out!


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Sep 11th, 2007 at 8:53am
You guys will have to forgive me for my obsession with the mortgage crash, but Meredith and I are in the market for a home, so I have a personal interest in the situation.  Things are really getting ugly, and the rest of the economy is going to start hurting soon.

Countrywide to slash 20 percent of workforce
Luci Scott
The Arizona Republic
Sept. 7, 2007 03:35 PM

Countrywide Financial Corp., the nation's largest home mortgage lender, said Friday it plans to cut 10,000 to 12,000 jobs - up to 20 percent of its current workforce - because of continuing problems in the housing and mortgage lending industry.

The job cuts were expected to impact the company's operation in Chandler because some loan origination personnel - a division that will be among those affected - work at the 65-acre campus on Chandler Boulevard east of Loop 101.

The company is Chandler's fourth largest employer with about 2,300 workers in the city, as well as in leased space in Tempe. Earlier this week the company confirmed it had already laid off 90 employees in Chandler.

Countrywide would not be specific about the layoff impact on its Arizona employees.

"We are not prepared to break out potential regional impacts," spokeswoman Jumana Bauwers said in an e-mail.

In the past two years, Countrywide had been in expansion mode in Chandler. In June 2005, the company bought 24.5 acres just south of its original 26-acre Chandler Boulevard site. In 2006, it bought 14 adjacent acres on the northwestern corner of Ellis and Frye roads. The existing 170,000-square-foot building on that site is being remodeled into a Countrywide data center.

Angelo R. Mozilo, Countrywide's CEO and chairman, and Dave Sambol, president and chief operating officer, sent a letter to employees Friday explaining the reorganization and consolidation.

Besides announcing the job cuts, the company said it expects the size of the loan origination market in 2008 will be down by 25 percent or more from 2007 volumes.

"We are confident that the actions which we have taken, the plans which we are implementing and the opportunities which the current market is presenting to us will positions Countrywide for continue success," they wrote.

The news was not all bad for Countrywide's Arizona workers. A large part of the Chandler campus is a loan-servicing operation, and executives said in the letter they expect that area to grow in the short and long term.

I've been watching Countrywide pretty closely over the past few weeks.  Over the weekend, a bunch of their mortgage-backed securities got their debt ratings slashed from AAA to BBB-, which is around eight ratings levels.  It's something that is never supposed to happen.  Countrywide packages all of their mortgages up into securities, which investors purchase according to the rating.  The lower the rating, the riskier the transaction.  With a BBB- rating, Countrywide will have a heck of a time getting investors to purchase their mortgage-backed securities, which means they won't have any capital to offer new mortgages.

In short, Countrywide is screwed.

The real estate market has become a Ponzi scheme based on the "greater fool" theory, and as in all such schemes those that got in early made out like bandits, while those who came late to the party got left holding the bag.

That being said, a business guy once told me a company isn't in trouble until they hit the third round of layoffs within eighteen months.  At that point the dead wood is gone and they're slashing productive people.

( for thought.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Sep 11th, 2007 at 9:10am
I should also point out that the re-rating of Countrywide's mortage-backed securities reduced the value by nearly half a billion dollars, instantly wiping out nearly a quarter of Bank of America's emergency "investment" in Countrywide only a couple of weeks ago.  Of course, this just confirms what most people already know - these ratings were a joke to begin with.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Sep 11th, 2007 at 9:21am

TUSTIN, Calif., Sept. 7, 2007 -- An amplified photon thruster that could potentially shorten the trip to Mars from six months to a week has reportedly attracted the attention of aerospace agencies and contractors.

Young Bae, founder of the Bae Institute in Tustin, Calif., first demonstrated his photonic laser thruster (PLT), which he built with off-the-shelf components, in December.

The demonstration produced a photon thrust of 35 µN and is scalable to achieve much greater thrust for future space missions, the institute said. Applications include highly precise satellite formation flying configurations for building large synthetic apertures in space for earth or space observation, precision contaminant-free spacecraft docking operations, and propelling spacecraft to unprecedented speeds -- faster than 100 km/sec.

“This is the tip of the iceberg," Bae said in a statement from the institute. "PLT has immense potential for the aerospace industry. For example, PLT-powered spacecraft could transit the 100 million km to Mars in less than a week.”

Bae founded the institute to develop space technologies and has pursued concepts such as photon, antimatter and fusion propulsion for more than 20 years at SRI International, Brookhaven National Lab and the Air Force Research Lab. He has a PhD in atomic and nuclear physics from UC Berkeley.

Several aerospace organizations have expressed interest in collaborating with the institute to further develop and integrate PLT into civilian, military and commercial space systems, Bae said, and he has recently been invited to present his work by NASA, JPL, DARPA and the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL).

Franklin Mead, a senior aerospace engineer at AFRL, said in a Bae Institute statement that the PLT demonstration and measurement of photon thrust is "pretty incredible. I don’t think anyone has done this before. It has generated a lot of interest."

The institute said Bae’s paper, “Photonic Laser Propulsion: Proof-of-Concept Demonstration,” was recently accepted for publication this year in the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics' Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets. It documents how he overcame the inherent inefficiencies of traditional photon thrusters in generating thrust by amplification with the use of an innovative optical cavity concept.

"For decades, rocket scientists have tried to overcome the inefficiency of photon thrusters by amplification based on optical cavities separated from laser sources, but failed," the institute said. "In contrast, Bae’s PLT (patent pending) places the laser medium within a resonant optical cavity between two platforms to produce a very stable and reliable thrust that is unaffected by mirror movement and vibration -- ideal for spacecraft control or propulsion."

Bae will present at the AIAA SPACE 2007 Conference & Exposition, to be held Sept. 18-19 in Long Beach, at four sessions: Space Transportation Systems, Promising Space Concepts from the NASA Institute of Advanced Concepts (NIAC), Space Systems for the Next 50 Years, and Advanced Vehicle Systems.

The PLT research was partially funded by NIAC (NASA Institute of Advanced Concepts) as part of a spacecraft formation flight concept grant.

Need more info...INPUT!

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Sep 11th, 2007 at 9:27am
How much do you think it'd cost to install one of those on my Grand Cherokee?

(...of DOOOOOM!)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Sep 11th, 2007 at 9:33am
Get your own thread, slacker!


Banks face 10-day debt timebomb
By Iain Dey, Sunday Telegraph
Last Updated: 12:47am BST 09/09/2007

Britain's biggest banks could be forced to cough up as much as £70bn over the next 10 days, as the credit crisis that has seized the global financial system sparks a fresh wave of chaos.

Almost 20 per cent of the short-term money market loans issued by European banks are due to mature between September 11 and September 19. Senior bankers fear that they will have to refinance almost all of these debts with funds from their own coffers, putting a further strain on bank balance sheets.

Tens of billions of pounds of these commercial paper loans have already built up in the financial system, because fear-ridden investors no longer want to buy them. Roughly £23bn of these loans expire on September 17 alone.

Fears of this impending call on bank credit lines are the true reason that lending between banks has ground to a halt, according to senior money market sources.

Banks have been stockpiling cash in preparation for this "double rollover" week, which sees quarterly loans expire alongside shorter term debts - exacerbating a problem that lies at the heart of the credit crisis.

"Banks are hoarding cash," said David Brickman, the head of European credit strategy at Lehman Brothers. "We think the reason for that is the commercial paper markets. There was $100bn of commercial paper issued by European institutions that was scheduled to roll over in August, much of which struggled to do so.

"Those markets are just not functioning normally, so some debt has already come on to bank balance sheets and more will have to follow. We estimate that between September 11 and 19 $139bn [£68.5bn] of European commercial paper [will come] up for renewal, including monthly and quarterly maturities. That's why banks are hoarding cash."

Mervyn King, the governor of the Bank of England, last week made his first intervention in the money markets since the credit crisis began, pledging to inject £4.4bn into the overnight lending system if required.

DeAnne Julius, a former member of the Bank's Monetary Policy Committee, told The Sunday Telegraph: "The Bank has a responsibility to allow the smooth functioning of the sterling money markets and it has a pretty clear framework for doing that. But it needs to apply that framework to achieve the objectives it is aiming at. The experience of the last couple of weeks does not look as if it [the Bank] has been very successful at that."

Although the markets have viewed King as reluctant to bail out irresponsible lenders, the BoE has not ruled out further interventions. But senior bankers say King is unsure that pledging funds over a three-month duration would solve the liquidity crisis. He is said to share the view that the root of the liquidity problem lies in the commercial paper markets.

Market sources believe confidence will be restored only when all the sub-prime losses in the system have been exposed.

Christopher Wood, the strategist at Hong Kong-based brokerage CLSA Asia-Pacific Markets credited with predicting the US sub-prime crisis two years ago, said: "The sub-prime crisis has exposed the structured credit asset class as highly dubious. In five years' time it won't exist."

(...points out his other economic posts on the previous page.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Sep 11th, 2007 at 9:44am

Countrywide seeks 2nd bailout


September 11, 2007 -- Countrywide Financial Corp. is putting together another multi-billion dollar bailout plan as the nation's largest home lender continues to struggle amid the global credit crunch and declines in the housing market, The Post has learned.
Sources familiar with Countrywide's plans said the lender continues to work with Goldman Sachs and law firm Wachtell Lipton Rosen & Katz to structure another strategic investment similar to the deal Bank of America struck last month.

It's unclear at this point who exactly is involved in the investment, but sources said a group that could include J.P. Morgan and Citigroup as well as several hedge funds has expressed interest in Countrywide.

A final deal could be announced by the end of the month, sources said.

Last month, Bank of America paid $2 billion for a new series of non-voting preferred stock in Countrywide, which provides an annual dividend of 7.25 percent and can be converted into common stock at $18 per share. As part of the deal, Countrywide left the door open to issue additional preferred stock or convertible preferred stock.

"Countrywide is in desperate need of cash right now to continue funding mortgages and the credit markets are still largely closed to them," said one source familiar with the company.

Countrywide's chief executive Angelo Mozilo, who announced plans last week to eliminate as many as 12,000 jobs, said recently that interest rate cuts by the U.S. Federal Reserve won't be enough to revive home sales and warned that the U.S. economy is headed for a recession.

"The issues the economy is facing are worse than most people believe," Mozilo said in an interview last Friday with Bloomberg News. Mozilo has been pushing for the government to allow Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to finance bigger home loans.

Countrywide, which handles one of every five new U.S. mortgages, has been hurt by falling home prices and record foreclosures. The company has billions in medium-term debt coming due in about 90 days and needs to cash to continue operating.

Countrywide's stock plunged by over 5 percent yesterday after analysts at Merrill Lynch and UBS cut their profit estimates on worries over the company's ability to make new loans. The stock, which has fallen over 150 percent this year, closed at a four-year low of $17.21 yesterday.

Making matters worse, Alliance Capital Management, which is owned by giant French insurance company Axa SA, disclosed that it has sold about 31 million shares of Countrywide in the last month. Barclays Global Investors has also sold nearly 25 million shares.

"We think the stock will continue to drift down, as investors lose hope of a near-term recovery," said Merrill analyst Kenneth Bruce. He estimates that the job cuts could save Countrywide roughly $1 billion a year, but that will only offset lower revenues.

Wow, I'm on a roll today.

( the death spiral.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Sep 11th, 2007 at 11:03am
See this is what happens when you have a govt subsidize something as vital as housing markets as well as economy businesses.

The federal reserve just lies to every and dumps a bunch of money, which came from no where with no legitimate backing, into both these markets.

We have banks approving "sub-prime" loans because it drives up their profit margin for the big boards of Wall St. at that point in time and then 6 months later they're going to the feds with their gruel bowl and in their best Oliver Twist impression asking "Please, sir, I'd like some more".  And the feds give it to them!

No gold standard, no Congressional oversight, no American people oversight, no rhyme or reason.  We are printing more and more worthless money.  So much so that the dollar is really only worth 1% of what it really is.  It's the best, worst kept secret in the world.

Gosh, China is just loving this too.  They know they can hang us by our toenails if we make too much of a hubub over them killing us with their horrible products.  "What's that America?  You don't like lead in your toys?  Ok...we're calling in these T-bills.  Ooo you can't pay em all off?  Well that's ok we'll take property and land instead....ya that's right...all of America.  Oh and you can keep Guam."  Try fitting 300 million people into Guam.  Then watch China close our boarders and then use us as low waged work force.

(Something needs to be done...and the only person talking about a solution is Ron Paul)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Sep 11th, 2007 at 2:37pm
I'm telling ya...Ars Technica has THE best news for RIAA stuffs.

With trial date looming, RIAA tries to avoid facing a jury

By Eric Bangeman | Published: September 10, 2007 - 07:52PM CT

The over 20,000 file-sharing lawsuits that have been filed over the past few years share a single distinction: not one of them has made it to trial. The RIAA is trying to keep Virgin Records, et al v. Jammie Thomas from a jury trial, filing a motion for summary adjudication on some specific aspects of the case.
Related Stories

   * Foundation on which RIAA builds cases in danger of being undermined
   * RIAA denies copyright misuse in the wake of antitrust, monopoly accusations
   * Judge deals another blow to RIAA's war against on-campus file-sharing
   * RIAA's final tab for Capitol v. Foster: $68,685.23
   * RIAA backtracks after embarrassing P2P defendant

What the RIAA is after is a ruling from the judge that some of the facts of the case are not in dispute. If that is the case, then there are no issues of material fact that exist to be decided, and therefore no need for a trial by jury. It's the same scenario in Novell v. SCO: all the material facts were decided by the judge last month, so there's nothing left for a jury to decide.

The RIAA is looking for the judge to rule favorably on three issues. First, it wants the judge to rule that the record labels own the copyrights to the songs allegedly shared by the defendant. Second, it wants the judge to agree that the copyright registrations are in order. Those two items may not appear to be that big of deal, but number three is a doozy.

The labels want the judge to rule that the defendant was not authorized to copy or distribute the songs flagged by SafeNet, the RIAA's investigator in this case. If the judge decides those three issues in the labels' favor, the plaintiffs believe that it "will significantly narrow" the outstanding issues and prevent the "unnecessary expense of litigating issues about which there is no dispute."

Thomas is fighting the motion, saying that the plaintiffs need to prove two things: that they are the true copyright owners and that there was an act of infringement. Thomas is confident that should the case go to trial, the verdict will go her way.
Who owns the copyright?

Thomas' attorneys also raise a number of issues about the copyright claims. As part of the original complaint, the record labels attached screenshots of the files the defendant was allegedly sharing and stipulated that they owned the copyright to those songs. But the documentation provided by the labels to support their claims of copyright ownership don't quite add up. Here are a few examples cited by the defendant:
Song      Copyright holder according to the RIAA      Copyright holder according to the certificate of registration
"Appetite for Destruction"      UMG Recordings      The David Geffen Company
"The Comfort Zone"      UMG Recordings      Polygram Records
"Control"      UMG Recordings      A&M Records, Inc.
"Frontiers"      Sony BMG      CBS, Inc.
"Let it Loose"      Sony BMG      CBS, Inc.
"Get a Grip"      UMG Recordings      Geffen Records
"Hysteria"      UMG Recordings      Mercury Records
"If You See Him"      UMG Recordings      MCA Records Nashville

Thomas argues that since she lacks the financial means to conduct a thorough examination of the ownership history (e.g., track the ownership of "Hysteria" from Mercury to UMG) for the songs she is accused of infringing the copyright to, her only opportunity to determine their true ownership is either via discovery or cross-examination at trial. With the documentation provided by the labels "questionable" and "nonconclusive," according to the defendant, her only option is to cross-examine the witnesses.

Her attorneys also note that the labels have not taken advantage of some of the deadlines in this case, including one for filing a partial summary judgment. The conclusion? "The issue involved is far too material to preclude cross examination by defendant, therefore plaintiffs’ motion should in all respects be denied."

Perhaps the biggest reason that the RIAA doesn't want this—or any other—case to go to trial is the possibility of losing. The RIAA has fought the exoneration efforts of every defendant tooth and nail, trying to simply walk away from the litigation by dismissing it without prejudice. A handful of defendants have managed to be exonerated, most notably Debbie Foster, Patricia Santangelo, and Tanya Andersen—who is now suing the RIAA for malicious prosecution.

A loss at trial would be even more catastrophic for the RIAA. It would give other defense attorneys a winning template while exposing the weaknesses of the RIAA's arguments. It would also prove costly from a financial standpoint, as the RIAA would have to foot the legal expenses for both itself and the defendant. Most of all, it would set an unwelcomed precedent: over 20,000 lawsuits filed and the RIAA loses the first one to go to a jury.
A subtle change in strategy

There is one more subtle shift in strategy on the part of the music industry. The RIAA appears to have dropped the "making available" argument in its most recent filings. It is absent from the RIAA's motion for default judgment in Interscope v. Rodriguez and, in Virgin v. Thomas, the labels are accusing the defendant of "distributing" music over KaZaA. If they can make the distribution charges stick, it will be problematic for the defendants. But given that the only cases of "distribution" ever witnessed occurred when only the RIAA's investigators were watching, it is by no means a slam dunk.

If the judge denies the RIAA's motion, there is a September 24 settlement conference scheduled. Should that fail to bear fruit—and there is no reason to think that it will—Virgin Records, et al v. Jammie Thomas is scheduled to go to trial on October 1.

That table should prove that RIAA doesn't have any real standing to sue anyone.  For that matter either does the record industries, usless they actually wrote the songs.

I always forget what it's called when you have a group in the same business who come into an agreement and form a single body to make financial gains through intimidation and legal threats?

Isn't it called an oligopoly and extortion?

(/shakes head yes)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Sep 11th, 2007 at 3:23pm
Now pats making up all these words and whatnot, he's go the crazies!

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Sep 19th, 2007 at 4:48pm

NORTH EAST, Md. -- A Maryland mother was arraigned on drug and child abuse charges after police said she threw her 6-month-old child across a room at a police officer.

According to court documents, the incident happened in late July at a home on Inverness Drive in Cecil County.

According to court documents, state troopers were called to a trailer on Inverness Drive to check on the well-being of Evelyn Doninger, 23, of North East, and her two small children.

Officers said that they smelled a strong odor of marijuana coming from inside the home, so they told Doninger they would be coming in. The court documents said that Doninger told police they had no right to enter her home.

Police said that they noticed a hand -rolled cigarette and a bag with what they believed was marijuana in it, as well as various drug paraphernalia. They also said they found two men inside the home and two children -- a 2-year-old and a 6-month-old.

Police said they told Doninger she was being arrested. The documents said she became "incredibly irate," stood up from a chair and threw the 6-month-old at least 5 feet at one of the troopers.

The child struck the trooper's chest and he caught the baby just before it hit the floor, according to court documents. Doninger then shoved the trooper, striking both him and the baby.

Neighbors who spoke with WBAL TV 11 News said that the allegations are shocking, but most turned away when 11 News asked them about it for fear of retaliation from drug dealers who the neighbors said have a strong presence in the area, according to 11 News reporter Lowell Melser.

A woman who neighbors said was Doninger's mother -- but would not identify herself to Melser -- said that there was some validity to the story, but would not give details.

Police said that the 6-month-old baby is doing fine.

Doninger has since been released from jail. She is facing eight different child abuse and drug charges.

A trial date has not been set.

Baby = weapon.  This woman is a freaking genius!

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Sep 20th, 2007 at 1:25pm

Grass found growing on baby's lung

CHINESE doctors operating on a 10-month old baby girl were stunned to find grass growing on her lung.

The girl, from Zhoukou, had baffled doctors when her breathing problems - initially believed to be pneumonia - didn't improve after treatment.

As a last resort, surgeons decided to perform open-chest surgey.

"We were surprised to find a 3cm piece of grass growing on the baby's right lung," chief surgeon Li Qun told the Dahe Daily newspaper.

Doctors believe the child inhaled the grass seed, but said they'd never seen anything like it before.

Bomb the haba!

...yes I know China and Japan are different countries, but they look so much alike I figure who would care.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Sep 20th, 2007 at 2:30pm
All Asians look the same anyways.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Sep 22nd, 2007 at 1:32am

spanky wrote on Sep 19th, 2007 at 4:48pm:
Baby = weapon.  This woman is a freaking genius!


(...has a picture somewhere.)

MotivLawfulGood.jpg (39 KB | )

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Sep 25th, 2007 at 11:00am
I don't have a news article for this yet, but the California legislature just passed a bill to require that all gun manufactures install "fingerprinting firing pins" in firearms.  It hasn't been signed by Schwarzenegger yet, but I'm sure it's just a matter of time.

What is the bill about:
-starting with 2009 all firearms sold in California will be required to be fitted with a firing pin that imprints the serial number of the gun on the ammo casing.

This is one of the stupidest gun laws I've ever heard of, and trust me, I've heard of quite a few.

  • Any criminal with an IQ over a 50, which there are more than a few of, is going to figure out how to take a file to the tip of the gun's firing pin to erase the microstamping grooves.  I can remove the firing pin from any of my firearms in less than 45 seconds, and I'm sure I could file the tip down in about five seconds.  Total time until the gun is ready to fire again?  Maybe four minutes, if I'm slow.

  • Any criminal with an IQ under 50 (which there are many) is just going to buy a revolver, not a pistol, to commit a crime.  Revolvers do not eject spent casings, instead keeping them inside the revolver cylinder.  No shells means no stamp.

  • If you have a criminal that is really smart (and there are plenty) he would go at any public shooting range and collect a few spent shells from the range floor.  He would then drop them at the crime scene after he's done. Imagine your surprise when the cops will knock on your door if one or more of the spent shells are yours.  I hope you have an alibi!

The honest citizen will just have the cost of production passed on to him.  California is simply trying to ban guns even further by making them prohibitively expensive.

Hopefully, more gun manufacturers will take a cue from Barret Firearms and tell California to get lost.  If California's citizens can't buy guns, neither can the government!


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Oct 2nd, 2007 at 3:26pm
More news that makes you say WTF.

Some of the most unlikely attendees of Sunday's kinky leather fetish festival were under four feet tall.

Two-year-olds Zola and Veronica Kruschel waddled through Folsom Street Fair amidst strangers in fishnets and leather crotch pouches, semi and fully nude men.

The twin girls who were also dressed for the event wore identical lace blouses, floral bonnets and black leather collars purchased from a pet store.

Fathers Gary Beuschel and John Kruse watched over them closely. They were proud to show the twins off.

"They will see more than the kids with moms and dads in Iowa," said Beuschel, who wanted to expose his children to San Francisco's diverse community. "Every parent has to decide for themselves what is right for them. And I respect that. And we decided that this is right for our children."

Beuschel and his girls were at the 22nd Folsom Street Fair, an annual leather event in San Francisco"s South of Market district, which showcased outrageous costumes, fetish attire, and a community obsessed with bondage, whipping, and spanking.

Every year unsuspecting tourists and families stroll into the Folsom Street Fair. Some turn away at the gates after being warned by security officials about the event's graphic sadomasochistic nature, while others saunter in with baby strollers and young children.

Event organizers said that parents are responsible in determining whether the fair was suitable for kids. However, some people said children should not be allowed inside.

"I don't think that a 6-year-old can understand that S&M is about trust," said Quincey Justman, a 28-year-old graduate student from the University of California San Francisco. �Showing a kid a bunch of adults hitting each other would be damaging.�

As for Dylan Middlebrooks, it was his sixth year at the leather fair. He is 10 years old.

"It's pretty nasty because a lot of people here are naked," said Middlebrooks, who was there with his mother.

Organizers said that they gave families ample warning.

"We do our best that these people know that this is an adult-natured event," said Darryl Flick, executive director of Folsom Street Events. �I�ve seen a thousand dotting aunts and uncles, and a kid having the time of his life.�

Security volunteer Adam Hawkins said it is up to the parents to decide what was best for their kids, and that he wouldn�t stop them at the gates.

Some fairgoers said that it was inappropriate to have children at the event.

"Why do (these people) bring kids here? This is a leather fair for god�s sake,� said Bahran Aliassa, who was masturbating in public. He has been doing it annually for the past six years.

Oakland resident Veronica Charles, 36, was with a baby stroller and said her son was too young to understand.

�I don�t think I�ll bring him here when he is 6,� Charles said.

Police officer Mark Lantrip said that families could choose not to come.

Father of two, John Kruse said it is an educational experience for children. He said there were conservative parents against having kids at the event.

"Those are the same close-minded people who think we shouldn�t have children to begin with," he said.

When the guy whacking off in public has sense enough to stop spanking the monkey and ask why in the hell you are bringing kids to such an event, well... that's about as close to a sign from God as you can get.

(...thinks the parents need some stick time.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Oct 4th, 2007 at 3:20am

Koreas seek formal end to Korean War

Now all S. Korea needs to do is ask us to leave, dig up all the land mines at the DMZ, and then we can finally start some good trading with a unified Korea!


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Oct 4th, 2007 at 8:34am
Wow, I definitely didn't see that one coming!  Considering the current political turmoil in that part of the world, I can't help but suspect there is an ulterior motive at play.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Oct 10th, 2007 at 11:42am

A sheriff's deputy who killed six young people at a house party in Crandon, Wisconsin, apparently died after shooting himself three times in the head with a .40-caliber pistol, the state attorney general said.

1 of 3  Initial reports that 20-year-old Tyler Peterson was killed by a police sniper's bullet were apparently incorrect, though it appears the sniper may have shot Peterson in the arm, Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen said.

Although the final forensic determination could take several weeks, the attorney general said that Peterson had his personal .40-caliber Glock when police found him. The three gunshots to the head came from a .40-caliber.

"The three gunshot wounds to the head included two nonfatal rounds with entry points below the chin, and one fatal shot that entered Peterson through the right side of the head," Van Hollen said.

"Each of the three head shots were fired while the gun was in contact with his skin, or extremely close to the skin," he said. "These three head wounds are consistent with self-inflicted wounds, and not consistent with long-range rifle fire."

Shooting yourself in the head once is the pansy emo way to go, three is the way men do it!

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Oct 10th, 2007 at 11:47am
Wow, his last few seconds must've sucked.

(...thinks that guy should have played Russian Roulette for a living.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Oct 10th, 2007 at 12:01pm

(...thinks they guy should have played Russian Roulette for a living.)

learn grammarz newb!

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Oct 10th, 2007 at 3:04pm
Sorry, I was distracted by the risqué pictures of your mom that I keep in my desk drawer.

(...thinks about posting them on the company intranet.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Oct 11th, 2007 at 2:09pm

PHOENIX - It sounds like science fiction but it's true: A killer amoeba living in lakes enters the body through the nose and attacks the brain where it feeds until you die.

Even though encounters with the microscopic bug are extraordinarily rare, it's killed six boys and young men this year. The spike in cases has health officials concerned, and they are predicting more cases in the future.

The amoeba destroys tissue as it makes its way up into the brain, where it continues the damage, "basically feeding on the brain cells," Beach said.

People who are infected tend to complain of a stiff neck, headaches and fevers. In the later stages, they'll show signs of brain damage such as hallucinations and behavioral changes, he said.


If you want to read the whole thing:

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Oct 11th, 2007 at 2:13pm
I read that article (or one on the same subject, anyway) last week.  You're slower than Star Jones on a treadmill.

(...thinks Spanky should rename himself Chimpy McFlightsuit the Retarded Flying Monkeyboy.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Oct 11th, 2007 at 3:30pm
You in no way posted this in any forum I care about therefore you cannot call firsties.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Oct 11th, 2007 at 7:02pm
Yeah, well, I did it anyway.  So there.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Oct 23rd, 2007 at 8:27am

Ecuador wants military base in Miami
Oct 23, 2007
Phil Stewart sp=true
NAPLES (Reuters) - Ecuador's leftist President Rafael Correa said Washington must let him open a military base in Miami if the United States wants to keep using an air base on Ecuador's Pacific coast.

Correa has refused to renew Washington's lease on the Manta air base, set to expire in 2009. U.S. officials say it is vital for counter-narcotics surveillance operations on Pacific drug-running routes.

"We'll renew the base on one condition: that they let us put a base in Miami -- an Ecuadorean base," Correa said in an interview during a trip to Italy.

"If there's no problem having foreign soldiers on a country's soil, surely they'll let us have an Ecuadorean base in the United States."

The U.S. embassy to Ecuador says on its Web site that anti-narcotics flights from Manta gathered information behind more than 60 percent of illegal drug seizures on the high seas of the Eastern Pacific last year.

It offers a fact-sheet on the base at:

Correa, a popular leftist economist, had promised to cut off his arm before extending the lease that ends in 2009 and has called U.S. President George W. Bush a "dimwit".

But Correa, an ally of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, told Reuters he believed relations with the United States were "excellent" despite the base closing.

He rejected the idea that the episode reflected on U.S. ties at all.

"This is the only North American military base in South America," he said.

"So, then the other South American countries don't have good relations with the United States because they don't have military bases? That doesn't make any sense."

Fine, screw 'em!  We'll get our forces out of that base, then destroy the base to make sure they can't use it.  Of course, we'll be taking all of our US dollars with us, including all of our foreign aid to Ecuador and our lease payments on the base.

I wonder how many Ecuadoreans we have put through the School of the Americas on our dime?

This shouldn't come as a big surprise.  The base is used for anti-narcotic operations, and everybody knows that the president of Ecuador is bought and paid for by the cocaine kingpins.

(...hopes the .gov gives Ecuador the finger on the way out.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Oct 23rd, 2007 at 11:50am

and everybody knows that the president of Ecuador is bought and paid for by the cocaine kingpins.

Along with every other country below Mexico and above S. America.  Which is ironic considering the kingpins report to the CIA and their handlers!


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Nov 1st, 2007 at 9:24am


BALTIMORE (AP) - A grieving father won a $2.9 million verdict Wednesday against a fundamentalist Kansas church that pickets military funerals out of a belief that the war in Iraq is a punishment for the nation's tolerance of homosexuality.

Albert Snyder of York, Pa., sued the Westboro Baptist Church for unspecified damages after members staged a demonstration at the March 2006 funeral of his son, Lance Cpl. Matthew Snyder, who was killed in Iraq.

Church members routinely picket funerals of military personnel killed in Iraq and Afghanistan, carrying signs such as "Thank God for dead soldiers" and "God hates fags."

A number of states have passed laws regarding funeral protests, and Congress has passed a law prohibiting such protests at federal cemeteries. But the Maryland lawsuit is believed to be the first filed by the family of a fallen serviceman.

I'm really not sure what to think of this.  On the one hand, I have absolutely no problem with the idea of "Westboro Baptist Church" burning to the ground along with all of its parishioners.  On the other hand, the judgment in the article seems to run head-on with the first amendment.

( torn.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Nov 1st, 2007 at 9:57am
I'm in complete agreement with you there, bob.  Yes, these people are morons and they get waaaaay too much ink but are they that different from neo-Nazi groups and/or the KKK?  Yet, we afford these two groups of people enough 1st Amendment rights as anyone.  If I were them...after castrating myself with a red hot poker that is...I would appeal the decision on an 8th Amendment violation of cruel and unusual punishment.  That number is a bit high don't you think for a simple violation of a misdemeanor?  I know this was a civil case but I would go after jury nullification here.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Nov 1st, 2007 at 12:42pm
I think they need to go to iraq and protest there...

I am all for just calling everyone back and stringing up bush, hell he doesn't have much time left anyway, but what these people are doing is downright wrong.  I would not hold it against any parent of a persons funeral they protested if they locked them all in their so called church and burned it to the ground.

Tell them it is God punishing them for being assholes.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Nov 1st, 2007 at 12:51pm

spanky wrote on Nov 1st, 2007 at 12:42pm:
Tell them it is God punishing them for being assholes.

Now that will be interesting...

(...brings the barbeque sauce.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Nov 5th, 2007 at 4:47pm

Beyond Those Health Care Numbers
Published: November 4, 2007

WITH the health care system at the center of the political debate, a lot of scary claims are being thrown around. The dangerous ones are not those that are false; watchdogs in the news media are quick to debunk them. Rather, the dangerous ones are those that are true but don’t mean what people think they mean.

Here are three of the true but misleading statements about health care that politicians and pundits love to use to frighten the public:

STATEMENT 1 The United States has lower life expectancy and higher infant mortality than Canada, which has national health insurance.

The differences between the neighbors are indeed significant. Life expectancy at birth is 2.6 years greater for Canadian men than for American men, and 2.3 years greater for Canadian women than American women. Infant mortality in the United States is 6.8 per 1,000 live births, versus 5.3 in Canada.

These facts are often taken as evidence for the inadequacy of the American health system. But a recent study by June and Dave O’Neill, economists at Baruch College, from which these numbers come, shows that the difference in health outcomes has more to do with broader social forces.

For example, Americans are more likely than Canadians to die by accident or by homicide. For men in their 20s, mortality rates are more than 50 percent higher in the United States than in Canada, but the O’Neills show that accidents and homicides account for most of that gap. Maybe these differences have lessons for traffic laws and gun control, but they teach us nothing about our system of health care.

Americans are also more likely to be obese, leading to heart disease and other medical problems. Among Americans, 31 percent of men and 33 percent of women have a body mass index of at least 30, a definition of obesity, versus 17 percent of men and 19 percent of women in Canada. Japan, which has the longest life expectancy among major nations, has obesity rates of about 3 percent.

The causes of American obesity are not fully understood, but they involve lifestyle choices we make every day, as well as our system of food delivery. Research by the Harvard economists David Cutler, Ed Glaeser and Jesse Shapiro concludes that America’s growing obesity problem is largely attributable to our economy’s ability to supply high-calorie foods cheaply. Lower prices increase food consumption, sometimes beyond the point of optimal health.

Infant mortality rates also reflect broader social trends, including the prevalence of infants with low birth weight. The health system in the United States gives low birth-weight babies slightly better survival chances than does Canada’s, but the more pronounced difference is the frequency of these cases. In the United States, 7.5 percent of babies are born weighing less than 2,500 grams (about 5.5 pounds), compared with 5.7 percent in Canada. In both nations, these infants have more than 10 times the mortality rate of larger babies. Low birth weights are in turn correlated with teenage motherhood. (One theory is that a teenage mother is still growing and thus competing with the fetus for nutrients.) The rate of teenage motherhood, according to the O’Neill study, is almost three times higher in the United States than it is in Canada.

Whatever its merits, a Canadian-style system of national health insurance is unlikely to change the sexual mores of American youth

The bottom line is that many statistics on health outcomes say little about our system of health care.

STATEMENT 2 Some 47 million Americans do not have health insurance.

This number from the Census Bureau is often cited as evidence that the health system is failing for many American families. Yet by masking tremendous heterogeneity in personal circumstances, the figure exaggerates the magnitude of the problem.

To start with, the 47 million includes about 10 million residents who are not American citizens. Many are illegal immigrants. Even if we had national health insurance, they would probably not be covered.

The number also fails to take full account of Medicaid, the government’s health program for the poor. For instance, it counts millions of the poor who are eligible for Medicaid but have not yet applied. These individuals, who are healthier, on average, than those who are enrolled, could always apply if they ever needed significant medical care. They are uninsured in name only.

The 47 million also includes many who could buy insurance but haven’t. The Census Bureau reports that 18 million of the uninsured have annual household income of more than $50,000, which puts them in the top half of the income distribution. About a quarter of the uninsured have been offered employer-provided insurance but declined coverage.

Of course, millions of Americans have trouble getting health insurance. But they number far less than 47 million, and they make up only a few percent of the population of 300 million.

Any reform should carefully focus on this group to avoid disrupting the vast majority for whom the system is working. We do not nationalize an industry simply because a small percentage of the work force is unemployed. Similarly, we should be wary of sweeping reforms of our health system if they are motivated by the fact that a small percentage of the population is uninsured.

STATEMENT 3 Health costs are eating up an ever increasing share of American incomes.

In 1950, about 5 percent of United States national income was spent on health care, including both private and public health spending. Today the share is about 16 percent. Many pundits regard the increasing cost as evidence that the system is too expensive.

But increasing expenditures could just as well be a symptom of success. The reason that we spend more than our grandparents did is not waste, fraud and abuse, but advances in medical technology and growth in incomes. Science has consistently found new ways to extend and improve our lives. Wonderful as they are, they do not come cheap.

Fortunately, our incomes are growing, and it makes sense to spend this growing prosperity on better health. The rationality of this phenomenon is stressed in a recent article by the economists Charles I. Jones of the University of California, Berkeley, and Robert E. Hall of Stanford. They ask, “As we grow older and richer, which is more valuable: a third car, yet another television, more clothing — or an extra year of life?”

Mr. Hall and Mr. Jones forecast that the share of income devoted to health care will top 30 percent by 2050. But in their model, this is not a problem: It is the modern form of progress.

Even if the rise in health care spending turns out to be less than they forecast, it is important to get reform right. Our health care system is not perfect, but it has been a major source of advances in our standard of living, and it will be a large share of the economy we bequeath to our children.

As we look at reform plans, we should be careful not to be fooled by statistics into thinking that the problems we face are worse than they really are.

Considering how much people are complaining about "the sad state of health care" these days, I think this article is particularly poignant.  I'd like to see super-socialist Hillary Clinton comment on this article.  I bet it'd really take the wind out of her sails!

(...but, but, but it's for children!)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Nov 7th, 2007 at 1:30pm


Would-be purse snatcher gets surprise from victim's husband
Suspect ends up asking police for help
By Andy Cerota

(11/02/07 - KTRK/HOUSTON) - A suspected purse snatcher didn't know what he was in for when he picked a woman in a Home Depot parking lot for a victim. As soon as he grabbed her purse, the woman's husband grabbed a shotgun and opened fire.

It happened at the Home Depot on the Eastex Freeway near Little York. With as much activity during business hours there, you never know who may be waiting in the wings, night or day, ready to strike.

"I was just standing here and the guy just came up and pushed me real hard with a force, like it was a car that hit me. And he was just yanking my purse and my arm got twisted up in my purse and he just was just yanking it," said victim Sandra Hulsey.

Sandra may have looked like an easy target standing there as her husband, Norman, loaded wood into the couple's pickup truck. It turned out the suspect who shoved Sandra and tried to steal her purse didn't know who he was messing with.

"I had a board in my hand right here and I thought he was going to beg for what I thought," said Norman. "He grabbed her and I already had that door open so I just grabbed my shotgun."

He fired a shot.

"The sound of the shotgun and that dude burning off -- it was funny," said eyewitness Freddy Butler.

Butler chased after the accused purse snatcher. who took off running and ended up asking a police officer for help.

"He displays a weapon and it scares the suspect," said a deputy on the scene. "The suspect runs up the police car and saying, 'Let me in. They are shooting at me'."

Police took the suspect into custody.

"The guy just didn't have any business doing what he was doing," said Sandra. "It's shaken me up but I'm OK."

The suspect was not injured. The Houston Police Department turned over the suspect to the Harris County Sheriff's Office. Deputies say they patrol this area pretty heavily and despite what happened out there Thursday, they have not had many problems in the area.

I bet he said, "This is my BOOOOOOOM stick!"

(...hell yeah!)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Nov 7th, 2007 at 4:01pm

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on Nov 7th, 2007 at 4:02pm

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Nov 7th, 2007 at 4:09pm
I don't agree with it...but I love the irony.

Court rejects 'Roe v. Wade for Men'

   * Story Highlights
   * Federal appeals court rejects case over child support
   * Man sues, saying ex-girlfriend said she was unable to get pregnant
   * Court called case frivolous
   * Next Article in Living »

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LANSING, Michigan (AP) -- A federal appeals court has upheld the dismissal of a lawsuit nicknamed "Roe v. Wade for Men" filed by a men's rights group on behalf of a man who said he shouldn't have to pay child support for his ex-girlfriend's daughter.

A three-judge panel of the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, in a decision released Tuesday, agreed with a lower court judge that Matthew Dubay's suit was frivolous.

Dubay, 25, had said ex-girlfriend Lauren Wells knew he didn't want to have a child and assured him repeatedly she couldn't get pregnant because of a medical condition.

He argued that if a pregnant woman can choose among abortion, adoption or raising a child, a man involved in an unintended pregnancy should have the choice of declining the financial responsibilities of fatherhood.

U.S. District Judge David Lawson in Bay City disagreed, rejecting Dubay's argument that Michigan's paternity law violates the U.S. Constitution's equal protection clause because it didn't extend reproductive rights to men.

The suit was prepared for Dubay by the National Center for Men in Old Bethpage, New York., which dubbed it "Roe v. Wade for Men." The nickname drew objections from women's rights organizations.

State courts have ruled in the past that any inequity experienced by men like Dubay is outweighed by society's interest in ensuring that children get financial support from two parents.

Dubay sued the Saginaw County prosecutor and Wells in March, contesting an order to pay $500 a month in child support for a girl born to Wells in 2005. Michigan Attorney General Mike Cox intervened in the case and argued for its dismissal. E-mail to a friend E-mail to a friend


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Nov 7th, 2007 at 4:12pm
That's retarded.

(...wonders what happened to gender equality?)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Nov 9th, 2007 at 12:52pm

To Sybil,

Lamentably, I killed your cat while trying just to sting it. It was crouched, as usual, under one of our bird feeders & I fired from some distance with bird shot. It may ease your grief somewhat to know that the cat was buried properly with a prayer & that I’ll be glad to get you another of your choice.

I called & came by your house several times. We will be in the Dominican Republic until Thursday. I’ll see you then.

Love, Jimmy

Jimmy Carter is the biggest douche on the planet, but that's pretty darned funny.

(...would've used 00 buck, not birdshot.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Nov 10th, 2007 at 3:19pm

Being 25 pounds overweight doesn't appear to raise your risk of dying from cancer or heart disease, says a new government study that seems to vindicate Grandma's claim that a few extra pounds won't kill you.

Released just a few weeks before Thanksgiving, the findings might comfort some who can't seem to lose those last 15 pounds. And they hearten proponents of a theory that it's possible to be "fit and fat."

The news isn't all good: Overweight people do have a higher chance of dying from diabetes and kidney disease...

..."Excess weight does not uniformly increase the risk of mortality from any and every cause, but only from certain causes," said the study's lead author Katherine Flegal, of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention...

... But being merely overweight — having a BMI between 25 and 30 — did not increase the risk of dying from heart disease or any kind of cancer.

Also surprising was that overweight people were up to about 40 percent less likely than normal-weight people to die from several other causes including emphysema, pneumonia, injuries and various infections. The age group that seemed to benefit most from a little extra padding were people aged 25 to 59; older overweight people had reduced risks for these diseases, too...


Saw this on another forum and wanted say suck it you skinny bastards!

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Nov 10th, 2007 at 7:44pm
I think you've just made Wes's day week life.

( going to eat a box of twinkies to celebrate!)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Nov 12th, 2007 at 9:51am

SEATTLE, Washington (AP) -- Coming soon next to the Coke and Pepsi in a store near you: ham-and latke-flavored soda to make your holiday feast complete.

Jones Soda's Christmas Pack flavors are Sugar Plum, Egg Nog, Christmas Tree and Christmas Ham.

It even will be kosher, the company making it says -- including the ham.

Jones Soda Co., the Seattle-based purveyor of offbeat fizzy water, is selling holiday-themed limited-edition packs of flavored sodas.

The Christmas pack will feature such flavors as Sugar Plum, Christmas Tree, Egg Nog and Christmas Ham. The Hanukkah pack will have Jelly Doughnut, Apple Sauce, Chocolate Coins and Latkes sodas.

"As always, both packs are kosher and contain zero caffeine," Jones said in a statement.

The packs will go on sale Sunday, with a portion of the proceeds to be given to charity, the company said.

Jones' products feature original label art and frequently odd flavors. Last year's seasonal pack was Thanksgiving-themed, with Green Pea, Sweet Potato, Dinner Roll, Turkey and Gravy, and Antacid sodas.

For its contract to supply soda to Qwest Field, home of the Seattle Seahawks, Jones came up with Perspiration, Dirt, Sports Cream and Natural Field Turf. The company -- fortunately or unfortunately -- prides itself on the accuracy of the taste.

Jones also makes more traditional flavors, including root beer, cherry and strawberry sodas.

Now I would have prefered a bacon flavored soda, but I guess I will just have to wash down dinner with a tall glass of christmas tree soda.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Nov 12th, 2007 at 10:29am
I've had a sip of the turkey and mashed potato flavored Jones, and they're easily the nastiest things I've ever consumed.

Kudos to Jones for being original, though!

(...wishes they'd bring back Happy flavor.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Nov 12th, 2007 at 12:31pm
What can the $611 billion we're spending on the war buy you in other areas?  A nice slide show showing just that...I don't agree with all of them being useful...but least they're finally starting to try and be reporters:


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Nov 12th, 2007 at 12:40pm
Those are some interesting numbers.  Personally,  I think the money would best be spent by... get this... not spending it at all!

(...thinks 30% of his paycheck for taxes is a bit much.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Nov 12th, 2007 at 12:45pm
And don't forget...after that 30% you have to pay more for the dirty, free money you keep with income tax!


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Nov 12th, 2007 at 2:01pm
It's ridiculous.  I've got to pay income tax on the money I make, in addition to Social Security (that I'll never see) and Medicare (that I'll never qualify for).  With the money I have left over, I have to pay sales tax on the stuff I buy (and, now, the services I receive), with additional taxes on my telephone and Internet lines, gasoline, highway tolls, et cetera, ad infinitum, ad nauseum.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on Nov 12th, 2007 at 2:25pm
Yea its bloody insane. The founding fathers are spinning in their graves at 5000 rpm right now.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Nov 12th, 2007 at 2:29pm
We should hook them up to some magnets and use them to generate electricity.

Of course, there are at least two or three different taxes on every electric bill I receive, so that's probably a bad idea.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Nov 12th, 2007 at 8:31pm
Use that money to feed the poor?

Get a damn job you slackers!

...even briney got one!  (ouch, it's a deep burn)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Nov 13th, 2007 at 8:37am

spanky wrote on Nov 12th, 2007 at 8:31pm:
Get a damn job you slackers!

...even briney got one!

Ouch!  That was such a hot burn, Joan of Arc is checking her angelic feet for blisters, and she doesn't even know why!

LOLMontyPython.jpg (27 KB | )

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Nov 13th, 2007 at 1:00pm

Killer wants sex in prison
MARMION pub killer Jamie Bain is said to be preparing a legal challenge to be allowed to have sex in prison while serving his 22-year life sentence.

The 23-year-old wants to have conjugal visits from his fiancée Dionne Hendry - which would make him the first prisoner allowed to have sex behind bars in Scotland. Bain was given a life sentence and ordered to serve a minimum of 22 years in January after blasting ex-boxing champ Alex McKinnon in the Marmion pub in Gracemount.

Bain launched the shotgun attack because he feared retribution after beating up Miss Hendry, with whom he has two children. Her brother James was also wounded in the shooting, but survived.

So he should be allowed to have sex with the woman he beat and then shot a guy for maybe retaliating for the beating of the woman..../headspin

And another thing, I have heard rumors of sex in prison, don't go complaining if it isn't the sex you were thinking about.

Don't do the crime if ya don't want it in the....

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Nov 13th, 2007 at 1:09pm

...while serving his 22-year life sentence.

What the heck is a 22-year life sentence?  That sounds like an oxymoron to me!  It's either life or it isn't!

The only way a 22-year life sentence makes sense is if they kill him at the end of his 22-year term.

(...thinks Jamie's fiancée must be a real winner.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Nov 13th, 2007 at 7:33pm
Well it's actually stated "22 years TO life" so he must serve a minimum of 22 years before being considered for parole.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Nov 14th, 2007 at 8:49am

X wrote on Nov 13th, 2007 at 7:33pm:
Well it's actually stated "22 years TO life"

But that's not what the article says.  It states "22-year life sentence," not "22 years TO life" as you've indicated.

( there.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Nov 14th, 2007 at 9:15am
It's just another way of saying it though.  Like saying RBI instead of Runs Batted In.  It's just shortened. a typo there.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Nov 14th, 2007 at 9:30am
What typo?  8-)

RBI is an acronym.  "22-year life sentence" is retarded.  There's no comparison!

(...didn't see any typo.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Nov 15th, 2007 at 9:04am

SYDNEY (AFP) - Santas in Australia's largest city have been told not to use Father Christmas's traditional "ho ho ho" greeting because it may be offensive to women, it was reported Thursday.

Sydney's Santa Clauses have instead been instructed to say "ha ha ha" instead, the Daily Telegraph reported.

One disgruntled Santa told the newspaper a recruitment firm warned him not to use "ho ho ho" because it could frighten children and was too close to "ho", a US slang term for prostitute.

"Gimme a break," said Julie Gale, who runs the campaign against sexualising children called Kids Free 2B Kids.

"We are talking about little kids who do not understand that "ho, ho, ho" has any other connotation and nor should they," she told the Telegraph.

"Leave Santa alone."

A local spokesman for the US-based Westaff recruitment firm said it was "misleading" to say the company had banned Santa's traditional greeting and it was being left up to the discretion of the individual Santa himself.

haha, Bobs a ho ho ho!

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Nov 15th, 2007 at 9:26am
Yeah, and you're a ho ho mo.

( there!)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Nov 16th, 2007 at 10:23am

LAKEPORT, Calif. - Three young black men break into a white man's home in rural Northern California. The homeowner shoots two of them to death — but it's the surviving black man who is charged with murder.

In a case that has brought cries of racism from civil rights groups, Renato Hughes Jr., 22, was charged by prosecutors in this overwhelmingly white county under a rarely invoked legal doctrine that could make him responsible for the bloodshed.

"It was pandemonium" inside the house that night, District Attorney Jon Hopkins said. Hughes was responsible for "setting the whole thing in motion by his actions and the actions of his accomplices."

Prosecutors said homeowner Shannon Edmonds opened fire Dec. 7 after three young men rampaged through the Clearlake house demanding marijuana and brutally beat his stepson. Rashad Williams, 21, and Christian Foster, 22, were shot in the back. Hughes fled.

Hughes was charged with first-degree murder under California's Provocative Act doctrine, versions of which have been on the books in many states for generations but are rarely used.

The Provocative Act doctrine does not require prosecutors to prove the accused intended to kill. Instead, "they have to show that it was reasonably foreseeable that the criminal enterprise could trigger a fatal response from the homeowner," said Brian Getz, a San Francisco defense attorney unconnected to the case.

The NAACP complained that prosecutors came down too hard on Hughes, who also faces robbery, burglary and assault charges. Prosecutors are not seeking the death penalty.

The Rev. Amos Brown, head of the San Francisco chapter of the NAACP and pastor at Hughes' church, said the case demonstrates the legal system is racist in remote Lake County, aspiring wine country 100 miles north of San Francisco. The sparsely populated county of 13,000 people is 91 percent white and 2 percent black.

Brown and other NAACP officials are asking why the homeowner is walking free. Tests showed Edmonds had marijuana and prescription medication in his system the night of the shooting. Edmonds had a prescription for both the pot and the medication to treat depression.

"This man had no business killing these boys," Brown said. "They were shot in the back. They had fled."

On Thursday, a judge granted a defense motion for a change of venue. The defense had argued that he would not be able to get a fair trial because of extensive local media coverage and the unlikelihood that Hughes could get a jury of his peers in the county. A new location for the trial will be selected Dec. 14.

The district attorney said that race played no part in the charges against Hughes and that the homeowner was spared prosecution because of evidence he was defending himself and his family, who were asleep when the assailants barged in at 4 a.m.

Edmonds' stepson, Dale Lafferty, suffered brain damage from the baseball bat beating he took during the melee. The 19-year-old lives in a rehabilitation center and can no longer feed himself.

"I didn't do anything wrong. All I did was defend my family and my children's lives," said Edmonds, 33. "I'm sad the kids are dead, I didn't mean to kill them."

He added: "Race has nothing to do with it other than this was a gang of black people who thought they were going to beat up this white family."

California's Provocative Act doctrine has primarily been used to charge people whose actions led to shooting deaths.

However, in one notable case in Southern California in 1999, a man who robbed a family at gunpoint in their home was convicted of murder because a police officer pursuing him in a car chase slammed into another driver in an intersection, killing her.

Hughes' mother, San Francisco schoolteacher Judy Hughes, said she believes the group didn't intend to rob the family, just buy marijuana. She called the case against her son a "legal lynching."

"Only God knows what happened in that house," she said. "But this I know: My son did not murder his childhood friends."

Parts bolded for justice.

OK, first of all, of course the guy who shot the three guys beating his son (yes I know it is step-son, but oh well) with a freaking baseball bat is racist.  I mean if the white guy started beating one of the black guys with a bat the other two would have walked up and said "I say sir, may I inquire as to why you feel that my friend needs to die?"  

Next, why wasn't he charged with drug possession?  It is called a prescription, he had one, if you don't know that means he is legally allowed to keep those drugs for his personal use.

I do feel that he shouldn't be given the death penalty for "murdering" his friends.  But, that would not be an issue for me because if this happened to me I would have chased him down and make sure he didn't get away.

Now a good question for the debate thread.  If you saw this, would you: ask what they are doing or would you open fire?

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Nov 16th, 2007 at 10:50am
This would actually be a perfect scenario.  My bedside pistol has a mag locked and loaded, and two mags sitting right next to it.  That's twelve rounds of .40S&W Federal HydraShok JHP for each bad guy.

I'm not sure about the frequency with which the "Provocative Acts" law is applied, but there are similar laws in many states (including Michigan) that are used all the time.  In Michigan, if you are committing a felony with an accomplice and that accomplice dies in the act, you can (and probably will) be charged with murder.  It's a form of murder by proxy.

I think the guy was completely justified in shooting all three of those bastards the moment they broke into his home.  The fact that they nearly killed his stepson by assault with a deadly weapon is only icing on the justification cake.

(...thinks the shooter should walk.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Nov 16th, 2007 at 11:20am

A strange blue cloud seen floating and darting around customers, freezing for 30 minutes and then speeding from an Ohio gas station, remains unexplained even though it was caught on security cams.

The ghostly image was seen moving near and over cars at a Marathon gas station located near the corner of State Road and Pleasant Valley in Parma on Sunday.

Surveillance video of the image showed it flipping and then sitting in the same location for 30 minutes.

It then flies off the screen at a high rate of speed.

"It gives me the chills," a witness said.

Security video then shows it coming back and resting on a car window before floating away.

Several people said they believe the image is a ghost or an angel.

"It was an angel," a witness said. "There was an angel here."

The owner of the gas station said he was happy the image went away and has not come back.

"I actually watched it for 30 minutes and then actually I watched it move and that is when I got freaked out," said owner Amed Abudaaria.

Groups of people have traveled to the gas station after word spread of the unexplained event.

Edit:  Doh!  link:

Light from jupiter reflected off a pocket of swamp gas which is what caused the image.

Nothing else to see here, move along.

It is a ghost!  or a bug on the lens...

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Nov 16th, 2007 at 11:31am
Five bucks says it was the same ghost from the Al Capone hunt.

(...runs away.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Nov 16th, 2007 at 4:55pm


Pedophile allowed to work in kindergarten

Thu Nov 15, 10:10 AM ET

A convicted pedophile sentenced to do community service in a German kindergarten will return to court next week to face charges of abusing two children there, a regional prosecutor's office said Thursday.

The man was allowed to work as a janitor at the Evangelical Kindergarten St Petri in Melle, near the northern city of Osnabrueck, because a court worker missed three prior pedophilia convictions on his record, said Alexander Retemeyer, spokesman for the Osnabrueck prosecutor's office.

The man, identified only as A.B., had been sentenced to 720 hours of community service earlier this year for working on the sly while collecting welfare payments.

"The colleague didn't pay attention and didn't see he had a sexual conviction, so she allowed him to serve in a kindergarten," Retemeyer said. "She didn't read the file."

The prior convictions date from 1988-1990, when the man was living in the former East Germany, Retemeyer said. Though the convictions are listed in the man's criminal record, the details are unclear because prosecutors cannot access his East German police file.

Police arrested the man in April after the head of the kindergarten reported he had fondled himself in front of two children.

That's some hardcore epic FAIL right there!

(...recommend just shooting the sick pervert.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Nov 16th, 2007 at 4:57pm
For once...I say...don't shoot the sicko...shoot the morons who thought it'd be a good idea to do his time in a Kindergarden...that's like saying Wes' mom should go on the Krispy Kreme diet to loose weight.  No good can come from it.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Nov 16th, 2007 at 5:00pm

X wrote on Nov 16th, 2007 at 4:57pm:
that's like saying Wes' mom should go on the Krispy Kreme diet to loose weight.  No good can come from it.

...unless you hold stock in Krispy Kreme.

(...should buy some.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Nov 19th, 2007 at 6:55am

Ron’s the Bomb, the Others Are Just Duds.

Posted by thinkrink on November 18, 2007

It’s been two weeks since the historic “Money Bomb” on November 5th enthroned Ron Paul as the undisputed King of Online Fund-raising. His $4.3 million haul eclipsed all previous single day online efforts by more than a cool million. The event also earned Dr. Paul much deserved, and long overdue, positive mainstream media coverage. Of course, it was accompanied by the predictable slew of smear articles as well. Some poked fun at Ron Paul’s November 5th total because it fell so short of the ambitious $10 million goal. Others inferred that the 37,000+ donors simply represented all the Ron Paul supporters in America giving a hundred-or-so dollars. After all, even internet geeks living on Hot Pockets in their mom’s basement can scrape together a hundred bucks. Therefore, the success must have been a one-time fluke and a novel publicity stunt, nothing more. Or was it?

To set aside any doubts, another bomb is set to go off on December 16th, in remembrance of the Boston Tea Party. Currently, there are as many people signed up to donate for it at as were signed up on November 5th, and there’s still a whole month to go. I’ll go out on a limb and predict that his November 5th record will soon be eclipsed.

They say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, so it was only a matter of time before someone else decided to try and outdo him. The thought process goes like this: “If a second-tier kook like Ron Paul can raise $4.3 million in 24 hours, just imagine what we can do! The American people love us. Just ask Zogby and Rasmussen.” So far, four other candidates have “money bombs” set to explode before the end of 2007. Or perhaps, blow up in their faces. Let’s take a look.

Obama’s money bomb went off last Friday, November 16th. Perhaps you missed it? Don’t feel bad. Apparently his grassroots supporters missed it too. With a goal of $5 million in 24 hours, they raised just $4,650.

Mike Huckabee is shooting for 10,000 pledges to give a hundred dollars each on November 20th. Since Huckabee is “the one candidate who can truly better our children’s future,” the website is As of the 17th, there are 176 people pledging to give a total of $31,951.

Then, on November 21st, we have “Fredsgiving Day.” According to one blog, since they’ve “now seen what the Paul Bots have been able to accomplish for a candidate who lacks the considerable support that our man Fred now has” they should easily be able to “one-up the Paul campaign.” So, while many of us are busy gorging ourselves on turkey and stuffing, Fred Thompson supporters will be donating a c-note each in hopes that the campaign will be “flush with lots of cash” at the end of the day. As of this writing, a whopping sixty-six “Fred Heads” have pledged their support.

Mitt Romney’s day is December 7th. With no specific total dollar goal, donors are encouraged to give a minimum of thirty dollars to the effort. Why thirty bucks? That’s ten dollars for each leg of the “Regan and Romney’s Three-Legged Republican Stool.” So far, the official website has signed up 115 people. They claim another 900 or so have signed up on Facebook, Myspace, and Shoutlife combined. Even with 1,000 people signed up so far, it’s safe to say that Mitt is on track to make himself another seven-figure loan at the end of the quarter.

Of the four, Obama’s results are the most surprising. He seems to have considerable support on both the grassroots and college campus level, with a large percentage that would qualify as “web-savvy.” Perhaps his fizzled “bomb” testifies that the depth of his support is far smaller than the breadth? By contrast, Ron Paul’s base of support is undeniably deep, but what remains to be seen is just how wide it is.

I predict that come December 16th, Ron Paul will prove that he is “the Bomb,” and that the others are simply duds. So far no other candidate has inspired the passion evident in the Ron Paul rEVOLution. No other candidate has motivated an army of grassroots activists. No other candidate has produced as many votes in the online polls. No other candidate has achieved as many victories in straw polls. And no other candidate has received an exponential increase in donations from individual voters. Perhaps it’s time to stop asking if Ron Paul’s online support is going to materialize into primary votes, and begin questioning the support of the other candidates.

Will they be able to translate their phone support from traditional polls into, well…anything other than phone support in traditional polls?

This is hilarious.  I love how much Obama tried to raise.  Also, they had to organize it whereas Paul's movement stemmed from a supporter with no ties to Ron Paul at all.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Nov 27th, 2007 at 1:48pm

The earliest episodes of “Sesame Street” are available on digital video! Break out some Keebler products, fire up the DVD player and prepare for the exquisite pleasure-pain of top-shelf nostalgia.

Just don’t bring the children. According to an earnest warning on Volumes 1 and 2, “Sesame Street: Old School” is adults-only: “These early ‘Sesame Street’ episodes are intended for grown-ups, and may not suit the needs of today’s preschool child.”
Nothing in the children’s entertainment of today, candy-colored animation hopped up on computer tricks, can prepare young or old for this frightening glimpse of simpler times. Back then — as on the very first episode, which aired on PBS Nov. 10, 1969 — a pretty, lonely girl like Sally might find herself befriended by an older male stranger who held her hand and took her home. Granted, Gordon just wanted Sally to meet his wife and have some milk and cookies, but . . . well, he could have wanted anything. As it was, he fed her milk and cookies. The milk looks dangerously whole.
The old “Sesame Street” is not for the faint of heart, and certainly not for softies born since 1998, when the chipper “Elmo’s World” started. Anyone who considers bull markets normal, extracurricular activities sacrosanct and New York a tidy, governable place — well, the original “Sesame Street” might hurt your feelings.

I asked Carol-Lynn Parente, the executive producer of “Sesame Street,” how exactly the first episodes were unsuitable for toddlers in 2007. She told me about Alistair Cookie and the parody “Monsterpiece Theater.” Alistair Cookie, played by Cookie Monster, used to appear with a pipe, which he later gobbled. According to Parente, “That modeled the wrong behavior” — smoking, eating pipes — “so we reshot those scenes without the pipe, and then we dropped the parody altogether.”

Which brought Parente to a feature of “Sesame Street” that had not been reconstructed: the chronically mood-disordered Oscar the Grouch. On the first episode, Oscar seems irredeemably miserable — hypersensitive, sarcastic, misanthropic. (Bert, too, is described as grouchy; none of the characters, in fact, is especially sunshiney except maybe Ernie, who also seems slow.) “We might not be able to create a character like Oscar now,” she said.

It is best that children never see anything bad or a person that "appears angry".  It helps prepare them for the real world better.

If only little sally knew what a homicidal madman looked like she might still be alive today...

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Nov 27th, 2007 at 4:30pm
In their defense, Sally was kinda being a jerk.  She had it coming.

( there.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Nov 28th, 2007 at 3:01pm

SAN JUAN, PUERTO RICO -- A bill has been introduced to the U.S. Congress that could make Puerto Rico the 51st state.

For almost 50 years, the U.S. has been made up of 50 states. In 1959, Hawaii was the last state added to the Union, but that could change.

Puerto Rico has been a territory of the United States for more than a century, and some people think it's time for the commonwealth to become a state. The topic has sparked a heated debate.

There was more with reasons and such, but this is all I cared to read/post.

I feel we should nuke it from orbit, it's the only way to be sure...

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Nov 28th, 2007 at 3:20pm
Why would PR want to get in bed with us...why not just give us your two silent members who hold no power and be happy that we don't send MORE Spring Breakers over.  Now got back to your island AND MAKE ME A CHIMMECHANGA!!!


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Nov 28th, 2007 at 4:58pm

November 28, 2007 (Computerworld) -- Police in Cheongwon, South Korea, said a worker died Wednesday possibly because a cell phone battery exploded in his pocket, according to a report from the Associated Press.

The report quotes an unnamed police official as saying, "We presume that the cell phone battery exploded," but the official spoke on the condition of anonymity because the investigation is ongoing.

The man was identified only as Suh, and was found dead at his workplace in a quarry Wednesday morning with a melted cell phone battery in his shirt pocket, according to the report.

The AP quoted the Yonhap news agency as saying Suh's body was examined by Kim Hoon, a doctor, who said that Suh suffered a burn in the left chest area and had a broken spine and ribs. "It is presumed that pressure caused by the explosion damaged his heart and lungs, leading to his death," the report quotes Hoon as saying.

South Korea's LG Electronics Inc. reportedly made the phone involved in the death, although the report quoted an LG official who said that a fatal explosion from the phone or its battery would be virtually impossible.

An LG spokeswoman said the company is investigating the report and would only confirm that the phone is not sold in the U.S.

Cell phones are dangerous?  Good thing I don't keep it in my shirt pocket, I keep mine safely stowed next to my crotch...

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Nov 29th, 2007 at 8:14am
Anybody remember the Nokia fiasco?  They took a lot of heat when their cell phone batteries started exploding.  The only problem was that it wasn't really their battery at fault.  Some crappy third-party batteries from Hong Kong were exploding in Nokia phones, and it wasn't Nokia's fault at all.

I have no idea how a cellphone battery could explode and break a person's spine and several ribs.  There simply isn't enough potential energy in a cellphone battery to do that kind of damage.  I call BS.

(...wouldn't buy a Nokia or LG anyway.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Nov 30th, 2007 at 12:18am

Israeli says elusive biblical wall found

By REGAN E. DOHERTY, Associated Press Writer 1 hour, 2 minutes ago

JERUSALEM - A wall mentioned in the Bible's Book of Nehemiah and long sought by archaeologists apparently has been found, an Israeli archaeologist says.

A team of archaeologists discovered the wall in Jerusalem's ancient City of David during a rescue attempt on a tower that was in danger of collapse, said Eilat Mazar, head of the Institute of Archaeology at the Shalem Center, a Jerusalem-based research and educational institute, and leader of the dig.

Artifacts including pottery shards and arrowheads found under the tower suggested that both the tower and the nearby wall are from the 5th century B.C., the time of Nehemiah, Mazar said this week. Scholars previously thought the wall dated to the Hasmonean period from about 142 B.C. to 37 B.C.

The findings suggest that the structure was actually part of the same city wall the Bible says Nehemiah rebuilt, Mazar said. The Book of Nehemiah gives a detailed description of construction of the walls, destroyed earlier by the Babylonians.

"We were amazed," she said, noting that the discovery was made at a time when many scholars argued that the wall did not exist.

"This was a great surprise. It was something we didn't plan," Mazar said.

The first phase of the dig, completed in 2005, uncovered what Mazar believes to be the remains of King David's palace, built by King Hiram of Tyre, and also mentioned in the Bible.

Ephraim Stern, professor emeritus of archaeology at Hebrew University and chairman of the state of Israel archaeological council, offered support for Mazar's claim.

"The material she showed me is from the Persian period," the period of Nehemiah, he said. "I can sign on the date of the material she found."

However, another scholar disputed the significance of the discovery.

Israel Finkelstein, professor of archaeology at Tel Aviv University, called the discovery "an interesting find," but said the pottery and other artifacts do not indicate that the wall was built in the time of Nehemiah. Because the debris was not connected to a floor or other structural part of the wall, the wall could have been built later, Finkelstein said.

"The wall could have been built, theoretically, in the Ottoman period," he said. "It's not later than the pottery — that's all we know."

The Bible's still proving Itslef to this day!  Praise the good Lord on this!


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Nov 30th, 2007 at 8:29am
It's nice to see there are still skeptics around to crap on the archaeological findings, though.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Nov 30th, 2007 at 9:36am
Here's a follow-up on the article Spanky posted earlier this week...

Report: Phone May Not Have Killed Worker

The Associated Press
Thursday, November 29, 2007; 10:20 AM

SEOUL, South Korea -- The South Korean man whose death was initially blamed on an exploding cell phone battery appears to have died from another cause, according to a news report Thursday.

The quarry worker, whose name has not been released, was found dead Wednesday with a melted phone battery in his shirt pocket, according to police. He also had a broken spine and ribs as well as heart and lung injuries.
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The National Institute of Scientific Investigation said the injuries were too substantial to have been caused by a battery explosion, according to the Yonhap news agency.

"It is difficult to conclude that the damage of internal organs was caused by the cell phone battery explosion," Yonhap quoted an unnamed medical examiner as saying.

The official was not reachable for comment, but the institute told The Associated Press that it only had preliminary results from the autopsy and it will take about 15 days to reach a final conclusion.

On Wednesday, police and a doctor who examined the body said an explosion of the battery was probably responsible for the death. LG Electronics Inc., which made the handset, said a battery explosion was almost impossible.

I'm not trying to insult the Chinese medical community or anything, but the only word that comes to mind after reading this article is DUHHHHH!

[smiley=Retard.gif]  [smiley=RetardedLOL.gif]

(...dur da durrrr!)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Nov 30th, 2007 at 1:46pm

Gillian Gibbons, 54, from Liverpool, was jailed for 15 days on Thursday after allowing children in her class to name a teddy bear Muhammad.

Some news agencies reported protesters had called for her to be shot.

full story:

Now I know that muslims have always been know as some of the most tolerant people ever, but come on.

And why stop there?!  Lets kill those damned kids too!  When will children learn to be as respectful to other people's religion as adults?

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Nov 30th, 2007 at 2:40pm

spanky wrote on Nov 30th, 2007 at 1:46pm:
And why stop there?!  Lets kill those darned kids too!

You might be on to something there...

(...the government calls it the Army, but a more alarmist name would be: The Killbot Factory!)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Nov 30th, 2007 at 3:09pm

Two people are being held hostage by an armed man at Sen. Hillary Clinton's campaign office in Rochester, New Hampshire, police said Friday.

The man walked into the office at about 1 p.m., Maj. Michael Hambrook of the New Hampshire State Police told CNN affiliate WMUR-TV.

Hambrook and Clinton campaign officials said two people were believed to be inside.

Shortly before 2 p.m., police officers were gathered across the street from the office, some kneeling behind police cruisers with guns drawn.  Watch police take up positions »

Witnesses described the man as in his 40s with salt-and-pepper hair, WMUR reported.

A woman and her baby were released by the hostage-taker, the woman told workers at a nearby business, according to the WMUR Web site.

A witness, Lettie Tzizik, told WMUR she spoke to a woman shortly after she was released from the office by the hostage-taker.

"A young woman with a 6-month or 8-month-old infant came rushing into the store just in tears, and she said, 'You need to call 911. A man has just walked into the Clinton office, opened his coat and showed us a bomb strapped to his chest with duct tape,'" the Web site reported.

Clinton, a candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination, is in the Washington area.

"Unfortunately as some of you know, there is a hostage situation in New Hampshire involving a Clinton campaign staff person," Dean told those who had gathered for the event.

"The details are sketchy at this time, but understandably Senator Clinton is now dealing with this very difficult problem and she is not going to be able to join us today. And we will keep them in our prayers and hope for a resolution to this situation in New Hampshire."

Buildings close to the storefront campaign office on Main Street were evacuated, including local campaign centers for Clinton's Democratic presidential rivals, Sen. Barack Obama and former senator John Edwards.

Cassandra Hamilton, who works in an office adjacent to the Clinton office, told WMUR: "I walked out and I immediately started running, and I saw that the road was blocked off. They told me run and keep going."

Long story short, man goes into Clintons office with a bomb strapped to his chest, Hillary wasn't even in the state.  Sometimes a little research goes a long way.

...he still gets an 'A' for effort though.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Nov 30th, 2007 at 3:48pm
I think that might qualify him as a Darwin candidate.  Good job, retard!

Clinton supporters or not, I certainly hope they all get home safely.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Nov 30th, 2007 at 5:05pm

CLEARWATER, Fla. (AP) -- Evel Knievel, the hard-living motorcycle daredevil whose jumps over Greyhound buses, live sharks and Idaho's Snake River Canyon made him an international icon in the 1970s, died Friday. He was 69.

Why did God take him but let hillary clinton leave the state.  WHYYY!

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Nov 30th, 2007 at 5:07pm
Hmm, maybe we could convince Hillary to jump a motorcycle over a dozen flaming buses and straight into a pool full of piranhas?

(...would then allow Evel to leave the state.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Nov 30th, 2007 at 9:29pm
Geez...why would anyone want to live in Clearwater, FL?  The entire town is corrupted by Scietologist wackos.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Dec 2nd, 2007 at 3:21am

So yeah, I had a nice conversation up at tech where I said that this type of thing would never exist.  Guess all they have to work out is a power supply that can last...

And just in time for Ironman!

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Dec 2nd, 2007 at 11:49am
That's incredibly awesome.  The power supply will be the real trick, though.  Batteries have come a long way in recent years, but not nearly that far.

(...fusion power!)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on Dec 2nd, 2007 at 3:57pm

The companies behind Call of Duty and World of Warcraft are merging in a deal which could shake up the global video games industry.

Activision and Blizzard have said they will form "the world's most profitable games business" in a deal worth $18.8bn

Vivendi to Contribute Vivendi Games Valued at $8.1 Billion, Plus $1.7 Billion in Cash in Exchange for Approximately 52% Stake in Activision Blizzard at Closing; Total Transaction Valued at $18.9 Billion

Activision Blizzard Will Commence Post-Closing Cash Tender Offer for Up to 146.5 Million of its Shares at $27.50 per Share, Representing 31% Premium for Activision Stockholders Based on 20-Trading Day Average


Huge news. I hope this doesn't compromise Blizzard's quality of games.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Dec 2nd, 2007 at 4:58pm
I wonder what this will entail for the StarCraft MMO?

Overall, I'd have to say this is bad news.  The gaming industry has been consolidating like crazy over the past several years, starting with Westwood selling out in 2003.  This seems to have had an inordinately large affect on the PC gaming industry.

Of course, with the budget of big titles soaring to $50 million and up, mom and shops just can't compete anymore.

(...will keep an eye on this one.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Dec 2nd, 2007 at 8:34pm
Like in the NES days where you could tell the indy's by their blue cartridges.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Dec 5th, 2007 at 12:40pm

CASSELBERRY, Fla. — Casselberry authorities say a police sergeant has been fired for suing a family after she slipped and fell while trying to rescue a 1-year-old boy from drowning.

Casselberry Police Chief John Pavlis fired Sergeant Andrea Eichhorn on Tuesday.

Eichhorn has dropped her negligence lawsuit. It claimed there was water on the floor at Joey Cosmillo's home when police arrived. Eichhorn claimed she broke her knee and missed two months of work after she slid on the wet floor.

The boy suffered brain damage and can no longer walk, talk or swallow. He lives in a nursing home and eats and breathes through tubes.

Eichhorn can appeal her firing. Pavlis said the lawsuit brought public ridicule to the agency and damaged its reputation.

I am very glad to hear this.  Oh you fell?  Well, cry me big sloppy tears while this family just lost their child!

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Dec 5th, 2007 at 12:44pm
Maybe she should stop trying to save people.

Her: How dare you little boy almost drown and is living free and easy on tubes while I got fired!  I demand you give me all your moneyz!


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Dec 5th, 2007 at 1:04pm
Although my faith in humanity is practically non-existent, I can only hope there is significantly more to the store than is shown in that article.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Dec 12th, 2007 at 11:27am

"w00t" crowned word of year by U.S. dictionary

BOSTON (Reuters) - "w00t", an expression of joy coined by online gamers, was crowned word of the year on Tuesday by the publisher of a leading U.S. dictionary.

Massachusetts-based Merriam-Webster said "w00t" -- typically spelled with two zeros -- reflects a new direction in the American language led by a generation raised on video games and mobile phone text-messaging.

It's like saying "yay", the dictionary said.

"It could be after a triumph or for no reason at all," Merriam-Webster said.

Visitors to Merriam-Webster's Web site were invited to vote for one of 20 words and phrases culled from the most frequently looked-up words on the site and submitted by readers.

Runner-up was "facebook" as a new verb meaning to add someone to a list of friends on the Web site or to search for people on the social networking site.

Merriam-Webster President John Morse said "w00t" reflected the growing use of numeric keyboards to type words.

"People look for self-evident numeral-letter substitutions: 0 for O; 3 for E; 7 for T; and 4 for A," he said. "This is simply a different and more efficient way of representing the alphabetical character."

One Web site,, already sells T-shirts with the word "w00t" printed on the front.

"w00t belongs to gamers the world over. It seems to have been derived from the obsolete 'whoot' which essentially is another way to say 'hoot' which itself is a shout or derisive laugh," Think Geek said on its Web site.

"But others maintain that w00t is the sound several players make while jumping like bunnies in Quake III," it added, referring to a popular video game.

Online gamers often replace numbers and symbols with letters to form what Merriam-Webster calls an "esoteric computer hacker language" known as "l33t speak." This translates into "leet", which is short for "elite".

A separate survey of words used in the media and on the Internet by California-based Global Language Monitor produced a different set of winners on Tuesday. "Hybrid" took top honours as word of the year with "climate change" the top phrase.

Global Language Monitor, which uses an algorithm to track words and phrases in the media and on the Internet, said "hybrid" had broad connotations of "all things green from biodiesel to wearing clothes made of soy to global warming".

Runner-up was "surge," based on the "surge" of 30,000 extra U.S. troops deployed to Iraq since mid-June, followed by the word "Bluetooth," a technology used to connect electronic devices via radio waves.

"The English language is becoming more and more a globalised language every year," said Global Language Monitor president Paul Payack, noting that this year's list included words also culled from India, Singapore, China and Australia.

The norms have heard our language!

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Dec 12th, 2007 at 11:37am
Hurry, we must adapt!  We must hide our lexicon from the normies before they learn about our l33t hax0r sk1llz!


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Dec 12th, 2007 at 1:20pm
I blame it on the half breeds!

That's right....



Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Dec 14th, 2007 at 2:31pm
bad people

These people beat a 2 year old to death for not saying please, yes sir, and no sir.  When you have to call in sick to work to stay home and make sure your wife uses the belt to beat the kid enough, you might have a problem.

On another note, 4 mexicans were shot to death less than a mile from where I work.  Why you ask, turns out they didn't have the money to pay the guy that transported them up here.  A broke mexican, who would have freaking thought? is full of uplifting stories

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Dec 14th, 2007 at 3:19pm
You mean there are people who come from another country here...ILLEGALLY?!



Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Dec 14th, 2007 at 3:31pm
I read that article a couple days ago.  I can't believe how incredibly screwed up some people are.  I hope both of them get a quick trial and a quick execution.

(...has all but completely lost his faith in humanity.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Dec 17th, 2007 at 11:25am


I met you at the bar last night, and we hit it off. Ya we were both a little buzzed, but you seemed as into me as I was into you. Things got to things, we made out a bit, and you ended up going home with me on the back of my motorcycle, which was awesome because that doesn't usually happen to me. I luckily had the extra helmet with me and let you wear my bike jacket while suffering the cold on the way home. I was feeling pretty happy and lucky to say the least.

This is where things got crazy.

I don't know if you slipped, or thought I was taking you home to kill you, or if your're just plain crazy and had a change of heart, but all of a sudden you let go of me MID-TURN and went flying into the bushes at about 10-15mph near the park by my house. I was so freaked out!!! when I looked back to see you fumbling in the bushes I could only PRAY TO GOD that you didn't hit the asphalt or something worse.

I really thought you must have been hurt at least a bit, but as I turned around to come check on you, you took off into the unlit park running full speed with my helmet and jacket still on! I parked my bike and looked for you for over 2 hours calling your name until I was so cold I had to go home or risk freezing to death.


Im sorry for what happened and I really hope your're ok, really I do, but seriously WTF. Running into a forested park in the middle of the night like that....I really can't begin to guess what you were thinking, and you weren't that drunk, but i suppose my "crazy-***** o' meter" wasn't working at the bar that night, and from the speed you took off I can only surmise that your're not that hurt. I would like my expensive bike gear back though, I hope it kept you warm during your psychotic episode, but it IS mine and I kinda need it to get around in the winter. If you could return it to the bar for me, check in with your shrink, and promise to never come near me again that would be great, cause you scared the #*$% outta me and are costing me alot of money.

Very cold/poor motorcycle rider who will never let women near his bike again.

Alright, so it's not a "news article," but it is still pretty darned funny!


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Stick on Dec 18th, 2007 at 9:12am

Are we next?? wtf batman??

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Dec 18th, 2007 at 9:18am
What does this have to do with batman?  Drugs are bad.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Dec 18th, 2007 at 12:40pm
I've for one want proof that black holes exist.  I've seen the math for it...and it seems to work out...of course I've also seen college calc. students try to figure out 3 different problems that had 1 = 0 and couldn't do it.

We're suppose to believe that Stephen Hawking is some great big genius.  Yet I want to see him prove just one of his theories or back it up with some sort of physical proof.  Using "that part of space is really dark" does not count.  Not to mention he wants us to believe that imaginary numbers exist so he can prove the universe is curved and therefore a Creator is not necessary.  However if you replace those imaginary numbers with actual numbers, it proves the universe has a beginning and therefore a First Cause is need.


Did that get off topic a bit?


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Dec 18th, 2007 at 1:34pm
Did you see the thing on the discovery channel about Hawking?  Yeah the "theory" that they presented that was going to change physics was a total copout.  I know his health is failing faster than bob...ummm has class (yeah I knew what you were up to, no person actually listens to the online classes) with his wife, but come on, don't throw your credibility out the window just to get in the news one last time before you die.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Dec 18th, 2007 at 1:36pm
I've had worse.

(...this post is meaningless.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Dec 18th, 2007 at 1:37pm
But your wife hasn't....BAM!

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Dec 18th, 2007 at 1:39pm
Maybe she should take pointers from Craig's boyfriend?



Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Dec 18th, 2007 at 1:40pm
Why do you talk about yourself in thrid person?

zing to you, and DOH to me.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Dec 18th, 2007 at 1:44pm

A 10-year-old Florida girl faces felony weapons charges after bringing a small steak knife to school to cut up her lunch, according to a report on

School officials say the Ocala 5th grader had brought a piece of steak for her lunch, and had brought a steak knife. According to the report, a couple of teachers took the utensil and called authorities, who arrested the girl and took her to the county’s juvenile assessment center.

"She did not use it inappropriately. She did not threaten anyone with it. She didn't pull it out and brandish it. Nothing of that nature," explained Marion County School Spokesman Kevin Christian, who added that it made no difference what the knife was being used for, they had no choice but to call police.

"Anytime there's a weapon on campus, yes, we have to report it and we aggressively report it because we don't want to take any chances, regardless," Christian said.

The girl now faces a felony charge for possessing a weapon on school property and has been suspended from school for 10 days. The parents of the girl could not be reached for comment, reported.

She has the killer instinct.  Good thing they stopped her before she wiped out human kind.

Also, this came from a Fox news no telling if this really happened or not.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Dec 18th, 2007 at 2:05pm
I'm sure O'Reilly would get on and claim she was aiding terrorists and needed the full force of the Patriot Act thrust upon her.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Dec 18th, 2007 at 2:33pm
wow, that is pretty dirty, you know she is 10 right?

...But she said she was 13!!!

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Dec 18th, 2007 at 2:44pm
Yeah, I didn't know O'Reilly had named his e-peen "Patriot Act."

(...wishes he would have thought of it first.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Dec 18th, 2007 at 4:01pm
My e-peen is named Bruce Banner, don't make him angry!

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Dec 18th, 2007 at 4:29pm
You mean you have radiate testicals with no hope of pleasing a woman of any species...ok I won't.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Dec 18th, 2007 at 4:35pm
Hey, there is always a chance.  I just need to find a woman that can finish in the first 20 seconds...that should be a full 5 seconds before me...then sleep time.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Dec 18th, 2007 at 6:09pm
Just do what you always do with a woman...give her your credit card number first.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Dec 18th, 2007 at 10:17pm

(...burn, baby, burn!)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on Dec 19th, 2007 at 1:44am

After publicly feuding for more than a year, “Lord of the Rings” director Peter Jackson and New Line Cinema have reached agreement to make J.R.R. Tolkien’s “The Hobbit,” a planned two-film prequel to the blockbuster trilogy.

Jackson, who directed “Rings,” will serve as executive producer for two “Hobbit” pictures. They will tell the story of how the young hobbit Bilbo Baggins originally came to possess the nefarious One Ring that Frodo, his adopted heir, needed three films to dispose of.

A director for the films has yet to be named. Production is tentatively set to begin in 2009 with a release planned for 2010, and the sequel following in 2011.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Dec 19th, 2007 at 7:26am
I doubt they'll produce it in a year, unless they start in January 2009 and release it in December 2010.

(...bloody staggered releases!)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Dec 19th, 2007 at 8:34am
Woot for the hobbit.

And a big pffft to pat.  Hookers don't take credit cards noob!

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Dec 19th, 2007 at 8:41am

spanky wrote on Dec 19th, 2007 at 8:34am:
Hookers don't take credit cards noob!

I got slapped last time I tried to swipe my card.

( a slow learner.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Dec 19th, 2007 at 8:42am

Another Spears baby is reportedly on the way — and it's not Britney's. Jamie Lynn Spears, the 16-year-old "Zoey 101" star and sister of Britney, told OK! magazine that she's pregnant and that the father is her boyfriend, Casey Aldridge.

"It was a shock for both of us, so unexpected," she said. "I was in complete and total shock and so was he."

Spears is 12 weeks along and initially kept the news to herself when she learned of the pregnancy from an at-home test and subsequent doctor visit, she told the celebrity magazine, which hits stands in New York on Wednesday and the rest of the country by Friday.

What message does she want to send to other teens about premarital sex? "I definitely don't think it's something you should do; it's better to wait," she told the magazine. "But I can't be judgmental because it's a position I put myself in."

After she found out from a doctor that she was pregnant, she said, "I took two weeks to myself where I didn't tell anybody."

"Only one of my friends knew because I needed to work out what I would do for myself before I let anyone's opinion affect my decision. Then I told my parents and my friends. I was scared, but I had to do what was right for me," she said.

Spears broke the news to her mother, Lynne, just before Thanksgiving, the magazine reported.

"She was very upset because it wasn't what she expected at all," Spears said. "A week after, she had time to cope with it and became very supportive."

Lynne Spears, already grandmother to Britney's young sons, told the magazine: "I didn't believe it because Jamie Lynn's always been so conscientious. She's never late for her curfew. I was in shock. I mean, this is my 16-year-old baby."

She said her actress daughter, the telegenic heroine of her popular Nickelodeon series, has known Aldridge for years and began dating him in high school.

But in a recent interview with The Associated Press, Spears said she had no steady boyfriend. "I kind of just keep my options open," she said. "I have a bunch of friends that I always hang out with, a bunch of guy friends." She declined to talk about her older sister.

Spears spoke to the AP shortly before Thanksgiving, the day she told OK! she informed her mother about the pregnancy.

Jamie Lynn plans to raise the baby in her home state of Louisiana — "so it can have a normal family life."

Catholics got it right, condoms are wrong.  But you need to set some money aside for the abortion, just incase something like this happens.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Dec 19th, 2007 at 9:02am
Wow.  Thanks for that informative and highly relevant post.

I was just saying to myself, "I wonder what the Spears family is up to?"

(...for realz, yo.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Dec 19th, 2007 at 9:15am

"I wonder what the Spears family is up to?"

Well now you know, they are just whoreing around...just like pat.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Dec 19th, 2007 at 11:26am

they are just whoreing around...just like pat.

*Latin accent* Don't be jealous, vatto! /head swivel

Has anyone seen Idocracy?  Not a great movie but it's opening was brilliant...and made me scared.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Dec 19th, 2007 at 2:49pm
I haven't seen it.  Give me a summary.

(...demands the Cliff's Notes.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Dec 19th, 2007 at 3:02pm
Imagine Planet of The Apes but we evolve down to morons.  The movie explains, at the beginning, how we headed down that path.

This is really the only funny part of the whole movie.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Dec 20th, 2007 at 8:56am

A Maryland man who claims to be the king of the Isle of Man hopes to visit his subjects next year — but he may find there's no welcome mat.

David Howe, 38, of Frederick, Md., was crowned King David of Mann on March 30 in a stateside coronation ceremony after filing a claim with the British government.

Howe, a small businessman who married his high-school sweetheart, decided to assume the throne after a U.K. genealogist contacted him in 2006 to say he might have a right to the crown.

Howe filed a claim with Her Majesty's Stationary Office on Dec. 20, 2006, they published the claim in Queen Elizabeth II's paper of record, the London Gazette, and after no one objected, they sent him a crown, robe and anointing spoon for the ceremony, he said.

Howe said he "kind of expected the Queen to object to the claim obviously, but after 90 days, nobody had objected. Nobody had contested it."

That sentiment changed once the residents of the Isle of Man got wind of their new "sovereign."

"As far as the Isle of Man Government is concerned the Isle of Man’s sovereign is Her Majesty the Queen, as Lord of Mann," Tony Brown, the island's chief minister, has said. "I am not aware of any valid alternative claim to sovereignty over the Island."

The isle — in the Irish Sea between England and Scotland — has a population of about 80,000 and is best-known for an annual motorcycle race around the island.

Man's lieutenant governor, Sir Paul Kenneth Haddacks, who is the Queen's representative to the island, declined to comment for this story.

A King Drew blog, The King of the Isle of Man, popped up this month, slamming his claims and asking readers to rate Howe as a "dangerous nutter," "harmless nutter," "serious candidate" or just a man with a "Napoleon complex."

Howe visited London in October, but wasn't ready for the cold reception.

"It kind of blew up into something big," Howe said. "I'm certainly not challenging the Queen's authority or sovereignty over the island. I haven't amassed an army or anything like that to invade, so I'm certainly not a threat at all."

King David of Mann has made the royal decision to use his newfound title for charity. He set up a MySpace page and a Web site,, where he touts his personal cause, the Malawi Missions Project to help AIDS orphans in Africa. He said that money will be funneled to charities such as World Vision and UNICEF.

And now, through the Web site, he's selling royal titles to benefit the cause. For about $180,000, one can become a duke or duchess. The cheapest title is a knighthood, all yours for just $40,000.

"I realize that we're kind of hitting a different person in a different type of income bracket with the titles," said Howe, who notes they haven't gotten any title takers. "But beyond that, I encourage anybody if they're really interested to sponsor a child through World Vision. For the cost of a latte a week, they could really change a child's life."

The nobility site stresses that because the titles will be bestowed in America, they do not violate the "1925 Honours (Prevention of Abuses) Act" making it illegal to sell peerages.

Not much has changed day to day for King David of Mann, who lives in an unassuming home with his queen, a pistol-packing monarch named Pamela, and their princess, 5-year-old Grace.

"We're nobody special," he said.

His friends jokingly call him King Ralph, from the John Goodman movie of the same name, and he occasionally entertains their requests for an informal title, free of charge.

"They’ll rib me enough," Howe said. "And then I’ll say, 'OK, get down on your knees,' but nothing really formal like that."

Hmmm, Sir Craig.  I like the sound of that.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Dec 20th, 2007 at 9:49am

spanky wrote on Dec 20th, 2007 at 8:56am:

'OK, get down on your knees.'

I like the sound of that.

I bet you do.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Dec 26th, 2007 at 9:24am

MADISON, WI -- This was the view Saturday from a University of Wisconsin police cruiser after a man slipped away in a Krispy Kreme doughnut truck from a convenience store parking lot.

He stopped the truck, police closed in, but the suspect, Warren G. Whitelightning, struck the cruiser by backing up.

Whitelightning then took off, with police now in hot pursuit chasing the doughnuts and the truck.

As Krispy Kremes flew everywhere, the suspect fled to a store's parking lot where he gave up.

A magistrate set his bail at $2,100.

Warren G. Whitelightning is being charged with shoplifting eight giant red hot pickled sausages from a store on University Avenue, stealing the doughnut truck, ramming a University of Wisconsin police car, attempting to elude pursing officers, operating after revocation, his fourth time drunk driving, and a hit and run.

Crap, Jim is off the wagon again.

And you can't make up a name that awesome.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Dec 26th, 2007 at 9:58am

spanky wrote on Dec 26th, 2007 at 9:24am:
And you can't make up a name that awesome.

With a name like that, he has a shot in the pr0n business.

Am I the only one that thinks a $2,100 bail is a bit light for all the crap he was charged with?

(...thinks $20,000 is more like it.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Dec 26th, 2007 at 11:10am
They probably tried to set the bail at $21k, but the judge was laughing so hard at stealing a donut truck that he wrote $2.1k instead.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Dec 26th, 2007 at 12:10pm
Yeah, I bet the cops are never going to live that one down.  When they got a call to pursue a stolen doughnut truck, they probably thought it was an early April Fool's joke.

(...lock and load!)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Dec 27th, 2007 at 3:33pm
It's not really a news article, but check out this awesome video.  It shows a live demonstration of some new video technology that allows users to edit the appearance of people on the fly, and it looks absolutely amazing.

I bet Briney is going to crap himself when he sees that!

Just imagine the implications this will have on virtual reality.  Before too long, people we be able to use a webcam to beam themselves into some crappy MMO and use this software to dress themselves up as their characters, pimples and all.

(...holodeck, here we come!)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jan 2nd, 2008 at 12:56pm

Hammer's to Debut Mid-Jan.

© 2008 The Associated Press

SAN FRANCISCO — MC Hammer hasn't topped the music charts since the early 1990s, but the former rap star says he has another hit in him _ only this time around he'll produce it as a Silicon Valley entrepreneur.

Hammer, whose real name is Stanley Burrell, is choreographing a new career as co-founder and chief strategy officer of Menlo Park-based

The Web site, scheduled to debut in mid-January, will try to upstage YouTube and become the Internet's hub for sharing and watching dance videos. DanceJam then hopes to make money by grabbing a piece of the rapidly growing Internet advertising market, which is expected to rake in $27.5 billion in 2008, according to eMarketer.

If the business pans out, DanceJam could help Hammer compensate for losing his fortune when he went bankrupt in 1996 with nearly $14 million in debts.

The bankruptcy was a sobering comedown for Hammer, who parlayed the popularity of his once-ubiquitous song, "U Can't Touch This," to become a pop icon in the early 1990s. Besides becoming a fixture on MTV, Hammer appeared on kids' lunch boxes and even had his own action figure.

Although Hammer isn't churning out best-selling records any longer, everyone still seems to know his name. Even children born after his downfall are familiar with his music because "U Can't Touch This" still gets played in TV shows and movies.

But Hammer's involvement in DanceJam has more to do with his technological savvy than his celebrity, said Ron Conway, a longtime Silicon Valley investor who is part of a small group that provided DanceJam with $1 million in startup funds.

"I expect him to integrate all his knowledge into this Web site," said Conway, who befriended Hammer at a baseball game seven years ago and has been tutoring him in the ways of technology ever since. "He is the lightning rod for this whole thing."

Hammer, 45, started poking around Silicon Valley while he was still selling millions of records. He often hung out at computer makers like Silicon Graphics Inc. and Apple Inc., hoping to learn more about how technology might help his music career.

"There is no high-tech lingo or business strategy that you can talk that is above my head," Hammer boasted during an interview. "I breathe this stuff."

Hammer's entrepreneurial roots date back to the 1980s when he began recording songs with financial help from a few Oakland Athletics, where he once worked as a ball boy. His nickname came from his resemblance to the former home run king, Hammerin' Hank Aaron.

Without the support of a major music label, Hammer built a loyal fan base by hitting the streets and selling his early recordings out of a car.

His success in grass roots marketing prompted Inc. to call on Hammer for advice in its early days. The company wanted to raise awareness about its online software service without paying a lot for traditional advertising, said Marc Benioff,'s chief executive officer.

"We really learned a lot from Hammer. He is the most entrepreneurial individual I have ever met," said Benioff, whose San Francisco-based company is now worth $7 billion.

Hammer and his DanceJam partners _ Geoffrey Arone, the chief executive, and Anthony Young, the chief technology officer _ are wading into a market already saturated with dozens of Web sites that have built huge video libraries.

Arone became convinced the Web needed a site devoted exclusively to dance shortly after he left Web browsing startup Flock, which he had co-founded. Hammer had been feeling the same way about dance for years so they quickly hit it off when they first met and hammered out the concept for DanceJam.

Drawing upon the popularity of reality shows like "Dancing With The Stars," DanceJam will stage head-to-head competitions where contestants submit videos that will be judged by viewers. The site also will provide demonstrations and information about a wide variety of dances, ranging from the Boogaloo to the Krump.

Arone, Hammer and Young have spent several months videotaping people around the country dancing. They say they have stockpiled about 100 gigabytes of video to help launch DanceJam.

James McQuivey, a media analyst with Forrester Research, doubts that will be enough to lure people away from Google Inc.'s YouTube, which listed 1.7 million dance videos in its index as of late December.

"When people are looking for any video, whether it be about skateboarding, dancing or a science project, they don't stop to think about where's the best place to find it. They just start off by going to YouTube," McQuivey said.

The most watched video in YouTube's 2 1/2-year history happens to be about dancing. The 6-minute clip, a facetious tribute called "Evolution of Dance," includes about 25 seconds alluding to some of the moves that Hammer made famous back when he was still wearing colorful parachute pants as he sang "U Can't Touch This."

Hammer recognized YouTube's potential before most people he did. Besides putting some of his own clips on the site, Hammer visited YouTube's offices in February 2006 when there were still just a handful of people running the site above a pizza parlor. (A clip of that visit is at

Until he saw what YouTube was doing, Hammer had doubts about the Web's entertainment value. "When everybody started raving about the Internet, I always wondered, 'If it's so great, why can't you see my videos on the Internet?'" Hammer said. "It looks like technology has finally caught up with my vision."

I give this company about six months before it goes belly up.  Any takers?

(...maybe nine months if they're lucky!)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Jan 2nd, 2008 at 1:17pm

expected to rake in $27.5 billion in 2008

And he...can't touch this.

...just went there *snaps a Z*

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jan 8th, 2008 at 3:54pm

Mexican Emergency Services Free Boy, 10, Who Glued Himself to Bed to Avoid School

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

A 10-year-old boy thought he had discovered a novel way of getting off school — glueing his hand to the bed.

Diego Palacios had so much fun over the Christmas holiday he was in no rush to get back to lessons.

He had to be freed by emergency services in Monterrey, northern Mexico, after his master plan went wrong.

His mother, Sandra, spent nearly two hours trying to free his right hand with water, oil and nail polish remover, but to no avail.

"I didn't want to go to school because vacation was so much fun," the youngster explained.

He told how he sneaked into the kitchen in the early hours and then covered his hand with industrial-strength adhesive.

His mother woke up to find him watching TV with his hand stuck to the bed.

"I don't know why he did it," she said. "He's a good boy but mischievous — like all kids."

His hand was freed by paramedics — just in time for school.

Why didn't I ever think of this?

(...those crazy kids.  What will they think of next?)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Jan 8th, 2008 at 3:57pm
Good thing he didn't have a stapler.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jan 8th, 2008 at 4:01pm

spanky wrote on Jan 8th, 2008 at 3:57pm:
Good thing he didn't have a stapler Spanky's mom on top of him.

Ha!  I don't even know how many times she's pinned me to the bed!

(...doesn't even think the fire department could get her off.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Jan 9th, 2008 at 9:42am

Halifax doctors are worried a new blanket ban on organ donations from gay men could lead to deaths by shrinking an already small pool of donors.

Health Canada recently altered its regulations to exclude any man who has had sex with a man in the previous five years from donating tissue.

The move surprised and upset Dr. Mark Walsh, surgical director of liver and kidney transplantation at the Queen Elizabeth II Health Sciences Centre in Halifax.

"This stipulation is ridiculous," he said Tuesday. "We should be careful about telling people ‘Don’t bother even thinking about donation.’ That’s going to turn off a segment of the population, which is unfair to both donors and recipients."

One lost donor could lead to several deaths, he noted.

Dr. Walsh said he has a patient who needs a liver transplant within days to survive but he’s now in a position where he’d have to turn down an organ if it happened to come from a gay man, despite the hospital’s screening procedures.

He said each potential donor and recipient must be considered individually.

HAHA, bob can't donate his organs!

The article doesn't cover the fact that gay organs can in fact burst into flames at any time, hence the name, flamers.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jan 9th, 2008 at 9:54am

spanky wrote on Jan 9th, 2008 at 9:42am:
HAHA, bob can't donate his organs!

Well, it's a good thing your mom doesn't have the same misgivings Canada does.  She had no problem accepting my organ last night.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Jan 9th, 2008 at 10:55am
Wow, that was a good come back...from bob?

Is some one cool posting under your name at penguin?

Lets see, some one who isn't a total douche at penguin, I am going to have to go with John Carter or that one maintance guy.(what the hell was his name?)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jan 9th, 2008 at 11:13am


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Jan 9th, 2008 at 3:24pm

A St. Louis-area town is considering a bill that would ban swearing in bars, along with table-dancing, drinking contests and profane music. City officials contend the bill is needed to keep rowdy crowds under control because the historic downtown area gets a little too lively on some nights.

City Councilman Richard Veit said he was prompted to propose the bill after complaints about bad bar behavior. He says it will give police some rules to enforce when things get too rowdy.

But some bar owners worry the bill is too vague and restrictive, saying it may be a violation of their civil rights.

Marc Rousseau, who owns bar R.T. Weilers, said he thinks the bill needs revision.

"We're dealing with adults here once again and I don't think it's the city's job or the government's job to determine what we can and cannot play in our restaurant," Rousseau said.

The proposal would ban indecent, profane or obscene language, songs, entertainment and literature at bars.

I know you guys really don't care about this...but, this makes me mister angry pants.  Ban profane language and songs, what are you planning on taking your 4 year old to the bar?  If you make it to the age of 21 without being able to hear the word fuck then you have a huge shock coming to you when your naive ass hits the real world.

On a side note I love profanity: hell, boobs, ass, and richard simmons.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jan 9th, 2008 at 4:26pm
I think the city is taking the wrong approach to combating violence in bars.

If I was mayor, I would pass an ordinance the forced all bars to install sprinkler systems containing gasoline.  If the police had to show up, they could just hit the "Melt All Patrons" button to unleash fiery doom on the loud folks.

(...thinks banning profanity is pretty damned stupid.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Jan 9th, 2008 at 4:29pm
Hmmm, having fiery doom rain down while having a few drinks out at the bar is so uncool.

...bob is a buzzkill!

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Jan 9th, 2008 at 9:13pm
Hey just because I think bars are evil doesn't mean I want the govt to exert control over them.

You want to smoke in bars?  Go ahead, if you own the bar and want people to.

What's next?  Banning greasy food in bars?


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Jan 10th, 2008 at 8:22am

What's next?  Banning greasy food in bars?

NOOOO!  That would be like banning it at McDonalds.  The horror!

I will get fat in any way I feel like mister government man.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Jan 10th, 2008 at 11:17am
You can take my double cheeseburger when you pry it from my cold dead hands!


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jan 10th, 2008 at 12:52pm
$1.00 double cheeseburgers will rock your weak world.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Jan 11th, 2008 at 9:11am

WELLINGTON, New Zealand - Sir Edmund Hillary, the unassuming beekeeper who conquered Mount Everest to win renown as one of the 20th century's greatest adventurers, has died, New Zealand Prime Minister Helen Clark announced Friday. He was 88.

Everest came back and got its revenge.

Sweet, sweet revenge.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Jan 11th, 2008 at 10:28am
This was back in the day when if you got lost you didn't have your relatives call for search and rescue to triangulate your frozen body for you.  No!  You froze to death and you know knew it built character and so you were happy for it!


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jan 11th, 2008 at 10:44am

As Masai warriors guarded the Kenyan orphanage where sisters Brittanie and Aubrie Vander Mey and friend Jamie Cook worked, the three wondered how they would make it back to West Michigan.

They had planned to spend two months caring for orphans affected by HIV or AIDS at the Omwabini Centre in Kimilili, but post-election violence cut short their stay.

Newscasts told them the violence was coming closer each day to the orphanage, about 180 miles from Nairobi and 45 miles from Eldoret, where 35 people died when a church filled with women and children was burned last week.

Today, the women - Aubrie, 19, Jamie, 20, and Brittanie, 21 - were to return to Grand Rapids after a weekend rescue, reportedly with the help of Blackwater Worldwide personnel.

Dean Vander Mey, of Byron Township, Brittanie and Aubrie's father, said he credits their return to God's intervention and the private security firm.

"My daughter (Brittanie) told me today, 'Every town around us has been ripped apart,'" he said. "Their little town was the only safe town. ... I have to attribute (their safety) to the Lord."

Vander Mey said he learned of the conflict Dec. 28. He was enjoying a quiet weekend in his cottage up north when Brittanie called.

"She said, 'I'm OK,' and I asked, 'What are you talking about?'" he recalled. "'Haven't you heard the news?' she told me."

He learned of buses being stopped by militias, of corpses appearing on roadsides, of hundreds of Kenyans fleeing west, of stopped aid caravans, of the burned church, of the ethnic slayings.

The violence followed Dec. 27 elections. Kenya's electoral commission said President Mwai Kibaki had won the vote, but opposition leader Raila Odinga claims the election was rigged. International observers have said it was flawed.

The turmoil has left 486 dead and more than 75,000 people homeless, according to government figures.

"We didn't really realize the severity," Vander Mey said. "Then, I started to see how much mayhem was beginning to happen, and then it got very scary.

"They were right there, in the middle of that."

He also learned escape by car wasn't an option for the women, as militias made sure no one took the two-hour ride to Nairobi.

He pleaded for more safety personnel to be sent to guard the orphanage, but the young women were becoming increasingly nervous.

"They were scared, and I said, 'Honey, I don't know what to do.'" he said.

Vander Mey said he started calling government officials, congressmen -- whomever he could think of to get his daughters and their friend home.

"I was not getting whole lot of answers," he said. "They said, 'Stay safe; don't move.' I wasn't satisfied with the 'stay put.' That's what they were telling us: 'You're in harm's way, but don't move.'"

Hiring a helicopter wasn't an option. Vander Mey said he was told it would $20,000 to rent one for 30 minutes, and news stations and the Red Cross had already rented most of those available.

Vander Mey said he recalled relatives were friends with the family of Blackwater founder and Holland native Erik Prince and decided to give the company a call.

"They had internal contacts and everything," Vander Mey said. "They had people who could help."

He said Blackwater lined up a 10-person plane, rescued the women and other international workers and flew them to Nairobi. The three women then began the trip to Grand Rapids on Sunday afternoon.

Uganda -- not Kenya -- had been his daughters' first destination choice, Vander Mey said.

"I said, 'No, Uganda is not safe enough,'" he said. "I thought Kenya was much more stable. Nothing like this has happened there; it was a very safe place."

But he's not complaining.

"It's been a nightmare and a miracle," Vander Mey said.

...but, but, but it's Blackwater!  They're a bunch of homicidal thugs, right?!


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Jan 11th, 2008 at 10:48am
I understand why people are ticked off at Blackwater...basically getting paid more than the troops and not having any rules to follow makes these people evil automatically.

However, if we want to pay mercs. to get shot and killed in a useless war...let's bring our troops home and we'll all be good.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Jan 11th, 2008 at 11:14am
Well that's what those girls get for trying to help people.

I would like this to be a joke, but it isn't.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jan 11th, 2008 at 11:39am

X wrote on Jan 11th, 2008 at 10:48am:
I understand why people are ticked off at Blackwater...basically getting paid more than the troops and not having any rules to follow makes these people evil automatically.

Are you kidding me, Stewie?  Have you been taking your talking points straight off of CNN or something?

First, Blackwater agents get paid more than soldiers because they're contractors.  Nobody in their right mind joins the military expecting a massive salary.  Also, Blackwater only hires agents with prior infantry military or tactical experience.  They hire the best of the best, the proverbial cream of the crop.  Of course they're going to get paid more than your average soldier.  Do you have a problem with capitalism, or what?

As far as "not having any rules to follow," you and I both know that is complete crap.  If you truly believe they don't have to follow the law, please cite the incidents you're referring to, and leave the unsubstantiated bashing and circumstantial conjecture to the talking heads.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Jan 11th, 2008 at 11:47am

Tata unveils world's cheapest car

With four doors and five seats, the 624cc-engine Tata Nano costs only 100,000 rupees or USD 2,500 (£1,277).

Any of you ever heard of a book named Unsafe at any Speed?  Yeah that should apply here.

...but the plastic frame reduces weight!!!

Look for this car on the side of a highway near you...(I added the flame job to this picture so you wouldn't have to use your imagination)
tata_nano.bmp (56 KB | )

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on Jan 11th, 2008 at 12:20pm
i dont see why a car has to cost 10k+ anyway. I welcome this car. American cars are half plastic anyway.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Jan 11th, 2008 at 12:24pm
Then go out right now and buy a honda ridgeline.

We will continue this discussion when your engine fails before my rangers.

Almost forgot, India is also set to start marketing its new diesel small pickup truck in the US.  This one has to be quality, it is starting at $26k.(please remember this is not me being racist, just ask bob how bad I want a small diesel truck)

The vehicle went to the european vehicle safty dojobber thing and the insurance crash testing facility.  In europe it score a whopping 2 out of 10 rating.  And the insurance institute gave it 0 of 5 stars.

And for my favorite part...on the insurance website about said vehicle, "The only thing on the car that did not explode was the airbag, we crashed 8 trucks, not a single airbag went off."

So as sad as you might be to spend more than 10k on a car, it might be worth it if you ever end up in a crash.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Ironman on Jan 11th, 2008 at 12:45pm
Regarding the Blackwater thing, according to this googled article, in the last 3 years they have had to fire 1/7 of their personnel in Iraq for various problems including violent behavior.  They also give an example of a "protective security specialist" who gets $445,000 a year, with a total bill of 832 million between 2004 and 2006. I'm not saying I know what's going on, but I think its unfair to simply call on MSM sensationalism on this one.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jan 11th, 2008 at 1:21pm

spanky wrote on Jan 11th, 2008 at 12:24pm:
We will continue this discussion when your engine fails

If by "fails" you mean "exploded into a fireball that killed the driver, passengers, and a bus full of Mormon kids," then you might be on to something.

Have you guys watch the Landwind or Brilliance BS6 crash tests?  They're spectacular failures, and the Brilliance is a $25,000 car!

Brilliance BS6:

(...thinks foreign cars suck.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Jan 11th, 2008 at 1:40pm
Hey bob, do you have the link to the website about toyotas secret recalls?  Now that was some funny shit.

I wonder how they keep selling tocomas when they have this cool little "feature" where the rear diff locks up at highway speeds.

Oh wait I know, they advertise their cars and said fuck you to the unions.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jan 11th, 2008 at 2:20pm
The only secret recall I remember right off hand was due to possible OEM tire damage on FJ Cruisers that was caused by a poor mounting process at the factory.  I have no clue how you could screw up a tire mounting like that, but hey - it's Toyota.

The rear differential problem was a different issue entirely and affected Toyota Tundra pickups.  I don't know if they tried to snuff this one or not, though...

(...thinks Toyota owners should speed up to 115mph and ramp their vehicles into trees.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Jan 11th, 2008 at 2:43pm
Hmmm it was one with the tocoma.  The high quality...err ummm unique rear diff cover gasket they were using had a breather hole in it.  Well with everything spinning around it would throw all the fluid out this hole...then lulz.

What they did was issue everyone a free oil change at a dealership.  Then they found it on each car and replaced it free.  To the customer it was a fre oil change and they found something wrong with their car and fixed it.  But it was a recall, stupid pussy toyota.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jan 11th, 2008 at 3:58pm

MediaMaster wrote on Jan 11th, 2008 at 12:20pm:
i dont see why a car has to cost 10k+ anyway. I welcome this car.

It's all fun and games until a bicycle totals your car.

Besides, an auto-mechanic could just as easily say "I don't see why a video game has to cost more than $40, anyway."  There's an insane amount of design, development, and testing that goes into preparing a car for production, long before the cost of materials and labor ever comes into the equation.

(...thinks $15,000 is reasonable for a decent vehicle.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Jan 14th, 2008 at 10:27am

University of Minnesota researchers have created a beating heart in the laboratory.

By using a process called whole organ decellularization, scientists from the University of Minnesota Center for Cardiovascular Repair grew functioning heart tissue by taking dead rat and pig hearts and reseeding them with a mixture of live cells. The research will be published online in the January 13 issue of Nature Medicine.

“The idea would be to develop transplantable blood vessels or whole organs that are made from your own cells,” said Doris Taylor, Ph.D., director of the Center for Cardiovascular Repair, Medtronic Bakken professor of medicine and physiology, and principal investigator of the research.

Nearly 5 million people live with heart failure, and about 550,000 new cases are diagnosed each year in the United States. Approximately 50,000 United States patients die annually waiting for a donor heart.

While there have been advances in generating heart tissue in the lab, creating an entire 3-dimensional scaffold that mimics the complex cardiac architecture and intricacies, has always been a mystery, Taylor said.

It seems decellularization may be a solution – essentially using nature’s platform to create a bioartifical heart, she said.

Decellularization is the process of removing all of the cells from an organ – in this case an animal cadaver heart – leaving only the extracellular matrix, the framework between the cells, intact.

One thing they don't cover here is once you have one of these new fangled hearts you crave the taste of brains.

In before the zombies!

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Jan 14th, 2008 at 10:34am

FORT WORTH, Texas —  A father sodomized his 18-year-old stepson to avenge the teenager's alleged rape of the man's 8-year-old daughter, police said.


Now I threaten raping people ALL the time (I know, rape is funny).  But wouldn't it have been easier and less disgusting just to shoot him?

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Jan 14th, 2008 at 10:55am
This reminds me of every pro-gay movie/TV show where the bully who harasses the gay hero...turns out to be gay.

Obviously this is a work of fiction because everyone knows the bully also takes the nerd he beats up fantasy chick in other genre movies.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Jan 14th, 2008 at 11:44am

This reminds me of every pro-gay movie/TV show where the bully who harasses the gay hero...turns out to be gay.

What?  The only gay heros I know of are the captain planet guy and Jubilee from X-men.

And you might be watching the wrong kinds of movies.  Did the movies you download have plots like this:

Person: Oh no, I left my cash at my other house!  How will I ever pay the delivery man for these pizzas?!

then...bow chicka wow wow.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jan 14th, 2008 at 11:45am
That's the most f'ed up story I've ever read.  I'd love to see a picture of that incredibly dysfunctional family.

(...words can't describe my disgust.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Jan 14th, 2008 at 11:46am

words can't describe my disgust

With any luck his life was ruined forever!

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jan 14th, 2008 at 12:02pm
If nothing else, I feel like I need to remove my skull cap and scrub my brain with steel wool.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Jan 14th, 2008 at 1:35pm

WASHINGTON, Jan. 10 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- An official report from People for The Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), submitted nine months after a Virginia government agency's deadline, shows that the animal rights group put to death more than 97 percent of the dogs, cats, and other pets it took in for adoption in 2006. During that year, the well-known animal rights group managed to find adoptive homes for just 12 pets. The nonprofit Center for Consumer Freedom (CCF) is calling on PETA to either end its hypocritical angel-of-death program, or stop its senseless condemnation of Americans who believe it's perfectly ethical to use animals for food, clothing, and critical medical research.

Not counting animals PETA held only temporarily in its spay-neuter program, the organization took in 3,061 "companion animals" in 2006, of which it killed 2,981. According to Virginia's Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (VDACS), the average euthanasia rate for humane societies in the state was just 34.7 percent in 2006. PETA killed 97.4 percent of the animals it took in. The organization filed its 2006 report this month, nine months after the VDACS deadline of March 31, 2007.

Took in 3,000 pets and found homes for 12.  PETA fucking rocks.

...they still need donations for all the animals they care for.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jan 14th, 2008 at 1:41pm
Wow, that's incredible.  This is exactly why God made animals out of meat.

(...kitty soufflé, anyone?)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Jan 14th, 2008 at 2:10pm
Again...this prove no one trusts a vegetarian.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Jan 14th, 2008 at 4:05pm

LONDON, England (CNN) -- British twins who had been separated at birth learned they were related only after they had become husband and wife, a senior British lawmaker said. The marriage has been annulled.

Why did they get married?

You look like me with breasts, I like that, marry me?

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jan 15th, 2008 at 8:39am
Wow, that's messed up.  Unfortunately, it's probably more common than we think...


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Jan 15th, 2008 at 9:09am

Unfortunately, it's probably more common than we think...

Wow, I think it is probably a lot less common than you think.  Come on twins raised by totally different people some how finding each other later in life?

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jan 15th, 2008 at 9:38am
Depending on who you ask, there are between 120,000 and 170,000 adoptions in the US every year.  This doesn't include foster care adoptions (over 50,000 per year) or international adoptions (about 20,000).

With 200-250,000 adoptions every year, that likelihood of inter-familial marriage becomes statistically significant.  Since most adoptions occur within a geographically small area, it isn't horribly unlikely that an adoptee will end up dating a member of his extended birth family at some point.

A brother marrying his sister is statistically rare, I'm sure, but a man dating his second cousin is probably not.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Jan 15th, 2008 at 9:42am


Noob.  OK, maybe.  I only took into account twins.  I guess a normal brother sister or a cousin is much more likely.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jan 15th, 2008 at 9:50am
Bah.  I caught it and fixed it, and by the time I refreshed, you had already caught it too!

(...strives for grammatical gooderness and betteration.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Jan 15th, 2008 at 11:11am

LONDON (Reuters) - Plague, the disease that devastated medieval Europe, is re-emerging worldwide and poses a growing but overlooked threat, researchers warned on Tuesday.

While it has only killed some 100 to 200 people annually over the past 20 years, plague has appeared in new countries in recent decades and is now shifting into Africa, Michael Begon, an ecologist at the University of Liverpool and colleagues said.

A bacterium known as Yersinia pestis causes bubonic plague, known in medieval times as the Black Death when it was spread by infected fleas, and the more dangerous pneumonic plague, spread from one person to another through coughing or sneezing.

"Although the number of human cases of plague is relatively low, it would be a mistake to overlook its threat to humanity, because of the disease's inherent communicability, rapid spread, rapid clinical course, and high mortality if left untreated," they wrote in the journal Public Library of Science journal PloS Medicine.

Rodents carry plague, which is virtually impossible to wipe out and moves through the animal world as a constant threat to humans, Begon said. Both forms can kill within days if not treated with antibiotics.

"You can't realistically get rid of all the rodents in the world," he said in a telephone interview. "Plague appears to be on the increase, and for the first time there have been major outbreaks in Africa."

Anyone really worried about this?  Anyone?  Anyone at all?

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jan 15th, 2008 at 12:04pm
As long as it stays in Africa, who cares?


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Jan 15th, 2008 at 2:48pm
As John McCain said, and I'm paraphrasing to help me fit his statement into a broader context instead of him just refering to Iraq.

As long as it happens over "there" then Americans don't really care.

THANKS JOHN!  [smiley=ThumbUp.gif]

(  [smiley=ThumbDown.gif] )

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Jan 15th, 2008 at 4:58pm
Bob, I know that you dislike penguin, so I am going to try and help get you a job closer to your true calling!

...I like helping others!
Jims_job_hunt.png (165 KB | )

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jan 16th, 2008 at 8:58am
Bahaha, that's hilarious!  I'm really fond of the "Ask for Anna's Mom" comment at the bottom!


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jan 16th, 2008 at 3:26pm
Yay!  My employer made it into the news!


Fire at two factories
One incident started at furnace; no injuries reported
By Dannielle Hetz
Sturgis Journal
Published: Tuesday, January 15, 2008 10:00 PM CST
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HOWE, Ind. - Fire broke out at two factories Tuesday morning near the Indiana Toll Road.

One fire was at Keystone. Ron Fennell from the St. Joseph County Sheriff's Department said the fire started around 6:52 a.m.

"It was a small fire in the mill room at Keystone, caused by the furnace," Fennell said.

Another fire broke out down about a mile away at Iceberg, the distribution center for Penguin LLC on U.S. 12. The distribution center caught on fire shortly after the Keystone fire.

Tom Watkins, executive vice president/general manager of Penguin, said as soon as the call was made Howe, LaGrange, Fawn River Township, Sturgis, and Burr Oak fire departments showed up on the scene.

"All the fire departments responded well to the call," Watkins said.

The Little Tikes area of the building was damaged, but firefighters kept the west wing from being damaged, Watkins said. The fire departments had to open the roof for ventilation and most of the damage is from the water from the sprinkler system and the hoses. No one was hurt or injured.

The cause of fire at Iceberg could not be confirmed Tuesday.

The fire was caused by a gas leak in a furnace.  The furnace had been repaired a couple days prior, but apparently it wasn't fixed all that well.

The warehouse had about five inches of standing water in it by the time the firefighter left.  Considering the warehouse is several hundred thousand square feet, that's a lot of frickin' water!

(...never a dull day.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Jan 16th, 2008 at 3:34pm

"John Carter loves flamers," Watkins said.

I was in ohio...all day!

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by computerjuvenile on Jan 19th, 2008 at 3:59pm

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Jan 22nd, 2008 at 9:52am

Will the world never learn from our mistakes?

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Jan 22nd, 2008 at 11:10am
Well at least Japan is too congested of people for them to drive and China's main popular are too poor too...or we'd have no more Asians in the world.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jan 22nd, 2008 at 6:54pm

X wrote on Jan 22nd, 2008 at 11:10am:
Well at least Japan is too congested of people for them to drive and China's main popular are too poor too...or we'd have no more Asians in the world.

I have no idea what you just said.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Jan 22nd, 2008 at 7:31pm
I was playing to the stereotype that Asians can't drive...a take off of Spanky's joke women can't drive.

(It's not funny if you have to explain it...or maybe it's just not funny)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Jan 23rd, 2008 at 1:58am

I can't wait until the MSM picks this up...Rudy should just drop out now.  I saw him on an interview yesterday and he was asked about the troubles he had.  I know this guy, if he gets elected will be exactly like Bush.  Because he said, "All is going as planned"....Ya sure it is big boy...go home and cry to your 3rd wife, second cousin.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Jan 23rd, 2008 at 8:34am
Now come on, I hate rudy as much as the next guy but what would you do if you saw a plane fly into a building?  I would get my ass out of the area.  What was he going to do, carry firefighters out of the building?

Also, I loves the MPAA.

On a side note 44% is about the same as 15%, right?

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Jan 23rd, 2008 at 8:47am
I have no problem with him running (for the most part) what I take offense to (and so do these firefighters and police) is that he tauts himself as the 9/11 hero but he's really not.  He lied about what he did and he lied about what he didn't do.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jan 23rd, 2008 at 8:58am

spanky wrote on Jan 23rd, 2008 at 8:34am:
Also, I loves the MPAA.

On a side note 44% is about the same as 15%, right?

44% is the new 15%.  It's all relative.

Half of America can't count above ten without taking off their shoes, so it's a moot point.

( feeling a bit jaded today.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Jan 24th, 2008 at 8:32am

Well no wonder I could never find bigfoot.  He moved to mars!

...that sneaky bastard.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jan 24th, 2008 at 8:47am
Wow, I can't wait to hear Stewie's perspective on that article!

(...puts on his tinfoil cap.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Jan 24th, 2008 at 10:54am
I've forever said there are things on Mars (and on the moon) that we were never given a fair chance (as the public) to look at.  NASA being a govt agency doesn't help their case.  Esp. with the release of poor video and blatant "touch ups" on Moon and Mars photos.

I couldn't say if this was anything but I know what would about a maned mission to the place and the setting up of colonies?  Ya know...try a new look.  I'm not saying it has to be Star Trek...but at least let's be as cool as Babylon 5...maybe just without the Psi Corps govt overthrow and Mars declaring independence.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Jan 24th, 2008 at 11:11am
I have seen total recall.  I know what happens on mars.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jan 24th, 2008 at 11:40am
Yeah, I'm staying on Earth.  I'd rather not have my face melt off my skull, thank you very much.

(...fears the Martian labor strikes ala Red Faction.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Jan 24th, 2008 at 1:32pm
I'd fear looking like Arnold from that movie


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Jan 24th, 2008 at 3:07pm
Your picture of a red X intrigues me.  Please tell me more about your pill that increases my size...

I get too much spam on my yahoo account.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jan 24th, 2008 at 3:14pm

( confused.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Jan 24th, 2008 at 3:24pm
It will only show me the red X of fail but I was able to view the picture from the source site.  This can only mean one thing.  Bob, your forum has a case of the brokens.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jan 24th, 2008 at 3:52pm
Oh, I didn't even see the infamous red X, so I didn't know there was a picture in that post to begin with.

The forum isn't broken.  The image is being hosted on a site that doesn't allow offsite linking.  That's not my fault.

(...points out the handy forum attachment feature.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jan 25th, 2008 at 11:04am

Jan. 22, 2008

On April 29, SCO will finally have its day in court, but not exactly in the way the Unix and Linux litigation company had planned. If things had gone the way SCO wanted, it would be facing IBM to see how much money it would get for IBM using Unix code in Linux. Instead of that fantasy coming true, SCO will be trying to hang on to what's left of its assets from Novell.

U.S. District Court Judge Dale Kimball has already ruled on the heart of the issue. On Aug. 10, 2007, Kimball ruled that Novell, not SCO, owned Unix's IP (intellectual property). With that key card taken away, SCO's never-very-steady card house of lawsuits began falling.

Novell immediately moved to stop SCO in its tracks and collect the money SCO owed it from its Unix IP sales. SCO then tried for the relatively safe haven of bankruptcy.

SCO had hoped that, even in this extremity, York Capital would buy it out of bankruptcy and into private ownership. Once there, it could still continue to make its claims against Linux and try to battle it out with Novell and IBM. The York deal fell through, and that appears to have been SCO's last shot at finding anyone willing to invest in its lawsuits.

With this final financial blow, and several other problems, SCO was delisted from Nasdaq on Dec. 27.

Even before that, bankruptcy proved not to be a safe harbor for SCO. The Delaware bankruptcy court decided that Novell's action against SCO had to be completed before it could make a ruling. So it was that SCO now faces a four-day trial in Salt Lake City to determine how much it owes Novell.

Novell could be awarded as much as $37 million. With at most $13 million in current assets--and that includes the furniture, computers and kitchen sink--and millions in other liabilities, SCO could emerge from Judge Kimball's court without even a shirt to cover its back.

Bahahaha!  That's great news!  God gave us SCO so we'd have an organization to hate more than RIAA!

With SCO's stock trading at a whopping $0.08, I wonder why IBM doesn't just buy them out and send Darl McBride packing.  Of course, Darl probably owns a pretty significant chunk of SCO stock, and IBM/Novell doesn't want to inflate the value of his stock.

This is really too bad because SCO UNIX was a fairly solid operating system.  Sure, it's not AIX, but hey - we can't all be winners.

(...will dance on SCO's grave.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Jan 25th, 2008 at 3:37pm

LONDON (Reuters) - A farmer built an entire mock castle behind a screen of hay bales and lived there concealed for four years to evade planning regulations, officials said on Friday -- but it may be torn down anyway.

Robert Fidler hopes to take advantage of a provision of planning law that allows buildings without planning permission to be declared legal if no objections have been made after four years

But Reigate and Banstead Borough Council in Surrey is not impressed.

"It does not count because the property was hidden behind hay bales," said a spokeswoman. "No one knew it was there."

The council wants the building near Redhill some 30 km south of London to be demolished, along with an associated conservatory, marquee structure, wooden bridge, patio, decking and tarmac racecourse.

"It looks like a mock-Tudor house from the front and it's got two turrets at the back," the spokeswoman said. "I understand there is also a cannon."

The couple would have been unlikely to get planning permission as the farm was in "green belt" land where building was restricted, she said. A hearing takes place in February.

Fidler's wife Linda told the Daily Mail newspaper the children grew up looking at straw out of the windows of the house and that they kept their son away from playschool on the day his class were due to do paintings of their houses.

"We couldn't have him drawing a big blue haystack," she said. "People might ask questions."

Planning inspectors had been called to the site by concerned neighbours shortly before Fidler took the hay bales down in summer 2006 but had not seen the house.

"When the inspectors went there, all they saw was hay bales and hay bales on agricultural land are not that unusual," the spokeswoman said.

"I think the neighbours thought there might be something going on but it is difficult to tell, isn't it?"

Castle...nuff said.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jan 25th, 2008 at 5:55pm
Wow, he wins.  That is frickin' awesome.

(...hats off!)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Jan 28th, 2008 at 10:14pm

Anyone have any theories?

I figure it's either govt testing...or King Kong is ticked off about the 3 hour+ movie he was in that Peter Jackson forced him to.  If it's the govt testing...they better stop!!!

If it's the latter...I understand Kong...and I hope the electro shocks you are giving to Jackson's nuts is hurting him as much as he hurt me for the 4 hours he made me sit in a theater.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Jan 29th, 2008 at 8:18am
It's either the electronic coil pack or ghosts. money is on ghosts.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jan 29th, 2008 at 10:11am

spanky wrote on Jan 29th, 2008 at 8:18am: money is on ghosts.

Yeah, but who are you going to call?


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Jan 29th, 2008 at 10:59am
OK, that's it, I am going to watch that movie tonight.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jan 29th, 2008 at 11:08am
Just don't play the NES game.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on Jan 29th, 2008 at 11:20am
the atari 2600 game kicked butt.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Jan 29th, 2008 at 11:57am
There has been NO GB game yet to be good.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Jan 29th, 2008 at 12:02pm
Holy crap!  I have the NES game, and I brought it with me!

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jan 29th, 2008 at 2:30pm
Just wait until the Ghostbusters MMO comes out.  It's going to rock.

(...don't cross the beams!)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on Jan 29th, 2008 at 2:33pm
streams! Don't cross the streams!

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Jan 29th, 2008 at 3:17pm
Good golly bob is a noob!

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jan 29th, 2008 at 3:24pm
Hey, it's been at least a decade since I watched Ghostbusters, and I'm not a fanboi, so blow me!

(...prefers da beamz.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jan 30th, 2008 at 4:09pm

Chrysler LLC said on Monday it is offering buyouts of up to $100,000 each to hourly workers at 12 of its Detroit-area facilities as part of its November plan to eliminate up to 10,000 unionized jobs.

The offer will be extended to about 14,000 workers represented by the United Auto Workers union at the plants which make cars, engines, axles and other parts, Chrysler spokeswoman Michele Tinson said. About 4,600 can opt for a more attractive retirement package...

...General Motors Corp and Ford Motor Co said earlier in January that they had launched buyouts for UAW-represented hourly workers in North America.

GM's buyout offers cover about 46,000 workers, while Ford said it would offer buyouts to all 54,000 UAW hourly workers. Ford did not announce a target for the buyouts but has nearly 12,000 retirement-eligible U.S. factory workers.

Industry analysts expect the U.S. auto sector to experience another down year in 2008 -- with one investor predicting a possible 15-year sales low. Top U.S. auto executives have said they would not hesitate to further adjust restructuring plans as needed if the market weakened further.

In November, Chrysler, which private equity firm Cerberus Capital Management took over in August, said it would cut up to 10,000 hourly jobs over the next 14 months as it moved to slash North American production.

The cuts were in addition to 13,000 jobs Chrysler had already planned to eliminate as part of a restructuring plan announced in February. Combined, the two announcements represented almost half its unionized factory positions.

Chrysler said in November it would also cut 1,000 salaried jobs and eliminate almost 40 percent of its white-collar contract positions.

Cerberus took control of Chrysler in a $7.4 billion deal. Daimler AG retains a nearly 20 percent stake in the U.S. automaker.

The Chrysler offers run through February 18, Tinson said. The buyout includes a lump-sum payment of $100,000 and six months of health benefits, while the retirement package includes a lump-sum payment of $70,000 as well as better pension and health-care benefits.

It's all fun and games until Chrysler either hires back many of the people it laid off, or the new employees decide to unionize.

(...will the last person to leave Michigan please turn off the lights?)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Jan 30th, 2008 at 4:31pm
I wish I was a ford executive.

First order of business:  "Everyone who is part of the union please raise your hand.  You are all fired."

Second order of business:  Start making some damn money!

That is the only way that is going to happen.  There is no reason for the auto union to still exsist.  You man a screw gun on an assembly line, you should not be making $60k+ a year and get full retirement after 1 year of work.

...can't say that too many times.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Jan 30th, 2008 at 5:18pm
I would like the US to try an experiment.  Let's stop all unions for a year period...then let's see what management does.

If management tries to screw over the workers again...then unions for all...forever.

However I don't see a need for unions anymore.  They served their purpose and then they got too much power and with all things with power it became too much.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Feb 1st, 2008 at 9:54am
I hate mississippi.  They have gone too far.

They now have a Bill that would prohibit serving food to fat people.  This is discrimination!  First I demand that this bill be thrown out, then I demand a double cheeseburger for reparations.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Feb 1st, 2008 at 10:29am
Wow, that's one of the most absurd pieces of legislation I've ever seen, and that's saying something.

Are fast food restaurants going to install scales for their customers to step on, with food choices determined by weight?

(...thinks the people responsible for this bill need to be shot.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Feb 1st, 2008 at 10:41am
Forget about Britian being the Nanny state...if this passes I'm succeeding from Mississippi

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Feb 4th, 2008 at 11:32am

Muslim husbands with more than one wife to get extra benefits as ministers recognise polygamy
Last updated at 11:22am on 4th February 2008

Husbands living in a "harem" with multiple wives have been cleared to claim state benefits for all their different partners.

A Muslim man with four spouses - which is permitted under Islamic law - could receive £10,000 a year in income support alone.

He could also be entitled to more generous housing and council tax benefit, to reflect the fact his household needs a bigger property.

Ministers have decided that, even though bigamy is a crime in Britain, polygamous marriages can be recognised formally by the state - provided they took place overseas, in countries where they are legal.

The outcome will chiefly benefit Muslim men with more than one wife.

Ministers estimate that up to a thousand polygamous partnerships exist in Britain, although they admit there is no exact record.

Potentially, the benefits bill for income support could reach £10m.

New guidelines on income support from the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) state: "Where there is a valid polygamous marriage the claimant and one spouse will be paid the couple rate (£92.80).

"The amount payable for each additional spouse is presently £33.65."

Income support for all of the wives may be paid directly into the husband's bank account, if the family so choose.

Chris Grayling, the shadow work and pensions secretary, said that the decision was "completely unjustifiable".

He added: "You are not allowed to have multiple marriages in the UK, so to have a situation where the benefits system is treating people in different ways is totally unacceptable and will serve to undermine confidence in the system.

"This sets a precedent that will lead to more demands for the culture of other countries to be reflected in UK law and the benefits system."

Mr Grayling also accused the Government of trying to keep the ruling quiet because the topic is so controversial.

Corin Taylor, research director for the Taxpayers' Alliance, said: "British taxpayers are paying a record amount of tax so the Government has a duty to make sure that every penny is spent properly.

"Polygamy is not something which British law allows and therefore British taxpayers should not have to pay for extra benefits for second or third wives.

"If other countries sanction polygamy that is fine but the British taxpayer should not have to fund it."

Ministers launched a review of the benefit rules for polygamous marriages in November 2006, after it emerged that some families had benefited financially.

The review concluded in December last year with agreement that the extra benefits should continue to be paid. But the decision was not publicly announced.

Four departments - the Treasury, the DWP, HM Revenue and Customs, and the Home Office - were involved in the review, which concluded that recognising multiple marriages conducted overseas was 'the best possible' option. In Britain, bigamy is punishable by up to seven years in prison.

Islamic law permits men to have up to four wives at any one time - known as a harem - provided the husband spends equal amounts of time and money on each of them.

The DWP believes the number of people in polygamous marriages entering Britain has fallen since the 1988 Immigration Act, which makes it harder to bring more than one wife to the UK.

But, while a married man cannot obtain a spouse visa to bring a second wife into Britain, some multiple partners may be able to enter the country via other legal routes such as tourist visas, student visas or work permits.

Officials have also identified a potential loophole by which a man can divorce his wife under British law while continuing to live with her as his spouse under Islamic law, and obtain a spouse visa for a foreign woman who he can legally marry.

Immigration rules say entry clearance may not be withheld from a second wife where the husband has divorced his previous wife, and the divorce is thought to be one of convenience.

This is so, even if the husband is still living with the previous wife and to issue the entry clearance would lead to the formation of a polygamous household.

Muslim couples are only married in the eyes of the British state if they undergo a register office wedding as well as a Nikah, or religious ceremony.

Muslim groups say it is quite common for men here to undergo more than one Nikah with different wives. This does not count as bigamy since only the first marriage is legally recognised.

A DWP spokesman said: 'There are fewer than 1,000 polygamous marriages in the UK and only a small percentage of these are claiming social security benefit.

"We recently reviewed the rules regarding benefit payments to customers in a polygamous marriage, which conclude that the rules in place since 1987 provide the necessary safeguards to ensure there is no financial advantage for claimants in a valid polygamous marriage."

Good job, United Kingdom!  The way I see it, the UK will be considered part of the Middle East before the decade is up!

I really wish this was an Onion article, but it's completely legit.  Pity.

( amazed by the level of stupidity.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Feb 4th, 2008 at 11:42am
I know that Muslims want to take pat of the Old Testament in there religion (and I think they have a right to as long as they stop at Ishmael) but shouldn't they know that God wants one man and one woman only?  I'm not all too up on my Koran...but it sounds like Muslims are becoming more Mormon.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Feb 4th, 2008 at 3:06pm
You have to admit, its a rather appealing benefit for the prospective members of whatever religion.  It seems like many of the world's craziest religion support polygamy.

(...thinks one is enough.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Feb 4th, 2008 at 4:51pm
It's true...polygamy grows a small group of people quickly.  The rise of Mormonism so quickly in this country is only brought about by polygamy and the stranglehold older members have on the younger generation.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Feb 8th, 2008 at 9:04am

The Cumberland County Sheriff's Office is searching for a man who has a mustache and has been seen wearing women's underwear, a garter belt and black high-heel boots.

Since last spring, the sheriff's office has received six reports that a motorist wearing that outfit has pulled in front of female drivers, jumped out of his vehicle and modeled his attire in the roadway.

The women have had to swerve to avoid him, Sheriff Mark Dion said.

"The behavior is not necessarily criminal in terms of dress, but the fact he's jumping out in roadways and apparently targeting females who are alone, driving their cars, seems to suggest to us we have to talk to him," Dion said.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Feb 8th, 2008 at 9:07am high heeled boots are red.

I don't understand what this guy wants though?  Why is he going after women, in women's underwear, on the freeway?

The internet is here for a reason, people!


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Feb 8th, 2008 at 9:30am
Exhibitionism at its finest.  That reminds me of a steamy night a couple years back with Spanky's mom...

(...smiles dreamily.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Feb 8th, 2008 at 9:59am

That reminds me of a steamy night 15 seconds of awkward trying then 6 hours of crying due to size issues a couple years back...

I fixed it for you bob.  Lying is a sin you know!

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Feb 8th, 2008 at 10:02am
I didn't hear your mom complaining.

( dog down a hallway.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Feb 8th, 2008 at 1:03pm
Well this almost counts as news...

7 signs you are a bad boss.

I am not saying anyone should print that out and tape it to anybody’s door with the high turn over rates, people not wanting to take on your projects, and not using you on any references after the job highlighted.

But if it does happen I would like pictures of the aftermath.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Feb 11th, 2008 at 10:59am
Jaws guy is dead.

This sucks, who is going to be in Jaws 19: They evolve into peoples! movie idea ever.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Feb 11th, 2008 at 11:00am
Better yet, Jaws vs. Ecco: Dolphin Time.

(...would buy a ticket.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Feb 11th, 2008 at 1:21pm

MEXICO CITY — Body-to-body contact is inescapable on Mexico City’s crowded public transportation system. Get on a train or a bus during rush hour and a man in a business suit may have his arm resting against your shoulder, a woman toting a bulky shopping bag may have her back pressed against your flank, and a teenager listening to an iPod may tap his sneaker all over your newly shined left shoe.

But many women complain that not all the contact is incidental. Among the 22 million passengers who use the bus and subway system daily, women say, are lecherous men taking advantage of the cheek-to-jowl conditions to leer and grope and then quietly disappear.

“There are good men in Mexico, but they’re not the ones on public transport,” said Mariana Vasquez, 30, who waited to board a bus recently on her way to a job interview at a law firm. “They try to touch you. They don’t give you a seat. Where are the gentlemen?”

One place they are not is on new women-only buses that Mexico City began running in January to reduce the harassment. With pink placards and insistent drivers who growl at any man who tries to step aboard, the buses are quickly becoming a hit among women.


Was too long to post the whole thing.  But what do you guys think?  Personally I think this is horrible, where else am I going to be able to feel up dirty mexicans?  These womenz think they are real people just like us...haha, next thing you know they will want to be able to own land and vote!

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Feb 11th, 2008 at 5:07pm
This same thing happens on mass transit all over the world.  Ask Meredith about her adventures on the train system in Japan.

I swear, if any little Japanese bastards try grabbing her butt while I'm standing beside her, I'm going to break some folks in half.

( planning on going to Japan next spring.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Feb 12th, 2008 at 9:11am
Yay!  Cold War 2.0!

I changed my mind, this is scary.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Feb 12th, 2008 at 9:25am
Buy guns.  Buy gold.

The Russkies have been buzzing US ships and bases (and EU bases, too) for several months now.  They're definitely trying to rekindle the Cold War.

What I don't understand is why the Nimitz allowed a bomber to get anywhere near them, let alone fly right over them.  If that bomber would've dropped a payload on the Nimitz, it would've seriously crippled or even destroyed one of our most powerful military assets.

(...would've warned the bomber at 250 miles out and shot it down at 25 miles out.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Feb 12th, 2008 at 9:49am
With Putin can take the boy out of the KGB...but you can't take the KGB out of the boy.

This is like the UN appointing a former Nazi as Sec. General...oh wait that happened too.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Feb 12th, 2008 at 9:51am
Speaking of Putin, did you see that Time named him Man of the Year?

I always knew Time was a communist rag, but that's pretty blatant even for them.  I'd love to know what their justification was in choosing him.

( up.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on Feb 12th, 2008 at 10:23am
It's not that hes the greatest man of the year, its that he was an influential man, good or bad. Wasn't bin laden one?

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Feb 12th, 2008 at 10:27am
shoot...Hitler was Man Of The Year in like '37 or so Time has a history of being hilariously unAmerican.  Plus how can you argue with a man who kills his own population who are taken hostage, medicating protesters and getting them committed, and dissolving his government whenever he feels like it.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on Feb 12th, 2008 at 10:39am
It's a world magazine based in America. I don't see what the big deal is, or why they are considered unAmerican. Hitler was the greatest influence in the world in the 40's. He was also the most twisted and evil man, but that still doesn't stop the fact that he changed the world.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Feb 12th, 2008 at 10:43am
Then Time should do an article on Satan and the influence he's had over all of man's history.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on Feb 12th, 2008 at 11:12am
That would be a pretty big issue.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Feb 12th, 2008 at 11:12am
News goes here.

Long story short:  New York mag spreads word about the evil, dirty, lying, thieving gingers and they get their panties all in a twist.  Gingerists rule!

Wonder how long I can remember the phrase Ang Mo.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Feb 12th, 2008 at 11:26am
I've never heard of these...esp the middle one!

Burning Bush.
Cheeto crotch.
Groundskeeper Willie.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Feb 12th, 2008 at 2:57pm
Red is always associated with "bad."  Satan, fire, communism - they're all red!

(...darned gingers!)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Feb 12th, 2008 at 3:12pm
Republican states?

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Feb 12th, 2008 at 3:23pm
Interestingly, Republican states used to be blue and Democratic states were red.  For some reason, the colors switched without warning a few years back.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Feb 13th, 2008 at 1:54pm

At just 2ft 9in, Indian muscleman Aditya 'Romeo' Dev is the world's smallest bodybuilder.

Pint-sized Romeo is well-known in his hometown of Phagwara, India - for his ability to lift 1.5kg dumbbells - despite his overall 9kg body weight.

Every day, crowds flock to the local gym to the see the mini-muscleman in training.

Unlike many dwarfs, Romeo is well proportioned, with a head circumference of 15in and a chest measurement of 20in.

Romeo said: "I've been training as a bodybuilder for the last two years and by now I think I must be the strongest dwarf in the world.

"I have always been fit but since I started working out, I have become famous for my strength.

"My size has never stopped me. I train with dumbbells and do aerobics and dance. People are always pleased to see me. I have been invited on TV shows and dance on stage."

His trainer Ranjeet Pal spents hours helping his 19-year-old protege build his small muscles to perfection.

"Because of his small size, I don't assign him hard exercises. But Romeo trains more or less the same as anyone else and he's much more determined.

"When he first started, I insisted he did a month of basic exercises like aerobics, push-ups and basic gymnastics to prepare his body.

"After that, I made lightweight dumbbells and taught him basic weight-lifting exercises to shape his biceps and triceps. His size and his weight were taken care of so that he never hurt himself."

Determined Romeo is hoping to have an entertainment career after performing in many local TV shows.

He said: "I earn good money through my dance and bodybuilding shows but being rich doesn't interest me.

"My dream is to travel a lot - I want to perform in London with my idol, Jazzy-B."

Wow, a gay Indian dwarf!  There has to be a joke here somewhere!

(...loves the outfit.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Feb 14th, 2008 at 8:30am
Damn bob, just because someone likes lifting hot pants...and having sex with other men you call them gay?

well, your mom is gay!

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Feb 14th, 2008 at 3:57pm

Heartbeat detector in new Volvo S80

Wednesday February 8, 2006 3:07 PM CST - By: Michael Kwan

As a company with a strong reputation for safety, Volvo has released information about another feature of its flagship S80 sedan. The incorporation of a heartbeat detector sends a warning to drivers’ wireless fobs if there’s someone waiting for them in the backseat. It seems that their marketing scheme is based on one too many horror/thriller movies, as this system seems to be set up to prevent the insane slasher in the back seat from sneaking up on you as you drive down the interstate.

The S80’s Personal Car Communicator is alerted when a heartbeat is detected, so if you happen to find yourself trapped in a zombie movie, you’d be out of luck. That said, another excellent application for this technology could be the prevention of having babies trapped in cars amongst the summer heat. How many times have we heard of forgetful parents leaving their children in the car?

Volvo hopes to sell 50,000 new S80s each year in a global market, quite an ambitious figure given that 70% are hopeful conquest sales. But hey, maybe this new heartbeat detector will be enough to put them over the top.

Being a geek, I'm all for the adoption of new technology.  This, however, is just retarded.

(...thinks they should drop the heartbeat detector and install a 5.9.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Feb 14th, 2008 at 4:58pm
What if that killer is a zombie and therefore undead!  U R Skrewd!!!111


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Feb 14th, 2008 at 5:00pm
That's very true, Stewie.  I bet they never thought of that!

(...just finished reading World War Z.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Feb 19th, 2008 at 8:31am

Feb. 19 (Bloomberg) -- Fidel Castro resigned as president and commander-in-chief of Cuba, after almost 50 years as the country's leader, the official daily Granma said.

``I neither will aspire to nor will I accept, the position of president of the council of state and commander-in-chief,'' Castro wrote, according to Granma in its online edition. ``My only desire is to fight as a soldier for my ideas.''

Castro, 81, seized power in Cuba almost a half-century ago promising liberty and economic justice only to turn the Caribbean island into a communist bastion and a flashpoint of the Cold War.

The resignation should be ``the beginning of a democratic transition for the people of Cuba,'' President George W. Bush said in a news conference in Kigali, Rwanda, and promised U.S. help. The international community should support ``free and fair elections, and I mean free and I mean fair, not these kinds of staged elections that the Castro brothers try to foist off.''

Raul Castro has been acting president since July 2006, when Fidel handed control to him after undergoing surgery to treat an intestinal ailment. Castro failed to attend the May Day parade in Havana last year, missing the celebration for only the third time since taking power in 1959.

Eh being dictator is boring.  Screw you guys, I'm going home.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Feb 19th, 2008 at 8:35am
Ya got to give it to him though...after 9 Presidents all calling for his head and defeating CIA plots, Mob plots, and former Cuban plots on his life...he takes himself out of power.  I mean the irony should not be lost because it just makes me giggle.

(Tee hee hee)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Feb 19th, 2008 at 8:55am
Wow, today would be a good day to buy a lottery ticket.  I thought Fidel was going to stay in power until he fell over dead.

Stewie makes a good point, though.  Fidel has dodged a lot of bullets (both figuratively and literally) over the past fifty years.

(...Bay of Pigs, anyone?)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Feb 19th, 2008 at 8:56am

I though Fidel


Take that you homo!

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on Feb 19th, 2008 at 8:59am
Now we know for sure the Grammar Nazi has defected to Mother Russia. He's already started to get sloppy.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Feb 19th, 2008 at 9:04am
I have no idea what you're talking about.

(...whistles innocently.)
BunnyGirlAK.gif (121 KB | )

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Feb 19th, 2008 at 9:05am

MediaMaster wrote on Feb 19th, 2008 at 8:59am:
Now we know for sure the Grammar Nazi has defected to Mother Russia. He's already started to get sloppy.

In Russia, I get paid the same regardless of my quality of work.  Why exert myself?

(...stupid communism.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Feb 19th, 2008 at 9:13am
Why are you getting paid in the glory of communism?  Every just takes what is needed and no one takes more than that.  Everything should be free with communism and we all work for the greater good....

the greater good....


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on Feb 19th, 2008 at 9:20am
That bunny girl scares me. She has no nose... and shes really just thrusting the AK back and forth. I guess thats how bob likes it...

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Feb 19th, 2008 at 9:23am
Bunny girl is trying to make love to the butt end of the rifle...that scares me.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Feb 19th, 2008 at 9:36am

MediaMaster wrote on Feb 19th, 2008 at 9:20am:
I guess thats how bob likes it...

Admittedly, it is kinda hot.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Feb 20th, 2008 at 8:32am

NEW DELHI (AFP) - - Another Middle East undersea Internet cable has been damaged, adding to disruption in Indian online services caused when several lines were cut earlier this week, a cable operating firm said Saturday.

The Falcon cable was cut 56 kilometres (35 miles) from Dubai, between Oman and the United Arab Emirates, according to its owner FLAG Telecom, part of India's Reliance Communications.

The company said on its website that a repair ship had been notified and was expected to arrive at the site in the next few days.

The cause of the latest cable damage was not immediately known.

Dare I say...the war on the telemarketers has begun?!

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Feb 20th, 2008 at 12:54pm
*tap* *tap* Is this thing on?

As much as it pains me to say, maybe China isn't as awful as I tell people it is.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Feb 20th, 2008 at 3:46pm

spanky wrote on Feb 20th, 2008 at 8:32am:
Dare I say...the war on the telemarketers has begun?!

If by "telemarketers" you mean "everybody that uses a phone or data line," then yes, you're absolutely right.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on Feb 23rd, 2008 at 6:05pm

Japan launched a rocket Saturday carrying a satellite that will test new technology that promises to deliver "super high-speed Internet" service to homes and businesses around the world.

If the technology proves successful, subscribers with small dishes will connect to the Internet at speeds many times faster than what is now available over residential cable or DSL services.

The Associated Press said the satellite would offer speeds of up to 1.2 gigabytes per second.

oh snap!

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Feb 23rd, 2008 at 6:25pm
I would really like to know how this tech works.  Wired is still faster than wireless...that was up until now.   Very interesting.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Feb 23rd, 2008 at 11:35pm
Yeah, I'd also like to know how it works.  There is no way this satellite is going to be able to offer low-latency 1.2GB service to residential accounts.  It simply isn't going to happen.

(...will always take a wire over wireless.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Feb 27th, 2008 at 12:40pm

Microsoft fined record £681m for defying EU

By Emma Henry and agencies
Last Updated: 1:28pm GMT 27/02/2008

The Commission said it was the first company to ignore sanctions in 50 years of EU competition policy.
It fined Microsoft what was than a record €497m (£330m) in 2004 after it found the software giant guilty of using its near monopoly to stifle its rivals.

The company was also ordered to separate its Windows operating system from its Media Player and provide rivals with vital data enabling them to produce computer servers which can work alongside Windows software.

The ruling, which was appealed, was later upheld by an EU court. Microsoft provided information but imposed high royalties on the grounds of innovation.

The Commission found that the information lacked much innovation and was more like a lock to which Microsoft was withholding the combination. It decided the royalties were unreasonable.

Competition Commissioner Neelie Kroes said: "I hope that today's decision closes a dark chapter in Microsoft's record of non-compliance with the Commission's March 2004 decision."

Microsoft said in a statement that the fines concerned "past issues" and it was now looking to the future.

After fining Microsoft in 2004, the Commission fined it another €280.5 million in July 2006 for failing to comply with the sanctions.

The latest decision picks up from where that fine left off, for the period from June 21, 2006 until Oct. 21, 2007. After that, Microsoft agreed to reduced royalties and to provide the requested information.

The Microsoft statement said: "As we demonstrated last week with our new interoperability principles and specific actions to increase the openness of our products, we are focusing on steps that will improve things for the future."

Last week, knowing a large fine was imminent, the company publicly promised to publish critical information so rival programmes worked better with Windows.

Microsoft still faces other potential action by the Commission.

In January, the EU executive started two new formal antitrust investigations against Microsoft - one relating to interoperability, and one relating to the tying of separate software products.

$1.4 billion?!  Holy crap, that's a nice piece of change even for Microsoft!  

I can't believe Microsoft is still getting nailed for this crap.  I can install virtually any browser, media player, or office productivity suite I want on Windows.  How does this constitute a monopoly?  

Apple ships a media player with their OS.  Sun ships a media player with their OS.  Virtually every Linux distribution ships with a media player.  Yet, when Microsoft does it, they're a monopoly?  WTF?

I think Microsoft should give the EU the finger an refuse to sell any software or provide updates or support to EU countries.  That fine would disappear damn near overnight.

This isn't punishment for Microsoft's supposed "crime" or reimbursement for what it has cost others, it's graft, pure and simple.

(...regulatory extortion, nothing more.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Feb 27th, 2008 at 1:52pm
Though I think it is funny to fine/sue for WTFCRAZY amounts of is not cool when a country(or countries) other than the US does it!

I say Microsoft should give me a cool million as their fine and be done with it.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Feb 28th, 2008 at 4:15pm

KUAM News has learned that a B-2 stealth bomber crashed at Andersen Air Force Base this morning. The incident happened at around 10:45am Saturday, as information we've gathered so far indicates that a lead B-2 aircraft took off and became safely airborne, but when minutes later a second bomber took off for reasons that are unknown at this point, that aircraft crashed.

However, at least two pilots were ejected before the plane hit. Their conditions are unknown at this time. AAFB public affairs officials have not been able to be reached for comment on the matter.

Meanwhile, Yigo residents have reported that they've seen large plumes of black smoke coming from the nearby military base. Additionally, according to Guam Fire Department Angel Llagas, a large explosion was also reported to the island's 911 service this morning, and two units responded to the area.

This is the second military aircraft that has crashed in the last 11 days. On February 12 a Navy Ea-6b Prowler attached to the U.S.S. Kittyhawk strike group went down about 20 miles to the north of AAFB. All four of the pilots in that incident were released from the hospital with minor injuries.

Some facts about the B-2 Spirit Bomber:

- Assigned to 393rd Expeditionary Bomb Squadron's 509th Bomb Wing
- Homebased out of Whiteman Air Force Base in Missouri
- Deployed to Guam as part of continuous bomber presence in Asia-Pacific region
- Primary function: Multi-role heavy bomber
- Armament: Conventional/nuclear weapons
- Payload: 40,000 lbs.
- Crew: Two pilots
- Unit cost: Approximately $1.2 billion

The U.S. Air Force released a statement following the event, reporting that a pair of pilots from the 509th were on board and ejected. They were evaluated by medical authorities and are said to be in good condition.

The B-2 was deployed to Andersen AFB from Whiteman AFB, Missouri. Emergency responders are currently at the site of the crash and the Air Force stated that a board of officers intends to investigate the accident.

Only $1.2 billion?  Eh, don't worry...we have more money than we know what to do with.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Feb 28th, 2008 at 5:07pm
I think I could come up with better uses of $1.2bn.

(...would buy every video game known to man.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Feb 29th, 2008 at 9:43am
Well I would do two chicks at the same time...everyday...for the rest of my life.

I think that with $1.2 billion I could hook that up.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Feb 29th, 2008 at 12:22pm

Well I would do two chicks help 2 chicks do three dudes at the same time...everyday...for the rest of my life.

Fixed it for ya.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Feb 29th, 2008 at 1:10pm

X wrote on Feb 29th, 2008 at 12:22pm:

Well I would do two chicks help 2 chicks do three dudes at the same time...everyday...for the rest of my life.

Fixed it for ya.


So me and 2 chicks with strap ons doing 3 dudes?  You have some messed up fantasies.

I would like to point out that in pat's joke I was a pitcher and not a catcher(catcher's mit!!)...therefore I am not gay!  Joke backfired on you huh?!

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Feb 29th, 2008 at 1:26pm
Really?  So a guy going down on you wouldn't make you gay either?

You need to look up your definitions then.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Feb 29th, 2008 at 1:39pm
Whoa, settle down na!

Are you trying to tell me the guy that wanted to put the rubber fist in my anoos was gay??

Really?  So a guy going down on you wouldn't make you gay either?

Nope, I was just there for the sex.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on Feb 29th, 2008 at 5:06pm
Sure was alot of snow today?

/subject change

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Feb 29th, 2008 at 5:21pm
Ah I see what you're saying like to do a little coke before having your daisy chain.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Feb 29th, 2008 at 6:55pm
Pfft, no snow here.  Just proves yet again ohio is better than michigan.

If queers make briney uncomfortable...why was he an art major?

...the world may never know.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Mar 4th, 2008 at 3:48pm

Moms Allegedly Brawl at Chuck E. Cheese

NATICK, Mass. (AP) -- A child's birthday party at a Chuck E. Cheese restaurant was cut short after a fight broke out between two mothers. Natick police said the mom of the 9-year-old birthday boy apparently became enraged because the other woman's son was "hogging" an arcade game.

Sgt. Paul Thompson said Catherine Aliaga, 38, and Tarsha Williams, 33, both of Boston, would be summoned into court to answer charges of simple assault and battery stemming from the scuffle.

Thompson told the MetroWest Daily News that police received a number of 911 calls about the fight Saturday night.

He said what started as a birthday celebration turned into a "birthday melee."

This might be the best birthday party ever.

(...thinks his mom could kick your mom's butt.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Mar 5th, 2008 at 8:33am

became enraged because the other woman's son was "hogging" an arcade game.

Video games cause violence.  This proves it!

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Mar 5th, 2008 at 10:09am
Watch out, Jack Thompson might hear you!


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Mar 5th, 2008 at 10:45am
I don't think Wacky-A-Mole counts as a video game

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Mar 5th, 2008 at 10:54am
Dude, I frickin' rock at Whack-A-Mole.  My whacking skills are unmatched.  Nobody, and I mean nobody, can outwhack me.

( even better at the alligator-smacking game.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Mar 5th, 2008 at 11:20am

Nobody, and I mean nobody, can outwhack me.

Wes' mom begs to differ.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Mar 5th, 2008 at 12:19pm

spanky wrote on Mar 5th, 2008 at 11:20am:
Wes' mom begs for a cheeseburger.

Fixed it for you.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Mar 12th, 2008 at 1:18pm

You know the drill. Every 14th of February you get the chance to display your fondness for a significant other by showering her with gifts, flowers, dinner, shows and any other baubles that women find romantic. Every Valentines day you rack your brains for that one special, unique gift that will show your wife or girlfriend that you really do care for them more than any other. Now ladies, I'll let you in on a little secret; guys really don't enjoy this that much. Sure seeing that smile on your face when we get it right is priceless, but that smile is the result of weeks of blood, sweat and consideration. Another secret; guys feel left out. That's right, there's no special holiday for the ladies to show their appreciation for the men in their life. Men as a whole are either too proud or too embarrassed to admit it.

Which is why a new holiday has been created.

March 14th is now officially "Steak and Blowjob Day". Simple, effective and self explanatory, this holiday has been created so you ladies finally have a day to show your man how much you care for him.

No cards, no flowers, no special nights on the town; the name of the holiday explains it all, just a steak and a BJ. Thats it. Finally, this twin pair of Valentine's Day and Steak and Blowjob Day will usher in a new age of love as men everywhere try THAT much harder in February to ensure a memorable March 14th!

The word is already beginning to spread, but as with any new idea, it needs a little push to start the ball rolling. So spread the word, and help bring love and peace to this crazy world. And, of course, steak and BJ's.

The holiday is just around the corner!

It also has a website, but I am too much of a wuss to open it at work.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Mar 12th, 2008 at 2:01pm
Gosh Craig...since you're the female of your relationship with Biff...I guess you'll be busy on the 14th...did he get you a new pair of knee pads yet?


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Mar 12th, 2008 at 2:19pm
Yeah, I got those for my birfday!

...I mean, no...pshh, wha?  What do you mean?!

Last year was a bust.  Wes' mom ate the steak before I got to it.  >:(

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Mar 12th, 2008 at 2:29pm
If you think the steak was bad, you should've seen what she did to the Ho-Ho's.

(...counted at least five or six bodies afterward.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Mar 18th, 2008 at 2:06pm

A Detroit beer distribution company loaned a $3,000 green, pint glass-shaped costume to someone last Halloween.

On Monday, after the distribution company asked for the costume’s return, they found out it had been stolen .

Eastpointe police Lieutenant Leo Borowsky says it is believed to be one of only two such costumes in the United States. It was flown directly to Michigan from Ireland to be used as advertising.

Police suspect that the costume could be worn during upcoming St. Patrick’s Day celebrations. So, beware if you see a giant green pint glass. it is worth $3,000.

They took inventory tips from penguin.  Don't bother looking for anything until the day before you need it.

On a side note...I look freaking awesome in that costume!

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on Mar 20th, 2008 at 8:30pm

The Florida Supreme Court will no longer accept anything directly from controversial Miami attorney Jack Thompson. If Thompson wants to file with the Court, he’s going to need to hire another lawyer to do it on his behalf.

That’s the ruling handed down by the Court late this morning.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Mar 20th, 2008 at 10:35pm
It's about time.  They've been mulling over that decision for months.  I wonder why they don't just skip the middle man and disbar him?


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Mar 20th, 2008 at 11:55pm
Because it takes a lot to disbar someone...especially in FL


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Mar 21st, 2008 at 11:18am
Everything in florida moves slower.  Thank the old people for that.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Mar 21st, 2008 at 3:59pm

MARATHON, Fla. — A 75-pound stingray killed a Michigan woman Thursday when it flew out of the water and struck her face as she rode a boat in the Florida Keys, officials said.

Judy Kay Zagorski, of Pigeon, Mich., was sitting in the front seat of a boat going 25 mph when the spotted eagle ray, with a wingspan of 5 to 6 feet, leaped out of the water, said Jorge Pino, spokesman for the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission.

The 57-year-old woman's father was driving the boat on the Atlantic Ocean side of Vaca Key, Pino said.

"He had absolutely no warning. It just happened instantaneously," Pino said.

The collision knocked Zagorski backward onto the floor of the boat, Pino said.

The impact likely killed the woman, and she did not appear to have puncture wounds from the ray's barb, Pino said. An autopsy is planned, Pino said.

Zagorski's sister was standing next to her when the stingray appeared but was not injured, Pino said.

The stingray died from the impact, officials said.

Spotted eagle rays can weigh 500 pounds and have a wingspan of up to 10 feet. They are known to occasionally jump out of the water but are not aggressive and use the venomous barb at the end of their tail for defense.

The rays are protected in Florida waters and are typically seen swimming on the water's surface.

"Rays jump to escape a predator, give birth and shake off parasites," said Lynn Gear, supervisor of fishes and reptiles at Theater of the Sea in Islamorada. "They do not attack people."

In 2006, a South Florida man was also critically injured when a stingray flopped into his boat and stung him. James Bertakis, 82, of Lighthouse Point, underwent surgery because the stingray left a foot-long barb in his heart. He has since recovered.

That's just what they want you to think!

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Mar 21st, 2008 at 5:02pm
We've spent all this time worried about the dolphins, when the stingrays are our real enemies!

(...remember Irwin!)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Mar 24th, 2008 at 4:18pm

AUGUSTA — Gov. John Baldacci will sign into law today a measure that prohibits the retail sale and distribution of novelty lighters.

The bill defines a novelty lighter as something that is “designed to appear to be a toy, feature a flashing light or make musical sounds.”

Baldacci is scheduled to sign the bill at 12:30 p.m. today in his office.

Finally this law passed!  Think of how many retarded children we are saving from being burned and learning a valuable lesson.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Mar 24th, 2008 at 4:23pm
Wow, I'm so glad the governor of Maine had the time to focus on this important piece of legislation!

(...thinks Spanky said it best.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Mar 25th, 2008 at 9:54am
No, I think jerod said it best, "OUCH!  Fire hot!"

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Mar 26th, 2008 at 1:41pm

Man Installing Satellite TV Shoots, Kills Wife
Patsy Long Died From Gunshot Wound To Chest

POSTED: 9:19 am CDT March 25, 2008
UPDATED: 12:04 pm CDT March 25, 2008

SEDALIA, Mo. -- Officials are trying to determine whether to file charges against a man who fatally shot his wife while trying to install a satellite television system in their home.

Patsy D. Long, 34, of Deep Water, was pronounced dead early Saturday evening after being shot in the chest with a .22-caliber handgun.

Pasty Long was standing outside the residence, helping her husband with the installation of a satellite television system. The couple's children were also outside.

According to sheriff's department spokesman Maj. Robert Hills, Ronald Long fired a shot from the inside of their home after several unsuccessful efforts to punch a hole through the exterior wall using other means.

Ronald Long told authorities that he fired a second shot, then called out his wife's name and the names of their two children. When he got no reply, he ran outside and found his wounded wife.

Pasty Long was hit by the second of two shots fired by Ronald Long, the Henry County Sheriff's Department said.

Hills said a person involved in such a case normally would be charged with manslaughter, but that was up to the prosecutor.

"Once we complete a diagram of the incident, we will be submitting everything to the prosecuting attorney and let him decide if he wants to press criminal charges," Hills said.

Hills described the family as being very "distraught."

Henry County Coroner Scott Largent declined to release details about Patsy Long's death until the Sheriff's Department completes its investigation.

This guy is a total dumbass.  He should have known better than to use a .22 to put a hole in the wall...

...he would have needed at least a .45ACP to get a hole big enough to run coax through!

(...wonders if he ever got the cable run correctly?)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Mar 28th, 2008 at 12:32pm

A Victim Treats His Mugger Right

Listen Now [3 min 12 sec] add to playlist

Julio Diaz

Julio Diaz recorded his story in New York City just days after he was mugged in the subway. StoryCorps

Morning Edition, March 28, 2008 · Julio Diaz has a daily routine. Every night, the 31-year-old social worker ends his hour-long subway commute to the Bronx one stop early, just so he can eat at his favorite diner.

But one night last month, as Diaz stepped off the No. 6 train and onto a nearly empty platform, his evening took an unexpected turn.

He was walking toward the stairs when a teenage boy approached and pulled out a knife.

"He wants my money, so I just gave him my wallet and told him, 'Here you go,'" Diaz says.

As the teen began to walk away, Diaz told him, "Hey, wait a minute. You forgot something. If you're going to be robbing people for the rest of the night, you might as well take my coat to keep you warm."

The would-be robber looked at his would-be victim, "like what's going on here?" Diaz says. "He asked me, 'Why are you doing this?'"

Diaz replied: "If you're willing to risk your freedom for a few dollars, then I guess you must really need the money. I mean, all I wanted to do was get dinner and if you really want to join me ... hey, you're more than welcome.

"You know, I just felt maybe he really needs help," Diaz says.

Diaz says he and the teen went into the diner and sat in a booth.

"The manager comes by, the dishwashers come by, the waiters come by to say hi," Diaz says. "The kid was like, 'You know everybody here. Do you own this place?'"

"No, I just eat here a lot," Diaz says he told the teen. "He says, 'But you're even nice to the dishwasher.'"

Diaz replied, "Well, haven't you been taught you should be nice to everybody?"

"Yea, but I didn't think people actually behaved that way," the teen said.

Diaz asked him what he wanted out of life. "He just had almost a sad face," Diaz says.

The teen couldn't answer Diaz — or he didn't want to.

When the bill arrived, Diaz told the teen, "Look, I guess you're going to have to pay for this bill 'cause you have my money and I can't pay for this. So if you give me my wallet back, I'll gladly treat you."

The teen "didn't even think about it" and returned the wallet, Diaz says. "I gave him $20 ... I figure maybe it'll help him. I don't know."

Diaz says he asked for something in return — the teen's knife — "and he gave it to me."

Afterward, when Diaz told his mother what happened, she said, "You're the type of kid that if someone asked you for the time, you gave them your watch."

"I figure, you know, if you treat people right, you can only hope that they treat you right. It's as simple as it gets in this complicated world."

If this guy isn't a Christian then he should be, and we Christians can learn a lot from him.

...sorry I have something in both my eyes.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Mar 28th, 2008 at 1:17pm
That's a touching story.  Hopefully the kid will take something from this lesson and change his life before it's too late.

(...or not.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Mar 28th, 2008 at 2:53pm
Well at least one person in the world would be that nice.  I, on the other hand, would probably not choose the same route.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Mar 28th, 2008 at 3:20pm
I didn't feel like posting the whole story because this is all we care about:

Each of the results below have two graphs. The first is a measure of how many of us use a particular piece of software: users versus non-users. The second graph takes the users and splits them into pirates and non-pirates. Also, I’m going to leave the polls running for a while to see how things progress over time.

Is anyone else surprised that one of the numbers isn't drastically higher?


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Mar 28th, 2008 at 4:05pm
Not really.  Most all companies use legit software.

I just got done with a project that we had to buy a one month license to some POS touch screen interface designer.  One month for the low low price of $900.

Anyone else think this price was dreamed up by a crackhead?

...good thing it was the customer footing the bill.  ;D

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Mar 28th, 2008 at 4:13pm
Companies often inadvertently buy far more licenses than they needed, or buy a full license when they really only need an upgrade.

For instance, Joe Corp. buy 1,000 workstations in 2008.  They buy 1,000 licenses of Symantec AV, GFI LANGuard, and Proprietary Product A.

In 2010, they trash the first 350 PCs to start a a 1/3-per-year replacement cycle.  When they buy 350 new PC's, they also buy 350 more licenses for Symantec, GFI, and Proprietary Product A.  They probably could have just reused the GFI and Proprietary licenses, and paid a much-lower upgrade cost for the Symantec licenses.

The way to prevent this from happening is to maintain solid software logs, but that requires effort and a lot of network guys won't do it.

(...has seen this quite a bit.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Apr 8th, 2008 at 4:13pm
I was having a good day until I saw this.

Seriously, california makes me want to drown kittens.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on Apr 8th, 2008 at 4:31pm
I dont know if you  know this, but thats the whole freakin point of global warming hype...

Taxes taxes and more taxes...  The auto producers will continue to make cars that spew out "global warming gases" that the gov, etc will tax. Super nice deal there. Its free money for them, of course they are going to leap at it.

Will be funny in a few years when the weather continues to cool as it has been doing. Shove it Al Gore!

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Apr 8th, 2008 at 10:38pm
Indiana doesn't need global warming to hike "motorist" taxes.  I go to Chicago about once a week for work, and found out that Indiana jacked up their tollway charges by about 50% on April 1st.  It cost me an additional $4.00 in tolls to get to Chicago and back today.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Apr 8th, 2008 at 10:48pm
That's just so that they can force you to use their "Freepace" and thus have an RFID in your car.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Apr 9th, 2008 at 8:34am
Illinois did that a couple of years ago.  They doubled their tolls in 2005 for cash payers, but kept the rates at the same level for IZoom/IPass users.  Complete BS.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Apr 9th, 2008 at 8:38am
The states need that money though.  All you evil people who drive cars are killing the planet!  The politicians are trying to help, but there are only so many hippie drum fests they can go to!

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Apr 9th, 2008 at 10:05am
Oh is that why?

Cause I thought taking all those jet trips, having all those escort cars and limos, all that traveling across the country and all over the world (most of it to get more $$$ for re-election) was hurting the planet more than my little trips to Centerville and church and an occasional trip to Kzoo.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Apr 9th, 2008 at 10:34am

Cause I thought taking all those jet trips, having all those escort cars and limos, all that traveling across the country and all over the world (most of it to get more $$$ for re-election) was hurting the planet more than my little trips to Centerville and church and an occasional trip to Kzoo.

That is a common mistake.  You don't go around telling people you are helping and would help more if they gave you more money.  Being rich makes all the difference.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Apr 9th, 2008 at 11:16am
Not only do your farts smell better when your rich, but your vehicle emissions are cleaner, too!

(...wishes he was rich.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Apr 11th, 2008 at 2:51pm

Parents' argument over gang affiliation results in death threat
Howard Pankratz

An argument between two parents over what street gang their 4-year-old son should join resulted in one parent threatening to kill the other, Commerce City police said.

Joseph Manzanares was sentenced to 12 months of probation Tuesday after pleading guilty to disorderly conduct in an incident Saturday, when he went to Hollywood Video, 5961 E. 64th Ave., where his ex-girlfriend and the mother of the boy works.

Manzanares, 19, began knocking over several displays in the video store and threatening the victim, including saying he was going to "kill" her, said Commerce City Sgt. Joe Sandoval. Manzanares was arrested a short time later. The victim said she is a member of one gang and Manzanares is a member of another, and "they have different ideas on how the baby should be raised," Sandoval said.

"Basically she said they cannot agree on which gang the baby would 'claim,' " Sandoval said.

The water is circling the drain faster than ever.

(...thinks both parents should be shot for stupidity.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Apr 11th, 2008 at 3:01pm
I was just about to post that story...

Anywho, why does a 19 year old have a 4 year old freaking kid!!!  Some people should be forcefully sterilized.

...wonder how much welfare he collects?

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Apr 11th, 2008 at 3:02pm

spanky wrote on Apr 11th, 2008 at 3:01pm:
Anywho, why does a 19 year old have a 4 year old freaking kid!!!

Give a brotha a chance.  Pimpin' ain't easy.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Apr 11th, 2008 at 3:21pm
Don't bring pimpin' into this.  He has enough problems right now.  Like which gang to put his 4 year old into (can't sentence him as an adult wootz!) or bust a cap in or cut a foo' his baby mama.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Apr 15th, 2008 at 8:37am

ST. PETERSBURG — At a bend in the road near Joe's Creek, birds sing and dogs bark. But the rooster no longer crows.

Most mornings, residents would hear the cries of Gilman the Rooster as he sat atop a roof greeting the day. But on Saturday, they awoke to shots from a .45-caliber handgun. Several of them. Boom, boom, boom, boom!

Bobbie Horton heard it. Deanna Schwartz did, too. Then she ran into her 5-year-old's room and peeked through the blinds.

That's when she saw him. A guy who lived in the neighborhood was standing next door, and she heard him declare, "I got him!"

The him being Gilman.

The guy yelling victory being Eric Nicastro, 30, who lives at 5000 74th St. N.

As turns out, Nicastro had been asking recently who owned the rooster. Gilman and the pack of chickens he leads had lived in this unincorporated neighborhood of modest houses near the creek for a few years, but no one could say who owned them.

So Saturday, Nicastro took a BB gun and went after the young auburn cock with a proud red comb, according to authorities. At some point, he upgraded to the handgun and chased the rooster into a neighbor's yard. That's when the shots came and the crows ended for good. Nicastro threw the body into the creek, said Jim Bordner, a spokesman for the Pinellas County Sheriff's Office.

Now I do admit that this guy went about 'solving' his problem in the wrong way...but I have also been woken up every fucking morning by birds.  Some assclown feeds the geese that swarm around my bulding so there are about 30-40 of the crap factories that swarm around and make noise every morning between 5:45 and 6 am.

I wish it was legal to go out there and just start shooting the things...but you know the saying, wish in one hand...

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Apr 15th, 2008 at 9:05am

spanky wrote on Apr 15th, 2008 at 8:37am:
Now I do admit that this guy went about 'solving' his problem in the wrong way...

You're damn right he did.  He should have used a suppressed .22LR rifle with a decent scope and subsonic ammunition.  He could have dispatched the cock from distance with nobody being the wiser.

But I have also been woken up every fucking morning by birds.  Some assclown feeds the geese that swarm around my bulding so there are about 30-40 of the crap factories that swarm around and make noise every morning between 5:45 and 6 am.

Don't shoot the geese, shoot the retard that keeps feeding them.  And if you think geese are bad, just remember the frickin' peacocks that menace us fine folks at Waterfront Apartments.  You don't know the meaning of the word "infuriating" until you've been awakened every fifteen minutes throughout the entire night by an ear-piercing scream from one of those little bastards.

(...should go on a rampage of his own.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Apr 15th, 2008 at 12:42pm
Those blasted peacocks!

I should have never stopped mike from tagging one of those with his bow.

...tastes like chicken?

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Apr 15th, 2008 at 2:12pm
I would buy a bow if I could get the explosive-tipped arrows like Rambo had.  Those things were friggin' sweet!

(...could kill and cook a peacock in a single shot!)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Apr 15th, 2008 at 3:23pm
I have the perfect weapon for you...sword-chucks!


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Apr 15th, 2008 at 3:34pm

spanky wrote on Apr 15th, 2008 at 3:23pm:
I have the perfect weapon for you...sword orphan-chucks!

Fixed it!  Nothing can beat orphan-chucks!

(...will take two, please!)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Apr 16th, 2008 at 8:53am

SACRAMENTO, Calif.—A California judge on Tuesday approved the settlement of a class-action lawsuit that will compensate about 800,000 Ford Explorer owners whose vehicles lost value because of a perceived rollover danger.

The settlement ends lawsuits against Ford Motor Co. in California, Connecticut, Illinois and Texas. Those lawsuits claimed that Explorers lost about $1,000 in resale value because of publicity stemming from a series of rollover accidents involving the SUV.

The class action over the loss in value is separate from the numerous death and personal-injury lawsuits involving earlier models of the Explorer that continue across the country.

Under the settlement, those who bought Explorers in model years 1991 through 2001 are eligible for $500 vouchers to buy new Explorers or $300 vouchers to buy other Ford or Lincoln Mercury vehicles.

Consumer groups and some plaintiffs objected to the settlement. They said few owners will be able to take advantage of the vouchers, in part because of the poor economy and high gas prices.

They also were upset the plaintiffs' attorneys will receive as much as $25 million in fees and costs.

I am a little slow.  Can someone please point out how it is fucking fords fault that all the media hype gave the explorer a bad name?

I miss the people who used to run ford in the 1950-1970's.  They would have just xeroxed their ass and handed them out for coupons.

There is another case where a woman rolled her explorer (was talking on her phone and didn't see a "large metal object" in the road until it was almost too late) and now wants ford to pay her $400 million.  I would like to see her medical bills that total that amount...bitch!

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Apr 16th, 2008 at 10:10am
No kidding!  The Six Million Dollar Man cost less than that, even with inflation!

I can't believe Ford gave in to that ridiculous lawsuit.  Complete and utter BS.

(...would've drop-kicked all of the complainants int the nuts.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on Apr 25th, 2008 at 12:04pm

Penis Theft Panic Hits City...

Nice headline.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Apr 25th, 2008 at 12:13pm
Briney, I didn't know you had a news website that lists every news story about penises and penis related accessories!


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on Apr 25th, 2008 at 1:34pm
There is another kind of news site?

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Apr 25th, 2008 at 2:28pm

sorcerers accused of using black magic to steal or shrink men's penises

So that's what happened to me some other guy I know...

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Apr 25th, 2008 at 4:16pm
I just blame it on the frigid temperatures.

(...who cares if it's 75° today?)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Apr 29th, 2008 at 10:00am

BENTONVILLE, Ark. - An inmate awaiting trial on a murder charge is suing the county, complaining he has lost more than 100 pounds because of the jailhouse menu.

Broderick Lloyd Laswell says he isn't happy that he's down to 308 pounds after eight months in the Benton County jail. He has filed a federal lawsuit complaining the jail doesn't provide inmates with enough food.

According to the suit, Laswell weighed 413 pounds when he was jailed in September. Police say he and a co-defendant fatally beat and stabbed a man, then set his home on fire.

"On several occasions I have started to do some exercising and my vision went blurry and I felt like I was going to pass out," Laswell wrote in his complaint. "About an hour after each meal my stomach starts to hurt and growl. I feel hungry again."

But Laswell then goes on to complain that he undertakes little vigorous activity.

"If we are in a small pod all day (and) do next to nothing for physical exercise, we should not lose weight," the suit says. "The only reason we lost weight in here is because we are literally being starved to death."

The suit also asks that the county be ordered to serve hot meals. The jail has served only cold food for years.

The meals, provided through Aramark Correctional Institution Services, average 3,000 calories a day, jail Capt. Hunter Petray told The Morning News of northwest Arkansas for a story Saturday.

A typical Western diet consists of 2,000 to 3,000 calories a day.

OK, I knew it was going to happen eventually...but when the hell did wes actually go to jail?

Also a strange headline from MSN, "Testicle bill dangles over Fla. legislators."  Do I even want to know?

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Apr 29th, 2008 at 11:36am

West Palm Beach grocery store shootout lands man in jail
Listen to this article or download audio file.Click-2-Listen


Palm Beach Post Staff Writer

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

WEST PALM BEACH — It could've been a typical spat between grocery store customer and manager, with the customer announcing he planned to take his business elsewhere. But then the customer drew his gun. The store manager drew his and so did the assistant manager.

It all happened at 5 p.m. Monday at the IGA Supermarket at 1000 36th St. in West Palm Beach. And in the end, West Palm Beach police arrested customer Marshall Hugo Grant for attempted first-degree murder, shooting into an occupied dwelling, aggravated assault with a firearm and carrying a concealed firearm.
Marshall Hugo Grant

Police reported Tuesday morning that Grant, 73, entered the store through the exit despite manager Marino Hernandez's warning not to enter that way. The confrontation escalated, Grant drew a handgun; assistant manager Roberto Espinal drew his handgun. Hernandez also pulled a gun. Grant backed out of the store, firing three times as he went, the arrest report states.

The managers, who witnesses said never returned fire, ended up surrounding Grant, who hid behind a vehicle while continuing to fire, according to the police report. Grant eventually surrendered his weapon to the managers, once they told him police were on their way.

Grant appeared Tuesday morning before Judge Nancy Perez, who ordered him held without bond while he undergoes a psychiatric examination.

I bet you no one will mess this store again!  Go gun rights!


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Apr 29th, 2008 at 11:44am
Two guys with CCW Permits versus one demented old man with an illegal handgun - go, go good team!

(...thinks they should have put his ornery old butt down.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Apr 30th, 2008 at 6:10am
I bet if they would have shot the geezer the story would have read "Manager shoots old guy who had a gun" and it would prove that guns kill people not other people!

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Apr 30th, 2008 at 8:32am
Better yet, they would've found out the old man had one of these...


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Apr 30th, 2008 at 3:10pm

FLORENCE, South Carolina (AP) -- A teen accused of plotting to blow up his high school told police that he wanted to die, go to heaven and kill Jesus, federal authorities said Tuesday.

Prosecutors argued in a federal courtroom that the statements are an indication that 18-year-old Ryan Schallenberger needs a psychological evaluation.

The straight-A Chesterfield High School senior was arrested April 19 and faces several state and federal charges, including attempting to use a weapon of mass destruction. That charge carries a possible life sentence if he is convicted.

"His conduct is bizarre," prosecutor Buddy Bethea told Judge Thomas Rogers III, who did not immediately issue a ruling. "I think it screams out in his conduct that he be evaluated."

Defense attorney Bill Nettles said the request was premature, and that Schallenberger was competent to help in his defense.

Prosecutors want Schallenberger, currently at Chesterfield County jail, moved to a federal facility because they think he may try to commit suicide. His journal writings have become increasingly violent over the past year, prosecutor Rose Mary Parham said.

An agent with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives testified that the teen told a sheriff he wanted to die after his arrest.

"He said death was better than life," Craig Townsend said. "He told the sheriff he wanted to die and go to heaven and once he got there, he wanted to kill Jesus."

Prosecutors also played a 911 tape of the teen's mother calling police after he smashed his head into a wall two days before his arrest. On the tape, she says her son threatened to shoot police if they came.

"He's not going to do it," Laurie Sittler told the operator. "He's just got a bad temper."

The teen left but his mother was scared he would return, she said in the call. "He's planning to go to college and everything, but I don't know what to do," she said.

Schallenberger was arrested after his parents picked up at the post office a package addressed to the teen containing 20 pounds of ammonium nitrate. They got nervous and looked through his room where they found a cassette tape he wanted played after he died, which they took to the sheriff's office, the agent testified. Authorities found his journal, which lauded the Columbine killers, after searching his room.

The 50-page journal contained notes on more than 10 types of explosives that Schallenberger experimented with and evaluated a year ago, the agent testified. It had a black cover and "Pisces" written on the front, and authorities have said it contained detailed plans to bomb Chesterfield High School.

Schallenberger's parents were at the hearing but would not comment.

Townsend also testified Schallenberger's mother called police to the home in April last year, when the teen was arrested for breach of peace. He said the teen became enraged and knocked over furniture after his mother asked him to walk with his sister to a grandparent's home.

Authorities also seized a computer that shows he searched Web sites for making bombs, a shotgun, carbon dioxide canisters, "hundreds and hundreds" of matchsticks, and more cassette tapes that they have not yet heard, Townsend said.

It's a good thing Jesus carries.

Out of curiosity, I wonder if this loser ever pondered where Jesus would go when He got killed in Heaven?  For that matter, how was he going to get to Heaven in the first place?

( pretty sure Jesus would have seen him coming.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Apr 30th, 2008 at 3:50pm
Briney and I said the same thing the other day.  This kid needs to think his plans through before he tries and carry them out.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on May 1st, 2008 at 6:53pm
Hilarious and true!

"In the wake of a lawsuit by J.K. Rowling against the author of a Harry Potter encyclopedia, the Greensboro Rhino Times has an article by Orson Scott Card blasting J.K. Rowling for 'letting herself be talked into being outraged over a perfectly normal publishing activity.' Orson Scott Card has hit the nail on the head. He understands that authors re-use each others' ideas all the time, and certainly Ender's Game gets its share of re-use. Did Rowling's success go to her head?" Card lays out (something like tongue-in-cheek) some of the similarities between the story in Ender's Game and in the Potter series: "A young kid growing up in an oppressive family situation suddenly learns that he is one of a special class of children with special abilities, who are to be educated in a remote training facility where student life is dominated by an intense game played by teams flying in midair, at which this kid turns out to be exceptionally talented and a natural leader." (And that's just to get started.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on May 1st, 2008 at 9:22pm
That's it, I'm buying Ender's Game the next time I'm at Lowry's.  I've been meaning to buy the series for several years now, but this seals the deal!

(...give that man a cookie!)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on May 7th, 2008 at 2:29pm

A man has been accused of attempting to pass a $360 billion check, which he claims was given to him by his girlfriend’s mother to start a record business, Fort Worth police said.

Charles Ray Fuller Charles Ray Fuller, 21, of Crowley, was arrested on April 22 on an accusation of forgery, police said.

Police responded to a report of a man attempting to pass the check about 4 p.m. that day at the Chase bank in the 8600 block of South Hulen Street, Fort Worth police Lt. Paul Henderson said.

The personal check was not made out to Mr. Fuller and when the bank contacted the check owner, the woman said she did not write a check for $360 billion.

Mr. Fuller was also accused of unlawful carrying of a weapon and possession of marijuana, Lt. Henderson said. He may also face a theft charge in Crowley.

Lt. Henderson said he did not know if Mr. Fuller and his girlfriend were still together.

Did he really think that would work?  And what the hell, if I had that kind of money I would not start my own business.

He should be convicted of gross stupidity and killed before he infects any of the others around him.

And look at his pic.  Priceless.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on May 7th, 2008 at 3:05pm
If you're going to dream, dream big!  He looks like an honest guy to me.   :)

I wish they'd post a picture of the forged check.  I'd love to see how he crammed $360,000,000,000 into the tiny "Amount" box.

(...thinks that must be one hell of a record company.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on May 7th, 2008 at 5:08pm

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Stick on May 7th, 2008 at 6:43pm
Where did he come up with the number 360 anyway?

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on May 7th, 2008 at 7:11pm
And why billion and not million?  If you're going to try to scam a bank, why a number so large that it's going to be checked and double checked?


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on May 8th, 2008 at 8:26am
Anything over $10,000 would have drawn a lot of scrutiny and would have to be reported to the Fed.

Besides, any check larger than, say, $1,000 would have to sit in his account "on hold" until the funds were approved.

As far as this guy was concerned, the difference between $360 million and $360 billion is moot.

( training FTW!)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on May 8th, 2008 at 8:26am
You wouldn't double check a check made out for $360 million??

Where did he come up with the number 360 anyway?


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on May 8th, 2008 at 8:28am

spanky wrote on May 8th, 2008 at 8:26am:

Where did he come up with the number 360 anyway?


Beat me to it!


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on May 8th, 2008 at 9:31am

Beat me to it!

Then the day is mine!

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on May 20th, 2008 at 12:31pm

MORRIS, Ill. - Police say a trailer loaded with 14 tons of double-stuffed Oreos has overturned, spilling the cookies still in their plastic sleeves into the median and roadway.

Illinois State Police Sgt. Brian Mahoney says the truck's driver was traveling from Chicago to Morris on Interstate 80 around 4 a.m. Monday when he fell asleep at the wheel and slammed into the median.

"The boxes came out of the trailer and boxes were ripped open," he said.

The crash about 50 miles southwest of Chicago remains under investigation.

Mahoney says no charges have been filed but both lanes of traffic remain closed while authorities remove the cookies.

Why did God have to punish the cookies?!...WHY!!!!!  Why couldn't he just kill more asians...hmmm too soon?

I can hear it come over the radio now, "Code 220, I repeat we need milk out here right away!"  It was a dirty job but someone had to do the clean up.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on May 20th, 2008 at 3:14pm

Sen. Kennedy has malignant brain tumor
By Robert Schroeder, MarketWatch
Last update: 1:47 p.m. EDT May 20, 2008

WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) -- Sen. Edward Kennedy, a longtime Massachusetts Democrat, has a malignant brain tumor, his office said Tuesday.
Kennedy's doctors said tests conducted after Kennedy had a seizure over the weekend show a tumor in his left parietal lobe.
His treatment will be decided after more tests, AP said. The usual course of treatment includes radiation and chemotherapy.
Kennedy is 76. He has been hospitalized in Boston since Saturday. "He remains in good spirits and full of energy," said Dr. Lee Schwamm and Dr. Larry Ronan, doctors at Massachusetts General Hospital in a statement released by the hospital.
Kennedy, an elder statesman of the Democratic party, has been enthusiastically campaigning for Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., in the presidential race.
Kennedy has the second-longest tenure of any senator. He is the chairman of the Senate Health, Education and Labor and Pensions. He was elected in 1962 to finish out the term of his brother after John F. Kennedy ascended to the White House. He ran unsuccessfully for the presidency in 1980 against President Jimmy Carter.
Kennedy's hospitalization came seven months after the senator underwent surgery to remove blockage in his left carotid artery that doctors say could have increased his risk of stroke.

I'm going to resist the urge to comment on this story.  I wouldn't wish cancer on anyone, but dang...


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on May 21st, 2008 at 7:46am

Jack Thompson Guilty on 27 of 31 Misconduct Charges, Says Bar Trial Judge... FL Supreme Court Must Now Rule
May 20, 2008

The judge who presided over Jack Thompson's Florida Bar trial late last year has recommended that the controversial attorney be found guilty on 27 of 31 professional misconduct charges. The Florida Supreme Court must now rule on those recommendations.

In a report issued last week, Judge Dava Tunis writes:

   After considering the arguments presented by the Florida Bar and the Respondent (Thompson), observing the Respondent's demeanor during the nine-day trial proceedings, and carefully reviewing the record consisting of four volumes of exhibits totaling 1700 pages and approximately 2400 pages of transcribed testimony, the Court finds that the facts, circumstances and evidence presented regarding the Respondent's conduct, supports a finding of guilt as to certain Florida Bar rules...

Tunis made 21 recommendations of guilt in relation to Thompson's participation in Strickland vs. Sony, an Alabama case in which the anti-game attorney represented the families of two police officers and a police dispatcher slain by 18-year-old Grand Theft Auto player Devin Moore.

Tunis also recommended that Thompson be found guilty on four out of five counts relating to his 2006 attempt to have Rockstar's Bully declared a public nuisance in a case before Miami Judge Ronald Friedman. An additional two guilty counts stemmed from a non-video game matter.

Among the Florida Bar offenses for which Judge Tunis has recommended a guilty verdict:

   * Knowingly making a false statement of material fact or law to a tribunal
   * Knowingly disobeying an obligation under the rules of a tribunal
   * Communicating the merits of the case with a judge before whom the proceeding is pending
   * Using means that have no purpose other than to embarrass, delay or burden a third person
   * Engaging in conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit or misrepresentation
   * Engaging in conduct in connection with the practice of law that is prejudicial to the administration of justice, including to knowingly or through callous indifference disparage or humiliate litigants or other lawyers
   * Making statements that the lawyer knows to be false or with reckless disregard as to the truth or falsity concerning the qualifications or integrity of a judge

Judge Tunis's full report to the Florida Supreme Court is due on September 2nd. In the meantime, a disciplinary hearing regarding possible sanctions against Thompson will be held before Judge Tunis on June 4th.

For his part, Thompson has made a number of allegations concerning Judge Tunis, including a complaint that state-mandated loyalty oaths were either not signed by the judge or were signed by others. Thompson also has filed federal lawsuits against the Florida Bar and Florida Supreme Court in relation to the Bar charges and other sanctions.

For all GamePolitics coverage of the Bar Trial of Jack Thompson, including transcripts, click here.

*Tap dances on Jack Thompson's grave*
Jack - I'm not dead yet.
*Uses what I learn from GTA and all other violent video games...have sex with a prostitute and then beat her to death to get my money back!...the continue to dance*


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on May 21st, 2008 at 8:37am
Ding dong, the witch is dead!

(...thinks we'll need an official disbarment LAN.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by computerjuvenile on Jun 7th, 2008 at 12:02am
I found this while watching diggnation (if you don't watch it, amazing show)

Yikes, can't go to Canada for alcohol anymore.  

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jun 7th, 2008 at 12:59am
I'm sure all four citizens of Canada will be greatly disappointed.  They'll be crying in their maple syrup if the government doesn't back off.

(...citizens, or subjects?)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Jun 7th, 2008 at 7:32am
Aww Canada wants to be like it's big sister, England...Nanny/Police State race in 3...2....1....


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jun 9th, 2008 at 6:23pm

American Military Supercomputer Sets Speed Record
New York Times (06/09/08) P. C7; Markoff, John

An American military supercomputer created from components originally designed for video-game machines has passed the petaflop threshold by processing more than 1.026 quadrillion calculations per second. "This is equivalent to the four-minute mile of supercomputing," says University of Tennessee computer scientist Jack Dongarra. The Roadrunner is more than twice as fast as the previous fastest computer, the IBM BlueGene/L based at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California.

Roadrunner cost $133 million to build and will be used primarily to solve classified military problems to ensure the nation's stockpile of nuclear weapons will continue to work correctly as they age. The simulations will examine the first fraction of a second during a weapons detonation. Before the supercomputer is placed in a classified environment it will be used to explore scientific problems such as climate change.

The Roadrunner is based on a radical design that uses 12,960 modified IBM Cell microprocessors, a chip originally created for Sony's PlayStation 3 video-game console. Roadrunner consumes roughly 3 megawatts of power and requires three different programming tools because it uses three types of processors. Programmers need to be able to keep all of the 116,640 processor cores in the machine simultaneously occupied so the computer runs efficiently. "Roadrunner tells us about what will happen in the next decade," says Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory director Horst Simon. "Technology is coming from the consumer electronics market and the innovation is happening first in terms of cell phones and embedded electronics."

It's really neat to see the Cell processor used in this manner.  Building a supercomputer out of lesser stand-alone PC's is nothing new, but to create the world's faster computer and break the petaflop barrier with a processor designed for a game console is pretty freakin' incredible.

I wonder if Sony will leverage this feat in their PS3 advertising?

(...can't find Wii Fit anywhere.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Jun 23rd, 2008 at 1:30am

Comedian George Carlin dies in Los Angeles at 71

31 minutes ago

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Comedian George Carlin, a counter-culture hero famed for his routines about drugs and dirty words, died of heart failure at a Los Angeles-area hospital on Sunday, a spokesman said. He was 71.

Carlin, who had a history of heart problems, died at St. John's Health Center in Santa Monica about 6 p.m. PDT (9 p.m. EDT) after being admitted earlier in the afternoon for chest pains, spokesman Jeff Abraham told Reuters.

Known for his edgy, provocative material, Carlin achieved status as an anti-Establishment icon in the 1970s with stand-up bits full of drug references and a routine about seven dirty words you could not say on television. A regulatory battle over a radio broadcast of his "Filthy Words" routine ultimately reached the U.S. Supreme Court.

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Comedian George Carlin, a counter-culture hero famed for his routines about drugs and dirty words, died of heart failure at a Los Angeles-area hospital on Sunday, a spokesman said. He was 71.

Carlin, who had a history of heart and drug-dependency problems, died at Saint John's Health Center in Santa Monica about 6 p.m. PDT (9 p.m. EDT) after being admitted earlier in the afternoon for chest pains, spokesman Jeff Abraham told Reuters.

Known for his edgy, provocative material, Carlin achieved status as an anti-Establishment icon in the 1970s with stand-up bits full of drug references and a routine called "Seven Words You Can Never Say On Television." A regulatory battle over a radio broadcast of the routine ultimately reached the U.S. Supreme Court.

In the 1978 case, Federal Communications Commission vs. Pacifica Foundation, the top U.S. court ruled that the words cited in Carlin's routine were indecent, and that the government's broadcast regulator could ban them from being aired at times when children might be listening.

Carlin's comedic sensibility often came back to a central theme: humanity is doomed.

"I don't have any beliefs or allegiances. I don't believe in this country, I don't believe in religion, or a god, and I don't believe in all these man-made institutional ideas," he told Reuters in a 2001 interview.

Carlin, who wrote several books and performed in many television comedy specials, is survived by his wife Sally Wade, and daughter Kelly Carlin McCall.

Comedy has lost a real staple.  It's just too bad he has to find out now if there really is a "invisible man in the sky".  Still, a real comedian will be missed.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jun 23rd, 2008 at 8:48am
That's too bad.  I had a chance to see George Carlin live at WMU a few years back, and his routine was top notch.  He's one-of-a-kind.

That said, I hope his commentary on God was largely fictitious.  If not... I guess he made his choice.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Jun 23rd, 2008 at 5:02pm,0,833717.story

A really interesting and well done new story about the rise of Christianity in China.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Jun 25th, 2008 at 3:11pm

A divided Supreme Court ruled today that it is unconstitutional to execute someone who rapes a child but does not kill the victim.

In a 5 to 4 decision, the court struck down a Louisiana law that had authorized the death penalty for anyone who rapes a child under the age of 12. Of 3,300 inmates on death row across the country, only two face capital punishment for a crime other than murder. Both were convicted under Louisiana's law, the broadest in the land. There has not been an execution for rape in the United States since 1964.

Justice Anthony M. Kennedy joined the court's more liberal members in continuing the court's trend of narrowing the number of criminals eligible for death. He wrote that the harm caused a child who is raped is "grave,'' but "cannot be quantified in the same way as death of the victim.''

Justices John Paul Stevens, David H. Souter, Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Stephen G. Breyer joined the decision, which overturned the death penalty for Patrick Kennedy, 43, who was convicted of raping his 8-year-old stepdaughter in 1998--an assault so brutal that the girl required surgery. Kennedy has maintained his innocence.

Alito denounced the court's "sweeping conclusion'' that the death penalty is inappropriate "no matter how young the child, no matter how many times the child is raped, no matter how many children the perpetrator rapes, no matter how sadistic the crime, no matter how much physical or psychological trauma is inflicted and no matter how heinous the perpetrator's criminal record may be.''

Hmm, so does anyone have faith left in our justice system...anyone at all??

Why do they need to use our tax dollars to keep these people alive?

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on Jun 25th, 2008 at 3:48pm
because there is still possibly redemption for all?

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Jun 25th, 2008 at 4:21pm
We, as a country, have been moving away from the death penalty for a long time now.  We use to hold open executions, and it is my contention that this was a greater deterrent than what we have now.  We've been trying to make death more humane, but lawyers who use the 8th Amendment and judges who rule the "cruel and unusual" have pretty much said, that unless it's done peacefully and humanly...that's the only time you can do it.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jun 25th, 2008 at 5:10pm

MediaMaster wrote on Jun 25th, 2008 at 3:48pm:
because there is still possibly redemption for all?

We have no scriptural obligation to keep murderers and rapists alive (or anyone else for that matter) simply because they might get saved.

Capital punishment is a common theme throughout the Bible, and is often performed at God's direct instruction.

(...thinks this is a states-rights issue.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Jun 25th, 2008 at 7:05pm
Dang right it's a bloody state issue!

Also, I think an argument can be made that capital punishment was implemented by God justly when Moses was ruler over Israel and that we, the US, are not a God following nation so to use Scripture to promote capital punishment might be moot.

Just a thought.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jun 25th, 2008 at 7:09pm
I wouldn't use scripture to promote it, but I could certain use scripture to show that it's not off-limits.  I don't think that's much of a stretch - do you?


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by computerjuvenile on Jun 26th, 2008 at 9:21am

NBC Resolves 'To Catch a Predator' Suicide Lawsuit

NBC Universal has “amicably resolved” a $105-million lawsuit filed by a woman whose brother committed suicide during a taping of its controversial “Dateline NBC” series “To Catch a Predator,” both parties said today. Bruce Baron, an attorney for Patricia Conradt, said "“the matter has been amicably resolved to the satisfaction of both parties.”

hmmmm.... how about that.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jun 26th, 2008 at 9:29am
Yeah, "amicably resolved" my butt.  I wonder how much money they had to throw at the plaintiff to get them to back down?

(...bets it was at least a couple million.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Jun 26th, 2008 at 5:10pm
Doesn't that encourage child predators then?  I mean someone could think...if I meet children and run into Chris Hansen they see dollars signs.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Jun 30th, 2008 at 12:42pm

An Italian man was arrested on suspicion of kidnapping his ex-girlfriend from a Genoa, Italy pub and taking her to his home where he forced her to do his dishes and iron his clothes.

The woman was dragged out of the bar by her 43-year-old ex-boyfriend, shoved into a car and taken to his home where she was made to iron his clothes and wash his dishes.

Police arrived at the man's house after being tipped from a friend who was at the pub.

The man was arrested on kidnapping charges.

That is classic!  You may not want to have sex with me but damned if I am doing the housework!

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jun 30th, 2008 at 12:50pm
Didn't I post that like a month ago or something?

(...keeps his pimp hand strong.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by musiciannary on Jul 14th, 2008 at 9:14pm
Church cancels gun giveaway for teens

OKLAHOMA CITY, OKla. - After one of its organizers suffered an injury, a church was forced to cancel a gun giveaway at a weekend youth event.

The Windsor Hills Baptist Church planned the giveaway as a way to draw new participants to the church's annual youth conference.

The gun in question: an AR-15 semi-automatic assault rifle.

Windsor Hills cancelled the giveaway Friday evening after announcing that Pastor Emeritus Jim Vineyard, who was running the event, had suffered a foot injury and would be unable to attend.

A video posted on the church's Web site contains a shooting competition from the 2007 conference, which also included a gun giveaway.

Church leaders defended the decision to hold the event.

"I don't want people thinking. 'My goodness, we're putting a weapon in the hand of somebody that doesn't respect it who are then going to go out and kill,'" said Bob Ross, the youth pastor at Windsor Hills. "That's not at all what we're trying to do."

Past attendees also defended the conference, stating the focus is on helping teens find faith, and not on firearms.

"You make a lot of new friends down here. You get to meet new people," said Vikki Goncharenko, who attended the conference. "There's a bunch of things going on."

Ross said the gun, which had already been purchased for the event, will be given away at next year's conference.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jul 15th, 2008 at 7:36am
That might be the most awesome door prize I've ever heard of.  Give that pastor a trophy!

(...lock and load!)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Jul 15th, 2008 at 2:22pm

MODESTO, Calif. A group of suspected gangsters apologized for stabbing the wrong person after a home invasion, a woman who lives at the house said.

The attack happened Monday morning inside a house on Whitmore Avenue.

Police said a 32-year-old man was beaten and stabbed inside the living room.

The woman, who spoke to KCRA but did not want to be identified, said she came running down the stairs with a stick in her hand just after 6 a.m. when she heard a commotion.

The men tried to make amends before leaving, she said.

"The one guy that stabbed him, he says, ''You know what, I''m sorry, ma''am.'' And he hugs me and said ''Please, we made a mistake,''" the woman said.

The woman said the men still offered to give him a ride to the hospital and to his mother''s home, but the man refused because he was so scared.

Sgt. Craig Gundlach said the men will face several felony charges.

"No, their apology does not alleviate any crimes they committed," said Gundlach.

Police said the victim, whose name will not be released, is recovering at a local hospital.

Now listen guys, this is important!  Before you unleash horrible screaming stabby death make sure you have the right person...

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jul 15th, 2008 at 2:49pm
Oh come on.  They said they're sorry.  What more do you want?


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Stick on Jul 17th, 2008 at 9:21am


People still call these guys "hackers"?

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Jul 17th, 2008 at 10:04am
The password has to be either God, Love, (I forget the last one)... or my favorite "Password".

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Jul 17th, 2008 at 10:30am
Secret is the other

A network administrator has locked up a multimillion dollar computer system for San Francisco that handles sensitive data and is refusing to give police the password, the San Francisco Chronicle reported Monday.

The employee, 43-year-old Terry Childs, was arrested Sunday. He gave some passwords to police, which did not work, and refused to reveal the real code, the paper reported.

The new FiberWAN (Wide Area Network) handles city payroll files, jail bookings, law enforcement documents and official e-mail for San Francisco. The network is functioning but administrators have little or no access.

Childs, who remains in custody, is accused of improperly tampering with computer systems and causing a denial of service, said Kamala Harris, San Francisco's district attorney, on Monday afternoon.

"The bail has been set at $5 million, and the exposure in this case if he were convicted on all counts would be seven years in prison," Harris said.

Harris said it's unknown why Childs tampered with the system. The Chronicle, however, reported that Childs was disciplined recently for poor performance. Childs worked in the Department of Technology for San Francisco, making close to US$150,000 a year, the paper reported.

City officials told the paper that Childs may have caused millions in damage while also rigging the network so that other third parties could monitor traffic, posing a huge data security risk. He is also alleged to have installed a tracing system to monitor communications related to his personnel case.

RACE WAR!!!...oh wait I mean....GEEK REVOLT!!!

Come on my brothers and haxs the chains that bind you to your cubicles and let us over throw the proletariat...the jocks who still beat us up!


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jul 17th, 2008 at 10:43am
Wow!  There are so many problems with that article that I don't even know where to start.

First and foremost, what the heck did the "hacker" do?  The article never actually said what it was the he locked the city out of.  From what I can put together, it sounds like he probably just locked them out of the IOS console on the city's routers.

Second, what makes this guy a hacker?  If he had privileges to a resource and abused that privilege to lock out everyone else, that makes him a tool, not a hacker.

That article is full of fail and WTFery.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jul 17th, 2008 at 10:43am

spanky wrote on Jul 17th, 2008 at 10:04am:
The password has to be either God, Love, (I forget the last one)... or my favorite "Password".

God, Love, Sex, or Secret.  Those are the only four possibilities.

(...AKA Lord Nikon.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Jul 17th, 2008 at 11:13am

That article is full of fail and WTFery.

You can't mean that the video doesn't know WTF they are talking about when it comes to computer news AND they would trump up a story with terms that are so "queer" that they don't even mean what the use to mean.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by computerjuvenile on Jul 17th, 2008 at 4:14pm
Resetting the router would be easy.  Anybody with any experience could do it.  They should just change it late one night, and reset the routes.  If they run EIGRP or anything similar, the other routers will just fill it in on the routes in no time.  

The guy should be commended for making the other IT people look like idiots.  

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by computerjuvenile on Jul 25th, 2008 at 6:54pm
Happy System Admin Day guys.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jul 26th, 2008 at 2:00pm
Thanks for reminding us after the work day was over.

(...will have to write this down for next year.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by computerjuvenile on Jul 26th, 2008 at 8:30pm
Found this on digg today.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jul 27th, 2008 at 12:31am
Filthy frickin' hippies.  "Justice and peace" my butt.

(...wonders if they would get busted for kidnapping if they succeeded?)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Aug 5th, 2008 at 12:05pm

JACKSON, Miss. - Oscar-winning actor Morgan Freeman is in a hospital in Memphis, Tenn., on Monday after being seriously injured in a car accident near his home in Mississippi.

Regional Medical Center spokeswoman Kathy Stringer said Freeman, 71, is in serious condition. The hospital is about 90 miles north of the accident scene in rural Tallahatchie County in the Mississippi Delta.

Mississippi Highway Patrol spokesman Sgt. Ben Williams said Freeman was driving a 1997 Nissan Maxima belonging to Demaris Meyer of Memphis when the car left a rural highway and flipped several times shortly before midnight Sunday.

"There's no indication that either alcohol or drugs were involved," Williams said. He said both Freeman and Meyer were wearing seat belts. The woman's condition was not immediately available.

Freeman was airlifted to the hospital in Tennessee.

Clay McFerrin, editor of Sun Sentinel in Charleston, said he arrived at the accident scene on Mississippi Highway 32 soon after it happened about 5 miles west of Charleston, not far from where Freeman owns a home with his wife.

McFerrin said it appeared that Freeman's car was airborne when it left the highway and landed in a ditch.

"They had to use the jaws of life to extract him from the vehicle," McFerrin said. "He was lucid, conscious. He was talking, joking with some of the rescue workers at one point."

Hopefully he is ok.  He is a decent actor.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Stick on Aug 5th, 2008 at 12:11pm
Yea, he's pretty good but he wasn't very good in "Wanted".  That movie was pretty entertaining BTW.  Did anyone else see it?

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Aug 5th, 2008 at 2:40pm
I sure did and if you go to Talkshoe and download Episode 21 you can hear my review of it.  I agree with your statement though.

Also, he can't die...he's got to become our black President and save us from the "Deep Impact"!


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by computerjuvenile on Aug 5th, 2008 at 4:29pm
Don't watch the Mummy.  Don't.  It's horrible

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Aug 5th, 2008 at 4:52pm

computerjuvenile wrote on Aug 5th, 2008 at 4:29pm:
Don't watch the Mummy.  Don't.  It's horrible

It's a Mummy sequel, what did you expect?


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Sep 3rd, 2008 at 11:39am

Hulu Getting NBC Shows Before TV Does
Michael Learmonth | September 2, 2008 10:10 AM

30rock.jpgIt looks like NBC U really does believe some of its hype about the Web not detracting from TV. To wit: the network is putting five shows on a week before they air on broadcast TV to build buzz for their premieres.

This isn't too big a gamble: three of the shows -- Lipstick Jungle, Chuck and Life -- are struggling second-year shows lucky to be back on the air in any form this year. The fourth, Knight Rider, is a new show that dearly needs any kind of buzz NBC can generate. The fifth, 30 Rock, isn't coming back until the end of October, and NBC will need all the promotion it can get to remind its fans it still exists.

It's unlikely Hulu will have these shows exclusively for the week -- NBC will no doubt also air these on And it's not really unprecedented: has been airing exclusive Webisodes of The Office this summer. But it is a coup for Hulu, which has a bigger audience than, and for the first time gets some new network TV that hasn't yet appeared... on TV.

Could this mean old media is finally realizing that people watch TV on their computers now?

If they start counting just from Hulu I think we'd see a rise in TV ratings.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Sep 3rd, 2008 at 9:00pm
Hopefully, we will eventually get to the point where we can watch anything instantly online.  I think the big fear, though, is that advertising dollars will start to evaporate once that happens.  We'll see!

(...has never heard of most of those shows.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Sep 3rd, 2008 at 11:15pm
Think about how specific you can get with cookies enabled and surveys to determine the exact age ranges of people watching these.  If you think Adult Swim gets the big bucks...just think about all the people online who watch Family Guy or whatever else.  Sure you're not going to have the 50+ crowd but that just makes it easier to sell Depends adult diapers to the people watching TV.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Sep 5th, 2008 at 11:59am

Hollywood knew exactly who they were gonna call. And Bill Murray and Dan Aykroyd look like they're stepping back into their Ghostbusting gear alongside costars Harold Ramis and Ernie Hudson for a third Ghostbusters movie.

Columbia Pictures is planning to reunite the stars and revive the 1980s story of Manhattan's valiant exterminators of supernatural foes, according a report in the trade journal Variety".

The new picture is to be written by Lee Eisenberg and Gene Stupnitsky, who both worked on bringing Brit hit The Office to the small screen in the U.S.

There is no word on whether Canadian-born director Director Ivan Reitman, who made both the 1984 original and its 1989 sequel, would direct any third movie.

New Ghostbusters!!  This one is not written by Aykroyd and Ramis but the office isn't too bad.  It better not suck and ruin my childhood memories!

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on Sep 5th, 2008 at 12:02pm
wheres the link man? is this the cg one they were doing or a new live action one?

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Sep 5th, 2008 at 12:03pm
It will suck because it'll be updated and we'll loose the old visuals for "improved" stuff and it'll be about how old they are and I'll be crying saying to random people, "Mommy, why?!  WHY!?!?!"

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Sep 5th, 2008 at 12:32pm
Hmmm, doesn't say.  I assume live action.  I have been wrong once or twice though.

And for a link, that is way over with, been doing real work and not sure where it went, I copied all the text on the page though.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Sep 5th, 2008 at 12:38pm
Briney's basically calling you a liar.  Wow...good one Briney.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Sep 5th, 2008 at 1:08pm
Nah, he is just trying to stay ahead of me in post count.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on Sep 5th, 2008 at 1:55pm
I try not to make useless posts.

...except this one.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Sep 5th, 2008 at 4:56pm
Dang, link goes here

It is the CGI one, and all because bill murray is a douchebot.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Sep 5th, 2008 at 8:39pm

spanky wrote on Sep 5th, 2008 at 4:56pm:
It is the CGI one, and all because bill murray is a douchebot.

He's not just a douchebot, he's a complete douchenozzle.  I'd even go so far as to call him a douchecanoe.  An entire canoe, I tell ya!

This qualifies as douchebaggery of the highest order.  Hell, it's nigh unto faggotry.

Oh, how I yearn for those halcyon days gone by...

(...mega sad frowny face!)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Stick on Sep 17th, 2008 at 9:22am
There is a law in a Florida town that says saggy pants can get you a night in the slammer.  They must think that the threat of "prison abuse" will keep the person's pants up higher.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Sep 17th, 2008 at 8:02pm
Of all the things they could put on a ballot for voters to decide, and they come up with that?

(...could think of much more important things to put on a ballot.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on Sep 22nd, 2008 at 11:37pm

From cyborg housemaids and waterpowered cars to dog translators and rocket boots, Japanese boffins have racked up plenty of near-misses in the quest to turn science fiction into reality.

Now the finest scientific minds of Japan are devoting themselves to cracking the greatest sci-fi vision of all: the space elevator. Man has so far conquered space by painfully and inefficiently blasting himself out of the atmosphere but the 21st century should bring a more leisurely ride to the final frontier.


Also they should hire me to do a better rendering of that base. yeesh.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Sep 23rd, 2008 at 6:40am
...annnnnd I'm spent.

(...thinks America needs to get its crap together and beat the Japanese.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Sep 23rd, 2008 at 8:16am
Spend money on something worth while...what, are you stupid?

These cyborg housemaids you speak of, are they...fully functional?? (if you know what I mean)

...I mean sex.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Sep 23rd, 2008 at 12:36pm
Are you a... pleasure model?

(...would become a developer just to add that functionality.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Oct 16th, 2008 at 12:04pm

VERO BEACH, Fla. - A McDonald's cashier called 911 after a Vero Beach drive-thru customer allegedly offered to pay for his meal with marijuana. The Indian River County Sheriff's Office said the cashier called Monday with a description of the vehicle the suspect had been riding in.

A deputy spotted the vehicle, found marijuana in the car and arrested its occupant, 27-year-old Shawn Alexander Pannullo.

Pannullo was charged with possession of cannabis and posted $500 bail. It was unclear if he had an attorney.

Wait, you can't do that?  Fine, I'll just pay with sex.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Oct 16th, 2008 at 2:49pm
I wouldn't be surprised if his case went up in smoke.

( dum bum!)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Oct 16th, 2008 at 2:52pm
I bet he hopes it goes to the HIGH-est court in the land.

(rim shot!)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on Oct 16th, 2008 at 11:14pm

SAN JOSE, Calif. -- The wait is finally over. After a year in the works, Advanced Micro Devices Inc. (AMD) has obtained an investment of up to $8.4 billion from the Abu Dhabi government and separately plans to split the company into two parts, according to reports.

As part of the long-awaited and expected plan--which impacts 3,000 jobs--AMD (Sunnyvale, Calif.) will spin off its manufacturing operations into a new foundry company that could compete against TSMC, UMC, and possibly, one of its partners in Chartered. So, in effect, AMD will essentially become a fabless design house.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Oct 17th, 2008 at 6:29am
Five bucks says my AMD stock takes yet another nose dive on this news.

(...worst purchase ever.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on Nov 12th, 2008 at 3:15pm

The film studio Red Eagle Entertainment is making a big bet today as it announces it is starting a video game publishing studio, Red Eagle Games, which will make games based on the epic fantasy “Wheel of Time” novels by Robert Jordan, VentureBeat has learned.

Selvage said in an interview that the game company will make a series of games that will be co-launched with the movies. In addition, Red Eagle Games will make a massively multiplayer online game based on the Wheel of Time universe.

Wes I'm looking at you! Fear my Asha'man character!

I'm excited and scared at the same time. This would be a project I would love to work on!

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Nov 12th, 2008 at 4:00pm
If they make non-MMOs, sign me up.  I'd love to play in the Wheel of Time universe.

An MMO?  Meh.  The WoT universe is certainly interesting, but I'm not sure what they could bring to the table that countless other high fantasy MMO's haven't already done a hundred times.

( excited nonetheless!)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by The_Fat_Man on Nov 12th, 2008 at 4:14pm
Please B, if you wanna come hang out with the big kids at their table you're so going to have to go through my Warder first.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Nov 12th, 2008 at 8:51pm
If playing an MMO makes you a "big kid," then golden unicorns are going to fly out of my arse and bake me a cake made out of Mountain Dew.

(...who wants a slice?)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by The_Fat_Man on Nov 13th, 2008 at 1:36am
b0b you wish you could play an MMO.

But you fell from the grace of the Dark Side.  You cannot know the true power of a nerd any longer.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Nov 13th, 2008 at 8:02am

The_Fat_Man wrote on Nov 13th, 2008 at 1:36am:
You cannot know the true power of a nerd any longer.

I just added the core rulebooks for D&D 4th Edition to my collection.  I'm pretty sure the nerd RPG portion of my geek card is safe for awhile.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Stick on Nov 21st, 2008 at 9:09am
What's all this news about pirates taking oil tankers for ransom?  Hasn't anyone in politics played Call of Duty 4.  The first mission should give them a good idea of what they need to do.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on Jan 2nd, 2009 at 3:15pm

As an atheist, I truly believe Africa needs God. Missionaries, not aid money, are the solution to Africa's biggest problem - the crushing passivity of the people's mindset.

very interesting article and the comments are actually pretty civil.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Jan 6th, 2009 at 9:12pm

Like a Virgin: The Press Take On Teenage Sex
Yes, attitudes do make a difference in behavior.

The chain reaction was something out of central casting. A medical journal starts it off by announcing a study comparing teens who take a pledge of virginity until marriage with those who don't. Lo and behold, when they crunch the numbers, they find not much difference between pledgers and nonpledgers: most do not make it to the marriage bed as virgins.

Like a pack of randy 15-year-old boys, the press dives right in.

"Virginity Pledges Don't Stop Teen Sex," screams CBS News. "Virginity pledges don't mean much," adds CNN. "Study questions virginity pledges," says the Chicago Tribune. "Premarital Abstinence Pledges Ineffective, Study Finds," heralds the Washington Post. "Virginity Pledges Fail to Trump Teen Lust in Look at Older Data," reports Bloomberg. And on it goes.

In other words, teens will be teens, and moms or dads who believe that concepts such as restraint or morality have any application today are living in a dream world. Typical was the lead for the CBS News story: "Teenagers who take virginity pledges are no less sexually active than other teens, according to a new study."

Here's the rub: It just isn't true.

In fact, the only way the study's author, Janet Elise Rosenbaum of Johns Hopkins University, could reach such results was by comparing teens who take a virginity pledge with a very small subset of other teens: those who are just as religious and conservative as the pledge-takers. The study is called "Patient Teenagers? A Comparison of the Sexual Behavior of Virginity Pledgers and Matched Nonpledgers," and it was published in the Jan. 1 edition of Pediatrics.

The first to notice something lost in the translation was Dr. Bernadine Healy, the former head of both the Red Cross and the National Institutes of Health. Today she serves as health editor for U.S. News & World Report. And in her dispatch on this study, Dr. Healy pointed out that "virginity pledging teens were considerably more conservative in their overall sexual behaviors than teens in general -- a fact that many media reports have missed cold."

What Dr. Healy was getting at is that the pledge itself is not what distinguishes these kids from most other teenagers. The real difference is their more conservative and religious home and social environment. As she notes, when you compare both groups in this study with teens at large, the behavioral differences are striking. Here are just a few:

- These teens generally have less risky sex, i.e., fewer sexual partners.

- These teens are less likely to have a teenage pregnancy, or to have friends who use drugs.

- These teens have less premarital vaginal sex.

- When these teens lose their virginity they tend to do so at age 21 -- compared to 17 for the typical American teen.

- And very much overlooked, one out of four of these teens do in fact keep the pledge to remain chaste -- amid much cheap ridicule and just about zero support outside their homes or churches.

Let's put this another way. The real headline from this study is this: "Religious Teens Differ Little in Sexual Behavior Whether or Not They Take a Pledge."
In Today's Opinion Journal

Now, whatever the shock that might occasion at CBS or the Washington Post, it comes as no surprise to parents. Most parents appreciate that a pledge of virginity -- a one-time event that might be made at an emotional moment in a teen's life -- is not some talisman that will magically shield their sons and daughters from the strong and normal desires that grow as they discover their sexuality. What these parents hope to do is direct these desires in a way that recognizes sex as a great gift, which in the right circumstances fosters genuine intimacy between a man and a woman and at its freest offers the possibility of new life.

This is not the prevailing view, of course. And these parents know it. Far from conformists living in a comfortable world where their beliefs are never challenged, these families live in an environment where most everything that is popular -- television, the movies, the Internet -- encourages children to grow up as quickly as possible while adults remain locked in perpetual adolescence.

Nor do these families believe their children are better than other kids. Unlike the majority of health experts and their supporters in the press, however, they don't believe that the proper use of the condom is the be all and end all. For these parents, the good news here is that the striking behavioral differences between the average American teen and the two teen groups in this study show that homes and families still exert a powerful influence.

That, alas, is not something you're likely to read in the headlines. For when it comes to challenging the conventional wisdom on issues of sexuality, the American media suddenly become as coy as a cloistered virgin.

What?  The news lies to us to push their agendas?!  Noooo!


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jan 7th, 2009 at 6:13am
Five bucks says you won't see any sort of retraction from any of the major media outlets.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Jan 8th, 2009 at 11:01am

LONG ISLAND, New York (NEWSCHANNEL 3) - Divorces can get ugly, especially when you're not ready to let go.

"There is no deeper pain you can ever express than betrayal from someone who you loved and devoted your whole life to. And I saved her life," said Dr. Richard Batista.

Dr. Batista says his wife broke his heart. Now he wants her kidney.

Back in 2001 Batista's wife needed a kidney transplant. He turned out to be a match and ended up saving her life.

But now that there is trouble in paradise, he wants the kidney back.

Of course legally, since the kidney is in his wife's body, it now belongs to her.

Since he can't have it he's asking for over a million dollars in compensation.

Hells yeah!  Stick it to her.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Jan 8th, 2009 at 1:00pm
Legally, I believe the giving of a kidney is classified as a gift and therefore, is not subject to repossession upon divorce.  Although I know a few Triads that would be willing to get it back to him for $3K.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jan 8th, 2009 at 1:24pm
It sounds like he's got a freshly-sharpened #2 pencil, and he's feeling stabby!

(...brought an extra pencil sharpener.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jan 15th, 2009 at 6:16am

Life on Mars
The Sun

Published: Today

ALIEN microbes living just below the Martian soil are responsible for a haze of methane around the Red Planet, Nasa scientists believe.

The gas, belched in vast quantities in our world by cows, was detected by orbiting spacecraft and from Earth using giant telescopes.

Nasa are today expected to confirm its presence during a briefing at their Washington HQ.

And the find is seen as exciting new evidence that Martian microbes are still alive today.

Some scientists reckon methane is also produced by volcanic processes. But there are NO known active volcanoes on Mars.

Furthermore, Nasa has found the gas in the same regions as clouds of water vapour, the vital “drink” needed to support life.

Experts speculate that the methane is being emitted as a waste product by organisms called methanogens living in water beneath underground ice.

And they would have to be alive today because the methane would otherwise have been lost from the Martian atmosphere.

John Murray — a member of the Mars Express European space probe team — believes the mini-Martians may be in a form of suspended animation and could even be REVIVED.

He has found overwhelming evidence of a vast frozen ocean beneath the dust near the Martian equator where simple life could have thrived as microbes.

Today’s briefing will feature a star panel of Mars experts headed by Michael Meyer, chief scientist for Nasa’s Mars programme.

UK Mars expert Professor Colin Pillinger believes the methane can only point to the presence of life on the planet.

Space neighbours ... Earth and Venus rise over Mars in mock-up

Space neighbours ... Earth and Venus rise over Mars in mock-up

His ill-fated Beagle 2 probe was carrying a laboratory that would have looked directly for such signs of life when it crashed on Christmas Day 2003.

Prof Pillinger told The Sun last night: “Methane is a product of biology. For methane to be in Mars’ atmosphere, there has to be a replenishable source.

“The most obvious source of methane is organisms. So if you find methane in an atmosphere, you can suspect there is life.

“It’s not proof, but it makes it worth a much closer look.”

Nasa’s findings confirm studies by Europe’s Mars Express probe, which has been orbiting the planet for five years and also reported signs of methane in 2004.

Britain’s top space expert Nick Pope last night hailed the new evidence of life as “the most important discovery of all time”.

He said: “What could be more profound than to know it’s not just us out there?

"We’ve really only scratched the surface — it’s an absolute certainty that there is life out there and we are not alone.

“If there is life on Mars then the logical conclusion is that there must be life elsewhere too.

“If it’s happened here on Earth, then why shouldn’t it happen anywhere? The implication is this is a universal law.

“Mars is very similar to Earth. It’s about the same size, it’s a rocky inner planet.

“Most scientists believe it probably has liquid water which is almost universally agreed as the pre-requisite for life. I am certain there is other life in the Universe and, most likely, intelligent life.”

The Red Planet has gripped the public imagination for more than a century as a possible home for aliens.

But life could not survive on its surface because, unlike the Earth, Mars has no magnetic shield to protect it against deadly sun radiation.

The planet resembles our own in many ways. It is made of rock, it has an atmosphere and weather systems.


Although much smaller with a diameter of around 4,222 miles, Mars’ day is just 40 minutes longer than ours and its tilted axis gives it seasons.

Water has been found in the form of buried ice and scientists believe that two billion years ago, Mars was covered with liquid oceans.

Proof that water is still on Mars came in 2007 when Mars Express used ground-piercing radar to study the region around the planet’s South Pole.

Nasa’s latest lander Phoenix dug up chunks of Martian ice last year. It swiftly evaporated into the thin atmosphere.

Nasa have controversially hit the headlines before for claiming evidence for Martians.

In 1996, they said they had discovered fossilised organisms in a meteorite from the planet.

But other scientists were sceptical.

Today’s conference will be broadcast live online by NASA TV ( at 7pm.

If this ends up being proven, it could really be a game changer.  I have a feeling the public will mostly ignore this.

(...nuke them from orbit, it's the only way to be sure!)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on Jan 15th, 2009 at 10:28am

Malibu-based Red Eagle Games has signed a distribution deal with Electronic Arts for games based on the Wheel of Time fantasy novels authored by Robert Jordan.

In conjunction with Universal Pictures, the company plans to launch several films based on the books, and at the time the development studio was announced, Selvage suggested that the corresponding games would release alongside the films, although no specific dates for either have yet been announced.

I know I posted before but now we are moving! yesss! I don't know how, but I'm going to find a way to get involved in these project. Since film is coming to Michigan, maybe they will shoot here.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on Jan 15th, 2009 at 10:30am

Experts speculate that the methane is being emitted as a waste product by organisms called methanogens living in water beneath underground ice.

Oh and I call BS. There may be life, who knows, but this kind of speculation is silly.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jan 15th, 2009 at 3:04pm

MediaMaster wrote on Jan 15th, 2009 at 10:28am:

Malibu-based Red Eagle Games has signed a distribution deal with Electronic Arts for games based on the Wheel of Time fantasy novels authored by Robert Jordan.

In conjunction with Universal Pictures, the company plans to launch several films based on the books, and at the time the development studio was announced, Selvage suggested that the corresponding games would release alongside the films, although no specific dates for either have yet been announced.

I know I posted before but now we are moving! yesss! I don't know how, but I'm going to find a way to get involved in these project. Since film is coming to Michigan, maybe they will shoot here.

Any fantasy RPG published by EA is pretty much guaranteed to blow.  The only recent exception that comes to mind is Mass Effect, and that's because Bioware told them it was their way or the highway.  I've never even heard of Red Eagle Games (and neither has Wikipedia), so I highly doubt they're going to have the same clout Bioware does.

Is Red Eagle Games a subsidiary of Electronic Arts (like everyone else, it seems), or are they still an independent developer?

(...still hasn't read the Wheel of Time series.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by The_Fat_Man on Jan 15th, 2009 at 10:57pm
"Any fantasy RPG published by EA is pretty much guaranteed to blow.


While the population did slow down after the first several months...(Which is to be expected against industry strangle-hold leaders Blizzard)...the game is still doing exceedingly well for itself.  And having played it for 3 months, its one of the best PVP RPGs I've ever played.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jan 16th, 2009 at 6:11am
I was thinking more along the lines of traditional single-player RPG's, not MMOs, but I'll grant you that WarHammer was fairly successful at launch.

The only WarHammer title I'm really excited about, though, is Dawn of War II.  Screw this fantasy-based crap, give me WarHammer 40k!

(...wishes WarHammer Online would've gone in that direction.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Mar 18th, 2009 at 12:31pm

An interesting article about how a typical episode of South Park comes along.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Mar 25th, 2009 at 11:52pm

Spider bite sets miracle in motion for Mantecan Blancarte back on his legs after 20 years as paraplegic.

David Blancarte, 47, is on his feet for the first time since suffering major injuries in a motorcycle accident some 20 years ago.

“I can’t wait to start dancing,” he said as he looks forward to a full recovery after experiencing what some call a “true miracle.”

It was 1988 and Blancarte was working as a tattoo artist – as well as being a plasterer with his dad – in Tracy when he bought his first motorcycle.  He said he was riding on Third Street when a woman motorist made a left turn in front of him. He crashed into her vehicle and was thrown over her car and onto the pavement.

All hail spider Jesus!  Let us all pray to the great queen spider.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Dec 1st, 2009 at 12:32pm
1:17pm - let us all wait...and listen...and watch...KEEP WATCHING THE SKIES!!!

Space Junk May Come Within Mile Of ISS
2-Man Crew May Be Told To Enter Escape Pod

POSTED: Tuesday, December 1, 2009
UPDATED: 11:54 am EST December 1, 2009

ORLANDO, Fla. -- A piece of space debris moving toward the International Space Station may force astronauts to take shelter in an escape pod, according to NASA officials.

VIDEO: Astronauts May Take Shelter
IMAGES: Space Station | Strange Stories

NASA said that the piece of debris -- estimated to be about 4 inches in diameter -- is expected to pass within .77 miles of the space station.

The two-man crew was made aware of the potential threat, and the astronauts may be told to take shelter in the Soyuz escape pod. NASA officials said the possible projected time of impact would be at about 1:17 p.m. Tuesday.

Mission control in Houston said it was too late to move the space station out of the path of the debris, which is from a Russian satellite that collided with a U.S. satellite on Feb 10. The size of the piece of debris is not known.

The crew said goodbye to three other astronauts who undocked from the station Monday night and returned to Earth in Kazakhstan early Tuesday morning.

Watch Local 6 News for more on this story.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Dec 1st, 2009 at 12:38pm

X wrote on Dec 1st, 2009 at 12:32pm:
...estimated to be about 4 inches in diameter

The size of the piece of debris is not known.


(...error!  Does not compute!)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Dec 7th, 2009 at 9:22pm

Miles for Nothing: How the Government Helped Frequent Fliers Make a Mint
Free Shipping of Coins, Put on Credit Cards, Funds Trip to Tahiti; 'Mr. Pickles' Cleans Up


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Enthusiasts of frequent-flier mileage have all kinds of crazy strategies for racking up credits, but few have been as quick and easy as turning coins into miles.

At least several hundred mile-junkies discovered that a free shipping offer on presidential and Native American $1 coins, sold at face value by the U.S. Mint, amounted to printing free frequent-flier miles. Mileage lovers ordered more than $1 million in coins until the Mint started identifying them and cutting them off.

Coin buyers charged the purchases, sold in boxes of 250 coins, to a credit card that offers frequent-flier mile awards, then took the shipments straight to the bank. They then used the coins they deposited to pay their credit-card bills. Their only cost: the car trip to make the deposit.

Richard Baum, a software-company consultant who lives in New Jersey, ordered 15,000 coins. "I never unrolled them," he says. "The UPS guy put them directly in my trunk."

Patricia Hansen, a San Diego retiree who loves to travel, ordered $10,000 in coins from the Mint. "My husband took them to the bank," Ms. Hansen says, and she earned 10,000 miles toward free or upgraded travel.
More Travel

   * How to Keep Your Frequent Flier Miles From Expiring
   * Video: Never Sit in Coach Again
   * Getting Through European Airports More Quickly
   * A Travel Junkie Field Trip
   * Exploring Western South Dakota
   * The Middle Seat Terminal: WSJ Travel Blog

That's small change compared with what some mile collectors did. The coin program was a popular play on, an online community where frequent travelers and mileage mavens share travel tips and profitable mileage plays. One FlyerTalker, identified by his online moniker, Mr. Pickles, claims to have bought $800,000 in coins. He posted pictures of the loot on FlyerTalk.

He says his largest single deposit was $70,000 in $1 coins. He used several banks and numerous credit cards. He earned enough miles to put him over two million total at AMR Corp.'s American Airlines, giving him lifetime platinum-elite status -- early availability of upgrades for life and other perks on American and its partners around the world. He also pumped miles into his account at UAL Corp.'s United Airlines and points into his Starwood Preferred Guest program account.

A spokesman for the Mint says it has no record of anyone purchasing that many coins, but orders could have been shipped to different names and addresses.
[ coin]

Another FlyerTalk member used the coin program to help earn a free two-week trip to Tahiti that he took with his wife at the end of October. He worked hotel, airline and credit-card programs carefully to pull together the rewards he wanted.

The allure of frequent-flier miles, which were introduced by American in 1981, was that they offered something for nothing. The miles rewarded loyalty and proved to be an extremely powerful marketing tool.

Now, airlines have turned miles into more than a competitive device; they have become a currency that airlines can sell, usually at less than a penny a mile, to other merchants to generate revenue. More miles are put into circulation by companies -- including credit-card issuers, hotels, mortgage servicers, and florists -- than are given to travelers for flights.

The mile is such a cherished commodity that airlines have even bolstered their balance sheets by preselling billions of miles. Citigroup Inc., which gives away American AAdvantage miles to credit-card customers, agreed to lend American $1 billion in September. The loan is to be repaid between 2012 and 2016 -- not in cash but in miles.

Pushing miles into everyday commerce has created unique opportunities for mileage addicts. For many, chasing miles is a way to vastly improve their travel. Accumulate enough miles to land elite status, and you get early boarding, better seat selection, access to upgrades, premium check-in and security lines, and sometimes use of fancy airport lounges on international trips. It goes far beyond just tallying miles for free tickets.

View Full Image

Some fliers have been taking advantage of a free-shipping offer from the U.S. Mint to rack up frequent-flier miles by buying dollar coins.

Landing those free tickets has gotten more expensive in recent years as airlines have pushed the number of miles required for many trips higher and as they have added fees and co-payments to some awards. Consumers are often frustrated as well by difficulty in getting the trips they want on the dates they want since airlines restrict availability of award seats. But the airline mile remains a potent perk that consumers chase around the world.

Even with all the offers that are available, the deal the Mint offers -- free miles without spending any dollars -- is unique. The Mint says the dollar-coin free-shipping offer began in June 2008. About $130 million in coins have been issued to 40,000 buyers, mostly coin collectors, community banks and small businesses such as vending-machine companies and car washes.
Middle Seat Videos

   * Power Travel: Guide to Power Traveling
   * Power Travel: Never Sit in Coach Again
   * Power Travel: A Trouble-free Traveling Experience

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   * Vote: How closely do you manage your frequent-flier miles?

The Mint says it costs, on average, about $3 to ship each 250-coin box. So $10,000 in coins would be 40 boxes, or $120 in shipping. As for credit-card costs to the government, a Treasury Department agency handles all government credit-card transactions and negotiates costs. No particular credit-card expense is charged to the Mint, a spokesman says.

In late August and September, officials noticed a sharp uptick in "large repetitive orders" from a group of individuals, Mint spokesman Tom Jurkowsky says. At about the same time, the Mint received reports from banks around the country that coins were being deposited that were still in their U.S. Mint boxes, he says.

Officials found Internet chat rooms where the coins-for-miles scheme was detailed. Letters were sent to customers asking whether their intended use complied with the program's purpose. Customers who didn't respond were blocked from the program, Mr. Jurkowsky says. Fewer than 400 buyers were blocked, he says.

"Is this illegal? No. Is it the right thing to do? No, it's not what the program is intended to do," Mr. Jurkowsky says.

Dollar coins save the country money because they can last 30 years or more and can be recycled, the Mint says. A paper dollar in circulation lasts only about 21 months, says the U.S. Bureau of Engraving and Printing. The free-shipping program is meant to put more coins into day-to-day use.

The Mint has added a warning to its Web site that credit-card companies could consider the purchases cash-equivalent transactions not eligible for miles, and Mint officials plan to contact credit-card issuers "to try to implement a solution," he says.

Mileage fanatics say merchants and hotel programs can be an excellent way to supplement frequent-flier accounts.

Hyatt Hotels Corp. currently offers its Gold Passport program members a free night for every two nights at one of the chain's properties through Jan. 31. The free nights come with no blackout dates but have to be used by March 31. Charles Witt, a facilities planner in Washington, D.C., stopped by a suburban Hyatt Place hotel on his way home from work several times this fall, swiped his credit card to buy a $50 room and went home, never opening the door to the hotel room.

For every $100 he spent, he got a free night at any Hyatt. He booked three free nights at the Grand Hyatt in Tokyo over New Year's -- rooms that would have cost him $600 a night.

"Once you start on this road, it's very hard to get off," says Mr. Witt.

Hyatt says the promotion is meant to engender loyalty, and most customers use it more traditionally, collecting free nights for regular stays. But the company welcomes people so passionate about its hotels that they'll go to elaborate lengths to stay at Hyatt.

"We don't discourage that," says Jeff Zidell, vice president of Hyatt's Gold Passport program. "There are those extremists in whatever business you're in who do what they can to get the most out of it."

Write to Scott McCartney at

See!  This is what true hacking is really all about!!!

(Stickin' it to the man!)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Dec 8th, 2009 at 9:23am
I have a friend that works in IT and flies all over the country on a weekly basis.  He has to use his own credit card, then gets reimbursed every week by check.  Although he isn't fond of putting his own money on the line (and I agree), he racks up some killer points on his card.

Last I heard, he's using a card that gives him 2% cash back on any purchase, and 5% cash back on his airfare.  He's got super-uber-ultra-platinum status at a couple different hotel chains and makes a decent "bonus" from his cash back options.

I still don't envy him though.  He loves flying all over the place, but I'd much rather sleep in my own bed.

(...different strokes.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Dec 19th, 2009 at 12:25pm

Obama Ordered U.S. Military Strike on Yemen Terrorists
Cruise Missiles Launched Thursday Hit Two Suspected al Qaeda Sites; Major Escalation of US Efforts Against Terrorists

On orders from President Barack Obama, the U.S. military launched cruise missiles early Thursday against two suspected al-Qaeda sites in Yemen, administration officials told ABC News in a report broadcast on ABC World News with Charles Gibson.

ABC's Brian Ross details missile strike on al-Qaeda militants in Afghanistan.
One of the targeted sites was a suspected al Qaeda training camp north of the capitol, Sanaa, and the second target was a location where officials said "an imminent attack against a U.S. asset was being planned."

The Yemen attacks by the U.S. military represent a major escalation of the Obama administration's campaign against al Qaeda.

Wow, talk about Clinton 2.0!  Clinton did the same thing to draw attention away from the Lewinsky scandal, so I can only assume this is a way to draw attention away from the highly unpopular healthcare reform taking place.

STOP LOOKING AT THE HEALTHCARE DEBATE!  Look at the pretty explosions in Yemen!  See, I'm tough on terrorists!


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Jan 12th, 2010 at 2:59pm

"Local and state police scoured the hills outside rural Johnstown, Pennsylvania, after reports of three animal rights activists going missing after attempting to protest the wearing of leather at a large motorcycle gang rally this weekend. Two others, previously reported missing, were discovered by fast food workers “duct taped inside several fast food restaurant dumpsters,” according to police officials. “Something just went wrong,” said a still visibly shaken organizer of the protest. “Something just went horribly, horribly, wrong.”

The organizer said a group of concerned animal rights activist groups, “growing tired of throwing fake blood and shouting profanities at older women wearing leather or fur coats,” decided to protest the annual motorcycle club event “in a hope to show them our outrage at their wanton use of leather in their clothing and motor bike seats.” “In fact,” said the organizer, “motorcycle gangs are one of the biggest abusers of wearing leather, and we decided it was high time that we let them know that we disagree with them using it…ergo, they should stop.”

According to witnesses, protesters arrived at the event in a vintage 1960’s era Volkswagen van and began to pelt the gang members with balloons filled with red colored water, simulating blood, and shouting “you’re murderers” to passers by. This, evidently, is when the brouhaha began.

“They peed on me!!!” charged one activist. “They grabbed me, said I looked like I was French, started calling me ‘La Trene’, and duct taped me to a tree so they could pee on me all day!”

“I…I was trying to show my outrage at a man with a heavy leather jacket, and he…he didn’t even care. I called him a murderer, and all he said was, ‘You can’t prove that.’ Next thing I know he forced me to ride on the back of his motorcycle all day, and would not let me off, because his girl friend was out of town and I was almost a woman.”

Still others claimed they were forced to eat hamburgers and hot dogs under duress. Those who resisted were allegedly held down while several bikers “farted on their heads.”

Police officials declined comments on any leads or arrests due to the ongoing nature of the investigation, however, organizers for the motorcycle club rally expressed “surprise” at the allegations."

Go be hippies somewhere else!  I have a new respect for bikers.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Jan 12th, 2010 at 3:39pm
The story is says so at the bottom of the original post at



Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Jan 12th, 2010 at 3:52pm
Well poo!  When they linked it on the link with it didn't work and I got some laughs so I figured I would post it here.  Way to smash all my dreams.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Jan 12th, 2010 at 8:16pm

Maguire, Raimi out of 'Spider-Man' franchise (AP)
Source: AP Mon Jan 11, 2010, 9:27 pm EST

Actor Tobey Maguire poses for a photo in Beverly Hills, Calif. on Thursday, Jan. 7, 2010. Maguire has being in all three Spider-Man movies. (AP Photo/Damian Dovarganes)

LOS ANGELES - Tobey Maguire's web-slinging days are behind him.

The 34-year-old actor and "Spider-Man" director Sam Raimi will not be returning to the superhero franchise next year. Instead, Sony Pictures and Marvel Studios announced Monday that a new "Spider-Man" film based on a script by James Vanderbilt that focuses on Peter Parker in high school would debut in the summer of 2012 with a new cast and filmmaking team.

"I am so proud of what we accomplished with the 'Spider-Man' franchise over the last decade," Maguire said in a statement Monday. "Beyond the films themselves, I have formed some deep and lasting friendships. I am excited to see the next chapter unfold in this incredible story."

The announcement of a reboot comes after reports that "Spider-Man 4" production stalled amid script revisions. The original "Spider-Man 4" release date seemed unlikely last week when Paramount Pictures announced that "Thor," another big-screen Marvel superhero adaptation, had hammered out the same May 6, 2011, release date as the fourth Spidey installment.

"Working on the 'Spider-Man' movies was the experience of a lifetime for me," Raimi, who directed all three "Spider-Man" films, also said in a statement Monday. "While we were looking forward to doing a fourth one together, the studio and Marvel have a unique opportunity to take the franchise in a new direction, and I know they will do a terrific job."

Maguire said in an interview last week that there was "great stuff in terms of story and script" for the fourth chapter and the plan was to still release the film in 2011. He also said he had specific ideas about the evolution of the character on the big screen.

"Thor" experienced its own upheaval over the weekend. Stuart Townsend departed the adaptation because of creative differences, according to two AP sources close to the production. Townsend, who had been cast as an ally of the Norse god, was replaced by Joshua Dallas.

The three "Spider-Man" films continually snared moviegoers, earning over $1.1 billion combined. After glowing reaction to the first two films, critical response to "Spider-Man 3" was so-so. Raimi said he was undecided about returning to the franchise after the third movie but later said he didn't like thinking about somebody else making the Peter Parker story.

Sony said it would have more news about the next "Spider-Man" movie in coming weeks.

Wow...something bad happened here.  As of last report, both Maguire and Raimi were signed for a huge bonus to do not only 4 but 5 as well.  Don't get me wrong...I think everyone who worked of the other 3 need to leave because during press junkets the actors complained how it was the same ol' same ol' and they begrudgingly talked about the project, as if the press wanted to hear about other projects they were doing/planning on doing.  I love Sam Raimi but when they forced him to do a Venom movie that he didn't want to do...the end product speaks for itself.

Raimi come back to do a few more low budget "Evil Dead"-esk movies.

Toby, Dunst, and other guy...go "f" yourself hard with your huge bankroll that you got from fan of the movie...and then shove a hot poker up through your pee holes for Spiderman ball lickers!

(May have a slight problem/scaring from Spiddy 3)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jan 13th, 2010 at 9:37pm
Oh for the love of peat moss!  Are they really making another Spiderman?  Wasn't the Spiderman 3 supposed to be the last one?

They must be aspiring to the Activision business model: If we can't churn out a sequel to this IP every year, we don't want it.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Feb 6th, 2010 at 5:22pm
For those of us who like the post-apocalyptic genre:


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Feb 8th, 2010 at 12:50pm
This one is definitely on my must-watch list:

I don't suppose you have a copy, Stewie?

(...for reals!)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Feb 8th, 2010 at 10:10pm
I'm dlin' it now.

I have a problem with this though.  It's a Troma film.  This is synonymous with bad films (like the Toxic Avenger)...but they are MADE bad.  They make money off not trying to horribly convey a message or have a passion for a film no matter the, they just make them bad because they can.  So I'm a little turned off by it right away...but I'm still getting it!


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Feb 9th, 2010 at 6:19am
I just noticed that surfboard has a chainsaw in it.  How could this movie possibly fail?

(...nay, I say!)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on Feb 18th, 2010 at 1:30pm,2933,586581,00.html

Officials are investigating whether the Austin, Texas, plane crash was an intentional act, an NTSB official told Fox News.

An NTSB spokesman, however, told that "we can't confirm any of that."

Authorities said they have identified the pilot as Joseph Andrew Stack.

A small single-engine plane crashed into a seven-story office building in Austin around 10 a.m. local time Thursday.

Boy the news people are slow.

Thats the guys web site, you can see the whois to whom its registered to.

heres some of what he said:

I choose to not keep looking over my shoulder at “big brother” while he strips my carcass, I choose not to ignore what is going on all around me, I choose not to pretend that business as usual won’t continue; I have just had enough.

I can only hope that the numbers quickly get too big to be white washed and ignored that the American zombies wake up and revolt; it will take nothing less.  I would only hope that by striking a nerve that stimulates the inevitable double standard, knee-jerk government reaction that results in more stupid draconian restrictions people wake up and begin to see the pompous political thugs and their mindless minions for what they are.  Sadly, though I spent my entire life trying to believe it wasn’t so, but violence not only is the answer, it is the only answer.  The cruel joke is that the really big chunks of shit at the top have known this all along and have been laughing, at and using this awareness against, fools like me all along.

I saw it written once that the definition of insanity is repeating the same process over and over and expecting the outcome to suddenly be different.  I am finally ready to stop this insanity.  Well, Mr. Big Brother IRS man, let’s try something different; take my pound of flesh and sleep well.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Feb 18th, 2010 at 3:14pm
I wonder how long it will take for this to get blamed on conservatives?

( it five minutes.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Feb 28th, 2010 at 7:38pm

TULSA, OK –– Tulsa Police say out of numerous potential witnesses, only one person had any information to offer in a shooting overnight Sunday at the Chicken Hut restaurant, 1500 E. Apache. The shooting victim, 27-year-old Valentino Verner, later died of his wounds at a Tulsa hospital.

Restaurant patrons even shoved past emergency workers, stepping over the victim to get their food.

Police, firefighters and ambulance personnel responded to a call of shots fired at the restaurant at about 3 a.m. They say when they arrived at the Chicken Hut, they found Verner lying on the ground in front of the restaurant's pick-up window.

He had been shot multiple times, according to Tulsa Police Sergeant Mike Eckert.

They had a difficult time getting through the crowd to provide aid to the victim, and no one was trying to help the injured man, Eckert said. People were instead stepping over Verner to get to their food orders.

Eckert said customers even shoved past emergency personnel as they went to the take out window.

After questioning the crowd, they found only one person – a relative of the victim - who had any information about the shooting. That man could only say the suspect was a man in a blue jacket with a hood.

"Exactly one person chose to call 911 to advise us of the shooting," Eckert said. He added that there were more than 100 people in the parking lot when emergency personnel arrived.

"Nobody wants to talk to us. No one wants to give us any information," he said.

Police are investigating the shooting. Anyone with information on this crime is asked to call Crime Stoppers at 918-596-COPS

Why the hell were 100 people getting chicken at 3:00am?


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Feb 28th, 2010 at 8:36pm
Bars close at 2am.  Why go home?

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Apr 5th, 2010 at 1:20am
In 1955, Hiroshima survivors came to the US for plastic surgery. While here, they met with one of the pilots who bombed them. On a national tv show called 'This Is Your Life"

(...has something in his eye  :'( )

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on Apr 5th, 2010 at 9:48am
Where's the tv show where the jewish holocaust survivor meets an ss officer?

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Apr 5th, 2010 at 12:31pm

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Apr 13th, 2010 at 7:33pm
Cops Ticket Drivers For Ignoring Creepy Pedo-Bunny

We will hit our ticket quota whether you like it or not!


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Apr 13th, 2010 at 8:17pm
That almost seems like it should be on the front page of the Onion.

(...the truth is weirder than fiction.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Apr 14th, 2010 at 11:14am
Yeah, this time I searched around and made sure it was true.  (Dang you Pat!)

The cop in the suit was not charged with jay walking...

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on May 7th, 2010 at 2:42pm
Ha ha this was a hilarious article check it out!


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on May 7th, 2010 at 6:40pm

I'm not a fan of credit cards, but that's almost too tempting!

(...cackles maniacally.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Jun 5th, 2010 at 11:15am
Check out this pretty interesting video about a new reporter who got a guided "tour" around North Korea...very interesting!

(There is a second part to it after the first video ends)


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Jul 26th, 2010 at 2:16am

This was a very interesting article about a guy buying/eating food on $1 a day.  If you have the time, read it, and has some entertaining moments (like buying tampons and panty liners to get peanutbutter).


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Aug 22nd, 2010 at 9:54pm

GO SEE Scott Pilgrim vs. The World


It made my top 10...maybe top 5 all time movies!


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Aug 23rd, 2010 at 8:18am
Well, since you put it that way...


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by The_Fat_Man on Aug 23rd, 2010 at 11:27pm
I agree Pat, it was really really good.  I was pleasently suprised by this because I had kind of dismissed the movie as stupid.  Only went to see it because it was a group thing.

Definately one of the best movies of the year.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Oct 5th, 2010 at 2:15pm

Hacker infiltration ends D.C. online voting trial

Last week, the D.C. Board of Elections and Ethics opened a new Internet-based voting system for a weeklong test period, inviting computer experts from all corners to prod its vulnerabilities in the spirit of "give it your best shot." Well, the hackers gave it their best shot -- and midday Friday, the trial period was suspended, with the board citing "usability issues brought to our attention."

Here's one of those issues: After casting a vote, according to test observers, the Web site played "Hail to the Victors" -- the University of Michigan fight song.

"The integrity of the system had been violated," said Paul Stenbjorn, the board's chief technology officer.

Stenbjorn said a Michigan professor whom the board has been working with on the project had "unleashed his students" during the test period, and one succeeded in infiltrating the system.

The fight song is a symptom of deeper vulnerabilities, says Jeremy Epstein, a computer scientist working with the Common Cause good-government nonprofit on online voting issues. "In order to do that, they had to be able to change anything they wanted on the Web site," Epstein said.

Because of the hack, Stenbjorn said Monday, a portion of the Internet voting pilot -- which was expected to be rolled out this month -- is being temporarily scrapped.

The program, called "digital vote by mail," is intended to allow military or overseas voters to cast secure absentee ballots without having to worry whether the mail would get them back to elections officials before final counting. Those voters, about 900 of them, still will be able to receive blank ballots via the Internet for the Nov. 2 general election, but they will not be allowed to submit their completed ballots via the DVM system, Stenbjorn says. Instead, they'll have to put them in the mail or send them unsecured via e-mail or fax.

The security hole that allowed the playing of the fight song has been identified, Stenbjorn said, but it raised deeper concerns about the system's vulnerabilities. "We've closed the hole they opened, but we want to put it though more robust testing," he said. "I don't want there to be any doubt. ... This is an abundance-of-caution sort of thing."

Last week, Common Cause and a group of computer scientists and election-law experts warned city officials that the Internet voting trial posed an unacceptable security risk that "imperils the overall accuracy of every election on the ballot." But board officials said the system provides security and privacy upgrades over a method of Internet voting that's already legal: filling out a paper ballot, then scanning it and attaching it to an e-mail.

Stenbjorn says he hopes that the Web-voting system's security vulnerabilities will be addressed in time for a D.C. Council special election expected next spring. The board has spent about $300,000 in federal grant money on the project.

A D.C. Council hearing on elections issues, which will include the Internet voting test, is set for Friday.

This is probably the smartest thing the city of D.C. has even done.  This is the reason why software/hardware/electronic companies who don't believe in open source believe they have to resort to legislation and legal action.  The federal government as well.  Yes, it should be illegal for a reason (I'm not saying I agree with a federal law, but I see where they come from).  But instead of the 20 years in federal max. (which is ridiculous), make a deal that if they work on improving the system or whatever, they work off their sentence.  America could be one of the best places to tap "hackers" in the world.  We have the institutions and dare I say, the human spirit of curiosity based on our way of life to beat whatever Korean, Chinese, or whatever attacks on our mainframe.  The military/govt. need to seek humility to ask for help.  Until then, we are at the mercy of foreign attacks and malicious criminals.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Oct 6th, 2010 at 3:05pm
I agree completely.  The problem, however, is that decisions regarding electronic voting are being made by people with absolutely no IT background.  The closed source vendors tell them, "Hey, if you go open source, someone could find a vulnerability in that source code years down the rode and sell it to the highest bidder."  

Of course, they don't mention that you're at their mercy to find and correct vulnerabilities in their closed source software!


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Oct 6th, 2010 at 4:11pm
I don't understand how people who don't use or like computers then think, "Oh, going to a digital format for voting or online voting is a good thing"?  It's like a series of tubes, and the more you push through it like dump trucks it's going to get e-voting would be bad...right?


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Oct 12th, 2010 at 4:37pm
A very interesting follow up to the last story...very interesting....

Iranian, Chinese Computers Also Discovered to Have Been Hacking D.C. Internet Voting System
Startling testimony offered by the U. of Michigan computer science professor whose team penetrated D.C.'s 'pilot program' server for what was to have been a live election beginning in just days...

A University of Michigan computer scientist and his team were not the only ones attempting to hack the Internet Vote scheme that Washington D.C. had planned to roll out for actual use with military and overseas voters in this November's mid-term election.

According to testimony given to a D.C. City Council committee last Friday by J. Alex Halderman, asst. professor of electrical engineering and computer science at University of Michigan, hackers from Iran and China were also attempting to access the very same network infrastructure, even as his own team of students had successfully done so, taking over the entirety of the Internet Voting system which had been opened for a first-of-its-kind live test.

[See our report last week on details of what had already been disclosed about Halderman's startling hack prior to last Friday's hearing.]

"While we were in control of these systems we observed other attack attempts originating from computers in Iran and China," Halderman testified. "These attackers were attempting to guess the same master password that we did. And since it was only four letters long, they would likely have soon succeeded."

In his stunning public testimony --- before a single member of the D.C. Board of Ethics and Elections (BoEE), and a nearly empty chamber --- Halderman explained how the team had, by the time they discovered their fellow intruders, already gained complete control of the system, it's encryption key and its passwords. The system was developed as part of an Internet Voting pilot program with the Open Source Digital Voting Foundation.

As The BRAD BLOG reported last week, Halderman's team was able to take over the system within 36 hours after it had gone live for testing. After having "found and exploited a vulnerability that gave [them] almost total control of the server software," his team was able to steal the encryption key needed to decode "secret" ballots; overwrite every single ballot cast on the test system; change the votes on those ballots to write-in candidates; discover who had already been voted for and the identities of the voters; install a script that would automatically change all votes cast in the future on the same system; install a backdoor to allow them to come back later; and then leave a "calling card" --- the University of Michigan fight song --- which was programmed to play in the voter's browser 15 seconds after each Internet ballot had been cast.

But the new disclosures offered before the committee on Friday, including the hack attempts by computers in China and Iran, may have been as explosive, if not more so, than the previous revelations. They certainly illustrate and underscore a grave national security threat present in electronic voting systems such as the one D.C. had planned to use, as Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories computer scientist and cyber-security expert Dr. David Jefferson told me during an interview last Friday night on the nationally syndicated Mike Malloy Show which I was guest hosting last week.

The hack of the system forced the D.C. election administrators to shut down their plans for the pilot program which was to have gone live in days, as encouraged and partially funded by the federal Military and Overseas Voter Empowerment (MOVE) Act, which allocated millions of dollars for such Internet Voting pilot programs.

The revelations of the intrusion attempts from China and Iran, however, would not be the only new, previously unreported bombshells Halderman offered during his Friday testimony...

Defending the network...

"We gained access to this equipment because the network administrators who set it up left a default master password unchanged," Halderman explained to Councilwoman Mary Cheh. "This password we were able to look up in the owner's manual for the piece of equipment. And once we did, we found it was only a four-letter password."

The University of Michigan team made short order of hacking that simple password, aided in no small part by the team having also taken over the security camera apparatus inside the election board's actual data center where the servers were located.

"Once we gained control of this equipment, we could watch in real time on my desktop in Michigan as the network operators configured and tested the equipment," he told the committee. "We could also watch them on camera because we found a pair of security cameras in the data center were on the same network as the pilot system and were publicly accessible with no password at all."

When they'd discovered the foreign intrusions from Iran and China, the "white hat" hackers from the U.S. actually took measure to protect the D.C. system.

"We decided to defend the network by blocking them out, by adding rules to the firewall, and by changing the password to a more secure one," he explained during his testimony to a stunned Cheh.

"You changed the password of the BoEE system?" she interrupted him to ask.

"Of the pilot system, yes," Halderman responded.

"You changed it?!" Cheh asked incredulously.

"We did, yeah, to something so that the Chinese and Iranian attackers wouldn't get it," he said.

As if that's not all bad enough...

Halderman also made another dramatic disclosure during his testimony. As his team was looking through the BoEE Internet Voting server, they made another alarming discovery which he revealed rather dramatically by pulling out some 937 pages printed out from a file the team had found and downloaded from the system.

The team had discovered that the local election administrators appeared to have conducted their own tests at some point by sending files to the system that were either longer or shorter than the PDF-formatted ballots that the system would have been expecting, in order to see if those incorrect files were properly rejected in the event that a voter had sent the wrong file instead of their ballot.

Those rejected test files remained on the server, however, where the Michigan team of "hackers" were able to rifle through them.

"Some of the files were just a page with one sentence, 'This is a blank ballot.' Others were much bigger. ... But one of the files, which I have here," Halderman explained as he pulled out hundreds of pages to place on the table, "one of the files was a 937-page PDF document."

"It appears to be the 937 invitation letters that BoEE sent to registered voters. Each page contains the name and voter ID number of a real voter along with the 16-character PIN that is the only password a voter needs in order to use the system in the real election."

"We found the document on the test bed server, a system that BoEE invited the world to break into, and that we showed could be broken into very easily," he continued. "We have no way of knowing who else has access to this. The PINs in this document are the most critical secret to protecting the whole voting system."

Livermore Labs' Jefferson, who has advised the last five CA Secretaries of State on voting system security and represents as one of their Internet Voting experts, explained the importance of this revelation during my interview with him on Friday night.

"This was stunning," he told me. "This file is, in a sense, the holy grail of voter security in the general election if this system were to be used in the general election. Of course, it's now not going to be. But had an adversary had a copy of that file, they would have been able to cast votes for the legitimate voters, and if they'd cast them ahead [of the actual voters], their votes would be accepted as legitimate and the actual legitimate voters, when they tried to vote, would be denied because of course you can't vote twice."

Halderman believes the use of that particular file as part of the BoEE's testing procedures suggests that the administrators of the system are not up to the task of securing such an important system. That same concern has been expressed by critics of e-voting for years, given that local elections supervisors, many of them with no computer science or security experience at all, are often enabled with the task of keeping complicated, sensitive, easily manipulated computer systems secure from both outsider and insider attacks.

"I'm just deeply concerned that BoEE does not take security seriously and that it fails to appreciate the security challenges that are faced by any Internet voting system," Halderman said at the conclusion of his prepared testimony.

'All the votes had disappeared...'

Jefferson found yet another very serious flaw in the D.C. Internet Voting system on his own --- one that had not yet been publicly reported until my live interview with him on the Malloy Show Friday night.

He participated in the same open test the week before last, by casting his own vote using D.C.'s test-bed system and closely following the instructions he was given. After viewing and filling in the PDF version of the ballot he was offered during the voting process, he saved the file to his system, and sent it back in to the election server --- cast his "vote" over the Internet --- as directed by the system.

Later, however, he made a startling discovery:

"After submitting the vote back, the ballot was still on my desktop as a file so I opened it. And I discovered that all the votes had disappeared. I had a blank ballot. Which means that I had sent a blank ballot back to the District of Columbia, not the choices that I had made."

"I investigated further and discovered that anyone who used certain combinations of browsers and what we call PDF plug-ins would have the same problem," he told me on air. "In fact, unless you used a [stand-alone] Adobe Reader --- which many people are familiar with and many people use, but many don't --- unless you used that [versus the web browser's internal PDF plug-in], you were pretty much guaranteed that your votes would be erased the moment you saved them and you would be disenfranchised."

"It was a very serious problem because I actually did follow directions. I did not do anything wrong, and many voters would have had this same problem," Jefferson explained. "a large proportion of them would have cast, unknowingly cast, blank ballots. And once you do that there's no recovery because you can't vote twice and the election officials are not supposed to be able to find your ballot and fix it."

Had the system actually gone live, under the circumstances, hundreds of ballots (the pilot program was to be done with the participation of some 900 overseas and military voters from D.C.) would likely have been returned over the Internet completely blank to the BoEE for this November's mid-term election.

That is, of course, presuming the Iranians, Chinese, or anybody else who might have had an interest in the election, not changed all of the ballots to anything they wanted, or kept all of the voters from being able to cast their ballots at all by using the PIN numbers the BoEE had left on the server.

A matter of U.S. National Security...

"Many of us have been arguing that election security is a matter of U.S. national security," Jefferson, who has worked for more than a decade on this issue, told me. He has done so as an adviser to both Republican and Democratic Secretaries of State in California, testified to countless official bodies about his concerns, and most recently worked on CA Sec. of State Debra Bowen's landmark, 2007 "Top-to-Bottom Review" of all of the state's electronic voting systems (all of which were found to have been easily penetrated and quickly manipulated during the first-of-its-kind public hack testing by an official state commission).

"Oftentimes the difference between one or another candidate for United States Senator, say, you know, is only a few hundred votes. So it's really important that it not be possible for foreign governments or crazy self-aggrandizing hackers in other countries --- or in our own --- to be able to modify votes and get away with it."

"But usually this warning that I have given many times, that this is a national security issue, goes, well, people are somewhat skeptical about it. It goes under-appreciated," Jefferson explained diplomatically during our conversation.

"So here we have a case where not even a real election, just a test election, but announced as open to all comers to try to hack, Alex Halderman finds that not one but two teams from national rivals of the United States, Iran and China, are already trying to probe around inside it," he warned.

During his testimony, Halderman explained that he didn't "believe" the Iranian and Chinese "attackers were specifically targeting the D.C. voting system," but, he added, "this is a large part of why Internet voting is so dangerous. The servers are going to face attacks from powerful adversaries anywhere in the world."

A number of election and computer experts had warned the D.C. BoEE against going live with their Internet Voting scheme in the days just prior to the hack. The open tests proceeded nonetheless until administrators finally discovered the University of Michigan fight song was playing on web browsers after ballots had been cast.

Even though the system had been violated almost as soon as it had gone up, "the attack was not detected by the officials for several days, despite the fact that they were looking for such attacks (having invited all comers to try) and despite the fact that the attackers left a 'signature' by playing the Michigan Fight song after every vote was cast!" wrote Jefferson in a blog item at Verified Voting last week, just after Halderman publicly revealed in his own blog item that he and his team had been the "culprits."

"Let there be no mistake about it," Jefferson wrote, "this is a major achievement, and supports in every detail the warnings that the security community have been giving about Internet voting for over a decade now."

"After this there can be no doubt that the burden of proof in the argument over the security of Internet voting systems has definitely shifted to those who claim that the systems can be made secure. ... This successful demonstration of the danger of Internet voting is the real deal," he said.

'This isn't a solvable problem'...

During his testimony last Friday, Halderman, and the others who testified with him, made the same point as Jefferson, very clearly arguing that existing computer technology and security safeguards simply do not allow Internet Voting to be carried out securely at this time. They testified that it could possibly revisited in the future, but not for a decade's time.

Unlike banking on the Internet or via ATM, they explained, a process which is open to oversight before, during, and after by all involved parties, the secret ballot system used in U.S. elections --- where it's impossible to verify the accuracy of the "transaction" after it's been made and the identity of the voter must be kept forever a secret --- cannot be done safely at this time on the Internet.

"The scientific consensus is that Internet Voting is just too dangerous today based on the limits of today's security technology," Halderman testified. "Indeed, it will probably be decades, if ever, before the technology is at a level where we can perform voting safely, purely over the Internet."

Jeremy Epstein, a computer security and voting systems expert working with Verified Voting who also testified on the same panel with Halderman, said the history of computer security illustrates the problem faced in devising a system that is secure enough for the task of Internet Voting. He testified that he hopes the BoEE takes the right lesson from what happened during this landmark event.

"What we found in forty years of experience is you can penetrate and patch, and then you penetrate again and you patch again, and you penetrate again and you patch again and you penetrate again and you patch again and it never ends. If it ended, Microsoft would have succeeded. We wouldn't all be having to reboot our computer and install patches once a month for the past ten years. This is not something that we can just say 'Please, BoEE, fix the problems and then we can do it.' This isn't a solvable problem that way."

Indeed, even local, precinct-based computerized voting and vote counting offers a storied history of disasters and meltdowns (scores of them documented in thousands of pages over the years here at The BRAD BLOG), including a number of infamous hacks of both paper-based and touch-screen e-voting systems, some of which were bullet-pointed in our initial article on the D.C. Internet Vote hack, in which we had speculated Halderman was likely behind it. Just weeks earlier, in late August of this year, Halderman succeeded in implanting Pac-Man onto a touch-screen voting system made by Sequoia without disturbing the machines "tamper-evident" seals. And even D.C. elections have had their own share of precinct-based e-voting disasters, such as their 2008 primary election when thousands of "phantom votes" for write-in candidates were produced on their paper-based optical-scan voting systems made by Sequoia Voting Systems.

Epstein lauded the D.C. BoEE for allowing this extraordinary test to happen. An open invitation of this type, inviting hackers to try and access an electronic voting system in the U.S., has never been done before. He "saluted" the Council on their "experiment."

"For the first time, what computer scientists have been warning could happen in an election, we know that, in fact, it really could happen. It isn't just a theoretical problem. It's a practical problem. So nobody has ever assessed an Internet Voting election before this one. So that's why it's wonderful what you did. And now we've learned it. So let's move on and come back in ten years."

"Let me ask you this, from a legislative perspective," Cheh asked of each of the panelists as the hearing was winding down, "should the Council, by legislation, just shut this down?"

The answer from each one of those testifying was an unambiguous "Yes."

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Oct 13th, 2010 at 2:33pm
There are some serious network/application security issues that have been highlighted in this implementation.  I'm not saying Internet-based voting is a good idea at all, but the issues brought up by the U of M team constitute violations of basic IT common sense.  I am absolutely convinced that I could correct every single issue mentioned in the article in about eight hours with a budget of approximately $5,000.  Here are the bigger problems I saw...

  • Leaving a default password on the voting system.  The system shouldn't even allow this.  Come on, guys, this is child's play.

  • Using simple passwords.  For a system with this level of criticality and visibility, a minimum of ten characters and four character types (caps, lower case, numbers, special characters) should be enforced.  Moreover, three-factor authentication (user name, password, and smart card or biometric identifier) should be required.  Better yet, authentication over the network should be prevented altogether.  Local, physical access only!

  • No network intrusion detection/prevention. The BoEE should have known what was happening on their network at all times.  It's very telling they didn't know they were compromised (multiple times, at that) until they heard the U of M fight song.

  • No host intrusion detection/prevention.  The voting device should be locked down tighter than a drum.  Absolutely no network traffic should be able to reach the device that isn't explicitly associated with voting.  This alone would have prevented virtually every exploit accomplished by the U of M team.

  • No IP range exclusions.  Sure, it's easy to spoof an IP, but it's one more thing the Iranians/Chinese/universities would have had to work around.

  • Placing a publicly accessible server on a VLAN with management devices (cameras).  This is network security 101, guys.  Any servers accessible from the Internet must be placed in a demilitarized zone that excludes them from any non-public servers.  That way, if a machine gets compromised, it can't be used to reach the rest of the network.

  • Not securing management devices (e.g. cameras) properly.  In addition to being placed on a segregated VLAN, these devices need strong user name and password identification at a minimum.  If possible, these devices need to tie into a central authentication system (RADIUS, Active Directory, etc.) to ensure users are uniquely identified and access is monitored/logged.

  • Placing a sensitive document on a publicly-accessible system without justification, especially when that system is used for testing and the owners have invited hackers to break into it.  Once again, this is common frickin' sense.  Beyond using a smattering of brain matter, the organization should be employing change management tools to ensure the file system remains unaltered once the system is placed into production.

  • Poor developmental design, crappy quality assurance and little or no compatibility testing.  Why the heck would this system require a user to generate a PDF (or any file for that matter) and upload it to the system?  Why can't the user just enter their choices directly into an application GUI or web interface?  PDF is probably the worst possible choice for this kind of application due to the wide variety of PDF viewers, wide variety of installed versions (people still use Acrobat 5 for crying out loud), wide variety of installed patches (almost as bad as Java), and wide variety of plug-ins.  Who had the bright idea to use PDF in the first place?

( disgusted.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Oct 13th, 2010 at 2:51pm
You make some excellent points/suggestions, thank you!  It further goes to my statement  that you shouldn't have non-tech professional people (and outside of the ones who built the system) to come in at the very least and check it over.

I would also add, the default password should not contain any words in English or in any other language but have to be, like you said, at the very least, 10 characters of random letters and numbers and characters.  Or how about, you can use proper words if your password is your favorite movie quote?

I'd say the Independence Day speech could definitely qualify as some PGP!


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Oct 20th, 2010 at 3:58pm
With all that's coming out about the absolutely deplorable way the banks have been carrying out foreclosures (e.g., not holding the title, evicting people who don't have a mortgage, hiring anyone to sign affidavits, judges just signing without reading, etc.) I hope we see more of this.  Remember, the sheriff is THE highest law in the county.  He has the ability to kick out state and federal troops, workers, policies, etc.

Chicago sheriff says no to enforcing foreclosures
Published: Tuesday, 19 Oct 2010 | 2:48 PM ET
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CHICAGO - Two of the largest U.S. mortgage servicers have said they will resume home foreclosures, but a big-city sheriff has news for them: he won't enforce their foreclosure evictions.

The sheriff for Cook County, Illinois, which includes the city of Chicago, said on Tuesday he will not enforce foreclosure evictions for Bank of America Corp, JPMorgan Chase and Co. and GMAC Mortgage/Ally Financial until they prove those foreclosures were handled "properly and legally."

Bank of America, the largest U.S. mortgage servicer, and GMAC, on Monday both announced rollbacks from their foreclosure moratoriums.

The announcement by Cook County Sheriff Thomas Dart comes after weeks of damaging accusations of shoddy paperwork that may have caused some people to be illegally evicted from their homes.

"I can't possibly be expected to evict people from their homes when the banks themselves can't say for sure everything was done properly," Dart said in the statement.

"I need some kind of assurance that we aren't evicting families based on fraudulent behavior by the banks. Until that happens, I can't in good conscience keep carrying out evictions involving these banks," he added.

Bank of America, GMAC and JPMorgan Chase along with their subsidiaries, make up around a third of the roughly 3,700 eviction orders filed at the Cook County sheriff's office, the statement said.

The foreclosure controversy, which has drawn public outrage and sparked government probes, has threatened bank earnings and the health of the fragile housing market.

Two years ago Dart refused to carry out foreclosure evictions in cases where renters apparently had not been informed that they were about to be evicted from buildings in which their landlords had fallen into foreclosure.

Some 20 Cook County sheriff's deputies execute around 14,000 foreclosure and rental eviction notices every year.

(A public servant wanting to do what's best for his constituents?!  :o )

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Oct 26th, 2010 at 8:48am

Paul, the Psychic Octopus, who correctly called the winners of last summer's World Cup, has died. He would have been 3 in January.

"Management and staff at the Oberhausen Sea Life Centre were devastated to discover that oracle octopus Paul, who achieved global renown during the recent World Cup, had passed away overnight," the aquarium in Germany said in a statement Tuesday. No further details were given.

Born in January 2008 in Weymouth, England, Paul accurately forecast the results of all but two of Germany's games during Euro 2008 (he slipped up on predicting the defeats to Croatia and Spain). At this summer's World Cup, he maintained a perfect record, correctly predicting all of Germany's results before picking Spain to beat Netherlands in the final.

Paul's method: His caretakers at the Sea Life Centre placed a mussel in each of two clear plastic containers within his tank, and each container was marked with the flag of the competing soccer team. Paul always took his first mussel from the container bearing the flag of the team he "knew" would win.

Tis a sad sad day.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Oct 26th, 2010 at 10:52am
You know, everybody talks about how great Paul the Psychic Octopus was for his prescient abilities, but what about the poor mussels?  They certainly sacrificed more in the pursuit of telekinetic greatness than Paul ever did!

(...thinks those must be some pretty sore mussels.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Nov 3rd, 2010 at 1:04pm

A boa constrictor mother has given "virgin birth" to 22 female offspring, all of which have no father and are half-clones of their mother, according to new research.

The discovery adds boa constrictors to the list of animals that can give fatherless birth. The list so far includes other snakes, at least three species of sharks, the Komodo dragon and some other monitor lizards, certain termites, and more.

Researchers now even think some dinosaurs may have given virgin birth, since this phenomenon has now been reported in all lineages of jawed vertebrates, except mammals, and in a number of invertebrate species.

All hail snake Jesus(es)!

The Great Queen Spider is not going to like this one...

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Dec 13th, 2010 at 5:18pm
Looks like hypocrisy abounds in many!

Author Slams eBook Piracy, Son Outs Her As a Music Pirate
Written by enigmax on December 13, 2010

As part of an article investigating the growing phenomenon of eBook piracy, a Scandinavian news outlet interviewed a 19 year-old self-confessed pirate who bragged about his activities. To counter his viewpoint a well known author contributed to the piece, stating that she abhors book piracy since it costs her huge amounts of money. However, her moral stance took a bit of a beating when her son let an embarrassing fact slip out.

ragbeThis weekend Dagens Næringsliv ran an article about book piracy in which they interviewed 19-year-old Christian Berntsen, a self-confessed book pirate with eyes on the big time. With desires to become “one of the big boys”, Berntsen admitted to running servers in Lithuania which he believes are safe due to their location.

“Books are priced too high,” said Berntsen when justifying his work. “One of the reasons why the pirate world is so big, is that publishers take crazy prices for something that isn’t even in physical form.”

To counter his viewpoint, DN also interviewed Anne B. Ragde, an award-winning author. Unsurprisingly, Ragbe isn’t a huge fan of eBook sharing. In order to thwart piracy, she refused to allow her latest novel to be released as an audiobook since the format is popular with file-sharers and also denied the publication of Russian and Chinese versions.

“Piracy scares the hell out of me. I do not know what to say. I lose sleep at night over it,” said Ragbe. “I have figured out that I’ve lost half a million kronor ($72,500) on piracy of my books, maybe more.”

Like many who oppose file-sharing and other forms of copying, Ragde goes on to equate copying with theft and shares her sympathies with those in the music industry.

“I can not stand the thought of someone stealing something. I look at Norwegian musicians who have to do live concerts. We have nothing to live on other than the physical product,” she said.

In response to a question about her habits when it comes to buying or otherwise acquiring copied or counterfeit items, Ragde’s anti-piracy halo slipped more than a little.

“Pirated handbags? Yes, I do buy them,” she said. “I feel that the genuine Prada bags have such an inflated price.”

Ragbe then reportedly went on to list many other items she’s bought legitimately but was kindly assisted with a further confession by her son, Jo. If her halo had slipped with the bag admission, it was now set to strangle her.

“You have a pirated MP3 collection,” Jo added, helpfully. “We copied the first 1500 songs from one place and 300 from another.”

“Yes,” admitted Ragbe. “There were a lot of things on the iPod.”

Olav Torvund, a professor at the Center for Law at the University of Oslo slammed Ragbe as having a set of double standards.

“You’d think that a writer whose income is completely dependent on her rights being respected, would also respect the rights of others,” Torvund said.

“When Anne B Ragde exposed her double standards and made a fool out of herself in Dagens Næringsliv as she did, she has only one thing left to do: Buy the 1800 music tracks that she downloaded to her iPod, so that musicians and composers get their rightful royalty.”

“Burn the counterfeit bags. And come with an apology to all those whose rights she has violated.”

In a follow up to the revelations published in the interview, Ragbe tried to defend herself by saying the quotes had been taken out of context. She also went on to blame the music piracy on her son while insisting she’s always been against illicit file-sharing.

“The stuff on my ipod is not representative of my relationship with the music industry and the products they produce. I pay for my music,” she insisted.

Ragde says that the ipod is in storage somewhere in her cottage so when she goes there to celebrate Christmas she will pull it out and delete all the music.

And as a reward for his ‘help’ with the interview, little Jo’s presents will probably be hand delivered by Ebeneezer Scrooge this year.

I think there's a lot of commentary in this article.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Jan 23rd, 2011 at 8:33am
As of right now I have 2714 movies in the collection with more being added every day.  I thought I'd share the list so when Bob gets his VPN up and running you can get a list around and I'll be taking requests.

Gaze upon the collection, mortals...AND TREMBLE!!!
http://www.TWNCommunications.Net/ForumOLD/cgi-bin/yabb2/;file=Movies.xls (1322 KB | )

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jan 23rd, 2011 at 12:28pm
I've had the Bobulator VII powered down for a couple weeks, just in case I forgot anything.  I will be rebuilding it into a better, faster, stronger file server in the next couple weeks.  I'm just saving up a couple bucks for a few 2TB Western Digital RAID Edition drives, then we'll be golden.

(...can't wait!)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by spanky on Feb 16th, 2011 at 12:43pm

Good news, sci-fi fans: RoboCop is headed to Detroit.

Just six days after raising donations on the Internet, a group of local artists and fans of the 1987 cult classic exceeded the fund-raising goal of $50,000 this morning to build a larger-than-life sculpture of the crime-fighting cyborg.

With 1,500 donations and hundreds pouring in every day at, the group plans to continue raising money until the March 29 deadline to make the statue of "as big and good as possible," said Detroit artist Jerry Paffendorf, who is helping raise donations.

"This could be a multi-hundred-thousand-dollar KickStarter," Paffendorf said, referring to the online service hub for ideas looking for funding. "It's remarkable."

The statue has set off debates about the artistic value of a RoboCop statue. Some complain that the movie, about a dystopian, crime-ridden Detroit, would hurt the city's image.

America, F@#k YEAH!

They could drop a nuke in downtown Detroit and not hurt the city's image.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Feb 16th, 2011 at 2:07pm
I doubt anyone would even notice.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Stick on Feb 16th, 2011 at 5:15pm
Where is Detroit?

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on May 6th, 2011 at 3:01pm
I post the story link because the article has embedded video:

This is the very reason why lawful people need to arm themselves anytime they can!


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Dec 18th, 2011 at 11:56pm

North Korean leader Kim Jong Il, 69, has died
APBy JEAN H. LEE | AP – 9 mins ago

    Click photo to view more images. (AFP Photo/Dmitry Astakhov)

    Click photo to view more images. (AFP Photo/Dmitry Astakhov)

SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — Kim Jong Il, North Korea's mercurial and enigmatic leader whose iron rule and nuclear ambitions dominated world security fears for more than a decade, has died. He was 69.

Kim's death 17 years after he inherited power from his father was announced Monday by the state television from the North Korean capital, Pyongyang. The country's "Dear Leader" — reputed to have had a taste for cigars, cognac and gourmet cuisine — was believed to have had diabetes and heart disease.

North Korea has been grooming Kim's third son to take over power from his father in the impoverished nation that celebrates the ruling family with an intense cult of personality.

South Korea put its military on "high alert" and President Lee Myung-bak convened a national security council meeting after the news of Kim's death.

In a "special broadcast" Monday, state media said Kim died of a heart ailment on a train due to a "great mental and physical strain" on Saturday during a "high intensity field inspection."

Kim is believed to have suffered a stroke in 2008 but he had appeared relatively vigorous in photos and video from recent trips to China and Russia and in numerous trips around the country carefully documented by state media.

Kim Jong Il inherited power after his father, revered North Korean founder Kim Il Sung, died in 1994. He had been groomed for 20 years to lead the communist nation founded by his guerrilla fighter-turned-politician father and built according to the principle of "juche," or self-reliance.

In September 2010, Kim Jong Il unveiled his third son, the twenty-something Kim Jong Un, as his successor, putting him in high-ranking posts.

Even with a successor, there had been some fear among North Korean observers of a behind-the-scenes power struggle or nuclear instability upon the elder Kim's death.

Few firm facts are available when it comes to North Korea, one of the most isolated countries in the world, and not much is clear about the man known as the "Dear Leader."

North Korean legend has it that Kim was born on Mount Paekdu, one of Korea's most cherished sites, in 1942, a birth heralded in the heavens by a pair of rainbows and a brilliant new star.

Soviet records, however, indicate he was born in Siberia, in 1941.

Kim Il Sung, who for years fought for independence from Korea's colonial ruler, Japan, from a base in Russia, emerged as a communist leader after returning to Korea in 1945 after Japan was defeated in World War II.

With the peninsula divided between the Soviet-administered north and the U.S.-administered south, Kim rose to power as North Korea's first leader in 1948 while Syngman Rhee became South Korea's first president.

The North invaded the South in 1950, sparking a war that would last three years, kill millions of civilians and leave the peninsula divided by a Demilitarized Zone that today remains one of the world's most heavily fortified.

In the North, Kim Il Sung meshed Stalinist ideology with a cult of personality that encompassed him and his son. Their portraits hang in every building in North Korea and on the lapels of every dutiful North Korean.

Kim Jong Il, a graduate of Pyongyang's Kim Il Sung University, was 33 when his father anointed him his eventual successor.

Even before he took over as leader, there were signs the younger Kim would maintain — and perhaps exceed — his father's hard-line stance.

South Korea has accused Kim of masterminding a 1983 bombing that killed 17 South Korean officials visiting Burma, now known as Myanmar. In 1987, the bombing of a Korean Air Flight killed all 115 people on board; a North Korean agent who confessed to planting the device said Kim ordered the downing of the plane himself.

Kim Jong Il took over after his father died in 1994, eventually taking the posts of chairman of the National Defense Commission, commander of the Korean People's Army and head of the ruling Worker's Party while his father remained as North Korea's "eternal president."

He faithfully carried out his father's policy of "military first," devoting much of the country's scarce resources to its troops — even as his people suffered from a prolonged famine — and built the world's fifth-largest military.

Kim also sought to build up the country's nuclear arms arsenal, which culminated in North Korea's first nuclear test explosion, an underground blast conducted in October 2006. Another test came in 2009.

Alarmed, regional leaders negotiated a disarmament-for-aid pact that the North signed in 2007 and began implementing later that year.

However, the process continues to be stalled, even as diplomats work to restart negotiations.

North Korea, long hampered by sanctions and unable to feed its own people, is desperate for aid. Flooding in the 1990s that destroyed the largely mountainous country's arable land left millions hungry.

Following the famine, the number of North Koreans fleeing the country through China rose dramatically, with many telling tales of hunger, political persecution and rights abuses that officials in Pyongyang emphatically denied.

Kim often blamed the U.S. for his country's troubles and his regime routinely derides Washington-allied South Korea as a "puppet" of the Western superpower.

U.S. President George W. Bush, taking office in 2002, denounced North Korea as a member of an "axis of evil" that also included Iran and Iraq. He later described Kim as a "tyrant" who starved his people so he could build nuclear weapons.

"Look, Kim Jong Il is a dangerous person. He's a man who starves his people. He's got huge concentration camps. And ... there is concern about his capacity to deliver a nuclear weapon," Bush said in 2005.

Kim was an enigmatic leader. But defectors from North Korea describe him as an eloquent and tireless orator, primarily to the military units that form the base of his support.

The world's best glimpse of the man was in 2000, when the liberal South Korean government's conciliatory "sunshine" policy toward the North culminated in the first-ever summit between the two Koreas and followed with unprecedented inter-Korean cooperation.

A second summit was held in 2007 with South Korea's Roh Moo-hyun.

But the thaw in relations drew to a halt in early 2008 when conservative President Lee Myung-bak took office in Seoul pledging to come down hard on communist North Korea.

Disputing accounts that Kim was "peculiar," former U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright characterized Kim as intelligent and well-informed, saying the two had wide-ranging discussions during her visits to Pyongyang when Bill Clinton was U.S. president.

"I found him very much on top of his brief," she said.

Kim cut a distinctive, if oft ridiculed, figure. Short and pudgy at 5-foot-3, he wore platform shoes and sported a permed bouffant. His trademark attire of jumpsuits and sunglasses was mocked in such films as "Team America: World Police," a movie populated by puppets that was released in 2004.

Kim was said to have cultivated wide interests, including professional basketball, cars and foreign films. He reportedly produced several North Korean films as well, mostly historical epics with an ideological tinge.

A South Korean film director claimed Kim even kidnapped him and his movie star wife in the late 1970s, spiriting them back to North Korea to make movies for him for a decade before they managed to escape from their North Korean agents during a trip to Austria.

Kim rarely traveled abroad and then only by train because of an alleged fear of flying, once heading all the way by luxury rail car to Moscow, indulging in his taste for fine food along the way.

One account of Kim's lavish lifestyle came from Konstantin Pulikovsky, a former Russian presidential envoy who wrote the book "The Orient Express" about Kim's train trip through Russia in July and August 2001.

Pulikovsky, who accompanied the North Korean leader, said Kim's 16-car private train was stocked with crates of French wine. Live lobsters were delivered in advance to stations.

A Japanese cook later claimed he was Kim's personal sushi chef for a decade, writing that Kim had a wine cellar stocked with 10,000 bottles, and that, in addition to sushi, Kim ate shark's fin soup — a rare delicacy — weekly.

"His banquets often started at midnight and lasted until morning. The longest lasted for four days," the chef, who goes by the pseudonym Kenji Fujimoto, was quoted as saying.

Kim is believed to have curbed his indulgent ways in recent years and looked slimmer in more recent video footage aired by North Korea's state-run broadcaster.

Kim's marital status wasn't clear but he is believed to have married once and had at least three other companions. He had at least three sons with two women, as well as a daughter by a third.

His eldest son, Kim Jong Nam, 38, is believed to have fallen out of favor with his father after he was caught trying to enter Japan on a fake passport in 2001 saying he wanted to visit Disney's Tokyo resort.

His two other sons by another woman, Kim Jong Chul and Kim Jong Un, are in their 20s. Their mother reportedly died several years ago.

Hmm...I wonder...what now?!


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on Dec 19th, 2011 at 1:09am
I thought Drudge's headline of "Ding Dong Kim Jong is dead" was most poetic

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Dec 19th, 2011 at 11:35am
It couldn't have happened to a nicer guy.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Dec 19th, 2011 at 2:15pm

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Dec 20th, 2011 at 4:22pm
Best news title of the year:

Man Eats Cocaine From Brother's Butt, Dies

( least he died doing what he loved.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Stick on Dec 22nd, 2011 at 10:45am
Man Eats Brother's Butt Crack, Dies.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by The_Fat_Man on Dec 27th, 2011 at 12:56pm
Douchebags get what they deserve

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Dec 27th, 2011 at 4:29pm

The_Fat_Man wrote on Dec 27th, 2011 at 12:56pm:
Douchebags get what they deserve

I sent a snarky e-mail to the attached address.  Got this as an automatic reply:

Thank you for your email.

Due to the overwhelming customer feedback we're getting from the situation with Ocean Marketing we are asking those with specific product related concerns to send emails to

Please know that Ocean Marketing is no longer handling any PR or customer service for our company.  We apologize to our customers for Ocean Marketing's remark to one of our customers.  We at Kotkin Enterprises know that it's our customers are the true arbiters of our products success and we would never intentionally jeopardize what we see as a relationship between us and our customers.  We hope that this incident hasn't put you off of purchasing a truly revolutionary controller. 

Thank you for expressing your concerns and we hope for your continued support in the future.

Kotkin Enterprises Avenger Controller Customer Service Team

Crappy marketing strikes again.  Who the heck hired that guy to work on a marketing team?  Pure insanity!


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Dec 28th, 2011 at 6:57am
This was a really interesting article.  A reason to be aware of corruption and croney capitalism.

India tycoon's got tons of cash, nowhere to invest
Indian billionaire with $3.8 billion pile of cash can't find worthy domestic investment

By Erika Kinetz, AP Business Writer | AP – 20 hours

MUMBAI, India (AP) -- Ajay Piramal is sitting on a mountain of cash. Yet the billionaire Indian tycoon, working in one of the world's fastest growing economies, is struggling to figure out what to do with the money.

The problem isn't opportunity, he said. It's India.

"Every large investment, there was no transparency," Piramal said.

His dilemma is a worrying sign for India. With the country mired in corruption, bureaucratic red tape and unclear and changing government policies, many of the men who made their billions here are saying maybe it's time to quit India. It's got to be easier to do business elsewhere.

In May last year, Piramal's healthcare business sold its generic drug operations to U.S. pharmaceutical giant Abbott Laboratories for $3.8 billion. Piramal, a tall big man in a country that still measures prosperity by girth, was eager to set that cash pile to work. He wanted to expand one of his chemical plants, but was told it would take five years.

"The same plant could be set up in China in two years," he said. "I love India, but my customer is not going to wait."

India, still a beacon of relatively fast growth despite a troubled world economy, should be a magnet for capital. Instead, since the beginning of 2010, the amount that Indians have invested in businesses overseas has exceeded the amount foreigners are investing in India, according to central bank figures.

In part this reflects the confidence and aptitude of India's maturing companies and the current malaise in the global economy and financial markets. But it also reflects deep problems at home. India's big coporations may be cash rich but the failure to invest that money domestically is bad news for a developing country that needs capital to build the roads, power plants and food warehouses that could help lift hundreds of millions out of dire poverty.

The frustration of India's business elite with corruption, political paralysis, log-jammed approvals, regulatory flip-flops, lack of access to natural resources and land acquisition battles — to pick a few of the top complaints — has reached a pitch perhaps not heard since India began liberalizing its economy in the early 1990s.

"If you are an honest businessman in India, it's very difficult to start up anything," said Jamshyd Godrej, chairman of manufacturing giant Godrej & Boyce. "Companies are going to operate where they see the best opportunities and efficiency for their capital."

Increasingly, that's outside India.

In 2008, foreigners poured roughly twice as much direct investment into India — $33 billion — as Indians plowed into businesses overseas. By 2010, that had reversed: Indians invested $40 billion abroad — twice as much as foreigners invested in India — a trend that's continued this year.

There is another, unspoken element to all the complaints. To the extent that business in India ran on corruption, some of the old, dirty ways of doing things are being disrupted, freezing India's already glacial bureaucracy, business leaders say.

Scandals in the staging of the Commonwealth Games, the pilfering of homes meant for war widows and the irregular auction of cellphone spectrum that cost the country billions has sent parliamentarians and even a Cabinet minister to prison.

With Indians tiring of the incessant graft, tens of thousands of middle-class protesters poured into the streets and pushed an anti-corruption bill onto the floor of Parliament.

Steelmakers can't get enough iron ore because a massive mining scandal in the southern state of Karnataka prompted a court to order the closure of illicit mines that account for a fifth of iron ore production in the country.

The bureaucrats — even the honest ones — are reportedly so scared of being punished they are refusing to make the decisions needed to make the country run.

Piramal is not unpatriotic. Each room in his executive suite is named after an Indian epic hero: Arjuna, the most pure; Dhananjay, acquirer and master of wealth. There's a quote from the Upanishads scriptures on the wall.

His office sits in a one million square foot office park in Mumbai his family built. The buildings around him — white with blue glass that flashes back the unforgiving sun — bear his own name in large black letters: Piramal Towers.

Piramal had the will and the means to build power plants and roads.

Instead, his Piramal Group's largest investment to date has been in one of the office park's tenants: the Indian subsidiary of the British telecom giant Vodafone Plc.

Last September, when he got the first payout, of $2.2 billion, from Abbott, the phone started ringing.

"Because people knew we had money, we had so many people approaching us for projects in the infrastructure sector," he said. "These people had no experience and no knowledge and no track record of having built a business in any area. And yet they were coming to us saying we have licenses and approvals. That just didn't sound right or smell right."

Each day, they paraded through his office: The investment banker who decided to build a 500 megawatt power plant, the coal trader assured of a government coal allocation, small-time miners with pretty presentations promising land, licenses and financing.

"They'd name politicians from the center and the state who had it all tied up for them," he said. "It didn't sound right. Obviously there were things going on in the system."

Road and port projects weren't much better, he said.

Piramal also looked at investing in engineering and infrastructure services companies, but couldn't make sense of their books.

"We couldn't find anything," he said. "People get greedy. In their desire to get good valuations they resort to, if I can say, creative accounting."

Today, India's infrastructure companies are known as great wealth destroyers.

"Infrastructure investment has become untouchable, a sure way of losing money," said Jagannadham Thunuguntla, head of research at SMC Global Securities. He calculates that four of India's top infrastructure companies — GMR Infrastructure, GVK Power and Infrastructure, Lanco Infratech and Punj Lloyd — have lost over 80 percent of their value since 2007. A fifth, Larson & Toubro is down 50 percent.

Piramal may have dodged a bullet, but shareholders in Piramal Healthcare aren't happy. Despite a $600 million special dividend and share buyback, the share price has sagged since the Abbott deal was announced on May 21 last year. They'd like to see the Abbott cash productively deployed. Instead, much of it is sitting in fixed deposit accounts.

Piramal said he really does want to run a pharmaceutical company and be the first Indian company to discover a world-class drug — despite his dabbling in telecom, financial services and real estate financing. It's just that pharma can't absorb all his cash. He plans to sell the 5.5 percent stake he picked up in Vodafone Essar for $640 million in a few years, when Vodafone Essar issues shares in an initial public offering, he said.

He has also launched Piramal Capital, to make real estate and infrastructure loans, and spent about $50 million to acquire IndiaReit, a real estate investment company.

Meanwhile, his thoughts have turned to Boston, where he set up IndUS Growth Partners with a professor from Harvard Business School to look for buying opportunities in the U.S., in security, financial services and biotechnology. And he said he's still planning to spend over a billion dollars on biotechnology acquisitions in North America and Europe.

"India was going more towards capitalism than socialism," Piramal said. "I think we're going back. Capitalism went to too much excess. Corruption levels went to the extreme."

He said he'll announce his first overseas acquisition by March.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Feb 28th, 2012 at 4:26am

Just another reason to love Turtledove!


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Feb 29th, 2012 at 12:51am
Very cool and interesting!

Tomb exploration reveals first archaeological evidence of Christianity from the time of Jesus
February 28, 2012
The archaeological examination by robotic camera of an intact first century tomb in Jerusalem has revealed a set of limestone Jewish ossuaries or "bone boxes" that are engraved with a rare Greek inscription and a unique iconographic image that the scholars involved identify as distinctly Christian.

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The four-line Greek inscription on one ossuary refers to God "raising up" someone and a carved image found on an adjacent ossuary shows what appears to be a large fish with a human stick figure in its mouth, interpreted by the excavation team to be an image evoking the biblical story of Jonah.

In the earliest gospel materials the "sign of Jonah," as mentioned by Jesus, has been interpreted as a symbol of his resurrection. Jonah images in later "early" Christian art, such as images found in the Roman catacombs, are the most common motif found on tombs as a symbol of Christian resurrection hope. In contrast, the story of Jonah is not depicted in any first century Jewish art and iconographic images on ossuaries are extremely rare, given the prohibition within Judaism of making images of people or animals.

The tomb in question is dated prior to 70 CE, when ossuary use in Jerusalem ceased due to the Roman destruction of the city. Accordingly, if the markings are Christian as the scholars involved believe, the engravings represent – by several centuries - the earliest archaeological record of Christians ever found. The engravings were most likely made by some of Jesus' earliest followers, within decades of his death. Together, the inscription and the Jonah image testify to early Christian faith in resurrection. The tomb record thus predates the writing of the gospels.

The findings will be detailed in a preliminary report by James D. Tabor, professor and chair of religious studies at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, to be published online in on February 28, 2012.

"If anyone had claimed to find either a statement about resurrection or a Jonah image in a Jewish tomb of this period I would have said impossible -- until now," Tabor said. "Our team was in a kind of ecstatic disbelief, but the evidence was clearly before our eyes, causing us to revise our prior assumptions."

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The publication of the academic article is concurrent with the publication of a book by Simon & Schuster entitled "The Jesus Discovery: The New Archaeological Find That Reveals the Birth of Christianity." The book is co-authored by Professor James Tabor and filmmaker/professor Simcha Jacobovici. A documentary on the discovery will be aired by the Discovery Channel in spring 2012.

The findings and their interpretation are likely to be controversial, since most scholars are skeptical of any Christian archaeological remains from so early a period. Adding to the controversy is the tomb's close proximity to a second tomb, discovered in 1980. This tomb, dubbed by some "The Jesus Family Tomb," contained inscribed ossuaries that some scholars associate with Jesus and his family, including one that reads "Jesus, son of Joseph."

"Context is everything in archaeology," Tabor pointed out. "These two tombs, less than 200 feet apart, were part of an ancient estate, likely related to a rich family of the time. We chose to investigate this tomb because of its proximity to the so-called 'Jesus tomb,' not knowing if it would yield anything unusual."

The tomb containing the new discoveries is a modest sized, carefully carved rock cut cave tomb typical of Jerusalem in the period from 20 BCE until 70 CE.

The tomb was exposed in 1981 by builders and is currently several meters under the basement level of a modern condominium building in East Talpiot, a neighborhood of Jerusalem less than two miles south of the Old City. Archaeologists entered the tomb at the time, were able to briefly examine it and its ossuaries, take preliminary photographs, and remove one pot and an ossuary, before they were forced to leave by Orthodox religious groups who oppose excavation of Jewish tombs.

The ossuary taken, that of a child, is now in the Israel State Collection. It is decorated but has no inscriptions. The archaeologists mention "two Greek names" but did not notice either the newly discovered Greek inscription or the Jonah image before they were forced to leave. The tomb was re-sealed and buried beneath the condominium complex on what is now Don Gruner Street in East Talpiot.

The adjacent "Jesus tomb," was uncovered by the same construction company in 1980, just one year earlier. It was thoroughly excavated and its contents removed by the Israel Antiquities Authority. This tomb's controversial ossuaries with their unusual cluster of names (that some have associated with Jesus and his family) are now part of the Israel State Collection and have been on display in various venues, including the Israel Museum. These ossuaries will be in an exhibit running from late February through April 15 at Discovery Times Square.

In 2009 and 2010, Tabor and Rami Arav, professor of archaeology at the University of Nebraska at Omaha, working together with Jacobovici, obtained a license to excavate the current tomb from the Israel Antiquities Authority under the academic sponsorship of the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. Because of its physical location under a modern building (making direct access nearly impossible), along with the threat of Orthodox Jewish groups that would protest any such excavation, Tabor's team determined to employ a minimally invasive procedure in examining the tomb.

Funding for the excavation was provided by the Discovery Channel/Vision Television/Associated Producers. Jacobovici's team at the Toronto based Associated Producers developed a sophisticated robotic arm to carry high definition cameras, donated by General Electric. The robotic arm and a second "snake camera" were inserted through two drill holes in the basement floor of the building above the tomb. The probe was successful and the team was able to reach all the ossuaries and photograph them on all sides, thus revealing the new inscriptions.

Beyond the possible Christian connection, Tabor noted that the tomb's assemblage of ossuaries stands out as clearly extraordinary in the context of other previously explored tombs in Jerusalem.

"Everything in this tomb seems unusual when contrasted with what one normally finds inscribed on ossuaries in Jewish tombs of this period," Tabor said. "Of the seven ossuaries remaining in the tomb, four of them have unusual features."

There are engravings on five of the seven ossuaries: an enigmatic symbol on ossuary 2 (possibly reading Yod Heh Vav Heh or "Yahweh" in stylized letters that can be read as Greek or Hebrew, though the team is uncertain); an inscription reading "MARA" in Greek letters (which Tabor translates as the feminine form of "lord" or "master" in Aramaic) on ossuary 3; an indecipherable word in Greek letters on ossuary 4 (possibly a name beginning with "JO…"); the remarkable four-line Greek inscription on ossuary 5; and finally, and most importantly, a series of images on ossuary 6, including the large image of a fish with a figure seeming to come out of its mouth.

Among the approximately 2000 ossuaries that have been recovered by the Israel Antiquities Authority, only 650 have any inscriptions on them, and none have inscriptions comparable to those on ossuaries 5 and 6.

Less than a dozen ossuaries from the period have epitaphs but, according to Tabor, these inscribed messages usually have to do with warnings not to disturb the bones of the dead. In contrast, the four-line Greek inscription contains some kind of statement of resurrection faith.

Tabor noted that the epitaph's complete and final translation is uncertain. The first three lines are clear, but the last line, consisting of three Greek letters, is less sure, yielding several possible translations: "O Divine Jehovah, raise up, raise up," or "The Divine Jehovah raises up to the Holy Place," or "The Divine Jehovah raises up from [the dead]."

"This inscription has something to do with resurrection of the dead, either of the deceased in the ossuary, or perhaps, given the Jonah image nearby, an expression of faith in Jesus' resurrection," Tabor said.

The ossuary with the image that Tabor and his team understand to be representing Jonah also has other interesting engravings. These also may be connected to resurrection, Tabor notes. On one side is the tail of a fish disappearing off the edge of the box, as if it is diving into the water. There are small fish images around its border on the front facing, and on the other side is the image of a cross-like gate or entrance—which Tabor interprets as the notion of entering the "bars" of death, which are mentioned in the Jonah story in the Bible.

"This Jonah ossuary is most fascinating," Tabor remarked. "It seems to represent a pictorial story with the fish diving under the water on one end, the bars or gates of death, the bones inside, and the image of the great fish spitting out a man representing, based on the words of Jesus, the 'sign of Jonah' – the 'sign' that he would escape the bonds of death."

Provided by University of North Carolina at Charlotte

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Jun 8th, 2012 at 1:58pm
I thought this was an interesting article from one of my stock trading websites:

Two Truths and a Lie about Software Piracy

By Calla Hummel - June 8, 2012 | Tickers: ADBE, MSFT, RST | 0 Comments


Calla is a member of The Motley Fool Blog Network -- entries represent the personal opinions of our bloggers and are not formally edited.

Digital piracy is the boon of budget-squeezed teenagers and small entrepreneurs everywhere and the scourge of large U.S. companies like Microsoft (NASDAQ: MSFT) and Adobe (NASDAQ: ADBE). Pirated software comprises 42% of all installed software and 57% of computer users worldwide pirate software, according to the most recent report from the Business Software Association. Yet Microsoft, Adobe and other software producers keep publishing positive earnings reports instead of disappearing under a wave of shadowy internet pirates. What does digital piracy actually mean for your software investments?

Truth: Businesses Install Pirated Software

Business “decision-makers” use pirated software at a higher rate than the average person, according to the BSA. The BSA reports that 35% regularly install and use pirated software at their companies and 28% do so occasionally. Business piracy represents a serious threat to software companies, particularly Microsoft and Adobe. Microsoft’s business division carries the company’s revenue as its individual consumer base falters; the division depends on both expanding sales and coaxing existing customers to buy new products. Creative Suite products drive Adobe’s revenue and with 70% of that revenue coming from licenses for the whole family of products, which start retailing around $1,200, businesses make up Adobe’s main customer base. Adobe's smaller divisions primarily target business customers as well.

The rub is that most businesses can actually afford legitimate, licensed software. Businesses that pirate are actively choosing to substitute the pirated product for the legitimate product and put the difference elsewhere. Business piracy is a worrisome trend and one that these companies must actively combat through pricing innovation, legal channels and consumer education.

Truth: Most Individuals Pirate Software

Most individuals engage in some kind of piracy, but that 57% figure hides a lot of interesting data. What percentage of their software do most people pirate? What percentage do they pay full price for? Emory University professors Ramnath Chellappa, Yuanyuan Chen, Sriram Venkataraman found that many people pirate software as a kind of test drive and then consider the cost of licensed software as they continue to use a program. They suggest that the real financial impact of piracy rests on a company’s pricing model. The study concludes that global pricing – the type that Microsoft, Adobe and Rosetta Stone currently use – does not deter piracy. This implies that these companies will continue to lose ground to piracy in developing countries unless they change their pricing models.

These figures should be particularly worrying for Rosetta Stone (NYSE: RST) shareholders. Two thirds of Rosetta Stone’s revenues come from U.S. consumers, according to their first quarter earnings report. International sales have been declining despite sustained efforts from the company to sell to individual consumers in new markets. The company cited pricing problems as one of the reasons for this decline. Before Rosetta Stone generates profits, it may need to revise pricing with an eye to reducing piracy in new markets.

Lie: Digital Piracy Costs Tens of Billions Annually

Digital piracy cuts into companies’ profits and it cuts very deeply into some. However, every Peruvian teenager that downloads a pirated Xbox game does not simultaneously deprive Microsoft of $50. Some people pirate software that they can afford and would buy at full price if piracy were not an option. Many people – probably most, looking at the BSA’s statistics for piracy by country – cannot afford to pay full price for the software they use and would not use it if piracy were not an option. Then there is the grey middle ground of people who could afford the software they pirate, but would probably choose not to buy if a free version were not available. BSA estimates that the value of software piracy last year topped $63 billion. They report arriving at that number by multiplying the estimated number of pirated programs by their commercial value. While $63 billion may be the abstract value, piracy costs companies far less because only a fraction of people using pirated software could or would buy it at full price. In fact, as Chellappa et al show, piracy may take customers away while encouraging a smaller number to buy a licensed product after an initial test drive.

Bottom Line

Software piracy is growing, particularly in developing countries where PC and internet access are increasing faster than per capita income. Software companies lose a lot of potential profit to piracy and rely almost entirely on legal channels to fight a losing battle. However, companies could reduce the damage or even increase profits by also increasing consumer education and introducing new pricing models that address market by market income disparities.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Briney on Jun 8th, 2012 at 6:22pm
Nice article! Yes my biggest gripe with anti-piracy folks is the "lost over 100 billion in income!" argument. No, most people would not have paid full price, because they could not or would not afford to. I wonder if there is merit to what Steam does so often with their huge sales. I buy games i would neeeeever consider purchasing full price, just because it is cheap. Developers have said that this increased volume has actually helped their companies. So would the entertainment/business software industries offering lower prices increase the volume enough to offset the loss in income and also do enough to combat piracy? who knows... but they should try it once or twice.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by The_Fat_Man on Jun 8th, 2012 at 7:54pm
I've been saying for years that if Blu-Ray movies cost between 5 and 10 dollars I would buy WAY more movies.  The fact that they run 15 to 20 completely puts me off to buying them.  We have a place here called Entertainmart that sells used video games and movies and is the size of a K-Mart.  I can buy dvds there for 3 bucks....remind me why I would pay you 20 again Paramount?

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jun 8th, 2012 at 9:46pm
Agreed.  I don't understand the price point of media at all.  Digital distribution platforms have shown that people are willing to pay a reasonable amount for a good product/service, and they'll return time and time again.  Surely, the industry has folks on staff that have calculated the best price point for their products, but it seems like they'd move a lot more media if they'd lower their prices and expand their digital offerings.

(...isn't an economist.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by pezmasterelite on Jun 10th, 2012 at 1:48pm
I would have to agree on the cost of media.  Also on the digital content.  I still refuse to pay for cable as there is a lot I won't watch.

I get almost everything I have used at various local stores, craigslist, and ebay.  That seems to be the way to go for games and movies.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Jun 12th, 2012 at 6:27am
While not every idea in here is the best thought out from some of the people interviewed, this is an interesting turn of events for the state.

North Dakota Considers Eliminating Property Tax Jim Wilson/The New York Times
Keith Colville, who supports the abolition of property taxes in North Dakota, listened to a debate on the issue last month at a school auditorium in Edgeley.
Published: June 11, 2012

BISMARCK, N.D. — Since Californians shrank their property taxes more than three decades ago by passing Proposition 13, people around the nation have echoed their dismay over such levies, putting forth plans to even them, simplify them, cap them, slash them. In an election here on Tuesday, residents of North Dakota will consider a measure that reaches far beyond any of that — one that abolishes the property tax entirely.

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Jim Wilson/The New York Times
A group of Edgeley residents, including Nicole Gibson, who held a “Vote No on Measure 2” sign, gathered after the debate.
“I would like to be able to know that my home, no matter what happens to my income or my life, is not going to be taken away from me because I can’t pay a tax,” said Susan Beehler, one in a group of North Dakotans who have pressed for an amendment to the state’s Constitution to end the property tax. They argue that the tax is unpredictable, inconsistent, counter to the concept of property ownership and needless in a state that, thanks in part to wildly successful oil drilling, finds itself in the rare circumstance of carrying budget reserves.

“When,” Ms. Beehler asked, “did we come to believe that government should get rich and we should get poor?”

An unusual coalition of forces, including the North Dakota Chamber of Commerce and the state’s largest public employees’ unions, vehemently oppose the idea, arguing that such a ban would upend this quiet capital. Some big unanswered questions, the opponents say, include precisely how lawmakers would make up some $812 million in annual property tax revenue; what effect the change would have on hundreds of other state laws and regulations that allude to the more than century-old property tax; and what decisions would be left for North Dakota’s cities, counties and other governing boards if, say, they wanted to build a new school, hire more police, open a new park.

“This is a plan without a plan,” said Andy Peterson, president and chairman of the North Dakota Chamber of Commerce, who acknowledged that property taxes have climbed in some parts of the state and that North Dakota’s political leaders need to tackle the issue. “But this solution is a little like giving a barber a razor-sharp butcher knife — and by the way, this barber is blind — and asking him or her to give you a haircut. You’ll get the job done, but you might be missing an ear or an eye.”

Polls conducted last month and last week suggest that voters here overwhelmingly oppose the ballot measure to ban the property tax.

Still, even if the measure here fails on Tuesday, the notion is picking up steam in some Republican circles in other states, including North Carolina, Texas and Pennsylvania.

“No tax should have the power to leave you homeless,” said Jim Cox, a state representative in Pennsylvania who has proposed legislation to eliminate the school property tax in the state where, he said, such taxes have led to residents’ losing homes to sheriff’s sales, entering into reverse mortgages or simply moving away.

In a way, North Dakota, though 48th in population among the states, was a logical place for such a movement to brew. While the state’s property tax collections per capita generally fall near the middle among states, the surge in oil production over the past five years, mainly in the western portion of the state, has seen its effects ripple through other parts of life here. The state’s coffers are full, overflowing even. Assessments of home values, especially in some areas, have risen drastically too.

The political mood here, too, leans toward Republicans (who dominate Bismarck), small government, little intrusion and fiscal conservatism. Though opponents to the property tax here received a $12,000 donation in 2010 from the American Tax Reduction Movement, a sister group to the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association, which grew out of California’s Proposition 13, members say the efforts here were largely organic, the result of unhappy property taxpayers getting fed up.

“The same problem kept coming up,” said Charlene Nelson, a homemaker who became a leader of the effort to amend the Constitution, pointing to what she deems the underlying problem with the property tax. “It means all of us are renters — none of us are homeowners.”

In recent years, state officials sent more money to localities to pay for schools in an effort to lower property tax bills. But opponents of the property tax said those efforts did not go nearly far enough, and collected nearly 30,000 signatures on petitions to bring the matter to the ballot.

Those who want to keep the property tax have vastly outraised the opponents, gathering more than $500,000, campaign finance reports show. Though the question is among four on ballots here on Tuesday — including the highly contentious question of whether the University of North Dakota should give up its Fighting Sioux nickname — residents here said they had been deluged with information about the property tax measure, on signs, in radio talk shows and through months of debates in school gymnasiums and recreation halls in small towns like Edgeley and Bowman.

For his part, Gov. Jack Dalrymple, a Republican, said he opposed the property tax ban. “It’s mind-boggling, really,” he said, in an interview, of the effects of such a ban. “We’d be changing everything, frankly.”

The notion, he said, that the state has enough surplus to replace property taxes for localities around the state without raising other taxes is false. For starters, he said, much of the state’s benefits from the oil boom are already dedicated legally to particular funds and cannot simply be transferred to support schools, counties, towns, park districts and the like.

Even if the ban fails, North Dakota lawmakers now seem all but certain to tackle broader solutions to the property tax question as early as next year.

“I have to say that we totally understand that North Dakotans are very concerned about their property tax payments,” Mr. Dalrymple said. “You have a tension there, and people say this can’t keep on.”

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Dec 6th, 2012 at 1:34am

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by The_Fat_Man on Jan 9th, 2013 at 1:37pm

Some of you may have seen this on Wired awhile back, but I ran across it again today when looking through the CES best in show nominees.

This sweet device can scan all five of the major health indicators just by being in your palm for 15 seconds.

The best part, the designer refers to it as a "tricorder".  Go Star Trek!

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jan 9th, 2013 at 7:28pm
That's neat.  We've nearly completed a tricorder, so maybe it's time for warp drive?


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by Cait on Jan 9th, 2013 at 8:26pm

learn from me, if you can: get a flu shot. you do not want this. I repeat, friends, you do not want this.

(...going on 2 weeks. might be writing to you from the grave)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Mar 5th, 2013 at 7:21pm

Mr Chavez had been seriously ill with cancer for more than a year, undergoing several operations in Cuba, and had not been seen in public for several months.

Nicolas Maduro made the announcement on Tuesday evening, flanked by political and military leaders.

Sucks to be Venezuela.

(...couldn't have happened to a nicer guy.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by The_Fat_Man on Mar 8th, 2013 at 11:42pm
Someone at NYU invented Medi-gel from the mass effect universe, but in real life....

And it appears to actually work..

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by MediaMaster on May 29th, 2013 at 8:20pm

The family physician stopped accepting all forms of health insurance. In early 2013, Ciampi sent a letter to his patients informing them that he would no longer accept any kind of health coverage, both private and government-sponsored. Given that he was now asking patients to pay for his services out of pocket, he posted his prices on the practice’s website.

Before, Ciampi charged $160 for an office visit with an existing patient facing one or more complicated health problems. Now, he charges $75.

Patients with an earache or strep throat can spend $300 at their local hospital emergency room, or promptly get an appointment at his office and pay $50, he said.

Even with the loss of some patients, Ciampi expects his practice to perform just as well financially, if not better, than before he ditched insurance. The new approach will likely attract new patients who are self-employed, lack insurance or have high-deductible plans, he said, because Ciampi has slashed his prices.

“I’ve been able to cut my prices in half because my overhead will be so much less,” he said.

This is how much bloat is in the health insurance racket that we have today.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on May 29th, 2013 at 9:11pm
That's an approach that's catching on.  Many doctors, particularly specialists, are opening their own purpose-specific clinics (e.g. knee surgeries) and running them a couple days a week, cutting those days out of their normal hospital routines.  The same doctors performing the exact same procedure you would get from them in the hospital are doing it for 25-30% of the price at their clinics.  They still take home more money but the patients pay far less.

The biggest overhead they cut isn't insurance but deadbeats.  They require payment at the time services are rendered.  We wouldn't expect anything less from an auto mechanic or an appliance store, so why do we expect hospitals to float the cost of healthcare for weeks, months, or even years?  Ultimately, the costs associates with patients that can't pay get amortized across those patients that can pay.  It's a little trickier with emergency healthcare because hospitals can't turn away a patient with emergent needs regardless of their ability to pay.  This is where small purpose-specific clinics shine.  They don't provide emergency services, so they don't have to take a patient that can't pay.

One thing to keep in mind about the numbers in the article is that any insurance costs are likely inflated.  Healthcare providers can only recover a set cost from an insurance company for a given procedure.  They often bill much higher than that cost and "discount" the difference after the bill is settled by the insurance company.

(...would like to see this approach spread even further.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by The_Fat_Man on May 29th, 2013 at 10:55pm
Speaking as a person who did not have health insurance for a very long time, I do not think it is fair to blame "dead beats" for insurance and health care costs.  Those "dead beats" wouldn't have to pay so much for health care if the prices weren't so ridiculous to begin with.

I for instance was working 60 hours a week, but paying for insurance would have basically cut my weekly pay to 35 hours, it cost me that much!

As it was, when I went to the hospital for a severe sinus infection (my nose was bleeding down my throat, couldn't wait any longer), the Doctor there checked my temperature, looked down my throat and nose and gave me a prescription.  I was literally in and out of the exam room in 5 minutes.

My bill, 260 dollars.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by MediaMaster on Jul 2nd, 2013 at 10:54pm

YES I have been wanting this feature forever!

You plugin the amount you want to spend, the dates you want to fly and google will show you where in the world you can go!


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Jul 3rd, 2013 at 7:14am
Ohh...I wanted to fly from Kzoo to Three Rivers!

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Jul 3rd, 2013 at 8:02pm

New ebook humble bundle with some good stuff.  I picked it up.  Thought you chaps might enjoy it.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Sep 4th, 2013 at 9:24am
So I'm curious as to what everyone is thinking about this Syria issue?

Supporting it?  Another Iraq?  Constitutionality?  What's going on with both sides seemingly wanting this in our govt?


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by The_Fat_Man on Sep 4th, 2013 at 11:23am
I'm proud to live in a country that does not stand by while evil people do terrible things.  We are the good guys, and turning a blind cheek to shit like this would make us monsters.

That being said....I am not sure our country or our economy is in the proper place for another damn war.  Also, I have to ask why America is always the country that has to clean this shit up. What our are allies doing?

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Sep 4th, 2013 at 1:56pm
So where's the line we draw to stop helping the world?  Do we go to war when an African drug lord kills 30 people?  How about 2?

Why haven't we invaded Mexico yet?  Now THERE is a war!


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by The_Fat_Man on Sep 4th, 2013 at 6:49pm
That is the question Pat.  When do we let semantics get in the way of helping people?  Now days it is less about doing the moral thing, and more about doing what you think your voting party thinks you should do.

Sad really.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Sep 5th, 2013 at 4:58pm
This is one of those times that I don't envy the President in the least.  This is a complex issue and there really is no right answer.  If we don't invade, we're effectively telling the despots of the world that they can treat their own citizens in any manner they want and the rest of the world is just going to stand idly by and do nothing.  If we don't respond to this attack, what will discourage Syria from employing the same tactics again on a wider scale?  What will prevent some other crap-hole of a country from doing the same thing to their citizens?

On the other hand, if we do get involved, we run the risk of starting a conflict that will have a far higher death toll for the civilian population than we've seen thus far.  It's hard to spin a full-blown war as a humanitarian effort.  No matter how much technology the military adopts, even the most precise weaponry occasionally finds its way into a house, school, or place of work occupied by innocent individuals.

Personally, I'd like to see us go for a moderated approach similar to Libya.  Use precise attacks to debilitate government command-and-control facilities and hope the population can take care of the rest.  Of course, even this isn't exactly cut-and-dry.  After all, I work in a government facility and I have absolutely no input into military decisions, so it is difficult to advocate my government attacking a foreign government facility just because their governmental leaders are murderous assholes.

At the very least, if there is no imminent threat of further chemical warfare from Syria, I think the United States needs to back down until the international community agrees on a course of action.  I'm certainly not a fan of the United Nations, but we have an International Court of Justice for a reason.  Pursuant to an ICJ indictment, I would fully support military from the United States and other countries to the extent necessary to capture those responsible for the chemical attacks and bring them to trial.

(...tough call, really.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Sep 8th, 2013 at 6:19am

I liked this article.  It talks about a variety of stories that deal with going back in time and killing Hitler.  Seems like a more popular topic than I was made aware of.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by MediaMaster on Oct 1st, 2013 at 11:56pm
J.J. Abrams on lens flare use:

"I know I get a lot of grief for that," says Abrams. "But I'll tell you, there are times when I'm working on a shot, I think, 'Oh this would be really cool… with a lens flare.' But I know it's too much, and I apologize. I'm so aware of it now. I was showing my wife an early cut of Star Trek Into Darkness and there was this one scene where she was literally like, 'I just can't see what's going on. I don't understand what that is.' I was like, 'Yeah, I went too nuts on this.'"

"This is how stupid it was," J.J. Abrams added. "I actually had to use ILM [Industrial Light & Magic] to remove lens flare in a couple of shots, which is, I know, moronic. But I think admitting you're an addict is the first step towards recovery."

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Oct 2nd, 2013 at 7:08am
So, you mean, unlike Lucas and Shamalan, he apologizes for his stupidity?

I missed the part of the article where he bent over the original series and f-ed all the characters into terrible parodies of them...was that in there?

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Oct 2nd, 2013 at 12:08pm
Now, if only we could get Michael Bay to apologize for Pearl Harbor...


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Oct 2nd, 2013 at 12:20pm

b0b wrote on Oct 2nd, 2013 at 12:08pm:
Now, if only we could get Michael Bay to apologize for Pearl Harbor...


I believe that was the Japanese

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Oct 2nd, 2013 at 4:30pm

X wrote on Oct 2nd, 2013 at 12:20pm:

b0b wrote on Oct 2nd, 2013 at 12:08pm:
Now, if only we could get Michael Bay to apologize for Pearl Harbor...


I believe that was the Japanese

What Michael Bay did to Pearl Harbor was worse than anything the Japanese could pull off.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jan 14th, 2014 at 11:59am
The US Court of Appeals struck down net neutrality today.  The best part was this comment justifying the decision:  “Without broadband provider market power, consumers, of course, have options.  They can go to another broadband provider if they want to reach particular edge providers or if their connections to particular edge providers have been degraded.”

I would like the US Court of Appeals to tell me what other options I have for broadband that can provide similar throughput to the crappy Comcast broadband I'm stuck with.  Something tells me the judges have no grasp of the realities of the broadband market.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by The_Fat_Man on Jan 15th, 2014 at 12:21am
It's the same thing here.  You can have Comcast, or you can have super slow ass Century Link DSL.  That's it.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by The_Fat_Man on Feb 23rd, 2014 at 9:10pm


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Feb 24th, 2014 at 7:21am

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Feb 26th, 2014 at 10:59pm

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by The_Fat_Man on Mar 26th, 2014 at 12:45am

$3000 NVIDIA GTX Titan Z

When you buying one bob?

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Mar 26th, 2014 at 7:36am
Too bad it'll take up 3 slots in the bay!

Seriously, how has MB and tower design not changed to fit these monsters?  I feel like towers should come with a hinge to support the middle of load on video cards now!


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Mar 26th, 2014 at 8:27am
$3,000 for a single video card is pretty crazy, especially considering that two single-core Titans would only cost $2k.

That said, I'm really, really excited to see what this thing can do.  With 12GB of VRAM, I might actually be able to run Skyrim at 1440p with all of my mods enabled again.  Maybe if I had the house paid off...  ;p

(...knows some crazy bastard will SLI these.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by The_Fat_Man on Mar 26th, 2014 at 2:50pm
Yeah the thing is literally huge Patsy.  I saw a video where someone zoomed in on it and the thing is literally larger than most peoples shoes.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Mar 27th, 2014 at 8:26am
I'd love to see a size comparison with an R9 290x or the GTX 780 Ti.  I've got one of each in separate systems and I don't understand how a video card could get much bigger.  They're already frickin' huge.

(...wants one anyway.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by MediaMaster on Aug 25th, 2014 at 11:49pm

Really neat traffic simulator. Play with some of the settings. Shows just how easily slowdowns develop randomly with no accidents or incidents.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Mar 25th, 2015 at 8:13am
You guys might not be huge Top Gear nerds, but Mere and I have watched it religiously for years.  Jeremy Clarkson, one of the show's hosts and arguably the driving force behind it, has just been sacked by the BBC.

He threw a punch at a producer a couple weeks back, so it's somewhat hard to argue that he didn't deserve this, but it's undoubtedly the end of Top Gear as we know it.  It'll be interesting to see where he lands.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Mar 26th, 2015 at 8:16am
So many people seem to be upset at the BBC for this.  I mean, ok he yelled at a guy for 20 minutes (that seems like a long time to be angry at someone).  But then to assault them, ya - why stand up for him?


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Mar 26th, 2015 at 2:43pm
Yeah, I would have canned him too.  BBC didn't really have a choice.  Nonetheless, it's sad to see Top Gear come to an end (at least as we know it), even if Clarkson absolutely deserved it.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by The_Fat_Man on Mar 27th, 2015 at 9:50am
Guy sounds like an asshole.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by MediaMaster on Mar 28th, 2015 at 12:49am
I am a Top Gear fanatic. This upsets me :(  Clarkson was way out of line... but.. sigh.

It would be neat if Netflix picked up all 3 presenters for a new, but similar show, as the internet seems to believe.

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Mar 29th, 2015 at 12:28pm
That would be amazing.  Netflix just gushes money at their in-house shows.  House of Cards has a budget of $3.8m per episode.  Top Gear has a budget of ~$750,000 an episode.  Can you imagine what the Top Gear guys could do with five times the budget?

(...I'll be in my bunk.)

Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Mar 30th, 2015 at 7:59am
If you haven't checked out the Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, it's pretty classic and funny.  I'd give it two or three eps to grab you but I'm glad I binged on it.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Mar 31st, 2015 at 8:58pm
Richard Hammond and James May have declined to sign new contracts with the BBC, so it looks like all three Top Gear presenters are now free agents.


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Apr 9th, 2015 at 7:35am
Just finished Going Clear that is on the FTP server and HBOGo.  It is a really great documentary.  Covers everything about Scientology and wow, does it destroy that cult utterly.

160 lawyers vetted it and are on standby for HBO in case lawsuits come out.

Give it a watch!


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by b0b on Jun 11th, 2015 at 8:32am
Christopher Lee has passed away.  :(


Title: Re: Interesting News Article Thread
Post by X on Nov 14th, 2015 at 5:40am

I'm not sure what all this means but anytime Bloomberg is confused points to high market volatility.

I think just the fact that Facebook can overshoot the 100 year old GE company in 12 years and that the Fed (the criminal organization) hasn't raised interest rates in years and more and more people "disappearing" from unemployment numbers points to some not good things approaching.

My prediction is that college tuition is the next big bubble to burst and I'm giving it 7 years to burst...if not sooner.

Thought the link had some interesting items so I'm putting it here.


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